Sacraments - St. Michael the Archangel


Sacraments - St. Michael the Archangel
33 Days to Morning Glory , a program that leads us to formally entrust ourselves to Mary, the way
Christ did at the Annunciation and as He willed for us at the foot of the cross. We will meet for
seven weeks to learn about consecration to Jesus through Mary from four of the Marian greats: St.
Louis de Montfort, St. Maximilian Kolbe, Blessed Mother Teresa, and Blessed John Paul II.
This is a great opportunity to prepare us for the Year of Faith and for life!
Fridays, August 3 – September 7 10:00 am – 11:30 am Room 101 Cost $30.00
September 12: 9:30am Mass/Consecration
Questions? Contact Karen Butz 770-592-6317 or
(RE Office) Elizabeth Bonutti 770-516-9699
Registration forms available at table in narthex or Religious Ed Office
Join us for The Bible Timeline: The Story of Salvation. This is a fascinating 24-part Bible study
that will take you on a journey through the entire Bible. Go deep into each period of salvation
history and discover the amazing story woven throughout all of Scripture.
(By Jeff Cavins, DVD Presenter)
Tuesdays starting August 21
10:00 am – noon
24 weeks, Room 101, Cost $45.00
Questions? Contact
Deacon Bill Heinsch 770-926-1590 or
Religious Education Office 770-516-9699
Registration forms available at table in narthex or Religious Ed Office
Matthew: The King and His Kingdom shows how Jesus builds on the foundation laid in the
Old Testament to inaugurate the kingdom of heaven on earth. (By Jeff Cavins, DVD Presenter)
Thursdays starting August 23
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
24 weeks, Room 101, Cost $30.00
Questions? Contact Deacon Bill Heinsch 770-926-1590
or Religious Education Office 770-516-9699
The Acts of the Apostles provides an historic framework for understanding the
rest of the New Testament. Paul’s letters in particular come alive in a new way
when they are read within the context of the Acts narrative. (By Jeff Cavins,
DVD Presenter)
Tuesdays starting August 21 from 7:00pm - 9:00 pm
Thursdays starting September 6 from 10:00 am - noon
20 weeks, Room 101, Cost $30.00
Questions? Contact Deacon Bill Heinsch 770-926-1590
or Religious Education Office 770-516-9699
Registration forms available at table in narthex or Religious Ed Office
St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church
490 Arnold Mill Road, Woodstock, GA 30188
Rev. Larry Niese, Pastor
Rev. Paul Moreau, Parochial Vicar
Deacons: Rev. Mr. Bernie Casey, Rev. Mr. Bill Heinsch
Rev. Mr. Victor Taylor, Rev. Mr. Al McHugh (retired)
Administrative Office - 770-516-0009
Religious Education Office - 770-516-9699
Preschool Office - 678-213-1517
Hispanic Office - 678-213-0685
Sacramental Emergency (after office hours) - 678-861-7970
FAX - 770-516-4664
Mass Intentions
August 18 - 25
5:30 pm
7:30 am
9:00 am
11:00 am
12:45 pm
2:30 pm
5:30 pm
Mary Carey Grace Headley
Bernard and Ying Thio (L) Theresa & David
Dolores Ostrozynski (D) People of the Parish
Thomas McNulty (D) Nancy McNulty
Virginia Johnson (D) People of the Parish
Aide Lopez (D) Brende Lopez
People of the Parish
R.C.I.A. Classes
Classes for any adult interested in becoming Catholic and also any
adult who has been baptized Catholic but has not received First Communion and/or Confirmation.
These classes include:
Church teachings based on sacred scripture and tradition, the beliefs, history and practices of the Catholic Church with an emphasis
on the sacraments.
St. Michael the Archangel, Parish Hall
Sundays, 11:30 am to 2:00 pm
9:00 am
Fr. Larry Niese (L) John O’Sullivan
Robert Paul Green (D) Dana Wood
August 21
9:00 am
Conti Family (L) John O’Sullivan Family
August 22
6:30 am
9:00 am
Timme Family (L) John O’Sullivan Family
Keeton Family (L) John O’Sullivan Family
August 23
9:00 am
Evelyn Cooney (D) Ustaitis Family
August 24
6:30 am
9:00 am
Dillon Family (L) John O’Sullivan Family
Nicole Goodman (L) Family
August 20
6:30 am
August 24 9:00 am
Busey Family (L) John O’Sullivan Family
Eucharistic Adoration
Monday 9:30 am through Saturday 8:30 am
Everyone is invited to spend time with Jesus in adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament.
Please consider committing to one of the following hours each
week as an adoration guardian for one of the following times:
Monday - 1 pm, 9 pm;
Tuesday - 3 am, 5 am, 11 pm
Wednesday - 12 am, 1 am, 2 am
Thursday - 12 am, 2 am, 3 am, 12 noon
Friday - 12 am, 1 am, 4 pm, 5 am;
Saturday 2 am,
To commit to an hour or as a substitute, please call:
Kim Graff - 770-592-5665,
Deacon Bill or Shirley Heinsch
770-926-1590 or 770-516-9699
Call now for an application and to schedule an interview.
Monday, September 3
Labor Day Mass
8:00 AM in the Prayer Garden
Please bring your folding chairs for Mass.
There will not be a 6:30 am Mass.
No Adoration on Monday.
Adoration will resume on Tuesday, September 4th
following the 9:00 am Mass.
Do your have an old tattered, worn or unserviceable American Flag that you don’t know what to
do with? We have a solution! Thanks to
Harrison Stepat’s Eagle Scout project,
St. Michael’s has a drop box for your flag that
gives you the opportunity to respect Old Glory
and still dispose of her in a proper manner. The
box looks a lot like a U.S. Postal Service box
painted red, white and blue and is located at the rear of the
parking lot beside the entrance to the walking trail.
The flag box is for U.S. Flags ONLY, no U.S. Mail.
St. Michael’s Preschool
We have a few spots left for our Preschool for
the 2012/13 year. Please visit our website for
information on registration.
Please call 678-213-1517 or for more information about our school.
Lighthouse Catholic Media Education
New CDs in the kiosk in the Narthex
In order to help support this ministry, we ask for a $3.00
donation for each CD.
Gospel Reflections for Men
Striving to be better Christian men, we reflect on the meaning and
message of the weekly Gospel reading and relate it to our everyday
personal and professional lives. We meet Saturday mornings at
8:00 am - 9:00 am in Conference Room A.
Charismatic Prayer Group
Tuesdays, 7:30 pm at the Old Rectory
Come and join us and bring a friend.
Ultreya is an event of spiritual encouragement that is designed to
follow one’s Cursillo retreat weekend. Our evening is one of support and fellowship. We open with a potluck dinner followed by a
witness talk and a Spirit driven activity. Those who have not yet
been on the Cursillo retreat are encouraged to join our Ultreya evening to see if Cursillo is right for you.
For information, please contact Steven Hill at 770-363-5685.
St. Michael’s Young Adult Ministry
“Bridging the gap between adolescence and
A group for young adults, ages 18-28
We currently meet twice a month
2nd Wednesday of the month:
Spirit & Truth @ St. Michael’s @ 7pm
Join us for a discussion, adoration and dinner out
4th Wednesday of the month: Social event
Be sure to connect with us on Facebook or
send us your email address to stay up to date with
our social events, as they change month to month.
Contact info:
678-827-BRDG (2734)
“St. Michael’s Young Adult Ministry” on Facebook
Journey of Hope Workshop Series
One-day workshops to help divorced and separated Catholics.
Recovering from Divorce; September 22, 2012 - Living the Faith;
October 27, 2012 - Restoring Hope; November 10, 2012 - Children
and Divorce; and January 26, 2012 - Abundant Life. The workshops are held from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. The series will be held at
St. Patrick Catholic Church, 2140 Beaver Ruin Road, Norcross. The
cost for each workshop is $49 and includes all materials and lunch.
Scholarships are available. No one will be turned away. For more
information and to register:
678-905-0565 or email:
Parents must be registered and active parishioners of St. Michael’s
(regularly attend mass, using envelopes, and involved in ministries). Before scheduling a baptism, you must attend a baptism
class at St. Michael’s.
Next Baptism class - Saturday, September 8, 2012, 10 am
Baptisms are the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month at 11:00 am.
You must attend a baptism class every three years. Please call the
parish office to register for a baptism.
The priests will hear your confession on Saturday mornings
from 9:30 am to 10:30 am and Wednesdays - 5 pm to 6 pm.
The confessionals are located in the Day Chapel.
Couples are required to contact one of our priests at least 6
months before they wish to marry to arrange for instruction and
spiritual preparation for the sacrament of marriage. A wedding
date cannot be set until after the initial interview with the priest.
Please contact the Parish office for an appointment.
August 11th - $29,525
St. Vincent de Paul - $9,280
Thank you for your generosity to St. Michael’s.
The use of your parish envelopes is very important!
Using the parish envelopes is the way we know you are attending
Mass at St. Michael’s. If you are unable to make a donation to
the parish, use online banking for giving or only give monthly,
just drop your empty envelope in the offertory. If you are going to
be a sponsor for a baptism or confirmation, we need to know you
are attending mass on a regular basis and practicing stewardship
of time, talent and treasure.
Parishioners who have children in Catholic Schools and
who wish to receive the parish participating tuition rate
must be endorsed by Fr. Larry Niese, Pastor.
A participating parishioner is a parishioner who attends
Mass on weekends and Holy Days of Obligation, participates in the sacraments, participates in the activities of the
parish, contributes to the offertory collection in a recognizable way by using envelopes or checks as a means of verification of attendance.
Our sympathy is extended to the family of Joe Hill, husband of
Margaret Hill and to the family of Diane Marcinaowski, sister of
Susan Burns. Please keep these families in your prayers.
St. Michael’s Dinner Auction
Saturday, September 8th, Parish Hall
Registration Starts at 6:30 pm
Bidding starts at 7:30 pm
To pre-register contact:
Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus
Senior Luncheon
St. Vincent de Paul Society
He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I
will raise him up at the last day. ~John 6:54
The Food Pantry would like to thank all the parishioners
for the recent donations. This will help us serve even more
of our neighbors. We are in need of canned corn, rice, dried
beans, pasta.
Please drop off your donations for the Food Pantry any time at
the SVDP Food Box in the Narthex.
The Food Pantry is located in part of the old Rectory.
Pantry hours are Monday, Wednesday and Saturday,
10 am till noon.
The Thrift Store is looking for volunteers, donations and buyers.
We are always looking for Case Workers to serve the poor, the
forgotten and the hungry.
Please join us every 2nd and 4th Monday night of the month at 7
pm in the church to see if this is a calling for you.
SVDP Emergency Help Line: 770-591-4643
St. Michael’s House: (Kennesaw) 770-720-2909
SVDP Thrift Store: 770-919-1458
Music Notes
Sing to the Lord a New Song!
It’s not too late to TRY CHOIR!
Sign up today!
All choirs just starting now.
There are still openings.
Nila, our Choir Director
Angel choir (K - 3rd)
Sundays - 10:15 - 10:45 am
Youth choir (4th - 9th)
Thursdays, 6 pm - 7 pm
Traditional choir (Teen - Adult)
Thursdays, 7:30 - 9 pm
Come join the fun!
Singing warms the heart and gladdens the soul.
“Singing is praying twice!”
~St. Augustine - as quoted by Fr. Larry, our Pastor
Contact: Nila Alexander, 770-572-0586
2012 Raffle Quilt
Quilters will be selling chances on the
2012 Raffle Quilt
after all masses beginning the weekend
of September 8 & 9.
This year’s quilt is
“hand quilted”!
Raffle tickets are
$1.00 each or 6 for
$5.00. The winner will be drawn at the Parish Picnic on September 30th. You do NOT need to be present to win. All
money goes directly back to the parish. Please support this
worthy cause.
If you would like to join the quilters, we meet every Tuesday
night in Conference Room A from 7 - 9 pm. Come join us and
help us make next year’s quilt!!
The next luncheon will be September 19th at 11:00 am.
If you are interested in hosting one of the luncheons, please call
Christy at 770-289-2947
Respect Life Ministry
The Respect Life Committee invites you to join us at our next meeting on August 25th at 7:00 am. Following the meeting, we welcome you to join us for a prayer vigil at the Abortion Services
Clinic in front of Governor’s Ridge in Marietta.
Contact for information: Mike Duquaine, 770-876-1343.
Fifty Plus Club
St. Michael’s Fifty-Plus Club is a social club for parish members
over the age of fifty. We have monthly luncheon meetings at various local area restaurants which provides our members with the
opportunity to enhance existing friendships and develop new relationships. Our regular meetings will start up again in September.
For more information please call Paul Galanek, President at
Multiple Sclerosis Support Group
Do you suffer from M.S. or know someone who does? A M.S. selfhelp/support group meets on the 3rd Saturday of each month from
11:00 am to 1:00 pm. Contact Zaida, 770-485-4226
PATH (Post Abortion Treatment and Healing) offers Bible Studies and Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats for men and women suffering
spiritually and emotionally from abortion. All facilitators are
trained, have been through the program themselves and offer compassion and experience. For information: Mary Ann McNeil,
404-717-5557, Calls confidential.
Meals Ministry - Soup for the Soul
“Lord when did we see you hungry and feed you?
Soup for the Soul is an outreach meals ministry for families in need
in our parish. Volunteers cook meals for families that are struggling from illness, surgery, death, and other life crisis. If you
would like to join the Soup for the Soul ministry, or would like
more information regarding this ministry, please contact Amy Heil,
404-386-9585, If you know of someone who
is in need of a meal, please call Amy.
The Columbiettes is open to all Catholic women over 18
years of age. The Columbiettes have a wonderful ministry, “Prayer Blankets” for the sick and shut-in. Many
people have already received blessings from these blankets. This is a wonderful way for those to know they are being
prayed for. If you know of someone who is sick or shut-in,
please call the parish office and a blanket will be given to
For questions please call, Tish Burns, 770-926-9270.
The Bookstore is open after
every Mass on Sundays.
Bibles, books for adults and
children, rosaries, medals and
much more available.
Children’s Religious Education
Registration forms are available in the Narthex, in the wall
files next to the RE Office door or on our website
Registrations may be dropped off any time in
the drop-box next to the RE Office door.
The RE Office will be closed
Monday, August 20th.
“If we don’t stand up now what will our future be”
~Blessed Mother Teresa
2 - No Life Teen Labor Day
5 - Teen Dave Ramsey Money Course
Wednesday Nights, 10 - 5, Cost:$15
7 - Life Teen Lock In - Parish Hall
9 - Life Night - In Pursuit
10 - XLT - Meet here & travel to All Saints in Dunwoody
6 - 10 pm
16 - No Life Teen, Fall Break
23 - Life Night - Chain Reaction
25 - Catechist Training for Core Team - Transfiguration
30 - Parish Picnic
***Life Teen Registration Now Underway***
Positions for Teen Volunteers for Wednesday,
6:30pm still available.
Forms are in the Life Teen mailbox (pink)
Cost is $30.00 for supplies.
Please prayerfully consider joining this special ministry.
** If you are a returning Life Teen student or a new
student or a upcoming freshman you need to fill out
the form. Front and back. Also I will
need a copy of your insurance card.
Cost is $30.00 for supplies for the year.
Make checks payable to Saint Michael’s.
Put form and money in an envelope and mark it
“Life Teen. Drop in the Religious Ed mail box.
Classes available:
Wed @ 5pm … 3rd grade
Thurs @ 6:30pm … 6th
Sun @ 3:45pm …9th, 10th grade
Adult Nursery Volunteers Needed!
THURS 6:30pm!!; Sun 11am;
chists’ children. Nursery Volunteers receive tuition
call or email Elizabeth Bonutti, DRE :
First Holy Communion: is usually received in the 2nd grade. Preparation is a two year program usually beginning in 1st grade. A copy
of their Baptismal Certificate is required. Catholic School & Home
School 2nd graders need to register now.
Confirmation Prep-9th-10th graders: 2 years of preparation are required. Normally the Sacrament is received in the 10th grade. If your
student is in a Catholic high school their requirement is a segment
during year two. They must register for each year. Please call our
office for further information.
3-8th Graders who have not been Baptized and/or received First
Holy Communion: please call the office.
Non-Confirmed 11th/12th graders please call the office.
CATECHISTS- earn certification credits:
Attend any of the upcoming Bible studies.
Our website:
RE Office Hours: Mon-Tues 9:30am-4:00pm
Wed-Thur 1:00pm-8:00pm
Sun 9:00am-12:30pm & 3:15pm-5:00pm
Phone: 770-516-9699
Fax: 770-516-4664
Elizabeth Bonutti, Dir.
Diane Hanson, Admin.
*** Life Teen Kick Off August 26th ***
Bring a friend and join us for the Life Teen Mass at
5:30 pm. Then join us for food, fun and Catholic
fellowship! We will meet at the Parish Hall.
Life Night Ends at 8:45 pm
Life Teen Lock In August September 7th
Join us in the Parish Hall and bring a friend, a snack and
a drink to share!
10 pm - 8 am
Reading for August 19th, 2012
In this scripture Jesus is telling us that when we surrender ourselves to Him in receiving Eucharist, we receive life. Giving of
ourselves to God and accepting what He has to offer is what we
must do to to remain in Him.
St. Michael’s Middle School Program
Pick up a QUEST event schedule and sign up
your middle schoolers for an exciting QUEST year!
For information contact
Shanna Coulter, 678-431-1031