May 8, 2016
May 8, 2016
Welcome to the Parish Community of Sacred Heart Church illustration by Sheri George 1 6 2 7 G R A N D AV E N U E • W E S T D E S M O I N E S , I O WA 5 0 2 6 5 FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK I want to wish a happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers of our parish community. The sacrifices you make each day for your children are a witness to your love and faithfulness each day. On this special day we ask God’s blessing to come upon our mothers and all those who have been like mothers to us throughout our lives. “Loving God, as a mother gives life and nourishment to her children so you watch over your Church. Bless these women, that they may be strengthened as Christian mothers. Let the example of their faith and love shine forth. Grant that we, their sons and daughters may honor them always with a spirit of profound respect. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen!” MAY 8, 2016 ● 7TH SUNDAY OF EASTER WELCOME Welcome to all our visitors, newcomers and parishioners!! If you are new to our faith community and are interested in becoming a member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, please stop by the Parish Office or call 225-6414, for a New Member Packet. We have programs and activities available for everyone. We offer RCIA for adults who wish to become Catholic. The names of the pastoral staff members, committee members and ministry chairperson, and their phone numbers are listed on this page. SACRED HEART PASTORAL STAFF Pastoral staff members are available to help parishioners when they are celebrating the good times or hurting during times of crisis. Consider contacting the following pastoral staff members to help you through a difficult time. FR. CHRIS HARTSHORN, PASTOR 225-6414, ext. 310 FR. LUIS MEJIA, PAROCHIAL VICAR 225-6414, ext. 313 SACRED HEART PARISH STAFF Rev. Mr. Ron Myers, Deacon 226-8466 Rev. Mr. Randy Horn, Deacon 224-1113 Nancy Carlson, RN, Parish Nurse 225-6414, ext. 315 \ Sheila Hancock, Director of Music/Worship & Wedding Coordinator 225-6414, ext. 318 Casey Conner, RCIA Director 225-6414, ext. 309 Deanna Lane, Youth Ministry Director 225-0546 Rosario Manzano, Hispanic Ministry Coordinator 225-6414, ext. 304 Loralee Chase, Family Ministry 225-6414, ext. 309 Kayla Richer, Children’s Faith Formation Director 225-6414, Ext. 319 SACRED HEART SCHOOL STAFF Jane Kinney, Principal 223-1284, Ext. 142 Mary Jo Kever, Vice Principal 223-1284, Ext. 140 VISIT US ON THE WEB AT: WEBMASTER: WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday ....................................................................... 4:00 pm Sunday ................... 8:00, 9:30, 11:15 am; 1pm Spanish Mass Daily Mass ........................ Monday through Friday 8:00 am SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday .................................................. 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm TELEPHONE NUMBERS Parish Office ..................Phone: 225-6414 Fax: 225-0286 School......................................................................... 223-1284 Children’s Faith Formation..................................... 225-6414 Youth Ministry .........................................................225-0546 Sunday Faith Formation Preschool....................... 225-6414 Parish Center Scheduling ....................................... 225-6414 Weekday Preschool ................................................. 226-2146 Sacred Heart Plus. ..................................................226-9662 SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Registered and participating members of the Parish, contact the Parish Office to register for required Baptism Classes. Parents are asked to call before the birth of their child. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Registered and participating members of the Parish, contact the Parish Office six months, or more, in advance. Preparation classes are required. NEWCOMERS Please register by phone, or in person, at the Parish Office between 8:00 am and 3:30 pm. For address changes, or if leaving the parish, please call the Parish Office at 225-6414. COMMITTEE & MINISTRY CHAIRPERSONS Art & Environment ................................ Pam Douglas, 224-0032 Board of Religious/Academic Education ............................................Chris Wilson, 480-5472 Tara Nelson, 991-4432 Children’s Liturgy of the Word Coordinator …………………………….… Mary Zug, 225-6414 SCRIP ................................................ Barb Horvath, 327-9489 Angela Lawler, 225-6604 Knights of Columbus....................................Bill Wieland, 321-7980 Prayer Line ............................. Wynanda Ferguson, 225-7200 St. Vincent de Paul .............................. Rita Dette, 223-6095 Teresa Kordick, 224-9274 Women’s Guild ...................................... Barb Baker, 339-1561 Pastoral Council .................................Dave Shinkle, 244-6821 Young Adult Director …………….…....Jennifer Leon 225-6414 BULLETIN DEADLINES: log onto our web site for information about deadlines and submission guidelines. MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Sacred Heart Parish is to be the spiritual focal point for the Catholic Christian community in our portion of the Diocese of Des Moines. This community: Believes and proclaims that Jesus Christ is Lord; Calls its people to experience and put into practice the love of Jesus Christ; Draws its people into the social and spiritual life of the parish so that each has a sense of belonging; Seeks to help its members take on the "mind of Christ" through prayer, study and worship; Uses and returns the gifts and talents God has given; Is itself a sign calling its members to hear and respond in ministry to the spiritual and temporal needs of people within the parish and beyond. SACRED HEART CHURCH · WEST DES MOINES, IA · PAGE 2 HEALTH, HEALING & WHOLENESS - PARISH NURSING If I can be of assistance to you or a loved one on any faith and/or health concerns, please contact me. I have many resources to share with you. ~Nancy Carlson, RN CELEBRATING OUR MOMS May the joy you bring to others, the kindness you show to others, the love you give to others, return to you this Mother’s Day…and everyday. God Bless all our Moms! MAY IS NATIONAL MENTAL HEALTH MONTH: For more than 50 years May has been National Mental Health Month, a time to focus the nation’s attention on promoting mental health and improving access to treatment for people with mental illness. This year, take the Stigma Free Pledge; learn about Mental Health issues, take action on Mental Health issues, see the person and not the Illness. CRISIS SERVICES IN POLK COUNTY: Mobile Crisis Response Team: Emergency Calls: 911-6:30 AM-2:30 AM; Non-Emergency Calls: 515-564-5742 Crisis Stabilization Center-Transitional housing up to 90 days can only be accessed through the Crisis Observation Center on a referral basis-1212 E. McKinley Avenue, Des Moines, 515-777-1972 Broadlawns Crisis Team: Mental health professionals on duty 24/7 for responding to mental health emergencies.515-282-5752 BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING THIS WEEKEND AFTER MASSES-STOP BY& SEE US! PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY: The next Prayer Shawl meeting will be on Monday, May 23rd from 6:30-8 PM. ANNUAL DIOCESAN APPEAL UPDATE We have surpassed $200,000 in pledges and one-time gifts. Thank you!! We are less than $47,000 from our assessment. If you haven't made your pledge yet, please do so. There are extra pledge cards in the gathering space and at the north and south doors. You can also call the parish office for assistance. To make your gift via credit card or direct debit to your bank account, please visit to make a direct donation. Together we can do this. A gift to the Annual Diocesan Appeal is a gift to Sacred Heart. THROUGH THE WATERS OF BAPTISM WE WELCOME INTO OUR SACRED HEART FAITH COMMUNITY Sophia Marie Freund Daughter of Andrew & Maria Freund Ashley Nicolle Hernandez Sarceño Daughter of Miguel Hernandez and Meris Sarceño REFLECTIONS FOR THE WEEK Step One: Listen to the Word As you hear this reading, what words or phrases strike you? What in this reading touches your heart? What lingers in your memory? Step Two: Look into Your Life Jesus tells us He is always with us. Name a time this past week when you knew that God was with you in a special way. Our deepest sympathy and prayers to the families of the following … Gus Duane Brother of parishioner Eileen Hickey Tim Bowman Brother of parishioner Steve Bowman ...God grant them eternal rest SACRED HEART CHURCH · WEST DES MOINES, IA · PAGE 3 YOUTH MINISTRY “SMASH” CHILDREN’S FAITH FORMATION “CFF” Student Ministry at Sacred Heart offers spiritual, service and social opportunities to teens in grades 9-12. Contact Deanna Lane, Director of Youth Ministry, for more information at 225-0546 or SUMMER SMASH: Programming for the current school year is winding down, but Student Ministry at Sacred Heart will still be active throughout the summer. A group of 19 youth and chaperones will be traveling to the Diocese of Brownsville in south Texas in June to help with home repair and neighborhood revitalization in the poorest diocese in the U.S. In July, a group of teens will be joining thousands of other young Catholics at the Steubenville Summer Conference in Springfield, MO to celebrate and go deeper into their faith. Finally, there will be various local service opportunities offered throughout the summer. We are excited to partner with Courage League Sports once again to provide buddies to the special needs children that participate in their summer camps. Watch your email and the bulletin for dates and registration information on these events. CONFIRMATION 2016: The 2016 Confirmation prep class has completed sessions for this spring and will start back up in the fall. The final required sessions are: Wed., Sept. 7, 6:30-8:00 pm Class (Candidates only) Wed., Oct. 5, 6:30-8:00 pm Class & Rehearsal (Candidate and a parent plus sponsor if available) Sun., Oct. 9, 4:00 pm Confirmation Mass for last names A-J Sun., Oct. 16, 4:00 pm Confirmation Mass for last names K-Z CONFIRMATION 2017: Registration is now open for those who wish to begin preparation for Confirmation in 2017. Confirmation prep class is for teens in 9th grade or higher in the 2016-17 school year who have been enrolled in CFF or Catholic school through 8 th grade or have completed a “High School Start-Up Class”. Visit for more details. GIFT—GROWING IN FAITH TOGETHER ADULT FAITH FORMATION TEAM MAY IS THE MONTH WE DEDICATE TO MARY! We have stocked our Lighthouse CD Kiosk in honor of Mary for the month of May. We offer a variety of talks on CD from famous Catholic speakers all about our Blessed Mother. These are perfect for long commutes, road trips or meditation time. We also have booklets for your reading pleasure on Our Lady Untier of Knots, Guadalupe and Fatima. Suggested Donation for CD’s = $4, booklets = $2. For your convenience, the kiosk will be in the gathering space until June 1. Reminder: MAGNA 24 meets Monday May 9, 7pm in the library. Please bring your Magnificat. The Bishop Barron Catholicism video series continues until May 19. Thursday 9am in the conference room. Drop in any Thursday! Bring a friend, all are welcome. Kayla Richer, Director Debbie Chalik, Coordinator Marcia Schaul, Office Associate Register NOW for Sunday Preschool, Wednesday CFF and 2017 Confirmation. It’s time to register for the fall! Please go to the home page of our web site at: and watch the scrolling banner for the link (Sunday Preschool = daisies; Wednesday CFF = praying First Eucharist girl; Confirmation = a family with the Bishop). There are separate on-line registration forms for all three programs. Even if you attended last year, please register by June 30! Please call our office if you have questions! RCIA—RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS BECOMING CATHOLIC…WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE AN RCIA SPONSOR? Our goal for our candidates who are interested in becoming Catholic is threefold: to help our candidates become faithful disciples of Jesus Christ; to help them understand the teachings of the Catholic Church and what it means to be Catholic; and finally, to welcome them and help them incorporate into the parish life of Sacred Heart. In order to further this third goal, we would like to have our parishioners who feel they have the gift of encouragement and listening and a willingness to share their faith consider volunteering to be an RCIA sponsor. What does an RCIA sponsor do? A sponsor would commit to walking this journey with their candidate, which could take less than a year, or it could take up to two years, depending on the readiness of the candidate. They would ideally meet with their candidate once or twice a month and introduce them to other parishioners, invite them to attend Mass with their family, and help them get to know our parish and its activities. You would want to attend our Sunday night RCIA sessions periodically, but wouldn’t be required to come to all of them. Basically, the sponsor is someone who would be a companion of faith on the journey into the Catholic Church. Someone may or may not be contacted to be a sponsor right away, depending on the number of sponsors and candidates we have. Who can be an RCIA sponsor? An RCIA sponsor must be at least sixteen years of age; must be fully initiated into the Catholic Church (i.e., have been validly baptized, received eucharist and confirmation in the Catholic Church); and must be living a life of faith (e.g., if married, must be validly married according to the laws of the Catholic Church and be a good spiritual role model by celebrating the sacraments regularly). I’d like to learn more! What do I do next? If you are interested in learning more about this important ministry, please contact Casey Conner at or 515-225-6414 ext. 309. SACRED HEART CHURCH · WEST DES MOINES, IA · PAGE 4 HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY WEEKEND NEWS Next weekend, Sunday May 15, is the season finale of our fabulous Sunday morning Pancake breakfasts. Please join us on Sunday, May 17, in the parish center anytime between 8:30 and 11:00. Support our future seminarians with a free will offering and join your fellow parishioners for our final breakfast until next September. At our April business meeting we approved a gift of $1,000 towards a new Habitat for Humanity home being built this summer. Additional parish resources will be needed to complete this home. Please give of your time, talent and/or treasure when the opportunity arises. This is a great parish-wide project where almost everyone can participate in some form. SATURDAY/SUNDAY, May 14/15 “KNIGHT’S CORNER” KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL #9632 4:00 PM Servers: Megan Schwarte, Jennifer Sweeney, John Logsdon Lectors: Tom Pflanz, Mary Brackett, Brian Sweeney 8:00 AM Servers: Gabriel Cook, Logan Ingraham, Zuzia Wheeler Lectors: JoAnn Fischer, Bill Cook, Gosia Wheeler 9:30 AM Servers: Stephen Cahalan, Ciara Haase, John Cahalan Lectors: Gabrielle Cahalan, Charlie Schumacher, RCIA 11:15 AM Servers: Nick Bindel, Elise Carver, Grace Kelly Lectors: Shelby Lane, Susan Pinneke, Thomas Yetmar Join the Knights at Sacred Heart Later this month we’re having a new member installation. Before you say “not for me,” visit our website (address below). See why over 200 of your fellow Sacred Heart men have chosen to join the knights. Contact information can be found on the website if you still have questions. Monday evening, May 16, is the next opportunity to join our great council at Sacred Heart Parish. CALENDAR MAY May 15, Sunday: FINAL pancake breakfast until next fall May 16, Monday: Monthly business meeting with new member installation May 19-21: Concessions at girl and boy’s state high school track meet, Drake Stadium Sat. May 7 4:00 pm Raymond & Cecilia Wika Sun. May 8 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:15 am 1:00 pm Bill & Josephine Norkaitis Margaret Killeen Chuck Celsi Sacred Heart Parishioners Mon. May 9 8:00 am Leo (LJ) Green Tues. May 10 8:00 am Esperanza Valdez Wed. May 11 8:00 am Leo Morman Thurs. May 12 8:00 am Mark Mulvihill Fri. May 13 8:00 am Roberto Chavez Sat. May 14 4:00 pm Ramona Rocha Sun. May 15 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:15 am 1:00 pm Kathy Sonntag Ina Jean Kordick Joe Burch, Jr. Sacred Heart Parishioners Readings for the Week of May 8 Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Acts 7:55-60/Ps 97:1-2, 6-7, 9/Rv 22:12-14, 16-17, 20/Jn 17:20-26 Acts 19:1-8/Ps 68:2-7/Jn 16:29-33 Acts 20:17-27/Ps 68:10-11, 20-21/Jn 17:1-11a Acts 20:28-38/Ps 68:29-30, 33-36/Jn 17:11b-19 Acts 22:30; 23:6-11/Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11/Jn 17:20-26 Acts 25:13b-21/Ps 103:1-2, 11-12, 19-20/Jn 21:15-19 Acts 1:15-17, 20-26/Ps 113:1-8/Jn 15:9-17 Acts 2:1-11/Ps 104:1, 24, 29-31, 34/Rom 8:8-17 or 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13/Jn 14:15-16, 23b-26 or Jn 20:19-23 SACRED HEART CHURCH · WEST DES MOINES, IA · PAGE 5 “RINCÓN DE LOS CABALLEROS” CABALLEROS DE COLON CONSEJO #9632 Felíz Día de la Madres NOTICIAS El próximo fin de semana, el Domingo 15 de Mayo tenemos nuestro último desayuno con panqueques en el Salón Parroquial desde las 8:30 am a las 11:0 am. Vengan y su contribución voluntaria ayudará a los futuros seminaristas. Este será nuestro último desayuno con panqueques, regresaremos en Setiembre. En nuestra reunión de Abril fue aprobada la cantidad de $1,000 para construir una casa este verano de la organización “Habitat for Humanity”. Recursos adicionales de la parroquia se necesitarán para construir esta casa. Por favor donen su tiempo y talentos cuando tengan la oportunidad de contribuir. Este es un proyecto de toda la parroquia donde todos podemos participar. Únanse a los Caballeros de Colón del Sagrado Corazón ADULT MISSION TRIP TO HAITI Have you ever wanted to go on a mission trip? Have you sent your kids on a mission and secretly wished you were going along? An upcoming mission to Haiti for adults is set for October 30 November 5. We’ll be working with Mother Teresa’s order, The Missionaries of Charity, in two of their facilities, an orphanage and the Hospital For the Dying, as well as in a parish. We will be led by a priest and celebrate Mass each day. Cost is $750 for registration, accommodations and all meals. Airfare is additional. Contact Marilyn Lane at for more information about this unique opportunity. Are You Being Called to Make a Difference? MEMORIAL DAY MASS AT GLENDALE CEMETERY The tradition of a Mass on Memorial Day at Glendale Cemetery will continue this year. The Mass is scheduled to begin at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, May 30. If inclement weather becomes a factor, the Mass will be moved to St. Theresa Church at the corner of Merle Hay Road and University Avenue and will begin at 10:15 a.m. We hope many can join us for this prayerful remembrance of all of those who have died. Al fin del mes tendremos la instalación de nuevos miembros. Antes de que digan “esto no es para mí” visiten la página de internet y verán porque más de 200 miembros del Sagrado Corazón son miembros. El lunes 16 de Mayo en la noche será la siguiente oportunidad para unirse al consejo de los Caballeros de Colon. CALENDARIO MAYO Domingo 15 de Mayo: El ÚLTIMO domingo de panqueques hasta el Otoño. Del 19 al 21 de Mayo: Trabajo en los puestos de concesiones durante las carreras estatales de los jóvenes de la Secundaria en el estadio de Drake. El libro de los números nos dice "El Señor te bendiga y te proteja, ilumine su rostro sobre ti y te conceda su favor…” (Números 6, 22:27). Al comienzo del nuevo año, los cristianos invocamos la misericordia de Dios a través de la intercesión de María Madre de Dios. Que Dios nos “conceda su favor” significa que él altísimo a morado sobre nosotros. Mis queridos hermanos hemos iniciado un nuevo año bajo el amparo de Santa María Madre Dios. María la que siempre está a los pies de la cruz intercediendo por nosotros pecadores. La mujer que nos envuelve en sus brazos maternales y nos protege de las intrigas del maligno. Iniciamos con pie derecho porque María al decir Si a Dios no solo responde a su llamado personal; sino también responde al llamado que todos nosotros le damos a Dios día con día. María al decir “He aquí la esclava del señor hágase en mi según palabra” nos enseñan a decir si día con día a los retos de nuestra vida. A mediados del año 2016 los católicos nos regocijamos al honrar a María como Madre de Dios y de la Iglesia. Bendita seas María Santísima por haber concebido a Jesús nuestro salvador en tu vientre materno. Bendita seas porque a través de tu “Si”nosotros también podemos decir si a Dios. En este mes de Mayo pidamos a Jesús que a través de María derrames sobre nosotros su amor y su gracia. Permítenos señor poder consagrarnos a ti; muéstranos el rostro de tu Hijo Jesús, que derrama sobre todo el mundo entero misericordia y paz. SACRED HEART CHURCH · WEST DES MOINES, IA · PAGE 6