Sacred Heart Bulletin – 10/25/15
Sacred Heart Bulletin – 10/25/15
THE TOWER October 25, 2015 Thirtieth Sunday In Ordinary Time SACRED HEART PARISH Please note that the Mass date and time were incorrect in last week’s bulletin for the All Souls’ Day Mass. The correct date is Monday, November 2nd at 6:15 PM. All Souls’Day Remembering Our Beloved Deceased Monday,, November 2nd On Monday, November 2nd at 6:15 PM, we will remember the deceased members of Sacred Heart Parish, family members and friends at Mass. During this beautiful liturgy, the names of our beloved dead will be read aloud from the altar and family members will come forward to light a candle at the altar of remembrance. The names to be read are those who have been buried from Sacred Heart since last November and also those whose names have been mentioned in prayer at our Sunday Masses during that time. The list of those names are found on the next page. If your loved ones name has been omitted, please contact the Sacred Heart Office. Please join us as we honor the memory of our brothers and sisters who are at peace with the Lord. UPCOMING EVENTS Sacred Heart School Open House October 27th and November 5th Sacred Heart Men’s Retreat October 30thNovember 1st Deceased Members of the Sacred Heart Family Ellyn Ambrose Joan Forte William Arthur Newlands, Sr. Raymond Andrew Robert L. Geier Maurice O'Brien Rev. Robert Araujo,SJ Joan Bruns Golden Declan O'Donnell Marielle Babnik Terry Hackett Robert Bates Sr. Howard Hathcoat Robert Ford Bergman Jim Hayes Joe Bucalo Dr. Joe Hinkamp Jack Busscher Gunther Holter Mary Frances Catanach Carol Stutz Hopkins Mary Coradini Henry C. Hunken II Nick Preda Sr. William Cousins Florence Fitzgerald James Thomas John Quirk Richard Cudahy Frank Kelly Allen Richardson Christine Czarkowski Joan Kenny Roy Rood Bill Darling Shirley Finn Ligarski James Dasher Fred Majewski Frances Delaney Doris McAuliffe Peter Dunne Barbara Morency Elizabeth Strain Fay Jennifer Mosher Mary Fay Kathleen Mulcahy Ann Therese Walsh Rev. Robert Ferrigan Jane Muller Lynda Williams Wayne J. Fickenger Jim Murphy Frances Mary Demma Winkler Tom O'Hern Bob Olson Louise Allegretti Pashinian Estelle Paulson Helen Pierson Toby Schleeper Fr. Dan Tranel Ashton Carley-Trent Kathleen Vagra Hearts Making a Difference The nation doesn’t simply need what we have. It needs what we are. (St. Teresia Benedicta , Edith Stein) IN MEMORY OF PASTOR EMERITUS FR. BOB FERRIGAN OCTOBER 10, 1935 – OCTOBER 8, 2015 ORDAINED MAY 1, 1961 MAY HE REST IN PEACE ONGOING OPPORTUNITIES TO SHARE Tuesdays and Thursdays during the School Year Tutor Elementary students at St. Columbanus School. Leave SH at 9am, return by 1:30pm. Wednesdays St. Columbanus Food Pantry: Packing of Food at 7am at St. Columbanus Rectory Garage; Distribution of Food at 10am. Thursdays Shadow a Minister of Care at LakeCook Nursing Home or Glen Oaks Nursing Home. Contact the Parish Office for more information. Third Sunday of Every Month A Just Harvest Community Kitchen: prepare casserole and/or serve dinner. Arrive by 4:30pm, and be home before 7:00pm. Contact Patty Sanfilippo for more information. Dear Family and Friends of Father Robert Ferrigan, October 9, 2015 My sympathy and prayers are with all of you—his family, his friends, his former parishioners, and to all who feel his loss. Due to my participation in the Synod on the Family in Rome, I regret that I am unable to be with you to celebrate Father Bob Ferrigan’s funeral. Although I did not know him well, I have come to know about him through those he OFFICE OF THE ARCHBISHOP touched through his ministry. His wisdom, his prayerfulness, and his wit enabled him to reach many people across the years of his priestly ministry. And that ministry took a number of forms, certainly in parish life but also leading the Cardinal Stritch Retreat House and giving retreats and offering spiritual direction to priests, seminarians, and laity. This is a rich and full ministry for which we rightly give thanks to God. As we commend him to God’s loving embrace, let us also ask the Lord to send other priests like him to serve the Church and the world. May Father Ferrigan’s generous and faith-filled service continue to renew all of us in hope. Sincerely yours in Christ, Most Reverend Blase J. Cupich Archbishop of Chicago HEART TO HEART-pastor to parish Founders’ Day Where would we be without the founders? You know the answer to that question. Sacred Heart parish exists because of its founders. This weekend we celebrate those faithful who, called by God, gathered and formed the foundation of this wonderful parish. It’s been generations, now. Generations of the faithful. Generations of dedicated and committed parishioners. I asked our senior deacon, Mike McNulty to write about our founders. Mike grew up in Sacred Heart and has ministered here for many years. What follows is his unique take on our founders. October 11, 1897 – I hereby appoint the Rev. F.J. Haarth, Pastor, to organize the congregation of the Catholic people of Winnetka, Lakeside and Glencoe, Il. I wish he would immediately take active charge of this good work. P.A. Feehan Arch. Chicago of Msgr Hillenbrand and duplicated it. When Msgr walked in to the party he was taken by surprise by his own likeness looking down upon him from hundreds of pizza circles of various sizes attached all over the walls of the school gym. It was a warm sunny day when Bishop Feehan and Father Haarth arrived by train at the Lakeside Station (now Hubbard Woods). They were met by a brass band and led to our present site on Tower Road, where the 1st shovelful of dirt was turned. The first brick for the original church was laid by the Pastor on Oct. 24, and, believe it or not, it was completed in time for Christmas Eve Mass, Dec. 24, 1897. The party has taken various forms over the years. Many of the original settlers came from the area around Trier, Germany, hence New Trier Township. In a tip of the hat to our roots, Fr. Raftery inspired a committee to put up a tent on the school playground, hire an Oompah Band and serve sausage, sauerkraut and German potato salad. One might say it was a forerunner of our current parish celebration, Oktoberfest. In recent years Oktoberfest has become a wonderful family oriented social event, and in Msgr. Hillenbrand’s words: "it helps make a friendly parish even friendlier". In order to avoid problematic weather at an outdoor event it is held a little earlier in the fall and does not directly coincide with Founders’ Day. Founders’ Day In 1947 Msgr. Reynold Hillenbrand thought we should celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of our parish. There were 3 special Masses, one for Fr. Haarth, our 1st Pastor, one for the all deceased members of the parish, and finally a Mass of Thanksgiving. Msgr was a renowned liturgist, but he also loved a good party, and so we had one at the Glencoe Women's Library Club where the new Writers Theatre is now nearing completion. It was a dinner dance for the adults and Msgr. declared the following Monday a school holiday for the children. Every year since then we have celebrated Founders’ Day and 2015 will be no exception. One of my favorite memories was the year the late Wade Ray, a whimsical artist, was asked to come up with a decorative theme. He did not reveal in advance what the theme was going to be. He had created a caricature Nonetheless, Founders Day will be celebrated this weekend, October 2425. All are encouraged to help us celebrate 118 years of progress. At that first Founders’ Day in 1947 Msgr set out five objectives for the future. A new school and a new convent, both of which were accomplished years ago. An extension of the adult education program, which has been an ongoing priority for all of the Pastors who succeeded him. Finally, a deepening of sacramental life through more frequent participation in Mass and Communion, and active participation in the Mass through singing. These last objectives were at a time when the priest said Mass in Latin with his back to the people. Five years before the 2nd Vatican Council Msgr renovated our church, relocating the altar so that he could say Mass facing the people. The priests and the parishioners learned Gregorian chant and over the years we have come to participate enthusiastically in singing. Founders’ Day has always been a way to say thanks to God for the many blessings we enjoy. For years the collection taken up at all the Masses on that day was a significant factor in our annual budget. In more recent years, perhaps because Founders’ Day became detached from Oktoberfest, the social celebration of our parish, the collection has markedly declined. I would like to propose a solution to that difficulty. The idea came to me this morning when we were counting last Sunday's collection. One of our lifelong parishioners placed her Founders’ Day envelope into the collection basket a week early. It contained a check for $118. At first I was puzzled, and then it dawned on me. She was contributing $1 for every year of the existence of Sacred Heart Parish. What a wonderful way to say "Thank You!" This weekend all of our Masses will be Masses of Thanksgiving to God for all that we enjoy. If it is possible, why not give $118 in your Founders Day envelope? What a wonderful way to say thanks. God bless us, one and all. Mike McNulty Hearts Nurtured by Faith If God can work through me, he can work through anyone (St. Francis of Assisi) RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS Good things are happening this fall in Religious Ed! First, we want to thank all our wonderful catechists and aides for their generous gift of time and energy sharing their faith with our children. Our 2nd graders are busy preparing for First Reconciliation on November 7th and took a tour of the Church after Mass, led by Deacon Gerry Keenan The 6th graders are studying the Old Testament and enjoyed an engaging and informative field trip to the Am Shalom Synagogue in Glencoe. Our 8th graders became official candidates for Confirmation at the Enrollment Ceremony at Masses on October 4th; they are busy sharing their time and talents with the community through acts of service. Several 8th graders recently did some landscape work for the parish - planting bulbs, clearing and planting new shrubs, trimming hedges and trees. . SCHOOL NEWS SPARKED HEARTS Today is HOMECOMING! Please come out and join in on the fun. After the Homecoming Mass at 9:00am, the Varsity game will begin at noon and the Jr. Varsity game will be at 1:30pm. Both games will take place at Loyola Academy. Come cheer on our teams! One Voice started on Sept. 13! Contact Carol or Kathy Janega Keenan if you would like to sing and/or play an instrument with our great teen ensemble! One Voice provides music for the 4:30 Mass twice a month during the school year and is open to high school students. Come and join us with any skill level; our only requirement is you love to make music! Be sure to tune in right after mass when Sacred Heart School will appear on the Catholic School Spirit Show from 10 – 11am on WSBC 1240 and WCFJ 1470 AM in Chicago! The podcast will also be available for listening on their website at What a great opportunity and honor it is for us to talk about our wonderful school! Smile! Monday, October 26th is our Picture Retake Day, for grades PS – 7th. If your student needs to retake their photo, they may be out of uniform. Please make sure they have their original picture with them to turn in. (We will keep them in the office.) If your child missed the original photo day, they need to have the order form with them to turn in. SACRED HEART SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE for Pre-school through 8th Grade will be on Tuesday, October 27th from 9:30 – 11:30am and Thursday, November 5th from 7:00 – 8:30pm. Please come for a guided tour and see how we “Educate Hearts and Minds for a Brighter Future!” Wednesday, October 28th, Loyola Academy will be offering a shadow day for Sacred Heart 8th grade students. Interested in getting involved at Sacred Heart? Ask Carol for opportunities! There are so many ways to share your gifts! JUNIOR HIGH NIGHT is open to 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. We meet the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month from 6:30-7:30 in the Teen Room, located in the basement of the Parish Center. (unless otherwise indicated) Oct 27 Bullying Prevention Month— continuing our theme of Justice and Service for the year, our discussion and activities will be in honor of National Bullying Prevention Month. Exciting news! Our junior high youth ministry is teaming up with St. Philip the Apostle, who want to get youth ministry going in their parish! We will be trading spaces and working together to make an even stronger ministry! Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @SparkedHearts and find us on Facebook! Contact Carol anytime 847446-0856 x. 132 or Friday, October 30th, will be the last day for uniform shorts. Sacred Heart will be celebrating Halloween with all the ghosts, goblins and princesses you can imagine, Friday afternoon. Come join in on the fun! Facebook group Hearts Alive in Worship My only desire is to unite myself to God (St. Paul of the Cross) SCRIPTURE REFLECTION GROUP MONDAYS 9AM Join Judy Pyke on Monday mornings at 9am (after the 8:30am Mass) in the Parish Office Fireplace Room to read and delve into the Scriptures for the coming Sunday. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY! The reflection group meets for 1 hour. WELCOME ST. COLUMBANUS PASTOR MATT O’DONNELL TO SACRED HEART Fr. Matt O’Donnell, pastor of our Sharing Parish, St. Columbanus, will join us on Sunday November 1st to celebrate the 10:30am Mass. Please join us and welcome Fr. Matt to Sacred Heart! Baptism By Appointment We celebrate Baptisms on Sundays following the 10:30 Mass. Our Baptism Guidelines and Baptism Information Forms are available on our website For further information, please contact Trish O’Toole in our Parish Office at 847-446-0856. Baptism Preparation 4th Sunday of the month 9:15 - 10:15 am in the Parish Office Conference Room. Sacrament of Matrimony Join us! Come when you can—once, once a month, weekly, whatever works for you! All are welcome. Contact a priest or deacon 6 months prior to the anticipated date of marriage. Sacrament of Anointing NOTE: We will NOT meet on November 2, 9, or 16 so that people may attend the presentation by Scripture Scholar Fr. John J. Kilgallen, SJ. RCIA ARE YOU SOMEONE OR DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO… Has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic? Was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not celebrated the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist? We offer an opportunity to come together in a small group to learn more about our faith. Sessions focus on the teachings and experience of the Catholic Church via the Scriptures. We prepare individuals to celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist during the Easter season. This process is commonly known as the RCIA or the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. You are welcome to participate in the process with your questions, your insights and your faith story in a warm accepting setting. For information please contact Judy Pyke, our Pastoral Associate, at the parish office at 847-446-0856 or via email at Please call one of the priests at 847-446-0856. ADULT EDUCATION: THE INFANCY NARRATIVES NOVEMBER 2, 9 & 16 at 10:30am Join us for a presentation on the Infancy Narratives by renown Scripture Scholar, Fr. John J. Kilgallen, SJ. The presentation will be given over the course the first three Mondays in November (2nd, 9th and 16th) at 10:30am in the Parish Office Fireplace Room. We’ll ask Mark why he has no infancy story, then see what each of the other Evangelists thought should be drawn from his stories. We will see how each Gospel has a purpose and how these stories fulfill each purpose. Would the Gospels be the same without the infancy narratives? After looking at Mark, we will move to Matthew, Luke and finally John. Join us! It’s a great way to prepare for the coming of Advent and the new liturgical year. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 9:00-9:30 am ELIZABETH MINISTRY ROSARY FRIDAY OCT 30th AT 8:30AM Join members of our Elizabeth Ministry as we gather to say the rosary together in the Chapel on Friday morning, October 30th at 8:30am. The time was set at 8:30 in hopes that more Mom’s could attend following school drop-off. Feel free to bring your younger children, as there will be toys with which they can play. There will be plenty of rosary prayer cards and extra rosaries available as well. Join us! Hearts Connected for Community Love is the beauty of the Soul (St. Augustine) Thank You! A huge "Thank you" to all of you who came out to shop and support the "Shopping Night" fundraiser this past weekend. We are so grateful to the generous merchants that participated including Elements, Ladysmith Jewelry, Londo Mondo, Orrington Jewelers and Sara Campbell. A very special thanks goes out to Victor Hlavacek Florist who so generously donated a magnificent floral arrangement for this great event! Please be sure to support these great friends of Sacred Heart! Lastly, thanks to all of you who purchased tickets for our raffle. Congrats to our lucky winners: Anna Bluhm Broadbridge Family Samantha Byrnes Irene Crockett Meghan Jenkins Colleen Meyers Diane Pappas BULLETIN DEADLINE Please submit your bulletin articles by Tuesday 9:00AM. Any articles received after the deadline will be placed in next week’s bulletin. A big “thank you” to all of the Sacred Heart parishioners who volunteered to help prepare casseroles and serve lunches at A Just Harvest Community Kitchen on Sunday, October 18th! Sheila Devlin, Gerry Sunko, Lee & Henry Thinnes, and Amy, Dave, Brian, & Siobhan Hill were our cooks and/or servers. Maria Anderson was a huge support - picking up & delivering a donation of produce from Sunset Foods in Highland Park. Baked goods were donated by our friends at Once Upon a Bagel in Hubbard Woods. Sacred Heart volunteers at AJH on the 3rd Sunday of every month. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact Patty Sanfilippo at or 847-525-3754. Sacred Heart School welcomes all prospective families to join us at an open house on October 27th from 9:30 am-11:30 am. Take a tour and see our newly updated library, meet members of the parent community, staff members and learn more about our "little school with the big heart." Hearts Connected for Community Love is the beauty of the Soul (St. Augustine) THIS WEEK AT SACRED HEART Monday, October 26 Scripture Reflection Group 9:00AM/POFR Parish Transformation Mtg. 7:00PM/PCR Tuesday, October 27 Mom & Tot 8:20AM/PCR Prayer Group 9:00AM/POFR School Open House 9:30AM Wednesday, October 28 Grade 8 LA Shadow Day Enrichment Cooking Class 3:00PM/PCK Thursday, October 29 Choir Rehearsal 7:30PM/PCMR Sunday, November 1 Religious Ed 9:00AM/PCR Founders’ Day Collection Please make your donation to our Founders’ Day collection. The proceeds of this collection are part of our operating budget. Envelopes were included in your envelope package and are available in the pews. You can also donate to Founders’ Day online via Give Please refer to Mike McNulty’s article about Founders’ Day. Hearts Connected for Community Love is the beauty of the Soul (St. Augustine) STEWARDSHIP GIVING YTD Actual Sunday Collection $260,314 YTD Budgeted Sunday Collection $289,038 Shortfall ($ 28,724) We continue to be behind in our collection budget. We appreciate any help you can give us -it’s not inexpensive to operate a five-building campus! GiveCentral What is GiveCentral? GiveCentral is the secure electronic giving platform that we use here at Sacred Heart. Why should I give electronically? It’s easy. You create a login and set up your donation frequency and amount. You can even log in and make donations to the Archdiocesan special collections. School and RE families use GiveCentral to pay tuition. When you are away for the weekend or for an extended period of time, Sacred Heart still receives your donations, enabling us to make better budgeting and spending decisions. Parishes throughout the Archdiocese have successfully used electronic giving to significantly increase their collections. We Need Your Email Address! Are you and your spouse receiving our weekly eblast, People with Heart, that we typically send out on Friday afternoon? If not, please send your email address to Michelle Wasielewski so we can add you to our distribution list: We are hearing from more and more parishioners that they don’t read the bulletin. The weekly eblast is a way to learn about key events at Sacred Heart in case you don’t have a chance to read the bulletin. Give it a try…go to and see for yourself. PARISH TRANSFORMATION SURVEY Thank you to the 232 parishioners who completed the Parish Transformation Survey and shared your candid thoughts. We appreciate your time and efforts! We are in the process of compiling the results and will share the results with the parish in the very near future. SCHEDULE Mass Intentions Monday, October 26 7:00am Communion Service 8:30am Charmaine Massi; Intentions of Sofia & Patricio Tuesday, October 27 7:00am Communion Service 8:30am Kathleen Mulcahy Wednesday, October 28 7:00am Communion Service 8:30am Daniel M. Kerrane Jr. Thursday, October 29 7:00am Communion Service 8:30am Kathleen Mulcahy Friday, October 30 7:00am Communion Service 8:30am Kathleen Mulcahy Saturday, October 31 8:30am Intentions of Mimi McNulty 5:00pm Parishioners of St. Columbanus Sunday, November 1 7:30am Declan O’Donnell 9:00am Intentions of the Nowacki Family 10:30am Jim O’Toole 4:30pm Parishioners of Sacred Heart MINISTERS OF CARE October 29 Lake Cook/Marijo Erzinger Glen Oaks/June Hocter All Souls’ Day Mass November 2, 6:15PM Presider Fr. Lanza Greeter(s) Christine Kengott, Kristin Lolli Servers Nick Bowman, Sophie Zajdela Lector(s) Josephine Olson Eucharistic Ministers Christine Kengott, Mark Kengott, Kristin Lolli Cantor Contemporary Choir LITURGICAL MINISTERS—October 31-November 1 5:00pm Saturday October 31 Presider Fr. Semmer Greeter(s) Dee Hanlon, Marion Powers Servers TBA Lector(s) Julie Hartvigsen Eucharistic Ministers Dee Hanlon, Julie Hartvigsen, Cathy Leonard, Ludy Mariano, Marion Powers Cantor Saturday Choir 7:30am Sunday November 1 Presider Fr. Semmer/Deacon Keenan Greeter(s) Rae Fritz Servers Caroline Southwell Lector(s) Dan Kubasiak Eucharistic Ministers Deb Kubasiak, Dan Kubasiak, Roberta Olshansky Cantor Dan MacDonald 9:00am Presider Fr. Semmer/Deacon Keenan Greeter(s) Sally Hoban, Mary Newton Servers Jack Craddock, Ryan Craddock, Charlie Skelly Lector(s) Joe Ogiony Eucharistic Ministers Arlen Craddock, Sally Hoban, Nancy Kehoe, Robert Maganuco, Mary Newton Cantor Shannon Barker Keys 10:30am Presider Fr. Matt O’Donnell Greeter(s) Jim Harrington, Christine Kengott Servers Joe Bramblet, Maggie Bramblet, Charlotte O’Bryan Lector(s) Bill Hague Eucharistic Ministers Julie Conte, Robert Conte, Marijo Erzinger, Christine Kengott, Mark Kengott Cantor Sacred Heart Choir 4:30pm Presider Fr. Lanza Greeter(s) Erin Allgaier Servers Andrew Burden, Sabrina Hagedorn, Ryan Kelly Lector(s) Brian Norton Eucharistic Ministers Mary Jo Bushell, Don Devlin, Sheila Devlin Cantor Children’s Choir Altar Servers Daily Mass 8:30am November 2 TBA November 3 TBA November 4 Sarah Cullinane, Chris Loucks November 5 Bailey Byrnes, Maureen Hines November 6 Andrew Burden November 7 Caroline Southwell SACRED HEART PARISH CONTACT INFORMATION Pastoral Staff Rev. Steven M. Lanza, Pastor— Associate Pastor-Rev. Dean Pastor Emeritus—Rev. Robert J. Heidenreich— Pastoral Associate—Judy Pyke— Permanent Deacons—Michael J. McNulty——Gerry Keenan— 773-251-6626 Director of Music—Todd Gresick— Liturgy Coordinator/Children’s Choir—Kathy Janega Keenan— 847-736-3198 Business Manager/Administrative Assistant to the Pastor—Michelle Wasielewski— Sacristan Coordinator—June Hocter— Youth/ Religious Education Minister—Carol Nowatzke— Director of Stewardship, Marketing & Development-Mindi Principal—Kristen Fink — 1095 Gage Street—847-446-0005— Director of Religious Education—Sue Lehocky—1077 Tower Road —847-446-6535— Support Staff Administrative Assistant & Bulletin Editor—Trish O’Toole— Accounting/Census/Contributions/Tuition—Cindy Atsaves— Bookkeeping—Suzie Danstrom— Parish Office 847-446-0856/Fax 847-501-5311/ Monday—Friday 8:30am—4:30pm School Office : 847-446-0005 Religious Education Office: 847-446-6535 Visit our website Find us on Facebook & Follow us on Twitter: @SHWinnetka CHURCH NAME AND NUMBER — Sacred Heart Church #862 ADDRESS — 1077 Tower Road Winnetka, Illinois 60093 PHONE — 847-446-0856 CONTACT PERSON — Trish O’Toole x 101 SOFTWARE — Microsoft Publisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat 8.0 Windows XP Professional PRINTER — HP Laserjet 1022 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT = 12 SUNDAY DATE OF BULLETIN October 25, 2015 THANK YOU!