Sacred Heart Bulletin


Sacred Heart Bulletin
Sacred Heart Church
Winnetka - Glencoe
Sunday May 25, 2014
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Mass Schedule
7:00 am & 8:30 am
8:30 am & 5:00 pm
7:30 am, 9:00 am,
10:30 am, 4:30 pm
Sacrament of
9:00—9:30 am
Office Hours: 8:30 AM—4:30 PM, Monday through Friday
1077 Tower Road, Winnetka, Illinois 60093
Find Us on Facebook
Follow Us on Twitter : @ SHWinnetka
If You Love Me…
In law, there is a Latin term, “Quid pro quo” meaning something given or received for something else; one
thing in return for another. We are used to doing things and in return expect something for our efforts. To some
degree, our work ethic helps us go above and beyond and we may still look for some type of reward. How is that
some give beyond their understanding and rationale? Is there really such a way of life as giving all we can to
helping others? No expectations, no rewards other than the joy of the one who receives?
Once there was a little boy who fell in love with a beautiful puppy at the pet shop. A large sign in the store
window stated, “Puppies For Sale.” After weeks of going by the store and seeing no one had purchased this
particular puppy, the little boy asked “How much does he cost?” To the boy’s amazement, the store owner said,
“$30.00.” The little boy quickly pulled out $2.37 from his pocket and said, “I’ll take him!” The store owner could
see the joy and hope in this boy’s eyes and did not want to crush this poor child. The store owner said, “Let’s
make a deal?” It turns out the puppy has hip problems and will limp around and not be able to run fast or jump for
the rest of its life. The boy quickly said, “This little puppy is worth every bit as much as all the other dogs and I’ll
pay full price!” The boy went on to say, “I'll give you $2.37 now and $2.00 a month until I have him paid for." The
store owner kept insisting there be a “deal” or “one thing in return for another.” Sounds like Quid pro quo to me?
To the storeowner’s surprise, the little boy reached down and rolled up his pant leg to reveal a badly twisted,
crippled left leg supported by a large metal brace. He looked up at the storeowner and softly replied, "Well, I don't
run so well myself, and the little puppy will need someone who understands." Unconditional love expects nothing
in return. This little boy knows more about relationships than many. We often look at relationships as conditional.
True love is not! The little boy could only see what was “right” with the puppy. As noted in I Peter, “Always be
ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope.” Many times people place all
kinds of conditions, a type of laundry list to be checked off before we allow ourselves to love. We decide if the
costs are too high. Yet, this little boy knew the freeing state of unconditionally loving this little puppy. He knew the
redemption of the “Spirit of Truth.”
I am learning through my five kids and others in my life that true love is not just an emotion, but a spiritual
state. As my Mom used to say to me, “Johnny, I just had to learn to love you more, especially during those teen
years!” If we learn to love unconditionally, regardless of what our loved ones do, we still love them no matter the
obstacle. John’s Gospel instills in us to embrace God’s love. We clearly see, just as the little boy who bought the
crippled puppy could recognize, that we are loved by God and the grace that you are loved by God and God lives
in you allows this love to be eternal.
God bless and love you always,
John Fay
Anointing of the Sick
On Saturday, May 31st, during the 5:00
PM Mass and Sunday, June 1st, during
the 10:30 AM Mass we will celebrate the
Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.
All are invited to take advantage of this
opportunity. In one way or another we
need spiritual, mental, emotional,
relational or psychological healing from
Golden Wedding
Anniversary Mass
The Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass will
be held on Sunday, September 14, 2014, at
2:45 PM, at Holy Name Cathedral, 735
North State Street, Chicago, Illinois.
Couples married in 1964 interested in
attending this celebration should contact their
parish to register.
For further information call the Marriage and
Family Ministries Office at 312.534.8351 or
visit the website:
YTD Actual Sunday and Christmas Collection:
YTD Budgeted Sunday and Christmas Collection:
YTD Actual Easter Collection:
YTD Budgeted Easter Collection:
I am once again reaching out to our very generous parish community for help in reaching our
collection budget for the current fiscal year. During the past several years, we have struggled with
this issue. Let’s all join together and eliminate this issue now, so that we can make the best
financial decisions possible for the new fiscal year beginning July 1.
We are stewards of our parish home...please help now.
Michelle Wasielewski, Business Manager
Sacred Heart Parishioners: Catherine and Nicholas Hurtgen, Katherine Kish, Katie Feldheim,
Kath Lynch, Valerie George, Jim Carey and Beth Bruns cooked casseroles and provided milk
for A Just Harvest Soup Kitchen on Sunday, May 18th.
Nicholas Hurtgen picked up produce provided by Sunset Foods in Highland Park. Bagels
were donated by Once Upon a
Bagel, Winnetka.
Nick and Nicholas Hurtgen transported
all of the casseroles, milk & produce
to A Just Harvest on Saturday evening.
Claire Russell, Hailey Collins,
Caileigh, Carleasia, Christine & Mark
Kengott served about 200 at A Just
Harvest in Chicago on Sunday
evening May 18, 2014.
FORMS, FORMS AND MORE FORMS! As the end of the year draws to a close, there are forms for next
year due the last day of school. The School Supply Kit forms are due no later than June 6th. If you received the wrong form, or need another one, they are available in the office. The School Directory form is
also available in the office or online as both a PDF and Word document. Please fill them out as you wish
the information to appear in next year’s Buzz Book. You can email them to Annie at or turn them into the office.
Have a wonderful, safe, dry and hopefully sunny Memorial Day!
Please join us for our Thank You Mass on Wednesday, May 28th at 8:30AM. It is an opportunity for us
to thank all our incredible parent volunteers during a special celebration.
Our State of the School address will take place on Wednesday, May 28th at 7:00PM in the School Gym.
Please come join us!
Kindergarten Poetry! What could be more entertaining? Please come join the kindergarteners as they
share their wonderful poetry on Thursday, May 29th at 2:00PM.
It’s a bittersweet day on Thursday, May 29th as our 8th graders leave us for high school. The entire school
will gather to say goodbye to them on Thursday morning. Good luck to all our 8th graders! They will be
having their 8th Grade Dinner Dance Thursday evening at 6:30PM. 8th Grade Graduation Mass will be
Sunday, June 1st at 1:00PM! CONGRATULATIONS!
Come see the Junior Kindergartners have their Spring Sing! We can’t wait to see what musical talents
await us on Friday, May 30th at 9:00AM!
We will have a Uniform Exchange on Tuesday, June 3rd. Bring what no longer fits and exchange it for
something that does!
The PTO is hosting a Summer Reading Book Fair for two days this year! June 3rd and 4th from 7:45AM
to 4:30PM in the school lobby. Looking for that perfect book to read this summer? Please stop by!
SUMMER SCHEDULE check the website for our summer schedule. Events like Great
America and service projects are coming your way! Our Great America day is
July 16—permission forms on the website!
HAITI TRIP: Our teens going to Haiti will be selling 60/40 raffle tickets at Donut Sunday
on June 1. Make sure to support our teens by picking up a donut and buying a ticket! (or 5!)
Kairos 15! The next Kairos retreat will be August 8-11 at Bellarmine Jesuit Retreat Hall. This fantastic
retreat is open to all incoming juniors, seniors, and college freshmen. ALERT: We are drastically low on
leader applicants. If you are interested in leading a Kairos (with virtually no competition) all the info is on
the website or contact Carol.
JUNIOR HIGH EVENTS are every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 6:30.
The end: May 27 is our end-of-the-year bash! This is our last regular meeting of the school year so we
will meet in the Sacred Heart parking lot and then walk over to Hubbard Woods park for a game of ultimate frizbee! Snacks provided!
Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @SparkedHearts and find us on Facebook! Contact Carol anytime 847-446-0856 x. 132 or
Thanks to the vision of our first pastor, Father Haarth,
Sacred Heart parish has its own cemetery, a small
place of great peace and beauty. In 1937 a parish
historian noted that “More than once he (Father
Haarth) personally dug the grave for the interment of
a parishioner whose family could not afford the expense
of the grave digger”. Father Haarth is buried there.
A visit to the cemetery is like a scene from Thornton
Wilder’s play Our Town. Stories can be read upon the
gravestones, people who have shaped our history are laid
to rest there, old friends, precious young children,
beloved family members.
Join us for a beautiful liturgy to celebrate not only the
lives of all who are at peace there, but all our beloved
Sacred Heart Cemetery
Lee Road just north of Dundee Road
Monday, May 26th at 10:00 AM
Catechists Needed
No, it's not too early to be recruiting since plans are now underway for the 2014-2015 school year.
Senior citizens, college students, young adults, etc, why not give this ministry of catechesis some
serious consideration. If you love children, are good with them and want to share your faith with them,
call Sr. Luanne 847-446-6535 to talk further about the possibility of teaching. Classes are Sunday
mornings 9:00-10:15 and Wednesdays 6:30-7:45 PM (Grades 4-8). Ordinarily there are two catechists
per class with class size of 15-20 students.
Religious Education
Registration for 2014-2015 Classes
You have until June 30 to register and receive the discounted rate. New this year is that payment or agreed upon payment plan is due at registration. July 1 the price increases $50 per child. Classes are Sundays 9:00-10:15 AM (P/KGrade 8) or Wednesdays 6:30-7:45 PM (Grades 4-8). Register on line at the parish website. Call the R.E. Office 847-446
-6535 for more info.
Sacred Heart is attempting to be a SPRED sight in the near future and is in need of more volunteers. Special religious
education for person's with disabilities is a program where trained adults provide an environment for learning and
growing in faith. Call the R.E. Office for more info.
Liturgy of the
Word (CLOW)
This Sunday, May
25, will be our last
children's Liturgy
of the Word.
CLOW will resume
again after Labor
Teens—Looking for a Job This Summer?
Like to work hard? Develop new skills (and maybe a few
muscles)? Want to impress your friends with your cleaning skills?
Sacred Heart is looking for a few Teens interested in helping us clean,
scrub, paint and otherwise beautify the buildings and grounds of our
wonderful Parish. Previous experience is a plus, but not a requirement.
When: Beginning date to be determined
What : 30 Hours per week of honest work
Who: Teens 15 and older who want to work hard and make
some $$$ and make Sacred Heart more clean & green
How: Email information about your experience and why you
want to help to Make sure to
include your phone number.
Readings – June 1, 2014
The Ascension of the Lord
Reading 1: Acts 1:1-11
Reading 2: Ephesians 1:17-23
Matthew 28:16-20
Saturday, May 31
5:00 PM - Fr. Heidenreich
Sunday, June 1
7:30 AM - Fr. Nyache/Deacon Michael McNulty
9:00 AM - Fr. Rogala/Deacon John Fay
10:30 AM - Fr. Heidenreich/Deacon Gerald Keenan
4:30 PM - Fr. Nyache/Deacon John Fay
Monday, May 26
Memorial Day Mass at Sacred Heart
Cemetery 10:00AM
Tuesday, May 27
Prayer Group 9:00AM/POFR
Parish Pastoral Council Meeting
Thursday, May 29
Nursing Home Angels
Lake Cook/Jose Vargas
Glen Oaks/Grace Medford,
Jose Vargas
Choir Rehearsal 7:30PM/PCMR
Friday, May 30
Junior Kindergarten Spring Sing
Biography Wax Museum 2:15PM/
Saturday, May 31
Anointing Mass 5:00PM
Sunday, June 1
Anointing Mass 10:30AM
Monday, May 26 MEMORIAL DAY
10:00 AM - Donald Lund
Tuesday, May 27
7:00 AM - Tom Pyke
8:30 AM - Tony Cascino Sr.
Wednesday, May 28
7:00 AM - Dick Rogers
8:30 AM - Helen Phillips
Thursday, May 29
7:00 AM - Intention of Allen Richardson
8:30 AM - David Di Paolo
Friday, May 30
7:00 AM - Intentions of Lois Schulte
8:30 AM - Kim White
Saturday, May 31
8:30 AM - Parishioners of St. Columbanus
5:00 PM - Intentions of Maureen Valvassori
Sunday, June 1
7:30 AM - Parishioners of Sacred Heart
9:00 AM - Intentions of Shaku Mali
10:30 AM - Ralph John Tranel
4:30 PM - Frank Gesualdo
Saturday, May 31
5:00 PM - Tony Ghafouri
Sunday, June 1
7:30 AM - Chris Lane
9:00 AM - Joan Forte
10:30 AM - Tom Bonnel
4:30 PM - Brian Norton
Saturday, May 31
5:00 PM - Benjamin Erhardt, Johnny Joyce, Sophie Zajdela
Sunday, June 1
7:30 AM - Ian Graves, Sam Rushin, Maggie Lynch
9:00 AM - Faith Craddock, Jack Craddock, Scott Grodecki
10:30 AM - Caileigh Kengott, Ben Murlick, Patrick Ullrich
4:30 PM - Sabrina Hagedorn, Luke Madigan, Ward Madigan
Altar Servers 8:30AM Daily Mass: 6/2- 6/3 Maureen Hines, Ryan Kelly
6/4 Maureen Hines, John Hession 6/5 Maureen Hines, 6/6 - 6/7 Maureen
Hines, Ryan Kelly
Saturday, May 31
5:00 PM - Don Devlin, Sheila Devlin, Maris Harrington, Dan
Kubasiak, Deb Kubasiak
Sunday, June 1
7:30 AM - Bernadette Broccolo, Claudia Mann, Roberta
9:00 AM - Kris Byrnes, Arlen Craddock, Joan Forte, Tom Forte,
Marge Kalsch
10:30 AM - Marijo Erzinger, Joan Gately, Mark Kengott, Christine
Kengott, Kay Madden
4:30 PM - James Collins, Katie Feldheim, Lynn Finneke
Saturday, May 31
5:00 PM - Mabel Grace, Edna Smith
Sunday, June 1
7:30 AM - Claudia Mann
9:00 AM - Barbara Anderson, Ed Kuffert
10:30 AM - Frieda Baker, Christine Kengott
4:30 PM - Dan Hagedorn
Saturday, May 31
5:00 PM - Saturday Choir
Sunday, June 1
7:30 AM - No Music
9:00 AM - Amy Becker
10:30 AM - Sacred Heart Choir
4:30 PM - One Voice
Sacred Heart Parish Contact Information
1077 Tower Road, Winnetka, IL 60093 847.446.0856; fax 847.501.5311 email: /
Pastor - Rev. Robert J. Heidenreich - Parish Office ext. 138; Rectory ext. 116 /
Associate Pastor - Rev. Collins Kisaka Nyache - Rectory, ext. 115 / Office ext. 113
Pastor Emeritus - Rev. Robert E. Ferrigan - 847-647-6557
Pastoral Associate - Judy Pyke - ext. 124/
Permanent Deacons - John Fay /, Michael J. McNulty /, ext. 120,
Gerry Keenan /, 773-251-6626
Director of Music - Todd Gresick - ext. 107/
Children’s Choir - Kathy Janega Keenan/, 847-736-3198
Sacristan Coordinator - June Hocter - ext. 136
Business Manager - Michelle Wasielewski /, ext. 131
Accounting/Census/Contributions/Tuition, Cindy Atsaves - ext. 114/
Bookkeeping, Suzie Danstrom - ext. 141/
Building Engineer, Michael King - ext. 119
Administrative Assistant & Bulletin Coordinator (Monday—Friday), Trish O’Toole - ext. 101/
Website Administrator/Consultant (Offsite), Andy Duran -
Youth Minister, Carol Nowatzke - ext. 132/
One Voice, Carol Nowatzke - ext. 132/ & Jonathan Comstock -
Elementary School Principal - Sr. Kathleen Donnelly, O.P., / 1095 Gage Street - 847.446.0005
Religious Education Director - Sr. Luanne Wilhelm, SLW, / 1095 Gage Street - 847.446.6535
Baptism - By Appointment - We celebrate Baptisms on Sundays following the 10:30 Mass. Our Baptism Guidelines and Baptism
Information Forms are available on our website . For further information, please contact our
Baptism Coordinator at 847-446-0856. Baptism Preparation - 4th Sunday of the month 9:15 - 10:15 a.m. in the Parish Offices
Conference Room.
Sacrament of Matrimony - Contact priest or deacon 6 months prior to the anticipated date of marriage
Sacrament of Anointing - Please call one of the priests - 847.446.0856 ext. 115, ext. 116
PARISH CENTER ADDRESS: 1090 Gage St. (Corner of Gage and Burr)
Sacred Heart Church #862
1077 Tower Road
Winnetka, Illinois 60093
Trish O’Toole x 101
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May 25, 2014