NOV 08 - St. Theresa Parish
NOV 08 - St. Theresa Parish
St. Theresa Parish 455 North Benton St. ▪ Palatine, IL 60067 ▪ 847-358-7760 Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Photo of Mundelein Seminary by Fr. Tim Fairman Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time ▪ November 8, 2015 PARISH STAFF Rev. Timothy J. Fairman, Pastor, ext. 101 Rev. Matthew Jamesson, Associate Pastor, ext. 127 Rev. Dennis Stafford, Associate Pastor, ext. 109 Rev. Ron Lewinski, Resident, ext. 118 Rev. Monsignor John P. McNamara, Pastor Emeritus Deacon Stephen Norys, Minister of Care, ext. 110 Hank Aleliunas, Business Manager, ext. 105 Laura Kutscher, Music Director, ext. 114 DIACONAL MINISTRY Deacon Jim and Melody Devine, ext. 113 Deacon Stephen and Gail Norys, ext. 110 Deacon Richard and Kathie Pizzato, ext. 361 Deacon Louis and Ann Riccio, ext. 362 Deacon Larry and Karen Schumacher, ext. 363 Deacon Greg and Elizabeth Vogt, ext. 364 SCHOOL Mary Keenley, Principal, ext. 202 Mary-Anne Zielinski, Administrative Assistant, ext. 203 Terri Kolbus, Director of Admissions, ext. 249 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Elizabeth Vogt, Director of Religious Education, ext. 111 Marsha Jones, Religious Ed. Registrar, Adm. Asst., ext. 112 Religious Education: 847-359-2846, ext. 111 PARISH SUPPORT STAFF Mary Amirante, Receptionist, ext.100 Joyce Pizek, Bookkeeper, ext. 102 Marie Paul, Sacristan Leader, ext. 119 Nicole Carlisle, Administrative Assistant, ext. 107 Kathryn McIntyre, Secretary, ext. 104 Page 2 Please pray for all our sick parishioners, family members, friends & loved ones, especially: Masses & Intentions for This Week Monday, November 9 6:30 am 8:00 am Delphine Krenau Joyce Arndt Tuesday, November 10 6:30 am 8:00 am Johnny Minduck Linda Kolbus A Friend Sophie Marshall Family Hank & Mary-Anne Zielinski Wednesday, November 11 6:30 am 8:00 am Anthony & Rose Chiovala Family Terry Allen John Prendergast Thursday, November 12 6:30 am 8:00 am Anthony & Rose Chiovala Friend Randy Carol Myers Family Friday, November 13 6:30 am 8:00 am Lee & Esther Sentman Brigetta Sentman Karen S. Jolander Jennie Armatys Saturday, November 14 8:00 am 5:00 pm Barbara Dembrowski / Arlene Feltz Rita McBlain Lynne DeSalvo Sunday, November 15 7:00 am 8:30 am 10:00 am 11:30 am 6:00 pm Peter & Leona Sesko Family Luke Cimarusti & Nick Tunzi Jo & Anna Tunzi For Parishioners Multi-intention: Deceased Members of the Baron Family / Antonio Hurtado / Jeanette Zapotocky / Ann Gavrilovich / George Horner / Jacob Norys For Our Teens and the LIFT Program Life Has Changed, Not Ended... Please Pray For Those Who Have Died Joseph A. Morines Judy Amoroso Daniel Anfuso Hilda Avila Maria Ofelia Avila Bill Mary Boland Carolyn Bohlman Arthur Byrnes Timothy Cannon Frank Caruk Anna Maria Collier Bob Crowell Robert Fairman Carleen Fuller Sam Greco Ryan Guerrero (age 16) Don Hausser William Hopp Jr. Don Humphries Vi Jasonowicz Carol Lukowski Joan Kuthe Darlene Landers Robert Lindquist Mary Lucas Zacharias Lucas Daniel Macbride Owen Patrick McGoldrick Jerry Mele Isabelle Miklius Nancy Miklius Kay Miller Rafael Montegano Krista Motley Julie Nagle Jean Nechi Dale Palka Frank Pankanin Paul Betty Penkava Mike Raef Rosemary Rossdeutscher Dale Schafernak Michala Schauble Matt Schroeder Helen Schultz Cole Schwartz (newborn) Charles Sebastyan Helen Simon Mary Kate Sleppy Sarah Smith Emil Solans Ronald Sowizrol Kathy Tomusiak Emil Tosch Scott Wallace Brian Ward Ann Zimmerman Please pray for all our military and veterans, especially: Sgt. Robert E. Brodkorb (Air Force S.A.C.) Lance Corporal John F. Campe (U.S. Marine Corp) Alan Carlson (Navy) Sgt. David A. Crouse (U.S.M.C.) Jackie Fairman (Navy) Captain Kevin Hand (Air Force) Captain Stephen Hand (U.S. Marine Corp) Louis Kittler (Navy) Colonel James F. Kott (Air Force) Colonel Marilyn H. Kott (Air Force) Patrick Malackowski (Air Force) Deacon Steve Norys (Navy) Jim Olinski (Vietnam, Army) Deacon Lou Riccio (Korea, Army) John Sellinger (Air Force) Colonel Daniel Joseph Settergren (Air Force) Adolf Stransky (Vietnam, Navy) Phil Urban (WWII, Air Force) Ron Willer (Vietnam, Army) Lt. Matthew Zak (Navy Pilot) LITURGICAL SCHEDULE for Saturday and Sunday, November 14 & 15 Minister(s) Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 7:00 AM Sunday 8:30 AM Sunday 10:00 AM Sunday 11:30 AM CELEBRANT Fr. Dennis Fr. Dennis Fr. Matt Fr. Ron Fr. Ron DEACON Greg Vogt Richard Pizzato Louis Riccio Jim Devine Larry Schumacher SACRISTAN Smith / Sal Russ, D. LaRusso, J. Paul, M. Mayworm, M.A. 1-Jacques, S. 2-Mulholland, S. 1-Galvan, T. 2-Schwind, A.N. 1-Leo, J. 2-Andersen, S. 1-Zermatten, P. 2-Lonteen, G. 1-Oswald, C. 2-Pacek, W. H-Cushing, C. H-Brooks, K.* H-Wade, P.* H-Perterson, B. H-Reckamp, L. C-Reckamp, T. C-Peterson, B. C-Pfister, D. C-Pfister, C. C-Owens, N. H-Meersman, A. H-Russ, D.* H-Schwind, A. H-Travers, D. H-Wezdecki, A. C-Zak, B. C-Arns, ML* C-Galvan, T. H-Bohlmann, KL. H-Brennan, P. H-Raupp, N H-Byrns, R. H-Curran, C* C-Amidei, S.* C-Deyhle, R. C-Battin, L. C-Bianchi, L. C-Bohlmann, K. H-Arvidson, M. H-Paul, W. H-Ellis, T. H-Paul, M.* H-Roman, E. C-Appel, C. C-Apuli, C. C-Apuli, R. C-Mullen,T. C-Hirn, N. H-Krupp, R. H-Sadural, S. H-O'Laughlin, N. H-Pacek, W. H-Oswald, C.* C-Sadural, S. C-Zielinski, M.A.* C-Kane, N. Zachary Kolbus Alyson Kolbus Sarah Maslowski Mich Maslowski Artur Cholewa Marta Cholewa Noah Chon Kelly O' Brian Caleigh Klein Ethan Deyhle Ryan Kurrie Briana Neamand Marcus Wiseman Jack Herbst Anthony Pluta Ralph Llanos Andrew Phoy Ava Hillestad Darwin Maco LECTORS EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS "H"-Designates "Ciborium" "C"-Designates "Cup" * = Wash vessels after Mass ALTAR SERVERS Page 3 A Message from our Pastor... Dear Friends, Every year the Archdiocese of Chicago asks that every parish conduct a Mass count during the first four weeks of October in which ushers count the number of people at each of the Masses that weekend. The numbers are useful because they help the Archdiocese note trends in Mass attendance, but it is also useful on the parish level because the numbers indicate where we are going with Mass attendance. This year, our average weekly Mass attendance is 1918 individuals. In 2014, our weekly Mass attendance averaged 2061 people and in 2013 our average was 2043 people. Our most popular Mass in October was the 10:00 Mass on October 18th with 554 people and our least attended Mass was the 7:00 am Mass on October 25th with 156 people. What follows is the average attendance for each of our weekend Masses: 5:00 pm – 427; 7:00 am – 173; 8:30 am – 359; 10:00 – 500; 11:30 am – 433. Just by way of reference, our church can accommodate 1000 people per Mass. What do all these numbers mean? The number I am most concerned about is the precipitous drop in Mass attendance this year from the last several years. The numbers tell us that on average, more than 100 people a week have chosen not to attend Mass at St. Theresa in one year’s time. We can offer the tried and true explanation that Mass attendance is down everywhere and while there is some truth to that, it doesn’t explain why in one year’s time we have lost a hundred Mass-goers at St. Theresa, when for several years prior to this our average Mass attendance exceeded 2,000 per weekend. What can we do to get back those who have chosen not to be with us? How can we attract more people to our parish home? These are significant questions that deserve our full attention. This winter, St. Theresa will participate in an initiative called Parish Transformation. Parish Transformation is a fabulous process by which a large group of parishioners meet for a period of time and facilitate the evaluation of our parish and then construct a plan for the future. All parishes in the Archdiocese of Chicago will be asked to participate in Parish Transformation; after consulting with our Parish Pastoral Council, it was determined that this winter would be a good opportunity for St. Theresa to take its turn in the process. I am very excited about this, because St. Bede participated in Parish Transformation when I was pastor there, and I experienced firsthand what Parish Transformation can accomplish in a parish. I can’t imagine that our drop in Mass attendance won’t be one of the issues addressed in the Parish Transformation process. We are also blessed that one of the authors of the Parish Transformation, Fr. Ron Lewinski, lives here with us, so we will experience his wisdom first hand! I will share much more about this as we draw closer to February, but I ask for your prayers, that we are all open to Parish Transformation and that we will be guided by the grace of the Holy Spirit to create a plan which will serve our community well as we prepare to celebrate 75 years as a faith community next year. In other news, Joe Simeo, a long time parishioner and artist, has created an oil painting for me which depicts the sanctuary of our church during the Christmas season. It is a beautiful work of art, so I asked him if we could make it available to our parishioners in Christmas card format and he very generously agreed. As of this writing, I’m not sure if they will be available this weekend or next, but an order form with a rendering of the artwork is in this weekend’s bulletin. I encourage you to purchase as many as you will need for the Christmas Season and spread the good news of our parish community as you wish your loved ones Christmas joy! Enjoy the week and God bless you all. Page 4 OUR STEWARDSHIP EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS NEEDED Year Actual Year Prior $ 20,476 $ 1,532 $ 22,008 10/26/14 $ 19,369 $ 1,517 $ 20,886 10/25/15 Basket Online Total 11/1/15 Basket Online Total $ 24,286 Pending 11/2/14 $ 27,213 $ 1,772 $ 28,985 DROP OFF in Gathering Area Winter Used Clothing Drive Coats, hats, gloves, snowpants, and boots! Coats, hats, gloves, for youth, snowpants, andteens boots!and adults!! for youth, teens and adults!! We are grateful for your donations! FORMATION AND TRAINING FOR New Eucharistic Ministers Presenter: When: Where: Time: Fr. Ron Golatz Saturday, November 14, 2015 St. Cecilia Parish 700 S. Meier Rd. Mt. Prospect, IL 60056 8:30 am check in 9 - noon training session To register please contact Mary Kay Francel at 847-437-6208. Contact Marie Paul at with any questions or for more information, as well as after completing the training session so that you can be scheduled for Sunday Masses. BOXTOP$ Fundraiser for St. Theresa School Your clipped BOXTOP$ and Campbell’s labels can be placed in the Campbell’s Soup Label receptacle located in the Gathering Area of the church. We have concluded our Fall Collection drive for these wonderful programs, but will continue to “clip and ship” throughout the year. Thank you for continuing to support St. Theresa School with the BOXTOP$ for Education and Labels for Education programs. WEEK AT A GLANCE... Monday, 11/9 Tuesday, 11/10 Wednesday, 11/11 Thursday, 11/12 Friday, 11/13 Saturday, 11/14 Sunday, 11/15 6:30, 8:00am Daily Mass (Chapel) 6:30pm Families of Nazareth (104) 7:00pm Marian Rosary Devotion (Church) 7:00pm LIFT Liturgical Committee Meeting (Small Meeting Room) 7:30pm KOC General Meeting (Lower Dolan) 7:30pm RCIA (Bernardin) 6:30am Daily Mass (Chapel) 8:00am All School Mass (Church) 10:30am Cenacle Prayer Group (Festle) 7:00pm Cub Scout Pack 91 Committee Meeting (105) 6:30, 8:00am Daily Mass (Chapel) 10:00am Adult Bible Study (Bernardin) 12:30pm Veteran’s Day Assembly (Church) 6:30pm 2nd Grade Inscription Service (Church) 6:30pm Women’s Chorale (105) 7:00pm Boy Scout Troop 91 (Lower Dolan) 7:30pm Charismatic Prayer Group (Bernardin) 6:30, 8:00am Daily Mass (Chapel) 6:00pm Children’s Choir Rehearsal (105) 7:00pm Adult Bible Study (School) 7:00pm Women’s Club— St. Theresa Guild (Festle) 7:30pm Adult Choir (Church) 8:30pm Men’s Basketball (Gym) 6:30, 8:00am Daily Mass (Chapel) 8:30am Adoration (Chapel) 5:00pm Benediction (Chapel) 7:00pm School—Student Council Mixer (Lower Dolan) 8:00am Daily Mass (Chapel) 12:30pm Confessions (Church) 5:00pm Mass (Church) 4:30pm KOC Spaghetti Dinner (Lower Dolan) 7:00 am Mass (Church) 8:30 am Mass (Church) 10:00 am Mass (Church) 10:00 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word (Bernardin) 10:30am RCIC (Festle) 11:30am Mass (Church) 1:00pm Baptisms (Church) 6:00pm LIFT Teen Mass (Church) 7:00pm LIFT (Gym, Lower Dolan) Page 5 Page 6 MINISTRY OF CARE The Ministry of Care office is the central point in our parish community for outreach, resources and referrals. Deacon Stephen Norys, Coordinator READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 Tuesday: Wis 2:23 — 3:9; Ps 34:2-3, 16-19; Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday: Wis 6:1-11; Ps 82:3-4, 6-7; Lk 17:11-19 Thursday: Wis 7:22b — 8:1; Ps 119:89-91, 130, 135, 175; Lk 17:20-25 Friday: Wis 13:1-9; Ps 19:2-5ab; Lk 17:26-37 Saturday: Wis 18:14-16; 19:6-9; Ps 105:2-3, 36-37, 42-43; Lk 18:1-8 Sunday: Dn 12:1-3; Ps 16:5, 8-11; Heb 10:11-14, 18; Mk 13:24-32 Boy Scout Troop 91 ON-GOING INVITATION TO SMILE! …from Fr. Dennis We need to live in Christian joy! Holy Scripture continually mentions Christian joy as the heart of Christian living. He who goes out weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, bringing his sheaves with him. Psalm 126:6 And some famous, and not so famous, people have encouraged people to exhibit joy. Joy, not grit, is the hallmark of holy obedience. We need to be lighthearted in what we do to avoid taking ourselves too seriously. It is a cheerful revolt against self and pride. Richard J. Foster Christian Living Today: Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you. St. Augustine Let’s remember to smile at our public worship, and especially as we process to receive Holy Communion! THANKSGIVING FOOD BASKETS Fall Pancake Breakfast Sunday, November 22 7:30 am – 1:00 pm St. Theresa Lower Dolan Center 455 N. Benton Street Palatine We’re serving pancakes, sausage, and juice. Raffle drawings with all kinds of PRIZES! Donation Individuals $5 Seniors (65 yr+) $4 Immediate Family $15 Troop 91 is sponsored by Knights of Columbus Holy Ghost Council #4977 It’s that time again! SHARE YOUR BLESSINGS AND PROVIDE A DINNER FOR SOMEONE IN NEED If you would like to share your blessings and provide a Thanksgiving dinner for a needy senior or family, please call Donna at 847-359-4064. Baskets will be distributed on Monday, November 23 from the Gathering Space in the church. This program is sponsored by the Ministry of Care, St. Theresa Women’s Club, St. Vincent de Paul Society and St. Theresa School. Page 7 ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS CARDS FROM ST. THERESA PARISH! Specially designed Christmas cards for everyone on your list! On the front of the card is a print reproduction of a beautiful oil painting of St. Theresa Church, created by parishioner Joe Simeo. Inside is the verse: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel, which means “God is with us.” Matthew 1:23 Have a Blessed and Joyous Christmas! Sold in packages of 25 cards with envelopes. Cost is $25 per package. Stop by the Gathering Space to see a sample and place an order! Order deadline December 13th. You can also place an order by completing the form below and dropping it off at the Pauline Center. Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________________________________________ Email: ________________________________________________________________________ Number of packages: ____________________________________________________________ Amount enclosed ($25 x number of packages): _______________________________________ Checks made payable to: St. Theresa Parish North Shore Catholic Men’s Conference: St. Theresa Women’s Club Holiday Bake Sale After all Masses November 21-22, 2015 Start your holiday with a fresh baked treat. Calling all Bakers! All baked goods are appreciated. Bake, wrap and drop your baked goods off in the gathering space. There will also be two raffles! A holiday basket and back by popular demand, a decorative, delicious Turkey Cake! Building Up Our Families November 14, 2015 10:00am—3:00pm The Church of Saint Mary 201 E. Illinois Rd. Lake Forest, IL The event costs $20 For more information and to register, go to: Join men from across the North Shore and beyond for an energizing day to renew and promote the Catholic faith in men, our families and our lives. This event includes a continental breakfast, Mass, confession, and lunch. Featuring: Dr. Scott Hahn, Professor of Theology and Scripture Page 8 ST. THERESA RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OUR MARCHING SAINTS The kindergartners learned about saints and All Saints Day this past week. They made saint crowns and learned that God wants each of us to be saints. The little ones at Mom and Tots learned about the saints too. They practiced the Works of Mercy with the Saints. They helped Feed the Hungry like St. Elizabeth of Hungary They helped build a church like St. Francis They prayed for the Living and the Dead by praying the Litany of the Saints They Clothed the Naked like St. Martin de Tours They practiced giving drink to the Thirsty They gave to the Poor like St. Nicholas They helped Teach the Faith like St. Patrick The next mom and Tots Gathering is November 19 from 10am – 12pm. If you would like to join in on the fun and have a little one at home, contact Elizabeth Vogt in the Religious Education Office. Thank you Fr. Matt for visiting our 2nd grade students to speak with them about First Reconciliation. 2nd grade and RCIC students – Remember, the Inscription Prayer Service is this Wednesday, November 11 at 6:30pm in church. SPAGHETTI DINNER SATURDAY NOVEMBER 14, 2015 5:00PM TO 7:30PM St. Theresa Parish Lower Dolan Center 455 N. Benton St., Palatine PRAY TO END ABORTION We will have a children’s craft corner so come on out and bring the family On Saturday, November 14, all parishioners are invited to join members of the Parish Respect Life Committee when we pray the Rosary outside an abortion mill in Des Plaines. We will meet about 8:35 am or when the 8:00 am Mass ends, gathering just outside the Day Chapel at St. Theresa Church and return by 10:15 am. Transportation will be available for those who are able to join us. Please make an effort to join us in this important cause. Thank You. Dinner includes Salad, Minestrone Soup, Spaghetti and Meatballs, Sausage, Garlic Bread, Desserts and Beverages MEN’S PICK UP BASKETBALL Come and enjoy……..good food and good friends for charitable causes ADULTS $8.00 CHILDREN UNDER 12 $5.00 FAMILIES OF FOUR $25.00 QUESTIONS CALL: Bruce 847-394-2154, Jim 847-934-9896 or Conrad 847-359-8173 Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Holy Ghost Council for St. Join us for Men's pick up basketball on Thursday nights, 8:30pm in the Dolan center gym. If interested please contact Mike Marshall - 847-567-2734 or Page 9 ST. THERESA SCHOOL Spreading Joy... Last week, St. Theresa School 6th graders and Kindergarteners shared their Halloween spirit with the residents of St. Joseph Home. It was a wonderful experience for all! St. Theresa's Concert Choir found Palatine High School the place to be last Thursday for their 2015 Middle School Choral Festival. Under the direction of Mr. Steve Sivak, choral director for Palatine High School, the students were given the opportunity to perform a variety of songs along with other local middle schools and several of the high school ensembles. Students received wonderful feedback and constructive criticism from Mr. Sivak. The day culminated in a performance of "Circle of Life" which combined all the middle school choirs as well as the Palatine High School ensembles for a gorgeous musical end to a phenomenal day! Based on the positive feedback…we will be doing this again next year!! Congratulations to our 7th Grade Girls Volleyball Silver Conference Champions! Page 10 Christmas Wreath Sale Knights of Columbus - Holy Ghost Council #4977 All Orders Must Be Received By Friday, November 13th Make checks payable to: Knights of Columbus #4977 Door Swag Mail order form and check to: Jim Arns, 3850 N. Firestone Dr., Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 For information call Parish Office at (847)358-7760 & message will be forwarded. Order Pick-Up at St. Theresa’s Parish Garage After Masses On: Saturday, November 28th or Sunday, November 29th If you cannot pick up, we will gladly deliver to your residence! Print Name _______________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Wreath Phone (required) __________________________________________________ Item Quantity Price Total Wreath 22 inch ______ x $20.00 $___________ 30 inch ______ x $25.00 $___________ 36 inch ______ x $34.00 48 inch ______ $___________ Item Quantity Door Swag____ x Centerpiece____ x Cross ______ x Cane ______ x Garland______ x Price Total $18.00 $26.00 $29.00 $28.00 $33.00 x $52.00 $___________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $_________ Total $___________ Cross Orders To Send A Fresh, Fragrant, Natural Balsam Wreath • • Centerpiece Cane • • • Perfect for out-of-town friends or loved ones Sent UPS or FedEx in a Holiday gift box (continental 48 states only). (Sorry we cannot deliver to PO Box addresses) Delivered between November 27th and December 7th 22 inch wreath________x $32.00 Centerpiece___________x $33.00 To: Name __________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________ City ___________________________ State ____ Zip____________ From: Name ____________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________ City ___________________________ State ____ Zip ___________ Gift Card Message ______________________________________________ KNIGHTS CORNER BUSINESS MEETING NOTICE Our Next Monthly Business Meeting will be on Monday, November 9 at St. Theresa, Lower Dolan Center at 7:30. Come for the meeting and learn how to help those in need, serve your parish and grow in your faith. Then stay to socialize with your fellow Brother Knights. For more information contact Jim Arns at BAPTISMS Sunday, November 1, 2015 Jeremy James Arns Joseph Michael Joyce, III Welcome to Our Christian Family! Page 11 ST. THERESA PARISH - ADVENT EVENING OF REFLECTION Feeling the Embrace of God's Love during the Holy Year of Mercy The pope has declared a Holy Year of Mercy beginning on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception on December 8th. But what is a holy year? Is it a year in which the Cubs get to the playoffs? Hard to believe, but maybe it's something even more special! And what is mercy? Is it allowing your spouse to think they're right even though you know better? Come find out as Greg Kozak leads us through an evening of education and reflection on God's loving mercy. The evening will take place on Sunday, December 6th from 6:00pm to 7:30pm, which means you should be home in time to watch the exciting Colts vs. Steelers game. Greg Kozak has received both a Masters in Divinity and a Licentiate in Sacred Theology (a fancy name for the advanced degree necessary to teach in the seminary) from the University of St. Mary of the Lake. He is married and has two teenaged children all of whom are more than happy for him to spend an evening out of the house and at St. Theresa. He is currently the VP of R&D and Innovation, and the CIO at the Lake Forest Graduate School of Management and has spent the past 25 years teaching the Church's newest Catholics in the RCIA program at various parishes. He has given talks, retreats, and missions throughout the Archdiocese as well as New Zealand and Australia. WOMEN’S CLUB FALL ASSEMBLY Father Tim and several members of the St. Theresa Women’s Club attended the October 24, 2015, Archdiocese Council of Catholic Women Fall Assembly Breakfast. This was a very well attended event with over 400 in attendance from parishes throughout the archdiocese. Our own Jennifer Summerhill was honored with all the Women of the Year. Although Archbishop Cupich was unable to attend, it was a lovely program including the 2015 Scholarship winner, musical entertainment and acknowledgement of all the programs and events of the ACCW. 4 523 Babies Saved from Abortion, Chicago Abortion Clinic Shut Down during “40 Days for Life”! God bless the parishioners of St. Theresa who fasted, prayed, and stood vigil as part of the Fall "40 Days for Life" Campaign. God blessed your efforts with hundreds of lives saved worldwide and an abortion clinic shut down permanently in Chicago. The Family Planning Associates abortion facility shut its doors for good on October 17 during the 40 Days for Life campaign taking place 24 hours a day, 7 days a week outside its walls. The Illinois Dept. of Health revoked their license in March, but the facility continued operating until this month. Praise God for the victory He brought! Sadly, the battle continues as nearly 4000 children lose their life to abortion every day. If you'd like to join the fight, consider joining the St. Theresa Respect Life Team who acts and educates on life issues of every stage. Contact Maria Goldstein: Page 12 Page 13 SAVE THE DATE!!! Many thanks to those that donated to the Giving Tree for the 2016 Green & Gold Gala. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Special thanks to Margery Katalinich and Jennifer Marshall for the beautiful Autumn Giving Tree display. Green & Gold donations will be gratefully accepted at the school or Pauline Center until March 30, 2016. For information, donation ideas or questions, please contact or call (847) 359-1820, ext. 242. 4th Annual AFC / NFC Championship Party January 24th, 2016 (the Sunday AFTER the Martin Luther King Holiday) Volunteers needed (Hours qualify for student service hours) Contact Tom Attak - Save the date for our Green & Gold Gala, “An Evening at the Races”, on April 30, 2016. All proceeds benefit St. Theresa Parish School. We hope to see you there! We thank the sponsors who help to make the bulletin cost-free. For information on ads, contact J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.1-800-566-6170 The Catholic Community of St. Theresa Parish PARISH ADDRESS: 455 N. Benton St., Palatine, IL 60067 Parish Website: Phone: 847-358-7760 Fax: 847-202-8941 Sundays: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 and 11 :30 AM Weekdays: 6:30 and 8:00 AM Saturday: 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM (Vigil) SCHOOL ADDRESS: 445 N. Benton St., Palatine, IL 60067 School Website: Office: 847-359-1820 Fax: 847-705-2084 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday: 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM Friday: 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM Saturday: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Sunday: 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM MASS SCHEDULE ST. THERESA PARISH MISSION STATEMENT The mission of St. Theresa Parish is to share Christ with others through the sacraments, education, prayer and service. NEW PARISHIONERS PARISH COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Welcome to St. Theresa. We invite you to contact the parish secretary and/or speak with a Greeter before Sunday Mass for information on registration. Also, please visit the parish website and view the Welcome Info button for helpful information. Parish Pastoral Council: Leo Miklius Board of Specified Jurisdiction (School Board): Tom Paar Finance Council: Jerry Sara Religious Education Board: Frank Annerino VISITATION OF THE SICK BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY / MINISTERS OF CARE TO THE SICK If you or a family member are in a local hospital and would like a visit from a priest, please call the Parish Office. Those who are homebound can also make arrangements to receive communion on a regular basis by calling the Ministry of Care, 847-358-7760. Deacon Stephen Norys, 847-358-7760 ext. 110 SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, HOLY GHOST COUNCIL: Saturdays at 12:30-1:30 PM or by appointment. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptism is celebrated at 1:00 PM on the first and third Sundays of the month. Parents are asked to arrive at 12:45 PM. Parents must take part in preparation classes before the Baptism takes place. Please call the Parish Office to make arrangements. Parents are required to attend the classes before the baby is born. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS and ALTAR SERVERS Marie Paul, or 847-358-7760 ext. 119 Jim Arns, 2nd Monday of month, 7:30 PM Lower Dolan Center MARIAN ROSARY and MASS: Mondays at 7:00 PM, in the church OUR LADY of FATIMA DEVOTIONS: First Saturday of month after the 8:00 AM Mass CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP: Wednesdays at 7:30 PM in the Pauline Center; Deacon Lou Riccio Arrangements must be made at least six months in advance. Please call the Parish Office to make an appointment with a priest. No other plans should be finalized until then. REACH (Special Religious Education for Adults) SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK Maria Goldstein, 1st Tuesday of the month, 7:00 PM in the Pauline Center This sacrament offers the Lord's healing strength and peace to anyone who is seriously or chronically ill, hospitalized or about to have surgery. Please call the Parish Office if you wish to have someone receive this sacrament. SACRAMENT FOR ADULTS The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Anyone interested in joining the Catholic Church or wanting information about the Catholic Church is asked to call Deacon Larry Schumacher at 847-358-7760 ext. 363. Baptized, adult Catholics who have not received the Sacraments of Eucharist or Confirmation and wish to, call Deacon Schumacher. Deacon Rich and Kathie Pizzato RESPECT LIFE, life ST. THERESA WOMEN’S CLUB: Liz Gawlik SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT de PAUL Last Monday of month, 7:00 PM, in Pauline Center WEDDING REHEARSAL MINISTRY: Mary Vaughan YOUTH MINISTRY Nancy Brinckerhoff Kathy Ferry Maureen Ross Rev. Matthew Jamesson For Bulletin: For Scheduling:
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