St. William
St. William
2600 N. Sayre, Chicago, Illinois 60707 St. William RECTORY STAFF Rev. Robert J. Lojek, Pastor - ext. 13 Deacon Dennis Colgan Deacon Edward Simola Deacon John Ponce De Leon Laszlo Katona, Principal - ext. 35 Martin Wojtulewicz, Bus Mgr. - ext. 17 Terry Robertson, Rel Ed. -ext. 27 Robert Mather, Organist Kathy Rudy, Secretary-ext. 10 email: Daughters of Divine Love/Convent: 773/622-2434 or 773/385-6670 RECTORY HOURS: Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Evening Hours Monday—Friday: 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (Closed Tuesday morning till 12:00) Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon RECTORY OFFICE: 773/637-6565 RECTORY FAX: 773/637-7042 SCHOOL OFFICE: 773/637-5130 SCHOOL FAX: 773/745-4208 FI A CE: 773/637-6565 x14 SCHOOL WEB: EW PARISHIO ERS: Welcome!! Please register at Rectory. PARISH WEB: www.stwilliamelmwoodpark. E-MAIL: January 13, 2013 *** The Baptism of the Lord St. William January 13, 2013 MASS INTENTIONS SUNDAY, JANUARY 13—The Baptism of the Lord 7:30am Theodore Samojla—(Death Anniv) Steve Rice Nora & Tony Tarpey Frank & David Gallo Arlene Ashoff 9:00am Jeno Katona Virginia Goggin -Good Health Blessing 10:30pm Polish Antoni Urbaniak Zmarlych Rodzicow i zmarlych z Rodzny Urbaniak Mari Puchala -(3rd Death Anniv) Bogu Wiadomej Halina Garbowski 12:00pm Larry O’Donnell Keating Family Nancy Hycner—Good Health Blessing MONDAY, JANUARY 14 8:15am Jerry Misek TUESDAY, JANUARY 15 8:15am Smaciarzow Family WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16 8:15am Rafal & Meta Klonowski Casey Pietrzyk 6:00pm Polish Andrzej Skokowski THURSDAY, JANUARY 17—St. Anthony 8:15am Willie Jordan FRIDAY, JANUARY 18 8:15am Jeno Katona Wroblow Family SATURDAY, JANUARY 19 8:15am Charles Fleming (Death Anniv) 9:00am Polish Andrzej Skokowski Henryk Marek 4:30pm Regi Daren LITURGICAL CELEBRATION EUCHARISTIC LITURGY: Saturday: 8:15 a.m. & 4:30 p.m. Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 (Polish) & 12:00pm Monday - Saturday: 8:15 a.m. Mass with rosary starting at 7:30 a.m. Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help on Wednesday after English & Polish Mass Polish Mass: Saturday 9:00 a.m., Sunday 10:30a.m. and Wednesday 6:00 p.m. Civic Holidays: 9:00 a.m. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Every Thursday from Noon—5:30p.m. 3:00pm Chaplet of Divine Mercy-Polish 5:15pm Chaplet of Divine Mercy-English followed by Benediction SACRAMENTAL LIFE BAPTISM: One Preparation Class is required. The Class will meet on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. in the Rectory. Baptism is celebrated on the second and fourth Sunday of the month, attend Noon Mass then Baptism immediately following. MARRIAGES: An appointment should be made with one of the priests or deacons at least six months prior to the wedding. This should be done before a date or banquet hall is reserved. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday: 3:30—4:15 p.m. You may also call the rectory for an appointment. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: Call the Rectory for a priest. Please do not wait until the person is unconscious or near death. COMMUNION CALLS: If you or someone you love would like to receive Communion, call the rectory to make arrangements for regular visits. BULLETIN ARTICLES Articles are due on Friday by Noon, before the following Sunday. Articles can run 1—2 weeks. THOUGHTS FROM DEACON ED… "NO" is one of the few words that can never be misunderstood. St. William Page Three WEEK AT A GLANCE Amount needed weekly to cover our budgeted expenses is: $6,500 Budget for Weekly Collection .……………....$6,500 Weekend Collection 1/6/13....………............. $6,265 ` Under $-235 Christmas Collection……………………..…$18,145 Building Renovation………………………….$1,947 January 1st- Solemnity of Mary………...…....$3,243 Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! Please remember St. William Parish in your will! THANK YOU! We are sincerely grateful to those who give regularly and generously of their treasure as well as those who give of their time and talent to support the work of St. William Parish. May God Bless You!! BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION We are collecting Box Tops for Education and ask the entire parish to help out. Please send Box Tops to school or church Box Tops are collected throughout the school year and each one is worth 10 cents. The money raised will be used to update educational resources, such as text- THANK YOU On behalf of the Louis Ricchio Family, we would like to thank everyone for their prayers and support of our family. Louie loved his parish and those who support it. The Ricchio Family Sunday, January 13 2nd Collection: Latin America 10:00am—1:00pm RCIA Classes –School Rm 315 12:30—3:30pm Youth Group Mtg –Liebrich Hall Monday, January 14 10:00am—1:00pm Seniors Group –Liebrich Hall 7:30—9:00pm Knights Board Mtg –Teacher’s Lnge 7:00—9:00pm School Board Mtg –School Library Tuesday, January 15 7:00—8:30pm Sports Com Mtg –School Library Wednesday, January 16 12:15 –1:15pm School Mass practice –Church 6:30—9:00pm RCIA Confirmation Prep –Rm 315 7:00—9:00pm Choir Practice –Church Thursday, January 17 Noon—5:30pm Eucharistic Adoration –Church 3:00pm Divine Mercy Chaplet/ Polish –Church 5:15pm Divine Mercy Chaplet/ English –Church 6:15—9:15pm Girl Scouts –Rm 315 7:00—8:30pm Boy Scout Troop 49 –Liebrich Hall Friday, January 18 8:15am All School Mass –Church 6:00—9:30pm Cub Scout Pk 3049 –Liebrich Hall Saturday, January 19 3:30—5:30pm Polish Boy Scouts.—Liebrich Hall 6:00—9:00pm Pinewood Derby Set Up –Liebrich Hall Please Pray for our Deceased Josephine Parker PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK Amanda Bert Danuta owak Lyla Bandy Mary Balducci Lou DeSalvo Loretta Cordova Paul Cordova Jim Andrle Mary Berardi Marge Colgan Berniece Taylor Bobby Taylor Maria Hinojosa Richard Savage Frank Livorsi TABERNACLE LIGHTS CAREGIVER POSITION WANTED Experienced woman caregiver is seeking full time or part time position taking care of an elderly person. 16 years experience with excellent references. Please call Janina at 773557-8287. Katia & Casey Pietrzyk ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK: DAPPS KITCHEN RESTAURANT Thanks for your sponsorship! See ad in the back of the bulletin. Page Four St. William PRE-LENTEN MISSION Save the Dates! February 3, 4 & 5 7:00 PM St. William Church along with St. Celestine and St. Cyprian are joining together for a Pre-Lenten mission. The theme will be “ o Greater Love”: Reflections on the Seven Last Words of Jesus, presented by Friar Johnpaul Cafiero, OFM. Friar Johnpaul, will lead us in reflections on the seven last words of Jesus in his engaging and informative style. His storytelling and humor bring to life the message of Jesus’ words to us, his disciples today. Topics such as: faith and doubt, addictions and conversion, depression and surrender, death and new life will be explored. An enjoyable and faith strengthening experience for junior high students through senior citizens. Come; bring a friend or family member for an hour and a half they will not soon forget. Hospitality will be served after the service. The Mission will take place at St. William Church. CARDINAL GEORGE ON RELIGIOUS FREEDOM Cardinal George has begun a series of talks on religious freedom in each of the vicariates. The Cardinal will engage parishioners about the importance of the religious freedom issues with respect to the new mandates and regulations surrounding the health care laws. There will be time for people to discuss and ask questions. Vicariate IV is on January 14 at 7:00pm at St. Domitilla Church, 4940 Washington Street, Hillside. Phone: 708/449-8430. Football Mania Winners! Week #16 – No Winning Ticket Week #17 - #2445-2A039 for $100.00 Thank you for playing Football Mania and supporting St. William School. $700.00 was paid out to our winners! ST. WILLIAM SCHOOLS CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK Take a chance on St. William School –participate in our annual cash raffle! Tickets cost $2 each and 10 prizes totaling $3,000 will be awarded: one $1,500, one $750, one $300, two $100, and five $50 prizes. Sheets of raffle tickets are available by the church doors or Rectory and can be returned to the school or the rectory. The drawing will be held on Friday, February 1, the last day of our Catholic Schools Week celebration. Thank you for supporting St. William School and its students! ATTENTION SENIORS St. William Seniors will hold their next meeting on Monday, January 14th. The meeting starts at 10:00am in Liebrich Hall. There will be coffee and, bingo and other games. All seniors welcome! WE THE PEOPLE OF GOD—Vatican Council II Sunday, January 20, 2013, 1:00 to 4:30 PM St. Giles Parish, McDonough Hall, 1025 Columbian Avenue in Oak Park Among all the nations of the earth, there is but one People of God.” ( Lumen Gentium, document of the Second Vatican Council) Convened by Pope John XXIII, a man greatly revered throughout the world, the Council worked to update and renew a church in need of reform. Among its most significant proclamations, we were all given the dignifying title, The People of God. We are gathering to remember, celebrate and reignite the flame of joy brought by the Spirit that burned so brightly during those days of liberation, refreshment and empowerment. An interfaith panel of guests will speak about the effects the Council has had in their lives. Donation requested. Refreshments will be served. For further information and registration, please contact: Dorothy Doherty, 708-524-0727 or e-mail at MIDLIFE CATHOLIC SINGLES RETREAT Mid-life Singles (mid-30s to 50s): register today for a life-changing weekend retreat at the Cardinal Stritch Retreat House, Mundelein, on Feb 22-24, 2013. Cost is just $175 for meals and a single room. Take a chance and get involved... you won't regret it! Call (312) 532-8286, e-mail, or visit for details. St. William Page Five ARCHDIOCESE OF CHICAGO Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. William, Happy New Year! One more time, I would like to thank you all for your kind and generous donations for the Christmas collection of $18,145, and for supporting this parish. I would also like to thank the Ushers, Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Choir members, volunteers who cleaned the church with Sr. Noemi and the decorators. From deep in my heart I appreciate all you do. I am so proud of this parish and proud to be your pastor. Please save the following dates: February 3, 4 & 5 for our pre-Lenten Mission at 7:00pm in church. We have a very special guest preacher, Friar Johnpaul Cafiero, and we are honored to have him at our church. Please invite family and friends to attend this wonderful, first time event! The mission is sponsored by St. William, St. Cyprian and St. Celestine so we expect a very full church, please come early! Check out Friar Johnpaul’s website for info. More good news: although we have just finished the 2012 Annual Catholic Appeal, we have received the materials for 2013’s Annual Catholic Appeal! I do not have the final tally of 2012, the Archdiocese will let us know by the end of January. Our goal for 2013 is $22,393.00. Once we reach this goal, every dollar over is returned to our parish. It is again, so important that every parishioner give something to the Appeal. If you received an Appeal letter from the Cardinal, you can either mail it or drop it in the collection basket for the parish to send in. If you mail it, please mark your check for St. William Parish or we will not get credit. Catholic Schools Week begins January 27th with 9:00am Family Mass and open house at the school. All are invited. The second collection today is for Latin America but no envelope was in your packet; you can pick up the special envelope at church. There are many mass openings for 2013. Please remember not only your deceased loved ones but also the sick, birthday’s, Anniversary’s, graduation, Baptisms, etc. God Bless you all and please stay healthy! -Fr. Robert Lojek January 6, 2013 Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ, As thousands of young people in the United States and around the world prepare to attend World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro, nearly 25,000 young people in nearby Maraba, Brazil, are struggling to subsist surrounded by a world of violence, poverty and little hope for the future. Fortunately, the parishioners of Nossa Senhora de Nazare parish in Maraba have begun a series of programs targeted at these youth enabling them to grow in their relationship with Christ and acquire skills to break the cycle of poverty that encircles them. The parish was able to provide for these programs as the result of funding from the Collection for the Church in Latin America. In twenty-two countries of South America and the Caribbean, funds from this collection provide the assistance that individual parishes need to sustain and enrich the faith of their parishioners. Additionally, your generosity will assist in the formation of seminarians, permanent deacons, religious sisters and brothers, and lay ministers of the Gospel. Please know that I am grateful for your support and generosity. During the upcoming season of Lent, you and those you love will be in my prayers; please keep me in yours. Sincerely yours in Christ, Frances Cardinal George, O.M.I Archbishop of Chicago BULLETIN AD SPACE! We will sell ad space in the bulletin, for jobs wanted and help needed for $5 per week. Unfortunately, we do not have the space for apartments and home sales. Page Six St. William Ministry Schedule for the Weekend of January 19 & 20, 2013 Saturday 4:30pm 1/19/13 Sunday 7:30am 1/20/13 Sunday 9:00am 1/20/13 Sunday 10:30am Polish 1/20/13 Sunday 12:00pm 1/20/13 PRIEST Fr. Robert Lojek Fr. Gerry Kelly Fr. Robert Lojek Fr. Filip Fr. Robert Lojek DEACON John Ponce de Leon LECTOR Carolyn Paprocki EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Marcia Samocki Florence Wajda Carol Konrath Sr. Rosita Don Hoffman Ed Simola Dan Krupa Religious Ed Sr. Miriam Mercy Giovanni Balingit Louise Steppan Bernie Gawlinski Sr. Renetta Mary Matz Sr. Magdalene Duane Dupee Bill Sanderson CUP MINISTERS ALTAR SERVERS Dennis Colgan Sr. Noemi Sr. Patrycja Toni Klinicki Terry Robertson David Marquez Margaret Walsh Lu Consolino Marcy Trausch Estrella Arzadon I. Marquez S. Konrath A. Aguirre D. Padua M. Jachym P. Steppan K. Delgado A. Delgado A. Petitti M. Williams K. Walsh M. Walsh WIZARD OF OZ AUDITIONS The Rising Stars Theatre Co. announces open auditions for our spring musical "The Wizard of Oz". Seeking a large cast of children, teens and adults ages 8 and up. Auditions held at 2559 N. Sayre, Chicago. Auditions are: Children 8-12 years old- Saturday, January 26 from 9am-11am. Teens and adultsages 13 and up: Saturday January 26 from noon-2pm and Sunday January 27 from 2pm-6pm. No appointment needed. All roles open. No pay. Teens and adults prepare 32 bars of an uptempo song. Bring sheet music in your key. Be prepared to dance and possibly read from the script. Children will be taught a song and simple dance steps. Performances are Saturdays and Sundays from April 20-May 5. For more information please visit or call 773-736-2490. PARISHIONER NEEDS A RIDE An elderly parishioner in the vicinity of Medill and Neva is in need of a ride to and from Mass. She would be grateful to attend any English mass. If you would be willing to accommodate this lady, please call the rectory at 773/637-6565 ext. 10, for more information. God Bless you! KO FERE CJE W ROKU WIARY W KOŚCIELE ŚW.WILLIAMA W każdą środe od stycznia 9,2013--pazdziernika 16,2013r w naszym Kościele odbędą się wyklady na temat : Rok Wiary, Sobór Watykański II , Katechizm Kościoła Katolickiego. Każde spotkanie poprzedzać będzie Msza Św. o godz. 6:00P.M. z nowenną do M.B.Nieustającej Pomocy. Tematy spotkań na poszczególne tygodnie w miesiącu styczniu i lutym: Styczeń 23—Wprowadzenie/Wyznanie Czlowiek jest otwarty na Boga. Luty 06—Wyznanie Wiary: naprzeciw człowiekowi. Bóg wiary: wychodzi Luty 20—Wyznanie Wiary: Człowiek odpowiada Bogu. Luty 27—Wyznanie Wiary: Wirzę w Boga Ojca. Zapraszamy wszystkich do wzięcia udziału w tych przygotowanych wykladach właczając się modlitwą indywidualną,medytacją Słowa Bożego i poprzez doświadczenie działania Bożego w liturgii. LUTYUROCZYSTOŚĆ M.B.GROM ICZ EJ--SPOTKA IE OPŁATKOWE . BOŻE ARODZE IE to czas szczególnego budowania wspólnoty z Bogiem i bliznimi. Parafia Św.Williama zaprasza członków Kół Różańcowych i wszystkich chętnych parafian oraz gości na OPŁATEK i śpiewanie kolęd. Spotkanie rozpocznie sie MSZA ŚW. z poświęceniem świec o. godz.6:00p.m. w naszym Kościele a następnie zapraszamy na obiad do sali parafialnej. Bilety są już dostępne w biurze parafialnym lub w zakrystii w cenie $15 od osoby. Serdecznie zapraszamy. Ks.Dziekan Robert Lojek Proboszcz i siostry Albertynki KURS PRZEDMAŁŻEŃSKI Kurs przedmałżeński w naszej parafii rozpocznie sie 10 lutego, 2013 roku. Wszystkich zaintersowanych prosimy o kontakt z biurem parafilanym pod numerem telefonu 1 773 637 6565 wew 13. Rozpoczęły się juz zapisy na ten kurs. CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. William Church #947950 2600 N. Sayre Avenue Chicago, IL 60707 TELEPHONE 773 637-6565 EXT. 10 or 0 CONTACT PERSON Kathy Rudy EMAIL: SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat X Windows 7 PRINTER Ricoh Aficio MP 161 TRANSMISSION TIME Wednesday 3:00PM SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION January 13, 2013 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 8 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
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