09/14/2014 (English) - Church of the Incarnation


09/14/2014 (English) - Church of the Incarnation
Office Phone: (434) 973-4381 Fax: (434) 973-1757 E-Mail: office@incarnationparish.org Website: www.incarnationparish.org
Fr. Gregory Kandt, Pastor ~ Fr. Edwin Montanez, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Mr. Christopher Morash, Deacon ~ Rev. Mr. Thomas Healey, Deacon ~ Rev. Mr. Bernard Taylor, Deacon
Growing in Christ and Living Our Faith through Relationships
September 14, 2014 – The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Readings: Numbers 21:4b-9–Philippians 2:6-11– John 3:13-17
OFFICE HOURS: 8:30am-2:00pm Monday
8:30am–4:30pm Tuesday–Friday
(Closed: 12:20–12:50pm daily)
Monday–Friday: Mass times on page 2
Saturday: 5:30pm
Sunday: 9:00am, 11:30am & 4:30pm – English
1:30pm- Español
Nursery: 9:00am, 11:30am & 1:30pm
Saturday 4:30–5:00pm or by appointment
Sunday 12:45-1:15pm (Español) or by appointment
Maintenance Reserve Fund
Saving for the Future
Thank you for your support!
Incarnation Night at BAJA BEAN on Tuesday,
September 16, 5:00-7:30pm, across from Samʼs Club.
A portion of the proceeds help support our Parish!
A New Parishioners Welcome Dinner will be held Saturday,
September 27, (following the 5:30pm Mass) from 6:45pm to
8:30pm in the Parish Hall. All recently registered parishioners
are invited. If you have joined the parish in the past year and
have not attended a welcome reception, please call the Parish
Office for more information. We would be happy to have you
attend the reception and meet Fr. Gregory, our Parish Staff,
and other members of this very special Incarnation family!
Children welcome! Please donʼt miss this event, youʼll be
glad you came!
Our next TNT (Theater ʻNʼ Theology) takes
place on Friday, September 26, beginning
promptly at 7:00pm. All are welcome to come
watch a movie in our Incarnation Movie Theater
(the “Stone Chapel”) with comfortable seating and
large projection. Afterwards (the “Theology” part),
we discuss the movieʼs relevance to our life in Christ. Our
September feature is the 2005 film The Prize Winner of
Defiance, Ohio. Itʼs an inspirational true story about Evelyn
Ryan, who, in order to support her ten children, enters a
commercial jingle-writing contest.
Stars Julianne Moore,
Woody Harrelson, and Laura Dern. Rated PG-13. Childcare
can be available for a modest fee if reserved at the Parish
Office by September 22. Facilitated by Fr. Gregory. All are
welcome! Come watch a great movie with your brothers and
sisters in Christ!
(People And Congregations Engaged in Ministry) We are blessed, once again, with an
opportunity to serve the homeless men of
Charlottesville through PACEM. Help us
provide warm and caring hospitality in the PAC November 15
through November 28. If you are interested in serving on the
Planning Committee to prepare for PACEM please contact
Tom Eckman at 295-3015 or email : Eckmantj@hotmail.com
students who want to deepen their
faith: J-Walking is a small-group,
hands-on experiment in Gospel living.
Itʼs a relationship-based journey that goes against the flow,
takes unconventional paths, crosses social boundaries, and
helps you gain insightful perspectives. Through immersion,
reflection, prayer, and dialogue, weʼll learn together what it
means to become a disciple of Christ in our community. For
more information, visit our parish website or contact Patrick or
Sheila in the Parish Office.
… all violations of the integrity of the human person, such as
mutilation, physical and mental torture, undue psychological
pressures… are criminal…
--Vatican II,
Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World #27
Deacon Chris Morash: deaconchris@incarnationparish.org
MASS INTENTIONS: September 13-21
13: 5:30
Roberta Scott
14: 9:00
Lagratta Mitchell
(Patricia & Elliot Mininberg)
(Mary & Bill Balsam)
Would you like to relive the excitement, romance and passion
from your honeymoon? Rekindle that spark on a Worldwide
Marriage Encounter Weekend. The next weekend is Oct 10-12
in Norfolk. For more information or to apply, visit our website at
applications@renewmarriage-vasouth.org or 757-483-3209.
next Menʼs Breakfast will be on Saturday,
October 4, beginning at 8:30am. Sharing
testimony with us will be our brother in Christ,
Steven Sisman. Come for a delicious free breakfast and
fellowship with your brothers in Christ.
Jennie & Dante Maffeo
(Cathy Buraghi)
1:30 Missa Pro Populo
4:30 Missa Pro Populo
15: 12:15 Missa Pro Populo
16: 12:15 Anthony Rives (COTI)
17: 2:00* Missa Pro Populo
18: 12:15 Missa Pro Populo
19: 12:15 Missa Pro Populo
20: 5:30 Paul & Angela Mahoney
21: 9:00
(Cottrell Family)
(Tom & Nancy Strassburg)
spiritual seekers for an Introduction to Centering Prayer
Workshop, Sat., Sept. 20 from 9:00am to 3:00pm at
Westminster-Canterbury of the Blue Ridge in Charlottesville.
Space is limited. RSVP to liz.adam@wc-br.org or 434-9722560. Bring your own lunch, or, purchase a box lunch with
beverage for $10.
MENʼS CURSILLO RETREAT: October 16-19, at Camp
long weekend with God and other men who want to deepen
their relationship with God and enrich the way you live out your
faith each and every day. The weekend will be led by a team
of Catholic men who have made a Cursillo weekend before,
along with Fr. Dan Bain and Ms. Patty Huffman participating
as spiritual directors. Mass and prayers will be held each day,
along with engaging talks on specific issues of Catholic
Christian living. Cost: $60.00 (donations will be accepted at
the end of the weekend to allow others to go on
a Cursillo Weekend). For info and downloadable applications,
visit the Valley Cursillo website: www.valleycursillo.com or, if
you do not have computer access, call Rob and Ann Michel
at 434-978-3954. Applications deadline: Friday, October 3.
Missa Pro Populo
Matthew & Chelsea Powell
(Special Intention- The Loving Hearts)
THE ST. ANSELM INSTITUTE for Catholic Thought will
sponsor its first free public lecture of the season on Thurs.,
Sept. 25, at 5:15pm in the auditorium of Minor Hall on the UVA
grounds. William Cavanaugh, Professor of Theology, DePaul
University, will speak on “Economics and Christian Desire:
Milton Friedman, St. Augustine, and the Local Development of
a Global Moral Economy.”
Ceyda Aquirre
(Gabriella & Lilliana Family)
Affinity Program designed for parishioners of Church of the
Incarnation provides discounts on cemetery services. For
more information please contact Lin McConnell (parishioner),
Family Service Counselor at (434) 296-5682, or pick up
information in the Parish Office.
Lorraine Rath
Mass at the Laurels
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Thursday, 1:00 – 9:00pm
The flowers adorning the altar this weekend
are offered to the glory of God and
in loving memory of
Gaylie Grindheim Lund
(Gloria Grindheim DʼAlessandro)
Peace is a nursing home right next door to the
Incarnation parishioners support a Sunday
afternoon Mass there as sacristans, lectors,
communion ministers and musicians. At this
time there there is a need for additional help in the Music
Ministry. This requires an ability to play the piano, but
certainly not at the virtuoso level. The residents are very
grateful for this ministry. I am often told "You should hear us
trying to sing with no accompaniment!". For further
information, please contact Rich Lacasse at 971-4651 or
HEALTH MINISTRY will hold its fall meeting
on Wed., Sept.17 at 7:00pm in room 21. We
will be planning the presentation Medications
Made Easy for the Parish as well as PACEM
foot care in November. Anyone with an interest in participating
in these events is welcome to attend.
We are especially looking for a pharmacist to assist with
Medications Made Easy. If you are a pharmacist and are
interested but cannot attend the meeting, contact Therese
Gibson at 296-3943 or therese22903@gmail.com.
Bulletin printing sponsored by courtesy of Gary Albert, State Farm Agent 434-296-1222
SEPTEMBER 14, 2014
Charlottesville Catholic Worker ~ Casa Alma
For the weekend of September 6/7:
General Offertory
Debt Reduction
Other Income
Amount needed for budget*
$ 1,713.50
$ 1,337.00
$ 1,742.01
$ 843.56
Maintenance Reserve Fund (Restricted) $80,196.81
Parish Reserve Savings Account
Haiti Ministry (Restricted)
*Based on FY 14-15 budget of $1,084,805
Sheila Herlihy: sheilah@incarnationparish.org
COMMUNITY SUPPER: Friday September 19, 6:30pm. Bring
a dish to share or a bag of beans/rice. All are welcome!
SERVICE DAY: Saturday, September 27, 10:00am-12:30pm.
Join us for work in the gardens and with the animals. Please
RSVP to cvillecw@gmail.com. We hope to see you soon.
Charlottesville Catholic School ~ CCS
CCS 5K & KIDSʼ FUN RUN: Sat. Sept. 27 at the school; visit
www.cvillecatholic.org/5K to register or for information.
TOURNAMENT is Mon., Oct. 13 at Glenmore Country Club;
visit www.cvillecatholic.org/golf2014 to register or sponsor this
FOOD MINISTRY: If you are interested in offering your time to
this ministry, please contact Sheila. If you prefer donating
food, we accept all items in the basket in the Narthex. The
item of the week is an easy thing to add to your shopping list,
to reach out to those in need you can bring this item, or
anything else you want to donate, to church Sunday. ITEM OF
THE WEEK is 2lb bags of pinto beans.
ANGEL OF THE WEEK: Thank you to Mrs. Grant, one of our
wonderful Pre-K teaching assistants for all of your assistance
in the classrooms and throughout the school these past
CROSSING BORDERS: We are starting a JustFaith module
focusing on the teaching of the Catholic Church in regards to
immigration. With the current state of the country and the
world, with fear dominating much of our nationʼs responses, itʼs
important to bring Jesusʼ example into the debate, and learn
about loving and compassionate possibilities. Classes begin
September 25, Thursday evenings through November 13. If
you would like to register, please talk to Kathy Kelly
Substitute Teachers: CCS welcomes applications from
teachers who would like to become a part of our substitute
pool. Wonderful children, flexible hours, and a great working
environment are a guarantee!
OPEN POSITIONS: CCS has a few rewarding positions open
at this time. This is a unique professional opportunity to work
in a vibrant, faith-based community!
To everything there is a season and a time
for every purpose under heaven . . .
“. . . a time to be born . . .”
“. . . a time to be healed . . .”
The Christian
Appalachian Project (CAP) is an interdenominational, nonprofit Christian organization committed to serving the
impoverished people of the Appalachia. The Eastern Kentucky
region is in need of "gently used" fall and winter
clothing…..especially for children. We will be collecting the
clothing throughout the month of October. Place you donations
in or beside the CAP bin that is located in the Narthex and
write “CAP” on your boxes & bags of clothing. Thank you for
your generosity. If you have any questions, please contact
Dianne Gagliano at 964-1939. Thank you.
40 DAYS FOR LIFE - September 24 November 2. Join us in prayer for an
end to abortion. Stand peacefully and
unite in prayer with others from the greater Charlottesville area
during the 40-day vigil in the public right-of-way outside
Planned Parenthood at 2964 Hydraulic Road. Visit the
website: www.40daysforlife.com/charlottesville to sign up or
find out more. Visit the table in the Narthex or contact Nancy
Strassburg (nancys735@comcast.net or 434-973-3698) if you
have questions.
Gene Albro, Dorothea Anthony, Luke Balsam, Ann-Marie
Balwinski, Meg Bojarski, Frank & Rose Brinkac, Elaine
Bunch, Rose Byrne, Baby Mitchell Carder, Carla
Campbell, Rose Colasuonno, Pat Cook, Harry DeLeijer,
Susan DeMong, Evans DiSantis, Kay Dannals, John
Dovel, Alice &n Harold Dunbar, Nancy Floyd, Sandy
France, Joe Frisina, Alice Anne Garrett, Harry Gebhardt,
Muriel Grimm, Ben Guthrie, Chang Hahn, Taylor
Hathaway, Ines Hernandez, Joan & Randy Hobbs, Jean
Holienka, Bob Horan, Danielle Jones, Teresa Kabo, Gert
& Effie Keith, Helen Krespach, Tyler Lafferty, Karen
Lansing, Alan Leidecker,John Llewellyn Jr. & Sr., Paul
Lochli, MaryAnn March, Helen Miska, Vito Maltese, Amy
Martin, Chris Maslyk, Pat McCormick-Goodhart, Susan
McKeowin, Levi Miller, Ron Mohr, Frank OʼLeary, Paul
Peck, Chris Pericak, Robert Pomeroy, Katie Prendergast,
Ruth Ann Redmond, Chris & Jadea Riener, Josie & Patrick
Russamano, Ernie Sardi, Jennifer, David & Amelia
Scheer, Roger Scott,Tom & Lynn Shepherd, Naomi
Sissons, Brenda Shortall, Sandy Stevens, Lauren Taddei,
Grace Tonkin, Betty Vargas, Glenda Voelmeck, Heather
Wetzel, Betty White, Betty Worch, Peter Zappulla,
Marianne Zeigler
“. . . a time to love . . .”
“. . . a time to die . ..”
The KICKOFF RALLY will take place Tuesday, September 23,
at 5:30 pm in front of Planned Parenthood.
Jenny (Balsam) Christensen ~ Sister of Bill Balsam
RALLY FOR LIFE: Sept.18, 6:00-8:00pm, at St. Thomas will
include nationally known pro-life speaker, Jim Sedlak, from
American Life League. Includes a light buffet. All are welcome.
Joshua Ostrowski, Charles Pitt,
Christopher Reynolds, Chris Rowland
“. . . and a time of peace .”
Bulletin printing sponsored by courtesy of Gary Albert, State Farm Agent 434-296-1222
Twinning with the Little Brothers and Sisters of the Incarnation, Pandiassou, Haiti
Nancy Brinkac: nancyb@incarnationparish.org
CHRISTIAN FORMATION OPENING DAY FOR SUNDAY MORNING CLASSES: Thank you to all parents, catechists, coordinators,
staff, and behind-the-scenes workers for serving Christ on or before our kick-off Sunday. Due to your efforts many smiling faces will be
seen today in the Christian Formation classroom hallway.
Please get to know your child's catechist and partner with him or her this year in passing the faith to our children. Show them your
appreciation for their response to God, who called them by name to this ministry. Below is a list of catechists for 2014-15:
LC3 (LITTLE CHRISTIANS 3-year olds): Erica Shortridge, Assistant Caroline Keller, Coordinator: Kristin Albert
LC4: Melissa McCubbins, Martha Boahene, Ingrid Kliethermes, Coordinator: Jayme Rowland
KNA (Kindergarten); Robyn Mauney, Mary Nacey, Coordinator: Donna Mathes
Grade 1A: Jamie Crowe, Dhanya Babu; 1B: Christina Flamm, Joann Phillips
Grade 2A: Mary Waldemar, Kathy Hines; 2B: Patti McGraw, Molly McGraw, Assistant Michael McGraw;
2C: Leah Paladino, Nicole Strickland.
Grade 3A: Marlene and Steven Thomas; 3B: Carol McIntyre, Linda Watson
Grade 4A: Brian and Michelle Smith, Assistant Michaela Smith; 4B: Melissa Heuschel
Grade 5A: Steven Beaudoin and Sylvia Aponte de Beaudoin; 5B: Lynette Sanford, Tom Eckman
Children's Candidates: Lori Brodhead, Jose Cuenca
Hispanic Bilingual Pre-Sacrmental: (A) Jasmine Duarte (B) Angelica Duarte
Substitute Catechists: Mary Ellen Bambrick (LCs and grade 1); Lisa Lockwood and Adrienne Keller (elementary grades)
CATECHETICAL SUNDAY-September 21: Each year, the bishops of the United States set a theme for the Christian Formation
year. This year the theme is "Teaching about God's forgiveness." We will talk often, especially in our Grade 2 sacramental prep and
children's candidates classes, about offering, asking for, and accepting forgiveness. As a parent, won't you talk with your child about
forgiveness encouraging forgiveness in your family. Kindly remember that what takes place in your home provides a basis for what is
discussed in class.
TABLES OF SEVEN: After hearing the Word of God during Sunday liturgy, do you ever want to just talk to someone about it? Do you
have questions about how Scripture relates to your everyday life? Are so full of joy that you want to share how God's Word effected
you, or perhaps you just want to get to know other faith-filled people.
If you answered "yes" to any of the above, why not join others for Tables of Seven - 7 parishioners that is,
who informally gather in the Library (on your right in the classroom hallway) following the 9:00am liturgy
(beginning Sept. 21) to discuss the Scripture passages just heard at Mass. Emmausjourney.org guides to the Sunday Scripture
readings are used to facilitate the discussion. NO ONGOING COMMITMENT REQUIRED! Contact Janel Sennewald
at janelsenn@embarqmail.com with any questions!
As most of you know, working with children in the Catholic Church incurs some significant responsibilities for us
all. Protection of children is a very high priority for all of us. The current diocesan guidelines require that all
parishioners who work with children whether as paid staff or volunteers (catechists, coordinators, FIRE
facilitators, parents who help out with youth, etc.) must have a criminal background check every five years and
complete a Diocesan training course ("VIRTUS"), which consists of viewing a video on child abuse awareness
and follow-up discussion.
Don't miss this opportunity to complete a VIRTUS training session at these convenient locations:
Wed., Sept. 17, 6:00pm, Incarnation-Conference Room
Fri., Sept. 19, 9:00am, Charlottesville Catholic School-Library
Sessions last up to 3 hours.
Go to VIRTUSonline.org to register
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