Growing in Christ and Living Our Faith through Relationships
A ROMAN CATHOLIC COMMUNITY 1465 INCARNATION DRIVE CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 Office Phone: (434) 973-4381 Fax: (434) 973-1757 E-Mail: Website: Fr. Gregory Kandt, Pastor ~ Fr. Edwin Montanez, Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. Christopher Morash, Deacon ~ Rev. Mr. Thomas Healey, Deacon ~ Rev. Mr. Bernard Taylor, Deacon Growing in Christ and Living Our Faith through Relationships th June 30, 2013 – 13 Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings: 1 Kings 19:16b,19-21–Galatians 5:1,13-18–Luke 9:51-62 OFFICE HOURS: 8:30am-2:00pm Monday 8:30am–4:30pm Tuesday–Friday (Closed: 12:20–12:50pm daily) LITURGY SCHEDULE: Monday–Friday: Mass times on page 2 Saturday: 5:30pm Sunday: 9:00am, 11:30am & 4:30pm – English 1:30pm- Español Nursery: 9:00am,11:30am & 1:30pm SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday 4:30–5:00pm or by appointment Sunday 12:45-1:15pm (Español) or by appointment Stewardship Opportunity ~ Tree of Life Parishioners can permanently memorialize or honor a loved one, family member or a friend by making a donation for a leaf on our Tree of Life. The tree is located on the south wall of the Narthex. Enrollment forms are available next to the Tree of Life or in the Parish Office. Forms can be returned in the collection basket, to the Parish Office or mailed. Please make checks payable to Church of the Incarnation with Tree of Life on the memo line. Our summertime series of TNT (Theater ʻNʼ Theology) is featuring, in three parts over the summer months, the epic 1977 Franco Zeffirelli film Jesus of Nazareth. Maintaining the perfect balance between religious fervor and realism, this film depicts the life of Christ from His birth through His resurrection. It is acclaimed exceptional for its thorough Biblical and historical research written in consultation with leading Catholic and Jewish religious authorities. The film has an all-star cast including Robert Powell, Anne Bancroft, Ernest Borgnine, James Farentino, James Earl Jones, Stacy Keach, James Mason, Sir Laurence Olivier, Christopher Plummer, Anthony Quinn, Fernando Rey, Rod Steiger, Peter Ustinov, Michael York, and Olivia Hussey. Part II, on the three years of Jesusʼ public ministry of teaching, healing, and reconciling, will be shown on Friday, July 5, beginning promptly at 7:00pm. All are welcome to come to our Incarnation Movie Theater (the “Stone Chapel”) with comfortable seating, large projection, and good sound. Childcare can be available for a modest fee if reserved at the Parish Office by July 1. Come watch and discuss a great movie with your brothers and sisters in Christ! Facilitated by Fr. Gregory. There will not be Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Thursday, July 4. Scheduled Litnics Tuesday, July 2, at 6:30pm Casa Alma/Catholic Worker will host a litnic in Charlottesville. Please call Laura & Steve Brown at 409-0804 to let them know you will attend and to ask for directions. Friday, July 12, at 6:30pm Linda & Chip McConnell will host a litnic in their home in Belmont. Please call 529-8136 to let them know you will attend and to ask for directions. Tuesday, August 6, at 6:30pm Our Just Peacemaking group will host a litnic at the home of Kathy Kelly & Barry Bruce in Charlottesville. Please call 202-8165 to let them know you will attend and to ask for directions. Tuesday, August 20, at 6:30pm Kathleen & Aaron Olowin will host a litnic in their home in Charlottesville. Please call 975-3605 to let them know you will attend and to ask for directions. Wednesday, August 28, at 6:30pm Tif & Al Reynolds will host a litnic in their home in Charlottesville. Please call 9747465 to let them know you will attend and to ask for directions. The Parish Office will be closed on Thursday, July 4. Parish Food Ministry - Adopt-a-Family Collection Our Food Ministry continues to grow and serve more members of our city and surrounding areas--currently almost 80 families (started with ten in 2009!). We rely largely on your generosity to meet the food needs of our brothers and sisters experiencing hunger. The most needed items are canned chicken/tuna, canned refried beans, canned fruit, pasta/spaghetti, breakfast cereal, and canned tomatoes. Remember, next Sunday is our monthly Adopt-a-Family Collection Weekend! CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION …since sacred Scripture must be read and interpreted with its divine authorship in mind, no less attention must be devoted to the content and unity of the whole of Scripture, taking into account the Tradition of the entire Church and the analogy of faith, if we are to derive their true meaning from the sacred texts. WORSHIP Deacon Chris Morash: MASS INTENTIONS: June 29 - July 7 Saturday Sunday 29: 5:30 30: 9:00 Madeline DuBois (Hanley Family) Teresa & Erik Kabo-Special Intention (Mary & Bill Balsam) --Vatican II, 11:30 Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation, #12 SAVE THE DATE!!! Parish Directory 2013 Life Touch will be at Church of the Incarnation to take your family portrait in preparation for the 2013 edition of our Parish Directory on the following dates: August 20-24, August 27-31, and September 3-7. Hours: Tuesday through Friday 2:309:00pm and Saturday 10:00am-5:00pm. Each family having their picture taken will receive a FREE 8”x10” photograph and a FREE copy of the Directory. If you book your appointment online, you will also receive a $10 coupon towards the purchase of any photo package. For further information please check the bulletin in the coming weeks or visit our parish website: RACHELʼS VINEYARD RETREAT for healing after abortion will be held July 19-21 at The Well Retreat Center in Smithfield, VA sponsored by St. Joan of Arc Church. The weekend retreat includes spiritual exercises, the sacrament of reconciliation, a Memorial Service, and a Mass of Entrustment and is available to men, women, and any people who may have been adversely impacted by an abortion. Participation is strictly confidential and offers a beautiful opportunity to experience Godʼs love, forgiveness, and compassion. To register contact: Linda Riva at 757-887-3144; email: The cost is $185 for meals, private room, and all retreat materials. Financial assistance is available! Charlottesville Catholic School ~ CCS 434-964-0400 Fr. Bill LaFratta (Jim & Pat McCormick Goodhart) Monday Tuesday Wedʼday 1:30 4:30 1: 12:15 2: 6:30* 3: 12:15 Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 4: 5: 6: 7: Missa Pro Populo Missa Pro Populo Elena Toro (Margaret OʼBrien) Missa Pro Populo Mary Hotstetter & Susan Warner (Special Intention – Bob & Joanne Niehaus) 12:15 12:15 5:30 9:00 No Mass The Rives Fr. Ralph Hamlet (Karen Lansing) Rose & Gene Albro-Special Intention 11:30 Callie Robin Pierpont th (67 Wedding Anniversary) (Linda Borgo) 1:30 Missa Pro Populo 4:30 Missa Pro Populo 6:30* Lit-nic at Casa Alma WINE SUNDAY: We are very low in Mass wine. A reminder that several times a year, we ask each parish household to help replenish the supply of wine used at our Masses, by donating a bottle of RED WINE. You may bring it when you come to Liturgy, or drop it off at the Parish Office during the week. We ask that you DO NOT bring white, rosé, or sweet wines. Thank you. Charlottesville Catholic Worker ~ Casa Alma As the summer approaches, we are focused on completing the community house addition and caring for our gardens and animals. We have informal work days scheduled for selected Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays throughout the summer and could certainly use some helping hands. If you'd like to join us, please email us for details. OPEN HOUSES continue throughout the summer on July 7, August 4, and September 1 from 2:00-4:00pm. These are great times to stop by and visit, especially if you haven't seen Casa Alma in awhile. BECOME A PART OF CCS: If you would like your child to learn in a faith-filled, Catholic community with a vigorous academic curriculum, please consider visiting us in 2013! We continue to have limited spaces in grades Pre-K through Eighth grade for the upcoming school year. Please contact our Admissions Coordinator, Kim Emmert at 434-964-0400, email at to schedule a convenient time for you to visit and see what CCS is all about. Additionally, you may visit our website at to learn more about Charlottesville Catholic School and how your family can become a part of our nurturing community. Body: Get a good start. Eat breakfast every day. POSITIONS for 2013-2014: We are seeking individuals for the following teaching positions. For more info please visit –Spanish Teacher (Middle School & Elementary) –Middle School Social Studies Teacher. Mind: When you have too much to do and too little time, ask for help. Spirit: Find a place to serve someone experiencing some pain you have faced. Green: Give up paper subscriptions and go to the library. LIT-NIC: Tuesday, July 2 at 6:30pm. All are welcome to attend. Please bring a lawn chair and a dish to share! WELLNESS TIPS Bulletin printing sponsored by courtesy of Gary Albert, State Farm Agent 434-296-1222 13 TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 30, 2013 YOUTH MINISTRY FINANCIAL RESOURCES Patrick Drury: For the weekend of June 22/23 General Offertory Outreach Haiti Oklahoma Relief $ 7,390 $ 150 $ 105 $ 76 We kindly ask all parishioners to remember that the parish operates every day of the year. We appreciate your consistent giving, even while you are away on vacation. Thank you! 2012 Annual Diocesan Appeal Update We wanted to take this opportunity to let you know how gifts made to the Appeal are advancing the mission of our parish and our Diocese. When you have a moment, we encourage you to visit the Appeal website at There you will find more information on the Appeal including the 2012 Annual Report. Over 85% of our donors have already completed their pledge, and we want to thank you very much for fulfilling your commitment. If you made a pledge to the 2012 Appeal and still owe a balance, the Diocese will be sending one final reminder this month asking you to complete your pledge. Thank you for your continued support of the important ministries and programs that are made possible due to your generosity to the Annual Appeal. EVENTS & OPPORTUNITIES DIOCESAN JOB LIST: visit Click on “subscribe for job updates” to receive new notices. RICHMOND CATHOLIC ENGAGED ENCOUNTER and the Center for Marriage, Family, and Life extend the invitation for all to attend a half-day workshop on Saturday, July 13 from 8:3011:30am in Richmond called “Marriage 2.0: Living & Loving Our st Vocation in the 21 Century” at the Holiday Inn Koger Center (1021 Koger Center Blvd Richmond, Virginia 23235). Keynote speakers will be Msgr. Timothy Keeney, pastor of Saint Bede in Williamsburg, speaking on “The New Evangelization and Marriage Preparation” and Steve Cooper, co-founder and editorin-chief of Hitched ( speaking on “Managing Marriage Amidst the Social Media Madness.” The cost of the seminar is $25 per couple to attend. Babysitting may be available depending on the demand. Learn more and register at DISABILITY NETWORKING & AWARENESS WORKSHOP will be held at the Church of the Redeemer, Mechanicsville – Fri/Sat July 12-13: Friday 1:00-3:00pm or 6:00-8:00pm or Saturday 10:00-noon. These workshops are for anyone interested in how the greater Church wants to include individuals with disabilities. Hear about the goals of the Diocesan Disability Office, the collaboration with the Christian Formation Office, and the upcoming White Mass which honors the giftedness of individuals with disabilities. We welcome your input! All are invited. Please call or email April McNulty at 804 622-5206 or to make a reservation. PARISHWIDE RETREAT: Jacob Simons and Sarah Pedersen will be hosting a “thanksgiving retreat” July 28, 1:30-4:15pm, in the PAC, and everybody in the parish is invited! We are so grateful for all of the support we received this past year with NET ministries, and this retreat is one small way for us to return the favor. Please join us for a slide show, stories, reflection and prayer! Have questions? Email Sarah at YARD SALE: Sarah Pedersen will be organizing a yard sale to help fundraise money for a second year of service with NET Ministries ( Last year Sarah traveled to over 22 states and worked with over 6,000 young people, sharing the Gospel and helping them realize the Catholic faith is for them. The yard sale will be Sat., August 3 & Sun., August 4. Start gathering your gently used items now! Watch the bulletin for details about drop off times. Please contact Sarah at with questions. To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven . . . “. . . a time to be born . . .” “. . . a time to be healed . . .” Wayne Altstadt, Dorothea Anthony, Fr. Dan Bain, Bob Benzing, Ginnie Boucher, Stanley Brezinski, Frank Brinkac, Marilyn Buck, Elaine Bunch, Rose Byrne, Jude Campbell, Frances Cecalupo, Nancy Chambers, Vivian Chasin, Jenny Balsam-Christensen, Delores Coia, Richard Cook, Christine Cormier, Simon Cory, Meliton Costilla, Cox Family, Joe Crowley, John DʼCosta, Toni DelBene, Evans DiSantis, Kay Dannals, Thomas Eaton, Joe Feeley, Nancy Floyd, Mike Fitzpatrick, Alice Anne Garrett, Richard Gargett, Matthew Grimes, Ben Guthrie, Ines Hernandez, Kelly Hibbs, Jean Holienka, Morgan Huff, Ray Jacquin, Richard Jansen, Michelle Johnson, Maureen Knabb, Tippie Koenig, Helen Krespach, Tyler Lafferty, Alan Leidecker, John Llewellyn & John, Paul Lochli, Diane Lohrer, Amy Martin, Helen Miska, Vito Maltese, Lena Mariotti, Carmen Martindale, Chris Maslyk, Sophia Marie McCandlish, Susan McKeowin, Msgr. Chester Micheal, Levi Miller, Vito Morlino, Candice Morris, Ed Morris, Melanie Dinh Morrison, Stanley Narkon, Melvin Nash, Jenny & Chris Nygren, Frank OʼLeary, Kelly Owens, Patrick Paczkowski, Betty & Paul Peck, , Kathy Graf Pierce, Bob Pomeroy, Katie Prendergast, Leo Prosser, Rachel Reilly, Irene Reynolds, Chris & Jadea Riener, James Robins, Theresa Ruddy, Patrick Russamano, Sheri Sadero, Jennifer & David Scheer, Jessica Schnittka, Patricia Schuster, Roger Scott, Bill Shea, Tom Shepherd, Naomi Sissons, Brenda Shortall, Frank Stalzer, Matthew Sweeney, Jo Marie Tanzola, Glenda Voelmeck, Baby McKenna, Pat Velikov, John Vlasis, Jeanne Wagner, Ashlann Walter, Denise Washington, Lisa Weakley, Carole Wells, Rebecca West, Heather Wetzel, Marianne Zeigler “. . . a time to love . . .” “. . . a time to die . ..” Anna Cangialosi ~ Mother of Judy Cangialosi We celebrate the life of our parish! Please let us know if you are new to the parish, are moving from it, are celebrating a significant event or are in need of prayers. Rosemary Katherine Waaser “. . . and a time of peace .” Erin Moe Horsfall, Joshua Ostrowski, Charles Pitt, David Wallace Bulletin printing sponsored by courtesy of Gary Albert, State Farm Agent 434-296-1222 Twinning with the Little Brothers and Sisters of the Incarnation, Pandiassou, Haiti JUSTICE AND CHARITY MINISTRY Kristen Schenk: PARISH FOOD MINISTRY-TEAM MEMBERS NEEDED! In addition to your donations of food, we need more people to be a part of our Food Ministry team! There are many ways you can help: picking up bread/pastries from a bakery, helping prepare the bags of food, assisting with Sunday distribution, and more. Please contact Tom ( or Kristen to see how you can respond to your baptismal call to ministry and to serving those in need through the Food Ministry! GREEN CHRISTIAN FORMATION Nancy Brinkac: TEAM PRODUCE/PLANT SWAP: During the summer months, our Green Team will offer a place in the hallway by the Parish Hall where our parish family can share surplus vegetables, fruits, and plants with one another. Feel free to bring something that you have too much of or to pick up some fresh items for your own use. (Note: if you want to share something that others might not recognize, please use one of the available notecards to label your contribution.) Look for the table with the garden tablecloth. OFFENDER AID AND RESTORATION (OAR) KITS: Donʼt forget to save your unopened travel size hotel toiletries from all of your upcoming trips! Four times a year, we assemble toiletry kits (with shampoo, toothpaste, lotion, toothbrush, deodorant, etc.) to be distributed to those served by OAR, and we rely on your contributions to assemble the kits. Please place any donations in the Outreach basket in the Narthex. We accept these items year-round! ECO-PILGRIMAGE TO APPALACHIA: Following Marchʼs wonderful Day of Reflection with Fr. John Rausch, director of the Catholic Committee for Appalachia, we are organizing a group of Incarnation parishioners to travel to Appalachia September 12-14 to learn more about the culture, economy, environment, and challenges of the region. We plan to visit places such as a mountaintop removal site, a fracking site, a panel of local people who want to share about their lives/stories, the Christian Appalachian Project, and others. Cost for accommodations/travel/breakfast is $150 per person, and space is limited for the trip! If you have questions or would like to go, please contact Dianne Gagliano (964.1939, or Carl Stacy (973.3759, HABITAT FOR HUMANITY – ROUND TWO! Having completed our first sponsorship with Habitat for Humanity, we are eager to continue this partnership by recruiting parishioners to for build days at the Habitat sites throughout the year ahead. Sign-up sheets are available in the Narthex for July 6, August 10, September 14, October 19, and Novemeber 9. We are looking for parishioners to help with construction, providing lunches, and photography. We look forward to having many of you involved in this ministry of helping provide decent homes to families in need! Jesus said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest awhile." Mark 6:31 As your Coordinator of Christian Formation, I'm going to take Christ's message to heart this summer. I will be out of the office in July, but will periodically check email and office voicemail. Do not hesitate to contact me. I view this as an opportune time to meet with you on or off site to chat with you about your faith growth or any of our Christian Formation programs. F.I.R.E. (Family Intergenerational Religious Education): a Christian Formation program in which parishioners of all ages form groups that meet in each others' homes from September through May to conduct Christian Formation. For kids, FIRE takes the place of our traditional Sunday CF classes during the year. Groups decide when and where to meet. Lessons are also pre-planned, so that facilitators of groups need to simply modify to meet the needs of their group. Most importantly, "FIRE explores and explains the main truths of our faith and offers a veritable gold mine of experiences, discussions, games, and simulations to guide families and groups through the faithsharing experience," Kathleen O'Connell Chesto, author of FIRE. We're forming groups NOW for next year. Groups are formed based on geographic location and ages of participants. Kindly contact Al Reynolds, FIRE coordinator, at or 434-974-7465 to chat about the possibilities. CHRISTIAN FORMATION REGISTRATION (CF) for next year's programs are now open. Kindly stop by the office during office hours or print off a form from our website ( and mail to our office. Forms will not be accepted without payment. Fees are printed at the bottom of the registration form. ATTENTION PARENTS OF RISING SECOND GRADERS: If your child is a rising second grader (7 is the age of reason) and attended a Catholic school and/or participated in our first grade Christian Formation at Incarnation last year, he or she is eligible to prepare for the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist in 2013-14. (If you home schooled your child last year, kindly contact me to review your child's readiness.) While your child is enrolled at CCS or in our CF program in second grade, parents will be expected to attend parent meetings during the year. Why parent meetings? At Incarnation, we believe that the best way for children to grow in faith is for the entire family to do so together. This is especially true when a family member prepares for and celebrates a sacrament. To integrate and apply what your child is learning in class, we expect you to work with him or her at home using a "user friendly" book and DVD, working with your child's catechist/teacher and the Coordinator, and praying together as a family. You will receive a letter in September outlining our sacramental prep program. In the meantime, dates for parent meetings and our Bread Baking Reflection Day are already posted on our website at the LEARN link, Sacramental Prep page. Mark them down now on your family's calendar! Looking forward to growing in faith with your family next year! BEING THERE IS WHY IʼM HERE! Let me show you how combining home & auto policies can add up to big savings! Itʼs how I treat all my customers and you can be sure Iʼll always do my best to meet your needs. Call me today. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. Gary Albert CPU CLU ChFC, Agent 1380 Rio Road E – Charlottesvillle, VA 22901 Corner of Hillsdale Dr. & Rio Road East BUS: 434-296-1222
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