Growing in Christ and Living Our Faith through Relationships
Growing in Christ and Living Our Faith through Relationships
A ROMAN CATHOLIC COMMUNITY 1465 INCARNATION DRIVE CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 Office Phone: (434) 973-4381 Fax: (434) 973-1757 E-Mail: Website: Fr. Gregory Kandt, Pastor Fr. Edwin Montanez, Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. Christopher Morash, Deacon Rev. Mr. Bernard Taylor, Deacon Growing in Christ and Living Our Faith through Relationships September 30, 2012 – 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings: Numbers 11:25-29– James 5:1-6–Mark 9:38-43,47-48 OFFICE HOURS: 8:30am-2:00pm Monday 8:30am–4:30pm Tuesday–Friday (Closed: 12:20–12:50pm daily) LITURGY SCHEDULE: Monday–Friday: Mass times on page 2 Saturday: 5:30pm Sunday: 9:00am, 11:30am & 4:30pm – English 1:30pm- Español Nursery: 9:00am,11:30am & 1:30pm SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday 4:30–5:00pm or by appointment Sunday 12:45-1:15pm (Español) or by appointment Our next TNT (Theater ʻNʼ Theology) takes place on Friday, October 12, beginning promptly at 7:00pm. All are welcome to come watch a movie in our Incarnation Movie Theater (the “Stone Chapel”) with comfortable seating, large projection, and good sound. Afterwards (the “Theology” part), we discuss the movieʼs relevance to our life in Christ. Our October feature is the 2009 film Brothers. Itʼs about two brothers whose lives have taken them to different sides of the tracks—one has recently been released from jail and the other is a devoted family and army man. When Sam is sent away to Afghanistan and rapidly presumed dead, the plot thickens. Itʼs a story that asks tough questions about the casualties of war. Realize that some parts of the film are rough. Stars Tobey Maguire, Jake Gyllenhaal, Natalie Portman, Sam Shepard, and Mare Winningham. Rated R. Childcare can be available for a modest fee if reserved at the Parish Office by October 8. Facilitated by Fr. Gregory. Come watch a great movie with your brothers and sisters in Christ! THANK YOU Words cannot express my thanks and gratitude to everyone who helped make our Ministries Appreciation Dinner a success. I want to personally thank Pat Crawford and Johnnie Frater, my partners in the kitchen, as well as Martha Horsfall, Mary Sapino, Kimberly Gallo, Judy Parry; for all their hard work. A special thanks also to the folks who turned our Parish Hall into a beautiful banquet hall for the evening; John and Martha Horsfall, Johnnie Frater, and of course, my husband, John! To our ministers who attended, brought desserts, and lent a hand where it was needed, thank you as well. Our parish is truly blessed by you! Jenny Kowalski, Community Life Coordinator PRAYER SHAWLS are available for parish members as well as friends or family who are experiencing a life altering situation. This may be illness, death of a loved one, birth of a new baby, divorce or any very stressful time in life when this mantle of Godʼs love can provide physical as well as spiritual comfort. Shawls are crocheted or knitted with prayer and love by our parishioners and available at the Parish Office. Our next Prayer Shawl meeting is on October 17 at 6:30pm in the Conference Room. If you would like to learn to knit or crochet, join us in October. We accept donations of yarn. Donations may be placed in the basket in the Narthex or dropped off at the Parish Office. Monetary donations also accepted. Please make checks payable to Church of the Incarnation with “Prayer Shawl Ministry” written in the memo line. Please contactDonna Jordan (434)466-7703 or email for any questions or to sign up to participate in this loving ministry. SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP - KEEP THE COFFEE FLOWING! There are several open spots in our ministry of serving coffee and donuts after Mass on Sunday mornings. Would you like to lend a hand on one or two Sundays between now and Advent? If so, please contact Your commitment will be to arrive about a half-hour early to mix lemonade, put donuts onto trays, and start brewing the coffee (we'll show you how). After Mass, you'll help us to pour coffee and clean up. We would love to have you join us, so that we can keep the coffee flowing! Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Thursday, 1:00 – 9:00pm CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION Do not seek to be regarded as somebody, donʼt compare yourself to others in anything. Leave the world, mount the cross, discard all earthly things, shake the dust from off your feet. +St. Barsanuphius 38 men will be ordained to the Permanent Diaconate at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart on October 13 and November 3. Please keep these men and their families in your prayers. WORSHIP Deacon Chris Morash: MASS INTENTIONS: September 29-October 7 Saturday 29: 5:30 Angela & Paul Mahoney Sunday 30: 9:00 11:30 Bob Kandt (Nancy & Tom Strassburg) Jennie & Dante Maffeo (Cottrell Family) (Cathy Buraghi) 1:30 Fr. Gregory is leading a pilgrimage to Italy! It will be during the Easter season of 2013, April 8-18. We will be going to the great monasteries and shrines of central Italy. It will be a wonderful spiritual experience and a great way to ponder the risen Christ among us! Check out our pilgrimage website for all the details: We celebrate the life of our parish! Please let us know if you are new to the parish, are moving from it, are celebrating a significant event or are in need of prayers. Donʼt forget the PARISH SURVEY conducted by Tom Healey! The URL is and for those without computers, hard copies are available in the Narthex. BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING Sunday, Oct 7 is cancelled so that parishioners may attend the talk "Catholics and Healthcare, Where Do We Stand?". The next Blood Pressure Screening will be Sunday, Nov. 4. We would like to extend a big thank you to Alpha Medical Supplies for calibrating our Blood Pressure cuffs for free every year! Ezelio Rivas ~ Father of Alicia Rivas (Janie & Tom Eckman) Monday Tuesday Wedʼday 4:30 1: 12:15 2: 12:15 3: 12:15 Missa Pro Populo No Mass The Rives Mary Anne Morash Lively Thursday 4: 12:15 Matilda Lindstadt Friday Saturday Sunday 5: 12:15 6: 5:30 7: 9:00 11:30 1:30 4:30 Missa Pro Populo Donald Firer (Carmella & Ernie Sardie) Loretta Mohr (Pat & Mike Crawford) Alfred L. Curto (Rea Mallory) Missa Pro Populo Jim Fox (Gloria & Frank DʼAlessandro) (Cottrell Family) (Ernitta Van Orden) YOUTH MINISTRY Patrick Drury: CONFIRMATION 2013: All students in Grade 10 who wish to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation this year, details and registration forms are available on our parish website. Check the Confirmation page under Youth Ministry. Each student enrolled in Confirmation must also enroll in Christian Formation (Life Teen). If you have any questions, please contact Patrick. CHRISTIAN FORMATION Nancy Brinkac: COFFEEHOUSE IN CELEBRATION OF CHRISTIAN PARENTHOOD: All parents-to-be, parents and grandparents are invited to enjoy their coffee & doughnuts in the Activities Center between the morning liturgies on October 7. We'll view Holiness Family Style, a 25-minute video that provides a simple, heartwarming look at the extraordinary sacredness of the ordinary tasks of parenting. In this video, Dr. Kathleen Chesto, a well-known author and speaker on family spirituality, calls on parents to recognize their role in making God visible in the lives of their children, and her stories illustrate the ways children teach their parents about God. This empowering video is guaranteed to help parents feel comfortable with their faith and confident in their ability to share it with their children. Parents/grandparents will also have time to share their experiences with each other. So, mark your calendars - let's "do church" on Oct. 7 instead of the usual round of errands/routines! CHRISTIAN FORMATION HAPPENINGS: Our elementary grades will begin taking turns helping out in the Outreach Room. Each class will spend 20-30 minutes bagging rice and/or beans to assist our Food Ministry, which provides food to about 60 families who need our help in meeting their family's nutritional needs. This enables the children to learn what it means to become a follower of Christ by living out their baptismal call to love one another as Christ loved us. ATTENTION PARENTS OF CHILDREN PREPARING TO CELEBRATE THE SACRAMENTS OF RECONCILIATION AND EUCHARIST FOR THE FIRST TIME: First Parent Meeting is on Wednesday, October 3, at 7:00pm in the Parish Activities Center. The nursery will be available for younger children upon reservation by Friday, September 28. At Parent Meeting 1 we will collect a $30 fee to cover costs associated with preparation for both sacraments. In addition, if your child received the Sacrament of Baptism at a church other than Incarnation, please provide a copy of his/her Baptismal certificate to us. THEREʼS STILL TIME TO SIGN UP! "A Quick Journey Through the Bible" (8 session DVD series) by Jeff Cavins and Sarah Christmyer - every other Monday beginning October 8, 9:30-11:00am, PAC, Nursery provided - facilitated by Nancy Brinkac. ALSO every Wednesday evening beginning October 10, 7:00-8:30pm, in the PAC - facilitated by Nancy Brinkac. To register contact Nancy at the Parish Office. TABLES OF SEVEN: meets between the morning liturgies (10:30-11:45am) in the Library. The idea is that groups of 7 parishioners gather around a table to break open the Sunday Scripture readings using the weekly Scripture guides at . (If more come, we can meet in the Parish Hall.) No ongoing commitment is required - just a desire to connect and share Scripture with lived experience and our Catholic tradition. All are welcome. Facilitated by Mike Danilich 434-978-1845. 26TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SEPTEMBER 30, 2012 FINANCIAL RESOURCES For the weekend of September 22/23: General Offertory Outreach Haiti $ 8,910 $ 347 $ 121 For the month of August: Actual Budget General Offertory Collection Other Income, Fees-for-Operations Operating Expenses $ 47,489 $ 12,628 $ 71,019 $ 50,500 $ 24,188 $ 82,604 $ 99,783 $ 30,315 $142,385 $111,800 $ 49,375 $164,208 For the Fiscal Year YTD 7/1/12-8/31/12 General Offertory Collection Other Income, Fees-for Operations Operating Expenses Outstanding Renovation Debt as of August 31: $610,332 This Weekend-Sept. 29/30 - Retired Religious Charlottesville Catholic School ~ CCS 964-0400 LOU HOLTZ: CCS invites you to attend A Night with Dr. Lou, Sunday, Oct. 7, 7:00-9:00pm at Charlottesville Catholic School. $75 per person includes refreshments and Lou Holtz speech. Visit to register to attend. th 10 ANNUAL GENE CORRIGAN GOLF TOURNAMENT: Our afternoon session is sold out! Register online at to play in our morning session by Wed., Oct. 3. Limited availability remains for foursomes to play Mon., Oct. 8 at Glenmore Country Club. Tee off at 8:00am and return to hear Lou Holtz speak and enjoy a buffet lunch. Awards Reception at 5:30pm with drinks, appetizers and door prizes. GROCERY CARD LINK: Please consider linking your grocery preferred customer savings cards to CCS.This requires providing your grocery card number to the following websites. A percentage of all purchases will then benefit the CCS library, its students and faculty. Link your cards by logging on to (CCS school code is 2627),, or (CCS school code is 03331) You may contact CCS Librarian Michelle Banaszak at for further assistance. Thank you for your continued support! ENROLLMENT 2013-2014 begins Mon., Oct. 1 for Pre-K through Eighth grade. Contact Admissions Coordinator, Kim Emmert at 434-964-0400 or email to schedule a time to visit and to receive info. Find out how your family may become a part of our wonderful and nurturing community…where faith and academics work hand in hand. EVENTS & OPPORTUNITIES ST. ANSELM INSTITUTE for Catholic Thought will sponsor the first lecture in this seasonʼs series on Thurs., Oct. 4, at 5:00pm Angela Alaimo OʼDonnell, Fordham University, will speak on “St. Sinatra, Saintliness, and the Catholic Poetic Imagination.” This free lecture will be presented in the auditorium of Minor Hall on the UVA Grounds. WOMENʼS CURSILLO RETREAT WEEKEND: October 1821, at Camp Overlook (near Harrisonburg). The purpose of the Catholic Cursillo Movement is to support people in living out their faith in their everyday lives. It is an inspiring 3-day retreat led by a dedicated team of lay adults and a Catholic priest from our area. Registered Catholic parishioners are encouraged to submit an application by Oct. 5 and must be sponsored by a person (male or female) who has made a Cursillo weekend previously. If you do not know anyone who has made a Cursillo retreat and who can sponsor you, please contact Ann and Rob Michel at and we can arrange a sponsor for you. For more info/to download an application, go to Valley Cursillo website: The next Men's Cursillo Retreat is April 18-21, at Camp Holiday Trails in Charlottesville. To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven . . . “. . . a time to be born . . .” Karrington Eleanora Robinson Daughter of Erika & Gregg Robinson “. . . a time to be healed . . .” Ginnie Boucher, Stanley Brezinski, Frank Brinkac, Marilyn Buck, Elaine Bunch, Rose Byrne, Jude Campbell, Nancy Chambers, Jenny Balsam-Christensen, John Clifford, Delores Coia, Christine Cormier, Simon Cory, Meliton Costilla, Cox Family, Joe Crowley, John DʼCosta, Evans DiSantis, Alyssa Diver, Thomas Eaton, Louise Fernandez, Nancy Floyd, Buz Goforth, Matthew Grimes, Ben Guthrie, Fr. Ralph Hamlet, Sharon Hamlin, Kelly Hibbs, Jean Holienka, Morgan Huff, Richard Jansen, Michelle Johnson, Donna Jordan, Maureen Knabb, Tippie Koenig, Helen Krespach, Kitty Kroner, Tyler Lafferty, Fr. Bill LaFratta, Karen Lansing, Alan Leidecker, John Llewellyn & John, Paul Lochli, Diane Lohrer, Amy Martin, Helen Miska, Vito Maltese, Lena Mariotti, Chris Maslyk, Sophia Marie McCandlish, Susan McKeowin, Msgr. Chester Micheal, Ron Mohr, Albert Moler, Vito Morlino, Candice Morris, Ed Morris, Stanley Narkon, Marie Norrisey, Bridget Nygren, Frank & Jane OʼLeary, Bill Owen, Kelly Owens, Patrick Paczkowski, Betty & Paul Peck, Katie Prendergast, Kathy Graf Pierce, Bernard J. Pleiss, Rich Puryear, Rachel Reilly, Kathy Reilly, William Christopher & Jadea Riener, James Robins, Patrick Russamano, Jennifer & David Scheer, Jessica Schnittka, Patricia Schuster, Roger Scott, Bill Shea, Tom Shepherd, Naomi Sissons, Bob & Bobby Smedile, Brenda Shortall, Matthew Sweeney, Glenda Voelmeck, Joey Wahlin, Baby McKenna, Yris Vaca, Pat Velikov, John Vlasis, Jeanne Wagner, Ashlann Walter, Denise Washington, Lisa Weakley, Carole Wells, Rebecca West, Heather Wetzel. “. . . a time to love . . .” “. . . a time to die . ..” “. . . and a time of peace .” Early Dudley, Thomas Dudley, Peter Haught, Christopher Jones, Mike Nolte, Ron Nolte Charles Pitt, Chris Rowland, David Wallace Twinning with the Little Brothers and Sisters of the Incarnation, Pandiassou, Haiti JUSTICE AND CHARITY MINISTRY Kristen Schenk: CARPOOL: One of our parishioners needs help getting to work. She lives in the Rio Hill Apartments and works in Pantops. If this is along your route to work in the morning (MF) and you would be willing to help her get to her job (one day a week, every day, etc.), please contact Kristen in the Parish Office to make arrangements. HAITI EGGSTRAVAGANZA BREAKFAST: Do you know what the world's most populous bird is? That would be the chicken; with more than 25 billion chickens in the world, there are more of them than any other species! Our Haiti Committee is excited about an income-generating project with our twin community in Pandiassou, Haiti, where farmers will be taught how to raise chickens for their eggs and will be able to sell the eggs to make income for their families. Learn more and support the project by joining our community at the Haiti Eggstravaganza Breakfast on Sunday, October 28. Watch for more details! JUSTICE & PEACE MORNING OF REFLECTION: Saturday, October 6. Please join us from 9:00am-1:30pm in the Conference Room for our fall Justice & Peace Morning of Reflection, “Called to Transform.” Through prayer, reflection, learning, and discussion, we will explore the ways in which our lives have been and contine to be transformed by the Gospel message and the ways in which this leads us to transform our world. Lunch provided; a donation to cover the cost of the meal is appreciated. Please RSVP to Kristen in the Parish Office by Sun., Sept. 30, so that we can be sure to have enough food for lunch and materials. We hope to see you there. CATHOLICS AND HEALTH CARE - WHERE DO WE STAND? In their document “A Framework for Comprehensive Health Care Reform: Protecting Human Life, Promoting Human Dignity, Pursuing the Common Good,” the US Bishops write, “Our approach to health care is shaped by a simple but fundamental principle: Every person has a right to adequate health care. This right flows from the sanctity of human life and the dignity that belongs to all human persons, who are made in the image of God.” Join Incarnationʼs Legislative Advocacy and Health Ministry teams next Sunday, October 7, in the Conference Room after 9:00am Mass as we welcome Jay Brown, director of the Diocese of Richmondʼs Office of Justice and Peace, who will speak to us about what our Catholic faith has to say regarding health care as a basic right and about reforming our countryʼs healthcare system in a way that provides care for all, especially those most in need, while upholding our commitment to and belief in the dignity and worth of all human life. ELECTION 2012: Our bishop has observed that "participating in the political process, and thereby helping to create a more just society, is an essential part of what it means to be a follower of Christ in our Commonwealth today," and voting on Election Day should be a priority for every parishioner. To facilitate voting on November 6, Voter Registration Application Forms (English and Spanish) plus Absentee Ballot Applications are available on the Social Justice bulletin board in the Narthex. Registration applications are used to establish eligibility or report a change in name or address and are due October 15. Absentee Ballot Applications are used to obtain a mailed ballot when the registered voter will be absent from or unable to go to the place in which he/she is entitled to vote. They are due October 30. Absentee Ballots are useful for business travelers, military members, college students, disabled, and elderly voters. “SUN COME UP” SCREENING: Tonight in the Parish Hall from 6:30-8:00pm for a screening of and discussion about the Academy Award-nominated documentary “Sun Come Up,” which depicts some of the worldʼs first climate refugees-inhabitants of the Carteret Islands in the south Pacific. This is the perfect chance to respond to questions posed by Pope Benedict XVI in his 2010 World Day of Peace message: “Can we remain indifferent before the problems associated with such realities as climate change...Can we disregard the growing phenomenon of ʻenvironmental refugeesʼ?” This opportunity is sponsored by the Catholic Coalition on Climate Change, as well as our Charlottesville Secular Franciscans and our parish Green Team and Youth Ministry. REGIONAL HAITI GATHERING at Blessed Sacrament in Harrisonburg on Sat., Oct. 13, from 8:30am-1:30pm. Join other parishes for Haiti twinning updates, workshops, fellowship, networking, and prayer. Cost $10 for lunch/materials. Open to anyone who is involved in or wants to learn more about the Diocesan twinning program with Haiti. Contact Jay Brown ( or 804.545.5975) with questions or to register. PREGNANCY CENTER BANQUETS: Reservations to attend the 28th annual Candlelight Fundraising Banquets benefiting The Pregnancy Centers on October 26/27 can now be made. The banquets are at the Double Tree Hotel, and each night offers attendees the chance to learn more about the PCCV, to hear from a speaker, and to support the Centersʼ work. For info/request free ticket, call 979.4516 or email The PCCV has served over 22,000 women in 28 years and truly makes a difference to many families in our community. AIM CELEBRATION: Incarnation is proud to support the work of the Alliance for Interfaith Ministries in our community as they provide emergency financial assistance to those in need. On Sun., Oct. 28, at 3:00pm at Meadows Presbyterian Church (2200 Angus Road), they will host a benefit concert to celebrate 30 years of serving Cʼville-Albemarle. An offering to help with AIMʼs outreach to local families dealing with economic crises. Please support the work of AIM through this afternoon on fun and music! CAN YOU SPARE AN HOUR TO SAVE A LIFE? 40 Days for Life is a community-based, national campaign that draws attention to the evil of abortion. It takes a determined, peaceful approach by holding a prayer vigil outside places where children are aborted - in our area, thatʼs the Planned Parenthood building on Hydraulic Road. From September 26 through November 4, we will join people from other area churches for this pro-life campaign. Can you give 1 hour of your time during the 40 days to pray with us? Contact Nancy Strassburg at 973-3698 or; or visit the website: IMPACT ANNUAL ASSEMBLY: Thank you to all of our parishioners who participated in IMPACT Listening Sessions over the past month! The IMPACT Annual Assembly is quickly approaching and will be Monday, October 22, from 6:308:00pm at St. Thomas Aquinas. This is where we will vote on whether to take on a second issue besides our ongoing youth unemployment campaign and, if so, which issue it will be; each person receives one vote. Your attendance is very important in the work for a more just community in Greater Charlottesville. Please plan to attend!
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