March 9th 2014 - Petrie Catholic Parish


March 9th 2014 - Petrie Catholic Parish
First Sunday of Lent—Year A
8th/9th March, 2014
If there’s one thing you and I understand about life, it’s the reality of being
tempted. Whether it’s our diets that we impose on ourselves, or our struggles with
greed or lust or vengeance, we’ve all goen to know what temptaon is like.
It’s the human condion.
But why would Jesus be tempted? Why would this account be so important
that all three of the synopc Gospels - Mahew, Mark and Luke - begin their story
of who Jesus is with this scene of his being tempted by the devil three mes?
To properly understand what’s going on in this Gospel story, we have to
step back and remember the classic account of the Isrealites being saved by God
from the horrors of slavery.
It’s really a love story. God has fallen in love with a people -- the Israelites.
As the Book of Deuteronomy puts it:” The Lord your God has chosen you to be a
people for his own possession… because the Lord loves you.”
Israel’s experience in the wilderness is expressed in terms of a test from
God: ”And you shall remember … the Lord your God has led you these forty years
in the wilderness, that he might humble you, tesng to know what was in your
heart, whether you would keep his commandments, or not.”
The whole idea of being tested, of being led by God, of a place of
wilderness, of the number 40, and even of fasng, all comes from this original
account of God tesng to see if the people he’s so in love with will be able to love
him in return.
On a human level, the same is asked of Jesus.
And noce what his test, what his temptaons involve. The Father is about
to hand over to him an enormous amount of power: the power of being God’s face
in the world; the power of building a kingdom of love and peace and mercy: the
power of being so united to the Father that the two become one.
Jesus, then, on a purely human level, must be tested to see if, unlike the
Israelites of so long ago who flunked the test, he can remain uerly faithful to
Abba, his Father.
The test he is given is essenally the very same one that we all have to pass
if we are to assume a posion of power in our lives: the power to be a husband or
wife, to be a parent, to be a leader of any kind. Can you remain faithful? Can you
keep your commitment? Can you pass the test of fidelity and obedience to your
life promises? Can you make your God the true lord of your life?
All the tests given in this story are ones concerning the misuse of power for
purposes other than God’s purpose.
The first has to do with the misuse of praccal, everyday power - the need
for food and housing and family needs. The second has to do with the misuse of
religious power - the need for always remembering our call to humility before
God. The third temptaon has to do with the misuse of polical power.
Lent is that special me of the year when each of us is called to see what is
truly “in our hearts.” And to help us do that, we do as Jesus did: We go into the
“wilderness” for 40 days; we pray, fast and remind ourselves again to be faithful to
what our true calling is:
“The Lord, your God, shall you worship and him alone shall you serve.”
By Ted Wolgamot
Our Lady of the Way Parish
Our Lady of the Way
38 Armstrong St Petrie
St Francis Xavier
135 McKenzie Street Dayboro
Parish Priest - Fr Dave O’Connor
Parish Secretary - Angela Smith
Carry the Cross
We also need people ( young adults or
older ) to carry the Cross at the
masses during Lent. If you are available
to help carry the Cross, could you please put your name
down at Reception and indicate which mass you would
Thank you, Liturgy Team
Administration Assistant - Rosemary Bravo
Parish Office
Office Hours:
Ph. 3285 6759
Fax 3285 6666
This weekend through the Sacrament of Baptism
at Our Lady of the Way - Petrie, we welcome
Zoey Brookes & Isabelle Mulders
Newsletter notices:
Notices in by Wednesday
We congratulate Zoey and Isabelle and their families
on this Special Day.
Dayboro Catholic Community
Nora Morley
Pauline Cruice
Ph: 3425 3131
Ph: 3425 1145
Resources for your Lenten journey are now available at
Reception. Make your selection from:
Little Books @ $3.50,
The WORD Among Us @ $5.00
5 Minutes with the WORD @ $2.50
Saturday 6pm
Sunday 10am
Sunday 8 am & 5.30 pm
Reconciliation Saturday 5.15pm or by appointment
Wed 12th Mar. Mass at Inverpine
Thur 13th Mar. 9.00am Dayboro Morning Prayer
Fri 14th Mar.
9.00 am School Mass
Sat 15th Mar.
2.30pm Spanish Mass
Evangelisation Resources Down Under
Hrs. 9.00 am to 3.00 pm Mon to Fri
Ph. 3285 6233 , Fax. 3285 6243
Email:— Web:
OLW School
Principal Mr. John Parkinson
Ph. 3285 2977— Email:
Mt Maria College Petrie
Principal Mr. Sam Puglisi
Ph. 3285 5500
Outside School Hours Care
Coordinator Mrs. Lisa Stork
Ph. 3285 1850
St. Patrick’s Day 2014
Dayboro Catholic Community invites
you to:
A night of Trivia and Fun with an Irish
Friday 14th March 2014 -- 7.30pm
At Jack’s Place
Dayboro Catholic Church,
McKenzie St., Dayboro
Organise a table or join one! There are 8 people to a table.
COST: $10 per person.
This includes nibblies, tea and coffee.
Bar available on the night.
Children over 12 years are welcome.
Lucky Door Raffles Many Prizes To Be Won
Door takings to be donated to DAYBORO COMBINED
Bookings Essential
Phone Pauline Cruice: 34251145
Please remember in your prayers the following people
Peg Nolan, Bishop Putney, Monica McCart, Linda Day, Colleen Quinn, David Landon,
Mavis Peterson, Peter Heery, Brett Peatey, Inez Urbina, Anne Berry, Robyn Walsh,
Michele Akers, Johann Gallent, Madonna Morris.
May 3rd
The Catholic Psychiatric Pastoral Care Team need mature
committed Catholics with an ability to relate pastorally to those
who are suffering a mental illness. The training course is held at
the Catholic Psychiatric Pastoral Care Centre each Wednesday
from 7th May to 26th November from 9.00am to 3.30pm. We
require a voluntary commitment of eight hours per week on
completion of the Course in the various ministries e.g. Day Centre,
Hospitals and Hostels.
Final date of applications is
Friday 25th April 2014
Please apply now in writing to:
Fr Jim Smith
Catholic Psychiatric Pastoral Care
58 Morgan Street, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006
Telephone (07) 3252 5461 Mon-Fri 8.30am-4pm
Fax (07) 3257 1885 or email
Until now you have asked nothing in my name. Ask, and
you will receive, that your joy may be complete.
Hot Pot Night with 50’s theme
November 7th-9th
Archbishops Visit
November 8th
6pm: Confirmation
November 9th
9am: 50th Anniversary
celebratory Mass and celebrations.
November 15th
50th Anniversary Dinner at North’s
Leagues and Services Club.
For more information about these events and
what else is coming up. Watch this space or check
out our website
Women of The Way Annual Retreat
John 16:24
Do you want to discover your gifts for your personal
joy and maximum effect on those you love?
9:00 AM SAT to 3.00pm SUN 5-6 APRIL
2014. Mass celebrated Sunday morning.
Date: 22-24 Aug, 2014
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
13 – 15 June 2014 : : Worldwide Marriage
Encounter weekend for married couples
KATHY BOSUA 4038 300 659
RSVP: 21 MARCH 2014.
As you are aware a fund was started last year to
raise money to seal the roof in the foyer area.
If you wish to make a donation there are envelopes
at Reception (Please mark - Roof/Possum Fund)
they can also be left at Reception.
Venue: Watson Park, Old Gympie Road, Dakabin
Theme: You are truly His handiwork (Eph 2:10)
Presenter: Karen Aitkens
Contact: Julie Smith (0402 316 288) or email:
Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre, Ormiston (QLD)
For bookings/details contact: Tamara and Scott Menteith, ph (07) 4634 3559, Information
The theme this year is Ending Poverty for
Woman and Girls through Economic
8th March
Scripture Readings for the Second Sunday of Lent — Year A.
A reading from the book of Genesis 12:1-4. A reading from the second letter of St. Paul
to Timothy 1:8-10. A reading from the holy Gospel according to Matthew 17:1-9.
Wed 12th March:
6.30pm - Pilates in the Community Centre. Cost $10
Phone Maureen 0432 455 759
7.00pm - Liturgy Meeting - Parish Admin.
Mon 10th March:
7.30pm—Mother’s Prayers—Linda 3285 8465
78 Rue Montaigne, Petrie
7.30pm - Charismatic Prayer group
5 Bantham Court, Murrumba Downs
Rosa Ph: 3886 1661
Thus 13th March:
9.30am Meditation at ERDU
Tues 11th March:
9.30am - Mothers Prayers in the Church
Fri 14th March
Craft - Community Centre
7.30pm - Fathers Prayers in the Church
Paddy Mania - Jack’s Place, Dayboro
7.30pm - RCIA in Community Centre
Stations of the Cross - Church
Craft Group - Community Centre
Parish Pastoral Council - Church
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