saint john baptist - St. John the Baptist Catholic Church


saint john baptist - St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
“Building a Community of Faith”
209 South Street • Waunakee, Wisconsin 53597 • (608) 849 -5121 •
OCTOBER 18, 2009
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Pastoral Staff
Pastor, Rev. Monsignor James L. Gunn ..ext. 311
Email ............................
Parochial Vicar, Fr. Pat Wendler ....... ext. 303
Cell .......................................... (608)235-3779
Email .............
Deacon, Norbert Brunner (Deacon Norb)
Phone ..................................... (608) 850-4669
Email .................................
Business Manager, Jackie Nerat ...... ext. 301
Administrative Assistant, Kim Piazza ...ext. 312
Parish Secretary, Agnes Endres ....... ext. 306
School Principal, Conni Stark ........... ext. 220
Phone .............................................. 849-5325
Email ............................
Sacramental Life
Celebrated at Mass or third Sunday following
last Mass.
Anointing of the Sick
First Tuesday of the month at the 8:00 am Mass.
Sat. 4:00 pm; Mon. & Tues. following Mass.
Communal Reconciliation, as published.
Contact parish office 8 months in advance.
Hospital Visits ................................ 849-5121
Parish Offices
Parish & Faith Formation ...............849-5121
Hours ....Monday-Thursday 9:00 am-4:30 pm
Friday 9:00 am-12:00 noon
Fax ..................................................849-5866
Email ...........
Web Site ..........................
School & Preschool ........................849-5325
Fax ..................................................849-5342
Faith Formation ...............................849-5121
Attendance Line ..............................849-4081
Scrip .................................................849-5121
Scrip ................................................ 849-5121
Eucharistic Adoration/Benediction
Thursday before first Friday (Adoration and
Prayer) 7:00-8:00 pm; First Friday 8:30-10:00 am
Bulletin Deadline .................Monday 5:00 pm
After Hours Emergency ........ 849-5121 ext. 3
Home Ministry (Eucharist) ............. 849-5121
School Secretary,
Karen Meinholz-Niesen………………….ext. 109
Email .........................
Coordinator of Faith Formation
Paul Margala…………………………….ext. 304
Phone .............................................. 849-5121
Youth Ministry Coordinator,
Abby Henderson ................................. ext. 302
Phone .............................................. 849-5121
Email ............
Administrative Assistant / Faith Formation,
Jenny Schmitz ..................................... ext. 305
Phone .............................................. 849-5121
Email ................
Parish Council President, Brad Nygaard
Parish Trustees, Dan McCausland, Tim Ryan
Mass Intentions
Saturday, October 17
Ignatius of Antioch
5:00 pm Ruth Hellenbrand
8:00 pm Donald W. Statz, Sr. (Anniv)
Sunday, October 18
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00 am People of the Parish
10:00 am Bob Sr. (Anniv)& Bob Jr., Endres
Monday, October 19
John de Brebeuf; Isaac Josques & companions
8:00 am William Schleck
Tuesday, October 20
Paul of the Cross
8:00 am Leonard & Herlindes Kuehn
Wednesday, October 21
8:00 am Francis Koch
6:00 pm Karen Elliott
Thursday, October 22
8:00 am Antoinette Dohm
11:00 am Ed & Rita Endres and Peter &
Marcella Ripp at the Nursing
Home Chapel
Friday, October 23
John of Capistrano
8:00 am Virginia Byrnes (Anniv)
5:15 pm Herman Adler
Saturday, October 24
Anthony Mary Claret
5:00 pm Acker/Kohlman Families
8:00 pm Harold Schonasky
Sunday, October 25
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00 am Ken & Diane Roessler
10:00 am People of the Parish
Vocation View
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Whoever wants to be great must serve
others. Who are the ones you consider
―great?‖ What can you do to carry on
their legacy?
(Mark 10:35-45)
Pray in gratitude for all those who serve
our parish, may they receive the graces
they need.
World Mission Sunday - Oct. 18
All Catholics are called to be missionary.
On this day, Catholics around the world—
here at home and in the Missions—gather
at the Eucharist around the table of the
Lord, to pray for the Church’s worldwide
missionary work.
Please be conscious of where you park so
as NOT to block our neighbors driveways.
Readings for the Week of October 18, 2009
Is 53:10-11; Heb 4:14-16;
Mk 10:35-45 or 10:42-45
Rom 4:20-25; Lk 12:13-21
Rom 5:12, 15b, 17-19,
20b-21; Lk 12:35-38
Wednesday: Rom 6:12-18; Lk 12:39-48
Rom 6:19-23; Lk 12:49-53
Rom 7:18-25a;
Lk 12:54-59
Rom 8:1-11; Lk 13:1-9
Next Sunday: Jer 31:7-9; Heb 5:1-6;
“But it shall not be so among you. Rather,
Mk 10:46-52
whoever wishes to be great among you will
be your servant; whoever wishes to be first
©Liturgical Publications Inc
among you will be the slave of all. For the
Son of Man did not come to be served but to
serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.‖
- Mk 10:43-45
Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001,
1998, 1970 CCD.
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 17/18
Responsorial Psalm:
Gospel Acclamation:
Mass Acclamations:
Rain Down
Let Your Mercy Be on Us
The Son of Man came to serve and to give
his life as a ransom for many
O Mary of Promise
313, 314, 315, 317
Present Among Us
Shepherd of Souls
Alleluia! Sing to Jesus
Today’s Liturgy
“The one who wants to be great among you must be your servant, even the
slave of all.‖ For Christians, to lead is to be ―of service to others,‖ a
complicated and difficult task. It is too easy (and un-Christian) to demand
respect, to lord it over others. The Messiah-Christ is the suffering servant
who ―justifies many, taking their faults on himself.‖ So Jesus washed his
disciples’ feet. Jesus knows and feels our weakness from his own experience.
We then can have confidence in his help for us.
Sunday in
Ordinary Time,
Year B.
Illustration ©
2000 S. Erspamer.
Text, Philip J. Sandstrom, STD © 2000, OCP. All rights reserved
Rural Life Mass
I would like to personally invite you to a special Mass offered by the
Diocese of Madison and Catholic Charities, Tuesday, Oct 20, 1:30pm at
Immaculate Conception Church, Truman, WI. Bishop Robert Morlino
to preside along with many neighboring priests to con-celebrate. The
Mass is to ask God’s blessings on rural life, and to celebrate our farmers and all they do
to feed the hungry of the world. It is a time to thank God for the harvest and pray for
blessings upon our rural way of life. Following the Mass there will be blessing of
animals, pets, and machinery. The Altar Society is preparing a short reception after. You
are most welcome, and bring all your neighbors and friends.
Sincerely in Christ, Fr. Monte Robinson
St. John the Baptist, Waunakee
Sacrificial Giving
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
A teenage boy completes his driver's education course and with his new license in his
hand goes to see his dad. "Dad," he says, quite proud of himself, "I'm ready to drive, so
I'd like you to get me a car." The father smiles and the two of them hop into the family
sedan. But instead of going to the local new car dealership, the father takes his son to a
junkyard. "Here you go, son. Take your pick; if you can get it repaired and running, you
can drive it." The son didn't realize the responsibility of driving a car was squarely on his
shoulders alone. If he was to realize his reward, it was solely up to him.
Sometimes, one has to wonder about the disciples of Jesus. In today's reading from Mark,
James and John seem to be feeling quite proud of themselves, and ask Jesus to promise
them something without telling him what it is they want. Now, we realize that Jesus knew
what they would ask, but he let them continue anyway. Basically, they wanted a
guaranteed seat in heaven on either side of God's throne. Jesus gently tells them that not
even he can promise something like that; he can only show them the path, how they
choose to get there is up to them.
Within the teachings of Jesus and the beatitudes lies the strength of Christian hope. The
beatitudes give us the hope of heaven as the new Promised Land. Just as James and John
came to realize that their hope for a place in heaven relied on them, we are given hope.
Hope is expressed in prayer, especially in the Lord's Prayer (CCC 1820). As disciples of
Jesus Christ, we must be willing to sacrifice on a daily basis all that we have in his name.
We must be willing to do whatever it takes to follow the path to heaven that Jesus has
given us.
October 3/4, 2009
Envelope…………………..$ 14,039.87
Building Fund……………..$ 2,509.83
Endowment Fund………… $
Multi Cultural Center……..$
Peter’s Pence………………$ 302.00
Divine Word Mission…….. $ 1,174.21
©2009 Liturgical Publications Inc
Stewardship Reflections
―For the Son of Man did not come to be
served, but to serve and to give his life as a
ransom for many.”
Jesus came on this earth to serve. Anyone
who wishes to follow Him must also be
willing to give time, talent and treasure to
serve God’s people, just as Jesus gave His
very life for us. True disciples are true
stewards, giving service and sacrifice, just
as Jesus taught us to do.
En Theos
Q. Are there variations on praying the rosary besides the traditional
Pray that we may share our time, talent
and treasure in a spirit of service and
prayer pattern?
A. October is traditionally known as the month of the rosary, with
the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary celebrated on October 7. The rosary traces its origin
to those who wanted to imitate the monks' daily psalm prayers but could not memorize
the psalms. They began using familiar prayers instead. Soon three sets of five mysteries
based on Jesus (replacing the 150 psalms), each having an Our Father, ten Hail Mary’s
and a Glory Be attached to each mystery, set the rosary pattern.
On November 21, 1973, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops commented on
the rosary in their pastoral letter on Mary, Behold Your Mother: Woman of Faith. They
reminded Catholics that the rosary's importance stemmed not from reciting prayers but
from time spent reflecting on the mysteries.
Rosary prayer times can have "an instructive use of readings from Old Testament as well
as New...," along with hymns and "time periods of silent prayer." Some have developed
mysteries for various occasions such as a rosary for the sick. Pope John Paul II, on October 16,
2002, introduced a new set of five mysteries known as the luminous mysteries based on
significant events in the public ministry of Jesus.
©2009 Liturgical Publications Inc, New Berlin, WI 53151
Thank You
Thanks to the Knights of Columbus for
installing drain pipes underground around
our chapel last weekend. Special thanks to
Kenny Meier and Steve Ripp of Septic
Specialists for leading the project!
Thank You
Thanks to Mike Fehrenbach who donated
2 wooden easels to our parish in memory
of his secretary of 17 years, Carol Kessenich.
Thanks to Henry Kruschek for refurbishing
the easels to compliment our narthex
wood and Roger Kessenich for the
plaques in memory of Carol. They are
for our parish to use and enjoy.
Do you know the date of your baptism? Well, on that day, you became a missionary,
called by our Lord to share your faith with those around you--and to be part of the
church's mission to the world. Jesus himself directed his followers to go into the whole
world and proclaim his Gospel--the "good news" of his love for us--to all peoples (see
Mk 16:15). That mission is now directed to each one of us.
On World Mission Sunday, we have the opportunity to be part of the church's missionary
work through our prayers and support offered to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith.
Just as our young church here in the United States received support in the 19th century
from the Catholics of Europe through the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, so too
the growing churches in the developing world today also require financial help. Your
generosity will help make a faith-filled difference around the world!
St. John the Baptist, Waunakee
Catholic Herald
It’s All Inside The Catholic Herald
Issue of October 22, 2009
Every week in her editorial, Catholic Herald
editor Mary C. Uhler comments on local,
national, and international issues pertinent
to Catholics. This week the Catholic Herald
features its monthly Senior Focus section,
with the ―Grand Mom‖ column by writer
Audrey Fixmer and other articles of interest
for senior citizens, as well as the monthly
Junior Saints special section for youth and
information on the upcoming World
Mission Sunday.
Calendar of Events
School News
Saturday/Sunday, October 17/18
St. Mary of the Lake, Westport/Country Fair
Tuesday, October 20
1:30pm Immaculate Conception, Truman/Rural Life Mass
5:00-9:00pm St. John Church/West Dane Deanery
7:30pm West Dane Deanery speaker Ryne Duren
Friday, October 23
5:00-8:00pm St Peter, Ashton/Family Style Fish Fry
Saturday, October 24
Bishop O’Connor Center/Eucharistic Minister Workshop
9:00-2:30pm Waunakee Manor/Fall Bake Sale
9:00-6:30pm St. Peter, Madison/Parish Bazaar
St. Jerome, Columbus/Oktoberfest
Sunday, October 25
8:00-12:00pm St. Peter KC’s, Ashton/Breakfast
8:00-12:30pm St. Peter, Madison/Parish Bazaar
Friday/Saturday, October 30/31
St. John School Gym/St. John Piecemakers Quilt Show
Friday, November 6
St. Luke, Plain/Family Style Fish Fry
Saturday, November 7
11:30am St. Martin, Martinsville/Lunch, Card Party ,Bake Sale
Sunday, November 8
8:00-12:00pm St. John Gathering Room/Flu Shot Clinic
1:00-4:00pm St. Thomas KC’s, Poynette/Bingo
Upcoming Dates
10/19 4:15 Marketing Meeting
10/22 Picture Retake Day; 6:30pm Education Commission Mtg
10/23 8:00am Liturgy 3E; Fall Family Fun Night
10/24 5th/6th Volleyball
8:00 6th vs. SMG (R)
9:00 6th vs. St. Dennis (W)
2:00 5th vs. SMG (W)
3:00 5th vs. St. Dennis
10/26 Pizza Pick-Up Day
10/16 11:00 and 11:30 Pizza Plus Limo Ride Day
Parish Pictorial
There are still a number of Parish Pictorials and
free 8x10 pictures. They can be picked up
during regular office hours.
Need Help for Cookie/Donut Socials
The Parish Life Committee needs more help with serving
the refreshments for our monthly Cookie/Donut Socials.
Volunteers can be families, or someone 16 and older. On
the job training provided. Please give Mary Lynn Liegel a
call to let us know what Mass you could help. 849-4898.
Look forward to hear from you!!
Saint John School H1N1 Clinic
In cooperation with the Dane County Department of
Public Health, Saint John the Baptist Catholic School will
be holding a clinic for the purpose of providing free
H1N1 immunizations for our enrolled school
children. The tentative date of the clinic is November 4.
Two weeks prior to the clinic consent forms and a parent
letter will be sent home. You have the choice of taking
advantage of this clinic or declining the immunization for
your child. You also are free to come to school on that day
to be with your child during their immunization. Please
note that the scheduled date is for the first round of
immunizations and a second round will be scheduled as
children under the age of 10 need two doses of the vaccine.
This clinic will be for our school students. Dane County
is unable to provide vaccine for children under age
5. This is a matter of both capacity of the school-located
clinics, and the preference that young children get their
vaccine from their doctor, if possible. In addition, Dane
County Public Health will not be offering immunizations
to adults at our school clinic.
Computer Corner
I am very happy to be back at St. John School after a wonderful summer
full of travels, family and fun. It is so great to see all the students, new and
returning. They seem as ready as I am for a great school year!
In computer class we try to follow the Diocesan standards for each grade.
Kindergarten works on finding the letters and numbers on the keyboard,
typing their names and using the mouse efficiently.
1st grade learns all the keys, including shift, return, delete, etc. They will
get to typing whole sentences, opening and closing applications and using
basic drawing/painting tools.
2nd grade must compose sentences with correct punctuation and
capitalization, change font, size and style and learn to add graphics.
3rd grade starts proper keyboarding; finger position, body position and
watching their screen, not their hands. We use the Type to Learn 3 program; it
moves the students through lessons with practice and games. Students will
learn all kinds of new formatting features, how to save files and access
websites to find information.
4th grade again practices keyboarding, using basic touch-typing to attain
10-15 words per minute. They will start to use many programs such as
Microsoft Power Point, Excel and use templates. Students must follow lab
rules for the Internet, and differentiate between copying and summarizing.
5th grade continues keyboarding to attain 15 WPM. They will learn
columns, tabs, headers/footers, and spreadsheets and download information
from the Internet for use in a project, carefully citing their sources and
abiding by copyright laws.
6th grade must attain 20 WPM in their keyboarding; Students must learn to
utilize basic application functions through the use of toolbars, menus and
keyboard shortcuts. They will use Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel,
create records in a database and construct simple spreadsheets, enter data
and interpret that information to make charts and graphs.
All projects that your student brings home will demonstrate their ability to
apply these standards. ―Instruction in the use of computers will provide
students with the skills and practice time to help them make the best use of
technology as a tool for increased learning and productivity.‖ (From the
Diocese of Madison Information and Technology Standards Mission/
Philosophy Statement)
Mrs. Towers
Auction 2009
Save the date of December 5, for our annual Auction. Have you thought of
reserving a table with some of your child’s classmates parents? What a
great way to get to know them in a festive atmosphere. Contact the office
for more information.
Conni Stark, Principal
Saint John the Baptist Catholic School
St. John the Baptist, Waunakee │ 4
Faith Formation
Important Dates:
Wednesday Oct 14
Sunday Oct. 18
Traveling Chalice Program
Grades 5th and 6th 5:45PM to 7:00PM
Grades 7th – 10th 7:15PM to 8:30PM
Grades K-4th 9:05AM to 9:55AM
Confirmation 2009 6:30PM-7:45PM @ Narthex
Wednesday Oct. 21
No Class – Grades 5th – 10th
Thursday Oct. 22
Theology & Pizza 5:30PM-7:15PM
@ Gathering Room
Sunday Oct. 25
Grades K-4th 9:05AM to 9:55AM
Confirmation Rehearsal 3:00PM @ Narthex
Wednesday Oct. 28
Sunday Nov. 1
No Class – Grades 5th – 10th
No Class – Grades K – 4th
Confirmation Mass 3:30PM
Theology & Pizza
Thursday, Oct. 22, 5:30-7:15pm in the Gathering Room. Come
eat pizza and learn about miracles. Learn how Juan Diego’s tilma
was transformed by the Blessed Mother, Saint Elizabeth’s loaf of
bread was turned to roses, the numerous miracles of St. Anthony
of Padua, and more!
Badger Concessions
We still need help Saturday, Oct. 31, 8:00am-2:30pm. This is the
last game of the season for Faith Formation, so please volunteer.
We need 13-14 people each game and the help is greatly appreciated.
Please contact Abby Henderson to sign-up, 849-5121, ext. 302 or
Revolution of Love
Come to the kick-off lecture of a three-part series
on Theology of the Body Sunday, November 8, 2009,
7:00-8:30pm.Youth Speaker: Steve Pokerny (Steve
is the founder of TOB Ministries and is currently
living in Washington DC and studying in the MTS
program at the John Paul II Institute for Marriage and Family.)
Adult Speaker: Rodger & Kathy Chylla. Everyone–especially
parents and kids together-are invited to join us for the event. The
event is free, but please register at:
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Saint John Parish is looking for volunteers to help
with the Children’s Liturgy of the Word Program.
This program helps children gain a better understanding
of the readings and the Gospel. Children ages 3-6
are welcome to attend during the 10:00AM Mass on
Sundays. We need volunteers to teach this program. Training,
support and materials will be provided. The time requirement is
flexible. You can volunteer on a rotating basis or once a month.
You decide. We need many volunteers to make this program
successful. If you would like to learn more about the program or
volunteer, please contact Kim Piazza: 849-5121 or
St. John the Baptist, Waunakee
A program of Awareness and Prayer for Vocations.
This week our parish gratefully acknowledges
Dolores Ripp as she hosts our Traveling Chalice.
Upcoming Hosts:
Week of October 24/25—Currie Family
Week of October 31/November 1 —Brian & Ruth Soper Family
Week of November 7/8—Dennis and Diane Hampton
Week of November 14/15—Open
Week of November 21/22—Open
Week of November 28/29—Open
The sign up sheet is located in the narthex in the Ministry Corner,
between the coat room and the doors to the Church. Please
consider hosting the Traveling Chalice. Prayers and suggestions
are included. We can all pray for vocations along with our daily
prayers. Special prayers cards are available in the Narthex.
RCIA—Evangelization & Precatechumenate
Meet in the Gathering Room, Sunday’s 9:00-10:00am
Sun. 10/18/09—29th Sunday OT- Who is Jesus?
Sun. 11/ 1/09— 31st Sunday OT-All Souls Day—The Saints
Sun. 11/ 8/09—32nd Sunday OT-Sin
Sun. 11/15/09—33rd Sunday OT-Prayer
Sun. 11/22/09—Christ The King-Grace
Sun. 11/29/09—1st Sunday of Advent—NO CLASS
Sun. 12/06/09—2nd Sunday of Advent—Commandments 1-3 &
Advent Themes
Sun. 12/13/09—3rd Sunday of Advent—Commandments 4-10
Sun. 12/20/09—4th Sunday of Advent—INCARNATION
What Christmas means
12/27/09—HOLY FAMILY
More to come in the following weeks.
The annual sale of nuts and candies will begin on
Friday and Saturday, October 30-31at the quilt
show to be held at SJ School. The nuts and candy
will be available in the GATHERING AREA after
all weekend Masses from October 31 through December 20.
Buy early! Buy often!
Please sign up in the Narthex if you can help to sell the nuts at the
quilt show, the craft fair, or after Mass. If you have any questions
please contact Terri Teeter at 849-8850. Thank you for your support
of this fundraiser which benefits the school endowment fund!
WEB Thanksgiving Food Drive
The Waunakee Ecumenical Board is sponsoring
their annual Thanksgiving Food Drive. Please bring
non-perishable food items to the collection boxes in
the church gathering area from now until Sunday,
November 15. The food will be distributed to needy
families in our own community on Saturday, November 21.
We are especially in need of the following items:
canned meats, cereal, pancake mix/syrup, Jell-O, cake and pudding
mixes, spaghetti sauces, peanut butter, jelly, boxed potatoes and
pastas, hamburger and tuna helper, coffee, flour, sugar, fruits,
vegetables, toothpaste, shampoo, toilet paper, paper towels and
diapers, size 3, 4 and larger.
West Dane Deanery, Council of Catholic Women
Hope For Troubled Marriages -Madison Area Retrouvaille begins
another program October 23 to help
couples looking to strengthen or
rescue their marriages. Space is limited to
50 participating couples. More than 1,000
Madison area couples have found hope
and help for their marriages through the
unique program presented by couples
who, in the past, have struggled in their
own marriages. For more information,
couples may call (608) 249-2377 or visit
Hosted by the CCW of St. John Catholic Church, Waunakee
―Hope Sees the Invisible —Achieves the Impossible
Bring your family and friends to this dynamic speaker, Ryne Duren, former New York
Yankee, Tuesday, October 20, 7:30pm, in the New Church. There is no admission fee,
but donations are accepted.
Program Highlights of the West Dane Deanery 2009 Meeting., Tuesday evening, October
20, 2009. 5:00pm Liturgy, Moderator Father Larry Bowens and other Priests of the West
Dane Deanery. 6:00pm Light Dinner, 6:45pm West Dane Deanery Business Meeting.
7:30pm Presentation by Ryne Duren. 9:00pm Closing. Donations are accepted for
warm winter items for needy children.
Registration Forms can be found on the Kitchenette counter in the Narthex, deadline is
Saturday, October 10. NO registration is needed if your are ONLY attending guest
speaker Ryne Duren. Open to the public. Questions, contact Virginia Rauls 849-5276.
Cemetery Cleanup
Workshop for Eucharistic Ministers
St. John the Baptist Cemetery
cleanup will be on Saturday,
October 31, at 9:00am (rain date
is Saturday, November 7. Please
bring your rakes, tarps, and
lawn gloves. All summer flowers need to
be removed before the clean-up. Only
seasonal and Christmas decorations will
be allowed until the spring cleanup in April.
A workshop for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion will be held at Bishop
O’Connor Catholic Center, Saturday, October 24, 2009, 9:00-10:45am. Please register by
October 19. Register online: or 821-3080.
“For you hear the words, „the Body of Christ‟ and respond „Amen.‟ Be then a member of
the Body of Christ that your „Amen‟ may be true.”
~St. Augustine
Waunakee Manor Bake Sale
Fall Bake Sale at Waunakee Manor on
Saturday Oct. 24, 9:00-2:30pm. in the
Family Lounge. Treat yourself to homemade pies, cakes, cookies, bars, breads
and rolls. Craft items and more treats.
Diabetic pies and baked goods also.
Check us out - We are a treat not a
trick! Take some time to visit with the
residents while you’re here.
Separated/Divorced Catholics
The next Separated/Divorced Catholic
Group meeting will be held on Wednesday,
October 28, 7:00pm in the new Church
library. If you are interested in joining this
group, feel free to stop by or contact Fr. Pat at
849-5121 or
St. John’s Piecemakers
St. John’s Piecemakers have raffle tickets
available in the Narthex on the kitchenette
counter. This year’s raffle quilt, Remember
Me, is burgundy, turquoise, gold and floral
print and is 90‖x107‖. The proceeds of
the raffle are donated to St. John School
Endowment Fund. Tickets are $1.00 each
or 6 for $5.00. Please put your stubs and
money in the envelope provided and drop
in the collection basket by November 30.
The drawing is December 7, 2009.
Questions, call Doris Ast 849-5482.
SJ Piecemakers Quilt Show
SJ School Gym, October 30 & 31, 9:00am
-4:00pm. Come see all the beautiful quilts
Fundraising Banquet
We are currently making plans for Care Net Pregnancy Center’s 2009 Fundraising Banquet,
November 5. We are asking if you would be willing to lend your support to Care Net by
volunteering to be a table host at this year’s banquet. While the banquet provides an
opportunity for many community members to learn about Care Net, it is primarily a
fundraising event. Its purpose is to draw in donors each year to build our budget.
You may register yourself and your guests online at or
Rhonda at 259-1606 ext. 207 or Thank you for your willingness to
prayerfully consider this exciting opportunity to serve.
Respite Care Team Ministry—Faith in Action
Caring is Sharing with the Respite Care Team Ministry, a collaboration with area
congregations, Catholic Charities and Oakwood Village. The Respite Care Team Ministry
compassionately serves intergenerational families throughout the area and is active in
congregations of all denominations.
Several St. John parishioners met with Lynda Koivunen, Coordinator on October 6. If
you would like further information about forming a team or to inquire about receiving
services, contact: Lynda Koivunen at 833-4800 ext 106 or
A Scholarship Opportunity for 8th graders
The National Catholic Daughters of the Americas will award a $500 scholarship to an
8th grade student entering the 9th grade in the fall of 2010 to a Public or Private School
(not home setting). An essay of approximately 250-500 words entitled ―What characteristics
of my Catholic faith do I use to help me be a role model for others‖? Entries must be
postmarked no later than May 1, 2010. Call the Parish Office for more information, and
to pick up applications. 849-5121.
Catholic Charities
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Madison, announces the 14th Annual Awards Dinner,
Thursday, October 29. This event recognizes Catholic leaders in the Diocese that
demonstrate the qualities we all strive to achieve as followers of Christ. This year’s
Leadership Awards recipients are Ken Ballweg, Mark Landgraf, Rev. Michael Resop,
and Rita Tubbs. Registration starts 5:30, dinner at 6:15, awards program at 7:00pm.,
Madison Marriott West. Call Catholic Charities 821-3103 by October 23.
St. John the Baptist, Waunakee