201-384-0013 - St. John the Evangelist
201-384-0013 - St. John the Evangelist
St. John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Community 29 N. Washington Ave. 201-384-0101 Bergenfield, N.J. 07621 Parish Web Site: www.sjrc.org Fax: 201-384-2055 Served by: Rev. Msgr. Richard J. Arnhols Pastor Rev. Raymond R. Filipski Rev. Antonio N. Kuizon Rev. Gustavo A. Alfaro Rev. Jonathan Perez Parochial Vicars Deacon James A. Detura Lisa Oggioni Marciano Director of Music Ministries Mary Ann C. Johnston Fourth Sunday of Lent March 15, 2015 Pastoral Council President Mrs. Patricia D. Rickly Mr. Joseph V. Gangemi, Jr. Trustees God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him. - John 3:17 TRANSFIGURATION ACADEMY 10 Bradley Ave., Bergenfield Mr. Salvatore Tralongo, Principal PARISH LIFE CENTER 15 N. Washington Ave., Bergenfield Rosemarie Flood Eric A. Acosta Sr. Madeline Hanson, SSND, Coordinator of Development Director of Religious Education Director of Youth Ministry 201-384-3627 Gr. Pre-K2+ - Gr. 8 www.transfigurationacademy.org 201-384-3601 roflood@yahoo.com & Confirmation Retreats ericacosta7@msn.com Page 2 Fourth Sunday of Lent March 15, 2015 Masses for the Week Readings for the Week Saturday 5:30 pm 7:00pm (Spanish) Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Sunday 7:30 9:00 10:30 11:00 (Chapel) 12:00 pm 12:30 pm (Spanish) Monday 7:00 9:00 7:30 pm Tuesday 7:00 9:00 7:30 pm Wednesday 7:00 9:00 7:30 pm Thursday 7:00 9:00 7:30 pm Friday 7:00 9:00 7:30 pm Saturday 7:00 9:00 5:30 pm 7:00pm (Spanish) Sunday 7:30 9:00 10:30 11:00 (Chapel) 12:00 pm 12:30 pm (Spanish) March 14 Benita Angtuaco Special Intention Katherine & Concepción Chavez March 15 People of the Parish Christine Donovan Amelia Ferrari Joan Sciame Ann O’Hara Ismenia Almanzal March 16 Nina Pesce Gregorio Yap Pa Mulligan March 17 Rosalie Lipari (19th Anniversary) John, Nora & Mary Reilly Marcela G. Enriquez March 18 Rodrigo Cano Gabriel Modequillo Robert Fritz March 19 Rose Orlando Grace Ammacapane DeVere Reynolds March 20 Crisanto & Rosita Quiambao Walter McNicholas Jonathan Maylath March 21 Angelito Aborde Eleanor Orlando Alfred Cialone Gustavo Zuniga March 22 People of the Parish Josh Allison Rose Muntz Thomas Power Carmela Cundari Nilda Forgy Adoration and Stations of the Cross Eucharistic Adoration ~ Wednesdays during Lent, between 12:00 Noon and 6:30pm in the Main Church, concluding with Benediction. Traditional Stations of the Cross—Fridays of Lent, 6:30pm Spanish and 7:00pm English - Main Church. Devotions ~ Novena - Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Wednesday Evenings, 7:00pm, upper church. Holy Hour and Benediction - First Friday of every month at 8pm, upper church, in English; Last Thursday of every month at 8:00pm, upper church, in Spanish. Rosary - Monday through Saturday 8:30am, upper church. Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Is 65:17-21; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13b; Jn 4:43-54 Ez 47:1-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; Jn 5:1-16 Is 49:8-15; Ps 145:8-9, 13cd-14, 17-18; Jn 5:17-30 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Rm 4:13:16-18, 22; Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a or Lk 2:41-51a Wis 2:1a, 12-22; Ps 34:17-21, 23; Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 Jer 11:18-20; Ps 7:2-3, 9bc-12; Jn 7:40-53 Jer 31:31-34; Ps 51:3-4, 12-15; Heb 5:7-9; Jn 12:20-33 Alternate Readings (Year A) Ez 37:12-14; Ps 130:1-8; Rom 8:8-11; Jn 11:1-45 [3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45] Sacraments Penance: Lenten Schedule ~ Monday-Thursday: 7:00pm7:20pm. (No Confessions on Friday evenings due to Stations of the Cross at 7:00pm), Saturday: 1:00pm-2:00pm and immediately following the 5:30pm Mass or by appointment with a priest at any time. Baptisms are normally held the 2nd and 3rd Sunday of each month at 1:30pm.* Instructions for parents are normally held the 1st Sunday of each month at 1:30pm in the basement of the Parish Life Center. These instructions are required of parents having their first child Baptized. All parents must be registered parishioners and present child’s birth certificate at the time of arranging for the baptism. Godparents must be practicing Catholics, at least sixteen years of age, who have received the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist, and, if married, the Sacrament of Matrimony. Sponsor certificate must be presented at least one week before Baptism. PLEASE NOTE! We are accepting registrations for Baptisms for May and beyond. (No baptisms during Lent - Feb. 18 through Apr. 5). Please call the Rectory at 201-384-0101 for information. Matrimony - Arrangements for a wedding should be made at least one year in advance. Couples are required to attend PreCana and God’s Plan session. Please contact one of the priests, 201-384-0101. St. Patrick’s Day Parade TODAY. Sunday, March 15, 2015 Parade will begin at 2:00pm (rain or shine) at South Washington and Sylvan Avenues, will proceed North on Washington Ave., past St. John’s Church (reviewing stand— church steps) to Church Street. Attention! Members of the Bergen County Respect Life and St. John’s Respect Life committees will march in the parade. Please join us. It is a wonderful opportunity to be a witness for life. Call Mary at 201-385-8308 or 201-390-111 for information as wher to meet fellow marchers. Page 3 Fourth Sunday of Lent March 15, 2015 Pastor’s Desk Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,, I am so grateful for your initial and overwhelming response in pledges for our “We Are Living Stones” Capital Campaign. Please see the flyer in today’s bulletin for the latest amount and for the dates of the remaining parish receptions we are holding for you this coming week. I ask as many of you as possible to come to one of them to learn more about how you can help both the parish and the Archdiocese in providing for some of the needs and challenges we can face together. Please reply to the rectory with the date of your choice, so that we may be best prepared for you. Attending a reception will give you an opportunity to learn more specific details and ask any questions you may have. I am asking every parish family to consider making a sacrifice for this campaign. The more we are able to raise, the more we will be able to do for our parish! +++ I remind you of our Lenten Penance Service with individual confessions next Saturday, March 21st, at 1pm in our Church. Many priests from our Cluster parishes will be here to serve you. Msgr. Richard Arnhols, Pastor Reflection on Today’s Readings Year B—All Masses except 9am and 10:30am The image of the grain that must fall to earth and die before it can bear new life is both a powerful image of the Christian dynamic of death and resurrection, and a potentially misleading one. It is powerful because it draws on a familiar image from nature to show the logic of the Christian faith. It is potentially misleading for the same reason, implying that the pattern of death and resurrection revealed in Jesus is somehow the same as the natural process of birth, death, and rebirth that we see in the world around us. But this is not the case: the raising of Jesus from the dead in fact reverses the inexorable processes of nature by which things are born and die. The Resurrection is about God’s kingdom breaking in upon our world. So the image of the grain dying and rising only works as an image of the Paschal Mystery if we keep in mind that it is the Father who raises Jesus from the dead, in defiance of all worldly logic. It is through our learning to embody this new logic of death and resurrection that the law of God is, as Jeremiah says, written in our hearts. It is when we come to see ourselves as joined to Christ in his dying and rising, in his falling to the earth and his rebirth by the power of God, that we become God’s people. This is the new covenant that God makes with us in our Baptism. Lent is the time in which we prepare ourselves to re-experience that which is most fundamental to our identity as Christians: our identification through Baptism with the death and resurrection of Jesus. Year A– 9am and 10:30am Masses It is striking that, in the story of the man born blind, the man’s neighbors enter into a debate—once he is healed—as to whether it is in fact the same man. It is as if they have difficulty recognizing him once the blindness that was for them his defining feature is gone. It is also noteworthy that they refer to him as “the one who used to sit and beg.” For them, he was not a person with a name and a story, but simply a part of the landscape, wholly defined by his blindness and his begging. Furthermore, despite the fact that they know nothing about him, and seem to want to know nothing about him, they presume that his blindness must be the result of sin—either his sin or that of his parents. Part of the irony of the story is that it is the man’s neighbors who are really the blind ones. It is they who cannot see beyond their presumptions and prejudices and truly perceive the blind man. Moreover, they cannot truly see Jesus, saying that they know that he is a sinner. As Jesus heals the man’s physical blindness, he is also trying to heal the blindness of the bystanders by giving them the eyes of faith, so they can see what the blind man now sees: that if Jesus were not from God, he would not be able to do anything. Though we might think of healing physical blindness as a great miracle, the Gospel of John seems to be saying that it is spiritual blindness that truly needs to be overcome, and it is the healing of spiritual blindness that is the greatest miracle. Stewardship: Sharing our Time, Talent, and Treasure! “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son…” John 3: 16 Of all the wonderful gifts that God has given to us, the gift of His own Son is truly the greatest. How can we ever thank God for a gift like that? God does not ask us to sacrifice our own precious firstborn, but He does ask that we be generous in making some sacrifices for Him. Our Sunday Offering: Sunday, Feb. 15, 2015—$14,311.85 Feb. 16, 2014—$14,846.54 Page 4 Fourth Sunday of Lent March 15, 2015 St. John’s Overnight Eucharistic Adoration Prayers for the Dead Every First Friday, overnight Eucharistic Adoration in the Notre Dame Chapel of the Parish Life Center, from 9:00pm to 7:00am. Sign up sheet is available at the church main entrance. Please remember Brice M. Rowland in your prayers. St. John’s Bereavement Ministry St. John’s Prayer Groups Charismatic Prayer Group - Meets each Friday evening 8pm-10pm with one of the priests in the Santo Niño Healing Prayer Room, Parish Life Center (upper Church on 1st Friday for Holy Hour.) Legion of Mary - Meets each Saturday, 9:30am-11:00am in the Lower Church. Padre Pio Prayer Group - Meets on the 3rd Saturday of each month, 3-4pm in the Lower Church. Coffee hour follows 4-5pm. Spanish Prayer Group - Meets each Thursday evening, 7:30pm-9:30pm in the Lower Church. Jóvenes de Jesús Prayer Group - Meets every Friday evening, 7:30pm-9:30pm in the Parish Life Center. For more information, please contact website: www.jovenesdejesus.org. St. John’s Youth Group - Meets on Tuesdays, 7:00pm9:00pm, Youth Room, lower church. Santo Niño Healing Prayer Ministry An Outreach Healing Prayer Service for Abused Children, Adult Survivors, and the Chronically-ill, led by a priest or a deacon: *Every 1st Friday of the month, 7-9pm - upper church for Reconciliation & Silent Meditation, Holy Eucharist, Blessed Sacrament exposition, Adoration & Benediction, and… *Every 3rd Friday of the month, 8-9:30pm in the Santo Niño Healing Prayer Room, Parish Life Center, for Holy Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Holy Spirit Invocation, Gospel Reading & Homily theme - “Jesus the Healer,” Prayers for Healing Laying on of Hands, followed by Fellowship & Refreshments. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Church of the Presentation Bereavement Support Group ~ Spring Session begins week of March 9, 2015. “We are told that time will heal the grief, but it is in taking the time to grieve that we are healed.” The Bereavement Ministry offers support to anyone who has recently experienced the loss of a loved one. The trained and compassionate facilitators will navigate you through the grief process with discussions about loneliness, anger, guilt, family dynamics, and inner healing. You are invited to attend eight sessions presented over the course of eight weeks. This is a safe, confidential place to find support and understanding from those who have experienced a similar loss. Registration is required and there is no fee. Early registration is suggested as groups are limited in size. For registration or more information, call 201-327-1313, ext. 872 and someone will return your call. For anyone who is experiencing or having difficulties dealing with the loss of a loved one, whenever the loss occurred, we are here to help you. If you need or wish to talk, or are interested in becoming part of this ministry to the bereaved, please call Fr. Ray, 201-384-0101. For the Spanish-speaking, please call Delia, 201-387-8420. Remembrance Plaque - If a loved one passed away and a Funeral Mass was held here at St. John’s, please call Fr. Ray at 201-384-0101 to request the name plate. Support Groups for Parents Grieving the Death of a Child The Office of Family Life Ministries of the Archdiocese of Newark sponsors three support groups for Parents Grieving the Death of a Child. Groups meet year ‘round. There is no preregistration and no fee. All meetings begin at 7:30pm. 1st Wednesday of the month, ~ St. Thomas the Apostle Parish Center, 60 Byrd Ave., Bloomfield, NJ. 3rd Monday of the month, March 16, 2015 ~ St. Peter the Apostle Parish Center, 445 Fifth Ave., River Edge, NJ. **Support Group for Fathers Who Have Lost a Child will meet at Notre Dame Parish Center, 359 Central Avenue, North Caldwell twice a year. For further information please contact the Office of Family Life at 1-973-497-4327 or email mccormja@rcan.org. Memorial/Special Intention Fund We are offering weekly memorial/special intention opportunities for the altar wine and bread used at Mass, the sanctuary candle, and flowers for the altar. Please fill out a request form, available at the rectory. The memorial items will be listed in the appropriate week’s bulletin. SANCTUARY CANDLE $15.00 ALTAR BREAD (HOSTS) $50.00 ALTAR WINE $40.00 Please Note: Altar Flowers cannot be requested during Lent. Memorial (Deceased)/Special Intention (Living) Week of March 14-15, 2015 Sanctuary Candle: In Loving Memory of: Grace Ammacapane Requested by Fran & Ray Gorman Altar Wine: In Loving Memory of: Joan Anne Sciame Requested by: Phil Sciame Please Note! ~ Lenten Penance Service St. John the Evangelist Church Saturday, MARCH 21, 2015 at 1:00PM Priests and Parishioners of St. John’s, along with St. Mary’s of Dumont, Ascension of New Milford, and St. Joseph’s of Bogota Page 5 Fourth Sunday of Lent March 15, 2015 “Mary and the Cross” Wedding Anniversary Celebrations Wednesday, March 18th at 8:00pm St. John’s Parish Life Center 1st Floor Gathering Room We are once again preparing the annual tradition of honoring those couples in our Archdiocese who will be celebrating five, twenty-five and fifty years of Christian marriage in the year 2015. These anniversary liturgies will be celebrated by Archbishop John J. Myers in the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Newark as follows: April 19, 2015 3:00pm ~ 50 years (All Counties) May 3, 2015 3:00pm ~ 25 years & 5 years (All Counties) Registration Forms are available at the Rectory. If you have any questions, please call the rectory at 201-384-0101, Monday - Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm. Deadline Dates for Registations: April 19th Celebration~ Registration due April 8th May 3rd Celebrations ~ Registrations due April 22nd (*Enter via side door next to church!) Come join seminarieans Danny and Juan as they share a reflection on the important role Mary played in Jesus’ saving work on the Cross. All are invited. St. Therese of Lisieux Catholic Church 120 Monroe Ave. Cresskill, NJ Palm Sunday, March 29, 2015 at 7:00pm Presenting an Evening of Music, Prayer and Reflection Featuring Dan Schutte ~ Composer of favorite songs including “Here I Am Lord”, “City of God”, “Table of Plenty” and many more. FREE WILL OFFERING ($10 Suggested Donation) More information: Contact Adrian Soltys 201-567-2528 ext 313 or asoltys@sttheresecresskill.org The Legion of Mary Invites…. Everyone to join the 9 Day Novena starting on: Good Friday, April 3rd ~ 9:00am at the Englewood Abortion Clinic The Novena will continue each day at 2:40pm in the Main Church: Saturday, April 4th thru Saturday, April 11th Sunday, April 12 (Divine Mercy Sunday) the Novena will be held at 2:30pm ~ Main Church St. John’s Committee for the Homeless We will provide the walk-in dinner at the county shelter in Hackensack on Monday, March 23rd If you would like to cook or donate a salad, kindly call Bob Armbruster, 201-3872977. Food may be brought to Conlon Hall on the Monday, 3/23 between 2:00pm and 3:30pm or on the Sunday night, 3/22 from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. Thanks in advance to all who help. Also thanks to all who have helped in the past, expecially on Feb. 22nd, when Jovy and Babette Santos were the coordinators. Much appreciation also to all whose contributions to the poor box help to provide the plastic ware and paper goods. Pilgrimage to….. National Shrine of Divine Mercy, Stockbridge, MA, ~ Sunday, April 12, 2015 Bus Leaves: St. John’s parking lot at 7:00am Sharp! Returning: Approximately at 8:00pm. Cost: $38.00 per person. For information/reservation: Contact Sollie T. Wheeler at 201-384-4928 Deadline for reservation is March 29th St. John’s Respect Life Ministry HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ~ Spiritually Adopted Baby Your spiritually adopted baby was born this month...nine months after his/her mother concieved him/her. The only change at birth is a change in the external life support system of the baby. Your baby is no different now that he/she before birth except breaths and eats differently and is truly a miracle. Your baby began as a 46-chromosome cell and has grown over the past nine months into this unique human baby we now can see. Never before in history, nor ever again, will anyone exist who is exactly like your spiritually adopted baby. Your prayers saved his/her life. Thank you on behalf of all the little babies and their mothers for your loving prayers that helped to bring them to birth “so that they might have life and have it to the full!” 40 Days for Life Thursday, February 19th ~ Saturday, March 29th. Prayer Vigil is from 7:00am to 2:00pm on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays at the abortion clinic located at 10 Zabriskie Street, Hackensack. Your presence will definitely make a difference and maybe save someone’s life! For more information or sign up, contact: Margaret ~ 201-805-0937 or scullyfam@yahoo.com Linda ~ 551-265-8121 or lindamaliani@yahoo.com Mary ~ 201-723-5356 or doctorted2@verizon.net *Please note: Informative flyers are at the exits of the church. Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center ~ Embrace Grace Group forming ~ For all information Please contact Jess Rexford: 1-603-305-4993 or jes_rex77@hotmail.com. St. Patrick’s Day Parade ~ tODAY Sunday, March 15th, members of the Bergen County Right to Life and others who support life will march in the Annual Bergenfield St. Patrick’s Day Parade. If you wish to march with us (St. John’s Respect Life Ministry members) in support of life, please meet at 1:30pm on Sylvan Ave. For information, call Mary at 201-385-8308 or call 551-8048960. Page 6 Fourth Sunday of Lent March 15, 2015 Vatican Education Prefect: “Church Needs Faithful Catholic Schools” “True and faithful Catholic education is necessary today given the crises of values and family life” explained Cardinal Grocholewski. Prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Education. His presentation titled “The Need for Catholic Schools and Their Identity.” focused on the prevalent cultual crisis and the dire need for strong Catholic education, noting the crisis in moral values, which is the root of all educational problems. The Cardubak stated that Catholic education in a primary means to renew family life. Parents must be recognized as the primary educator of their children, and “we need Catholic schools that focus on the family: keep in mind the family’s needs, and defend its dignity and the values on which to build its happiness. Our schools must teach people to build strong, responsible and long lasting families.”“Yes, we need Catholic schools” he fimily declared He further stated “We need schools that concern themselves with forming humanly and spirtually mature persons, discerning people who want, and are able, to use what they have learned on for good.” End of except Transfiguration Academy is such a Catholic School: Strengthening Faith, Enlightening mends, Transforming hearts…..One student at a time Registration for the 2015 / 2016 School Year if OPEN Call us at 201-384-3627 or www.transfigurationacademy.org Religious Education St. John’s Golden Age Club The Religious Education Office is located in the Parish Life Center building. Any questions, please stop by the Rel. Ed. Office or call 201-384-3601. All classes are in session this week Sunday, March 15th ~ Confirmation Session #6 1:30pm ~ Conlon Hall Sunday, March 15th ~ Penance Service Grade 6 9:00am ~ Lower Church Monday, March 16th ~ Penance Service for Grades 5 & 6 3:30pm ~ Main Church Sunday, March 22nd ~ Confirmation Session #7 1:30pm ~ Conlon Hall Sunday, March 22nd ~ Penance Service for Grade 7 & High School 9:00am ~ Lower Church Meetings are scheduled on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month, 1:30pm in Conlon Hall. Labels from Campbell and General Mills products, please bring to Mary Drake (Table #12). Branson Missouri Bus Trip For all information or any questions, please contact Donna and Fred at 201-384-2798 as soon as possible. Next Trip (Non-members welcome) Thursday, March 12th ~ “Atlantic City” Bus departs at 9:00am from the parking lot behind the Little League Field at Melrose and Wildrose Avenues. Call Tom, 201-385-9340. The club schedules an Atlantic City trip every second Thursday of the month. New members welcome ~ (Bergenfield residency no longer required) Please call Sue at 20384-4293. St. John’s Knights of Columbus Council #1345 Upcoming meeting ~ Monday, March 16th at 8pm Our guest lecturer (rescheduled from February) is Anthony Mastraoni who will speak about the Blessed Miriam Teresa, New Jersey’s answer to housewives of New Jersey. Patrick’s “Irish Night” Dance ~ It’s that time again for everyone to be Irish ~ Saturday, March 28th from 7 to 11pm. Dinner includes corned beef & cabbage, bangers & mash, scones and beverages with the live music of Frankie Curran and the Evergreens. The cost is $30 per person - Reservations and payment in advance are a must. You can email lbrivera@optonline.net or call 201-315-0456. The Council is open on Friday evenings from 8 to 11pm. Why not stop in and learn more about us! Hall Renting & Catering ~ Planning a party soon? Call Bob DeWald at 201-264-6290 for information or email kofc1345rentals@gmail.com. The Senior Residence Located on the Campus of St. Peter the Apostle 415 Fifth Avenue, River Edge, NJ 07661 Open House ~ March 29, 2015~ 11:00am to 2:00pm The Senior Residence at St. Peter the Apostle is an affordable, supportive community offering: 24 Hour Staff 3 Meals Daily An Active and Engaging Environment The Safety & Peace-of Mind your family is seeking *For more information contact: Gina, 201-225-0707 or gprincipato@stpeterresidence.org www.StPetersResidence.org ST. JOHN’S BINGO **BINGO NOW ON WEDNESDAY ONLY** **7:30 P.M. ~ CONLON HALL** COME & SUPPORT IT! ~ “SMOKE FREE”!!! PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH Over 100 Years ... TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... 501-0615 15 Woodbine St. 800-815-5466 Bergenfield Shaw’s Lock Service Locks — Safes Locksmith 387-0021 74 S. Washington Franciscan Gift Shop GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS The Missionary Franciscan Sisters 253 Knickerbocker Road, Tenafly Sr. M. 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St. John the Evangelist
Rev. Msgr. Richard J. Arnhols
Rev. Raymond R. Filipski
Rev. Antonio N. Kuizon
Rev. Gustavo A. Alfaro
Rev. Jonathan Perez
Parochial Vicars
Deacon James A. Detura
Lisa Oggioni Marciano
201-384-0013 - St. John the Evangelist
Rev. Msgr. Richard J. Arnhols
Rev. Raymond R. Filipski
Rev. Antonio N. Kuizon
Rev. Gustavo A. Alfaro
Rev. Jonathan Perez
Parochial Vicars
Deacon James A. Detura
Lisa Oggioni Marciano