July 2011 - The Episcopal Church of the Incarnation


July 2011 - The Episcopal Church of the Incarnation
“All Things
Come of Thee”
Thank you for
your response!
The Church of the Incarnation
520 Main Street
P. O. Box 729
Highlands, North Carolina 28741-0729
Phone (828) 526-2968
Fax (828) 526-9290
Outreach Brunch
raised over $10,500 for
our Outreach programs
so far! All receipts have
not yet been received or
items purchased picked
up. Please pick up items
at church as soon as possible! Thank you to all
who made this such a
The Church of the Incarnation
Parish Post July 2011
520 Main Street
Post Office Box 729
Highlands, North Carolina 28741
Phone: 828-526-2968 Fax: 828-526-9290
Incarnation Web Page Address: incarnationwnc.org
E-mail address: incarnation@incarnationwnc.org
Our Mission Statement: The Church of the Incarnation exists to proclaim the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ through
worship, love and service. As individuals and as a congregation, we dedicate ourselves to this purpose.
Dear Friends and Family of Incarnation Parish,
For the month of June we emphasized gratitude and generosity as essential to
our spiritual growth. Trusting God, we relinquish as I Peter 4:1 says, ―our sinful habit
of expecting to get our own way‖, another way of saying we give up the illusion of security and control.
That continues to be a challenge for me. In the face of that ―sinful habit‖ of
wanting to be in control, a discipline of giving to the church and other expressions of
God’s work in the world, is an absolute requirement. Giving is as important as worship or prayer. Generosity is foundational to a Christian commitment and the life of
the Christian community. Sharing, caring, serving and giving have always been essential to the Christian community’s life. It is being the ―Body of Christ‖, doing what Jesus did.
Truth be told, Jesus had more to say about how we deal with our possessions than anything else. He
knew that people who are not generous with what they have, would never know what it means ―to lose life to
find it‖, or to ―take up your cross and follow me‖. Jesus’ saying that it is ―easier for a camel to go through
Needle’s Eye‖, a gate in the wall of ancient Jerusalem, ―than for a rich person to enter the kingdom‖ is true.
Camels had to ―unload‖ to go through Needle’s Eye and so do we, to really connect with God’s purpose, at
work in God’s kingdom. We have to turn loose of our baggage, our attachments to the things of this world, to
know Jesus’ peace and rest.
Life is a gift. We are born of generosity for generosity. Like any spiritual discipline, generosity has to
be practiced to make a difference in your life. Believe me, this stewardship emphasis was not about raising
money as much as it was about raising up faithful Christians.
The Reverend Denson N Franklin, Interim Rector
The Reverend Howard W. L’Enfant, Priest Associate
The Rt. Reverend G. Porter Taylor, Bishop
The Most Reverend Katharine Jefferts Schori, Presiding Bishop
Staff Changes and Reorganization
On June 8 , Andrea Chalker informed me that she was a
candidate for a teaching position at Highlands School.
This fall I will begin a new journey. I have accepted Actually I had heard on the grapevine that with her moththe Great Beginning’s K-1 teaching position at
er-in-law’s (Jane Chalker) retirement, that might happen.
Highlands School. This is an incredible opportuni- Andrea and I decided to wait until the decision was made
ty for me and my family.
by the Macon County Board of Education to officially announce this change.
Soon I will be transitioning over all my office responsibilities including bulletins, weekly updates,
Today, June 28th, Andrea was able to say that her
parish post, etc…I am confident that this will be a
appointment to Highlands School is official and that she
smooth transition and what is best for the office
will begin her ―new ministry‖ on August 1. I use the word
―ministry‖ on purpose because as all of you understand,
I will continue my revised position as children and who know Andrea, that in addition to her outstanding
youth director at Incarnation until our new rector competence and commitment, she will also bring a spirit of
arrives and we can see where his/her new vision
love and acceptance. Her spirit reflects ―the mind of
will take us.
Christ‖ that St. Paul commends to all of us.
Thank you for your love and support. I cannot
As of August 1, Andrea will be giving up her adexpress the fondness I have for Incarnation and the
ministrative responsibilities. Beginning then, she will not
appreciation I have for each of you and all of the
be the one you or I can call on to find our answers about
opportunities you have given me.
everything at Incarnation. She will not be publishing the
bulletins or the newsletter or fixing the air conditioning.
Andrea She will no longer be organizing and implementing events
at the church. Our volunteers will need to take more responsibility.
Dear friends and family of Incarnation,
What she will do is to continue to lead and direct our children and youth ministries. She will continue
to be the Director of Bright Discoveries, the preschool she inaugurated and manages here. She will still be an
active member of our parish and for the time ahead, be available by phone or email to help us when we are lost.
Plans are underway to bring a person on staff to handle all the publications and to support our Incarnation ministries. No one can ―replace‖ Andrea but we can live our way into new strategies for organizing and serving the needs of the parish.
Personally, I am happy for Andrea and her family that she has the position at Highlands School. She has
essentially been on call and deployed all of the time in her ministry at Incarnation. She has given her heart and
her time to us. I could not have done what I felt needed to be done without her help. In fact she is the one of
the ones who helped me know what my priorities were.
We will mark and celebrate her new ministry with a reception after the 10:30 service on August 7 . We
will not say goodbye. We will say ―thank you so much‖ for twelve years on staff and for years past and years to
come for your place in our hearts.
Fisher Garden Tour
Saturday, July 23rd &
Saturday, July 3oth
Tours begin at 10,11,12 & 1
Please call the church office for tickets..828-526-2968
Credit card orders are not available this year but we will reserve tickets and
hold for seven days until payment is received.
All proceeds benefit Outreach programs.
I am recently back from twelve days in Haiti. While I was
there I visited the church and school in Tierra Mouscady with
Father Lafontant, AND visited six schools on Lake Peligre which can only be reached by boat, AND attended two
church services at Bon Sauveur Episcopal Church and assisted
with kindergarten graduation after one service, AND went to Ti
Peligre, a village that had no church or school until students
from Va. Tech engineered and built a swinging bridge across
the river, AND delivered a laptop to a student who a Highlands
friend has been supporting as he studies hospital administration
in the Dominican Republic, AND sat with a young man and
gave him money from another Highlands friend who is helping the young man attend dental school in Port au Prince, AND
watched as the Digicel cell phone company built seven classrooms for our friend Leneus' school, AND visited in
the home of a young man who a member of Incarnation is helping attend a university in the Dominican, AND talked with another young man who a member of Incarnation has helped attend a French university
in Port au Prince. He is counting the days until he graduates in August as a master electrical engineer. His professor recently told this young man when he graduates next month he would be the sixth master electrical engineer in all of Haiti.
There much is progress in Haiti. Probably the most visible is the paved road from Port au Prince to Cange.
The trip that used to take four and a half hours now takes one and a half. But I am constantly reminded of the
needs in this poor country. I visited the grave of Emmaus, Leneus' father. He died from an expanding aortic
aneurysm because there are no doctors or hospitals in Haiti able to perform this surgery.
Thank you for your continued support for our brothers and sisters in Haiti. Jane Chalker
The Episcopal Church of the Incarnation Vestry Meeting
July 3
July 3
Lana Jordan
Robin Carter
10:30 Tarbox
July 10 Luther
8:00 Turner
10:30 Whitby
July 17 Jean
David Moore
Carl Norman
Diane McPhail
Chris Alley Ann Turner
Jim & Midge
July 31 Peg
Jim Rothermel
8:00 Brannen
July 31 Lewis
Lana Jordan
Luther Turner
Dan Adcock
Team 2
Team 3
Team 4
Team 3
Helen Anderson
Sarah Wallin
Ginny Harris
Barbara Smith
At 4:00, Father Franklin opened the meeting with a
prayer. Then the Lord’s Prayer was said in unison.
Alley Preda
Joe Parrott
Drew Chalker
II. May Minutes were approved. Ginger Slaughter
made the motion Joe Parrott seconded, the motion
III. Financial Report: Bill Conway reported that we are
well ahead of last year. We’ll have some small stewardship expenses. We split the cost of Summer Chapel
with The Church of the Good Shepherd in Cashiers.
By the end of the summer Summer Chapel expenses
and revenues are equal. Mike Hunter made a motion
to continue financial support of Summer Chapel and
Ginger Slaughter seconded it. Motion was passed.
Jeanne Clark
Nancy Freese
Bobbie Holden
Barbara Cusachs
Ann Maxwell
Suzy Mosely
Sarah Wallin
Janice Goddard
July Birthdays
Emily Murphy
Peggy Barnett
Janet Mosely
Dale Wallin
Selwyn Chalker, III
July Anniversaries
Carole Simmons
Virginia Parrott
Chris & Donna Alley
William Lovell
Catherine Mouw
Charles & Aggie Richards
Margaret Payne
Patricia Catchings
Buck & Jean Trott
English Des Champs
Peter Ray
Mike & Christine Murphy
Samuel Chambers
Charles Richards
Vernon & Miriam Skiles
Avary Doubleday
Samuel Bector
Lewis & Anne Doggett
Tony Chambers
Ann Turner
Samuel & Jane Hollis
Leonard Parks
Eleanor Harrison
Bob & Cathy Fisher
Boyd Vaughan
Steve Lucas
Helen Lowrey
Ted McDaniel
Present: Father Denson Franklin, Mike Murphy, Kirk
Domingos, Jim Shearon, Ginger Slaughter, Bev Cone,
Bill Conway, Peggy, Mike Hunter, Bill Temple, and
Isabel Allen
Absent: Anne Maxwell, Sam Edgens, and Dan Adcock
Bunny Hanley
Barbara Cusachs
Minutes for June 8, 2011
Vestry of the
Harriet Hamilton
Ed Whitby
Midge Rothermel
July 24 Agnes
10:30 DeHart
Team 1
Lewis Doggett
Diane McPhail
Ginny Harris
July 24 Hilda
8:00 Blitch
July 10 Jean
8:00 Whitby
July 17 Beverly
10:30 Cone
had to be forced to run. Now they have been repaired. But it's now running fine. In addition, the
sprinkler compressor had to be repaired.
Sprinkler compressor now fixed. The various daily
schedules for meetings are programmed on the system. Andrea, and Mike Hunter who lives nearby are
being trained to program changes in the set schedule, etc. Andrew/Auld will do matinence.
V. Ministry Reports:
A. Stewardship: Mike Murphy reported that the
pledges turned in reflect a 37 percent increase in
giving. The Welcome Back Party at Wolfgang's is
B. Music: Bev Cone reported that Robert Henry
needs new section leaders in choir.
C. Christian Formation: New classes and events will
be published soon.
IV. Reports
D. Children and Youth: Andrea Chalker—attached
Finance committee: Father Franklin suggested we pay
Father L’Enfant monthly. His first check will be issued
the end of June. Bev Cone made a motion to this effect, and Mike Murphy seconded it. Motion was
F. Outreach: Ginger Slaughter reported. Attached
Rector’s Report: Father Franklin engaged in a discussion of what to do with designated gifts for ministries
and programs already in the budget. How should they
be applied? He then gave a directive to the Finance
Committee to draft a policy, and return to the vestry
for their suggestions and approval.
Senior Warden: Bill Temple, The Episcopal Church of
the Incarnation doesn’t belong to Chamber of Commerce. It will cost $130 to join. When we join, there
will be a link to our website on the City of Highlands’
website. Bill Temple made a motion to join, Mike
Hunter seconded it, and the motion passed. Bill Conway said our lease for the land, which playground and
a/c unit occupies, is owned by the Catholic church and
will be up for renewal in July.
C. Jr. Warden: Jim Shearon reported that the big air
conditioning units were not operating correctly. They
I. Outreach Brunch. As of yesterday, 74 people
have signed up to attend the Outreach Brunch on
Sunday, June 26th. Martha Hunter (our Dessert
Chair) is receiving donations of pick-up desserts for
the event. Jane Tracy (our Silent Auction Chair),
assisted by Virginia Parrott, is receiving donations
of items and talents for the silent auction. A list of
the wonderful selection of items/talents received so
far will be identified on a handout included with
this coming Sunday’s bulletin.
Robert Henry has agreed to play the piano for the
event. Holly Roberts is offering us a scrumptious
menu of shrimp and grits, ham and biscuits at cost.
A meeting of the Outreach Brunch team will be
held on June 13th to do a final review of all the
components being implemented to launch a successful brunch.
II. Change for Children jars. A list of the 10 organizations we have funded this year, with their mission, and name of person (with phone number) to
contact for volunteering has been placed next to
Vestry Minutes Continued...
each of the Change for Children jars. This list of organizations will be printed on snappy letterhead and
placed at every seat for the Outreach Brunch on June
III. Highlands Cooperative Workshop. So far, 27 people representing staff and board members of Highlands’ nonprofits have signed up for the workshop at
First Presbyterian on Friday, June 10th: ―Keeping Your
Nonprofit House in Order.‖ Funds have been raised to
support the workshop, thanks to the Highlands Mountaintop Rotary, the Community Foundation of Western NC, members of the Highlands Cooperative, and
an anonymous donor from Church of the Incarnation.
The workshop – with lunch - is free to all who attend.
John O’Kane, the workshop speaker/presenter, is Senior Vice President of Coxe Curry and Associates in Atlanta. He is a well known and frequent lecturer, trainer, consultant, and writer on topics related to nonprofit
management and training.
G. Angel Food: Linda Shearon has recruited more people to help for summer.
H. BTE: Tom Tracy gave a brief presentation on June
I. Discernment committee: Mike Murphy said the committee is screening applicants. They have compiled a
list of 23 candidates at this point.
VI. Old Business: The database will help in building a
good foundation for new rector, but much more work
is needed.
VII. New Business:
IX. Motion to adjourn at 5:00 pm. The benediction
was given by Father Franklin.
Respectfully submitted,
Isabel M. Allen
Stephen Ministers will provide comfort and
support. Call Dan Adcock, 828-526-9889 or Bobby
O'Dell, 828-742-0238 or talk to any Stephen Minister for more information.
Bell Tower Endowment
Summer is almost here. As you walk into Incarnation this summer think about our
beautiful church and how important Incarnation is to your life. We hope you will consider her perpetual care in your financial
planning. This summer we will begin our
―Codicil Campaign‖. We encourage you ,if
you have not considered it, to sign a codicil
to your will and leave a lasting legacy to the
Church. For a more complicated codicil, it is
not necessary to make a new will, just have
your lawyer draw up a codicil and add it to
your existing will. Steve Lucas is also available to do this for you too (free of charge).
Like the energizer bunny, this is a gift that
keeps on going!! You are leaving a legacy for
perpetuity. Please attach all codicils to a Legacy or Anchor Society form (located in the
narthex). Your gift amount is kept confidential. Also think about giving for birthday gifts
or anniversary gifts…what a way to
acknowledge a loved one!!! Your gift will continue to grow and grace others!!!
July 2011
Special Events
8:00am Holy Eucharist Rite I
8:30am Breakfast $5/per person
Fisher Garden Tour
9:00am Sunday School for children & adults
Saturday, July 23 &
10:30am Holy Eucharist Rite II
10:45am Yoga in Jones Hall
4:00pmWomen’s cursillo in Library
5:30pm AA Meeting in Jones Hall
Saturday, July 30
Interlude Concerts
2:00 Wednesday Afternoons
July 6 Robert Henry, piano
July 20 Regina Davis, soprano
8:30am Men’s cursillo in Jones Hall
August 3 Susan Brady, harpist
August 17 Christina Smith, flute
1:30pm Staff meeting in Vestry Room
5:30pm Women’s AA Meeting in Jones Hall
7:30am Yoga in Jones Hall
Everyone who has made a cash contribution
of $100.00 or more is a member of the Living & Memorial Endowment. Anyone who
has made a bequest to the BTE is a member
of the Endowment.
12:00pm AA meeting in Jones Hall
We would like to thank Tommy and Vickie
Chambers for their recent contribution to
the BTE.
10:00am Holy Eucharist in the Chapel
If you have any questions, please contact a
BTE Board Member: Tom Tracy 526-2816,
Alwyn Staley 526-3219, Paula Jones 5260307, or Tom Cox 526-9889.
12:00pm Al-Anon in Library
*Vestry Meeting on second Wednesdays @ 4
3:30-5:30 Stephen’s Ministry in Library (1st & 3rd)
Lecture Series
Sunday, July 24
John Dominck Crossan
9:00 Adult Sunday School
10:30 Holy Eucharist
5:00pm Lecture
Monday, July 25 @ 10am
Discussion Group in Chapel
* see page 7 for more information
10:45am Yoga in Jones Hall
11:00am Needlework Group in Lobby
5:30pm Overeaters Anonymous in the Library
12:00pm AA meeting in Jones Hall
Orders will be taken until
Sunday, July 17th and distribution
will be on
Saturday, July 23 from 8-9am.
Family Fun at Incarnation
For more information please contact ...
Andrea Chalker 526.2968 x206 christianed@incarnationwnc.org
“ The child lacks what is usually thought of as
power and yet is able to enter (or receive) the
Kingdom… when you meet such a child you meet
Jesus, the embodiment of the Kingdom”
Jerome Berryman, Toward a Theology of Childhood
Summer Sunday Mornings
Youth Events
(6th grade & up… held at HUMC youth room)
8:30 Breakfast Begins
10:30 Children’s Chapel
Lectionary based curriculum that follows the worship service for ages 2nd grade and under...children are brought upstairs for The Great
Wednesday Evenings 6-7:15
“Journey to Awareness”
During the summer we are exploring what
makes us “rich” and how to follow Jesus’
call to “serve others”.
Awareness Campout... July 9 & 10th
Back to School Festival
Saturday, August 13
Town Ballfield
Food, Inflatables, Crafts...
Lots of fun to celebrate the beginning of a new school year!
2012 Vestry Nominations
Eric NeSmith
Originally from Athens, Ga., Eric NeSmith moved to the mountains in 2003 after graduating with a journalism degree from The University of Georgia. He is currently the publisher and editor of The Highlander, a position he has held since 2006. Three summers
ago, Eric was confirmed in the church. Later that year, he married Connell Sullivant.
Connell is a tenth-grade English teacher at Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School. Both Connell
and Eric reside in Highlands year round and have been active members in the church,
serving as ushers over the last three years.
Harriet Hamilton
Born in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and raised in Miami, Florida by parents who were an agnostic and a Methodist, I found at the age of nine, my religious gene kicked in and I became
a Lutheran. As president of the three year confirmation class, I was quite proud when I
was finally confirmed and baptized at the age of twelve.
A career which spanned thirty-two years with Delta Air Lines, led to life in many American cities. I was active in almost all churches I attended. Upon arriving in Highlands, in
December 2004, I was quickly welcomed by the members of Incarnation, and in May
went to Cursillo. The following fall, I organized the Feast Groups and joined the four
year Education For Ministry study program. I headed the Wednesday, Lenten suppers prior to Joanna Rainey’s
reign and have served as a visitor greeter and usher. I am currently on the Altar Guild and a member of a feast
I have found there is work life after Delta, at the age of sixty-one, I passed the Series 7 and 66 exams to become a
stock broker, a far cry from being in Protocol with Delta Air Lines in Washington, DC. As a Registered Financial
Associate, I am currently the Branch Operations Manager and assistant to the Branch Manager for Benjamin F.
Edwards and Company, a brokerage firm located in Highlands.
My home is filled with art, books and music I love, and shared with my dog, Macy, who I rescued in 2005.
Bobby O’Dell
with our friends
from HUMC!
Wednesday, July 13
I have been a member of Incarnation since 2007. I have served on the Stewardship
Commission and the Discernment Committee. I am enrolled in EFM (Education
for Ministry). I am a Stephens Minister and Stephens Ministry leader. I served as
head usher in the past. I was a delegate to the convention last fall. I made my cursillo in 1981. I serve on the board of the International Friendship Center.
2012 Vestry Nominations
Tom Tracy
Tom Tracy spent 37 years in the investment business and retired in 2004 where he
was the CEO of Robinson Humphrey Co. in Atlanta, GA. He and his wife Jane
have been coming to Highlands for 15 years and transferred their membership 7
years ago from All Saints Church in Atlanta to the Church of the Incarnation. They
have two children and four grandchildren. Tom is very active with the Bell Tower
Incarnation Sanctuary Lecture Series
Begins Sunday, July 24th
Incarnation kicks off its new Sanctuary Lecture series July
24 featuring guest speaker Dr. John Dominic Crossan.
Beginning at 9:00am, Crossan will lead Adult Sunday school
in the Chapel. He will then preach at the 10:30 Eucharist. At
5:00pm in the Sanctuary, Crossan will lecture on his latest
Patricia Catchings
book, “The Greatest Prayer: Rediscovering the Revolutionary
Patricia was confirmed at Trinity Episcopal Church, Natchez, MS, in 1982. She
served Trinity as a Vestry member, EYC leader, Altar Guild member, ECW treasurer
and as the school counselor at Trinity Episcopal Day School. She attended Curcillo
in 1988. Volunteer positions in the community included Natchez Junior Auxiliary
President and Regional Director; board member of a thirteen county community action agency and the Adams County Literacy Council.
Message of the Lord’s Prayer.” The following morning at 10
Patricia and her late husband, Charles, moved to Western NC in 1996 where she
attended St. David’s Episcopal Church at Cullowhee while working as an outreach
counselor at WCU. At St. David’s, Patricia served as church treasurer. She was a licensed foster parent in Jackson County.
Patricia moved to Highlands in 1999 to take the position of School Counselor at Highlands School and became a member of Incarnation. In 2008 she completed the four year EFM program. Patricia currently serves as
usher and volunteer church receptionist. Frequent trips to Mississippi keep her in touch with her two sons and
four grandchildren.
These four members of Incarnation: Harriet Hamilton, Eric NeSmith, Bobby
O’Dell, and Tom Tracy have been nominated by the Rector and the Vestry
class of 2011, whose term ends this year, and who are the Nominating Committee to serve as the Vestry class of 2015.
In addition, Patricia Catchings has been nominated to fill a one year unexpired
term ending in 2012. She will be eligible to be nominated for a full three year
term next year. All of these members are eligible, contributing members of the
parish and have agreed to serve. The Annual Meeting will be held Sunday, September 18th at 9:15 in the Chapel.
a.m., Crossan will lead a discussion on his evening lecture in the church’s Chapel. The lecture and
discussion are open to the public free of charge, but donations will be accepted.
Crossan is Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies at De Paul University and is widely considered
one of the foremost historical Jesus scholars. He is also the author of more than twenty books and
several bestsellers, including “The Historical Jesus: The Life of a Mediterranean Jewish Peasant” and
“Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography.” For more information, call 828-526-2968 or visit
Other Upcoming Speakers Include:
The Very Rev. Harry Pritchett is retired priest associate of St. Phillip’s cathedral in Atlanta. He is the Eighth Dean of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City,
the largest gothic cathedral in the world; from which he retired in 2001. Dean Pritchett was rector of All Saint’s in Atlanta for sixteen years. He has published in journals
and periodicals and has written several books. He has taught at three Episcopal Seminaries. On July 30 Dean Pritchett will be lecturing on the lyrics of Stephen Sordheim
at CLE. On Sunday July 31 he will preach here at the 10:30 Eucharist.