July 2015 - The Episcopal Church of the Incarnation


July 2015 - The Episcopal Church of the Incarnation
Come to the
special blessing for
the garden on
Sunday, July 5th
after the 10:30
Vestry Members
Class of 2015 Selwyn Chalker (Senior Warden),
Jim Rothermel, Susie Kaiser, Barbara Roberts
Class of 2016 Al Brady, Lauch Magruder,
Carol Hilley, Bill Temple
Class of 2017 Martha Wright,
Tommy Chambers (Junior Warden),
Lana Jordan, Ruthie Oliver
The Church of the Incarnation
July Parish Post
We congratulate Philip Murphy and
Desiray Schmitt, who are graduating from
Highlands High School.
We congratulate Katelyn Elizabeth Jackson for her
graduation from LSU with a BA and a BS,
Sam Chambers PhD from the
University of Arizona.
We congratulate
William Adcock Chambers,
Johnson Wales Denver
Elizabeth Collett Chambers,
University of Kentucky Law School
James Krae Baumgardner,Jr., Greenville High School,
Greenville SC
520 Main Street
Post Office Box 729
Highlands, North Carolina 28741
Phone: 828-526-2968 Fax: 828-526-9290
Incarnation Web Page Address: www.incarnationwnc.org
rector@incarnationwnc.org - Rev. Dr. S. Bruce Walker
howard@incarnationwnc.org - Rev. Howard L’Enfant
deacon@incarnationwnc.org - Rev. Dn Priscilla Wodehouse
finance@incarnationwnc.org - Teresa Hollingsworth
incarnation@incarnationwnc.org - Cain Haley
Our Mission Statement: The Church of the Incarnation exists to proclaim the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ through worship,
love and service. As individuals and as a congregation, we dedicate ourselves to this purpose.
“Whom shall I send?”
During the month of June, we got off to a great start on Summer.
Our season kick-off at Wildcat Cliff’s was a smashing success despite threats of rainy weather. Everyone had
a great time and the picnic was superb. Many thanks go to Jim and Midge for arranging the host site and
our up and coming Parish Life Committee led by Michael Lanzilotta and Dollie Swanson for pulling us
together. We were “all in” as many people brought side dishes and desserts to share. It was truly a fun and
community building afternoon.
A special word of thanks goes out to Mindy and Wolfgang for hosting a brunch for the parish at Wolfgang’s on Main on June 14th.
We gathered after church and were treated to a delightful array of tasty treats seasoned with a lot of love and care. The friendships
renewed and formed that day were an added benefit to an already delightful meal. Mindy and Wolfgang we will always love you.
On June 21st Maria Howell returned to Incarnation for a late afternoon performance as part of the fundraising efforts for our
Friends of Haiti ministry. Maria’s talent is over the top excellent and she brought it to us that day. We were all smiles as we stood to
give her a standing ovation after the performance. Thanks to Jane, Al and everyone associated with this outstanding ministry toward
our brothers and sisters in Haiti. The event was a financial success and you all deserve a standing ovation as well!
Speaking of finances, we are off to another great start on our 2016 Stewardship Campaign. Our theme this year is “Here I am,
Lord.” It conveys a message of our responsibility to stand up and be counted when our Lord calls us to ministry. We are a people
with many gifts to share and I encourage you to share from a place of gratitude and blessing. We are a people blessed, so that we can
be a blessing!
Our format this year, is similar to last in that some of our folks will be hosting cottage gatherings in their home and elsewhere.
We are making a special effort to see that everyone has an opportunity to attend by either signing up or accepting an invitation
when offered to come together to hear about the good work that the Lord is doing among us. One of the most pleasant surprises
from last year was found in the social aspect of these gatherings which were rich with great conversation and new found friends.
As an added feature, various ministry teams in our parish are making short presentations each Sunday in July and August about
their activities and how God is at work among us. In the context of these messages we hope to shed some light on what we are about
as a parish and how God is calling each of us into service.
Many have already answered the Lord’s call of, “Whom shall I send?” Come to these various gatherings and to church on Sunday
with open hearts and minds. In the midst of these experiences may we come to know the Incarnate Christ and make our own
response, “Here I am Lord, send me!”
Fr. Walker+
Fax (828) 526-9290
Phone (828) 526-2968
Highlands, North Carolina 28741-0729
520 Main Street; P. O. Box 729
The Reverend Dr. S. Bruce Walker, Rector - The Reverend Howard W. L’Enfant, Priest Administrator
The Rev. Priscilla D. Wodehouse, Deacon
The Rt. Reverend G. Porter Taylor, Bishop - The Most Reverend Katharine Jefferts Schori, Presiding Bishop
The Church of the Incarnation
Vestry Minutes
Finance Committee report - Pledge and plate receipts (PPR) for
May this year were $34,200 versus the budgeted amount of
$19,260. Actual PPR receipts for the year to date through May
were $162,114 versus $142,895 last year. Actual expenditures
for the first 5 months YTD for budgeted expense items are
about the same as last year. The expense categories that are
over budget through May are Other General Expenses
(excluding Interest and Investment expenses) by about 30%,
Property Expenses 34%, (primarily Maintenance and Monitoring), and Rectory Expenses & Utilities 20%. The Vestry will
continue its efforts to meet our balanced budget objective and
refrain from spending in every way we can until we see that
revenues are increasing during the summer months. A motion
was made and passed unanimously that any proposed expenditure or acquisition in excess of $250 not included in regular
expenditures from the Budget for 2015 must be requested in
writing in advance of the commitment being made. This request in writing should go to the Finance Committee for approval and then recommended to the full Vestry. Jean Ann
L’Enfant stated that she has enjoyed her work with the Teresa
Hollingsworth and the Finance Committee, but that she feels
she has completed it now, so she is resigning from the Finance
Committee. She will continue to be available to Teresa, as
needed. After discussion about the innumerable hours she has
spent working on financial matters, a motion was proposed and
approved by unanimous vote that she be commended and
thanked for her service to the church.
Possible Updates/Enhancements to the Memorial Garden – Fr.
Walker and architect, Sam Edgens discussed a possible concept
for changes to the Memorial Garden which have evolved since
last fall. This concept would involve using materials and
themes that are in keeping with the current exterior of the
church (such as the same kind of stone as on the 5th Street side)
and an indoor Columbarium in the space currently occupied by
the daycare nursery (adjacent to the Garden). Vestry agreed to
have Sam draw more sketches and to get some cost estimates,
so that there could be additional consideration before any action is taken.
New Vestry nominees – The nominating committee, composed
of Jim Rothermel, Susie Kaiser, Barbara Roberts and Selwyn
Chalker recommended David Moore, Jeanne Chambers, Robbie Harrison and Linda Arnold. All have agreed to be nominated and to serve. There was a discussion of the advisability of
having more nominees than the number of members needed,
with acknowledgement that there are pros and cons to doing it
either way.
Outreach remains strong with Mercedes Heller at the helm. The
committee is doing a spectacular job planning their Outreach
Summer Weekend, the second weekend in August. The Food
Pantry continues to move toward a goal of becoming more a
community based ministry. Peter Ray is involved in leading a
group to determine what this will look like. I will be meeting
with Peter on June 15th.
The Haiti ministry continues to thrive – plans are for Jane
Chalker to return in August with a group from the Presbyterian
Church near Blowing Rock, NC.
On Christian Formation, the new Sunday morning offering is
off to a very strong start. Mid-week offerings continue with
Priscilla’s class and Howard begins his Bible study on Mark
on June 16th. Howard has agreed to be liaison to the Christian
Formation Committee and coordinate and provide oversight to
a more intentional and structured approach to CF –
restructuring and recruitment of additional members will be
the focused on this summer.
Membership development –The name tag table is back in
place. Priscilla has agreed to provide oversight to this developing ministry team. This will be a project to develop over the
summer. I will provide resources and guidance as needed. Two
leaders have been identified and agreed to work in areas of in
reach to present members and another to work with newcomers.
Stewardship – the energy around this remains good and many
people are involved. The cottage meeting host training on June
6th was well attended. Lana Jordan is working on the schedule
and guest lists. Fr. Walker and Midge Rothermel have produced supporting materials (pledge card, brochure, etc.), and
scheduling of ministry groups for Sunday mornings. David
Moore has offered assistance with putting together the brochure.
Carl Norman
Jane Chalker
Luther Turner
Midge & Jim
Jane & Selwyn
Jane Chalker
John Roberts
Susie Walker
Vestry of
the Day
John Roberts
Ally & Tiffany
Al Brady
Paul Field
Jane Tracy
Geri Coleman
Ann Turner
Luther Turner
Harriet Hamilton
Team 1
Betsy Turner
Ginny Harris
Ginger Grimes
Team 2
Martha Hunter
Ruthie Oliver
Bunny Hanley
Team 3
Sarah Wallin, Suzy
Mosely, Bettye Sue
Helen Andersen
Team 4
The author of "Crazy Christians: A Call to Follow
Jesus," Bishop Curry has said he prays "for a church
passionately committed to making disciples."
Craig Edmondson
7/5 Mary Adair
Bishop Curry, 62, has been bishop of North Carolina
since 2000, leading a diocese of 48,000 church members, 112 congregations and a network of ministries.
Bishop Curry is known for his emphasis on evangelism,
public service and social justice.
7/3 Anne Bailey
7/3 Wayne Hilley
7/5 Peggy Barnett
7/7 Bruce Walker
7/8 Luba Barnhardt
7/8 Dale Wallin
7/9 Tammy Mobley
7/10 William Lovell
7/10 Carole Simmons
7/10 Steve Sheppard
7/11 Pegsie Payne
7/11 Bill Walker
7/12 Samuel Chambers
7/15 Leonard Parks
7/16 Suzie Dickinson
7/17 Rick Harrison
7/17 Victor Preda
7/17 Boyd Vaughan
7/18 Rollin Mallernee
7/19 Sissy Lowrey
7/19 Emily Murphy
7/20 Selwyn Chalker III
7/20 Jeannie Chambers
7/20 Janet Latham
7/21 English Des Champs
7/22 Virginia Parrott
7/22 Patricia Catchings
7/22 Catherine Mouw
7/22 Peter Ray
7/22 Charles Richards
7/23 Samuel Betor
7/24 Pamela Nellis
7/24 Frank Langford
7/25 Ginny Dunwoody
7/26 Anne Turner
7/28 Eleanor Harrison
7/29 Stephen Lucas
7/29 Ted McDaniel
7/30 Elizabeth Spaulding
7/31 Janice Goddard
7/1 Chris & Donna Alley
7/5 Brady & Elizabeth Spalding
7/6 Bob & Ginny May
7/8 John & Barbara Adams
7/10 Jay & Shay Connors
7/11 Norman & Carol Avinger
7/13 George & Janet Sistrunck
7/14 Charles & Aggie Richards
7/14 Buck & Jean Trott
7/15 Frank & Anne Turner
7/16 John & Laura Rogers
7/20 Bryan & Janet Latham
7/20 Michael & Christine Murphy
7/23 Vernon & Miriam Skiles
7/31 Bob & Cathy Fisher
on June 18th 2015
Lord, you know I am growing older.
Keep me from becoming too talkative, and particularly keep
me from falling into the tiresome habit of expressing an
opinion on every subject.
Release me from the craving to straighten out everybody’s
Keep my mind free from the recital of endless details. Give
me wings to get to the point.
Give me grace, dear Lord, to listen to others describe their
aches and pains. Help me to endure the boredom with patience and to keep my lips sealed. For my own aches and
pains are increasing in number and intensity and the pleasure
of discussing them is becoming sweeter as the years go by.
Garden Party and Jazz Concert Benefits!
the Church of the Incarnation
Through the Summer....Howard and Priscilla will
facilitate a class entitled, "What are we here for?"
The class will be taken from the best selling author,
Rick Warren's book, with the same title. It is an
expanded version of "The Purpose Driven Life." We
will meet in the Library at 9:00. All are welcome and
encouraged to buy the book if you plan on attending
each Sunday.
Teach me the glorious lesson that, occasionally, I might be
Keep me reasonably sweet; I do not wish to be a saint (saints
are so hard to live with) but a sour old woman is the crowning work of the devil.
Make me thoughtful, but not moody; helpful, but not pushy;
independent, yet able to accept with graciousness favors that
others wish to bestow on me.
Free me of the notion that simply because I have lived a long
time I am wiser than those who have not lived so long.
If I do not approve of some of the changes that have taken
place in recent years, give me the wisdom to keep my mouth
Lord knows that when the end comes I would like to have a
friend or two left.
Mark your calendar now and plan to
attend a fun...fund raising party for Lake Logan
and Camp Henry Saturday, August 29, 6-9.
Great music, fellowship, food, drinks, huge
silent auction items.
More details later.
A Summer Weekend with
Tuesday, 10:30 in the Library
The Gospel of Mark
Maria Howell Concert
Thanks to all who
attended and helped put
on the successful
concert June 21 to
Support Incarnation’s
work in Haiti. We had
great food, conversation
and a wonderful concert
by Maria Howell, who came from Los
Angeles to sing for us a second time.
In addition to singing, Maria is an actress
and she is pictured with Cain Haley’s cat,
Rion, who also appeared in the Hunger
Games Catching Fire.
An exciting weekend is
ahead with the Episcopal
Church of the Incarnation in
August. Reviving a custom
from the 1920s and 1930s,
an elegant, traditional Garden Party will be held on
August 8, 2015 from 5 p.m.
until 7:30 p.m. at the beautiful gardens of Frank Langford in Highlands Falls
Country Club. The Garden
Parties and Silver Teas of
the 1920s and 1930s helped supplement the salaries
for the clergy, but this event will benefit the garden
at Incarnation and the outreach ministry.
Langford Gardens offers imaginative natural design with
a woodland garden that contains a miniature Stonehenge,
a pond surrounded by wetlands plants accented with a
rustic gazebo. The back garden overlooks the 16th fairway of the golf course and
has a rustic bridge crossing a
stream that flows into the
Cullasaja River. Front gardens display many plants and
trees that accentuate and compliment the lay of the
land. Rain date for the event is August 9. Wine and
hors d’oeuvres will be served as you stroll through
the gardens. This meticulous garden is not to be
On Sunday, August 9,
Incarnation will feature
Virginia Schenck, an
accomplished vocalist,
during the 10:30 service. The entire community is invited to join
this worship service.
The festivities continue
on Monday, August 10,
with a Sacred Jazz concert by Virginia at the
Performing Arts Center. A cocktail buffet and
auction begin at 6:00 p.m. with the concert at
7:30. Whether straight-ahead jazz or free improvisation Virginia brings instantaneous joy
and spiritual inspiration to her audiences. She
appears regularly at numerous jazz venues in
Atlanta and has gained a reputation as a singer
who has an impact locally, nationally and internationally. Virginia takes listeners on a pilgrimage with music that is both authentic and stimulating.
“Virginia’s voice and what she does includes
the beauty of Celtic Woman and the intensity of
the Middle East.” - Marcus Borg, religious philosopher/author The Heart of Christianity
Ticket price for each event is $50, but if you
would like to attend both events, the price is
$90. Tickets are available online at incarnationwnc.org, at the Church office or by phone at
828-526-2968. Proceeds from the auction and
concert benefit health and human services in the
2015 Interlude Concert Series
Our 17th Season
Wednesdays 2:00PM
July 8 (Episcopal Church) Robert Henry, piano
July 15 (Presbyterian Church) – Presented jointly by
Highlands Chamber Music Festival and First Presbyterian Church “The Great Romantics” with music
Norman Krieger, piano
July 22 (Episcopal Church)
Christina Smith, flute
Robert Henry, piano
July 29 (Presbyterian Church)
St. Paul’s Chamber Choir, Atlanta - directed by Trey
August 5 (Episcopal Church)
Helen Kim, violin
Robert Henry, piano
August 12 (Presbyterian Church)
Western Carolina University Faculty Concert
August 19 (Episcopal Church)
Richard Clement, tenor
Robert Henry, piano
August 26 (Presbyterian Church)
Trio Carolina
With Oral Moses, bass-baritone
Email Robert Henry
at Robert@roberthenry.org & let him know
what you love to sing on Sundays!!
“Immortality on the Installment Plan”
The Bell Tower Endowment
has recently learned about a charitable giving plan that might be of interest to members of the Church of the
Incarnation and would be of lasting
benefit to the church. A donor may
make a gift to the BTE in the form of cash value
life insurance which can provide the following:
(a) the convenience of an installment purchase of
a capital contribution; (b) a current income tax
deduction for the donor in the amount of the premium gifted; (c) accumulating cash value for the
BTE; (d) the potential for perpetual income to the
BTE if the policy death benefit is invested; and (e)
a more substantial ultimate gift to the BTE may be
realized than is possible with alternative cash donations. Hence this arrangement has been referred
to as “immortality on the installment plan.”
In short, the donor (or donor and spouse)
purchase a life insurance policy which is owned
by the BTE; and upon the death of the donor (or
surviving spouse), the policy amount is paid to the
BTE. The donor makes the annual premium payments, which are deductible. If the donor elects at
any time to cease make the premium payments,
the BTE make pick up the payments and keep the
policy in place.
If you have an interest in learning more
about this gift opportunity, please speak with:
Father Bill Walker: wwalker@aadslaw.com
Food Pantry Donations
Thank you for your donations, they will help feed the
hungry among us. Please bring items to the church during
the week! Consider food, such as: dry beans, especially
black beans; canned vegetables, soup, fruit, juice; canned
meats; and, cereals, pasta, etc. Or, a check earmarked for
the Food Pantry used to buy fresh produce, and pinto
beans and rice in bulk at greatly reduced prices.
“For I was hungry, and you gave me food….” (Mt 25:35)
Jonathan Myrick Daniels Pilgrimage
50th Anniversary
Hayneville, Alabama
August 14-16, 2015
Just recently, parishioner, Gary
Moore came to me with an extraordinary concept for a pilgrimage to honor one of our Church’s favorite sons.
On August 15th, the 50th anniversary
of Episcopal Martyr Jonathan Myrick Daniels’ death will be commemorated in Hayneville, Alabama with
Bishop Michael Curry as keynoter.
A graduate of VMI and a student at the Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge, MA, Jonathan Daniels traveled
to Selma in 1965 to assist in registering Black voters. He
was responding to The Rev Martin Luther King's call for
clergy to come help in the struggle for equality. Following his request for a leave of absence from seminary, he
attended Evening Prayer and while singing the Magnificent experienced a deepening of his conviction to go and
help in this struggle.
His travels lead him to Hayneville, where on August 20,
1965 he was shot and killed trying to protect a young
girl named Ruby Sales from her assailant. His actions
lead him to be remembered as seminarian and martyr by
the Episcopal Church.
Along with Gary, I invite you to join in this holy pilgrimage to Hayneville. Departing on Friday, August
14th, our first stop will be Montgomery, where we will
visit the Rosa Parks Museum and Dexter Avenue King
Memorial Baptist Church.
The next morning we take a short drive to rural Hayneville to continue our pilgrimage. In this small rural town,
we will visit various sites of importance to the story,
ending our journey that day at the courthouse where the
shooter was acquitted. It will prove to be a short but
meaningful walk together. The transformation from
courtroom to worship space will witness to the palpable
presence of God.
That afternoon we will gather with fellow travelers from
around the nation at St. Thomas Episcopal Church in
Greenville, Alabama for "respite and reflection" on the
day's events. After worship at St. Thomas on Sunday
morning, we will return to Highlands on August 16th.
Expenses will be your actual costs for lodging and food.
Trip details and expenses will be provided for those interested in making the pilgrimage.
Make no mistake, it is very warm in Hayneville in August, but there is shade outside and air conditioning inside; water (& other liquids), fellowship, and worship
opportunities will see us through. This will be a one-ofkind experience.
Reservations must be made by July 31st as space is limited (due to transportation planning). Please contact
Gary Moore (four-time pilgrim to this site) for more
information: 251.284.8054 or
psalm82.3and4@gmail.com and/or speak with me about
your interest.
Fr. Walker
The Wednesday night dinner and program
The program begins at 6:00pm and
dinner at 6:30, the second and fourth Wednesday
of each month through October.
Peter Ray is the
Program Coordinator. If you have any ideas
regarding the program and/or presenters
please let Peter know.
Holly Roberts will be providing the dinner.
Sign up sheets will be
available in Jones Hall, call the Church office or one can
email Michael Lanzilotta to reserve a
place: mlanzilotta@ymail.com.
The cost is $10
The program and dinner will be
announced in the weekly update the week prior
to the program.
Let's strengthen our congregational bond and come
together Wednesday Evenings to enjoy good food,
camaraderie, and program