I-NEWS - Incarnation Catholic School


I-NEWS - Incarnation Catholic School
Incarnation Catholic School Newsletter
Incarnation School
Mission Statement
"Incarnation Catholic School provides a
spiritually and academically rich
environment in which children, their families
and the school staff are encouraged to grow
in faith as they follow in the footsteps of
Incarnation Catholic
2013 National Blue
Ribbon School of
click here to link to the US
Dept. of Education
Crusader Calendar
October 3 All School Mass Gr.3
October 3 Pizza with the
October 3 Chess Club
October 6 Gr.7 Ropes course
October 8 Gr.7 Ropes course
October 9 Gr.7 Ropes course
October 10 NO SCHOOL
October 15 Picture Retakes
October 15 Spirit Day
October 17All School Mass Gr.2
October 17 Last Day of quarter
October 17 Chess Club
2014-2015 School Calendar
Crusader Cafe'
October 3, 2014
Volume 5, Number 8
From the Principal:
Thankful for this community!
Every week, there are so many
reasons to be thankful about the
opportunities this community offers.
This past Sunday evening, the PTOsponsored Spaghetti Dinner was a
delightfully tasty event that offered
fun activities as well. After a
delicious meal of Mamma DiSalvo's
spaghetti, salad, and family-donated desserts, children were able
to go outside to enjoy balloon sculptures, crafts, games, and Mr.
Snowie on a beautiful evening. Congratulations on a job well-done
goes to Mrs. Cynthia Jecker and Mrs. Helen Ellis-Jauch, who CoChaired this PTO program. Of course, they would be quick to say
that none of it would have been possible without the help of a
myriad of volunteers.
Grandparent/Special Friend Bingo was exceptionally wellattended this year, with 880 students meeting with 1,300
grandparents, parents and special friends on Monday. Mrs. Cynthia
Jecker was the Bingo Caller (we love the Bingo necklace, Mrs.
Jecker!), and Incarnation had some very famous special visitors:
UD's Mascot, Rudy, attended and worked with our Crusader
Woman (seventh grade students Jenna Ouellette and Robin
Zelinski) to the amusement and the fun of all. Thanks to Mrs.
Ellen Miller, Program Coordinator, for a great day! She also
deferred to the many volunteers whose sole purpose was to make
this a fun day for everyone - and they succeeded!
On Tuesday evening, as an Alter Board Member and Principal of
Incarnation, I was invited to Alter's President's Reception to honor
four recipients of the Knights Council Scholarship. The award is
based on recommendations from school administrators and teachers
who can attest to the spirituality as well as superior academics.
From among many applications, three of the four Alter freshman
honored were from Incarnation School and included: Abigail
Bishop, Lauren Conroy, and Adam White. All gave speeches that
told of the merits of their Catholic education and the importance
that God played in their lives. Attending donors were able to see
their "gifts in action" as the students expressed gratitude for being
able to attend Alter High School.
Another great week to continue our mission to walk in the
footsteps of Jesus!
Click here to download the
August thru October Menu
Principal's Reports
to the
Parish Commissions
August 2014
Click here to update family
Inclement Weather
Click Here
VIRTUS Training
All volunteers are
required to be in
compliance with the
VIRTUS training
program and NEW
Archdiocesan Child
Protection Program.
This applies to
coordinators, fieldtrip
chaperones, as well as
library, classroom,
cafeteria, and play
ground volunteers.
For Questions please
contact Terri Conroy at
433-1051 ext. 137 or
click here to email.
Emergency Notification
Click here
Labels & Boxtops
Mass Matters
What is the Kingdom of Heaven like?
October 5, 2014 Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary time
Gospel Reading: Matthew 21:43
As a community of believers, we are invited to be joyful because
of the love of Christ. Commit yourself to sharing your faith with
your children by attending weekly Mass together as a family.
Through our faith practices and the traditions of the school, Fr.
Stretch has asked that we make spreading the good news of our
Lord our vision and goal. No other goal is more important than
bringing Christ to those we meet. An overview of this week's
readings may be found at the following web site:
http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/100514.cfm. For our
younger children, families may want to visit the Catholic Moms'
website (see Sunday's Gospel) at: http://catholicmom.com.
Feast Day of the Guardian Angels
Fr. Brian spoke to the Incarnation students on Thursday about the
Feast of the Guardian Angels. Click below to watch is morning
news brief to the students.
Feast of the Guardian Angels
Grandparent Bingo Attendance at Record HIGH!
Each year the Incarnation students welcome their
loved ones, grandparents, and special guests to a
session of BINGO. In the past this event has been
held during Catholic Schools Week and usually
the January weather causes havoc on the day of
the event. Bingo was held this past Monday with
much success. Students and guest filled the
Incarnation Gym with smiles and the desire to fill their Bingo Card
and win a special prize. A surprise guest appearance from Rudy
Flyer was welcomed by all! Take a moment to watch the attached
video of this annual event and mark your calendar to attend next
2014 Grandparent Bingo Video
Counselor's Corner
Our first Pizza with the Principal was held today with 16 well
Labels For Education Special
Labels for Education®
announces The Grand Stand
for Schools Sweepstakes!
Labels for Education is going
to give $1000 to 1000 schools.
It's easy for Incarnation to
enter. Every participating UPC
Beverage/Sauce cap
submitted by us by 12/31/14
equals 1 entry for Incarnation
School! Or you can enter for
free at
To see a list of all participating
products, go to
Keep clipping and collecting
your Labels! You may submit
them to school on the current
Halloween Collection sheet
attached to I-News. Help us
win $1000!
Our next collection contest is
for Halloween and you can win
some spooky prizes, so keep
collecting those boxtops and
labels! They help us earn
THOUSANDS of dollars for our
school! Thanks to everyone for
Click Here for Boxtop Sheets
deserving students. 12 of the students were given Gotchas for
being Grateful during September. 4 students were guests of our Jr.
High winners. Dr. Reichel and Mrs. Pierce were grateful to be able
to provide pizza to the following students:
Zach Hamilton - Gr. 1
Michael Bigby and Addison Geloff - Gr. 2
Bella Ward and Caden Conde - Gr.3
Lena Blessing and Jacob Lawson - Gr. 4
Abby Mouse - Gr. 6
Caitlin Carruth, Rachel Hawley, Chris Eustace, and Robby Girmann Gr. 8
The character trait for October is SELF-CONTROL. Please
encourage this trait at home during this month as well.
Rosary Making
Seventh Grade Girls spend lunch time
making rosaries for second grade
children who are preparing for the
sacrament of First Communion.
Foreign Language Volunteers needed for Rosary Rally
The Rosary Rally will take place on Oct. 12 at 2:30 - 4:00 pm at the
University of Dayton. Archbishop Schnurr will be this year's
presider. When the Rosary is recited, the first half of the Hail Mary
will be said in several foreign languages.
Incarnation students are blessed with a wonderful Foreign Language
program and most of our students can say the Hail Mary in Spanish.
Some can say it in French and German, too! If you would like to
lead the Hail Mary in your foreign language, please join us! We
would like 50 people (adults and students) who can recite the first
half of one Hail Mary in any language they can. If you are
interested, see your Foreign Language Teacher, Madame Shockey,
Senora Ferraro, Senora Berling or Frau Burkman to sign up. Merci!
Gracias! Danke!
Click Here for Label Sheets
October is big! The grand finale
for Scrip's 20th anniversary
celebration is here! For the first
twenty days of the month,
October 1 - 20, every day a
different retailer will offer
a 20% rebate for 20 minutes
only. The bonus rebate will
only be available from 1:00 1:20 p.m. Eastern Time, so if
you're in a different time zone
please plan accordingly. Make
sure you check in everyday so
you don't miss one of your
favorite stores! Updates will be
posted on
GARABANDAL: Special Presentation !
Hear Dr. and Mrs. Michael Rozeluk tell their powerful story
of healing in Garabandal, Spain. See amazing footage of miraculous
healings with Our Lady's medals during the Rozeluk's 2-week
mission in Ukraine in 2004, with 40,000 people participating. How
the Lord is guiding their ministry in Canada, the U.S., and Ukraine!
Individual healing prayer and veneration of a special miraculous
medal will follow their talk.
Saturday, October 4, 2014
6:45pm in the Parish Center
Click here for more information
Fr. Brian Visits 2nd Grade Classes!
the ShopWithScrip®Facebook
In order to offer this very
special promotion Shop With
Scrip must limit the amount of
scrip that can be purchased at
the special 20% rebate to $1,000
per ShopWithScrip family. The
limit will apply each day to the
retailer offering the special
bonus. If you have any questions
about the promotion call their
Customer Support Team at
1.800.727.4715 option 3.
Note: Orders paid for with
PrestoPay will process
automatically. Orders placed
during the 20-minute promotion
and paid for by check will still
receive the bonus rebates.
If you have any questions,
please email
Scrip Order Form
Cafeteria and
Playground Volunteers
Thank you so much to those
that have volunteered for
cafeteria and playground
duties. We are still in need of
volunteers. It is ideal to have
three parent volunteers a day to
help with the duties in and
outside. If you have not already
signed up and are interested in
helping out please email Mrs.
Miller by clicking on
the Cafeteria/Playground
volunteers link. If you are
unable to work a day that you
are scheduled, please find your
own replacement for that time
period. Please take a moment
to look at the schedule and if
you are available, Incarnation
School Needs You!!
Cafeteria and Playground
Volunteer Sub List
Cafeteria Volunteers
Playground Volunteers
Check out the
Incarnation Facebook
Father Brian came into the second grade
classrooms to talk about the special
Sacrament of Baptism. The second
graders have been learning about
Baptism and the Church Community.
Father Brian was able to share his
knowledge and a lot of the things he uses
when he baptizes someone into the
Church. The second graders were able to ask Father Brian questions
and really enjoyed having him in the classroom.
4th Grade Invertebrates!
Lions and tigers and hermit crabs!?!?
Fourth grade students have begun
their animal unit and are currently
studying invertebrates. Hermit Crabs
made a visit to the classrooms when
the daily subject was arthropods.
Students observed hermit crab
behavior, labeled a diagram, and
learned about exoskeletons. There was lots of laughter when
hermit crabs tried to climb the sides of the slippery specimen trays
and escape! Stay tuned to see who visits when fourth graders move
onto vertebrates!
Attention 7th Grade Girls- CYO Basketball Needs YOU!
Attention 7th grade Girls. CYO Basketball needs YOU!! Registration
for the 7th grade CYO Girls Basketball team has been extended. At
this time there are 3 players signed up and more are needed to
form the team. Please contact Mr. Ed. Busher if you are interested
in playing. Join your fellow classmates and spend some time on the
Library News
Thank you to the families of the following students who
remembered the Incarnation Library in their birthday celebrations
during the months of August and September by participating in our
Donate to Celebrate program:
Liam Brady, Leah Firsdon, Meghan Flaherty, Monti Gearhart, Jack
Grisoni, Libby Haas, Catherine Hart, Madison Houpt, Kaden Heyne,
Veronica Johnston, Carson Kien, Matthew Kreusch, Jack Link,
Emma Louthain, Kate Louthain, Carson Lynch, Joe Manfre, Kate
McWhorter, Kathryn Mershad, Jackson Mueller, Ellie Powderly,
Olivia Raucci, John Reichel, Skylar Rhoads, Colin Ryan,
David Skippy Schneider, Jack Siehl, Colin Stava, Sarah Katherine
Theewis, Elena Thompson, Owen Thompson, Nathan Umbreit, Sean
Werner, and Robyn Zelinski.
Other students and teachers of Incarnation School will now have the
opportunity to enjoy these books for many years to come. Thank
To learn more about our Donate to Celebrate program or to
download a form, click here
To be added click here
The Incarnation PTO Facebook
page is a dedicated
communication for the sharing
of school information. As an
extension of Incarnation School,
all contributors should
prayerfully consider the school's
mission to, ". . . follow in the
footsteps of Jesus" as they
comment or ask questions. This
page is not intended to be a
forum to discuss school policy or
submit complaints. Parents who
would like to discuss school
policies should contact the
school directly. Misguided use
of this page may result in
removal of the user from the
page. Thanks for your
cooperation in keeping the PTO
Facebook page a valuable
resource for parents looking to
exchange information.
Dorothy Lane Market
Information and Contribution
for Incarnation School
Please take a moment to
register your family at DLM.
Incarnation receives a nice
donation each year from your
shopping if your family is a
registered member. The
Incarnation Charity ID number
is 214. This will be needed
when you link to our school
Click Here
Kroger Plus Members
Register Incarnation as your
preferred school and raise
money for our school.
Incarnation Families please note:
Incarnation's Identification
number is now #80229.
Please take a moment to
register your Kroger Plus Card
and link your card to Incarnation
First Grade visits the Fire Station!
The First Graders visited the Fire Station
last week to learn about Fire Safety. We
took a tour of the station and also got to
go inside a fire truck. Did you know that
a fire station is just like any other home,
with a kitchen, living room and
bedrooms? We learned that it is
important to practice fire drills at home,
just like we do at school!
JR High Dance... An Evening of Fun!
8th Grade Students
7th Grade Students
Sumdog Contest Update
New for the contests this year - students
participate as part of a class and compete
against other classes.
The most recent local contest completed last
Friday with 971 students from 37 classes in
Montgomery County participating. Incarnation had 13 classes
participate with a big Congratulations going to Mrs. Coghlan's Class
for placing 7th in the contest with an average of 436 correct
We also had 6 students individually place in the top 10 for this
contest:1st Makalya Pindroh (996 correct answers)
2nd Nathan Snizik (988 correct answers)
5th Mandy DeMarco (971 correct answers)
6th Jack Keighley (969 correct answers)
9th Ava Dunkel (958 correct answers)
10th Elliott Durbin (954 correct answers)
There were 24 other students that answered the maximum number
of 1000 questions.
Tremendous Job everyone!
PE News
OPEN GYM for 7th/8th grade girls and boys! Every Wednesday
morning from 7:45-8:15!!! This is a great opportunity for the
students to get moving before school starts!
This weekend is the annual Midwest Outdoor Experience (formerly
known as GearFest) at Eastwood Metro Park. This is a great activity
for the whole family! Check out their website for more information
at http://www.metroparks.org/outdoorx/ Fun to be had by all!
Alter High School News
Click here to download
the Golden Ticket
Click here to go directly
to the Arts Programing
Alter Jazz Ensemble
Fundraiser Announced
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Crusader Challenge.
Check out our Crusader Challenge poster in the hallway by the gym.
Many students have signed this! Mrs. Bartoli has one down by her
desk too!
Photo ID Badges for Volunteers
Attention all volunteers! Photos for Identification badges will be
taken each Friday after Mass. The computer lab in the lower level
will be open from 10:00 until 11:30 for photo badges. To receive
your volunteer Identification badge, you must have VIRTUS
training, a current background check, and be up to date on the
VIRTUS Monthly Bulletins. If you have questions about your
volunteer status please contact Terri Conroy at 433-1051 ext. 137
or email at terri.conroy@incarnation.catholic.org.
Volunteers At Incarnation
AJE will perform at
Carvers three times this
Mondays: October 6, and
October 27
1535 Miamisburg
Centerville Road, Dayton,
Performance times ~ 7:30
pm until 9:30 pm
click here for more
Lands End Sale
The PTO offers many ways for you to get involved with the school-either working on site with students or behind the scenes with
uniform exchange, fundraisers and more. If you are interested in
volunteering please send an email to sschwieterman@att.net.
Keep in mind that any volunteer roles that involve interacting with
students will require VIRTUS certification. Thanks to those who
have already signed up.
Moms in Prayer International
Attention moms, grandmothers, aunts -- Moms in Prayer
International is calling you to pray with us for your children and
Incarnation School. Experience the joy of replacing anxiety with
peace and hope when you pray scripturally and specifically for your
children and Incarnation School.
Join us for a powerful time of prayer every Monday morning! We
will meet on Mondays, 9:45-11:00am in Room 101 in the Parish
Center. For more information contact Jenifer Scheimann at 937477-2734 or Jeni-shyman@att.net.
4th Grade Boys CYO Soccer Completes Season
The 4th grade boys finished the season in
2nd place. They had a bye in the first
game of the CYO tournament. They won
the second game in the tournament to St
Charles last night with a 2-0. They are
headed to the finals this Saturday vs St.
Chris at 2pm at Miami Valley School.
Click here
Chess Club Schedule
Good luck boys!!
CYO Golf Update
Click here for schedule
The CYO golfers continue to improve every week! After five weeks,
the 6th and 7th grade girls' team is still undefeated. Most recently,
they beat St. Charles 216-230. Gabbie Houpt shot a fantastic 54
and Peyton Kuntz had an impressive score of 58. Marie Lunne
continues to get better every week and shot a great 56. The lowest
scores for the 5th grade girls' team belong to Jenna Hayes, with a
Quick Links...
Beginning of Year Packet
Incarnation School
Incarnation Parish
FACTS Online Account
FACTS Enrollment Link
score of 45, and Katie Ling, who had a 52.
The Division 2 boys shot their best score yet by over 30
points! The top scores were from Tommy Grawe(45), John Lunne
(46), and Danny Miller(48). Jack Hayosh had the lowest score for
his team with a 55. Nick Hoffmann's amazing 41 and AJ Pothast's
outstanding 42 were the lowest scores for their Division 1 team.
Jack Holtgrieve's score of 52 and Matthew Schimpf's 54 were the
leading scores for their team. Colin Scheimann shot a great 45,
Matt Mahoney's 49, and TJ Lehner's 51 all allowed for the 197-224
win for their team. Another Division 1 team won 172-200 with the
help from leaders Eric Cherubini, who shot a 39, and Jared
Lieberman, who shot a 41.
There is only one week left of the CYO golf season! Keep up
the great work!
Donation form for school
beautification project
Centerville Temporary
Transportation Form
Falcon Club Boys Basketball
The 2014/2015 Falcon Club Boys Basketball teams will be
conducting try-outs at Bishop Fenwick High School the following
The Bradley Financial
Saturday, Oct 4, 2014
UBS Financial Services, Grades 5 & 6 5:00 PM - 6:00PM
Grade 7
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
110 N. Main Street Suite 1600
Dayton, OH 45402
A Proud Supporter of
Incarnation Catholic
Grade 8
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Boys in grades 5 thru 8 are eligible to participate. Boys are
encouraged to participate in the program in addition to their
respective CYO teams.
For questions regarding the program, please contact Mike Sora at
513-422-4024 or messora@aol.com.
Junior Lady Knights Basketball Evaluations
Attention girls in grades 3-8!
Junior Lady Knights will be hosting Basketball
Tryouts the following dates:
October 4th - UD Rec Plex
4:15 - 5:15 3rd & 4th Grade
5:15 - 6:15 5th & 6th Grade
6:15 - 7:45 7th & 8th Grade
Incarnation Parish Children's Choir
Incarnation Parish Children's Choir is
comprised of students from all
elementary schools in grades 3 - 8.
Rehearsals are every Thursday in the
choir room in church from 4:30 - 5:30
pm. We sing at a Sunday morning Mass
about once every three weeks.
The Children's Choir has a lot of fun learning to sing, read music
through games, sing at Masses, and performing in the community.
Please encourage your child to participate.
For questions or concerns please contact Kevin Samblanet, Director
of Music at
Kevin.samblanet@incarnation.catholic.org or call the parish offices
at 433-1188 ext. 214.
click here for choir registration
South Dayton Catholic Wrestling Information
Click here for more information
South Dayton Catholic Lacrosse Club
South Dayton Catholic Lacrosse Club (SDCLC) 2015 Signups - Come
join the fastest growing sport in America. SDCLC signups for the
SPRING 2015 season are now underway on our website,
http://www.southdaytoncatholiclax.org/Registration/. We are
signing up for boys 3rd thru 8th grade teams.
10/1 - 10/21
New Club members
10/22 - 11/13
$20 late fee
Registration Closes
Evaluation/new player day in Nov. (TBD), please watch the website
for more information.
Community 5K Run to Benefit A Special Wish
A Special Wish Foundation, Dayton's only locally-funded wishgranting organization is hosting a Special Wish Run 5K and Fun
Run/Stroller Roll on Saturday, November 1st at Island MetroPark.
There is a Team Competition for groups who want to raise money
for ASW and run together. Teams raising $250 or more will be
recognized on signage on the race course, as well as receive special
recognition at our post-race celebration and via our social media
presence. All money raised at this event goes directly to support
ASW's efforts to send kids who are battling life-threatening illnesses
to special places, to meet special heroes or receive special gifts.
Come out to support a family you know who is facing a serious
illness or just on behalf of your own healthy kids. Look for more
information on our website at https://www.specialwish.org/thespecial-wish-run.html
click here for more information and registration
Incarnation School Video
Incarnation Catholic School: A Legacy of
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Incarnation Catholic School | 45 Williamsburg Lane | Centerville | OH | 45459