Proclamat!on Incarnation - Incarnation Catholic School


Proclamat!on Incarnation - Incarnation Catholic School
Catholic School
“A National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence”
Winter 2012 Issue
In This Issue...
Incarnation Catholic School
Values for a Lifetime
page 2
The Buddy System
page 3
A-Plus Alumni
page 3
Student Highlights
page 4 & 5
Incarnation Students’
Reflections on Mass
page 5
Our Teachers
The Backbone of Education
page 6
Plugged In...
Technology Highlights
Superb Standardized Scores
Foreign Language Updates
page 7
Future Functions
back page
Incarnation Catholic School
Values for a Lifetime
Preparing our children for extraordinary lives...
A letter from Father Stretch, Pastor
he last time that I counted, our
Parish had over 100 employees.
The vast majority of these are school
employees. There are many times
that I, as Pastor, feel like a Personnel
Director or Human Resource Manager.
Through the years, as I have functioned
in those capacities, I have come to realize the dedication
that so many of our school teachers and staff possess.
Many evenings, as I walk through the school, I will find
teachers in their classrooms working into the evening
to prepare classes for their students. The same could be
said on weekends and even holidays. In addition to that,
I know that many of them take on additional volunteer
responsibilities in order to help make Incarnation School
the optimum learning environment and faith-filled
community that it is.
It becomes readily apparent to me that many of our staff
see their positions as a ministry as much as they see
it as a job. As opposed to putting in just the required
amount of time that their job demands of them, so many
of them willingly go the extra mile to make our learning
environment the best it can
be for our children. The
extra care and attention that
they give to our students is
testimony to their putting their
Catholic faith into action.
The benefit of this dedication
is the powerful example that it
sets for our children. As they
progress through our school,
they see the dedication of our
teachers and staff, and
they begin to learn the
meaning of sacrifice
and giving back. In
turn, I see our students
Catholic School
“A National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence”
Winter 2012
giving of themselves in service to others through many of our
school programs and extracurricular activities of outreach.
These are some of the “Values for a Lifetime” that we work
so hard to instill in our students, and that set our school apart
from so many others.
~ Fr. Lawrence “Stretch” Mierenfeld
A letter from Cheryl Reichel, Principal
ave you ever had the opportunity to
attend an Incarnation School Mass?
Watching the faces of our children – their
expressions, their reactions, their sincerity
– all reinforce the gift of faith that comes
through our Catholic Church. When
families and schools work together closely
to design an environment where children
are lovingly wrapped in the Gospel elements and messages,
those children are being nurtured toward a successful,
extraordinary existence.
Children are most likely to succeed when they feel a connection
with the adults who surround them. When children believe
that adults in their lives care about their learning and safety,
they develop positive relationships, and they are motivated to
fulfill their dreams. Four characteristics are fundamental for
children to develop high expectations for themselves:
• Regular Church attendance at school and with
families at Sunday Mass
• High academic standards and strong teacher/
family support
• Positive, respectful adult-student relationships
• A physically and emotionally safe school
environment 1
Identified scientific approaches2 create the rudiments
for children’s positive relationships with adults.
The essence of the Incarnation School community
has always focused on preparing our children for
successful futures. What elements are in place?
•Gospel values are reinforced in all aspects of the curriculum and professional development
•Multidisciplinary educational teams ensure core standards and high expectations for
all children
•Experiential, hands-on learning opportunities are coupled with research-based
instructional methods and technologies
•Programs and approaches include teacher and student mentoring programs, as well as
professional leave-time to research best educational practices
Read more about our fascinating school in this issue of the Proclamation. The evidence is
prominent that this is a school where children are loved and provided with a host of
opportunities for extraordinary lives! ~ Cheryl Reichel , Ph.D.
1 Blum, R. W. (9-23-07). ASCD Journal Article: For the Success of Each Learner.
2 The National Research Council and the Institute of Medicine (2004).
The Buddy System
ne universal rule of childhood that
transcends generations is very
simple: “Don’t go anywhere without
a buddy.” Simple and to the point it
fosters friendships
based on trust and
empathy. Here
at Incarnation
one of our most
traditions is the
Buddy program in
existence for almost
twenty years that
forges lasting friendships between our
kindergartners and fourth graders.
The fourth graders and kindergartners
are paired in the beginning of each
school year by their teachers. The
first day they meet there is much
anticipation in the air. The fourth
graders are eager to at last be the
“older” and “wiser” of the pair. The
kindergartners are often shy at first,
but open to the smiling faces and
open hearts of the fourth graders and
are won over quickly! It
is not long before they are
snuggled in a corner reading
a picture book together or
working on an art project.
In November the fourth
graders begin working on a
very special writing project
for their kindergarten buddies. Each
fourth grader crafts a Christmas
story that includes his Kindergarten
Buddy and himself as the main
characters. The plots are as different
Alumnus - Adam Puntel
and creative as the many personalities
in fourth grade. The fourth graders
record their voices reading the
story to their kindergartner using a
computer program called Audacity.
The look of awe on the faces of our
youngest students as they receive
a special book and CD from their
fourth grade buddy is priceless!
What a moment of accomplishment
for the fourth
graders as well!
Mrs. Lamoureux,
a veteran fourth
grade teacher who
has been part of
the program since
its inception is still
touched by the way the buddies smile
to each other in the hallway, dash
out of line for a quick buddy hug at
the drinking fountain, and drop off
special notes and pictures just for
their buddies. “We barely get back in
the classroom and my students want
to know when will they see their
buddy next,” she shares.
ay of 2011 marked a very special month for Fr. Adam Puntel, a 1996 graduate of Incarnation school, as he was ordained into the priesthood. He holds a special place in our parish and school as one of the few young men accepting
the challenge to follow the “Call” to priesthood.
Fr. Adam grew up in Centerville and remembers his time at Incarnation fondly. Actively
participating in the choir, South Dayton Knights feeder football program and CYO basketball
are among the numerous highlights of his days at Incarnation. His love for music, sports, video
games and God continued through high school and college. Fr. Adam graduated from Toledo
University with a degree in Special Education in 2005. During his freshman and sophomore
years in college he began to listen and take action on becoming a priest.
Currently the Parochial Vicar of Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish in Cincinnati, he attends to the many needs of the parish
and school. His vision for professing the word of God is all encompassing; he is completely invested in “Building the
Kingdom of God.”
Celebrating his first Mass at Incarnation is Fr. Adam’s most memorable moment. Parishioners, friends and family all watched
intently as he made his way to the altar. Looking out at the congregation, he realized that he brings the body and blood of Christ
into the world today and the prayers he professes take the people’s gifts to God’s altar. A priest is just the mediator for the people.
Fr. Puntel will continue to preach God’s word and encourage family unity and involvement in faith formation for the future.
When asked to advise our current students on embracing God and their future he had this to say, “Strive for adulthood in
many ways! With that said, you are ultimately responsible for your faith. Our Church and families can only take it so far. We
are ultimately the one to stand before God. Give your time to prayer and the Mass. If you have questions in your faith, seek
out the answers.”
Our prayers are with you, Fr. Puntel, for your future and success in leadership as you follow Jesus and lead us to God’s altar.
Incarnation Catholic School
Winter 2012
Student Highl!ght
Catholic School
“A National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence”
Winter 2012
School Pride!
Incarnation Students’ Reflections on Mass
Contributions from Incarnation Students in Kindergarten through 8th grade
a team of eighth grade students interviewed children from
Kindergarten through eighth grade. They asked the question,
“What do you like best about attending Mass?” The three most
common responses were centered about hearing the homily, singing
joyfully, and receiving the Eucharist; however, read the individual
responses below and you will see that MASS MATTERS to our students.
1. I like Mass because it gives me time to pray to God and think about
what I can do better in my life to help others.
2. The whole school is there and everybody is singing and it is really
3. When I go to Mass I always look forward to the Gospel; it inspires
me to be a better person.
4. I like the feeling when the whole church is singing at once. You can
just feel God is there with you.
5. I like Mass because I like the feeling of
leaving church as a new person. I feel
like something about going to Mass
makes me an improved person.
6. I like going to Mass because you get to
listen to the gospels. I like to listen to
what Jesus said and did.
7. I like going to Mass because most
of the time my family is altogether.
When we are together as a whole
family it feels good.
8. I like seeing all the faces that come to
listen about Jesus.
9. I like bringing my Bear Jesus Bible to
10. My favorite part of the Mass is coming
to God’s house and being one with the
Holy Spirit.
Incarnation Catholic School
Winter 2012
Our Teachers
The Backbone
of Education
rom the very first steps into our elementary school to
the last steps down the junior high hallway on the
way to high school, two teachers are the bookends of a
strand of
that spans
Early Fives
our Early Fives Teacher and Linda Bruns, our Junior High
Science Teacher, are seasoned educators with their sights
set high on student achievement,
nourishment of the spirit, and
innovation in teaching.
On a recent day, in Mrs. Georges’
class she is guiding her young
learners on how to wish a Happy
Birthday to their fellow classmate
– using sign language. Before
long she is guiding them in songs
with hand motions and dance.
Boys and girls alike giggle
and sway to the music of the
Macarena Months to recall the
months of the year and robustly
raise their voices for Weather
Chants to imprint weather
vocabulary in their minds.
During class computer
time, the children
appear to be playing
Catholic School
“A National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence”
Winter 2012
games, but are actually reinforcing their math skills and
reading literacy. All around students are actively engaged in
the learning process that is carefully crafted by Mrs. Georges
to best prepare them for the kindergarten year to come.
Upstairs in the
science lab, Ms.
Bruns poses
the challenge
for junior high
students to find
out why boats
float. They’re
given clay and
asked to keep
it from sinking
without removing any portion of the clay. There is energy in
the room as groups celebrate the success of keeping the clay
afloat by modifying the shape of the clay and the discussions
turn toward the forces of fluids. Ms. Bruns uses hands-on
experiments that allow students to apply what they have
learned to real world situations.
During Science Fair preparation, one young man explains
that his experiment will test the range of a remote car
starter when barriers are placed in its path. Another young
lady, utilizing our first graders, seeks to discover whether
students score higher in
math while sitting on
exercise balls or regular
classroom chairs. It is
not by accident that
Grants won by teachers
Ms. Bruns brings more
through January 2012
qualifying students
have totaled $2,500.
to the Montgomery
Miami Valley Council Innovative Teaching Grants
County and State of
Ohio Science Fairs than
would come from most
1. Vicki Wissel and Rebecca Suhr - Music Maestros:
districts. For multiple
Composers with Computers
2. Dawn Lekan and Debbie Hurley - Lights, Camera,
years, Ms. Bruns has
Bible Time!
been recognized by the
3. Sherri Masline - Grandma, Will You Sing Me Your
State of Ohio with the
Favorite Song?
Governors’ Award for
Science Teachers. While
Mac Grants (McDonald’s Grants for Innovative Schools)
she is humble about
1. Sherri Masline- Grandma, Will You Sing Me Your
her influence on her
Favorite Song?
students, it is obvious
2. Kristi Snodgrass – Fitness Fun
that her greatest joy is in
seeing the pride on her
students’ faces as they are recognized for their efforts in the science fair. She raises the bar
for her students, but has in place all the tools they need to succeed.
This May, Mrs. Georges will celebrate the graduation of her very first Early Fives class
as they move from eighth grade to high school, and many of our past graduates will
return to visit Ms. Bruns to give her credit for their careers in science. Both teachers
will be forever in the memories of their students as the perfect beginning and ending
to their Incarnation education.
Plugged !n
Technology Highlights
unique opportunity for Incarnation’s students to
interact with the latest technology is found in our
Lower Level, Room 31. Each morning, eighth grade
students with teacher-moderators step into a fully
functional television broadcasting room to work with
sound boards, teleprompters, in-house streaming,
and a young, but very professional News Team. The
Incarnation “Live” Morning News is eagerly anticipated
by students and adults throughout the school as they
listen to five teams of newscasters take on the challenge
to broadcast current events, weather, sports, and daily
school activities.
Enthusiasm Unleashed!
ncarnation is blasting off toward a magnificent change
in our approach to curriculum and use of technology,
and we have the enthusiasm and intelligence to
metamorphosize into a school of the future. Our goal is
not to have the latest gadget, but to have the 21st century
technology that will help our children achieve.
With our usual diligence, we have a team of teachers
and volunteers working to be sure that any money used
toward this new technology will be smart investments.
They are also making sure that what we purchase will
have a positive impact on our students’ knowledge and
to raise
test scores.
What’s in
the plan?
Our plan
textbooks with digital textbooks – although that is an
important aspect. The plan is to engage students in
interactive, global communication. The imaginative,
interactive books that are available will create a
personalized, individualized curriculum. Tutorials
for learning needs will be readily accessible for all
subject areas, and teachers will be able to fine tune the
instruction for each child.
Incarnation Catholic School
Teachers are motivated to develop more and better
ways to present curriculum as they see the children’s
enthusiasm unleashed through the many hands-on
technology programs at Incarnation School.
2011-2012 ITBS Results
National Percentiles*
Reading Language Math Core Average
rade Total
Total Total TotalSAS**
79 114.5
83 110.6
83 116.9
82 111.2
81 111.8
*The above scores are the average percentile scores of Incarnation
students. The average student in American public, private, and parochial
schools would place at the 50th percentile.
**SAS: Standard Age Score NOTE: The scores are based on a national
average of 100.
Find out more about percentiles and scores from the web site:
Foreign Language Update
t Incarnation School, language arts means more than
English grammar and diagramming sentences.
Our language arts team of teachers includes six foreign
language teachers who teach the children French,
Spanish, and German, along with a new after school
program in Mandarin Chinese. English language skills are
reinforced through the acquisition of multiple languages
by broadening the number of languages our students
will know and placing a great emphasis on the cultural
development of the languages spoken. Maravilloso!
Magnifique! Groß
Winter 2012 7
Catholic School
“A National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence”
45 Williamsburg Lane
Dayton, Ohio 45459
Join Us!
Incarnation Junior High Science Fair
February 9, 2012
Kindergarten Information Night
March 1, 2012 PC Rm. 104 7:00 pm
Incarnation Library Scholastic Book Fair
March 5th -11th, 2012
Incarnation Open House and Registration
March 11, 2012 9:30am- 1:30pm
Incarnation Learning Fair
March 11, 2012 During the Open House
Incarnation Fish Fry
March 16, 2012 7pm Parish Center Gym
Comments or suggestions?
Please contact:
Molly Hoffmann
Development Director
Keeping in Touch
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on the I-News. Brought to your email inbox every week,
the I-News highlights and informs students and parents about
school functions. If you are not receiving the I-News and would like
to, please contact Molly Hoffmann at molly.hoffmann@incarnation. to be added to the distribution list.
For Registration Information or to schedule a school tour please contact Mrs. Kim Shields, Registrar,
at or call 433.1051 ext.134