St. William - Amazon Web Services
St. William - Amazon Web Services
2600 N. Sayre, Chicago, Illinois 60707 St. William RECTORY STAFF Rev. Robert J. Lojek, Pastor - ext. 102 Deacon Edward Simola Deacon John Ponce De Leon Peggy Forgione, Principal - ext. 35 Martin Wojtulewicz, Bus Mgr. - ext 103 Terry Robertson, Rel Ed. -ext. 104 Jordan Chua, Organist Sister Patrycja, Night Reception ext 101 Kathy Rudy, Secretary-ext. 100 email: Daughters of Divine Love/Convent: 773/622-2434 DDL Home Health Care: 773/385-6670 RECTORY HOURS: Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Evening Hours Monday—Friday: 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (Closed Tuesday morning until 12:00) (Closed daily 1:00—2:00pm -Lunch) Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon RECTORY OFFICE: 773/637-6565 RECTORY FAX: 773/637-7042 SCHOOL OFFICE: 773/637-5130 SCHOOL FAX: 773/745-4208 SCHOOL WEB: EW PARISHIO ERS: Welcome!! Please register at Rectory. EW PARISH WEB SITE: May 25, 2014 *** 6th Sunday of Easter St. William May 25, 2014 MASS INTENTIONS SUNDAY, MAY 25—SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 7:30am Elaine Zaccaria Living & Deceased Mothers 9:00am John Janicek Genie Scotty Joseph Healy Living & Deceased Mothers 10:30pm Polish Leslaw Pawlica Julia & Stanislaw Jez Anna & Wojciech Miskiewicz Zdzislaw Gzyl —19 Death Anniv Deceased of Bujakowskich Family Wanda Sredniawa Dominika—Happy 25th Birthday! Fr. Robert Lojek -11th Anniv of Ordination Jozef & Anna Matoniak and Family Jozef & Anna—Blessings Bogu Wiadomej 12:00pm 2:00pm Polish William DiVito Richard Ciucci Giuseppe Pumo Fr. Michael Scherschel Living & Deceased Mothers Jozef Koszut & Zofia Modla Fr. Robert Lojek –11th Anniv of Ordination Bogu Wiadomej MONDAY, MAY 26—MEMORIAL DAY—St. Philip Neri 8:15am Jose Martinez, Sr. Angie, Frank, & Lou Ricchio Living & Deceased Mothers TUESDAY, MAY 27—St. Augustine of Canterbury 8:15am Joseph Healy In Thanksgiving: Sacred Heart/Mary/St. Jude Living & Deceased Mothers WEDNESDAY, MAY 28 8:15am Casey Pietrzyk Theodore Loomos Living & Deceased Mothers 7:00pm Polish Stanislaw Wojtyto Living & Deceased Mothers THURSDAY, MAY 29—ASCENSION OF THE LORD (Not a Holy Day of Obligation) 8:15am Kazimierz Pietrzyk –2nd Death Anniv Joseph Healy Living & Deceased Mothers 12:00 Noon Living & Deceased Mothers 7:00pm Polish Living & Deceased Mothers FRIDAY, MAY 30 8:15am Ken & Mil Hall Living & Deceased Mothers SATURDAY, MAY 31—Visitation of Blessed Virgin Mary 8:15am Jack Majka—Death Anniv Joseph Healy Living & Deceased Mothers LITURGICAL CELEBRATION EUCHARISTIC LITURGY: Saturday: 8:15 a.m. & 4:30 p.m. Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 (Polish) & 12:00pm Monday - Saturday: 8:15 a.m. Mass with rosary starting at 7:30 a.m. Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help on Wednesday after English & Polish Mass Polish Mass: Sunday 10:30a.m. and Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Civic Holidays: 8:15 a.m. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Every Thursday from Noon—5:30p.m. 3:00pm Chaplet of Divine Mercy-Polish 5:15pm Chaplet of Divine Mercy-English followed by Benediction SACRAMENTAL LIFE BAPTISM: One Preparation Class is required. The Class will meet on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. in the Rectory. Baptism is celebrated on the second and fourth Sunday of the month, attend Noon Mass then Baptism immediately following. MARRIAGES: An appointment should be made with one of the priests or deacons at least six months prior to the wedding. This should be done before a date or banquet hall is reserved. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday: 3:30—4:15 p.m. You may also call the rectory for an appointment. RECTORY HOURS: Daytime: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday 9:00am—4:30pm. Rectory Closed EVERY TUESDAY MOR I G Tuesday open from oon-1:00 & 2:00-4:30pm Mon.—Fri. closed from 1:00—2:00pm for lunch Evening Hours: Mon.—Fri. 6—8pm, and Saturday 10am—12 (Noon). SATURDAY, MAY 31—Continued 4:30pm Natalina Morotti Bridget Joyce Laura Cortesi Theodore Loomos Living & Deceased Mothers St. William Page Three WEEK AT A GLANCE Sunday, May 25 Amount needed weekly to cover our budgeted expenses is: $6,625 Budget for Weekly Collection…………....……….$6,625 Weekend Collection………..…….…………....….$6,644 Over $ +19 Building Fund (Church Carpet)……………….…….$42 Polish Donation…………………………………..$1,350 School……………………………………………..$1,052 Please Remember your Parish in your Will! THANK YOU! We are sincerely grateful to those who give regularly and generously of their treasure as well as those who give of their time and talent to support the work of St. William Parish. May God Bless You!! FROM DEACON ED: Friendship is like a BOOK. It takes a few minutes to burn, but it takes years to write. PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR DECEASED Harry Wilton Luigi Tognetti Helen Sojka PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK Danuta owak Lyla Bandy Marilyn Berry Elzbieta Mital Mary Targosz Carey Konczal Maria Hinojosa Dana Oades Mary Balducci Kristina Sisson Ruben Arceo Tony apolitano Donna Riccio Debbie Rosario Angela Martinez Amanda Bert Anita Hoskot PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SOLDIERS Fr. Eda Ohm, Chaplin William Hayes Brian Bynes Mark & Tanya Hansen TABERNACLE LIGHTS Katia & Casey Pietrzyk Monday, May 26—Memorial Day Rectory & School Closed—Mass at 8:15am Only Tuesday, May 27 7:00—9:00pm Adult Formation –Library Wednesday, May 28 Thursday, May 29 Noon—5:30pm Eucharistic Adoration –Church 3:00pm Divine Mercy Chaplet/ Polish –Church 5:15pm Divine Mercy Chaplet/ English –Church 6:15—9:30pm Girl Scouts -Rm 315 7:00—9:00pm Boy Scouts Troop 49 –Liebrich Hall 7:00—9:00pm Choir Practice –Church Friday, May 30 8:15am All School Mass –Church 7:00—9:00pm Parent Club Meeting –Liebrich Hall Saturday, May 31 For Room Reservations/Cancellations, fill out a form at the Rectory. Call Sr. Patrycja at 773/637-6565 x101. IF YOU DIDN’T RECEIVE YOUR MONTHLY ENVELOPES Occasionally someone will fail to receive their monthly envelopes in the mail. When that happens, please call Sr. Patrycja at extension 101, so she can investigate the problem. SCHOOL REGISTRATION FOR 2014-2015 School registration for Pre-3 through 8th grade is going on OW. Stop by the school office for an information packet for the best school ever! ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK: CUMBERLAND CHAPELS Thanks for your sponsorship! See ad in the back of the bulletin. If you have a business and want to advertise here, please call J. S. Paluch at 800/566-6170. Page Four St. William VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL IS COMING! MEMORIAL DAY MASS Vacation Bible School will be held in Liebrich Hall from July 14 thru July 18. Registration forms will be available in June at the entrances of church or in the rectory. Children from the ages 3-4 to 10 are welcome. If you are a teen in need of service hours for confirmation or high school we are looking for you also to volunteer at VBS. The Mass at St. William for Memorial Day will be at 8:15am. We will no longer have any 9:00am Masses for civic holidays. The Rectory & School will be closed on Memorial Day. For more info and to sign-up, please call 773-6376565, ext. 50 and leave a message, we will return the call. Thank you. MARCH athaniel Cardona child of Silvestre Cardona & Ruth Esparza Zuzanna Gruszkova child of Ryszard Gruszka & Miroslava Jordanova athan Wyczesany child of Justyna Wyczesana Vanessa Iwona Bandola child of Lukasz & Iwona (Sarama) Bondola Ariana Marie Gomez child of Jose Gomez & Wanda Lopez Kaya Cecylia Szlapczynski child of Maciej & Magdalena (Wiatr) Szlapczynski APRIL Adrian Wojnarowicz child of Stawomir & Agnieszka (Olbrycht) Wojnarowicz Jacob Duszkiewicz child of Wojciech & Beata (Dudzinska) Duszkiewicz Mia Wanda Stopyra child of Rafal & Magdalena (Grabowsak) Stopyra Alan Guzowski child of Rafal & Edyta (Wachel) Guzowski atalia Anna Skalski child of Krzysztof & Lucyna (Ulmaniec) Skalski Emma Elizabeth Chmielewski child of Karol & Katarzyna (Gorecka) Chmielewski Agata Anna Roczmierowski child of Robert & Barbara (Kozlowska) Roczmierowski Isaiah Molina child of George Molina & Ashley Arce Julian James Burt child of Jacob Hauad & Meggie Burt The Catholic Cemeteries will hold special Memorial Day Field Masses on Monday, May 26 at 10:30am. Some of the local cemeteries are: All Saints in Des Plaines Maryhill in Niles Mount Carmel in Hillside Our Lady of Sorrows in Hillside Queen of Heaven in Hillside St. Adalbert in Niles St. Joseph in River Grove For more information, call 708/449-6100. MANDATORY PARISH CALENDAR MEETING The annual Parish Calendar meeting will be on June 20 at 7:00pm in Liebrich Hall. Anyone who wants to use space during the year at St. William Rectory, School or Church must attend this meeting. If you are having any event at the parish, this is the meeting to attend to guarantee the space you need. All organizations MUST send a representative with your calendar for the July 2014—July 2015 year NO CONFESSIONS ON: There will not be Confession on June 14 at 3:30pm, please come the week before or after. SPECIAL FATHER’S DAY ENVELOPES We have special Father’s Day envelopes in the back of church for all living and deceased dad’s. Fill out the envelope with the names of the dad’s you want prayer for and we will put them in a basket on the altar. These intentions will be prayed for during the entire month of June. You can turn them in all month. St. William WHAT HAPPENED AT THE TOWN HALL MEETING? The Town Hall meeting for all parishioners and school parents was held on Monday, May 19 in Liebrich Hall. Approximately fifty people were in attendance, which included teachers, school parents and representatives from various parish organizations. Information regarding capital improvements of our parish buildings, enhancement and technology programs for the school, as well as the general welfare of the parish were presented by our business manager, principal and pastor. All topics were open to questions and discussions. The main focus up for discussion centered on: Instituting a Spanish Mass on a regular basis for the parish on Sundays. Although highly achievable, the commitment of the community for support, involvement and planning needs to be stronger. If implemented the Mass time also has to be addressed by the leadership as well as the general population of the parish as concerns rose to replacing one of the regular English Masses or to have a later afternoon Mass. The parish would like to establish a regular weekly Bingo game night as a source of revenue for the church and school. Once established the revenue from Bingo would be divided evenly between church and school. A core group has to be created that would be committed to and present to overseeing the operations of Bingo. The Daughters of Divine Love have been in negotiations with the Archdiocese and the parish to secure ownership of the convent building and property. The Sisters would like to make the convent building their permanent Mother House. The Sisters conducted an independent appraisal and the building was valued at $450,000.00 which counteracted the appraisal the parish received of $500,000.00. Recently, the Sisters made an offer for $350,000.00 to purchase the convent. Our Pastor and business manager met with the Parish Pastoral Council and Finance Committee to discuss this offer. Upon advice from both groups, it was decided not to sell the convent but to rather try and renegotiate the rental contract with the Sisters. Page Five In the immediate future a survey will be handed out to all parishioners to express their thoughts and ideas as to the future of the convent building. Plans have begun to celebrate the 100th anniversary of St. William in October, 2016. The parish is looking for dedicated volunteers to form a planning committee for the celebration. Please address the Pastor if you have an opinion, comment, question or concern regarding any of these matters. Respectfully submitted by, Julie Gorski Parish Pastoral Council SUMMER SCRIPTURE SEMINAR June 22 – 27, 2014 in Mundelein The University of St. Mary of the Lake/Mundelein Seminary offers a Summer Scripture Seminar. This year’s theme is Conquest and Kingship: Leadership in Joshua, Judges, 1-2 Samuel, and 1-2 Kings. It’s what scholars call “The Deuteronomicistic History.” The week will focus on Israel’s past - specifically of the possession and loss of the land and the rise & fall of the monarchy. Our scholars include Fr. Leslie Hoppe, Fr. Larry Hennessey, Rabbi Michael Balinsky, Gina Hens-Piazza and Fr. Robert Barron. Attendees may commute or stay overnight and can choose to come for individual days or the entire seminar. The best way to enjoy the program is to stay for the week from Sunday evening through Friday morning to experience the rhythm of prayer, study and relaxation with the Mundelein community. Continuing Education Units are available! Make time this summer to enrich your spiritual life, listen to some of the best Scripture Scholars in the world, pray, eat and socialize with the speakers and other attendees, and find respite from the hectic pace of life on our peaceful grounds. Register at and find us on Facebook at SummerScriptureSeminar. Page Six St. William Ministry Schedule for the Weekend of May 31 & June 1, 2014 PRIEST Saturday 4:30pm 5/31/14 Sunday 7:30am 6/1/14 Sunday 9:00am 6/1/14 Sunday 10:30am Polish 6/1/14 Sunday 12:00pm 6/1/14 Fr. Dan Brandt Fr. Lojek Fr. Lojek Fr. Lojek Fr. Brandt Ed Simola John Ponce de Leon John Collins DEACON LECTOR Louise Steppan Don Hoffman EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Mike Kelly Carol Konrath Diane McGowan Kim Burch Peggy O’Donnell Mike Rhyce Diane Dewbray Greg Fidanzia M Fleischhacker B. Moro S. Konrath A. Aguirre J. Armenta Y. Garcia S. Rhyce Estrella Arzadon Sr. Patrycja Betty Balsamo Sr. Anna Giovanni Balingit Debra DeSalvo School Grads School CUP MINISTERS ALTAR SERVERS D. Jackson C. Karkazis W. Karkazis M. Jachym L. Ruiz A. Perez Recycle/Renew/Reuse Bring all paper products to the green & yellow bins behind school for recycling. The school receives money by the pound of paper. POLISH LA GUAGE SCHOOL POLSKA KATOLICKA SZKOŁA IM. ŚW. BRATA ALBERTA CHMIELOWSKIEGO PRZY PARAFII ŚW. WILLIAMA 2600 SAYRE AVE, CHICAGO 60707 ZAPRASZA Dzieci od 3 lat aż do liceum na zapisy w każdą sobotę od 9:30AM do 1:30PM w marcu, kwietniu, oraz w ciągu tygodnia w biurze parafialnym od 6:00PM do 8:00PM. Zapewniamy naukę języka polskiego, historii, geografii Polski, oraz lekcje religii z przygotowaniem do Sakramentów Świętych. U nas Twoje dziecko spędzi czas w rodzinnej atmosferze poznając kraj swoich przodków. Po więcej informacji proszę dzwonić: Ksiądz Proboszcz R. Łojek (773) 637-6565 wew.13 Dyrektor M. Klimek (773) 430-2099 Sr. Patrycja (630) 670-2922/Sr. Anna (773)742-3196 ST. WILLIAM SUMMER DAY CAMP We are registering children ages 5—14 for Summer Day Camp from June 16—August 1. Plus we have added one extra week starting Monday, June 9 that will be charged at the weekly rate. Bears $430 = 7 weeks: 6/16—8/1, Monday –Friday, 9am-6pm Lions $330 = 7 weeks: 6/16—8/1, Monday—Friday, 10am –3pm Morning Raccoons: $4:00 per hour, 7am –9am Daily and weekly rates available: $90 per week, $25 per day, 9am –6pm To register please call Ms. Klich at 773/745-4205, Monday—Thursday from 3—6pm or come to the back school entrance at Wrightwood & Newland. Parent Meeting: Saturday, June 7 at 2:00pm in Liebrich Hall. Komunia dla chorych w domu i I Piątek Miesiąca Kwietnia W każdy pierwszy piątek miesiąca udaje sie do chorych w domach służąc sakramentem pokuty i pojednania, przynosząc Komunie Świętą oraz poświęcając czas na rozmowe. Zgłoszenia osób chorych należy kierować do biura parafialnego, lub do Sióstr Albertynek czy Ks. Proboszcza pod numerem telefonu 1 773 637 6565 wew 13 lub wew 19 . Pierwszy Piątek misiąca kwietnia zaoraszamy również na spowiedz o godzinie 6-tej wieczorem i msze świeta o godzinie 7 mej a po mszy świetej na Droge Krzyżową w języku polskim. Kurs Przedmałżeński w Parafii Św. Williama Kolejny kurs przygotowujący młode paray do zawarcia sakramentu Małżeństwa odbędzie sie w naszej parafii 22 czerwca , 2014 roku po polskiej mszy świętej o godzinie 2:00 PM. Po więcej informacji prosimy dzwonic pod numer 1 773 637 6565 wew 102. Zapraszamy do wzięcia udziału. I Sobota Miesiąca Czerwca06/07/2014 Arcybractwo Straży Honorowej Najświętszego Serca Jezusa i Maryi zaprasza wrazm z parafianami Św. Williama i członkami Kół Rózańcowych wszystkich gości jak również całą Polonię na nabozeństwo wynagradzające Niepokalanemu Sercu Maryi i Jezusa za grzechy osobiste- nasze, naszych Rodzin, Poloni i narodu polskiego. Nabożeństwo rozpoczyna się o godzinie 7 00 PM. W programie nabożeństwa jest czuwanie , modlitwa różańcowa, spowiedz świeta , modlitwa w ciszy i można otrzymać indywidualne Błogosławieństwo Najświętszym Sakramentem. Serdecznie zapraszamy do parafii Św. Williama w każdą 1-szą Sobote miesiąca pod adres 2600 N. Sayre Ave , Chicago. CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. William Church #947950 2600 N. Sayre Avenue Chicago, IL 60707 TELEPHONE 773 637-6565 EXT. 10 or 0 CONTACT PERSON Kathy Rudy EMAIL: SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat X Windows 7 PRINTER Ricoh Aficio MP 161 TRANSMISSION TIME Wednesday 3:00PM SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION May 25, 2014 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 8 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
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St. William - Amazon Web Services
will be charged at the weekly rate.
Bears $430 = 7 weeks: 6/16—8/1, Monday –Friday,
Lions $330 = 7 weeks: 6/16—8/1, Monday—Friday,
10am –3pm
Morning Raccoons: $4:00 per hour, 7am –9am
St. William
Bilety są już dostępne w biurze parafialnym lub w
zakrystii w cenie $15 od osoby.
zapraszamy. Ks.Dziekan Robert Lojek Proboszcz i
siostry Albertynki
Kurs przedmałżeńs...