St. William - Amazon Web Services
St. William - Amazon Web Services
2600 N. Sayre, Chicago, Illinois 60707 St. William RECTORY STAFF Rev. Robert J. Lojek, Pastor - ext. 13 Deacon Edward Simola Deacon John Ponce De Leon Peggy Forgione, Principal - ext. 35 Martin Wojtulewicz, Bus Mgr. - ext. 17 Terry Robertson, Rel Ed. -ext. 27 Jordan Chua, Organist Kathy Rudy, Secretary-ext. 10 email: Daughters of Divine Love/Convent: 773/622-2434 DDL Home Health Care: 773/385-6670 RECTORY HOURS: Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Evening Hours Monday—Friday: 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (Closed Tuesday morning until 12:00) (Closed daily 1:00—2:00pm -Lunch) Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon RECTORY OFFICE: 773/637-6565 RECTORY FAX: 773/637-7042 SCHOOL OFFICE: 773/637-5130 SCHOOL FAX: 773/745-4208 SCHOOL WEB: EW PARISHIO ERS: Welcome!! Please register at Rectory. EW PARISH WEB SITE: May 11, 2014 Margery Addun Elian Calderon Natalia Espinosa Alyssa Figueroa Izel Hernandez Zachary Kahles Issac Landa Annelise Lopez Andy Martinez Mateo Mora Angel Navarette Benito Prado Sebastian Ramirez Carolina Rivera Lorena Ruiz Jason Sanchez Daneli Tabarez Esteban Vargas Annette Villalobos Daniel Zarco *** Isabel Armenta Nataly Contreras Karl Fernandez Ramon Flores Carissa Jurczyk Robert Konrath Juan Lazalde Viviana Lopez Johnny Martinez Sean Munoz Angelina Padro Ivan Ramirez Cyrus Rios Cassandra Rivera Sarah Ruiz Regina Solis Antonio Vaccaro Alexander Vasquez Aleksander Wilson Leslie Zarco 4th Sunday of Easter St. William May 11, 2014 MASS INTENTIONS SUNDAY, MAY 11—HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! World Day of Prayer 7:30am Living & Deceased Mothers for 9:00am Living & Deceased Mothers Vocations 10:30pm Leslaw Pawlica Polish Piotr & Jadwiga Wieslaw Piotr & Bronislawa Olszewski Maria & Zofia Cetnarowicz Eugeniusz & Anna Leokadia Siwicka –1st Death Anniv Jurek Kazimierz Maria & Feliks Pawlowscy Stanislaw Ryba Wladyslawa & Jan Zalewski Jan & Stefania Jarocki Maria Bujak—1 Death Anniv Jan, Maria, Syn, Synowa & Wnuki-Blessings 12:00pm Joe & Pat Peraino-55th Wedding Anniversary Living & Deceased Mothers 2:00pm Polish & English Jozef Koszut & Zofia Modla Anna & Jozef Matoniak—Blessings Kamili & Przemyslaw Gregorczyk/Children MONDAY, MAY 12—Sts. Nereus & Achilleus, St. Pancras 8:15am John Janicek Living & Deceased Mothers TUESDAY, MAY 13—Our Lady of Fatima 8:15am Palma Berasi Trevor Orr Keating Family Living & Deceased Mothers WEDNESDAY, MAY 14—St. Matthias 8:15am Casey Pietrzyk Antonino & Francesca Lupo –Birth Rem Jozefa Babecka Living & Deceased Mothers 7:00pm Polish Marcin Huk Zofia & Antoni Ziejka Zofia Modla Living & Deceased Mothers THURSDAY, MAY 15—St. Isidore 8:15am Living & Deceased Mothers 12:00 Noon Living & Deceased Mothers FRIDAY, MAY 16 8:15am Angie Ricchio –Birth Rem Angie Ricchio—Birth Rem Mary Pietrzak Living & Deceased Mothers SATURDAY, MAY 17 8:15am Living & Deceased Mothers 4:30pm Adeline & Frank Ziccarelli Natalina Morotti Florence Panzarella Arturo Conte Mark & Mary LaRose –Wedding Anniv Living & Deceased Mothers LITURGICAL CELEBRATION EUCHARISTIC LITURGY: Saturday: 8:15 a.m. & 4:30 p.m. Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 (Polish) & 12:00pm Monday - Saturday: 8:15 a.m. Mass with rosary starting at 7:30 a.m. Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help on Wednesday after English & Polish Mass Polish Mass: Sunday 10:30a.m. and Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Civic Holidays: 9:00 a.m. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Every Thursday from Noon—5:30p.m. 3:00pm Chaplet of Divine Mercy-Polish 5:15pm Chaplet of Divine Mercy-English followed by Benediction SACRAMENTAL LIFE BAPTISM: One Preparation Class is required. The Class will meet on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. in the Rectory. Baptism is celebrated on the second and fourth Sunday of the month, attend Noon Mass then Baptism immediately following. MARRIAGES: An appointment should be made with one of the priests or deacons at least six months prior to the wedding. This should be done before a date or banquet hall is reserved. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday: 3:30—4:15 p.m. You may also call the rectory for an appointment. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: Call the Rectory for a priest. Please do not wait until the person is unconscious or near death. COMMUNION CALLS: If you would like to receive Communion, call the rectory to make arrangements. 773/637-6565 RECTORY HOURS: Daytime: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday 9:00am—4:30pm. Rectory Closed EVERY TUESDAY MOR I G Tuesday open from oon-1:00 & 2:00-4:30pm Mon.—Fri. closed from 1:00—2:00pm for lunch Evening Hours: Mon.—Fri. 6—8pm, and Saturday 10am—12 (Noon). St. William Page Three WEEK AT A GLANCE Sunday, May 11 Amount needed weekly to cover our budgeted expenses is: $6,625 Budget for Weekly Collection…………....……….$6,625 Weekend Collection………..…….…………....….$6,595 Under $ (-30) Building Fund (Church Carpet)………………….$3,185 Please Remember your Parish in your Will! THANK YOU! We are sincerely grateful to those who give regularly and generously of their treasure as well as those who give of their time and talent to support the work of St. William Parish. May God Bless You!! Monday, May 12 6:30—8:00pm Cub Scout Webelos –Rm 315 6:30—8:00pm Cub Scout 3049 –Rm 316 Tuesday, May 13 Wednesday, May 14 7:00—8:30pm 8th Grade Parent Com Mtg –Library 7:00—9:00pm Knights Gen Sherman –Teacher’s Lnge Thursday, May 15 Noon—5:30pm Eucharistic Adoration –Church 3:00pm Divine Mercy Chaplet/ Polish –Church 5:15pm Divine Mercy Chaplet/ English –Church 6:15—9:30pm Girl Scouts -Rm 315 7:00—8:30pm Cub Scout Webelos I –Rm 316 7:00—9:00pm Boy Scouts Troop 49 –Liebrich Hall 7:00—9:00pm Choir Practice –Church 7:00—8:30pm School Board Mtg –Library Friday, May 16 8:15am All School Mass –Everyone Welcome! 6:00—9:30pm Pack Nite -Cub Scout Pk 3049 –Liebrich Saturday, May 17 4:30pm School Family & Sports Mass –Church For Room Reservations/Cancellations, fill out a form at the Rectory. Questions, Sr. Patrycja at 773/637-6565 x11. BOOK SALE THANK YOU –CORRECTION PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR DECEASED Luigi Tognetti PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK Danuta owak Lyla Bandy Marilyn Berry Elzbieta Mital Mary Targosz Jennifer Pape Bella Pape Carey Konczal Maria Hinojosa Mary Balducci Kristina Sisson Ruben Arceo Tony apolitano Donna Riccio Debbie Rosario Angela Martinez Amanda Bert Anita Hoskot PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SOLDIERS Fr. Eda Ohm, Chaplin William Hayes Brian Bynes Mark & Tanya Hansen TABERNACLE LIGHTS Katia & Casey Pietrzyk Sorry Joe, I missed your correct name last week. A Great Big Thank You to Joe Kaminski for many hours of help at the book sale! SCHOOL REGISTRATION FOR 2014-2015 School registration for Pre-3 through 8th grade is going on OW. Stop by the school office for an information packet for the best school ever! FROM DEACON ED: A happy marriage is a long conversation that always seems too short. ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK: MONTCLAIR-LUCANIA FUNERAL HOME Thanks for your sponsorship! See ad in the back of the bulletin. If you have a business and want to advertise here, please call J. S. Paluch at 800/566-6170. Page Four St. William Parish/School Town Hall Meeting May 19th at 7:00PM Liebrich Hall CARITAS FOR CHILDREN May is the month of Mary. We honor Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and on Mother's Day we look to all mothers as a wonderful witness to Mary's love and dedication. Mary's example shows that through love for others, rooted in a belief and trust in God, we will be provided with all that we need. CARITAS For Children's ministry partners, the religious women, in Haiti, Africa, Poland, and the Dominican Republic selflessly dedicate their lives to helping the children in the CARITAS programs. We THANK YOU for your vocation and love. For so many of the children you are their mothers nurturing them with love and compassion, a light of hope and a powerful example of faith. God reveals to us His love in the love of a mother. We do the same when we reveal Him in our love for one of His children. General Inquires:, Donor Relations: or call us at (414) 771-7030 x315, (888) 227-4827 x315, or (312) 944-7070 x315. Catholic Family Day at Six Flags Great America Join Catholic families from around the Archdiocese of Chicago for Catholic Family Day at Six Flags Great America in Gurnee, on June 22nd. The event will begin with Mass at 9:30 a.m. and tickets are $34 per person. The picnic package is $47.62, which includes park admission and an all-you-can-eat buffet what will be open from 1:30 until 3 p.m. Order tickets online at and enter the promo code: CATHOLIC. Ever wondered if anyone listens to your fondest wishes besides God? Well, now’s your chance to be heard! St. William Parish and School are holding their 2nd Town Hall Meeting to discuss: Spanish Mass, Parish 100th Anniversary News, Renovation Update on the Rectory, BINGO, Student Fitting Night for the New School Uniform Company, Algebra for 8th grade, Switching to Trimesters, and much, much more! Come and hear what’s going on – first hand – from the pastor and the principal. Join us to make St. William a stronger and better parish and school community than it ever was!! ROOFAPALOOZA RAFFLE WINNERS Our sincere thanks to everyone who attended or assisted our very successful "Raising The Roof" last weekend. There were so many memorable moments! Here are the lucky winners of our top 5 prizes! 1. CAROL KONRATH—HDTV 2. ED SIMOLA— BLU-RAY DISC PLAYER 3. HENRY GOSKA—BICYCLE 4. ROBERT BUKOWSKI—ABT GIFT CARD 5. G. GALVE—FAMILY PACK OF GIFT CARDS Thank you Montclair-Lucania Funeral Home, Debra DeSalvo and Alderman Nick Sposato. Recycle/Renew/Reuse Bring all paper products to the green & yellow bins behind school for recycling. The school receives money by the pound of paper. St. William Page Five Phil Schwarz with Jeff Kwit (above) and autographing umbrellas (right) Carol Fergus & the kitchen crew. The Beatles Who won this hand-painted beauty? Painted by Carol Fergus A woman of many talents! Page Six St. William Ministry Schedule for the Weekend of May 17 &18, 2014 Saturday 4:30pm 5/17/14 Sunday 7:30am 5/18/14 Sunday 9:00am 5/18/14 Sunday 10:30am Polish 5/18/14 Sunday 12:00pm 5/18/14 PRIEST Fr. Lojek Fr. Lojek Fr. Lojek Fr. Lojek Fr. Brandt DEACON John Ponce de Leon LECTOR School Don Hoffman Julie Gorski EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS School Mary Oliver M Fleischhacker Elaine Simola Diane Dewbray Pat Peraino Estrella Arzadon Irene Kmiecik Bernie Gawlinski Jose Bayron T. Gallagher M. Gallagher M. Williams S. Konrath K. Delgado A. Delgado C. Jurczyk D. Jackson A. Petitti Ed Simola Colleen Walsh Sr. Patrycja Sr. Anna Mary Razek Mary Keating Margaret Walsh David Marquez Caitlin Flanagan CUP MINISTERS ALTAR SERVERS M. Jachym M. Walsh A. Burgos LEGALLY BLOND THE MUSICAL The Rising Stars Theatre Co. announces our spring musical "Legally Blonde the Musical" based on the hit 2001 movie staring Reese Witherspoon. When UCLA co-ed and sorority queen Elle Woods sets out to go where no other Delta Nu has gone beforeHarvard Law School-the verdict is that this much fun should be legal! Performances are Saturdays and Sundays May 3, 4, 10, 17 and 18. Saturdays at 7:30 pm and Sundays at 2:00 pm with 2 shows on Saturday the 10th-2 and 7:30 pm. The Stahl Family Theatre 5900 W. Belmont, Chicago. Tickets are $17 for adults and $15 for seniors 60 and up and children 14 and under. Tickets available on line at or call 773-736-2490. All seats reserved. GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY The Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass will be held on Sunday, September 14, at 2:45pm at Holy Name Cathedral, 735 N. State Street. Couples married in 1964 can contact our Rectory to register. Info call 312/534-8531. ST. WILLIAM SUMMER DAY CAMP We are registering children ages 5—14 for Summer Day Camp from June 16—August 1. Plus we have added one extra week starting Monday, June 9 that will be charged at the weekly rate. Bears $430 = 7 weeks: 6/16—8/1, Monday –Friday, 9am-6pm Lions $330 = 7 weeks: 6/16—8/1, Monday—Friday, 10am –3pm Morning Raccoons: $4:00 per hour, 7am –9am Daily and weekly rates available: $90 per week, $25 per day, 9am –6pm To register please call Ms. Klich at 773/745-4205, Monday—Thursday from 3—6pm or come to the back school entrance at Wrightwood & Newland. Parent Meeting: Saturday, June 7 at 2:00pm in Liebrich Hall. POLISH LA GUAGE SCHOOL POLSKA KATOLICKA SZKOŁA IM. ŚW. BRATA ALBERTA CHMIELOWSKIEGO PRZY PARAFII ŚW. WILLIAMA 2600 SAYRE AVE, CHICAGO 60707 Kurs Przedmałżeński w Parafii Św. Williama Kolejny kurs przygotowujący młode paray do zawarcia sakramentu Małżeństwa odbędzie sie w naszej parafii 18 maja, 2014 roku po polskiej mszy świętej o godzinie 2:00 PM. Po więcej informacji prosimy dzwonic pod numer 1 773 637 6565 wew 13. ZAPRASZA Dzieci od 3 lat aż do liceum na zapisy w każdą sobotę od 9:30AM do 1:30PM w marcu, kwietniu, oraz w ciągu tygodnia w biurze parafialnym od 6:00PM do 8:00PM. Zapewniamy naukę języka polskiego, historii, geografii Polski, oraz lekcje religii z przygotowaniem do Sakramentów Świętych. U nas Twoje dziecko spędzi czas w rodzinnej atmosferze poznając kraj swoich przodków. Maj abożeństwa Majowe Miesiąc Maj poświęcony jest Matce Bożej. Gromadzimy się w kościołach, kaplicach czy figurkach przydroznych Matki Bożej aby śpiewać majówki. Serdecznie zapraszamy naszych parafian jak również i gości na nabożeństwa Majowe w naszej parafii Św. Williama w każdy poniedziałek, środę i piątek o godzinie 7 mej wieczorem na msze świeta a pózniej nabożenstwo majowe a w niedziele 15 minut przed każdą Polską mszą świeta a wiec o godzinie 10:15 z rana i o godzinie 1:45 po południu. Po więcej informacji proszę dzwonić: Ksiądz Proboszcz R. Łojek (773) 637-6565 wew.13 Dyrektor M. Klimek (773) 430-2099 Sr. Patrycja (630) 670-2922/Sr. Anna (773)742-3196 CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. William Church #947950 2600 N. Sayre Avenue Chicago, IL 60707 TELEPHONE 773 637-6565 EXT. 10 or 0 CONTACT PERSON Kathy Rudy EMAIL: SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat X Windows 7 PRINTER Ricoh Aficio MP 161 TRANSMISSION TIME Wednesday 3:00PM SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION May 11, 2014 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 8 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
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St. William - Amazon Web Services
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St. William
Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon
RECTORY OFFICE: 773/637-6565
RECTORY FAX: 773/637-7042
SCHOOL OFFICE: 773/637-5130
SCHOOL FAX: 773/745-4208
FI A CE: 773/637-6565 x14
SCHOOL WEB: stwilliamschool.o...