St. Columba Roman Catholic Church
St. Columba Roman Catholic Church
St. Columba Roman Catholic Church Fifth Sunday of Lent Sunday, March 13, 2016 Rev. Michael P. McLoughlin, Pastor Rev. Christopher Argano, Parochial Vicar Deacons: William Alvarado John Reilly Warren Testa Parish Manager: Mr. Gary Bartilucci Parish Council Chair: Mr. Dennis McCormack Parish Trustees: Mr. Keith Slade Mrs. Mary Theresa Soyka Office Manager: Mrs. Laura Brady Administrative Assistants: Mrs. Anne Camilleri Mrs. Carol Garvey Bookkeeper: Mrs. Mary Gallagher P.O. Box 428 835 Route 82 Hopewell Jct., NY 12533 Rectory: 845- 227 - 8380 Fax: 845- 227 - 8390 Parish website: Rectory Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 9am to 4pm Saturday & Sunday: Closed “Love God, Serve Others” Weekly Mass Schedule Saturday: 8:00am, 5:30pm (Vigil Mass) Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am and 12:00 noon 3rd Sunday 9:00am - Student Mass (Young People’s Homily) Tri-Parish Sunday: 5:00pm Spanish Mass @ St. Denis, 5:30pm Mass @ St. Kateri Drop your St. Columba envelope in the collection, it will be returned to St. Columba! Monday to Friday: 7:00am Confessions: Saturday: 8:30am to 9:00am 4:00pm to 5:00pm Baptisms: Sundays at 1:15pm by appointment. Call Deacon Alvarado at Rectory to make arrangements. Godparent & Sponsor forms are available after any weekend Mass. Please see parish priest. Candidates should be registered at St. Columba, have completed their initiation and follow Church teaching regarding Marriage. Matrimony: Arrangements should be made at least 6 months in advance. Please call the Rectory and make an appointment with a parish priest. Anointing of the Sick: Please speak with a parish priest after any Mass. In an emergency, please call the Rectory at any time. Vocations: Are you interested in becoming a priest, deacon or a religious sister? We would be most happy to speak with you. Please call the Rectory. Miraculous Medal Novena: Mondays following the 7am Mass. “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” She replied, “No one, sir.” Then Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn you. Go, and from now on do not sin any more.” Eucharistic Adoration: Monday to Friday 9am to 9pm with: Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3pm, Rosary at 7pm and Night Prayer and Benediction at 8:45pm. St. Columba School of Religious Education P.O. Box 368 Hopewell Junction, NY 12533 Office: 845-221-4900 Office Hours: Monday to Thursday: 9am - 3pm Grades: 1 - 5: Tues., Weds., Thurs. : 4:30pm - 6:00pm Grades: 1 - 8: Sat.: 9:00am - 10:30am Grades: 6 - 8: Tues., Wed.: 7:00pm - 8:30pm OR Thursday: 4:30pm - 6:00pm Website: Director: Sister Marie Pappas, CR St. Denis - St. Columba School P.O. Box 368 Hopewell Junction, NY 12533 Office: 845-227-7777 Fax: 845-226-8470 Email: Website: Celebrating 50 years of Excellence in Catholic Education Principal: Sister Kathleen Marie Gerritse, CR Mass Intentions for the Week Sunday, March 13 - Fifth Sunday of Lent 7:30am - For All Parishioners 9:00am - Niall & deceased members of the Heraty Family by Vincent, Julie & Boys 10:30am - Anna & Dan Young by Ruth Young 12:00pm - For the Intentions of Fr. Michael McLoughlin in Celebration as he is Installed as our third Pastor Monday, March 14 7:00am - For the Intentions of Joseph & Joni Aveni & Family by Esther Zumbo ST. COLUMBA PARISH MISSION STATEMENT St. Columba parish is a Catholic community striving to be a visible witness of God’s loving presence among us. Called by Baptism and centered in the Eucharist, it is our common purpose to know God, to live and love as Jesus did and to serve others. We value each person and draw from our diverse talents to grow and to respond to the ever - changing needs of our community. All are welcome! MEMORIALS This week the ROSE will be in for the Intentions of St. Columba Parishioners This week the LAMP will burn for the Intentions of Janice Prostak Tuesday, March 15 7:00am - In Thanksgiving for Family Blessings by Deacon Warren & Elizabeth Testa OUR LADY OF FATIMA This week the Statue of Our Lady will be enthroned in the homes of: Rosemary Thorn and Evelyn Goetz If you would like to have the statue visit your home please call Suzanne D’Agostino at 227 - 2307. Wednesday, March 16 7:00am - William James Culkin by the Martin Family Thursday, March 17 - St. Patrick 7:00am - Patrick Baker, Jr. by his Family Friday, March 18 - St. Cyril of Jerusalem 7:00am - In Honor of St. Joseph Saturday, March 19 - St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary 8:00pm - Thomas Scott by his wife Ann Scott 5:30pm - For the Intentions of Mary Jo Kraus by Mom & Dad TRAVELING IMAGE OF THE DIVINE MERCY To honor the Divine Mercy in our Parish, we have the Pilgrim Image of the Divine Mercy to visit the families of our Parish. If you would like to have the image visit your home, please contact the Rectory at 227-8380. This week the Image has been visiting the home of: The de Asis Family Sunday, March 20 - Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord 7:30am - For All Parishioners 9:00am - Ed & Anne McHugh by The McHugh, Brennan, Chiarulli & DeLillo Families 10:30am - Patricia Ryan by Ruth Young 12:00pm - For the Living & Deceased members of the Lequar & Taurence Families by Bob & Marcy Taurence WEEKLY March 2 - 3, 2016 $15,164.00 February 28 - March 1, 2015 $15,142.50 Second Collection $4,242.00 50/50 Gerri DiNotte - $55 Congratulations! Attendance March 2 - 3 2016 2,587 BAPTISMS We congratulate the parents and families of the children who were born again in the new life of Christ, and who became a part of our parish family through the sacrament of Baptism. Ryan Anthony MacFarland Emily Sloan McCorkell Please pray for our recently deceased parishioners, family & friends. Margaret Vaughn Denise DiMattia Jennifer Bixby Sister Marie McGillicuddy CARDINAL’S STEWARDSHIP APPEAL 2016 Parish Goal - $110,500.00 Pledged as of March 4th - $49,976.00 Number of Gifts - 146 Average Gift - $342.30 God bless you for your generosity! (Note: Does not include “In Pew” weekend) PARISH NEWS: HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion, March 20 Saturday Vigil - 5:30pm Sunday - 7:30am, 9:00am 10:30am, 12:00 noon Holy Monday - March 21 Morning Mass at 7:00am Reconciliation (Confessions) 3:00pm - 9:00pm Holy Tuesday - March 22 Morning Mass at 7:00am Chrism Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral - 4:00pm All are Welcome! Holy Thursday, March 24 Tenebrae - 9:00am - at St. Denis Mass of the Lord’s Supper - 7:00pm Adoration until Midnight in the School Good Friday, March 25 Day of fasting and abstinence from meat Tenebrae - 9:00am at St. Columba Children’s Stations of the Cross - 12:00pm Noon Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion - 3:00pm Stations of the Cross with Veneration of the Cross - 7:00pm Holy Saturday, March 26 Tenebrae - 9:00am at Saint Kateri Blessing of the Easter Foods - 10:30am Easter Vigil - 7:30pm (No 5:30pm Mass) FATHER MICHAEL’S INSTALLATION Fr. Michael will formally be installed as the third Pastor of St. Columba Parish TODAY (Sunday), March 13 at 12:00 noon. Msgr. James Sullivan, Dean of the Dutchess County Vicariate will preside. The next meeting of the St. Joseph’s Men’s Group will be on Saturday, March 19th at 7am in the School Cafeteria. RECONCILIATION MONDAY - March 21, 2016 3:00PM - 9:00PM Come celebrate God’s mercy. It’s a great thing to hear about God’s merciful love. It’s even better to experience it personally! No matter how long it may have been since your last confession - weeks, years or even decades, there is no time like the start of Holy Week to know the mercy of God in the Sacrament of Penance. Seize this moment of grace at the start of Holy Week. Bring a friend. Reminder: There are no confessions on Holy Thursday, Good Friday or Holy Saturday! Thanks to your generosity, parishioners of St. Columba are now sponsoring over 100 children in third world countries. May God bless you for your many sacrifices on their behalf! EASTER SUNDAY - March 27 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am and 12:00 noon CONFESSIONS Every Saturday 8:30 - 9:00am & 4:00 - 5:00pm RECONCILIATION MONDAY- March 21st 3:00 - 9:00pm No Confessions on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY - April 3 3:00pm Devotions and Confessions Our Youth Group will go on a Midnight Run this Friday, March 18th. We will meet at the school cafeteria at 7pm and depart for NYC at 8:15pm. Drivers may still be needed. Call Fr. Michael for more information. STATIONS of the CROSS Are prayed every Friday of Lent at 7:00pm in the Church PARISH NEWS: CATHOLIC CHARITIES DINNERs Catholic Charities Community Services of Orange County is honoring our former Pastor, Bishop Dominick Lagonegro, at their 10th Annual Celebration of Charities Dinner on April 14 at Anthony’s Pier 9 in New Windsor. Would you be interested in putting together a table from St. Columba with Father Michael? The cost is $100.00 per person. See Fr. Michael for more information or email Our own Catholic Charities Community Services of Dutchess County will be holding their First Annual Dinner on June 9. Father Michael will organize a table from St. Columba. More information soon. Save the Date! We will need to purchase some items for the Run. Would you like to make a donation? Put it in an envelope marked “Midnight Run” and drop it into the collection basket at Church. Thank you! Sponsored by: Ignite Catholic Young Adults Friday, March 18th; 7:30pm - 10pm We will meet at Mount St. Mary’s College. The evening will start with a Holy Hour and is followed by a “Coffee House” which includes music and art. All young adults are welcome! March 20 - Living Stations of the Cross April 30 - May 1 - High School Senior Trip May 13 - 15 - Youth Leadership Training June 26 - July 1 - Capuchin Outreach Program ( Deadline April 25) July 9 - 17 - Capuchin Appalachian Mission (Deadline April 25) For more information, go to Our Parish Council will meet on Monday, March 14 at 7:30pm in the Library. We will continue our discussion about the 25th Anniversary of the Parish in 2017. St. Kateri Bereavement Gathering “Bereaved Stations of the Cross” Saturday, March 19 10am - 12pm St. Kateri Chapel Social in the meeting room with light refreshments to follow. All those who are suffering a loss are WELCOME. Please RSVP to Lorraine Travia 845-221-2741 Pick up your Church bulletin after Mass and take it home. Go to our website: Check our Blog - Link on website under Father Michael’s name. Sign up for Flocknotes. Memorial mass for sister Maribel Monday, April 18th St. Denis Church On the Anniversary of her Religious Profession of Vows. All are welcome to attend! For more information, please contact : Anne Cohen 845-724-3866 Or Loretta DelliCarpini (845) 592-0502 Care Ministry News: Do you know of a loved one, family member or friend of St. Columba who may need a friendly phone call or visit? Perhaps your schedule may not allow you to see them as often as you would like. Consider a call to Care Ministry to help. When your heart is in the right place but you can’t be, we may be able to help. Call the Care Ministry hotline at 227 - 7430. Leave a message and someone will return your call. SCHOOL NEWS SDSC Students Are Country Radio Stars! Beginning this week, tune into Party Marty’s morning show on Country Radio Station WRWD 107.3. Around 7:00 a.m. every morning for approximately two weeks, each of our classes will be featured reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Many thanks to SDSC alumna Meghan Ellsworth for her role in making our student radio stars! SDSC Drama Club Presents: Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella The SDSC Drama Club will present two performances of Cinderella: Friday April 22 at 7:00 pm and Saturday, April 23 at 1:00pm. Tickets for reserved seats are $9.50. Purchase reserved seats now at: Mark Your Calendars for the Return of the Gift Gala! The SDSC PSA Gift Gala is back again this year! The Gift Gala will be on Friday, May 13, beginning at 6:30 p.m. This year’s theme is Classic New York Broadway. Like last year, the event will again feature great food, raffles and auctions. Tickets will go on sale soon! TRI - PARISH NEWS On Monday, March 14th, the ARS is having a Covered Dish Supper at St. Columba at 6:00pm. All ladies of the parish are invited. We would ask everyone to bring a dish to share. It’s a very enjoyable evening and there is plenty to eat and drink! COUPLES CELEBRATING 25 & 50 YEARS OF MARRIAGE Our Parish will be hosting a celebration for all couples celebrating their 25th & 50th Wedding Anniversaries this year. The celebration will take place on Sunday, April 24, 2016 at the 12 noon Mass at St. Columba Church. There will be a Reception following the Mass in the school gymnasium. All couples wishing to attend must register by calling the Rectory at 227 - 8380 by Friday, April 15th. Capuchin Youth & Family Ministries presents, Living Stations of the Cross: Join us in this powerful prayer service as teens bring the journey of Christ’s Passion alive, enabling us to reflect on Christ’s suffering and death. Service concludes with Eucharistic Adoration in which Christ invites us to enter into the depths of our hearts in communion with Him who makes Himself bodily present in the Eucharist and asks us to be united with, and contemplate His presence, with His risen body. Passion Sunday. March 20, 3pm; outdoors, rain or shine, please dress for the weather. CYFM, 781 Route 9D Garrison, NY 10524 (845) 424-3609. Find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: CYFMGarrison 50th Wedding Anniversary Mass 50th Anniversary Jubilee Mass - SAVE THE DATE Couples celebraƟng their 50th Wedding Anniversary anyƟme during 2016 are invited to aƩend the Annual Golden Wedding Jubilee Mass with Cardinal Dolan at the Cathedral of St. Patrick, Saturday, June 25th at 1:30pm and Sunday, June 26th at 2:00 pm. Pre-registraƟon is required. The deadline for applicaƟons is May 24th. Please contact your parish for registraƟon. for more informaƟon. TRI - PARISH NEWS Lent is the season for Prayer, Fasting and Works of Charity/Almsgiving. Please consider donating a food basket for Easter as part of your acts of charity. A basket consists of the following items: a turkey or ham, sweet and white potatoes, fresh vegetables, salad mix, salad dressing, gravy, stuffing mix, cranberry sauce, rolls, butter, eggs, fruit, dessert, milk, beverages, coffee, tea and an aluminum roasting pan. If you would like to donate a basket on your own or with a friend, please call the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry at 227-7863. The baskets should be dropped off at St. Columba Church on Sunday March 20 between 10am - noon. Thank you for your generous almsgiving! Easter Candy - If you would like to donate Easter candy, please drop it off in the room to the left as you enter the main doors of the church. Candies needed are chocolate bunnies and eggs, jelly beans, etc. Thank you! Sponsored by: St. Mary’s Columbiettes Annual Baby Shower To Benefit: Birthright & Carenet Pregnancy Groups Date: March 20th from 1 - 3pm Location: Knight’s Hall on Rt. 82 (next to Handshakes Grill) Needed Items: disposable diapers all sizes, crib sheets, new & gently used clothing sizes newborn to 3T. Contact: Kathy @ 845-227-5015 St. Columba Movie Nights Adult Education In this new year, nourish and develop your Catholic faith with an educational program called SYMBOLON. “Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained” During each monthly session, we’ll be showing a half hour DVD followed by a discussion. The classes are free, Please join us in Rm. 15 of the school at 7pm on the following Fridays: March 18 - The Bible April 29 - The Story of Salvation May 20 - Who is Jesus? email: The Catholic Widows and Widowers of Dutchess and Putnam Counties will meet on the third Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm in the Parish Meeting Room at St. Kateri Church, 1925 RT. 82, LaGrangeville, NY. 845-223-3097 for questions. Also, we will be holding our annual St. Patrick’s dinner meeting this Tuesday, March 15th at 6pm in the Church Meeting Room. Newcomers are welcome. Our Lady of Lourdes Athletics Camp The OLL Athletics Camp is designed to introduce multiple sports to students ages 9 – 12. Varsity level coaches will be teaching skills and utilizing drills to aid in the development of their specific sport. All ability levels are welcome. Each camper will receive daily instruction from coaches and varsity athletes. Sports included are: Baseball, Softball, Basketball, Volleyball, Track & Field, Football, Soccer, Hockey and Lacrosse. The camp will operate June 27-July 1 and July 5-July 8. Cost: $175/ week for Session 1 and $145/week for Session 2. For more information call or email: (845) 728-2675 or petruzzellim@ Flyer and registration forms can be found on the under Athletics. DATES: July 24 - 30, 2016 @ Mt. St. Mary College, Newburgh (Basketball option also) July 31 - August 6 @ Summit Lake Camp in Emmitsburg, MD August 14 - 20 @ Camp Lakota in Wurtsboro, NY RATES: Regular is $400 per camper per week ($425 for Basketball option). Early Bird rate (if paid in full by April 1st) is $370 ($400 for Basketball option) Volunteers are free (must be at least 18 years old)! For more information: St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry Thank you for your continued prayers and support. If you need to reach us, or would like to volunteer to become a member of SVDP, please call us at: 227-7863. This week the Pantry is in need of: Apple or Grape Juices, Jello/Pudding Mixes, Toothpaste & Brushes Next Meeting: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 at 7pm in the Class Room 15 at St Denis - St. Columba School from 7:00 - 8:00pm. Please visit us at: THE RELICS OF ST. FAUSTINA April 2 - 10, 2016 Divine Mercy Sunday Schedule Basilica of St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral Saturday, April 2: At the 5:30pm English Vigil Mass - procession with relics, followed by all night veneration Sunday, April 3: Masses from 9am - 12:45pm. Veneration of relics @ 2pm, and includes the Chaplet of Divine Mercy _______________________________________________________________________ VISIT THE RELICS AT SEVEN LOCATIONS: Monday, April 4 - Holy Family, Staten Island Tuesday, April 5 - St. Elizabeth’s, Washington Heights (in Spanish) Wednesday, April 6 - St. Patrick’s Cathedral Thursday, April 7 - Assumption, Peekskill Friday, April 8 - St. Barnabas, Bronx Saturday, April 9 - O.L. of Mt. Carmel, Middletown Sunday, April 10 - St. Columba, Hopewell Junction Details at: PARISH LISTINGS ADORATION Stephen Broussard (845) 591-4030 Christopher Merenda (914) 419-6314 BAPTISM Deacon William Alvarado (845) 227-8380 BEREAVEMENT Deacon William Alvarado (845) 227-8380 WEDDING & MUSIC MINISTRY Linda Moore (845) 227-8380 RESPECT LIFE George 226-6896 or Eileen 242-1842 PASTORAL CARE of the sick & homebound Please contact the Rectory - (845) 227-8380 RCIA PROGRAM Deacon Warren Testa (845) 227-8380 SCHEDULING PARISH EVENTS Gary Bartilucci (845) 227-8380 ST. JOSEPH’S MEN GROUP Eric Winogradoff ST. VINCENT de PAUL FOOD PANTRY Joyce Pfirman (845) 227-7863 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Nick Longo (845) 297-2674 WOMEN’S GROUP Sr. Marie Pappas (845) 221-4900 ALTAR ROSARY SOCIETY Maureen Ehrhart (845) 221– 2416 Diane Meleshkewich (845) 227-6111 COLUMBIETTES Fran Clerc (845) 440 - 7033 VBS - SUMMER JOY PROGRAM Deacon John Reilly (845) 227-8380 TEENS LOVING CHRIST Dave & Kathy Bell (845) 223-5015 CARE MINISRTY Lori Loehr & Maureen Carlson (845) 227 - 7430 A Healing Mass Pilgrimage of NY 2016 - Year of Mercy - From the top of Manhattan to the bottom of Manhattan! Visiting Churches every Saturday (two at a time) named after Saints who are examples of God’s Mercy: Saints Peter & Paul. Plus we will visit two churches that have designated Holy Doors for this jubilee year: St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Shrine & St. Patrick’s Cathedral. This walk will total 13.5 miles! Saturday, April 16 (Rain Date: September 17, 2016). You must register in advance at to participate in this event. For information visit the website: with a free flow of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit - Tuesday, April 5, 2016 St. Kateri Tekakwitha Church, 1925 Rte 82, LaGrangeville,NY 12540. Guest Celebrant: Msgr. Joseph Martin Praise and worship at 7pm, Mass at 7:30, individual prayers for healing to follow Mass. (March 22 Prayer Meeting canceled due to Holy Week.) Details contact: Pat or Joe at 845-440-3519 Please note: Snow closing : WHUD Storm Center radios 100.7FM The Cardinal’s Appeal Supports RETIRED PRIESTS & RELIGIOUS with $2 MILLION “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.” —Matthew 5:7 SERVING OTHERS We are grateful for the lifelong dedication and spiritual guidance of our priests. Through the Appeal, the John Cardinal O’Connor and Our Lady of Consolation residences can comfort our leaders as they once comforted and served us. TO MAKE AN ONLINE GIFT, VISIT THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY Church Name and Address St. Columba Church #002765 835 Route 82 Hopewell Junction, NY 12533 Phone: 845-227-8380 Contact: Anne Marie or Gary Email: Software: Microsoft Publisher 2002 Adobe Acrobat X Windows 7 Printer: HP Laser Jet 5 Transmission Time : Tuesday, 2:00pm Sunday Date of Publication: March 13, 2016 Number of Pages Sent: 1 through 9 Special Instructions:
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Roman Catholic Church - Church of St. Columba
The baskets must be dropped off TODAY, April 13, 2014
between 10:00am and 12 noon. Thank you for your support and generosity.