April 24, 2016 - St. Therese of Lisieux Church
April 24, 2016 - St. Therese of Lisieux Church
1 St. Thérèse of Lisieux, R.C. Church Church Address: 4402 Avenue D, Brooklyn, NY 11203 Rectory Office Address: 1281 Troy Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11203 Telephone#: 718-451-1500 / Fax: 718-451-1502 E-mail: stthereselis@gmail.com Website: www.stthereseoflisieuxchurch.org Weekly Bulletin: Sunday, April 24th, 2016 FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER To develop a strong community of faith that engages in evangelizing persons, families, communities and cultures to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. PARISH MISSION/ MISYON PAWAS LA Pou devlope yon ndjanm nan lafwa ki angaje nan evanjelize moun, fanmiy, Kominote ak kilti dapre levanjil Jesikri-a. 1 2 Parish Spring Office Hours Monday/Lundi: 10AM-3PM Tuesday/Mardi—Thursday/Jeudi: 10AM-9PM Friday/Vendredi: 10AM-7:30PM Saturday/Samedi: Closed (Tentative) Sunday/Dimanche: Closed The Rectory Office is closed each day from 12:30PM-1:30PM. Spring Mass Schedule/Horaire des Messes Monday/Lundi: 9AM; 7PM (Little Flower Novena after 7PM Mass on Monday/ Neuvaine de Petite Fleur après la Messede 7PM) Tuesdays (Miraculous Mèdal Novena/ Neuvaine du Medal Miraculeux): After 9AM Mass Wednesday/Mercredi (Rosary after 9AM Mass/ Rosaire après la Messe) Saturday/Samedi: 5PM (Vigil Mass for Sunday/Veillée pour le Dimanche) Sunday/Dimanch: 9:00AM(English); 11:00PM(English) 1:00PM(Creole) Adoration and Confession/Adoration et Confession Friday/Vendredi (Eucharistic Adoration/Adoration Eucharistique) (Adoration du Saint –Sacrament) 9:30AM — 12NOON Saturday /Samedi (Confession) 3:30PM — 4:30PM Confession can also be scheduled by appointment. Confession peut également être prévue sur rendez-vous. Parish Staff Pastor Parochial Vicar Permanent Deacon Music Ministry Religious Ed. Coordinator Parish Nurse: Social Services Rev. Fr. Michael Gribbon Rev. Fr. Michél Pierre -Louis Rev. Mr. Jocelyn Rameau Mr. Edsen-Samy Renaud Music Director Ms. Frances McCormick (718-451-1671) Bernadine Noel, RN Carnice Modeste, RN (718-451-4514) Rev. Mr. Jocelyn Rameau (718-451-0683) St. Catherine of Genoa ~ St. Therese of Lisieux Catholic Academy 4410 Avenue D, Brooklyn, NY 11203-5726 Phone: 718-629-9330 Fax: 718-629-6854 Website: www.scgstl.org Principal: Sister Paulette Pollina Assistant Principal: Mrs. Kathleen McManus-Trainor Business Administrator: Sister Pat McGrath The Academy offers a welcoming, safe, faith-filled environment where children from grades Pre-K to 8th can learn and grow to their potential. Call us at 718-629-9330 for additional information. Financial aid is available. Readings for this Week/Lectures de la Semaine Sunday/Dimanche: (FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER/SENKYÈM DIMANCH PAK): Acts 14:21-27; Ps 145:8-13; Rv 21:1-5a; Jn 13:31-33a,34-35 Monday/Lundi: (SAINT MARK, EVANGELIST): 1Pt 5:5-b-14; Ps 89:2-3,6-7,16-17; Mk 16:15-20 Tuesday/Mardi: (Easter Weekday): Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145:10-13b,21; Jn 14:27-31a Wednesday/Mercredi: (Easter Weekday): Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:1-5; Jn 15:1-8 Thursday/Jeudi: (Easter Weekday; Saint Peter Chanel, Priest, Martyr; Saint Louis Grignion de Monfort, Priest): Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96:1-3,10; Jn 15:9-11 Friday/Vendredi: (St. Catherine of Siena, Virgin, Doctor of the Church): Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57:8-10,12; Jn 15:12-17 Saturday/Samedi: (Easter Weekday; Saint Puis V, Pope): Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100:1b-2,3,5 Jn 15:18-21 Next Sunday’s Readings/ Lectures du Dimanche Prochain Sunday/Dimanche: (SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER/SIZYÈM DIMANCH PAK): First Reading/1ere Lecture: Acts 15:1-2,22-29 Psalm/Psaume: Ps 67:2-3,5-6,8 Second Reading/2e Lecture: Rv 21:10-14,22-23 Gospel/Evangile: Jn 14:23-29 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK/ INTENTIONS DES MESSES DE LA SEMAINE Sunday/Dimanche: 9:00AM—Cynthia Layne-Birthday/ Thanksgiving —Maria and Peter Boyke-Birthday/ Thanksgiving 11:00AM—In memory of Enid Andrews and Kelvin Boissiere —In memory of Halle Defreitas 1:00PM —In memory of Marie Mercie Lagredelle —In memory of Francois Joseph Bread & Wine —Cynthia Layne-Birthday/ Thanksgiving ++++ Sanctuary Lights —In memory of Marie Mercie Lagredelle Monday/Lundi: 9:00AM---For the families and loved ones in Ecuador 7:00PM—Michael Corion-Birthday/ Thanksgiving Tuesday/Mardi: 9:00AM—In memory Halle Defreitas Wednesday/Mercredi: 9:00AM—For Autism Awareness —In memory of Joselia Premis Thursday/Jeudi 9:00AM—Martha Corion and Vitalis Paul-Birthday/ Thanksgiving —Edna & Keith Haywood-Wedding Anniversary Friday/Vendredi: 9:00AM—For the People of the Parish Saturday/Samedi: 5:00PM—Maricame & Dudrige Brehand for deliverance —In Thanksgiving for Khalia Bascombe +++++ *If those who have requested Masses above wish to bring gifts at the offertory, please see one of the Ushers before Mass. 2 3 VOCATION MINISTRY Fifth Sunday of Easter “By this everyone will know that you are My disciples.” How will you manifest your discipleship? Consider living the Lord’s new commandment of love as a priest, deacon, sister or brother. Contact the Vocation Office at (718) 827-2454 or email: vocations@diobrook.org. INTERCESSION OF VENERABLE PIERRE TOUSSAINTON BEHALF OF THE SICK Marie Edwige Mosie, Heather Joseph, Dcn. Rodney Beckford, Magdalin James, Marlene Alphonso, Marcia Pitter, Errol Albert, Yvette Cardenas-Joseph, Lenora WhittleGomas, Doreen Alexander, Ella Hunte, Bertram & Dolores Lovell, Patrice Layne, Rosaline Cuginin, Phyllis Joseph, Eric Arden, Sandra McKessey, Cai Henry, Julian Johnson, Guy Dupeoux, Francesca Francis, Isaac Koeing, Chrissy Buttigieg, John Napolillo, Richard, Guytaud Leandre, Sybil Carmichael, Joe Roberti, Shelia Bowen, Sylvia Marshall, Lucy Rose Roberts, Marcia Clifton, Michel Caliber, Kevin Cubero, Edmar Hopkinson, Rolando McNeil, Dara Abraham, Rene Charles, Mona Jean–Jacques, Ann Walker, Jennifer Abraham, Nyamarie Abraham. St. Therese of Lisieux Upcoming Events/Fundraisers for 2016—2017 At-A-Glance Keep checking the bulletin for more information on each event. DATE/TIME EVENT LOCATION 2016 Saturday, May 7th Sunday, May 22nd Saturday, June 18th Sunday, June 19th Saturday, November 19, 2016 Men’s Ministry Mother’s Day Dinner The Pierre Toussaint Society Flag Day Mass for the Anointing of the Sick Rosary Society Father’s Day Bake Sale Parish Life: Sight & Sound “Samson” School Auditorium School Auditorium Church TBD Lancaster, PA Stay tuned for information about our 90thAnniversary fundraising pilgrimage to: Alaska in Summer 2017 Please see the back of the bulletin for more information. SENKYÈM DIMANCH PAK “Nan sa tout moun va konnen nou se disip Mwen.” Ki jan w pral manifeste w se yon disip ? Konsidere viv nouvo konmandman renmen Granmèt la kòm pè, dyak, mè ou frè. Kontakte Vocation Office nan (718) 827-2454 ou e-mail : vocations@diobrook.org EVANGELICAL CAFE The Faith Formation Team invites all to join them for their Evangelical Café on Sunday, April 24th, May 1st and May 8th in the school auditorium at 5pm. The English Prayer Group cordially invites you to a healing mass on Monday, April 25th at 7:00PM. CELEBRATING THE EASTER SEASON The Easter season is a time of joy and celebration for our Church. As we celebrate Christ , risen from the dead, we deepen our faith and live our love of God more deeply as His followers. The Easter season and the special feasts which follow it are a time of great manifestation of our love of God and each other. WE will come together in two special ways during this holy season to deepen our faith. The feast of Pentecost celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit and the beginning of the Church of Jesus Christ. Fifty days After Easter we celebrate our oneness in the Spirit and our call to continue the work of Jesus in the world today. Two weeks later we celebrate the feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, Corpus Christi. A day when we manifest our faith by procession and prayer. With great joy we celebrate that God nourishes us with Bread from Heaven. Both of these feasts will be celebrated with special bi-lingual Masses at 12:00Noon so that we can come together as a community united in one faith, in one Lord. Continue to watch for announcements and plans for these celebrations. 3 4 Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration Saturday, April 23,2016 at 11:00AM St. Simon and Jude Church 185 Van Sicklen St. Brooklyn N.Y. Celebrating 25th , 50th and 75th Anniversary For more information please see flyer at the back of the church or logon to our parish website. COMMUNITY FORUM HOSTED BY: KINGS COUNTRY SOUTH CIVIC ASSOCIATION Thursday, April 28th, 2016 at 6:30pm at St. Therese of Lisieux school gym. 4410 Avenue D, Brooklyn, NY 11203 Presenters: Council member: Jumaane Williams Assembly man: Nick Perry Assembly woman: Helen Weinstein District Attorney’s Office: Scams Targeting the Elderly Fire Department: Fire Safety Representative from the 67th Precinct For more information contact: Kenny Westcott at 917-647-7857 or 718-629-0982 THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD MASS SCHEDULE Thursday, May 5th 9:00AM Morning Mass 7:30PM Evening Mass (Bilingual ) Visit our website at www.stthereselisieuxchurch.org to see bulletins, event pictures, registration forms, ministries and more. AVAILABLE AT THE RECTORY OFFICE The 2016 At Home with the Word Book Large Print Edition: $10.00 PARISH NURSES: Phone #: 718-451-1500 REGISTERED NURSES 824 E. 45th St. between Avenue. D and Foster Avenue Regular hours : Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10AM–12NOON ++++++ IN CELEBRATION OF NURSES WEEK St. Therese of Lisieux Parish Nurses Invite you to a presentation ON SUNDAY MAY 1ST 2016 after the 9am mass in the school gymnasium TOPIC: WOMEN AND HEART DISEASE Presenter: Najabh Farraj Registered Physician Assistant-Certified Clinical Director New York Cardiovascular Associates, PLLC Refreshments will be served FOOD PANTRY: Phone #: 718-451-0683 The Food Pantry will be open on Tuesdays from 10:30AM–12:30PM. PLEASE DONATE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: Canned tuna fish, rice, beans, pasta, canned soups, other vegetables, oatmeal, hot & cold cereals, shelf/table milk, powdered milk, pasta sauce, etc. You may drop off your donations at the Rectory Office or at the Food Pantry during Rectory and Pantry hours. **PLEASE CHECK EXPIRATION DATES.** Clean plastic shopping bags and monetary donations are welcome. ST. THERESE ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT GROUP In collaboration with the Alzheimer’s Association, NYC Chapter Is offering a Support Group the 1st and 3rdWednesday of each month from 5:00pm-6:30pm in the school auditorium conference room St. Therese of Lisieux R. C. Church 4402 Avenue D Brooklyn, NY 11203. For more information contact: Liba Quarless at 718-451-1500 or 718-434-212 Please remember to call and confirm your 4 attendance for the meeting. 5 Number of Parishioners and Friends present for April 9th & April 10th Saturday (Samedi) 5pm Mass: 107 Sunday (Dimanche): 9:00am Mass: 327 11:00am Mass: 116 1:00pm Mass: 198 Number of Parishioners and Friends present for April 16th & April 17th Saturday (Samedi) 5pm Mass: 166 Sunday (Dimanche): 9:00am Mass: 379 11:00am Mass: 127 1:00pm Mass: 257 Collections received for April 9th& April 10th Tithing Envelopes: Saturday (Samedi) 5pm: $ 2,146.00 Sunday (Dimanche): 9:00am Mass: $2,804.00 11:00am Mass:$1,476.00 1:00pm Mass: $1,051.00 Collections received for April 16th& April 17th Tithing Envelopes: Saturday (Samedi) 5pm: $2,416.00 Sunday (Dimanche): 9:00am Mass: $2,374.00 11:00am Mass:$1,146.00 1:00pm Mass: $710.00 Total: 748 Total: 929 Total = $7,477.00 Total = $6,646.00 Currently we have 1,400 registered parishioners BAPTISM SCHEDULE To have your children receive the Sacrament of Baptism, at least one parent and one godparent must be Catholic. For registration, parents must bring a copy of the child’s Birth Certificate. Godparents must bring to registration a signed and stamped sponsor letter from the church they attend. ++++ BAPTISM SCHEDULE FOR 2016 JULY/ AUGUST Registration : Wednesday, July 13th at 7:30PM First Baptism Class : Wednesday, July 27th at 7:30PM Second Baptism Class : Wednesday, August 3rd at 7:30PM Baptism Ceremony : Saturday, August 6th at 1:00PM (English) Saturday, August 13th at 1:00PM (Creole) ST. THERESE OF LISIEUX MEN’S MINISTRY will be hosting a Mother’s Day Dinner on Saturday, May 7th at 7:00PM in the school auditorium. All mothers in the parish are invited to celebrate the day. Location: 4410 Avenue D, Brooklyn, NY 11203 If you are interested in attending, please sign up at the back of the church or please call the rectory office at 718-451-1500 to confirm your attendance. Overall collection decreased by $831 .00 across the weeks indicated above. MASS BOOK FOR 2016/MÈS 2016 Profite avantaj legliz la ba Take advantage of the nou pou rekòmande yon privilege and blessing the mès nan entansyon church offers us to request a nou-ke se an memwa Mass for our Intentions de yon fanmiy, zanmi nou (In Memory of a Loved ki mouri ou byen nap di One, In Thanksgiving, for Bondye mèsi pou benhealing, for achievement, ediksyon, etc). Stop by the Rectory gerizon, nou resevwa. Office window to submit Tanpri pase nan your Mass intentions. presbitè-a pou bay Donations include: entansyon nou. Weekday Masses $15, Donasyon pou: Weekend Masses $15. Mès Lasemèn $15, Bread and Wine, or Mes weekend: $15. Sanctuary Lamp Pen ak Diven, Candles $30. ou bouji pou lanp Parishioners are encouraged sanktuèr: $30. Nou ankouto request the regular Mass raje-w rekòmande mès ki for their intentions. deja etabli nan pawas la, There is no special Mass paske pa gen offered outside of the mès espesyal regular parish Mass. an deyò mès regilye yo. ATTENTION ALL Starting immediately our St. Therese facilities namely, the Auditorium and the Gymnasium, will no longer be available for parties, e.g. Birthdays, Anniversaries, Baby showers, Fundraisers, etc. Only Parish events will be allowed. The cost of repasts for funerals held in the church will be as follows: Auditorium $600.00 Gymnasium: $450.00 PROTOCOL IS FINAL. The Finance Committee 5 6 THE PARENT ASSOCIATION OF ST. CATHERINE – ST. THERESE CATHOLIC ACADEMY host a paint afternoon done by PaintNite on Saturday, May 14th 2016 at 1:00pm in the school auditorium. There will be a master artist to give step by step instructions while we paint, socialize and sip cocktails. All paint supplies are included. Tickets are $45.00 per person. Bring a bottle of wine, light refreshments and glasses will be provided. Please contact the school office at 718-629-9330 for more info or buy your ticket (s) through the school website SCGSTL.org. PIERRE TOUSSAINT SOCIETY FLAG DAY CELEBRATION Date & Time: Sunday, May 22nd, from 4:00PM-7:00PM Location: School Auditorium Donations are accepted There will be a week long celebration. information will follow. PRAISE DANCE MINISTRY Meets every Sunday from 3:00PM5:00PM in the school Gym. Boys and Girls ages 6 and up are welcome. Minors should be accompanied by parent/guardian. ATTENTION PARISHIONERS If you are using a welcome envelope or a plain envelope for your tithes, we ask that you please print your first and last name clearly, along with your address, telephone number, envelope number and amount enclosed. From Here to Haiti, LTD. ANNUAL WALKATHON st Saturday, May 21 , 2016 from 10:00am-1:00pm Bring the Kids...there’ll be games… TWO LOCATIONS Little Bay Park in Queens (Entrance at Utopia Parkway—Whitestone) Canarsie Park in Brooklyn (Entrance at Seaview Avenue) Registration fee $ 20.00 Register online: www. Fromheretohaiti.org Pre-registration (before April 21th) includes a FHTH t– shirt. Children under 10 are free—must be accompanied by a registered adult. Participants will receive a gift bag filled with promo items and a chance to win prizes. For more information call any representative listed below. Patricia Brintle:646-209-3891 Michelle Guerrier: 347-725-9384 FITNESS FOR FLATBUSH ZUMBA CLASS * PLEASE NOTE THERE WILL BE NO ZUMBA CLAS THURSDAY MAY 5TH. LET’S SPRING INTO ACTION Lets help our OUTDOOR PLANTING COMMITTEE make our surroundings as beautiful and welcoming as our parishioners. Please place donations in an envelope marked OUTDOOR PLANTING into the collection basket, or drop it off at the Rectory Office. All donations will be used to purchase flowers, plants and other items necessary for the upkeep of the surroundings. We appreciate your co-operation Co-ordinator-Edna Haywood:646-372-2495 Associates—James & Marcella Stiell:917-407-2310 ATTENTION ALL MINISTRY LEADERS If you would like to advertise your upcoming events in the bulletin, please bring it to the Rectory Office or send an email or fax with your information by 12noon on Tuesday of each week. 6 7 You are invited to join an 8-Day summer sojourn at sea with St. Therese of Lisieux Parish July 2-9,2017 CHILDREN’S WORSHIP BULLETIN Jesus Loves Us All “By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:35(NIV) Anchorage Glacier~ GlacierBay~ Haines ~Juneau ~Ketchikan ~ Inside Passage ~Vancouver Cruise Line: Holland America Line Signature Excellence If you have any question or concerns please contact the Rectory Office or see members of the Parish Life Committee. ST. THERESE OF LISIEUX PARISH LIFE COMMITTEE’S Annual Fundraiser to Sight and Sound “Samson” Saturday, November 19th, 2016 Adult (13yrs. & Older) $165.00 Child (3yrs-12yrs.) $100.00. Please see members of the Parish Life Committee to purchase your ticket. Copyright © Sermons4Kids, Inc. Answers: Sunday, April 17th , 2016 HOME BOUND Please contact the Rectory Office if you know of a home bound person or anyone going for medical procedures who would like to see a priest or receive the Eucharist. 7