March 2016 - Chinnor United Churches
March 2016 - Chinnor United Churches
United Parish Magazine THE UNITED PARISH OF CHINNOR, SYDENHAM, ASTON ROWANT and CROWELL March 2016 Rector to the United Parish - The Rev’d Maggie Thorne 01844 354626 - Chinnor: The Rt. Rev’d Brian Skinner 01844 353504 David Bartlett 01844 351692 Margaret Poole 01844 281042 Bob Sluka 01844 350259 Aston Rowant: The Rev’d Des Foote The Rev’d Dr. Brian Griffiths Tessa Wyatt Jo Whitfield 01844 355945 01844 355953 01844 351165 01844 355263 Crowell: The Rev’d Maggie Thorne 01844 354626 Jo Whitfield 01844 355263 Sydenham: The Rev’d Joan DeVal Mark Humphrey 01844 353404 01844 353865 Parish office Louise Heathcote 01844 352472 Pastoral Letter Dear friends I wish I could be writing something about signs of spring and warmer weather, but we seem to be caught in a seemingly endless cycle of rain, unseasonably mild temperatures, the far-too-early appearance of daffodils and blossom, and fierce winds instead. Have you, like me, noticed that we’ve had windy weather since last Pentecost? I thought then that it was appropriate to have a reminder of the wind of change and the blowing of the Holy Spirit all around us, but either the patterns are just ‘odd’, or we’re missing something that God is telling us. Perhaps this is a good way to begin the season of Lent. There’s always a struggle between the seasons as winter submits to spring, but calling our discipleship into review is also going to be a battle between our selfish desires and the self-sacrificing love of our neighbour. It’s the way of things that spring will triumph over winter in the same way that Christianity teaches that life triumphs over death. Whatever challenges face us just now, whether personal, within our family or our parish, if we put our trust in God, who always wants what’s best for us, and follow the Way that Jesus shows us, we will rejoice at Easter. I remember a comment in a brochure which advertised a series of operas reading, ‘Our season presents a huge journey for us…The climb is steep, the path sometimes challenging, but the views are spectacular. That is why we want to lead you there.’ The same could be said of the spiritual journey. We may be buffeted by the wind as we journey on, and if you’d like to discuss your particular journey with me through Lent, don’t hesitate to ask. In our individual ways, let’s make it known to others that the view from the top of the mountain is glorious, and we await it once again, with anticipation. United Parish Easter Sunday Services Every blessing Maggie Chinnor: 8.00am, 10.00am & 6.00pm Aston Rowant: 10.00am Sydenham: 10.00am Crowell: No Sunday services in March. Holy Week Services- Chinnor Sunday 20th March 10.00am Palm Sunday Lent Lunch. Bread & soup in the church at 12 noon. It will follow the 10am service at St. Andrew's. All donations to Christian Aid. Tuesday 22nd March, 7.30pm St. Andrew’s Stations of the Cross. Wednesday 23rd March,11.00am, St. Andrew's Eucharist Thursday 24th March 7.00pm, St. Andrew’s Maundy Thursday Eucharist Please note that this will take the form of a: bring and share supper within the liturgy. Please sign the paper at the back of the church if you would like to attend and what you will bring to share. Friday 25th March 12noon- 3pm, St Andrew’s Good Friday. The Three Hours of devotion. Saturday 26th March, 11.30pm, St. Andrew’s Service of Light Includes singing of The Exsultet followed by Communion. Sunday 27th March, 8am, 10am & 6pm at St. Andrew’s Easter Day Services 9.15am: Easter Egg Hunt & Tea ‘n’ Toast. 10.00am: Easter Service. 6.00pm: Service: Stations of the Resurrection and Songs of Praise. Readings for March Sunday 6th March Sunday 13th March 4th Sunday of Lent. 5th Sunday of Lent Joshua 5.9-12 Isaiah 43.16-21 2 Corinthians 5.16-end Philippians 3.4b-14 Luke 15.1-3,11b-32 John 12.1-8 Sunday 20th March Sunday 27th March Palm Sunday –Liturgy of the Passion Isaiah 50.4-9a Philippians 2.5 -11 Luke 22.14-end Easter Day Acts 10.34-43* or Isaiah 65.17-end 1 Corinthians 15.19-26 or Acts 10.34-43* John 20.1-18 or Luke 24.1-12 *The reading from Acts must be used as either the first or second reading. United parish weekend services, March 2016 1st Sunday 6th March Mothering Sunday Chinnor 2nd Sunday 13th March 5th Sunday of Lent. 3rd Sunday 20th March 4th Sunday 27th March Palm Sunday Easter Day 8.00am 8.00am 8.00am 8.00am Eucharist (Said,CW) Eucharist (Said,CW) Eucharist (Said,CW) Eucharist (Said,CW) (Joan) (Rector) (Rector) (Rector) 10.00am 10.00am Eucharist (Sung,CW) .NonEucharistic (Margaret) 10.00am Palm Sunday service followed by Lent Lunch at the church. 10.00am Easter Service (Rector) 6.00pm . Taize (No Semon) (Rector) Eucharist (Sung,CW) (Rector) 5th Sunday _ Saturdays - 9.00am Morning Prayer - - - - - 1st & 3rd Saturdays 5.30pm Bread’n’wine (Tea ‘n’ toast from 9.00am with Easter Egg Hunt) (Rector/ Margaret) 6.00pm Evensong (BCP) (Rector & Mark) Aston Rowant 10.00am Mothering Sunday NonEucharistic (Des, Jo, Tessa) 10.00am Holy Communion (CW, with Hymns (Brian) 10.00am Palm Sunday Sydenham - Easter Day Egg Hunt (Des) (Brian) - Mothering Sunday Family Service. 6.00pm Evening Prayer (BCP) (Joan) Holy Communion & Holy Communion (CW, with Hymns) 10.00am Eucharist 10.00am (CW, with Hymns) 10.00am Easter Day Holy Communion (BCP) (Mark & Joan) (Mark & Joan) Crowell No services in March No services in March No services in March No services in March Soul Space Please pray for Rest in Peace Dillon Mitchell Miriam Wilcock Tony Atkins Hilary Devey Brian Hutton Marilyn Atkins Angela Axham Peter and Betty Gibbs Maureen Campbell Joan Kingdom Elizabeth Wilson Peter Marshall Angela Flynn Bernard Johnson Di Seddon Bernard Thomas Allan Mayo Tony Parrot Christine Quainton Marjorie Jones Jack Brunning Patricia Brunning Richard Price Alan Raistrick Bill Golder Pamela Slatter Listening Ear Every Wednesday 7.30pm – 9.30pm - St Andrew’s Church, Chinnor Sometimes we feel anxious and lonely, burdened by worry or grief, or overwhelmed by problems and would just like the opportunity to talk to someone about what we are experiencing. Anyone can drop in. We provide a cup of tea or coffee, but more importantly a caring and friendly ear. Someone will listen in a confidential, un-hurried and non-judgemental way. You may wish to socialise, sit quietly and have time to yourself, away from the pressures of daily life. The church is heated and we provide informal candlelit areas and soft music for relaxation or prayer. Please do call in. Village Prayers This month we are praying for the residents of Rectory Meadow, Chinnor. Prayer for our neighbours and those who support them in word and deed. Heavenly Father, we thank you for your love for us revealed in your Son, Jesus Christ. You call us to make your love known to others in this parish and neighbourhood. Help each of us to respond to this challenge and as visits are made, go before us, show us how to best use our opportunities, help us to speak a word in season, and in all we say and do, may we commend our Lord and further his kingdom, to the glory of your name. Amen. . Weekly: Weekday services and church group meetings. Monday Morning Prayer at St. Andrew’s Mothers Union Intercessions 8.00am 10.00am Chinnor Chinnor. Tuesday Morning Prayer - 1st Mar. = Aston R., 8th Mar. = Crowell, 15th Mar. = Sydenham, 22nd Mar. = Chinnor, 29th = Mar Chinnor Choir Practice Sydenham Bell ringing Practice Aston Rowant 8.00am 7.00pm 7.30pm Wednesday 8.00am 11.00am 12.30am 7.30 -9.30pm Morning Prayer Holy Communion MU Luncheon Club Listening Ear Chinnor Chinnor (The Rector) Church Hall Chinnor Morning Prayer Toddler Church, begins 3rd Sept. Chinnor Chinnor Morning Prayer Treble Choir practice. Choir Practice Bell ringing Practice Chinnor Chinnor Chinnor Chinnor Thursday 8.00am 11.00am Friday 8.00am 6.00pm 6.45pm 7.30pm 'Christ and the Chocolaterie' Through the Wednesday’s of Lent, 2.00pm, at the Rectory Begins 24th February 2016 Screening of the film ‘Chocolat’ Mon 22nd Feb, 7.00pm at the Rectory This course is based on the themes which are brought out in the film,'Chocolat' and so in advance of the course, the film will be shown, in the Rectory on Monday 22 February at 7pm. All are welcome, but please let me know if you intend to come so that I put out enough chairs. Maggie United parish family services and events. Come and experience one of our family-friendly services! Everyone is welcome to all our services, although the services that will particularly appeal to families are: 1st Sunday each month: 10.00am Aston Rowant Family Friendly 2nd Sunday each month: 10.00am Chinnor Family Friendly 4th Sunday each month: 9.00am Chinnor Tea ‘n’ Toast Chinnor Bread ‘n’ Wine. 10.00am Join us for breakfast! Followed by a Short Communion service. Every Thursday: 11am Chinnor Toddler Church Term-time only. Songs, bubbles, toys, squash & biscuits! St.Andrew’s Church, Chinnor ‘Toddler Church’ ~ Story-time, songs, bubbles and toys! ~ Thursday~ 11.00am, during school term-time. Squash & Biscuits for the Children Tea & Coffee for Parents and Carers Everyone welcome however old or young! Notable dates for your diary in March. Friday 4th March 10.15am & 7.00pm Community Church Women’s World Day of Prayer. Service prepared by women of Cuba this year. Saturday 5th March, 9.00am, St. Andrews Church Hall. Posy Making for Mothering Sunday. MU. Flowers Greenery and help needed! Sunday March 6th - 10.00am, Sydenham Mothering Sunday, Family Service. Sunday March 6th - 10.00am, Aston Rowant Mothering Sunday, Family Service. Wednesday 9th March, 2pm, St Andrew’s Church Hall. Mothers Union A.G.M. Sunday 13th March, 6.00pm, Chinnor Taize service, all very welcome. See ad. Friday 18th March, 8.00pm, St. Mary’s Choir Sydenham Stainer's Crucifixion Saturday 19th March, 4.00pm- 5.00pm, St. Andrew’s Church Messy Church – Activities crafts and bible stories for children aged 0-11, Free Event Sunday 20th March 10.00am, St.Andrew’s Palm Sunday – A Lent lunch of bread & soup to follow the 10am service at St Andrew's in the church at 12 noon. All donations to Christian Aid. Tuesday 22nd March, 7.30pm St. Andrew’s Stations of the Cross. Thursday 24th March 7.00pm, St. Andrew’s Maundy Thursday Eucharist Please note that this will take the form of a: bring and share supper within the liturgy. Please sign the paper at the back of the church if you would like to attend and what you will bring to share. Friday 25th March 12noon- 3pm, St Andrew’s Good Friday. The Three Hours of devotion. Friday 25th March 10.00am, Sydenham Good Friday meditation. Saturday 26th March, 11.30pm, St. Andrew’s Service of Light Includes singing of The Exsultet followed by Communion. Looking ahead…. Sunday 17th April, 6.00pm Confirmation with Bishop Colin of Dorchester. Saturday 30th April 2016 FUP/ Safari Supper The Safari Supper will take place at 4 venues starting with the starters at St Andrew's at 6.30pm followed by main course in the OSR at Sydenham, Desserts at St Peter's and Paul Aston Rowant, and finishing with coffee and mints in Crowell Church. Cost should be £15 per head OXFORD ABSEIL 2016 Saturday 12th March 2016 Tower of St Mary Magdalen Church, Oxford Hooray, I hear you say. Don't fancy it? Don't feel you're up to it? Maybe you could interest someone more adventurous or sponsor someone you know would enjoy it (there is a minimum sponsorship plus a registration fee!) Or why not sponsor our own intrepid Fliss Akehurst - let's hear it for Fliss! Please ask for more details if you know anyone who may be interested. Organised by Christain Aid See Fliss or Lyn in church or ring Lyn if more details needed on 352888. You will find a sponsor form at St. Andrew’s ADVANCE NOTICE FORTHCOMING CHARITY FASHION SHOW Village Hall Friday 13th May 7.30 p.m. We are STILL looking for good quality clothing for the above event. Donations of top quality 'as new' items welcome - day wear, evening wear, special occasion outfits. Designer labels/items with price label tag still attached particularly appreciated. Shoes and accessories also welcome. Contact 01844 355953 OR 01844 352888. Can collect. Proceeds to Christian Aid Parish News ST ANDREW’S CHURCH FLOWER FESTIVAL JOYFUL CELEBRATION : 2 JUNE – 5 JUNE 2016 The St Andrew’s Church Flower Guild is hosting a flower festival with the theme of Joyful Celebration from Thursday 2 June until Sunday 5 June 2016. This is in conjunction with the Chinnor Open Gardens to be held over the weekend of Saturday 4 June and Sunday 5 June. Flower arrangers from different churches as well as flower clubs will also be invited to participate. It is envisaged that over 30 flower arrangements will be depicted in the church celebrating the important festivals during the church’s year as well as Her Majesty The Queen’s 90th birthday. In order for this festival to be a success, the Flower Guild is approaching various businesses and organisations to sponsor a flower arrangement. A credit for this sponsorship will appear in the leaflet alongside the sponsored flower arrangement. If you as an organisation or an individual – either to commemorate a special day or a special person - would like to sponsor a flower arrangement it would be appreciated if you could please contact Pat Haywood (e-mail : P.HAYWOOD673@BTINTERNET.COM or telephone 01844 352007). The funds raised during this flower festival will go towards the maintenance of St Andrew’s Church and Parish Burial Grounds. Thanking you in advance for your support and sponsorship. Every Blessing The Rev'd Maggie Thorne Rector of Chinnor Parish News Priest Vicar and Chaplain at St Pauls Cathedral Church, London The Reverend Helen O’Sullivan In July 2009, we were asked in an article by (I think) Bridget le Huray what we were doing at 3.00pm on the 5th. The weather then was very hot and she wondered if we had been sunbathing, picnicking or just relaxing. Many of us were in Dorchester Abbey waiting for the ordination of Helen O’Sullivan as our Curate. The next gathering was on the Isle of Wight when Helen was licensed as Rector/Vicar of St Marys Brighstone and other churches. So, what were you doing on 11th February 2016 at 5.00pm? Keeping warm in front of a roaring fire with a cup of hot liquid maybe? It was certainly very cold, but dry and sunny in London. Why were we there? I’ll tell you. Excitement was mounting as a group of us made our way to St Pauls Cathedral to see Helen Licensed and Installed as Priest Vicar and Chaplain. On arrival we were welcomed by the staff and invited in to soak up the atmosphere and beauty of this breathtaking building. Helen was soon spotted and, after a quick rehearsal, she saw us under the Dome. Her face lit up as she made her way to greet us. We were early, so had front row seats and the best view in the house. The coach from Brighstone arrived and we were able to renew some acquaintances from previous meetings, before the Evensong service began. At 5.00pm we stood to sing “All people that on earth do dwell” as the Vicars Choir, College of Minor Canons, Visiting Clergy, The College of Canons, The Chapter and The Bishop of London left the Dean’s Aisle and took their places in the Quire. The Canon in Residence escorted the Chaplain Designate (Helen) from the Dean’s Aisle to stand before the Bishop. Helen was resplendent in white and gold robes. She looked very serene, but I’m sure she had a few butterflies. The Bishop welcomed everyone and asked the people of Brighstone to show their support with a cheer. The Dean then presented Helen to the Bishop saying: “Right Reverend Father in God, I present to you Helen O’Sullivan to be licensed as Priest Vicar and Chaplain of this Cathedral Church.” The Bishop thanked the Dean for the Presentation and said “Let the Declaration of Assent now be made and the Oaths taken and subscribed as the law allows.” The Bishop read The Preface to the Declaration of Assent and Helen responded with The Declaration. Turning to the Congregation, Helen took The Oath of Allegiance to Her Majesty the Queen, The Oath to uphold the Constitution and Statutes of the Cathedral. A moment of silent prayer for the Chaplain Designate followed before the Bishop read the License and delivered it to Helen before blessing her. The Bishop proceeded to his Cathedra and The Dean led Helen to the stall belonging to The Priest Vicar and said: “I, David John Ison, Dean of this Cathedral Church of St Paul, do place you, Helen Louise O’Sullivan, in the stall of a Priest Vicar of the Cathedral Church, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.” Helen then knelt and said The Lord’s Prayer. The Service continued with Responses, Psalm (sung by the Vicars Choral), First Lesson (Isaiah 6. v1 - 8), sung Magnificat (Herbert Howells), Second Lesson read by Helen (Luke 4. v.16 – 21), sung Nunc Dimitis (Herbert Howells). Collects for the Day, Peace and Aid were said before the Vicars Choral sand the Anthem “In pace, in idipsum, dormiam et requiescam” (In peace, in true peace I shall sleep and rest). The Service concluded with the hymn “I heard the voice of Jesus say,” The Bishops Blessing and the departure of the Choir and Ministers. The congregation were then treated to an Organ Voluntary (Herbert Howells Master Tallis’s Testament). The order of service stated: We are delighted that Helen O’Sullivan is join the team of clergy at St Pauls and invite you to join with us in praying for her and her ministry here as she is installed as Chaplain today. The Chapter House was our next stop for wine, canapés and catch-ups with Helen and Jonathon. Helen was very excited and flitted around the room making sure, in true Helen style, not to miss anyone. Time went very quickly and it was all too soon before we had to say our goodbyes. It had been a very memorable experience and one we were glad to be part of. Helen sends her love and thanks to everyone who sent messages and cards. There is a copy of The Order of Service in each of the Churches for people to have a look at. Please do not remove them. Thank you. Parish News Parish Pancake Fun! Shrove Tuesday or ‘Pancake day’ was a huge success across the parish. Sydenham held pancake races followed by hot pancakes in The Old Schoolroom. The Christian Aid Pancake Party held on 9th February saw the Village Hall heaving with folks of all ages enjoying pancakes with all sorts of fillings. There were various activities for the youngsters and from reports received a good time was had by all. We raised a total of £302 after deductions so we’re thrilled with that. Thanks so much for the support from so many folks – we couldn’t have done this without you. Parish News LENT APPEAL 2016: TOILET TWINNING Can you imagine what life would be like without your loo? As keen campers/caravanners, Des and I are reminded regularly of what it is like to have no running water and to have to fetch water and empty our “portaloo” on a daily basis. But imagine how it would be if you had no access at all to a loo? Tearfund is appealing for funding to provide the means for villages to build a simple loo for their community and to teach the importance of hygiene and sanitation. You too can help through our Lent Appeal this year Just pick up a box from your church or the Church Office in Chinnor, or provide your own box at home. Then ask everyone who uses your loo during Lent and Eastertide to make a donation each time they “spend a penny”. We are suggesting a contribution of 20p for a “pee” and 50 p for a “poo”. You may have seen that there is a box in St Andrew’s loo already as Bridget Le Huray has kindly already sponsored the twinning of the loo. If you would like to twin your home loo, please contact Chris for further details or pick up a leaflet, which are available at all the churches. Boxes should be returned to the Church Office or Chris Foote no later than the end of April. Thank you for your support, Chris Foote (355945), 33 Mill Lane, Chinnor Lent Count your Blessings Leaflets For adults and children are available at the back of St. Andrew’s church. They are worth taking a look at even if you feel unable to complete all the challenges. It's worthwhile just to think and be reflective about people in poorer places in the world and be thankful for what we have. Count our Blessings, as the leaflet says! Please pick one up. St. Andrew’s Church, Chinnor Saturday 19th March 4.00pm – 5.15pm Activities, crafts and Bible stories for children aged 0-11 These are free events. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Please let friends and neighbours with small children know about this date, they would be very welcome to join us. If you would like to join us it’s not really messy but a lot of fun we would love some extra help on both days. I am thinking of holding a planning meeting so do let me know if you are interested in helping. Please contact Shane 353466 / 07803592763 Join us for musical, meditative contemplation at St. Andrew’s, Church. Sunday 13th March 6.00pm and every 2nd Sunday each month. ALL VERY WELCOME Parish News The Parish Share is the amount of money that each parish is asked to pay to the Diocese of Oxford. It supports the ministry and mission of the Church of England in the local parish, the Diocese of Oxford and the United Kingdom as a whole. The pie chart below shows how the Parish Share is used by the Diocese of Oxford in percentage terms. The largest amount of expenditure is for 'Our parish ministry' at 81%. This shows that the salary, pension contribution, housing and training of the local clergy for the United Parish of Chinnor, Sydenham, Aston Rowant and Crowell is paid by the Diocese of Oxford. The other types of expenditure are also important. 'National church responsibilities' at 8% reflects the funding of ordination training at the national level, church costs at a national level and supporting churches in poorer parts of the country. 'Missions' at 8% reflects support for missions in the local parish, diocese and country including: vital safeguarding, work with children and young people, church schools and communications. 'Diocesan support' at 3% reflects the administration, legal and expert services carried out by the Diocese of Oxford. The ability of the United Parish of Chinnor, Sydenham, Aston Rowant and Crowell to pay its Parish Share is heavily dependent on the gifts, contributions at services and stewardship donations from members of the congregation. Parish Share Our parish ministry 81% National church responsibilities 8% Missions… Diocesan… “FLOWERS IN ART” A TALK WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY SERENA QUARTERMAINE F lowers in an Urn - Jan van Huysum THURSDAY 7th APRIL 2016, 7.00 PM FOR 7.30 PM ST ANDREW’S CHURCH CHURCH LANE CHINNOR OX39 4PG TICKETS – PRICE £5.00 EACH (INCLUDING DRINKS AND NIBBLES) RAFFLE FUNDRAISING FOR ST ANDREW’S CHURCH FLOWER FESTIVAL 2016 FOR FURTHER DETAILS AND TICKETS : PHONE SUE GREAVES (01844) 355290 Holy Week Services: Sydenham Friday 18th March - Stainer's Crucifixion – 8.00pm Sunday 20th March - Palm Sunday - Evening Prayer, 6.00pm Friday 25th March - Good Friday Meditation, 10.00am Sunday 27th March - Easter Day Holy Communion, 10.00am 8.00pm APCM 2016 25th April 2016 As part of the APCM we will be electing new churchwardens. Please think carefully and prayerfully about whether God might be calling YOU to this very important ministry. The United parish Churchwarden contact details. St Andrew’s, Chinnor St. Peter & Paul, Aston Rowant David DeVal 01844 353404 Mark Humphrey 01844 353865 St Mary’s, Sydenham John Wyatt 01844 350221 Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, Crowell Adele Stancliffe 01844 352805 Sarah Phillips 01844 353754 Roy Harrison 01844 353887 Paul Phillips 01844 353754 PARISH OFFICE INFORMATION For all enquiries concerning baptism, confirmation and matrimony please contact Maggie Thorne at The Rectory. The Rectory telephone number & email: 01844 354626 - Maggie’s Easter holiday dates: 28th March – 4th April Louise’s Easter holiday dates: 30th March – 6th April Parish Office telephone number: 01844 352472 The Parish Office in St Andrew’s church is open: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9.15am – 2.15pm The opening times do sometimes vary. Messages left on the office answering machine are always acted on. Alternatively you can email The editor of the Parish Magazine is Louise Heathcote, all submissions should be emailed to the office email. DEADLINE for April Magazine: Wednesday 16th March 2016