450 Radio Road, Little Egg Harbor NJ 08087
450 Radio Road, Little Egg Harbor NJ 08087
450 Radio Road, Little Egg Harbor NJ 08087 Phone: 609 296-2504 Fax: 609 296-4530 Emergency Phone: 609 857-3676 Email: info@sttheresa450.org • Web Site: sttheresa–littleeggharbor.com Catholic School: All Saints Regional Catholic School, Manahawkin, NJ - Phone: 609 597-3800 Parish Office Business Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM (Closed for lunch 12:00 -1:00 PM) PARISH STAFF Pastor: Rev. K. Michael Lambeth Deacon/Annulment Advocate: William Sulzmann Parish Coordinator/Assistant to the Pastor: Cathy Mazanek Director of Religious Education: Donnaann Powers Youth Minister: Nicole DeSio Bookkeeper/Online Giving Coordinator: Chris Gile Facilities Manager: Sean Johnson Sacristan: Norma Mooney Director of Parish Music: Victoria Nichols Trustees: Bill Dwyer, Sue Eggert LITURGY SCHEDULE Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,-Friday: 8:00 AM Mass Thursday: 8:00 AM Communion Service Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:00 PM Sunday Mass: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:30 AM Holy Day Vigil Mass: 7:00 PM Holy Day Mass: 8:00 AM & 12:15 PM Reconciliation: Saturdays: 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM Or by appointment Sacrament of Baptism: First Sunday of the month at 1:00 PM Third Sunday of month during 11:30 AM Mass. Arrangements for a Baptism must be made in person at the Parish Offices at least 6 weeks in advance. Ministry to the Sick and Homebound: Please call the Parish Office to arrange for communion in the home and the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. Call us in the event of any serious illness. Please do not wait for an emergency to call. Marriages The Sacrament of Matrimony must be arranged with the Parish a minimum of one year in advance of your planned nuptials ALL ARE WELCOME Whatever your present status in the Catholic Church, whatever your current family or marital situation, whatever your past or present religious affiliation, whatever your personal history, age, background, race or color, whatever your selfesteem, you are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved and respected at the Church of St. Theresa. AS A CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY: WE PRAY FOR OUR MILITARY: Please remember in your prayers all those members of our parish family and our friends who are currently called to active military service especially: Sgt. Christopher Ahlemeyer, AWO2 Taylor WE PRAY FOR OUR SICK: Please remember in your prayers all those members of our parish family and our friends who continuously suffer physically, emotionally and/or spiritually and those who tirelessly care for them. Let us especially remember those currently in need of our prayers: Rev. Msgr. Ron Amandolare, Herb Allen, Capt. Brian Beldowicz, Pfc. David Bennett, Cpl. James Berrier, Staff Sgt. Jordan Bieda, Christopher Boccia, SPC. Corey Brady, L.Cpl. Burris Britt, Pvt. Caleb Britt, Staff Sgt. Domenic Cairoli, Ensign Christine M. Cairoli, Lance Cpl. Kyle Cowing, LTC Richard DiBuono, PO2 Michael Dover, Capt. Robert Eroh, Pfc. Derek Filloy, Capt. John Flammer III, Pvt. Matthew Furry, Pfc. Ronald Furry, III, Lt. Col. Michael Goodman, Pfc. Steven Grill, Pvt. Michael Guerrera, SPC Tyler Hindley, Sgt. David Jackson, LCPL. Alexander Kaminsky, Lt. Andrew Kern, USN, Sn. Michael Kolbeck, Lou Kryston, Pfc. Daniel Lambeth, Dru Lansing USN, Staff Sgt. Kenneth Lima, Seaman Thomas Madden E4, CNN Christopher Manfredo, Sbct. Brian Matuliewich, Major Dr. John Maxey, 1st Lt. William McKernan, Sgt. Chuck Meyer, Pfc. Michael Mooney, Pfc. Patrick Mullooly, Sgt. Kyle Mury, Major Brad Myoka, Army Specialist Daniel Ordonez, Sgt. Jose Ortiz, Medic, Capt. Aaron M. Palan, 2nd Lt. Luke A. Palan, Capt. John J. Pisano III, Pfc. Kevin Potter, Jr., Capt. Nicole M. Reigelman, Adam Richardson, Capt. Jeanne Savage, Pfc. William A. Schmidt III, Laura Snyder, Tech. Sgt. Ryan J. Smith (Stately), Airman Sr. Class Anthony J. Stately, Airman Sr. Class Philip M. Stately, Cmdr. Kenneth Sterbenz, PFC Austin Sysol, Staff Sgt. Christine Tooth, Ensign Christopher Worosz,USN May the Lord Bunk, Faith Callahan, Pat Carey, Fran Carroll, Kim Carroll, Kelsey Chanel Carthy, Mordecai Carthy, Marie Chandler, Franklin Clayton, Cass Clifford, Janet Colbert, John Conaway, Kathy Crocker, Virginia DelConte, Joseph De Silva, Vincent DiFrancia, James DiGiulio, Bill Dwyer, Terry Eggert, Christopher Falkenstein, Ann Falletta, Crispin Farrace, Beth Fuller,Ida Genova, Felicia Guerin, Randy Hagar, Angeline Hill, June Hillis, Sandra Hulme, Kathleen Isaryk, Barbara Keeble, David Keeble, Mary Knudsen, Rick Lambeth, Michelle Lewandowski, Ronald Mack, Connie McMahon, Mike Mirabella, Butch Monaghan, Millie Newman, Bishop David O’Connell, Ashley Paladino, Lisa Palmer, Bella Persichetti, Sally Rogers, Samantha Saraceno, Theresa Satus, Florence Schaffer,, Bob and Jean Smith, Bishop John Smith, Howard Smith, Arcangelo Soldi, Carlos Solera, Eleanor Spagnolo, Antoinette Spangenberg, Anna Stevens, May Taaffe, Debbie Wilkinson, Rick Williams, John Williamson, Sharon Williamson, Rick Zores, and Daniel Zrodskey. protect them as they protect us. WE PRAY FOR OUR RECENTLY DECEASED: We extend our prayers and sympathy to the family and friends of Alfred Capriotti, Mary Jane D’Ancona, Anna Mae McQuaid and Edward Nitko. May they find eternal rest in peace with God our Father. WE PRAY FOR VOCATIONS: God our Father, You made each of us to use our gifts in the Body of Christ. We ask that You inspire young people whom You call to priesthood and consecrated life to courageously follow Your will. Send workers into Your great harvest so that the Gospel is preached, the poor are served with love, the suffering are comforted, and Your people are strengthened by the sacraments. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. The Bread and Wine is offered this week in loving memory of Caroline DiGiorgio requested by Elisa and Richard Torchia. 1 OUR MASSES FOR THIS WEEKEND OUR MASSES FOR THIS WEEK SATURDAY – September 27, 2014 4:00PM – Ivan Spiwak/Roseann & George Spiwak Maureen Ross/Lillian Monastiro Jean Ballestrieri/Al & Marty Stephenson Mary Cook/Amanda Halifko & Family MONDAY – September 29, 2014 8:00AM –Donald Cavaluzzi/Ann Walsh Rosalie Cavaluzzi(L)/Ann Walsh June Hillis(L)/Ann Walsh & Bill O’Connor TUESDAY – September 30, 2014 8:00AM – Gail Roszhart/Marie & Tom Barton SUNDAY – September 28, 2014 7:30AM - Joanna Roura/Gwen DeFrance Thomas Weiler/Angelo & Diane Lovallo Dorothy Wheeler/Stanley Mosczynski People of the Parish WEDNESDAY – October 1, 2014 8:00AM – Ricco Gelmetti/Wife, Dorothy Leticia Santiago/Maria Carey THURSDAY – October 2, 2014 8:00AM – Communion Service 9:00AM – Nicole Marie Linsalata/Brian & Mary Lauer Christina Elizabeth Keeney/Mom, Dad & Family Irene Jennings/MarySue & Richard Samantha Londrigan/Dad Ronald Mack/John Payesko FRIDAY – October 3, 2014 8:00AM – Louis Flora/2nd Floor Residents of Seacrest Village SATURDAY – October 4, 2014 4:00PM – Jeannette Bertoldi/Catherine Gibb & Alfred Bertoldi Rose Marie Giardina/Husband, Michael & Family Valerie Schatz/Lou & Phyllis Detitta Maria Baumgaertner/Sister, Rita 11:30AM - Richard Nolan/Nick & Lucille Steiger Dorothy Lukowicz-Losowski/Mazanek Family Valerie Schatz/Nick & Lucille Steiger Myril Gildea/Angela & Bob Szabo SUNDAY – October 5, 2014 7:30AM – Jean Cacacie/Consolation Ministry Emanuel San Filippo/Grace Razzi Victoria Munro/Ann, Britt and Joseph Giglio STAY (St. Theresa’s Active Youth) Community Outreach Days th October 11 & October 12 9:00AM –Peter & Lena Lacavara/Mary Sue & Richard Fortune Scaraglino/Respect Life Ministry Raymond Samori/Tom & Marie Moran Gina Valentine/Pete & Kathy Zarriello Ronald Mack/John Payesko th Can’t reach that light bulb to change it? Need your yard raked or weeded? Having trouble keeping up with chores around the house? STAY wants to help! Let us know the needs of our Parish Community. How to Sign Up: Contact Nicole DeSio, Youth Minister 609-296-2504 Ext. 30 nicole.desio@sttheresa450.org 11:30AM- Angela F. Corello/Husband, Charles Daniel & Rose Madonna/Family Barbara Lewis/Family Kate Oleszewski/Fr. Mick & The Parish of St. Theresa The People of the Parish 2 BREAKING OPEN THE WORD THIS WEEK’S CALENDER OF EVENTS Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 28, 2014 Monday, September 29, 2014 Children’s Faith Formation Classes @ 6:30 PM Faith Formation Center First Reading: Ezekiel 18:25-28 Ezekiel reminds the people that if a sinner turns away from his iniquity, he will live, not die. Second Reading: Philippians 2:1-11 Paul urges the converts at Philippi to be united in spirit and ideals, avoiding rivalry and dissension. He ends with the beautiful hymn extolling the humility and sacrifice of Christ.. Tuesday, September 30 , 2014 Scriptural Rosary @ 1:30 PM - Daily Chapel ST. THERESA FEAST DAY Wednesday, October 1, 2014 Continental Breakfast after 8:00 AM Mass Scripture Sharing @ 9:00 AM Confirmation Prep Class @ 6:30 PM Adult Choir Practice @ 7:00 PM Faith Formation Center Gospel: Matthew 21:28-32 Jesus speaks words of rebuke to the chief priests and the elders because they are not believing the teachings of John the Baptist. He warns them that tax collectors and prostitutes, who do believe John, will enter the Kingdom of God before them. Thursday, October 2, 2014 RCIA Classes @ 6:30 PM Consider/Reflect: While we believe that we are saved by God’s grace through faith and not be our good works, today’s Gospel underscores for us the fact that true faith is a matter of doing and not just of saying. This is something that Jesus’s parable of the two sons makes clear to us. Being a Christian, is a matter of having the attitude that Jesus showed in humbling himself on the cross. We do not make ourselves worthy in God’s eyes by pompous declarations of all that we will do for God. Instead, it is the laying of our lives before God in humble openness that we let God raise us up. Perhaps the tax collectors and prostitutes of whom Jesus speaks in today’s Gospel have an exalted place in God’s kingdom because they know that they cannot rely on anything other than God’s mercy for their salvation. Knowing themselves to be sinners, they in their humility count themselves among the least of God’s people, and in so doing they are lifted up by God. What would my life be like if I did not look out for my own interests, but looked out for the interests of others? What concrete changes would this make in my life? ********************************************* In preparation for next weekend’s liturgy, we cite the following: Friday, October 3, 2014 No Parish Events Planned Saturday, October 4, 2014 Blessing of Animals 12 Noon - Church Plaza Parish Food Collection after Mass Sunday, October 5 ,2014 St. Theresa Annual Parish Picnic Parish Food Collection after all Masses ALTAR ROSARY SOCIETY The Altar Rosary Society will attend Mass together on: Sunday, October 5, 2014 at the 9:00 AM Mass. All members are asked to attend MEETING: Our next meeting will be held on Monday, October 6, 2014 at 1:30 PM in the Faith Formation Center. All parishioners are invited to attend the meeting. The Feast of St. Therese of the Child Jesus October 5, 2014 Reading I: Isaiah 66:10-14c Reading II: Ephesians 4:1-7, 11-13 Gospel: Matthew 5:13-16 3 Saturday, October 4, 2014 – 4:00 PM Mass READERS: Janice Bennet, Rose Ahearn ALTAR SERVERS: Brianna Ford, Rachel Vitale EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION: Marilyn Winterberg, Veronica Pendergast, Cathy Mills, Linda DiGiulio, Mary Bean, Jane Innocenti, Arthur Midgley, John Kern, Barbara Ragusa, Maureen Sexton ***************************************** Sunday, October 5, 2014 – 7:30 AM Mass READERS: Mary Beth Hultz (both Readings) ALTAR SERVERS: Patricia Geiger, Shane Whalen EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION: Rose Faiss, Helen Yard, Mary Virone, Amy Zabinski, Conrad Zabinski, John Minnella ********************************************* Sunday, October 5, 2014 – 9:00 AM Mass READERS: John Sullivan, Maureen Malsbury ALTAR SERVERS: Erich Seeger, Jacob Seeger, Philipp Seeger EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION: Mary Zurawski, Irma Chagnon, Rosemary Genau, Fran Marchese, Patricia Musto, Sue Eggert, Bill Quinn, Rose Wilson, Irene Zarnowski, Mary Gannon ********************************************* Sunday, October 5, 2014 – 11:30 AM Mass READERS: Joseph Orano, Mary Modlin ALTAR SERVERS: Justin McCarthy, Erin Pomponio EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION: Gloria Barnet, Robert Manfredo, Patricia Claussen, Diane Cregan, Mila Daproza, MaryJo Fotopoulos, Vera Nantes, Aldo Porrino, Theresa Porrino, Kay Dolch PANCAKE BREAKFAST Parish Fundraiser Sponsored by St. Theresa Knights of Columbus Council 14615 Sunday, October 12, 2014 Immediately following the 7:30 & 9:00 AM Mass St. Theresa Faith Formation Center Tickets: $5.00 Adults $3.00 (children under 12 yrs.) Tickets will be sold at the door. All proceeds benefit the Parish of St. Theresa. Please come out and support your Parish! St. Theresa’s MONTHLY 50/50 Raffle! Tickets are available at the Parish Office during office hours. Only 500 tickets are available! The drawing will be held the 1st Tuesday of each month with the next drawing – October 7, 2014 at 10:00 AM at the Parish Office. Please support this new Fundraiser & join us for the next drawing! FREE PRE-SCHOOL PROGRAM for Little Egg Harbor residents Little Egg Harbor School District DUCK & DECOY SHOW The 2014 Duck & Decoy Show Sat., September 27 & Sun., September 28 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM At Tip Seamen Park in Tuckerton St. Theresa Knights of Columbus Council #14615 is sponsoring a food and refreshment booth along with selling the Parish Cookbooks & Monthly 50/50 raffle tickets. Robert C. Wood Early Childhood Center Little Egg Harbor School District (behind the George Mitchell School on Rt. 539) Only 15 children in a class, Certified Teachers, Low cost breakfast & lunch, Free transportation Affordable before & after care available Children must be 3 or 4 by October 1, 2014 Children do not need to be toilet trained. For more information or to register, call 609-296-7131, ext. 6004, or ext. 4213 or visit our website: www.lehsd.k12.nj.us We hope you will stop by & support them! 4 Children’s Stewardship Corner Sharing my gifts of time and talent CHILDREN’S FAITH FORMATION “I walked my neighbor’s dog.” “Let the children come to me!” Mark 10:14 Jessica Matos “I helped feed the cats with my Mom.” Evan Okun st “I was good on the 1 day of ccd.” Andrew Crotty “I had a yard sale we made $500.00 and gave it to the Ocean Harbor house.” Angelina Papa REGISTRATIONS for the 2014-2015 School year are now being accepted. Classes are offered for students in Grades Pre K–8. Including preparation for First Communion & Confirmation. CLASSES BEGAN SEPTEMBER 14 ALL SAINTS REGIONAL CATHOLIC SCHOOL FOR MORE INFORMATION Call DonnaAnn Powers at 296-2504 Ext. 24 is now accepting new registrations for the 2014/2015 school year. ASRC has a 3 and 4 year old preschool program and kindergarten through 8th grade. If you would like to receive a registration packet or you would like more information about our program, please call the school at 609-597-3800. Financial Assistance is available! All Saints is located at 400 Doc Cramer Blvd., Manahawkin, NJ 08050. Please contact us for more information 609-5973800 or visit our website at www.asrcs.org. ALL STUDENTS MUST REGISTER EACH YEAR IN ORDER TO ATTEND CLASSES. LITURGY OF THE WORD FOR CHILDREN Children between kindergarten and fourth grade are invited to share the Liturgy of the Word (readings, profession of faith, prayers of the faithful) on their own level. The children process out after the opening prayer to the Daily Chapel and return before the Offertory during the 9:00 AM Mass on Sundays. Hope you will bring the kids. (including those entering 9th grade in September) IMPORTANT NOTICE NO PARKING DURING CLASS TIME Please be aware that no cars will be allowed in front of the Church & Faith Formation Center (circle) on Sunday’s from 9:45 AM-11:15 AM and Monday’s from 6:00 PM-8:00 PM while Children’s Faith Formation classes are in session. In the past, we witnessed too many “near misses” where children were almost hit by a car. Please be careful driving at these times in our Parking Lot. This is for the safety of ALL. Come see what we’re all about! Thanks for your cooperation and understanding. ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS STAY Strong in the Lord St. Theresa’s Active Youth Group meets every Sunday 6:00 to 8:00 PM in the Faith Formation Center Visit us on Facebook: Stay St. Theresa Parish Or email:Nicole.DeSio@sttheresa450.org All students in Grades 9 thru 12 are invited. 5 The Respect Life Corner ST. THERESA’S FEAST DAY Our Parish will be celebrating the feast of “St. Therese of the Child Jesus” The Respect Life Ministry Committee Meets: the 3rd Thursday of each month in the Faith Formation Center @ 1:30 PM Wednesday, October 1, 2014 St. Theresa’s Church 8:00 AM Liturgy In the main Church MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL Continental Breakfast to follow: Muffins, Bagels, Coffee, Tea, Juice, etc. “MI-CHA-EL MEANS "WHO IS LIKE UNTO GOD". Such was the great Archangel's cry when, in the first battle of history, he cast out of heaven the rebel angel Lucifer. From that hour he has been known as "Michael", the captain of the armies of God, the champion of good who used and still uses God's might in the fight against Satan and evildoers. In the Faith Formation Center BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP Tuesdays Beginning October 7, 2014 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM St. Theresa Faith Formation Center Facilitators: Kim Coyle and Gwen Nolan Since St. Michael was victorious in the heavenly combat against Lucifer, God has given Michael special power to help men to overcome Satan and sin on earth. In the peaceful struggle against abortion, pro-lifers must strive to be ever more creative and effective in using the natural means at hand, however, since the root cause of sin is moral and spiritual. We cannot overcome it by natural means alone. So ALL OF US must beg the help of higher powers such as St. Michael the Archangel. Losing someone we love through death is one of the most painful of life's transitions. It is at times like this, that we need the love and support of family and friends. But sometimes even that is not enough. We need to be with others, who understand and share our pain. A BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP can be just the experience we need at this time. Sessions will contain input and optional sharing. This group is opened to anyone who has lost someone in their lives and wishes to come and share their pain. For more information call Kim at 609-748-9254 We celebrate the Feast of SS. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael on September 29th. Please pray for an end to all evil and ask the angels to come to our aid to protect all stages of life from evil. FLU SHOTS Get your Flu Shot, not the Flu Collect: O God, who dispose in marvelous order ministries both angelic and human, graciously grant that our life on earth may be defended by those who watch over us as they minister perpetually to you in heaven. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. The Ocean County Department of Health will be giving Flu Vaccines on Monday, September 29th from 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon at the Little Egg Harbor Community Center on Cal breeze Way. They will also be given at the Tuckerton Seaport Hunting Shanty on Wednesday, November 5, 2014 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon. 6 St. THERESA’S COUNCIL# 14615 ANNUAL BLESSING OF ANIMALS for the feast of St. Francis K of C Council #14615 meets: St. Theresa Church Plaza Saturday, October 4, 2014 12:00 Noon Regular Meetings: 4th Tuesday of each month Officer’s Meetings: 2nd Tuesday of each month 7:00 PM in the Faith Formation Center. It has long been a tradition to bless farm animals and pets on the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi. Here, at St. Theresa’s, we will be having a short prayer service and blessing of pets. Bring your dogs, cats, birds, horses, hamsters or any pet you would like blessed and join us in prayer. For detailed information on activities and planned events, please visit our website www.kofc14615.org. For information or questions on joining our council, please contact John Taaffe @ 908 -2395988. All male parishioners 18 or older are welcome to join. ST. MARY’S ANNUAL GOLF OUTING Atlantis Golf Course Monday, September 29, 2014 12:00 Noon Registration - 1:30 PM Tee-Off Best Ball/Scramble Format Fee: $75.00 per person which includes cart, round of golf, prizes, beverages and dinner following at the Parish Center (catered by Sweet Jenny’s). AMERICA NEEDS FATIMA You are invited to a Rosary Rally sponsored by America Needs Fatima in honor of our Lady of Fatima. This Rosary Rally will be one of over 12,000 rallies that will take place all across the United States on the same day and hour. Please join us in offering reparation for the sins and offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary and to fervently pray for the conversion of the United States. You are welcome to bring water/drink and a folding chair to the rally. When: Saturday, October 11, 2014 Time: 12 Noon. Group may begin gathering at 11:00 AM. Where: Plaza outside the main entrance to the Church. Who: You, your friends, relatives, neighbors, etc. Rally is opened to ALL! Contact: Rally Captain, 609-812-5577 energizerbunny202@comcast For more information, to register, or to sponsor a hole, call Rudy Gromosaik 609-698-5987 Ocean County Library Volunteers needed for Home Borrowers Service The Ocean County Library is looking for volunteers to bring print & audio books to people in Little Egg Harbor who are homebound due to illness, disability or lack of transportation. If you are interested, please call the Home Borrowers Service at 732-349-6200 Ext. 5530. Training is provided. Volunteers Needed 7 ST. THERESA‛S PARISH PICNIC Come share in an afternoon of food, fun, fellowship, and much, much, more! \ VOCATION DISCERNMENT MEETING Music by: “A little Entertainment DJ-in” Vocation discernment groups meet to assist young men who are discerning the possibility that God may be calling them to a life of priestly ministry. If you are a faithful, single, Roman Catholic man between the ages of 18 & 40 and are asking yourself whether God is calling you to be a priest, you are encouraged to attend the Discernment Meeting. Please join us on: September 28, 2014 4:00 – 6:00 PM at St. Catharine’s Parish 215 Essex Ave. Spring Lake, NJ 07762 Please register with the Diocese of Trenton Vocation Office at vocations@dioceseoftrenton.org or by calling 609-406-7449. Join us for prayer, sharing stories and concluding with a great meal and conversation. It’s an exciting time as you discover and respond to His invitation. Sunday, October 5, 2013 FOOD: The Parish will provide hot dogs & hamburgers. The baking ministry will provide cookies of all kinds, shapes & sizes. We will also have coffee, tea & water. SIDE DISHES: We are asking parishioners to please bring & share your favorite picnic side dish. Please use a disposable dish, pan, or bowl as we will not be able to return your dish to you. Please bring your side dish on the day of the picnic (unfortunately, we will not be able to store your dish prior to the day of the picnic). No desserts please! WATER: If you would like to donate a case of water or two, please drop it off at the Parish Office any time during office hours before Friday, October 3rd. COOKS: If you would like to cook the hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill, you will need to be here by 11:00 AM on Sunday, October 5th to start cooking. Please call Phil or Millie at 294-1849 or email at mpcross@comcast.net if you are willing to cook. FOOD SERVERS: We are looking for people who would like to help set the tables, serve and set up the food. If you can help, you will need to be here by 12 Noon on Sunday, October 5th. Please call Lorraine at 201-370-5010 if you are willing to serve. GAMES: STAY (St. Theresa‛s Active Youth) has planned an afternoon full of games for children and adults of all ages. Some include potato sack race, ring toss, water balloons, tug of war, etc. – even some piñatas! HELP: We need people to help set up tables, chairs and the picnic grounds after the 9:00 AM Mass on Sunday, October 5th. If you can help, please call Phil or Millie at 294-1849 or email at mpcross@comcast.net INTERFAITH HEALTH & SUPPORT SERVICES Of Southern Ocean County FASHION SHOW AND LUNCHEON A Fashion Show will be held on October 25th at Sea Oaks Country Club to support the efforts of Interfaith Health and Support Services of Southern Ocean County. This is our major fundraiser for this year Interfaith is comprised of a coalition of different faith and service agencies in Southern Ocean County including St. Theresa Church. The non-profit organization provides free volunteer services to the frail elderly in our surrounding communities. Tickets may also be purchased by calling Interfaith at (609) 978-3839. The price of the tickets is $30.00 and includes the show and luncheon at Sea Oaks Country Club. Tickets may be picked up at the office at 56 Nautilus Drive, Manahawkin. Groups are encouraged to purchase tickets together so they may be seated at one table. Tables will be set up for twelve guests. A gift auction will be held during the luncheon. We hope you will join us. Let‛s make this year‛s picnic the best ever! We hope you will be able to come and join your Parish Family in celebration of our Patroness. 8 MARITIME MARINA INC. Lic. #11892 ~ ERIC & GAIL HANSEN ~ Boat Slips · Bait & Tackle Boat Ramp · Travel Lift 8JOUFS4FSWJDF4UPSBHF4ISJOL8SBQQJOH PLUMBING · HEATING and AIR CONDITIONING L.L.C. (609) 296-3152 4PVUI(SFFO4USFFUr5VDLFSUPOr A.&R. CARPET BORN TO SELL TOTAL FLOOR COVERING SERVICE &'#$'()%#* &DUPHOD0DUFHOOLQR Steam Cleaning & Sales Realtor-Associate® NJAR Sales Agent Circle of Excellence Award 2004-2009, 2012 Specializing in USDA 100% FINANCING TO QUALIFIED BUYERS! 609-296-7302 RI¿FHFHOO Email: cmarce1770@aol.com 3DULVKLRQHU6LQFH ,/$3"#/7;<!=#>/?#' Golf, Restaurant, Catering & Accommodations LUNCH & DINNER Brother’s OPEN 7 DAYS Restaurant (609) 296-2656 BUY 1 DINNER, GET THE 2ND ½ PRICE ... FREE SALAD BAR WITH THIS AD ~ ONE COUPON PER TABLE 609-294-1850 200 Great Bay Plaza · Mathistown Rd. www.seaoakscc.com 99 GOLF VIEW DRIVE LITTLE EGG HARBOR LAW FIRM RICHARD M. KITRICK ATTORNEY AT LAW 10% OFF YOUR REPAIR Personal Injury · Wills, Living Wills · Bankruptcy Consumer Fraud · General Practice of Law Credit/Debit Cards Now Accepted 26"-*5:t*/5&(3*5:t4&37*$& 609-879-6295 609-296-4400 · JmCarCare.com RichardKitrick@aol.com "3"%*030"%r-*55-&&(()"3#03/+ &"45."*/453&&5t56$,&350/ Hands Patio & Garden Center Dr. Heather Crawford Will Be Donated To St. Theresa W/This Coupon. Service Repair Only. Not Combinable With Other Offers. $20 Max/Invoice. 15% OFF PODIATRIC MEDICINE & SURGERY ANY COLOR SERVICE (Not to be combined with any other service) 609-812-5516 BULK SOILS MULCHES · STONE 112 GIFFORDTOWN LANE · LITTLE EGG HARBOR 609-296-5858 Board Certified Evening & Saturday Appointments Available 300 ROUTE 9 SOUTH LITTLE EGG HARBOR 609-296-3533 COME VISIT US AT OUR NEW LOCATION! 10% OFF W/ THIS AD 125 EAST MAIN STREET · TUCKERTON Paving: New Construction, Remove & Replace · Ashpalt Overlays Seal Coating: Spray Applications, Brush Applications Crackfilling: Hot Pour Meeting All DOT Specs Infrared & Traditional Asphalt Repair · Line Striping: New Layout, Retrace ELLIS’ FAMILY EYECARE DR. J. SCOT ELLIS - Parishioner Northeastern Pavement Technologies LLC 609-296-7167 LIC. #13VH05737200 Optical Boutique · Contact Lenses · Kremmer Lasik Affiliate · Treatment of Cataracts & Glaucoma MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED $80 (Reg. $265.00) (cannot be combined with other offers) 294-8144 0LOOHUV0DOO86+Z\5W6RXWK/(+1- LITTLE EGG DENTAL EMERGENCY WALK-IN CARE /&81"5*&/5 8&-$0.&1"$,"(& www.elliseyecare.com Bisque Celebrating Our 10th Year! Restaurant Serving from 5pm ~ Open Year Round Reservations Accepted 21st St. & Long Beach Blvd., Ship Bottom ACME SHOPPING CENTER 609-296-1313 INCLUDES: CLEANING, X-RAYS, EXAMINATION, ORAL CANCER SCREENING Located In Acme Plaza · 609-879-6456 20% DISCOUNT On Frame Purchase Medical & Routine Eyecare ~ Now Open! ~ Bring This Bulletin For pizzeria & italian restaurant 10% Will Be Donated To St. Theresa With This Ad !"#$% !"#$% &#%'!*"#%+ Wood Funeral Home, Inc. EDWARD T. LEGENZA (609) 296-2414 Owner/Manager · N.J. Lic. No. 3027 We Have Changed Our Name From Phil Keeney & Sons To ® Broker /33;//3/<<//3 Julia Matta 609.296.7534 EL RANCHO MEXICAN RESTAURANT OPEN FOR LUNCH & DINNER EVERYDAY! SANDWICH SHOP We Deliver DELI & GENERAL STORE FRESH SANDWICHES MADE TO ORDER mysticins@comcast.net 455 RT. 9, STE. 201, PO BOX 412, TUCKERTON, NJ 08087 609-812-1700 240 MATHISTOWN ROAD LITTLE EGG HARBOR TOWNSHIP Nadine Feldman Licensed Mortgage Originator NMLS#588941 Free Can of Soda w/ Sandwich Purchase Phone: 609-646-5555 Mobile: 609-226-3491 56788566997 +;< =>6+ [> ]^_`=>6 nfeldman@annie-mac.com “Real People, Real Stories, Real Solutions” 609-312-6782 1009 SOUTH MAIN STREET PLEASANTVILLE, NJ 08232 St. Mary’s Heritage Cemetery FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED · I>>J· 3L ·/ ·=%# Pre-Need Counseling ROBERT L. THOMAS, OWNER SHOP AT AMY THOMAS FORD, MANAGER HOME · SERVICE · · !"#$%'()*(+·,-,.,/0- We Clean 597-9015 BAY GARAGE DOORS Evening & Weekend Appointments Available (609) 597-8289 M+Q/7<!R/HUBH#>VI#U?# DeMarco Family Dental 296-8700 31 NORTH MAIN STREET MANAHAWKIN, NJ 08050 (,.%110(0+0-2(3(-2(-4 %-(2,-2%3($,(2 ===*">?"?'@*#JQ"@">?"?'@*#J 4PVUI(SFFO4USFFUr5VDLFSUPO B=%#+B%#,/ H#/& At Barnegat Bay ~ Parishioner Since 1991 ~ 609-296-9525 609-651-2999 Order ahead for fast pick-up! Featuring Thumann’s Cold Cuts Director · N.J. Lic. No. 4425 CORINNE WHITEHEAD ALL SHORE BOATWORKS! Closed Mondays! "#$% $##$'+%6'$+ TODD E. LEGENZA SALES · SERVICE · INSTALLATION Old Doors Repaired · Electric Openers ~ 25 Years Experience ~ SERVING ALL OF OCEAN COUNTY 609-296-6886 732-349-1221 J/#H##+Q/ =>#%W# #%/L// NEW TUCKERTON PROFESSIONAL PLAZA !XI#>/?# SERVICE, SALES & INSTALLATION · CARPET · UPHOLSTERY · DRAPERIES · AREA RUGS · DRYER DUCTS · AIR DUCT CLEANING & SANITIZING · CARPET STRETCHING · CARPET, FLOORING & BLIND REPAIRS Shop-At-Home or Visit Our Showroom 609-857-5600 260 E. Main St., Tuckerton, NJ BLINDS · SHUTTERS · SHADES TOP TREATMENTS · CARPET HARDWOOD · LAMINATE · CERAMIC CUSTOM BACKSPLASHES 15% OFF With This Ad KEVIN CUMMINGS CONSTRUCTION LLC Home Improvement Contractor 609-709-1551 www.cummingsbuilding.com ["#*\<?] ELDER LAW ATTORNEY KATHLEEN A. SHERIDAN, ESQ. Member: National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys And Academy of Special Needs Planners 3ODQQLQJ)RU/RQJ7HUP&DUH1XUVLQJ+RPHV DQG$VVLVWHG/LYLQJ :LOOV/LYLQJ:LOOV3RZHUVRI$WWRUQH\7UXVWV 0HGLFDLG3ODQQLQJ (VWDWH3ODQQLQJ(VWDWH$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ 5HVLGHQWLDO&RPPHUFLDO5HDO(VWDWH 609-361-8300 382 West 9th Street · Suite 6 · Ship Bottom, NJ 08008 OceanCountyElderLaw.com THOS L. SH I N N FUNERAL HOME Dedicated to improving the quality of life in the community we serve. Mark C. DeMeno, Manager, Funeral Director, N.J. Lic. No. 4554 Francis Hoyer, Funeral Director, N.J. Lic. No. 4262 (609) 597-7740 DignityMemorial.com 10 HILLIARD DRIVE · MANAHAWKIN, NJ 08050 !"#$% !"#$% &#%'!*"#%$ Newman’s Car Service %+{{|} _ SONNY’S Plumbing LLC 296-5914 PARISH MEMBER 609-978-7353 297 Route 72 West · Manahawkin (Near Shoprite & Lowe’s ) ST. LIC 6713 Maxwell Funeral Home Airports are our specialty Local Rates 609-290-5799 573 Millcreek Rd. Manahawkin, NJ 08050 296-6060 597-4411 Daniel E. Maxwell, MGR Mark L. Tobie, MGR N.J. Lic. No. 4696 N.J. Lic. No. 4568 Mr.Cuts $ 7 %<7+(<$5' /$1'6&$3($1'/$:1&$5(//& !!#$!%()*#+ /3 3% ;(( 115 Mathistown Road "/:$658$0610/ 609-335-4834 CLOSED TUESDAY '2&.6,'( &$)( %UHDNIDVW/XQFK 2)) :$' Scenic Water View on the Tuckerton Creek 338 SOUTH GREEN ST. TUCKERTON Come by Boat or Car Docking Available! 609-296-0583 332 EAST MAIN STREET · TUCKERTON ZM=[B All Phases of Electrical Work !" License #17279 609-879-1516 REGIONAL ITALIAN CUISINE 609-978-9785 antoinettas.com Fine Dentistry }~ DAVID GAMACHE, R.PH. DDS Great Bay Plumbing (609) 597-1123 & Heating, Inc. % A S 609-296-5930 20 P 400 SOUTH MAIN STREET STRAFFORD TOWNSHIP OFF NY INGLE ROCEDURE TUCKERTON HIGH EFFICIENCY BOILERS CARWASH Open 7 Days TANKLESS WATER HEATERS 294-3349 XXX(SFBU#BZ1MVNCJOHDPN 424 E. Main St. (Rt. 9) Tuckerton 0''"/:1*;;"8"% Lunch & Dinner Open 7 Days 296-7799 5 7 287( 8&.(5721 Portofino Ristorante Italiano & Pizzeria 609-296-1173 3"%*030"%r.:45*$*4-"/% /PortofinoMysticIsland DAILY · WEEKLY · HOLIDAY SPECIALS 6~>>$>> >;+ ^> ; RESTAURANT 609.294.4281 101 Parker Rd., Tuckerton www.paninibay.com LANTI T A C FENCE ENTERPRISE, LLC DCA #13VH02719000 RAILING FENCING DOCK & DECK RESURFACING , 1 /3<`3 www.maxwellfuneralhome.com 160 Mathistown Rd. Little Egg Harbor, NJ 08087 Precious Pets Grooming Salon LLC 609.290.4655 609-597-4466 An Assisted Living Community =^$#'^$'$$'+$+#$'+% 0$7+,672:152$'/,77/((**+$5%257:31- llc Owned & Operated By The Kontogiannis Family '('"#^#_"$*#J !")($?=#($$*#J DOLLAR $ DISCOUNT FKHISUHSDUHGPHDOVGDLO\ :HHNO\KRXVHNHHSLQJODXQGU\ 0HGLFDWLRQPDQDJHPHQWSHUVRQDOFDUH DVVLVWDQFHVHUYLFHVDYDLODEOH 1XUVHVRQVLWHKRXUVDGD\ 6SDFLRXVFRPPRQDUHDVLQFOXGLQJPRYLHWKHDWHU JDPHURRPSULYDWHGLQLQJURRPIRUPDOOLYLQJ URRPDQGPRUH +65 10% / OFF wd this a 6>| }{6> > {;>; `>; EVERYTHING ECLECTIC LLC NOW OPEN FOR YOU CONSIGNMENT & REPAIR SHOP 5682 Rt. 9, New Gretna & YOUR BOAT Great Bay Marina 609-857-3571 Marian Assur #'(#) ) Artist of the Month Debbie Bourguinon-Arrant (*+/ Diner & Family Restaurant 10% OFF ENTIRE CHECK Excludes Holidays & Specials W/This Ad. OPEN 7 DAYS 609-296-7227 117 EAST MAIN STREET · TUCKERTON !"#$% !"#$% &#%'!*M>%
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