January 19, 2014 - The Parish of St. Theresa
January 19, 2014 - The Parish of St. Theresa
AS A CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY: WE PRAY FOR OUR MILITARY: Please remember in your prayers all those members of our parish family and our friends who are currently called to active military service especially: Sgt. Christopher Ahlemeyer, AWO2 Taylor Allen, Capt. Brian Beldowicz, Pfc. David Bennett, Cpl. James Berrier, Staff Sgt. Jordan Bieda, Christopher Boccia, SPC. Corey Brady, L.Cpl. Burris Britt, Pvt. Caleb Britt, Staff Sgt. Domenic Cairoli, Ensign Christine M. Cairoli, Lance Cpl. Kyle Cowing, LTC Richard DiBuono, PO2 Michael Dover, Capt. Robert Eroh, Capt. John Flammer, III, Pvt. Matthew Furry, Pfc. Ronald Furry III, Lt. Col. Michael Goodman, Pvt. Michael Guerrera, SPC Tyler Hindley, Sgt. David Jackson, LCPL. Alexander Kaminsky, Sn. Michael Kolbeck, Lou Kryston, Pfc. Daniel Lambeth, Dru Lansing USN, Staff Sgt. Kenneth Lima, Seaman Thomas Madden E4, CNN Christopher Manfredo, Sbct. Brian Matuliewich, Major Dr. John Maxey, 1st Lt. William McKernan, Sgt. Chuck Meyer, Pfc. Michael Mooney, Pfc. Patrick Mullooly, Pfc. Kyle Mury, Major Brad Myoka,Army Specialist Daniel Ordonez, Sgt. Jose Ortiz, Medic, Capt. Aaron M. Palan, 2nd Lt. Luke A. Palan, Capt. John J. Pisano III, Pfc. Kevin Potter, Jr., Capt. Nicole M. Reigelman, Spec. Shawn Reed, Adam Richardson, Capt. Jeanne Savage, Pfc. William A. Schmidt III, Laura Snyder, Tech. Sgt. Ryan J. Smith (Stately), Airman Sr. Class Anthony J. Stately, Airman Sr. Class Philip M. Stately, Cmdr. Kenneth Sterbenz, PFC Austin Sysol, Staff Sgt. Christine Tooth, Ensign Christopher Worosz,USN and POW: Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. May the Lord protect them as they protect us. WE PRAY FOR OUR SICK: Please remember in your prayers all those members of our parish family and our friends who continuously suffer physically, emotionally and/or spiritually and those who tirelessly care for them. Let us especially remember those currently in need of our prayers: Steve Hadley, Sue Bucci, Faith Callahan, Robert Caputo, Kim Carroll, Marie Chandler, Franklin Clayton, Cass Clifford, Janet Colbert, Kathy Crocker, Joseph De Silva, Dom, Joe Duva, Bill Dwyer, Terry Eggert, Christopher Falkenstein, Karen Freed, Angela Fritz, Beth Fuller, Dr. Frank Greiner, Felicia Guerin, Angeline Hill, Kathleen Israel, Carol Kinkaid, Leon Marek, Clifford Maynard, Mick McGarrigle, Florence Michallis, Butch Monaghan, James Murray, Martin Murray, Marian Nagel, Joseph Nichols, Dana Nigro, Carol Nigro, Richard Nolan, Bishop David O’Connell, Ashley Paladino, Lisa Palmer, Bella Persichetti, Dolores Piscola, Samantha Saraceno, Theresa Satus, Bishop John Smith, Howard Smith, Carlos Solera, Antoinette Spangenberg, Anna Stevens, Laura Tumbiolo, Leah Vicar, Ed Walsh, Rick Williams, Sharon Williamson, Tina Zurawski, and Rick Zores. WE PRAY FOR OUR RECENTLY DECEASED: We extend our prayers and sympathy to the family and friends of Dr. Frank Esposito and Louise Giuffra. May they find eternal rest in peace with God our Father. WE PRAY FOR VOCATIONS: Jesus, you are the Good Shepherd. You know each of us and you call us by name to serve in faith. Help us respond generously to your voice. Give courage and guidance to those you call to the priesthood and the diaconate, to religious life and lay ministry, so they may respond wholeheartedly and serve devotedly. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen The Bread & Wine is offered this week in loving memory of Kenneth Derr requested by Brian and Melissa Derr. 1 OUR MASSES FOR THIS WEEKEND OUR MASSES FOR THIS WEEK SATURDAY January 18, 2014 4:00 PM - William Barneman/Rinkowski Families MONDAY-January 20, 2014 8:00AM-Elizabeth Kolb, Consolation Ministry Mary Mellusi/ Fran & Victor Vitiello Harold Schott/Johanna Miner Richard Galle/George & Roseann Spiwak Mabel Margaret Murphy/Pat & Peggy Madison TUESDAY-January 21, 2014 8:00AM-Kenneth Russell/Wife, Joan WEDNESDAY-January 22, 2014 8:00AM-Roseanna Mott-Teffeau/Consolation Ministry SUNDAY–January 19, 2014 7:30AM - Michael Luper/Lou & Ginny Piccolo Francesca Martino/Gaetano & Antoinetta Alessandra Margaret Hutchison/Alice & Lou Mankowski The People of the Parish THURSDAY- January 23, 2014 8:00AM-Rae Accomando/Peter Swank FRIDAY-January 24, 2014 8:00AM-Josephine Fauci/Marion & Jim Dewey 9:00AM - John Conover/Greg & Linda Palazzo Lou Marra/Bill & Anne Pierznik Eugene & Jessie/Daughter, Ginger Edmund Costa/Denise Farrelly SATURDAY-January 25, 2014 4:00PM-Patricia Boris/Husband Frank Louise Rutigliano/Mr. & Mrs. J. Paolino Anthony Zembrzuski/Hector & Faye Perez Stanley Suckiel/Wife, Rita & Family 11:30AM - Robert Moruzzi/Piscola Family Vincent Konchan/Ann & Dan Hartmann Kathleen Sicari/Peg & Bill Murphy Ginger Kolb/Kolb Family SUNDAY-January 26, 2014 7:30AM-Andrew Mandell, Sr./Gary Pagano & Donna Copalbo The People of the Parish MASS CARDS Mass cards are religious cards stating a specific time and place a Catholic Mass will be offered for the intentions of the recipient of the card. The Mass Intention may be to honor God or thank him for blessings received. But more commonly it is offered for some person(s) living or dead. The Intention or person’s name is announced at the Mass as well as published in the weekly bulletin. Mass cards are available at the Parish Office during office hours. The donation for a Mass is $15.00. 9:00AM-Kristina Keeney/Family James D. Matarese/Pat & Peggy Madison & Rose McKee Edward Costa/Dave & Sandi Johnson James Collins/Flo Manasso 11:30AM-Sr. Jean M. Jones,SSJ/Lois & Steve Griguts & Family Vincent Konchan/ Peggy & Bill Murphy Virginia Gehan/Ann, Patty & Terry Murphy Juanita Mahoney/Michelle & John Burns & Family SNOW DAYS In the event of a snow storm where the Governor declares a State of Emergency, St. Theresa’s parking lot will be closed and Mass will not be celebrated. The Mass intention for the given day will be deferred to the next available Mass. Thank You We regret any misspellings in the Mass intentions. 2 THIS WEEK’S CALENDER OF EVENTS Monday, January 20, 2014 Parish Office Closed Breaking Open Our Sunday Readings Tuesday, January 21, 2014 January 19, 2014 DAY AT CALLOWAYS The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Scriptural Rosary @ 1:30 PM – Chapel First Reading: Isaiah 49:3, 5-6 This reading is a short passage from the second song of the Servant of the Lord. The Lord will show his glory through His servant, whose mission is to restore Israel and bring salvation “to the ends of the earth.” Wednesday, January 22, 2014 Scripture Sharing @ 9:00 AM Choir Practice Children 5:30 PM - Adults 7:00 PM Faith Formation Center Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:1-3 Paul sends greetings to the people of Corinth, who have been called to be holy and consecrated in Christ. Thursday, January 23, 2013 No Parish Events Planned Friday, January 24, 2014 No Parish Events Planned Gospel: John 1:29-34 When Jesus visits John, John recognizes Jesus as the “Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” John further indicates that Jesus is truly the Messiah and “God’s chosen One.” Saturday, January 25, 2014 Parish Food Collection Bags Distributed Respect Life Ministry Spiritual Adoption Consider/Reflect: In today’s Gospel John identifies Jesus as “the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.” This phrase is familiar to us from the Mass. How do I recognize the Christ today. We recognize Christ in the gift of the Eucharist .Our worship finds us responding ‘Behold the Lamb of God..’ The disciples on the road to Emmaus recognized Him in the breaking of the bread. We should recognize Him in the poor, hungry, thirsty, the sick, the prisoner, the immigrant. All those who have recognized and received Him, He gave power to become children of God. That is who we are. Ask for the grace, this power to discover and recognize the presence of the Lord, as did John the Baptist. Sunday January 26, 2014 Parish Food Collection Bags Distributed Respect Life Ministry Spiritual Adoption Children’s Faith Formation Classes 10:00 - 11:15 AM S.T.A.Y Meeting 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Faith Formation Center Thanks to everyone who made the Christmas concert an event to remember: Vicki Nichols and the Music Ministry, Sean Johnson and the Parish Staff, Phil & Millie Cross, and Lorraine Wurth. Special thanks to all who came out on a rainy night to support the Parish of St. Theresa. With your help, we raised almost $3,000.00. Thanks again! ********************************************* In preparation for next weekend’s liturgy, we cite the following readings: January 26, 2013 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Reading I: Isaiah 8:23-9:3 Reading II: 1 Corinthians 1:10-13, 17 Gospel: Matthew 4:12-23 3 CHILDREN’S FAITH FORMATION Saturday, January 25, 2014 - 4:00 PM READERS: Arthur Midgley, Bernice Philhower ALTAR SERVERS: Debbie Quigley, Bryanna Quigley EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION: Marilyn Winterberg, Cathy Mills, Carol Owens, Anna Palmiotto, Andy Kacvinski, Arlene Kacvinski, Margaret DePergola, Jane Innocenti, MaryAnn Burghold, Barbara Ragusa ********************************************* Sunday, January 26, 2014 – 7:30 AM READERS: Linda Sherry (both readings) ALTAR SERVERS: Sandra Maffia, Thomas John Maffia EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION: Rose Faiss Patricia Shepherd, John Taaffe, Eileen Duncan, Amy Zabinski, Conrad Zabinski ********************************************* Sunday, January 26, 2014 - 9:00 AM READERS: Carl Klotzbach, Steven Schaffer ALTAR SERVERS; Erich, Jacob & Philipp Seeger EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION: Lucille Keller, Peggy Madison, Mazie Wood, Ray Wood, Irene Zarnowski, Mary Gannon, Joe AuCoin, Mary Zurawski, Kathy Barneman, Joanne Spickard ********************************************* Sunday, January 26, 2014 – 11:30 AM READERS: Robert Moran, Sue Eggert ALTAR SERVERS: Andrew & Kim Werling, Samantha Acquaviva EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION: Rosemary Genau, Walter Lange, Terry Walsh, Esther Berdini, Mary-Jo Fotopoulos, Kay Dolch, Diane Cregan, Sue Lehman, Robert Manfredo, Patricia Claussen “Let the children come to me!” Mark 10:14 Classes are offered for students in Grades Pre K–8. Including preparation for First Communion & Confirmation. FOR MORE INFORMATION Call DonnaAnn Powers at 296-2504 Ext. 24 ALL STUDENTS MUST REGISTER EACH YEAR IN ORDER TO ATTEND CLASSES. ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS YOUTH GROUP MEETINGS STAY Strong in the Lord St. Theresa’s Active Youth group meets every Sunday - 6:00 to 8:00 PM in the Faith Formation Center All students in Grades 9 – 12 are invited to attend Visit us on Facebook: Stay St. Theresa Parish For more info email:Nicole.Hacker@sttheresa450.org Children’s Stewardship Corner Sharing my gifts of time and talent “I helped shovel out our neighbor that’s very old.” Sophie Gandolfo IMPORTANT NOTICE NO PARKING Please be aware that no cars will be allowed in front of the Church & Faith Formation Center (circle) on Sunday’s from 9:45 AM-11:15 AM and Monday’s from 3:45 PM-8:00 PM while Children’s Faith Formation classes are in session. These past few months, we witnessed too many “near misses” where children were almost hit by a car. Please be careful driving at these times in our Parking Lot. This is for the safety of ALL. “I helped my Dad get firewood.” Nat Noble “We helped clean the house.” Bryce, Rian, Sean O’Rourke “I helped clean the Faith Formation Center.” Andrew Werling Thanks for your cooperation and understanding 4 Respect Life Corner The Respect Life Ministry Committee Meets: the 3rd Thursday of each month in the Faith Formation Center @1:30 PM St. THERESA’S COUNCIL# 14615 SPIRITUAL ADOPTION IS HERE WEEKEND OF JANUARY 18 & 19, 25 & 26, 2014 Regular Meetings: 4th Tuesday of each month Officer’s Meetings: 2nd Tuesday of each month Once again the Respect Life Ministry of St. Theresa's will be sponsoring our annual Spiritual Adoption Program this year. It is really simple to be a part of this program. 7:00 PM in the Faith Formation Center. K of C Council #14615 meets: For information or questions on joining our council, please contact John Taaffe @ 908 -2395988. All male parishioners 18 or older are welcome to join. All you do is select a boy/and or girl baby (pink & blue tags) who has just been conceived this January, and then pray for that baby 's mother to say "yes to life" and allow the baby to be born in October. You will receive a prayer card to say every day for the next nine months to strengthen the mother-to-be to say "Yes" to life. You may even give that baby a name so you can use the name when you pray for him/her each day for the next nine months. IT IS REALLY EASY TO DO!!!! There is nothing else we ask of you but to pray. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) JANUARY 19, 2014 SECOND SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Respect Life members will be in the Gathering Space and the Chapel Side of the Church giving out tags (pink & blue) for you to take along with the prayer to say each day until October. The prayer takes less than a minute to say. Last year the program was very successful, and we hope to duplicate that success again this year with your love and support. Someday you may meet the baby you saved in heaven, and he/she may thank you for praying that the mother that changed her mind about the abortion she was considering. God Bless You All. Prayer works in strange ways. Let's keep praying. Today’s reading tells us that we are called to wholeness: to union with God and one another. Do you know someone who is not baptized, or who has been baptized into another Christian tradition, who senses that there is something missing in their life? Is there someone you know, who feels drawn to a closer relationship with God? Do you know someone who has questions about God, Jesus, the Catholic Church? Sessions exploring these and other faith issues in relation to our Catholic belief are held every Wednesday evening, 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm. To come to a session does not require a commitment to belong to the Catholic Faith Family. These sessions are meant to help people to decide whether or not they wish to form a closer relationship with God/Jesus through the Catholic Church. NEW HOURS The Daily Chapel is opened for private prayer and adoration Monday through Friday 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM. Please make a note of it! Just - Come and See (or bring someone you know who might be searching.) Call Sue at 609-296-5075. 5 March for Life Bus Trip to Washington, DC Join the 72 other parishioners who now use online giving to support our Parish The Knights of Columbus and St. Mary's Church invites you to join them for the "March for Life in Washington DC" Wednesday, January 22, 2014. Convenient. Easy. Secure. Save paper. Save time. And make your offertory gifts work harder. When you give online, your gift will be transferred conveniently and securely from your bank account or credit card directly into the Church’s account. There is a non-refundable charge of $10.00 for the trip and is payable by check or cash in advance at St. Mary’s Rectory. The fee is being implemented to discourage “noshowers”. Please make checks payable to “Knights of Columbus”. Access your account anytime you like– You’re in complete control! We will pick up promptly at St. Mary’s Parking Lot in Barnegat at 7:30 AM and St. Mary of the Pines in Manahawkin at 8:00 AM. We will return at about 10:00 PM. Sign up today on our website: www.sttheresa-littleeggharbor.com or call Chris at the Parish Office for instructions & how to sign up Reservations are required. Please call Frank DeSena at 609-698-0142 for reservations. Mail check to Frank at 12 Sandy Bottom Lane, Barnegat, NJ 08005 Our Weekly Collections & Expenses For the week of December 29, 2013 Collection: Expenses: Net Gain: $13,251.00 $12,746.19 + $504.81 “The Little Flower’s Pathway” Bricks of Remembrance There are still many spaces for additional bricks in the Church plaza. Buy a brick for yourself, your children, or grandchildren, or in memory of a loved one, and help support St. Theresa Church. 2nd Collection January 26, 2014 Church in Latin American Catholics in Latin America and the Caribbean face many challenges, including violence and a lack of both clergy and lay leadership to witness to the Gospel message. Your support to this collection will fund catechesis, youth ministry programs, and seminarian education and will provide opportunities to share faith with those in need for years to come. Please be as generous as possible. Bricks also make great gifts for Christmas, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Baptisms, or those “hard to buy for” relatives and friends. Each brick costs $250.00 and includes engraving of 3 rows, 13 characters each. Forms are available at the Parish Office or for more information call Evelyn at Ext. 32 6 The Parish of St. Theresa Presents: ALL SAINTS REGIONAL CATHOLIC SCHOOL Our annual OPEN HOUSE will be on Tuesday, January 28, 2014, (Snow Date: Tuesday, February 4, 2014). All Saints enrolls students from Preschool through 8th grade. There will be two sessions for the Open House. The morning session is from 9:30-11:00 a.m. and the evening session will run from 6:30-8:00 p.m. Parents will have the opportunity to visit classrooms, tour the facility, and learn about our philosophy, curriculum and our many special programs we offer. Please join us! All Saints is located at 400 Doc Cramer Blvd., Manahawkin, NJ 08050. Please contact us for more information 609-597-3800 or visit our website at www.asrcs.org. A Night at the RACES Saturday, February 15, 2014 St. Theresa’s Faith Formation Center Doors open at: 5:00 PM First Race begins at 6:30 PM Entry Fee: $5.00 per person No one under 18 admitted Food and beverages available for purchase 10 Races/10 Horses each race Sponsor a Race: $25.00 Purchase a horse in advance - $10.00 Or just come and play the ponies Attention 7th and 8th Graders! LOOKING for a POSITIVE HIGH SCHOOL EXPERIENCE with GREAT TEACHERS, COACHES, and STUDENTS? Visit Ocean County’s ONLY Catholic High School during WINTER OPEN HOUSE Sunday, January 26, 2014 – 1-3 p.m. Call the Admissions Office at 732-349-8801 x 2426 for more information or go to www.mondonhs.com COME SEE WHAT DONOVAN CAN DO FOR YOU! Watch the bulletin for further details! CARS FOR HELP Donate your old car – help the needy - receive $500+ tax deduction! William J. Stanton V.F.W. Post 316 It’s fast, it’s easy, and it requires only one phone call or visit to their website. Cars for Help, a 501(c) 3 not-forprofit charity, are working to strengthen individual churches and various Catholic charities through vehicle donations. The process is fast, easy, and requires just a phone call or visit to their website. If you would like to donate any vehicle of yours in any condition, even severely broken or crashed, or just have questions, please call us directly at (630) 595-9272 or visit our website at www.CarsForHelp.com. With mention of this bulletin, 50% of your vehicle donation proceeds will go directly to St. Theresa Church. When donating, please make sure you mention our Church & Address. ANNUAL CLOTHING DRIVE October through March We are asking all who wish to contribute gently worn coats, jackets, blankets, comforters and other cold weather gear to help those less fortunate than ourselves. Please contact John Nowak at (609) 8129788. All donations are given to Atlantic City Rescue Mission, Sr. Jean’s Kitchen. We will be happy to pick them up should you have a large donation. Thank you for your help ! 7 FREE INCOME TAXES PREPARED Sponsored by AARP ST. THERESA’S DAY Tax Aide Sites for Southern Ocean County February 3 through April 16, 2014 at CALLOWAY’S Monday-9:00 AM – 3:00 PM – WALK IN St. Mary of the Pines Parish Center 100 Bishops Lane, (off McKinley Blvd.) Manahawkin Tuesday-1:30 PM – 5:30 PM – WALK IN Village Lutheran Church 701 Western Blvd, Lanoka Harbor Wednesday-9:00 AM – 1:00 PM – WALK IN St. Theresa Faith Formation Center 450 Radio Road, Little Egg Harbor Wednesday-1:00 PM – 5:00 PM APPOINTMENTS ONLY Call 609-994-3671 Perry's Lake Club House 4 Princeton Ave., Manahawkin Thursday-9:00 AM – 1:00 PM – WALK IN St. Mary's Church-Reinbold Hall 747 West Bay Ave., Barnegat Enter at rear of building KEEP THIS DATE OPEN! Tuesday, January 21, 2014 Calloway’s Restaurant 597 Route 9 Eagleswood Township Calloway’s: 609-978-0220 Come to Calloway’s anytime on TUESDAY, January 21st, for lunch, snacks, dinner, even “take-out” purchases. When you pay, simply hand your server or cashier the voucher and St. Theresa’s will receive 20% back of every dollar you spend. If you need additional vouchers, they are available in the kiosk and at the Parish Office. This is a great way to support your church while enjoying a nice lunch or dinner. Please pass this information and some vouchers on to everyone you know. What to bring with you: * Copy of your 2012 Federal and New Jersey Tax returns * Your Social Security card * All W-2 Wage and Tax statements * All 1099-R Pension and Annuity statements * All 1099's for Interest, Dividends, Stocks, etc. * All Social Security Statements Form SSA1099 * All Medical Expenses including Mileage * All Tax related statements (Property Tax, etc.) * Must bring bank check to verify information for Direct Deposit of Refund or Direct Debit of Payment * PTR Booklet and Primary Residence Real Estate Tax Bill * Photo Identification is needed. For more information or homebound clients, Call 609-294-073 Let’s all get together and make this a HUGE success! RESTAURANT VOUCHER “St. Theresa’s Day” At CALLOWAY’S 597 Route 9 Eagleswood Township Restaurant Tuesday, January 21, 2014 Please present this voucher when paying your check at CALLOWAY’S and 20% will be donated to St. Theresa’s Church. 8
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450 Radio Road, Little Egg Harbor NJ 08087
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