Liturgy Schedule Wedding Banns


Liturgy Schedule Wedding Banns
Sunday, March 27, 2016
Liturgy Schedule
Monday, March 28
8:00am - Bob Zaremba - Family
Tuesday, March 29
8:00am - Henry & Catherine Kantosky - Bill &
Dorothy Kantosky
Thursday, March 31
8:00am - Marguerite Mole - Family
Friday, April 1
8:00am - Ruth Schworer - Family
Saturday, April 2
3:30pm - Confessions
4:30pm - Jim Camp - Joann & Lon
Sunday, April 3 – Second Sunday of Easter
8:30am - Donna Smith - Agnes Zaremba
11:00am - Francis Walter - Family
Pray for the Sick: David Blackburn, Betty Kuepfer, Jose'
Magiste, Steve Fialkowski, Sandy Vasbinder, Tami Lynsky,
Betty Kirsch, Leon Denomme, Mike Wilson, Jim Lynsky,
Pam Jenkins, Jim Hempfling, David Myers, Brian Jaram,
Carol Cordy, Nickalus Paskert, Evelyn Paskert, Fred
McConnell, Mary Keys, Mary Jane Ruckart, Donna BakerSiebert, Marcia Friend, Dorthy Buzas, Jim Dern, Jim Grace,
Dave Wilson, Renee Moss, Linda Bliss, Florence Piccinini,
Antoinette Smith, Tyler Smith, Amanda Van Schoor, and
Debbie Hutnyak .
WELCOME to all visitors who are
worshipping with us today. To those
of you from out of town, we hope
you find a faith community here rich
in Jesus, our Risen Lord. For those
who belong to this faith community,
but because of sickness, work or personal challenges,
have been unable to join us on Sunday, please know
that we pray for you and entrust you to God’s
constant love.
received into the Church at the Easter Vigil:
David Gregory
(Profession of Faith, Confirmation, Eucharist)
Sarah Gregory
(Profession of Faith, Confirmation, Eucharist)
Todd Hodkey
(Profession of Faith, Confirmation, Eucharist)
Julie Webber
(Profession of Faith, Confirmation, Eucharist)
Gregory Rowe
(Profession of Faith, Confirmation, Eucharist)
Makenna & Quinn Rowe
(Profession of Faith, Eucharist)
As we welcome them into the Church may we
continue to support them with our prayers and
actions. And may they be a sign to us of the Spirit of
God active in our midst through the gifts and talents
they offer to the Church.
Please call the Parish Office 440-926-2364 to have a
name of a friend of relative included in this list.
HAPPY EASTER: The parish staff and I would like
to wish all of you a very Happy Easter.
Fr. John.
Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11;
Mt 28:8-15
Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22;
Jn 20:11-18
Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Lk 24:13-35
Thursday: Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2, 5-9; Lk 24:35-48
Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27;
Jn 21:1-14
Saturday: Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1, 14-21; Mk 16:9-15
Acts 5:12-16; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24;
Rv 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19; Jn 20:19-31
God of Glory
the eyes of all turn to you
as we celebrate Christ’s victory over sin and death.
Bless us and this food of our first Easter meal.
May we who gather at the Lord’s table
continue to celebrate the joy of his resurrection
and be admitted finally to his heavenly banquet.
Grant this through Christ our Lord.
Wedding Banns
III– Charles Illig & Sarah Sandoval
Easter Sunday
Page 3
Pastor’s Corner: There has been a lot written about how we spend our lives between the date of
our birth and the date of our death. The dash that represents this period has been used to motivate us to
make the most out of whatever time we have been given. I have used this reflection of our time in
homilies but the more I think about it the more I feel it is a misleading image. By saying that our lives
are the period between our birth and our death denies the real meaning of the resurrection. Our
resurrection does not begin at the moment of our death. It begins at the moment of our baptism. Our lives then
are a preparation for the fullness of the resurrection that we will experience when we pass through death. So there
should not be an ending point of our dash, it goes on into eternity. What this means is that daily we are being
called forth from the tombs that hold us. We are called forth from our sinfulness and from the evil that surrounds
us. And we are called to help one another to come forth from these tombs to experience life. It is unfortunate that
the Resurrection of Jesus that we celebrate on Easter, and is the core of our faith, has been reduced to a belief that
when we die we share in Jesus’ resurrection. The power of the resurrection is alive and active in our lives right
now! Not just when we die. When we believe this core truth of our faith then we live our lives believing that we
are being transformed daily through the events of our lives to prepare us for the final passage into eternal glory.
And we live with the responsibility of calling forth others from the tomb to experience the resurrection of today.
Happy Easter!
Fr. John
Notes from Rob Keshock, Parish Music Director
“Thank you to all members of the Our Lady Queen of Peace Music Ministries for their participation and
commitment in leading us in song throughout the season of Lent and Holy Week / Easter Sunday.” The music
ministry’s role is an important one in the Catholic Church as it enhances each liturgy with prayerful singing.
Music Ministries include the Cantors, Adult Choir members, Junior Choir members and musicians. Thank you
for sharing God’s gift and making our Lent and Easter liturgies at OLQP exceptional.
Adult Choir members include: Gin Andrews, Amy Barnhart, Bob Bohrer, Leslie Bubb, Joe Carr, Joe Dahman,
Paulette Dahman, Chris Donze, Jen Elston, Karen Fisher, Kathy Fromme, Wanita Grondin, Barb Hignett, Gayle
Klaber, Theresa Klingshirn, Carol Mole, Pat Paul, Judy Petricevic, Paul Plas, Barb Schraff, Jim Seabold, Joan
Seabold, Linda Searles, Diane Shepherd, Bob Smith, Esther Stanard, Barbara Stydnicki, Pat Tomko, Carol
Tyrone, Brad Wakeman, Sharon Wakeman, Dan Schroeder and Dave Weaver.
Junior Choir members include: Liam Elston, Elizabeth Filipiak, Jillian Filipiak, Genevieve Plas, Lauren Shaver,
Madison Slosier, Victoria Solt and Nicole Tyrone.
Our Lady Queen of Peace
Page 4
Thank you for your generous support of our Parish, and
your help with the needs of the community through your
ongoing participation in our various ministries.
Sunday, Mar 20: $ 8,249.61 $ 8,800.00
Sunday Y-T-D: $333,640.20 $325,600.00
Eastern Europe: $
$ 550.39
$ 8,040.20
SCHOLARSHIP: We will be awarding two $500
scholarships to eligible parishioners who complete the
application form by May 13th. To be eligible a candidate
must be a parishioner of Our Lady Queen of Peace and
active in the parish, or are active in the church on campus
where they go to college. Applications can be picked up in
the Gathering Area, parish office or the parish website. To
fund these scholarships there will be second collection the
weekend of May 7/8.
group for parents, grandparents and siblings of child loss
will be meeting at the parish hall 702 Erie Street, Grafton,
OH, on Monday, March 28th at 7:00pm. If you or
someone you know has experienced child loss this group
is a supportive safe place for you and your grief to be
surrounded by people who know and care. For more
information contact Terri Zunis at 216-469-5311.
Our Sixth Annual
Homecoming Days will be August 4, August 5,
& 6. There will be rides and games as well as
great festival food. Watch for more details and
ways to volunteer to make this a fun and
successful annual event.
2016 First Step Programs: Continuing education
regarding marriage and divorce in the Catholic
Church we are called to renew our relationship with
God and the Church. Attempting to pick up the
pieces of one’s life after the tragedy of divorce is an
area that can impact a person’s relationship with
God and the Church. One of the significant issues
that a person faces is their place in the Church. Does
the Church still care about me even though I am
divorced? Am I allowed to go to Mass? Can I receive
communion? How can the Church help me heal? If I
decide to marry again, what do I have to do? The
Tribunal of the Diocese of Cleveland, especially
during this Jubilee of Mercy, offers its First Step
Program in order to help individuals deal with these
questions in order to renew and/or strengthen their
relationship with God and the Church. This program
is offered to help everyone, especially those who
have experienced divorce, learn more about Catholic
teaching regarding marriage, divorce, and
remarriage. Representatives from the Ministry to the
Divorced Office of the Department for Marriage and
Family Ministry will also be present to explain the
resources they offer to the divorced.
The schedule for the general meetings in 2016 is:
Thur. 19 May at St. Noel Parish, Willoughby Hills,
at 7:00 p.m.
Tues. 13 September at Immaculate Heart of Mary
Parish, Cuyahoga Falls, 7:00 p.m.
Tues. 18 October at St. Ambrose Parish, Brunswick,
at 7:00 p.m.
Sister Kathleen’s Corner
PARISH FAITH FORMATION: The celebration of
Easter just begins with Easter Sunday. Week after
week we come together to listen to the stories and
celebrate our lives in Christ and Christ in our lives.
Those early Christians knew how to tell the stories of
Jesus so that we still enjoy them today and learn to
live Jesus in our world. “The Word was made flesh and
dwells among us.” John 1:14 ; “We are witnesses of all
That He did in Judea and Jerusalem…” Col. 3:1-3; “We
ate and drank with Him after the resurrection.” Acts 10: 39
-43. How filled their hearts became when they
remembered what He said and the times they spent
with Him! The song “We Remember How You
Loved Us.” Helps us be present with the living Lord
in our lives. Thank you is our response. “Alleluia!”
is our song.
His is Risen!
Having fun at Easter is easy. We’re in spring!
Flowers rise, birds sing and we wear our Easter
clothes. What a great time of the year the Church
picked out to celebrate our greatest Christian feast.
We eat chocolate bunnies, marshmallow eggs and
jelly beans. We provide for ourselves good (often
blessed) food. These traditions follow families for
centuries into 2016! Let’s do our best to make people
feel the Jesus within you today. It is His feast. It is
our feast.
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Sunday, March 27, 2015
This Week in the Parish:
Monday, March 28
8:00am - Parish Office Closed
7:00pm - Compassionate Friends (Parish Hall Rm. 1)
Wednesday, March 30
7:00pm - RCIA (Parish Hall Rm. 2)
Thursday, March 31
7:00pm - Festival Mtg. (Parish Hall Rm. 1))
7:00pm - Scripture Study (Parish Hall Rm. 2)
Friday, April 1
1:30pm - Keystone Pointe Nursing Home Visitation
Saturday, April 2
8:30am - Food Pantry/Parish Nurse (Parish Hall)
2:00pm - Jr. Choir Practice (Church)
Sunday, April 3
8:30am - Blood Drive (Parish Hall)
12:00pm - Roast Beef Dinner (Parish Hall)
SCRIPTURE STUDY: We meet in the
Parish Hall, room 2, on the second and
last Thursday of the month, and will be
discussing the introduction (pages 5-13)
in the Book for the study of the Book of
Revelation on March 31st. Anyone can attend as we
enrich our faith with study of Scripture. If you are
interested in deepening your faith, please join us.
Contact Rick Gallaher (440) 458-6335 for any
questions or need a study book.
ROAST BEEF DINNER: The Holy Name Society
and Our Lady’s Guild are sponsoring a Roast Beef
Dinner on Sunday, April 3, 2016 from 12:00pm 2:00pm at the parish hall, 702 Erie Street, Grafton,
OH. Raffles, and 50/50 available throughout the
dinner. Cost is $10 for adults, $6 children 4 - 12
years of age and 3 and under are free. Proceeds from
the dinner will be used for various projects in and
around the church.
BLOOD DRIVE: The Life Share
Bloodmobile will be at Our Lady Queen
of Peace Hall on Sunday, April 3rd to
save the lives of others. The Blood Bank
is in critical need so join the latest 21
member Donor Honor Roll from January 31st as we
strive to reach our goal of 25 donations. We really
need your donation this time of year. Contact Rick
Gallaher 458-6335 if you have any questions.
FIRST FRIDAY: The next First Friday Luncheon
is Friday, April 1, 2016. The flyer is posted on the
bulletin boards in the Gathering Area and the
Page 6
† Weddings:
Couples need to make arrangements at least six
months prior to the wedding date.
† Baptism:
Baptisms are celebrated at a mutually convenient time.
Please call the office to make arrangements.
† Ministry to the Sick:
Please notify the office for visits to parish-
ioners in the hospital.
† New parishioners:
Are asked to register as soon as possible at
the Parish Office or by phone.
† Inquiry Classes in the Catholic Religion: Persons interested in becoming Catholic are asked to contact the Parish Office for information about
the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, RCIA.
RUMMAGE SALE: The annual Guild Rummage and
Bake Sale will be held on Friday, April 29th from 9:00am.
to 5:00pm. and on Saturday, April 30th from 9:00am. to
12:00 noon. Saturday will be $2/bag. The Guild is in
need of clean, usable items for the sale. Drop off the
items at the Parish Hall on Sunday, April 24th from 12:00
noon to 4:00pm. and Monday, April 25th from 9:00am. to
4:00pm. Due to the large response last year, we are
asking that you please utilize these 2 days and times to
drop-off since we will not be able to accept items after
Monday, April 25th. Anyone wishing to donate baked
goods for the sale are asked to bring them to the hall on
either morning of the sale or contact any Guild
member. If you have any questions, call Marianne
Carmichael at 440.458.4568.
PIZZA WITH A PURPOSE: Now through March 31st,
2016 at Marco’s Pizza in Grafton, donate 1 can or boxed
item and receive $1.00 off, donate 2 cans or boxed items
and receive $2.00 off. All food donations go directly to
Our Lady Queen of Peace’s Food Pantry.
Offer valid at Grafton location only and on regular priced pick up
The Couple to Couple Ministry cordially
invites you to join us for a comfortable,
casual evening of romantic relationship
memories on Saturday, April 16th at
6:00pm in the Parish Hall. Tickets are
$45 per couple and includes dinner and dancing. Tickets
will be available this weekend after all masses.
Faith is the beginning and the end is love.
—St. Ambrose

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