April 27, 2014 - St. Francis Xavier


April 27, 2014 - St. Francis Xavier
2nd Sunday of Easter
April 27, 2014
On Our Journey of Grace:
Together We Can
Make a Difference
We congratulate the following young women and men of our parish who
will confirm their faith in the Catholic tradition on Saturday, April 26.
Elizabeth Albertini Julia Andreoni Mary Catherine Andreoni Thomas Atseff Jacob Bandyk Alexander Barrett Max Beedle Benjamin Bernasek Megan Beumer Grace Borawski Ann Boyle Grace Brannen Aidan Bresnahan Mia Brizz Ellen Brophy Andrew Buel Ryan Buhle Lucy Byrne Siobhan Callahan Edward Campbell John Carollo, III Nicholas Chomko Alexander Cogelja Hallie Coleman Erin Cook Ivy Cornelison Madigan Courier James Creber Grady Davis Ian Delleman Noah Denten Matthew Donahoe Anabella Dougherty Rachel Duffy May Dunne Braeden Feichtinger Maeve Filbin Cole Fisher Claire Fitzpatrick Jared Frank Kaylie Fredian Kathleen Freeman David Furlan William Gannon Katya Garcia Kevin Garcia Alexandra Gawthrop Anna Geraghty Ellen Gross Henry Groya Alison Hamilton William Hannigan Madeline Hanrahan Grace Hayes Thomas Henehan Avery Herndon Charles Heyer Madison Hilling William Hyland Adam Janicki Aleksander Jarzen Lily Joyaux Madeline Karlson Matthew Kelly Matthew Kennedy Peter Kiley Patrick King Rachel Kocek Mikaela Kohut Caroline Konstant Megan Kotil William Kraus Aaron Kriha Emma Kriho Evan Kupec John LaMantia Jane Layden Patricia Layden Isabella Lazarski Greta Leader John Lyons Mary Marzo Colleen McCabe Abigail McCarthy Timothy McCarthy Brinn McDowell Eamon McGovern Michael McInerney Erin McNicholas Kaylee Miller Michael Mlynski Annika Moore Elizabeth Moravec Michael Morkin Mary Mullarkey Jessica North Mary Nutter Colleen O’Connell Claire O’Connor Ryan O’Malley Sullivan O’Malley Sarah Orozco Daniel Palmer Grace Palmer Thomas Panosh Ryan Peake Collin Peters Hollis Popp Madeline Prendergast Christian Pudlo Brendan Pugliese Anastasia Quercia Michael Quinlan Cara Rasmussen Grace Reilly Ann Rius Margaret Roache Sydney Rocco Jack Roche Andrew Rodgers Nicholas Rogers Faith Saibert Julie Saladino Madeline Schierl Matthew Schiltz Peter Schwabe Kate Sheehan Kyle Sievers Jeffrey Stejskal Henry Tio Carlyn Uhlir Daniel Vale Roland VanTassel Roger Veome Joseph Vlcek Mayalin Vondrasek Abigail Vulich Hannah Walleck Marisa Washburn Matthew Weems Elizabeth West Carlie Wilson Eric Wisnewski MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK
Monday, April 28 7:45 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Herbert & Mary Schrack Martin & Denise Hanrogue The Schrack Family Mary Hanrogue Tuesday, April 29 7:45 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Phillip Butler Mercedes Hacholski John Yelnick Tom Fortino & Bryan Uselding The McDonnell Family The Yelnick Family Wednesday, April 30 7:45 a.m. 9:00 a.m. James Hendericks Arthur Pliszka Jan & Bill Clark George & Mary Lou Braasch Thursday, May 1 7:45 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Parishioners of St. Francis Xavier John J. Broderick Brothers & Sisters Friday, May 2 7:45 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Mercedes McDonnell Bob Brown John Penicook Adel & Stanley Burnicks The McDonnell Family John & Marilynn Lux The Querke Family Janet Mose Saturday, May 3 9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 4:15‐5:45 p.m. Frank Rizzo Robert Spain Sacrament of Reconciliation Sacrament of Reconciliation The Templeton & Costello Families The Augustyn Family TBA TBA Saint Peter Chanel, Priest and Martyr; Saint Louis Grignion de Montfort, Priest Saint Catherine of Siena, Virgin and Doctor of the Church Saint Joseph the Worker Saint Athanasius, Bishop and Doctor of the Church Saints Philip and James, Apostles PLEASE PRAY FOR…
Richard Brown Blake Donegan Dorothy Egan Ellen Frantzen Cardinal Francis George Liza Gabrek Lilli Gregory Wilson Gregory Genny Hanna Betty Hartley Raymond Hassler Cherie Hunter Jane Jacobson Bill Jones Benny Kilman Shirley Kollenberg Michael Koller Jack Kunkle Michael Leone Kylie Malloy Rita McCambridge Greg McElvogue Patrick Morgan David Nutt Ligaya Rezek Maureen Scanlon Ashley Schweinfurth Rosemary Sherman Jeanne Turek Lauren Whelan Mary Sue Wielgus Peter Zadeik Prayers are requested for our relatives and friends who are sick. To add a name to the prayer list, call the rectory at 708‐352‐0168. Names of the sick are listed for two months in the bulletin. If there is a recurrence of illness, names can be listed again. Know that our parish prays daily for the sick and the dying. BORN INTO
ETERNAL LIFE Please remember in your prayers, those who have died, as well as their families: Dennis Grubish
Father of Dustin Joseph O’Shea
Brother of Katie Canino Susan Steinkellner WEDDINGS
Meghan Collins & Tim Sullivan Tara Morris & Joe Green PASTOR’S NOTES
On this Second Sunday of Easter, there are many people to thank for being the instruments of beautiful, moving, vibrant prayer during the Lenten season and especially Holy Week. Our RCIA (the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Team has walked with our catechumen and candidates over the past six months on their journey of full membership in the Catholic Church. The Liturgy Teams, Choirs, Sacristans, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers of Communion, Ushers, Greeters, Altar Servers, Support Staff, and Buildings and Grounds team have all contributed to the sight, the scent, the sound, taste and feel of our rich spiritual heritage of prayer and celebration for Lent and Easter. Thank you to all of you. We appreciate it. Congratulations to all of you who received the Sacrament of Confirmation with Bishop George Rassas on Saturday, April 26. Your stepping forward and saying “Yes” to following Christ and living the Gospel in your lives is a powerful witness in our world where there are many other ways to live, few of them life giving and loving. Your becoming fully initiated members of St. Francis and of the Catholic Church bodes well for the future. God bless the Day School FrancisPalooza Auction Chairs and Committees and congratulations on another record breaking event on April 5, our biennial auction. The number of attendees and the funds raised are both over the top. Final figures are on the way. I’m not sure if there was a “fun” meter, but my guess is that was the best yet as well. Thank you to all of you who make this herculean effort seem effortless and as enjoyable as it was. In case you are not aware, there are Little White Books available at the entrances of church for you if you would like one. It is the same format as the very popular Little Black Books we had during Lent, but with an Easter Theme. Help yourselves. It is moving to witness the pledges being made for We Gather
With Faith …We Give With Love, our Capital Campaign. You have clearly grasped the difference between giving a gift to the parish and making a sacrifice for the present and future of St. Francis, as well as St. Agatha and Ascension/St. Susanna. Your dedication and commitment to your parish contributes to its energy and its depth. A special Thanks to the Honorary Chairs, the Co‐Chairs, the Steering Committee and the Campaign Committee for their continued contribution of time and talent as well as treasure to the Campaign. Here’s some fun with words: “Since there’s no time like the present, he thought it
was time to present the present.”
“The buck does funny things when the does are
Encountering the Risen Lord More than a decade ago, it was three weeks before Easter when my Father lost his battle with Alzheimer’s disease. On some spiritually odd level, I found comfort in thinking that Lent was a good time to go to home to God. Resurrection was near, and my father would experience Easter joy fully. That year, I longed for Easter; I longed for Resurrection. Being an active liturgical minister at the time, I said “Yes” to every opportunity to help, both at the Easter Vigil Saturday night, and at two Masses Easter Sunday morning. I wanted a really good dose of Resurrection. However, the first two Masses left me disappointed. I couldn’t name exactly what I wanted or needed to experience, but I knew it wasn’t happening. Although the Easter Vigil was lovely, and I rejoiced in the eight adults who became Catholic, I left feeling empty. At the 9 AM Mass Easter morning, the children’s choir was absolutely angelic, but again, sadness prevailed. Perhaps grief was part of it; or maybe I set myself up for disappointment by expecting too much. Before the next Mass, I asked God to help me let go of my expectations, quit looking for Resurrection, and simply be open. I was feeling somewhat discouraged when the 10:30 overflow Mass began in the parish hall. It was led by Fr. Ed Foley, a professor of mine at Catholic Theological Union. Did you ever sit there, listening to the homily, and just know the presider was talking directly to you? This was one of those times. It took him only a minute or so to get to his point. He said something like, “Many of us have come here looking for Resurrection. I’m here to tell you, it’s not going to happen.” You can imagine my surprise! I could not have listened any more intently, or with any greater level of anticipation. “Christ’s resurrection was a historical event that happened once, 2000 years ago, and it’s over. No, Easter isn’t about Resurrection.” Wow. Really? OK. What does that mean? Where are we now? My soul silently begged him to continue. “Stop looking for Resurrection,” he instructed. “Instead, look for encounters with the Risen Lord. No one was present for Jesus’ rising from the dead. ‘Easter’ was the disciples encountering the Risen Lord, and living differently because of it. So can we.” He said it again, “Instead of looking for Resurrection, look for encounters with the Risen Lord….” And that was the last I heard. Fr. Foley was still talking, but I was revisiting the many people and situations through which I had encountered the Risen Lord during Dad’s illness, death, and the weeks that followed. There were many. I had encountered the Risen Lord countless times. My heart filled with gratitude. Today’s Gospel presents two encounters with the Risen Lord. The first one, Thomas missed. We sometimes miss those encounters, too. Yet, Jesus returns, again and again, pouring out life and love. In the second encounter, Thomas responds with a proclamation of faith that went beyond the other disciples: “My Lord and my God.” Easter is so much more than a once a year festival; it’s an attitude. Encounters with the Risen Lord are everyday experiences, and Eucharist, if celebrated authentically, IS Easter. We celebrate Lent for 40 days. We celebrate the Easter season for 50. But wouldn’t it be great if we all adopted an “Attitude of Easter,” became an “Easter People” and truly celebrated Easter every day of our lives? Happy Easter! P.S. Have you picked up your copy of the Little White Book yet? It’s filled with encounters of the Risen Lord! GOLDEN WEDDING
Wednesday, May 7 (Cash Bar @11:30) Lunch @ 12:15 The Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass will be held on Sunday, September 14 at 2:45 p.m. at Holy Name Cathedral, 735 North State Street in Chicago. Couples married in 1964 interested in attending this celebration should contact their parish to register. For further information, please call the Family Ministries Office at 312‐534‐8351 or visit the website at www.familyministries.org. LaGrange Country Club 620 South Brainard Avenue LaGrange This is a reservation event: Please RSVP with pay‐
ment of $30 to the Rectory by Wednesday, April 30. For more information contact: Missy Westerhoff at 708‐352‐0168. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!
We Gather in Faith...We Give with Love
Capital Campaign
Home Delivery
April 27‐May 3, 2014 We need as many helping hands as we can muster to deliver campaign informational packages that have not been picked up. Each volunteer will receive approximately 20 packages to deliver in a few square block area. Packets may be picked up at the Parish Office during regular business hours beginning April 23, 2014. VOLUNTEERS WILL NOT BE ASKING FOR MONEY!!!
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ (Detach and return to the parish office in person, U.S. mail or place in the Sunday offertory basket)
NAME: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DAY TIME PHONE:_______________________________________EVENING PHONE:____________________________________ E‐MAIL:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Your Parish Finances
Typically at this time of year we are invited to participate in the Cardinal’s Annual Catholic Appeal, either through a direct mail solicitation or through an invitation from Father John at a Sunday Mass. Please know that St. Francis Xavier is exempt from participating in the Annual Catholic Appeal in 2014 as we are undertaking our own Capital Campaign. You will be hearing a lot more about the Capital Campaign in the weeks to come. In addition to exciting projects and enhancements at our own Parish, this Campaign will include a component of outreach to St. Agatha and Ascension‐St. Susanna, two parishes which are amongst the many that benefit from the Annual Catholic Appeal each year. Of course, if you wish to respond to the direct mail solicitation for the Annual Catholic Appeal, please do so. Please know, however, that locally we will not be asking you to support the Annual Catholic Appeal in 2014. Sunday Collection, April 20
This week last year
Easter Collection Year-to-Date
Easter Collection Last Year
Easter Budget
Total Collection:
Previous year-to-date
$ 1,484,233
$ 1,491,497
Needed for Budget:
$ 1,524,828
Collections are running about $7,000 behind last
year and $40,600 behind budget. Based on past
patterns we expect to receive more Easter
collections and anticipate that we will reach or
exceed the Easter budget.
Have you considered making a donation of appreciated common stock? Gifts of appreciated securities provide an immediate income tax deduction in the amount of the value of the stock and are not subject to capital gains tax. For more details, please call Clara Jurivich at the rectory office 708‐352‐0168. This article is not intended to provide legal or tax advice.
Please consult your professional advisors before taking
Thanks for your support. Celebrate Spring!
St. Francis Xavier and Grace Lutheran All are invited to our
Taizé Evening Prayer
Friday, May 9
7:30 p.m.
Grace Lutheran
LEAVE A LEGACY We are grateful for the generous support that you give to St. Francis through your weekly contributions. Have you considered providing for the continuation of that support by including the parish in your Will? Bequests given to the parish through Wills are for the sole use of St. Francis Xavier Parish. To include the parish in your Will, the correct language is: “I give (a percentage or amount) to the Catholic Bishop of Chicago—A Corporation Sole, for the sole benefit of St. Francis Xavier Parish, LaGrange.” Thanks for giving consideration to leaving a legacy! Taizé Prayer is contemplative and most importantly communal, combining simple repetitive melodies that are sung by all, prayerful silence, scripture reading and intercessory prayer. This prayer can promote a kind to inner unity of person, allowing the spirit to be more open and attentive to what is essential. It is our hope that you will join us, especially at this time when our world is much in need of prayer. St. Francis Xavier School
First Communion
April 27 2013 National
Blue Ribbon
School of Excellence
First Communion
May 3 ****
School Scoop
Monday, April 28
Classes Resume–Welcome back! KAIROS
Tuesday, April 29
Capital Campaign Meeting at 8:30 AM in Joyce Hall Chess Club Chipotle Fundraiser from 4:00‐8:00 PM Wednesday, April 30
Grade 2 Field Trip 2:00 PM Dismissal Girls on the Run from 2:00–3:15 PM in the Gym Save the date! St. Francis Xavier Parish will host Kairos July 31‐August 3. Registration will begin mid‐May. This opportunity is open to all soon to be juniors and seniors, as well as, graduating seniors. Not sure what all the fuss is about? Ask teens and parents of teens that have attended in the past! We look forward to sharing this experience with you! QUEST
Thursday, May 1
Newspaper Club from 3:15‐4:25PM in Room 324 Friday, May 2
Girls on the Run 3:30–4:45 PM THANK YOU! Quest teens and parents would like to thank our leaders and all of the parishioners that have supported us this year. We walk this journey of faith together as a parish and we are grateful to have your support!
Saturday, May 3
First Holy Communion
High School Seniors, Save the Date!
Sunday, May 18th 10:30 AM Mass with a reception immediately following. We are so proud of you! Please join us as we celebrate your accomplishments as you prepare to graduate. Wear your college t‐shirt to Mass and meet up in the SFX Gym immediately following for a donut! 4 years of High School have flown by. Come catch up with old friends and allow us a moment to wish you well on your journey! Questions? Call the SFX Day School at 708‐352‐2175. ATTENTION (New) Altar Servers
Entering Seventh and Eighth GRADES
For the 2014-2015 School Year
If you are interested in becoming an altar server (and I hope you are) please attend each weeks training session in addition to the Mandatory meeting on Tuesday, April 29, 2014;This is required for NEW servers only. Training dates:
MANDATORY Tuesday, April 29 3:45 – 4:45 PM WEEK ONE
Thursday, May 8 3:45 – 4:45 PM WEEK TWO
Thursday, May 15 3:45 – 4:45 PM AND WEEK THREE
Thursday, May 22 3:45 – 4:45 PM Please call Mrs. Westerhoff at the rectory 708‐352‐0168 with the dates you have selected. Sign up quickly. As the sessions are filling up.
The training will take place in church and will be facilitated by Fr. Killeen and Fr. Bacchi. Parents are welcome to attend. PHOTOBOOTH SPONSORS ($2,500) Chris & Marcy Witte Bill & Pam Devitt STAGE SPONSORS ($1,500) Tim & Katy Doyle Chris & Elizabeth Cooley Mike & Chris Morkin Chris & Stacy McClure Cook County Commissioner Jeffrey Tobolski, 16th District BEVERAGE & FOOD SPONSORS ($1,000) John R. Madden and First National Bank of LaGrange Pitonak Construction Kara O’Connell, Broker, Smothers Realty Group DuPage Neonatology Associates Jason & Renée Carver DeSitter Flooring Rhatigan Law Offices, LLC Katie Ramoley, Coldwell Banker PLATINUM RECORD LABEL SPONSORS ($1,000) Bill & Betsy McManaman Jack & Lilly Flynn John & Kathy Broderick GOLD RECORD LABEL SPONSORS ($500) Anonymous The Asleson Family Nancy Cozzi‐Freda and Louis Freda Tom & Jamie Cushing Madell Consulting Patrick & Eileen Daley Mark & Julie Gies Nick & Kerry Del Giudice Mike & Tina Dillon Brent & Laura Duelm John & Jana Fix David & Katie Hanfland John & Felicia Havenaar Highline Automotive Reagan & Katie Hogerty Advanced Eye Care – Timothy & Sally Kisla Congressman Dan Lipinski – 3rd District Illinois Tom & Mary McGovern Tim & Nancy O’Connell Brian & Alicia Perkovich Kelly Elliott Preussner, Myslicki Real Estate Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Walsh State Representative Mike Zalewski SILVER RECORD LABEL SPONSORS ($300) Battistoni & Beam Bob & Julie Bock The Buelling Family Jim & Ruth Hornacek BRONZE RECORD LABEL SPONSORS ($150) Anonymous Michael & Melissa Burns ClickBid Paperless Auctions Dan & Ally Hayes Dave & Kelly Lenti Pearle Vision PMI Sports Photography From the St. Francis Xavier
Domestic Violence Ministry
Here’s what I don’t want people to know about me.
“I am an abuser. I am male, female, gay, straight, educated or not, wealthy, poor, or in the middle. I represent every ethnic and racial group possible. I may or may not have been abused as a child or adult myself. I do not necessarily dabble in alcohol or other drugs, but I may. I am a Christian, Muslim, and a Jew from any and all religious persuasions. I don’t like myself very much, but I don’t seem to be able to stop what I am doing. I may be more abusive when I am angry, and I seem to react strongly when I think a situation is getting out of my control. Sometimes my violence is physical, but not always. I also abuse people verbally, psychologically, and sexually. Sometimes I am so subtle, people don’t even know it’s happened until much later when they feel bad.” MYTH: Most of the time, domestic violence is not really that serious. FACT: Domestic violence is an illegal act in the U.S. and is considered a crime with serious repercussions. Although there are aspects of domestic violence (e.g. emotional, psychological, spiritual, financial abuse) that may not be considered criminal in a legal sense, serious and long‐lasting physical, emotional and spiritual harms can, and often do, occur. Each and every act of domestic violence needs to be taken seriously. You are not alone! Call 911 if you feel you are in immediate danger.
If you or someone you know needs help, call a 24 hour hotline: Pillars: 708‐485‐5254 Family Shelter Services: 630‐469‐5650 National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800‐799‐7233 (SAFE) Carrol A. M. Smith, PhD, RN, faculty of UIC. The Many Faces of Interpersonal Violence. The Family Violence Prevention Fund, Chapter 1, What is Domestic Violence? CATHOLIC WOMEN’S CLUB NEWS All women of the parish are members of the Catholic Women’s Club. If you would like to get involved or if you would like to receive monthly newsletters about our upcoming events via email, please contact Jana Fix at fixlupo@yahoo.com. BACK DOOR THEATER
If you are entering the 6th through 10th Grade in the Fall of 2014, and looking for a creative summer experience in theater and stage production, The Back Door Theatre is looking for you! The Back Door Theater is a co‐operative drama ministry of Grace Lutheran and St Francis Xavier Churches that can offer teens and pre‐teens a casual opportunity to explore the theater arts either as a beginner or to further an existing dramatic interest. Entering its fifteenth season this summer, this drama ministry uses the theater arts of acting, voice, dance, instrumental performance, set design and back stage production to explore traditional Biblical stories and characters through a fun, contemporary, original play…and we have a blast doing it! Workshop Dates: Monday & Wednesday evenings June 9 – July 9 6:00 – 9:00 pm Every evening July 14‐17 Two Performances on: July 18~4:00 and 7:30 pm We are also looking for Teen Assistants (Grades 11 and 12)
and/or Adults who think they would like to contribute in
some way.
For questions or further information please call Becky Hayes
at 708-354-7236 or email at bechayes@sbcglobal.net.
Registration packets are available at the back of church and at the rectory. ST. VINCENT
DE PAUL SOCIETY The St. Vincent de Paul Society’s meeting take place on the first Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Rectory Courtyard Room. Mom’s Tea and Silk Painting
Saturday, May 3: 1:00 ‐ 4:00 pm Facilitator: Karen Snow Just in time for Mother’s Day, treat your mom (and yourself!) to an experience of the exciting world of painting abstract designs on a luxurious Habotai silk scarf. Appreciation of beautiful colors is all the artistic ability you need; the technique is remarkably simple to do. Personalize the scarf with your own style and imagery. Cost: $30 All programs are held at The Well Spirituality Center, located at The Congregation of St. Joseph, 1515 West Ogden Avenue in LaGrange Park. To learn more about The Well’s programs or to register, please call 708‐482‐5048 or email thewell@csjoseph.org. INTERFAITH COMMUNITY PARTNERS
ICP provides transportation and support to older adults to help sustain independent living. happy spring …happy shopping…
happy sipping…happy SHARING
Interfaith Community Partners Ladies Shopping Night Thursday, May 8th 6:30 to 9:30pm Village Club of Western Springs 4221 Lawn Avenue $10 admission 15% of all sales will be donated back to ICP 12 boutique vendors from all over the Chicagoland area offer everything a girl needs: purses, jewelry, decorative plates, clothing, home accessories, floral arrangements and much much more! Mecenat Bistro will be selling wine (1 complimentary glass of wine is included with the price of admissions) and yummy nibbles will be provided. We Gather in Faith...We Give with Love
Capital Campaign FOCUS ON THE CAPITAL CAMPAIGN PROJECTS After a short break for Holy Week and Easter, we are again focusing on the exciting projects to be completed through the We Gather in Faith...We Give with Love Capital Campaign. GIVING FOR THE FUTURE‐Enhancements to Existing Facilities ‐ The Gymnasium This week our focus is on the much needed renovations to be made to the existing gym. We recently had to suspend activities in the gym for a week until we were able to have a break at center court repaired. Key features:
Renovation of lobby. Enlargement and modernization of the bathrooms in the lobby to make them handicapped accessible. Addition of a lift to the spectators’ balcony, providing handicapped accessibility. Adjustment of the cross‐beam and Plexiglas for better viewing from the spectators’ balcony. Replacement of the gym floor. A committee is currently assessing the material to be used for the floor. Options under consideration are hardwood and Tara flex. The former has traditionally been used for sports activities, while the latter is a synthetic material which would stand up to foot traffic, tables and chairs without the laying of a protective tarp. Factors which will be weighed in the consideration include cost (both upfront and ongoing maintenance), life of the floor, playability, flexibility of use, and sound‐insulating qualities so that less noise is transmitted to Joyce Hall below. Replacement of the acoustic ceiling tile. The height of the ceiling will be raised to the maximum height achievable given the basic architecture of the space. Replacement of lighting. The replacement lights will not be as pictured in the architectural drawing. Ideally, they will be recessed and covered with protective caging. Replacement of sliding doors under the stage with louvers, better suited to handle the necessary flow of air. Fresh paint and upgrading of safety mats along the wall. Improvements to stage lighting and sound systems. The specific needs are to be defined, prioritized and put in place as funds permit. We Gather in Faith...We Give with Love
Capital Campaign If you have not received or picked up your packet already, please watch for it in the next few weeks or so. If you have misplaced your packet, extras are available in the rectory. HONORARY CHAIRS
Mollie and John Carroll Carol and Dave Grimes Mary Ellen Penicook STEERING COMMITTE
Father John Hoffman Clara Jurivich Mike Bruni ‐ Co‐Chair Kathi Mungo ‐ Co‐Chair Kate and Mark Boyle Jamie and Tom Cushing Caroline and Mark Dillon Anne and Rob Metzger Chris and Mike Morkin Jacquelyn and Tom Morsch Pat and Bob Roach CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE
Kim and Don Abbs Diane and Bill Asleson Jacqui Buckler Renee and Jason Carver Elizabeth and Chris Cooley Pam and Bill Devitt Maureen and Dan Donahue Cathy and Jeff Grimes Barb Kalnes Maryanne Kelly Megan and Tom Kostal Betsy and Bill McManaman Mark Rotert Ann and Paul Saladino Amy and Jim Schaeffer Ann and Tom Serafin Meg and Tim Shanley Please review the packet and familiarize yourself with the projects to be undertaken in our Capital Campaign. The gymnasium project is featured on the adjoining page. Please feel free to contact Father John or any member of the Leadership Team if you have any questions or ideas to share. Please join us for the final Campaign Event: Tuesday,
April 29th
8:30-9:30 am
Joyce Hall
Finally, please consider making an investment in the Campaign to help us reach our financial goal of $3,475,000. Each pledge and contribution to the “We Gather in Faith…We Give with Love” 125th Anniversary Capital Campaign brings us one step closer to making these exciting projects a reality. Letters of Intent can be dropped in the collection basket, dropped at the rectory or mailed. Thank you! “Dr. Jude Dumfeh, our parishioner, recently traveled on a medical mission to the
Philippines. Several other parishioners have done something similar to this.
God bless all of you. Here is Jude’s story and a couple of pictures.”
It was a blessing to be on a recent medical volunteer trip to the Philippines (February 6‐15), through Helping Hands Medical Missions. It was a special experience which Fr. John encouraged me to share with the rest of the Parish. We provided medical care in Tanauan City, in the Batangas region. We had up to thirty‐two people in our group (including clinicians, surgeons, dentists, pharmacist, physical therapist and other non‐medical volunteers), from all over the US, as well as the local team helping us out. We saw over 1600 patients, including about 45 surgeries at the local hospital. We made home visits to see patients and also visited a local nursing home. There was also a faith component to the trip as we had a local priest with us for Mass and reflection. Helping Hands is a Catholic organization, but our group had Catholics, Protestants/Evangelicals, Muslim, etc. coming together beautifully to work and pray together. We got to give lots of rosaries, and also pray with the local people. We were well received by the amazing Filipino people, especially the kids who were so welcoming to perfect strangers. In the big scheme of things, a trip like this is a drop in the bucket as these people still face numerous challenges. However it was an opportunity to join hands with them, stand in solidarity, that we are all in this together, even as the Lord continues to transform all of us. Jude Dumfeh THE LITTLE WHITE BOOK
The Little White Book is currently available for those wanting to use this guide for prayer. These reflections are based on the Resurrection Narrative according to Matthew. Reflections began Easter Monday, and continue through Pentecost Sunday, June 8, 2014. WHY BUY
The coffee sold at St. Francis Xavier is purchased from Equal Exchange Fairly Traded. There is alot behind this coffee. “We work closely with our farmer partners, year after year, to better understand each other’s needs. The result is a trusting relationship‐and delicious coffee.” Beth Ann Caspersen, Quality Control Manager Fair Trade builds right relationships between buyers and sellers that are rooted in the principles of human dignity and solidarity. Fair Trade:  Respects human dignity  Promotes the common good  Advances economic justice  Empowers disadvantaged people  Connects us with the people who create the things we buy  Cultivates global solidarity The Catholic Relief Services Fair Trade Program creates opportunities for us to bring these core values of our faith to bear on the choices we make as consumers—choices that have the power to lift our brothers and sisters out of poverty. Effort is made to see that these coffee farmers are given a fair wage!!! INTERFAITH VIGIL
FOR IMMIGRANT JUSTICE Beginning in 2006 every Friday at 7:15 a.m. folks gather in front of the Broadview Immigration Processing Center to support those immigrants being deported that day and their families. The Sorrowful Mysteries include special intentions for immigrants. The First Sorrowful Mystery, The Agony in the Garden: We pray for those women and men being deported today from all detention centers in our country, especially the ones leaving today from 1930 Beach Street in Broadview. (The list of those being deported that day is read.) The Second Sorrowful Mystery, The Scourging at the Pillar: We pray for families who have experienced the devastation of raids and deportations, for the children who have lost parents, for the mothers and fathers who are left alone to take care of their families, for all undocumented people who experience fear and live in a state of uncertainty. The Third Sorrowful Mystery, The Crowning with Thorns: We pray that all those connected with the Department of Homeland Security treat our immigrant brothers and sisters with respect. We pray for ICE, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and the staff of all detention centers in our country. The Fourth Sorrowful Mystery, The Carrying of the Cross: We pray for leaders in our country and leaders of all faiths that we may work together with a common wisdom to stop deportations and work towards compassionate immigration policies. The Fifth Sorrowful Mystery, The Crucifixion and Death of Our Lord: We pray that the spirit of goodness and love be a more powerful witness than the spirit of fear, hatred, and discrimination expressed in any‐immigrant legislations in our country. We pray for President Obama, elected officials and the general public to continue opening their minds and hearts to find a way for compassionate immigration policies. All are welcome at this vigil; however, if your schedule does not allow participating in Broadview, perhaps you could pray at home…or on your way to school or work…
or maybe one decade each night before you fall asleep. LET US JOIN TOGETHER IN FAITH AND HOPE The St. Francis Peace & Justice Committee meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:30 pm in the rectory. Any questions, please contact Maureen Lang at 708‐784‐
Your Invitation to Volunteer for ICN
Help us help others. Join us on Thursday, May 8 at 7:00 pm to learn more about ICN, meet some of our current volunteers and learn of our volunteer needs. We are a group of church denominations working together to provide support and services for many of the job seekers in our community. Regardless of your profession, trade, occupation, talent or vocation please consider joining one of our volunteer teams. We have immediate opportunities for meeting hospitality, computer job search assistance and recruiting or HR professionals to assist with resumes and cover letters in our Career Resource Center on Wednesday evenings, as well as regular or occasional job search coaching. Even if you have only a small amount of time, might be comfortable assisting from home, or as the need arises…your help would be greatly appreciated. We look forward to meeting you at St. John of the Cross Parish Center, 5005 West Wolf Road in Western Springs. Spring 2014 Career Transition Workshop
Begins Tuesday, May 6
Join us on Tuesday, May 6 from 7:00‐9:00 pm at First Presbyterian Church of LaGrange, 150 South Ashland Avenue. This quarter’s five week workshop will kick off with a check list of things to do when you begin a job search. Dr. Joe Yount will deliver a special presentation on how to mentally prepare yourself as you begin to look for a new position. Join us for one or all of the consecutive Tuesday sessions and gain new skills that will help you land that new position. This workshop is open to all and there is no charge to attend. Meetings will be held in Westminster Hall; please enter church on Catherine Avenue. For further information, contact Susan Sedler at sqsedler@aol.com. Interfaith career Network (ICN) offers job support through various programs throughout the month. For further information, please visit our website at www.interfaithcareernetwork.org. FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION
We have many requests come to St. Francis for assistance. Below are some organizations that are in need as you consider making charitable donations, or consider volunteering your time: Femi Memorial Outreach
Femi Memorial Outreach was founded in 2004 to honor the life of Olufemi (Femi) Robert Martin Pedro, a first generation Nigerian American male of immigrant parents who died from a rare cancer on August 21, 2004 at the age of 19. Femi was an academic scholar, an award‐winning athlete, a respected leader among his classmates and his peers, and a young man with big dreams for his future. He was a loving and devoted son, a doting and caring brother, a fond nephew, a fun‐loving cousin and a loyal and trustworthy friend. To honor his legacy, Femi Memorial Outreach Fund was incorporated to provide homework assistance through an after‐school tutoring program designed at helping students improve self‐esteem and social interaction while improving academic success. Femi Memorial Outreach 5875 North Lincoln Avenue Suite LL 21 Chicago, IL 60659 773/728‐1035 www.femioutreach.org Franciscan Outreach Association
We provide for basic human needs such as food, shelter, encouragement and assistance in creating a better life for the homeless and marginalized, especially those who are underserved. 1645 West LeMoyne Street, Chicago, IL 60622 773‐278‐6724 www.franoutreach.org RESPECT LIFE
There is an abortion facility which is called the ACU Health Center located at 736 North York Road, just south of Ogden Avenue in Hinsdale. Saturday, May 3
7:00-11:00 PM
The Community House
415 West Eighth Street
$100 Per Person
including open bar, hors d’oeuvres and dessert
Tickets must be purchased in advance by calling 708‐354‐
0858 x3 or visit us at www.beds‐plus.org. Prom Highlights Include:  The hottest retro dance floor featuring renowned D.J. Bobby D  Annual coronation for best dressed and Prom King and Queen  Live Auction featuring a vacation package, sports tickets and more! Wear what is in your closet or get silly! Either way, we will have a good time! A LIFELINE FOR MARRIAGE
Retrouvaille (pronounced Retro‐Vi) helps couples through difficult times in their marriages. It is designed to provide the tools to help get your marriage back on track. It will give you the opportunity to rediscover each other and ex‐
amine your lives together in a new and positive way. This program has helped 10’s or 1000’s of couples experiencing marital difficulty are all levels including disillusionment and deep misery. For confidential information about our upcoming weekend, please call 630‐945‐5487 or email Help4OurMarriage@gmail.com or visit our website at www.HelpOurMarriage.com. A group of committed volunteers (grandmas, grandpas, men, women, college‐age and high school students) gather outside the ACU clinic early each Saturday morning, as well as on other days and at other times, to pray for the women, men, babies, clinic workers and doctors. They also offer counsel, asking women and men to choose life for their unborn children. Frequently, lives are saved. Please pray for all those impacted by abortion, especially the babies. Also, consider joining the volunteer group which works to save lives at the Hinsdale abortion facility. Come for an hour, once a week, once a month or just once to see what it’s all about. Please contact Lynn Benz at 708‐
296‐2830 for more information. CRISIS PREGNANCY RESOURCES
If someone you know is facing an unexpected pregnancy and struggling with the decision to bring a new life into the world, let them know of the many nearby resources for information, counseling, and support that are available for both women and men: The Courage Program 9711 S. Kolin Ave. Oak Lawn, IL 708‐636‐8001 www.courageprogram.org CareNet Pregnancy Services of DuPage 515 Ogden Ave., Suite 200 Downers Grove, IL 630‐455‐0300 www.carenetdupage.com Women’s Care Center of LaGrange 47 South 6th Avenue, Suite I LaGrange, IL 708‐352‐5000 www.pregnancychoices4me.org womenscarecenter@core.com Woman’s Choice Services 123 W. St. Charles Rd., Suite 101 Lombard, IL 630‐261‐9221 www.choicedupage.org Project Rachel Post‐abortion healing ministry for women and men Hotline number and referral services available toll‐free at: 888‐456‐HOPE (4673) Please Pray For...all those serving in the military including:
 David Tapia, U.S. Army—husband of Marie Tapia
 Major Ryan Boyle—brother of Mark Boyle  Sgt. David Phillips—brother of Rebecca Casiple
 U.S. Army Captain Eric L. Tharp—husband of Elizabeth Tharp  Lance Cpl. Matthew Yonkman—son of Brian & Cindy Yonkman, friend of the Tvrdik family  Commander Robert O’Donnell—son of Robert & Agnes O’Donnell  Staff Sgt. Bryan Pickens, U.S. Army Airborne Ranger 1-75th Ranger Battalion RGR REGT—
son of Rob & Bernadette Pickens, brother of Robert & Gabriel
 Sgt. Connor Murray, USAF—friend of the Lawless and McCormick families
 Lt. Christopher Ocasio, U.S. Army—friend of the Berger Family  U.S. Navy David Michael DiSanto—grandnephew of Sr. Mary Ricardo DiSanto, CSJ
 Staff Sgt. Rhonda Russell, USAF—
daughter of Deidre & John Russell and granddaughter of Mary F. Russell
 Sgt. Steven Sanders, USMC—grandnephew of Marie & Genevieve Franciscus  U.S. Navy James Lynch & Christopher Cugier, Air Force—cousin and nephew of Sr. Helen Sullivan  Ensign Jonathan Devitt Brown—nephew to the Devitt Family  LCPL Gregory Allen, USMC—nephew of Barbara Triggs & Anthony Anscombe
 Petty Officer 3rd Class ISP, Alex Anderson, U.S. Navy—niece of Dan & Erin Cooke  Kevin Peterson, U.S. Army Infantry, Major Marcos Melendez, USMC and Major Michelle Melendez, USMC—
son, nephew and niece of Jon Peterson
 Cpl. Nolan Kemna, USMC—nephew of John & Linda Hill  Capt. Maura Hoffman & Capt. Christopher Hoffman— niece and nephew of Margie & Steve Hull and cousins of Kate, Janie & Caroline Hull  Sgt. Keith Brogdon—dear friend of Mary Ellen Fitzhugh  Phil Lukanich, U.S. Navy—husband of Joanna, son of Mark & Martie Lukanich  PFC Phillip G. Carr—friend of Laurel & Ken Karlo  1st Lt. Greg Pavich, USMC—cousin of Jessica Miller
 Master Sgt. Andrew Lang—son of Marge & Ray Lang
 Col. Joe Barker, U.S. Army—husband of Rita and Father of Brian, Maureen, Martha & Keara
 Airman Ryan A. Ehlers, USAF, Okinawa, Japan—Nephew of Dawn Zimmermann
 Scott Conway, U.S. Navy—nephew of Robert Dunne & Mark Conway
Please inform us of others serving in the military...and let us know when
friends and loved ones return from deployment overseas.
Email the bulletineditor@sfxlg.org.
Mass Time
Ministers of
5:00 PM TBA J. Miller C. O’Connell B. Bock M. Lucas B. Medlock K. Medlock M. Milligan D. Mulvenna TBA TBA G. Gies 7:30 AM TBA P. McKenna T. Nichol T. Carroll K. McInerney J. Morsch R. Nutt TBA TBA J. Morsch T. Morsch 9:00 AM TBA J. Spearman H. Lorenzini D. Sherman D. Carlson J. Cogelja M.A. Barry M. Branecki C. Froemel E. Froemel N. Kalkowski L. Siebert T. Urchell R. Pratali D. Cavanaugh TBA TBA G. Nalumansi 10:30 AM TBA K. Donahue B. Boyd M. Phelan M. P. Flaherty N. Cummings M. Joscelyn A. Krol S. Martin L. Ovnik K. Parisi O. Lastres K. Witowski J. Nowak M. Serafin TBA TBA P. Sbertoli 12:00 PM TBA M.G. Chizewski J. Clark D. Lewis L. Donegan B. Edelmann M. O’Malley M. K. Pasin N. Kampe TBA TBA O. Lozano 6:00 PM TBA Quest Teen Quest Teens Spirit Choir READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF APRIL 27, 2014 Sunday: Acts 2:42‐47/1 Pt 1:3‐9/Jn 20:19‐31 Monday: Acts 4:23‐31/Jn 3:1‐8 Tuesday: Acts 4:32‐37/Jn 3:7b‐15 Wednesday: Acts 5:17‐26/Jn 3:16‐21 Thursday: Acts 5:27‐33/Jn 3:31‐36 Friday: Acts 5:34‐42/Jn 6:1‐5 Saturday: 1 Cor 15:1‐8/Jn 14:6‐14 Next Sunday: Acts 2:14, 22‐33/1Pt 1:17‐21/Lk 24:14‐35 Pastoral Ministry
Rev. John R. Hoffman
Associate Pastors
Rev. Robert Bacchi
Rev. William Killeen
Mr. Andrew Allison
Director of Pastoral Ministries
Dr. Kate DeVries
Weekend Sacramental Ministers
Rev. James O’Connor
Rev. Keith Muccino, S.J.
Lay Ministers
Mrs. Margaret Branecki
Mr. Robert O’Malley
Education Ministry
Day School Principal
Ms. Debra Rodde
Assistant Principal
Mrs. Donielle Jarzen
Day School Secretaries
Mrs. Peggy Evans (Main Campus)
Mrs. Mary Hoffman (Main Campus)
Mrs. Kathie Kinahan (East Campus)
Tuition Accounts
Mrs. Clara Jurivich
Rel Ed Coordinator/Sacramental Prep
Ms. Terri Simeoni
Religious Education Office Staff
Mrs. Cindy Johnson
Mrs. Lucile Nichol
Youth Ministry
Ms. Emily Brabham
Music Ministry
Mr. Allen Sterwalt
Mr. Jeremy Michor (Spirit Choir)
Mrs. Micki Doherty (Spirit Choir)
Associate Musicians
Mrs. Ann Maney
Mr. Bob Voves
Parish Office Staff
Business Manager
Mrs. Clara Jurivich
Parish Accountant
Mrs. Jane Bandyk
Pastor’s Secretary
Mrs. Maureen Pipal
Parish Secretary
Mrs. Melissa Westerhoff
Staff Secretary
Ms. Debra Soulje
Food Pantry Coordinator
Mrs. Mary Freeman
CONTACT INFORMATION Parish Office 124 N. Spring ...........................................................................708‐352‐0168 St. Francis Xavier Day School ..........................................................................708‐352‐2175 School of Religious Education ........................................................................708‐352‐4555 S.P.R.E.D. (Special Religious Education) ....................................................708‐352‐0168 Fax Number ............................................................................................................708‐352‐4904 e‐Mail ...................................................................................................................sfxinlg@sfxlg.org Parish Web Site ...................................................................................................www.sfx‐lg.org LITURGY SCHEDULE Monday through Friday ............................................................................7:45 and 9:00 a.m. Saturday...............................................................................................................................9:00 a.m. Sabbath Liturgy Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 a.m.,12:00 Noon and 6:00 p.m. Holy Days of Obligation as scheduled in bulletin. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday morning……………….……………………………….…….…….After 9:00 a.m. Mass Saturday afternoon…………………………………..……………………....………4:15‐4:45 p.m. The Reconciliation room is located off the walkway behind the tabernacle prayer area. INFANT BAPTISMS Please call the Parish Office for scheduled 1:30 p.m. Sunday Baptismal dates. Baptism Preparation Classes: 4th Thursday of every month at 7:30 p.m. We encourage participation in this program before the baby’s birth or adoption. MARRIAGE
Please call the rectory office at the time of your engagement to schedule your wedding. We ask that you are a registered parishioner for 6 months before requesting your wedding date. Saturday wedding times are 1:00, 3:00 and 6:30 p.m. Rehearsals are usually scheduled on Friday evening. Some Fridays and Sundays are also available, but these days and times are limited. We do not schedule weddings during Lent. We are glad to review possible dates with the bride or groom. Please schedule the church before you sign a contract with a banquet facility. FOOD PANTRY
The St. Francis Food Pantry is open every Tuesday from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. The pantry serves clients who live in the 60525 and 60526 zip codes. Contact Mary Freeman at 708‐352‐0168 or mfreeman@sfxlg.org if you would like more information. HOME OR HOSPITAL VISITATION & COMMUNION CALLS If you would like a priest or Minister of Care to visit, please contact the Parish Office directly. In the case of hospitalization, specifically request that the hospital contact the parish. Hospitals do not routinely inform churches of admissions due to Privacy Laws. PARISH COUNSELOR All counseling services are confidential, respectful, understanding, and take place in a safe environment. Counseling and psychotherapy services are available for individuals, couples, and families experiencing difficulty with anxiety, depression, grief, relationship conflicts, work stress or job loss problems, or feelings of being overwhelmed. For further information or to make an appointment, call our parish counselor, Karen Held, 773‐643‐6259, ext. 31 at the Claret Center. BULLETIN DEADLINE
The deadline for submitting all bulletin articles is 9:00 a.m. on the Monday preceding the Sunday of publication. If a holiday falls on a Monday, articles are due by 12:00 Noon on the previous Thursday. All articles must be emailed to bulletineditor@sfxlg.org.