April 17 2016.pub - St. Michael Parish
April 17 2016.pub - St. Michael Parish
FourthSundayofEaster April17,2016 LITURGY SCHEDULE FOR THE WEEK MAIN CHURCH MONDAY APRIL 18, 2016 Wayne Cox Nancy Snyder Shukri Spitan - Anniversary 7:00 AM Main Church & Parish Offices 750 Bright Road, Findlay, OH 45840 419-422-2646 www.findlaystmichael.org Downtown Church 617 West Main Cross Street, Findlay, OH 45840 St. Michael School 723 Sutton Place, Findlay, OH 45840 419-423-2738 www.findlaystmichaelschool.org TUESDAY PARISH OFFICE HOURS Mon - Thurs Fridays Saturdays Staff Position Pastor: Associate Pastor: Business Manager: Bookkeeper: Liturgy & Music Director: Liturgy & Music Associate: Religious Education Director: Youth Ministries Director: Facilities Manager: Secretary: Secretary: Secretary: Saturday Secretary: School Principal: School Asst. Principal: School Secretary: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm 8:00 am - 6:00 pm 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Name Msgr. Mike Hohenbrink Fr. Scott Woods Aggie Hempfling Suzanne Nickerson Felix Goebel-Komala Melissa Flowers Geri Leibfarth Alyssa Brown John Mathers Debbie Benson Kerry Clapper Mary Umbs Theresa Fisher Anne Brehm Deacon Mike Eier Charlene Wilkins APRIL 19, 2016 John Edward Seman Ed and Marie Winklejohn 7:00 AM Ext 331 332 335 336 328 317 333 327 322 325 324 325 222 223 221 Sick Calls: 419-422-2646 (Day) or 419-423-8776 (Night) DEACONS Mike Eier, Armando Gonzalez, Mark Kern, David Sadler, Keith Talbert, and Robert Billmaier (Retired) SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION PROGRAMS Marriage: Please contact wedding coordinator, Debbie Benson dbenson@findlaystmichael.org to begin wedding planning at least 6 months ahead of time. Baptism: Please contact the parish office at least 4 months prior to the baptism of your child to begin the process. For all other questions, please visit our website www.findlaystmichael.org or call the parish office 419-422-2646. WEDNESDAY APRIL 20, 2016 7:00 AM Nancy Veit THURSDAY APRIL 21, 2016 7:00 AM 8:15 AM For the People of the Parish Joseph Urschalitz FRIDAY APRIL 22, 2016 7:00 AM 9:00 AM Marjorie McMenamin For the Staff and Students of SMS SATURDAY APRIL 23, 2016 8:00 AM 4:30 PM For the Backyard Mission Trip Jerry Aller - Anniversary The Anast-McKinnon Family Marilyn Boney Bill Fitzgerald Bud and Doris Scherrer SUNDAY APRIL 24, 2016 10:00 AM Dan Cassidy Mary Clara Like Dorothy Toy John and Mary Moore SPANISH MASS Rosa and Raúl Arredondo Ralph and Thelma Slagel 12:00 PM 4:00 PM 6:00 PM DOWNTOWN CHURCH MONDAY April 18, 2016 12:10 PM Fr. John Falter WEDNESDAY APRIL 20, 2016 12:10 PM Pete Bernard SUNDAY APRIL 24, 2016 7:30 AM The Aelker and Schroeder Families Paul Streacker Richard and Judy Stalter 55th Wedding Anniversary Special Intention 9:00 AM Pray the Rosary Daily The Mary, Mother of God, Prayer Group invites you to strengthen your faith and relationship with God. Join us each Wednesday at 2400 North Towne Dr., Findlay, OH from 7-9pm as we “Break the Silence” together through prayer and reflection. For more information, please contact: Miguel & Irma González at 567-525-4836. St.MichaeltheArchangelParish www.!indlaystmichael.org “My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish. No one can take them out of my hand.” - John 10:27-28 The liturgical calendar refers to this Sunday as Good Shepherd Sunday. The readings for this weekend’s liturgy revolve around the idea that Jesus is our Shepherd. However, almost more profound to recognize is that we are His sheep. Considering that sheep are often seen as rather mindless animals, this analogy could be taken quite offensively. However it is quite humbly to accept the reality: We are sheep. We are sheep. We wander and stray away from the flock without even realizing it sometimes. We are sheep. We have to be told when to take a break and lie down in green pastures because we are stubborn and will work ourselves to death. We are sheep. We have to be protected from the wild beasts that seek to destroy us through the temptations of life. There is really no denying it: We are sheep. Now the question is, will you accept your human frailty and embrace the staff of God letting the loving guidance of your Savior comfort you and lead you to the right path for His name’s sake and not your own? The Lord is our Shepherd, and when we dwell within His flock there is truly nothing that we lack. Our only job is to dine in the green pastures He provides for us as if partaking in heavenly banquet glorifying His name. Middle School The next Arise is Friday, May 13th. Get ready for a great night! The next Arise Jrs. is on May 6th send your 5th or 6th grader to a great night of activities talking about virtues. The adventure starts at 6PM in the gym. High School The next Refuge is Sunday, April 17th. Please join us for 6pm Holy Mass and then come to the Auditorium. A parent group is available during Refuge for those parents looking to dive deeper in their faith while your children develop their own! Contact Nancy Kettinger for more details at 419-217-5016. Senior Brunch will be April 24th after 10am Holy Mass. See bulletin insert for details, Young Adults A carpool is available to anyone interested in weekly discussion every Tuesday night in Bowling Green on Theology of the Body. Please contact Alyssa at the Parish Office for more details. All women are encouraged to join us for an early morning 7am cup of coffee at GEORGE HOUSE to start their day discussing how to be a Christian woman every Friday. Men’s basketball is still continuing every Wednesday night at 9pm in the gym. The Young Adult Group is about to get a faceliftIstay tuned for details! In Jesus, through Mary, Alyssa Brown Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministries Help Wanted: Good Shepherds - This is a life time position. Unlimited potential for growth. Spiritual compensation beyond description. As we celebrate the feast of the Good Shepherd, let us be mindful and prayerful for the need for more willing individuals to pursue a career of Good Shepherd. Let us pray daily for vocations into the priesthood and religious life. Mercy Moment Celebrating the Year of Mercy as a Parish Family Stretching forward into the summer months with our Faith Campaign, please listen to the Holy Spirit as we each discern His call that we answer “Yes, Lord, here I am”. May we all be ‘poured out wine and broken bread’ so that our entire community grows to desire Jesus in the ‘the Eucharist’. “Lord, make me an instrument of your peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy.” - St. Francis of Assisi THOUGHT OF THE WEEK “It is painful when we see prison systems which are not concerned to care for wounds, to soothe pain, to offer new possibilities. It is painful when we see people who think that only others need to be cleansed, purified, and do not recognize that their weariness, pain and wounds are also the weariness, pain and wounds of society.” Pope Francis POSSIBLE ACTION FOR THE WEEK Pray for the imprisoned as well as those who minister to prisoners. Ask if God is calling you to be a lay minister to prisoners. WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! Gardening & Landscape Volunteers Spring has sprung! Time to clean up the church grounds, court yards and school gardens. The parish needs a volunteer coordinator for the gardens. Contact Fr. Mike, John Mathers or Tim Brugeman for details. There are two groups being organized this year: Main campus (church & school) and downtown campus. FourthSundayofEaster April17,2016 Daily Scripture Readings Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Acts 11:1-18 Psalm 42:2-3; 43:3-4 John 10:1-10 Acts 11:19-26 Psalm 87:1-7 John 10:22-30 Acts 12:24 - 13:5 Psalm 67:2-3, 5-6, 8 John 12:44-50 Acts 13:13-25 Psalm 89:2-3, 21-22, 25, 27 John 13:16-20 Acts 13:26-33 Psalm 2:6-11 John 14:1-6 Acts 13:44-52 Psalm 98:1-4 John 14:7-14 Acts 14:21-27 Psalm 145:8-13 Revelation 21:1-5 John 13:35 House For Rent 2040 Greendale Ave. 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, 2 car garage ranch home on the corner of Greendale and Bright. For more information, please contact Fr. Mike at 419-422-2646 or mhohenbrink@findlaystmichael.org. COUNCILETTES: The ANNUAL DINNER for members and a guest will be April 24 at 6:00 p.m. at the KofC Hall. Rough-n-it is the theme, so dress casual and be prepared to have fun. Cost is $10 per person, payable at the door. Reservations are required, and can be made with Marilyn Sear at 419-306-3659. Please make your reservations by April 17. Also, our next meeting will be Tuesday, April 26 at 7:00 p.m. at the KofC Hall. Following the business meeting, we will play Bunco. If you wish to participate in winnings, bring $1.25! Power Chair Needed We have a parishioner who is need of a power chair. If you have one you’re no longer using please contact Fr. Mike for more information. Thank you! First Communion Practice - students only - will be held on Thursday, April 21st from 6-7:30pm in the Main Church. In the busyness of everyday life, it can be easy to take for granted the wonderful things in your spouse and become consumed with negatives. Along the same line, it is easy to tag team with the kids and just co-exist, working different family “shifts” and hardly finding a few moments to talk before you sink into bed. Couples Corner Take back your marriage. Block off time each day, even just 10 or 15 minutes, where the two of you know it’s time to focus on each other. Tell the kids it’s Mom & Dad Time and they can’t interrupt, or come up with an especially catchy name like Funky Parent Party. The name can be a discussion topic! Use the time to talk about your day, pray together, or discuss a Scripture verse and how you interpret it. Spend time alone reflecting on your spouse’s wonderful traits, the things you absolutely love about each other. Write them down and present them during Funky Parent Party. Make each other and time together a priorityIthen enjoy! Catholic Singles Alive! Catholic Singles Alive! will meet TODAY, Sun., April 17th at 4pm to watch a movie (selection TBD) at Carmike Cinemas (906 Interstate Dr., Findlay). We will likely go out to eat afterward. CSA will hold its Game Night at 6:30pm on Wednesday, April 20th in the Marian Room. All singles are welcome to join us for euchre and other games as well as snacks, good conversation and competition for the Traveling Trophy! For more information about these or any CSA activity, please contact Peggy Schmitz at 567-208-2344. 55+ Club Our next adventure will be on Tues., April 19th. We’ll leave from the DOWNTOWN church parking lot at 12:30pm and travel to the 577 Foundation in Perrysburg, OH. Founded by Virginia Secor Stranahan, The 577 Foundation is dedicated to preserving the integrity of the historic property at 577 East Front Street in Perrysburg, Ohio. The Foundation, open to all, is an ecologically sensitive place that encourages diversity and seeks to foster exploration, experimentation, personal enjoyment and creativity in education. Our tour will last approximately 1 1/2 hours and we will plan to stop for dessert (or late lunch if you wish) on the way home. Please call Carla Jenot 419-957-7148 to reserve your spot! First Communion Practice - parents & students will be held on Thursday, April 28th at 7pm in the Main Church. www.577foundation.org St.MichaeltheArchangelParish www.!indlaystmichael.org Thank you! Thank you! What a wonderful Holy Week we had here at St. Michael Parish! I want to take a moment to thank all of the many, many people who helped to make our Lenten season, Holy Week and Easter celebrations come together to glorify our Risen Lord. It takes a lot of talented volunteers along with our staff to prepare both church campuses for the many services and visitors we will host (cleaning crew, decorating crew, maintenance crew,); long hours preparing for the liturgies (lectors, cantors, musicians, MC’s, Altar Servers, Ushers, etc.), the wonderful bakers of our parish who donated their delicious treats for our welcome celebration after the Easter Vigil and to you, our dedicated parishioners who attended all of the many services we had throughout the season at both churches. So, “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” We couldn’t have done it without you! Wishing you God’s Peace and Promise of Eternal Life as we continue to celebrate His Easter Miracle! God Bless, Fr. Mike Easter Collection As of 4/2/2016, our Easter Collection totals $62,375.49. Our Easter Collection budget is $65,030.00, so we have collected 96% of our budget. Thank you to all who have contributed and helped us get to the 96% mark. We are very grateful for the financial support of our parishioners. Your generosity provides the means to support all our various ministries. Thank You! Gratefully, Aggie Hempfling Business Manager MOPS and MOMS NEXT Mother’s Day Diaper Drive Campaign Did you know that one in three mothers in the US struggle to provide clean, dry diapers for their little ones? Despite being a basic hygiene need, diapers are not covered by assistance programs such as SNAP or WIC. Please consider helping us address this need by donating to the Findlay MOPS/MOMS NEXT Mother’s Day diaper drive campaign. We will accept new/opened bags of diapers and new wipes/creams. All donations will go to the Hancock County Help Me Grow and the Women’s Resource Center of Hancock County. There will be a drop off box in the Narthex thru Mother’s Day, May 8th. For more information, contact Julie Fisher & Nicole Cramer (parishioners) at: findlaymops@gmail.com. Recent Baptisms And Peter said to them, "Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” ~ Acts 2:38 Grace Elizabeth Marsh Brent & Meri Marsh Ambrose Michael Gosser Joseph & Holly Gosser Ximena Sarahi-Estrella Galvan Juan Galvan & Crystal Gonzalez Seth Aaron Frankart Aaron & Mollie Frankart Maurilio Palacios, Jr. & Yesenia Adri Palacios Maurilio & Jessica Palacios Marcos Antonio Contreras, Joaquin Geronimo Contreras & Elizeo Guadalupe Contreras Antonio & Marcela Contreras They Have Accepted The Invitation! Congratulations To Our RCIA 2016 New Catholics! The Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) offers an opportunity for adults to become fully initiated into the Catholic Church through the Sacraments of baptism, confirmation and Eucharist. Megan Boes Jennifer Corbin Keith Leiter Alexander Montgomery Esperanza Palacios Elijah Simon Megan Smith My Hoang Thi Phan Jimmy Wilson FourthSundayofEaster April17,2016 St. Michael Catholic School 723 Sutton Place Findlay, Ohio 45840 419-423-2738 Telephone 419-423-2720 Fax Office Hours: 7:30 am - 4:00 pm www.findlaystmichaelschool.org Principal: Anne Brehm Ext. 222 Assistant Principal: Deacon Mike Eier Ext. 223 Secretary: Charlene Wilkins Ext. 221 HAPPY 10TH ANIVERSARY - Ten years ago we celebrated a milestone for St. Michael Parish and School. We thank all who were part of making our new school a reality. We ask our students to wear their grade-level T shirts on the happy occasion. Out-of-uniform day has been moved to April 19. Thank you all and thank God for blessing St. Michael Parish on this special occasion. ST. MICHAEL SCHOOL REGISTRATIONS – If you missed Sign-up Sunday, please call the school or stop by for the 16-17 registration form. SMS offers 2 day, 3 day, 5 day, Kindergarten Readiness & Kindergarten as well as grades 1-8. Our youngest program (2 day) is open to students born between January 1 and July 31, 2013. Call for more information or check out the school website. First Communion Dresses – If anyone is in need of a dress for first communion, please call the school office. April 18 April 19 April 20 April 21 Reineke Ford 1200 County Rd. 99, Findlay, OH 45840 For every valid test drive taken in a Ford vehicle at this one-day event, Ford will donate $20 (up to $6,000) to Boy Scout Troop #319. All money raised will be used by participating scouts to off-set summer camp fees. NO OBLIGATION, ZERO PRESSURE TO BUY, YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE FOLLOW-UP SOLICITATIONS. Concession Stand, Bake Sale & Free-will donation Car Wash will be held on site simultaneously. All proceeds benefits Troop #319. Questions? Jill Schroeder 419-423-7151 or Kerry Clapper 419-422-2646 St. Michael Student Fundraiser to benefit the SMS Class of 2017 trip to Washington DC. ALL DAY: APRIL 27, MAY 25 & JUNE 29 Bring in this flyer and 10% of your order will be given back to the school. Happy 10th Anniversary! Students wear grade level t-shirts Out of Uniform Day $1 Career Day First Communion Practice STUDENTS ONLY 6 - 7pm in the Main Church April 22 Mid Term April 27 Evening of the Arts Band/Choir Concert begins at 6pm Artwork showcase immediately following concert April 27 PENN STATION Fundraiser Night See flyer next column April 28 Stevi B’s Fundraiser night First Communion Rehearsal PARENTS & STUDENTS 7pm in the Main Church May 1 Wednesday, April 20th from 3:30 - 7:00pm First Communion Mass 2pm in the Main Church Main Church - 750 Bright Rd., Findlay, OH St.MichaeltheArchangelParish www.!indlaystmichael.org Vocation Thoughts Jesus is the good shepherd. He has fulfilled the promises from the Old Testament and came to give his life for us, his sheep. We are wrapped in his goodness and kindness. Christ will be faithful to us forever. Let us be happy and appreciate his love for us! Religious Vocations: Thinking about it? Have ideas to share? Contact - suzicor@yahoo.com Suzi Corwin along with Mrs. Rood’s 4B class will have the parish chalices this week as they pray for an increase in vocations to the Catholic Church. Please call Karen Burgel at 419-427-1855 to reserve a chalice to have in your home as you pray for vocations.
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