April 24, 2016 Bulletin - Holy Apostles Catholic Church
April 24, 2016 Bulletin - Holy Apostles Catholic Church
HOLY APOSTLES CHURCH 800 PIPPIN ORCHARD ROAD CRANSTON, RI 02921 Established July 25, 1991 Church Dedicated July 24, 1994 Community Life Center dedicated June 30, 2001 Monsignor Paul D. Theroux, Pastor pdt@holyapostles.com Monsignor Albert A. Kenney, In Residence Monsignor Richard D. Sheahan, Pastor Emeritus Deacon Gregory P. Albanese galbanese@lasalle-academy.org MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil 5:00 PM Sunday 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 AM Weekday See Inside Bulletin Parish Office Hours Monday to Friday ----------------------------------------- 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Email Address ---------------------------- parishoffice@holyapostles.com Phone--------------- 401-946-5586 Fax -------------- 401-946-5066 Web Address---------------------------------------- www.holyapostles.com PARISH MINISTRIES/SERVICES PARISH STAFF Apostles of Mercy Stephen Forleo------------------885-1958 Margaret Simms, Pastoral Associate mms@holyapostles.com Auditors Michele Forcino-----------------946-9565 Brad Sacco -----------------------946-4657 Brownies/Girl Scouts Sandy Tessier--------------------943-6440 Cub Scouts Peter Del Vecchio --------------944-8830 CAL Basketball Anthony Vescera ---------------943-2224 Feed My Sheep Margaret Gallagher------------944-1664 Men of St. Joseph Steve Kogut ----------------------580-2452 Prayer Network Christine Dooley ----------------946-5586 St. Charles Soup Kitchen Cecile Weeden ------------------943-4421 Trustees Jeffrey P. Cascione -------------529-2587 Patricia Parkes ------------------946-7684 Catherine Vincent, Business Manager cv@holyapostles.com Christine Dooley, Administrative Coord. cad@holyapostles.com SCHOOL OF RELIGION Margaret Simms, Director mms@holyapostles.com YOUTH MINISTRY Michael Santilli, Coordinator mjs@holyapostles.com MUSIC MINISTRY Mark Colozzi, Director chsebandz@gmail.com • 942-0712 Cookie Rodi, Director divarodi@hotmail.com • 942-6572 John Norigian, Organist norigian4@aol.com • 215-8766 Arthur Urbano, Music Minister aurbano@providence.edu • 475-9616 Antonio Grelle, Music Minister taguitar@verizon.net • 823-0212 SACRAMENTS Baptism: Parents are asked to contact the Deacon early in the pregnancy. Parents are reminded that the selection of sponsors must be made according to regulations specified in Canon Law. Information regarding these regulations will be forwarded upon request. Marriage: Engaged couples are asked to make an appointment with Monsignor at least six months in advance of their planned date of marriage. In addition, at least one of the individuals planning marriage must be a registered and active member of the parish. Penance: Saturdays at 4:15 PM or by appointment. Sacrament of the Sick: Please call to receive this Sacrament of comfort and healing. Communion Calls: Communion can be brought to the homebound on Sundays following the 9:30 AM Mass. Please call the parish office to request a visit. FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER April 24, 2016 1st Reading: : Acts 14:21-27 2nd Reading: Revelation 21:1-5a From the Pastor… It finally feels like Spring has arrived and Summer can’t be far behind. We have completed our Religious Education classes for this school year and we are now preparing to celebrate First Holy Communion with our children on May 7. I am very grateful to all the teachers and aides who are so generous with their time to help the children of our parish to learn about their Catholic Faith. We rely on many people to make it work and our thanks go out to one and all. Although classes are completed for grades 1 to 8, a new cycle begins for the Confirmation program with orientation and interviews for those entering the program during the month of May and preparation for our Summer Sessions in late June. As we look to summer, our parish has a major celebration coming up. In July we will celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Founding of Holy Apostles Parish. As we celebrate this milestone, we give thanks to God for the many blessings that he has bestowed on the parish over these years, we reminisce about the past and we look forward to many more fruitful years of ministry ahead. We are planning a number of special events over the course of the next year to mark this jubilee and we will begin with a Mass of Thanksgiving on Sunday, July 24th at 11:00 AM. Be sure to mark your calendar to save that date and plan to join us for this important celebration in the life of our parish. Msgr. Theroux Gospel: John 13:31-33a, 34-35 Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound Each Sunday, after the 9:30 AM Mass, we send out Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to bring the Eucharist to Cra-Mar Meadows and to several individuals in their homes. We are in need of volunteers to assist us in this service. If you are interested or would like more information, please speak with either Msgr. Theroux or Peggy Simms. We will give you instructions on what to do and the first time you go out, we will have you accompany one of our present ministers to show you the routine. This ministry is personally rewarding and it is very much appreciated by those who are receiving Holy Communion. CATHOLIC CHARITY FUND APPEAL Holy Apostles’ Goal: $145,000.00 Amount Collected as of 4/11: $93,694.00 The Christians of the Holy Land NEW CONFIRMATION I CANDIDATES & their Parents Orientation Meeting (Catholic AND public school students entering Grade 9 in Sept. 2016) May 2, 2016 at 6:30pm in church Next weekend we will have with us a guest speaker representing 'The Christians of The Holy Land', who after the Masses will briefly address the issues and concerns regarding the Christian presence in The Holy Land. Afterward, hand carved religious articles from Bethlehem will be available in the gathering area for purchase. Fifth Sunday of Easter ~ April 24, 2016 First Communion ~ Saturday, May 7th at 11:00 am Rehearsal: May 4th @ 4PM Thank You! Our Catechetical Year has ended. We are very grateful for the support of our families and in particular to our teachers for their dedication to our young people. Thanks go out to: Nancy Catanzaro, Joan Margadonna, Michelle Mancinelli, Rita Guadagno, Kim Laurelli, Deane Spaziano, Allison Kirch, Elizabeth Connallon, Lori Kirch, Ana Hanley, Elaine Altrui, Sheila Mastrostefano, Inga Russell, Lana Vieira, Holly Loffredo, Melissa Buco, Roberta Taylor, Jen Spaziano, Debbie Stravato, Michaele Colizza, Caroline Crudale, Barbara Smith-White, Tricia LaBonte, Renee McInnis, Dolores O’Rourke, Robin DeGraide, Marissa Giardina, Kevin Sarli, Piedade Lemos, Steve Kogut, Carolyn Picano, Tracey Mancini Thanks also to our teen teachers/assistants: Abby Shideler, Sofia Amaral, Isabella Coppolino, Ben Gallo, Makayla Petrucci, Olivia Kearns, Alexis Florio, Caitlin Connallon Special thanks to Christine for all of her behind the scenes help and for ringing that bell for the second floor! APOSTLES OF MERCY Thank you for your ongoing generosity of food donations for the needy. It is greatly appreciated. Pasta Dinner Fundraiser Sponsored by Boy Scout Troop 8 for their trip to Washington, DC. Saturday, April 30th 4-8pm at the Oaklawn Grange, Cranston $10 per person Tickets will be sold at the door. Includes all-you-can-eat macaroni in red sauce and/or garlic and oil, baked macaroni, meatballs, salad, and bread. Teen Game Room Make-over! We are planning to completely renovate and refurbish our Game Room. To make the room more attractive and functional, we are in need of several items that YOU may wish to DONATE. These items may be slightly used but will get plenty of good use in our game room. If you have an item listed that you would like to donate, please contact Mike Santilli at the Parish Office. Large sectional leather sofa OR sofa, loveseat, chairs, etc. (leather is preferable because of humidity in the room). Mike would like a picture and can arrange pick-up. Large coffee table or storage ottoman Stereo System- Radio, CD player and speakers. 4 to 6 comfortable chairs that we can use with a game table that we already have Any decorations or equipment that you think we could use in our game room We already have a pool table, ice hockey game, card table and foosball table. THANKS for your help and stay-tuned for our grand, RE-OPENING of our Game Room Fifth Sunday of Easter ~ April 24, 2016 TUITION ASSISTANCE PARISH OFFICE HOURS Catholic School Tuition Assistance Program Requirements The underlying premise of the Catholic School Tuition Assistance Program is that financial assistance is based on need. In order to insure objectivity, the Diocesan Catholic School Office’s policy requires that parents complete a financial aid application form (FACTS). In addition, a letter requesting consideration for assistance must be submitted to Monsignor Theroux as soon as possible but no later than the end of April. 1. Families requesting assistance must follow church law on fulfilling the "Sunday" obligation to attend Mass. If the child lives with two parents who are Catholic, both parents must attend. It should also be by way of exception that a family attends Mass in a parish other than Holy Apostles. 2. At least one parent must be involved in a parish program/ministry. 3. Families must be regular contributors to the parish budget using the weekly envelopes or through Faith Direct. STEWARDSHIP Time and Talent - We wish to thank all those parishioners who are always so willing to pitch in and lend a helping hand. Their participation contributes to the vibrancy of our community. Treasure – Thank you for your financial support. ONLINE GIVING This secure program works directly with your bank or credit card. All transactions are done electronically, debiting your bank account or charging your credit card for the amount to which you have agreed in writing. Holy Apostles is offering two debit dates~ the 4th or 15th of the month or both! You can enroll in Faith Direct or make changes to your account dates or contributions online at www.faithdirect.net or call 1-866-5078757. Holy Apostles parish code is RI18. Beginning Monday, May 2nd the Parish Offices will be open Monday – Friday from 9:00am – 4:00pm until the fall. CLOTHING DRIVE SPRING & SUMMER Used CLOTHING DRIVE May 21 & 22 Sponsored by the Apostles of Mercy Committee FALL FESTIVAL 2016 September 16th through September 18th Our next planning meeting will be Monday, May 2nd at 6pm. Questions please contact Manny Silva at 580-5182 or manny.silva@tycofp.com. 1589 Putnam Pike, Chepachet Sponsored by the Diocese of Providence For children ages 5 to 12 years old Open House: Sunday, May 15th from 1-4pm Informational flyers are available in the gathering area Easter Flower & Decoration Donations Mass will be celebrated on April 28, 2016 ~ 8:30AM. In Memory/Honor of: Donated by: Robert F. Tasca Sr. Jack Blessington Valerie Currie Mario G. Azzarone Catherine O’Connell Anthony Ginolfi David Tasca Joanmarie Blessington Brian M. Knight Anna Azzarone Arthur V. O’Connell M/M James Ginolfi Fifth Sunday of Easter ~ April 24, 2016 Easter Flower & Decoration Donations MASS INTENTIONS Mass will be celebrated on April 28, 2016 ~ 8:30AM. In Memory/Honor of: Donated by: Michele Ragosta Jr. Hudson & Medeiros Families Pezzullo & Varone Families Bruno & Marina DiSciullo Willard & Mary Edwards Richard John Miguel Carmela Urbani Albert & Sue Giusti Catallozzi & Donahue Families John Crerar Leo F. DiMaio Jr. Ron Hebert Wife, Angela Ragosta John & Nancy Hudson M/M Richard Varone Steven & Patricia DiSciullo Saturday M/M Ronald Turenne Lynne Craddock Anthony, Bianca & Joey Betty Ann & Frank Donahue Sunday John & Rose Sturiale Paul & Zelinda Tagliaferri Corso & Zannini Family Lola Mastrodicasa Anthony Reale Desiree Marcello & May Felix Marocco & Tetzlaff Mafalda Spaziano George Gargaro Deceased members of M/M Aime Leveillee Family Raymond, Raymond Stephen & Rodney Charlonne Peters & Favicchio Family Bob Lombardi Barbara Malloy Peggy Palombo Family & Friends Mary DeSimone Caparco & Porrazzo Families Tarcila Rojas Margaret Dymek Ruotolo & Greenwood Families Fred & Bernadina Brosco Loretta Painter Nicolino Montefusco Mastrati & Capuano Families Malcolm Daniels & Cole Grace Vincent & Theresa Monti Michael Crispino Bob Moretti Delores Ventriglia Jeannette Edwards Thomas Twardowski Sr. Deacon Franz J. Scholz John Ficorilli & Marion, Luigi, Vincent & Louis Corvese Alice S. Crerar Family Jim, LeeAnn, Ryan & Patrick McAssey Bob & Barbara Tagliaferri David & Mary Corso Sincerny Family Beth Reale Olivia & Julian Marcello Ronald & Elizabeth Marocco Janet Westerman Jacqueline Gargaro M/M Walter R. Mosher Beatrice Charlonne Jim & Margaret Gallagher Robert & Debra Favicchio Alan & Lori Burns Malloy Family The Perrotta Family Dennis & Carol Rekrut Nowak Family Capirchio Family Michael & Patricia Caparco Tom & Elda Neagle James & Lori Kirch Jim & Ann Greenwood Inga & John Russell & Family David & Debbie Montefusco Rose Mastrati Joan Daniels & Family Mark, Joanne, Alicia & Jenna Anna Crispino Alisa Moretti Lisa Tansino Brenda & Donald Edwards Susan & Robert Twardowski Ingeborg Scholz Evelyn Ficorilli 5:00 PM Vigil: 5th Sunday of Easter Robert Byron (Anniversary) Requested by Family Fifth Sunday of Easter 8:00 AM OPEN 9:30 AM Else Medeiros Requested by The Adult Choir 11:00 AM April 23 April 24 Peter Bova (6th Anniversary) Laura Malveto (6th Anniversary) Requested by Michael, Ann-Lou, Sarah & Patrick The Sanctuary Candle in Church is offered this week in memory of Raymond & Edith Simeone (Anniversary) requested by Family. The Sanctuary Candle in the Chapel is offered this week in memory of Raymond Pellegrino (Birthday Rem.) requested by Family. Monday 8:30 AM Tuesday 8:30 AM Thursday 8:30 AM Friday 8:30 AM Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday St. Mark, Evangelist Jack O’Donnell Requested by The McInnis Family Easter Weekday April 26 Carol, Irene & Allan Rufo (Birthday Rem.) Requested by Family Easter Weekday April 28 Easter Flower Donation Intentions Easter Weekday April 29 Mass for the People Vigil: 6th Sunday of Easter April 30 Loretta Piscione (2nd Anniversary) Requested by Family Sixth Sunday of Easter 8:00 AM Lois Gibree (20th Anniversary) Requested by Family 9:30 AM William & Virginia Loux Requested by Family 11:00 AM April 25 May 1 Mike Frenze (Birthday Rem.) Requested by Family Fifth Sunday of Easter ~ April 24, 2016 Cycle C < K D’S > KORNER Gospel Today Fifth Sunday of Easter | John 13: 31-33a, 34-35 Jesus says, “all will know that you are My Disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:35 ©2016 Bon Venture Services, LLC “Now is the Son of Man glorified.” John 13:31 Fill in the missing leƩers underlined in the text. “My children, I will be with you only a liƩle while longer. You will look for Me, and as I told the Jews, ‘Where I go you cannot come’, so now I say it to you. I give you a new commandment: Love One Another. John 13:33-35 ____hildren, I will be with you L ve ____ne another JESUS LOVES ME You will look for ____e Son of ____an Love one ____nother I give you a ____ew commandment You are my ____isciples ____y disciples have love I LOVE JESUS LOV____! ____ow is the Son of Man glorified I say it ____o you, The leƩers spell which word? “I give you a new ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ .” What does Jesus ask us to do? GOD E IS LOV What can you do for others today as a disciple of Jesus? Morgan Health Center Nursing and Rehabilitation A Health Concepts Nursing & Rehabilitation Facility 401-944-7800 admission.mhc@hcltdri.com www.HealthConceptsLtd.com 80 MORGAN AVENUE · JOHNSTON, RI 02919 JOINT COMMISSION ON ACCREDITATION OF HEALTHCARE ORGANIZATIONS 24 HOUR SERVICE Master Plumbing License #742 Emergency Repair Specialists Major & Minor Repairs Fully Licensed & Insured STEVE CARBONE Residential • Commercial • Industrial SEWER & DRAIN CLEANING S.B. 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