July 24, 2016 Bulletin - Holy Apostles Catholic Church
July 24, 2016 Bulletin - Holy Apostles Catholic Church
HOLY APOSTLES CHURCH 800 PIPPIN ORCHARD ROAD CRANSTON, RI 02921 Established July 25, 1991 Church Dedicated July 24, 1994 Community Life Center dedicated June 30, 2001 Monsignor Paul D. Theroux, Pastor pdt@holyapostles.com Monsignor Albert A. Kenney, In Residence Monsignor Richard D. Sheahan, Pastor Emeritus Deacon Gregory P. Albanese galbanese@lasalle-academy.org MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil 5:00 PM Sunday 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 AM Weekday See Inside Bulletin Parish Office Hours Monday to Friday ----------------------------------------- 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Email Address ---------------------------- parishoffice@holyapostles.com Phone--------------- 401-946-5586 Fax -------------- 401-946-5066 Web Address---------------------------------------- www.holyapostles.com PARISH MINISTRIES/SERVICES PARISH STAFF Apostles of Mercy Stephen Forleo------------------885-1958 Margaret Simms, Pastoral Associate mms@holyapostles.com Auditors Michele Forcino-----------------946-9565 Brad Sacco -----------------------946-4657 Christine Dooley, Administrative Coord. cad@holyapostles.com Brownies/Girl Scouts Sandy Tessier--------------------943-6440 Catherine Vincent, Business Manager cv@holyapostles.com SCHOOL OF RELIGION Margaret Simms, Director mms@holyapostles.com SACRAMENTS Baptism: Parents are asked to contact the Deacon early in the pregnancy. Parents are reminded that the selection of sponsors must be made according to regulations specified in Canon Law. Information regarding these regulations will be forwarded upon request. MUSIC MINISTRY Marriage: Engaged couples are asked to make an appointment with Monsignor at least six months in advance of their planned date of marriage. In addition, at least one of the individuals planning marriage must be a registered and active member of the parish. Mark Colozzi, Director chsebandz@gmail.com • 942-0712 Penance: Saturdays at 4:15 PM or by appointment. Prayer Network Christine Dooley ----------------946-5586 Cookie Rodi, Director divarodi@hotmail.com • 942-6572 St. Charles Soup Kitchen Cecile Weeden ------------------943-4421 John Norigian, Organist norigian4@aol.com • 215-8766 Arthur Urbano, Music Minister aurbano@providence.edu • 475-9616 Antonio Grelle, Music Minister taguitar@verizon.net • 823-0212 Sacrament of the Sick: Please call to receive this Sacrament of comfort and healing. CAL Basketball Anthony Vescera ---------------943-2224 Feed My Sheep Margaret Gallagher------------944-1664 Men of St. Joseph Steve Kogut ----------------------580-2452 Trustees Jeffrey P. Cascione -------------529-2587 Patricia Parkes ------------------946-7684 YOUTH MINISTRY Michael Santilli, Coordinator mjs@holyapostles.com Communion Calls: Communion can be brought to the homebound on Sundays following the 9:30 AM Mass. Please call the parish office to request a visit. SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JULY 24, 2016 1st Reading: Genesis 18:20-32 1st Reading: Colossians 2:12-14 1st Reading: Luke 11:1-13 FALL FESTIVAL 2016 Holy Apostles Church Fa l l Fe s t i va l Holy Apostles Church 5K Run/Walk Saturday, September 17 Friday, Sept. 16th ∙ 6 – 11pm Saturday, Sept. 17th ∙ 12 – 11pm Sunday, Sept. 18th ∙ 12 – 5pm 11 a.m. Start Time • On-Site Registration: 9:30 a.m. 800 Pippin Orchard Road, Cranston, RI 02921 Run or walk through scenic western Cranston on flat and fast Pippin Orchard Road, starting and ending at Holy Apostles Church. Great food, rides & music! Entry Fee: $20 pre-register, $25 race day Shirts to the first 100 registered runners/walkers Online Registration: coolrunning.com Tab: Find Events ∙ Keyword: Apostles FRIDAY EVENING: Ambrosiani with Christiana Rodi Course accurately measured by Ray Nelson. Timing by Spitler Race Systems. SATURDAY EVENING: Steve Anthony and Persuasion Awards: Cash prizes to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place male and female finishers. Awards to the 1st male and female in divisions 18 & under, 19-39, 40-49, 50-59 and 60+. Awards to the 1st male and female Holy Apostles parishioners. HolyApostles.com ∙ 401-946-5586 Race proceeds to benefit Holy Apostles Church programs. Attention All homemAde winemAkers!!! Ladies and Gentlemen – on Sunday, September 18th at approximately 2pm, we will be hosting a Homemade Wine Tasting Event at this year’s Fall Festival. If you make your own wine, we would love you to enter this event. There will be awards for the winners. Please contact Stephen Forleo at svforleo@yahoo.com or call him at 885-1958. Thank you. 50/50 Raffle We are selling a maximum of 100 tickets at $100 each and awarding one CASH PRIZE at our Fall Festival on Saturday, September 18, 2016. There are only 5 numbers left: 41, 82, 86, 94, 95. Please call the parish office to reserve your number. Hummingbird raffle The Adult Choir is sponsoring this raffle at the festival. In order to make this a success, over 300 raffle items are needed. They can be in any denominations. You may have a gift hanging around the house that you will never use. All items must be new please. Items can be dropped off at the parish office or given to any choir member. Examples: gift cards from Dunkin, English Muffin, local restaurants; Christmas tree shop items, wreaths, note paper, pictures/frames, coffee, teas, mugs, candy; jewelry, nail polish, manicure/pedicure, sports memorabilia; hula hoops, whiffle ball and bat, trinkets, scarves, key chains, vases, collectables. Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ July 24, 2016 Wedding Anniversary Celebrations STEWARDSHIP AT HOLY APOSTLES “Thought of the Week” Diocesan Celebration The Office of Marriage Preparation & Enrichment is sponsoring the Tenth Annual Wedding Anniversary Celebration honoring couples of the Diocese of Providence who will be observing their 25th, 40th, 50th and Over wedding anniversary in 2016. The celebration will be held on Sunday, September 25, 2016 at 1:00PM at the Cathedral of SS. Peter & Paul, Providence and will include Mass, renewal of the marriage vows, a personalized certificate for each couple and a reception for the couples and their families. Bishop Thomas J. Tobin will be the main celebrant. Couples who would like to attend can register for this event by contacting the parish office before August 23rd. Jesus is describing God’s immeasurable generosity when He says in today’s Gospel, “Whoever asks, receives; whoever seeks, finds; whoever knocks, is admitted.” But it should also be the description of us as Christian stewards – those seeking to follow Christ by using our gifts in service to others. Time and Talent - We wish to thank all those parishioners who are always so willing to pitch in and lend a helping hand. Their participation contributes to the vibrancy of our community. Treasure – Thank you for your financial support. ONLINE GIVING Parish Celebration As part of celebration of the 25th Anniversary of Holy Apostles Parish, we will have a special parish celebration on Sunday, October 9, 2016 at the 11:00 AM Mass for those celebrating milestone anniversaries as well as any couples who were married in Holy Apostles Parish over the past twenty-five years. There will be the opportunity for the renewal of vows as well as a special blessing. Of the 269 couple who have been married in our parish (as of yesterday), a number still live in the parish and I am counting on families and friends to spread the word to others who may have moved away. It would be great to have a good representation of couples join us on that day. This secure program works directly with your bank or credit card. All transactions are done electronically, debiting your bank account or charging your credit card for the amount to which you have agreed in writing. Holy Apostles is offering two debit dates~ the 4th or 15th of the month or both! You can enroll in Faith Direct or make changes to your account dates or contributions online at www.faithdirect.net or call 1-866-507-8757. Holy Apostles parish code is RI18. APOSTLES OF MERCY Thanks to all for your ongoing weekly contributions of food items for our needy. Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ July 24, 2016 Dear Msgr. Theroux, The Franciscan Missionaries of Mary will certainly appreciate the generosity of your parishioners at Holy Apostles Parish in response to their 2016 MCP appeal. A check in the amount of $2,763.10 was received at this office and will be forwarded to them when their appeals are complete. I appreciate and thank you for your continued Missionary Support. “I thank my God, through Jesus Christ, for all of you.” (Romans 1:8) Rev. Robert Perron, Director Society of Propagation of the Faith REGISTRATION FORMS Please send these forms in as soon as possible as classes fill up quickly and it’s first come, first served. If you are new to our program, please call the office for a packet. TEACHERS NEEDED!!! With so many parents working, coming to teach at 4PM has become very difficult. Can you help? Students are placed as teachers become available. TEACHER VOLUNTEER FORM Name Phone I will teach _____help_____ (Please circle your grade choice.) | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 The Holy Apostles Men of St. Joseph meet twice a month, beginning with mass in the chapel followed by fellowship and discussion. Our next meeting will be on Saturday, August 13th at 8:00AM. Men of all ages are invited to attend. The Men of St. Joseph are committed to Jesus Christ and are dedicated to uniting men through vital relationships encouraging their transformations as individuals, brothers, fathers, and parishioners, by living according to God’s word. For more information, please visit the R.I. Men of St. Joseph website at: www.rimosj.org. WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS We wish to welcome the following new members of our parish. They are: The Spirito family – David, Nicole & Ava Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ July 24, 2016 NEW ALTAR SERVERS Boys and Girls entering grade 4 and above are eligible to become altar servers and assist at weekend Mass and on special occasions. Altar serving is also a wonderful way to get closer to Jesus. Training will take place in the fall. Please complete the form below and return it to Monsignor as soon as possible. MASS INTENTIONS Saturday Jason Coppa & Alicia Colozzi Wedding 5:00 PM Robert Aitchison (Month’s Mind) Requested by Marie & Carol Sunday Guy Demers Requested by The LeBeau Family 9:30 AM Stephanie Moscarelli (Anniversary) Requested by Family 11:00 AM Monday 8:30 AM Tuesday 8:30 AM Grade in September :________________________ Thursday 8:30 AM Friday PRAYER MINISTRY 8:30 AM Saturday Private Prayer: The Church and Our Holy Family Chapel are open daily for visits and private prayer. Quiet time with the Lord is time that will be graced and blessed by God. Please enter by the Community Life Center. Prayer Network: For Special Intentions of a serious nature please call the church office. Please support the businesses who advertise in our weekly bulletin. Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 AM NEW ALTAR SERVER SIGN UP FORM Phone: _________________ July 23 2:30 PM _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name: ___________________________________________________ Vigil: 17th Sunday 5:00 PM Sunday July 24 25th Anniversary Mass of Thanksgiving St. James, Apostle July 25 Marietta Porrazzo (Birthday Rem.) Requested by Daughter St. Joachim & Anne, Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary July 26 Mass for the People Weekday July 28 Grace & Harrison Day (Anniversary) Requested by Family St. Martha July 29 Dora Altieri Requested by Steve & Christine Dooley Vigil: 18th Sunday Antonetta Cerrone Requested by Family July 30 (14th Anniversary) Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 AM Domenico Boezi (40th Anniversary) Requested by Family 9:30 AM Patricia M. DiPrete (5th Anniversary) Requested by Husband, Ed & Family 11:00 AM July 31 Rosalina Fogli Mary Terry Requested by Family TRAVELING Find a Catholic Church online @ www.masstimes.org to fulfill your Sunday obligation Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ July 24, 2016 < K D’S > KORNER Cycle C Gospel Today Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time | Luke 11:1-13 Jesus told his disciples “When you pray, say: Father, hallowed be your name, and your Kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread and forgive us our sins for we ourselves forgive everyone in debt to us, and do not subject us to the final test.” Luke 11:2-4 ©2016 Bon Venture Services, LLC The answer to prayer, by Jesus “ Color, cut and hang up this reminder from Jesus, how to receive answer to prayer. and you will receive; and you will find; and the door will be opened to you.” Luke 11:9 In today’s reading (above)... JESUS HIMSELF GAVE US THE WORDS FOR Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come Thy will be done On earth as it is in heaven. OUR LORD’S Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our trespasses As we forgive those who trespass against us; PRAYER, THE And lead us not into tempta on, But deliver us from evil. OUR FATHER. Amen Jesus tells us “be persistent.” Think of a me when you prayed, asking God for help. Never forget to thank God for all He gives us. Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ July 24, 2016 24 HOUR SERVICE Master Plumbing License #742 Emergency Repair Specialists Major & Minor Repairs Fully Licensed & Insured STEVE CARBONE Residential • Commercial • Industrial SEWER & DRAIN CLEANING S.B. Carbone Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc. 785-9610 101 Comstock Parkway, Suite 26, Cranston Certified Public Accountants & Business Consultants Woodlawn Funeral Homes, Inc. THOMAS G. GATTONE, FOUNDER • ANNA TASCA GATTONE, VP MICHAEL P. TASCA, PRES. • SUSAN M. TASCA, DIRECTOR ROBERT J. LEPORE, ASST. TO DIRECTOR VINCENT J. 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