January 24, 2016 Bulletin - Holy Apostles Catholic Church
January 24, 2016 Bulletin - Holy Apostles Catholic Church
HOLY APOSTLES CHURCH 800 PIPPIN ORCHARD ROAD CRANSTON, RI 02921 Established July 25, 1991 Church Dedicated July 24, 1994 Community Life Center dedicated June 30, 2001 Monsignor Paul D. Theroux, Pastor pdt@holyapostles.com Monsignor Albert A. Kenney, In Residence Monsignor Richard D. Sheahan, Pastor Emeritus Deacon Gregory P. Albanese galbanese@lasalle-academy.org MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil 5:00 PM Sunday 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 AM Weekday See Inside Bulletin Parish Office Hours Monday to Friday ----------------------------------------- 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Email Address ---------------------------- parishoffice@holyapostles.com Phone--------------- 401-946-5586 Fax -------------- 401-946-5066 Web Address---------------------------------------- www.holyapostles.com PARISH MINISTRIES/SERVICES PARISH STAFF Apostles of Mercy Stephen Forleo------------------885-1958 Margaret Simms, Pastoral Associate mms@holyapostles.com Auditors Michele Forcino-----------------946-9565 Brad Sacco -----------------------946-4657 Brownies/Girl Scouts Sandy Tessier--------------------943-6440 Cub Scouts Peter Del Vecchio --------------944-8830 CAL Basketball Anthony Vescera ---------------943-2224 Feed My Sheep Margaret Gallagher------------944-1664 Men of St. Joseph Steve Kogut ----------------------580-2452 Prayer Network Christine Dooley ----------------946-5586 St. Charles Soup Kitchen Cecile Weeden ------------------943-4421 Trustees Jeffrey P. Cascione -------------529-2587 Patricia Parkes ------------------946-7684 Catherine Vincent, Business Manager cv@holyapostles.com Christine Dooley, Administrative Coord. cad@holyapostles.com SCHOOL OF RELIGION Margaret Simms, Director mms@holyapostles.com YOUTH MINISTRY Michael Santilli, Coordinator mjs@holyapostles.com MUSIC MINISTRY Mark Colozzi, Director chsebandz@gmail.com • 942-0712 Cookie Rodi, Director divarodi@hotmail.com • 942-6572 John Norigian, Organist norigian4@aol.com • 215-8766 Arthur Urbano, Music Minister aurbano@providence.edu • 475-9616 Antonio Grelle, Music Minister taguitar@verizon.net • 823-0212 SACRAMENTS Baptism: Parents are asked to contact the Deacon early in the pregnancy. Parents are reminded that the selection of sponsors must be made according to regulations specified in Canon Law. Information regarding these regulations will be forwarded upon request. Marriage: Engaged couples are asked to make an appointment with Monsignor at least six months in advance of their planned date of marriage. In addition, at least one of the individuals planning marriage must be a registered and active member of the parish. Penance: Saturdays at 4:15 PM or by appointment. Sacrament of the Sick: Please call to receive this Sacrament of comfort and healing. Communion Calls: Communion can be brought to the homebound on Sundays following the 9:30 AM Mass. Please call the parish office to request a visit. Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 24, 2016 1st Reading: Nehemiah 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10 2nd Reading: I Corinthians 12:12-30 Gospel: Luke 1:1-4, 4:14-21 THE JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY Catholic School (Grades K-8) Tuition Assistance Program Requirements The underlying premise of the Catholic School Tuition Assistance Program is that financial assistance is based on need. In order to insure objectivity, the Diocesan Catholic School Office’s policy requires that parents complete a financial aid application form that may be obtained from the Catholic school the child attends or plans to attend next year. The deadline for submitting applications is mid-February. In addition, a letter requesting consideration for assistance must be submitted to Msgr. Theroux as soon as possible but no later than the end of April. A second premise of the Catholic School Tuition Assistance Program is that it is meant to assist those families who are actively involved in the practice of the faith and in the life of their respective parish. Irrespective of the financial need, the following policies must be followed in order to be considered for financial assistance. --Families requesting assistance must follow church law on fulfilling the "Sunday" obligation to attend Mass. If the child lives with two parents who are Catholic, both parents must attend. It should also be by way of exception that a family attends Mass in a parish other than Holy Apostles. --At least one parent must be involved in a parish program/ministry. --Families must be regular contributors to the parish budget using the weekly envelopes or through Faith Direct. Holy Apostles Thousand Club It’s not too late to join. Our first drawing will be on Monday, January 25th! The Club runs for ten months. Each Month 11 prizes totaling $1,000 will be awarded. 1@ $500, 1 @ $150, 1 @ $100, 2 @ $50, and 6 @ $25 This makes 11 chances to win each month and a total of 110 chances to win for the duration of the club! Each ticket costs $60. Attention Catholic Women Join us for a 3 part discussion on Catholic Motherhood as we study the Momnipotent program written and produced by Danielle Bean. We will meet here at Holy Apostles in the Community Life Center on the following Saturdays: February 6, 13, 20 at 8:45-10:15am. Any questions may be directed to Renee McInnis @ bmcinnis1@verizon.net Please support the businesses who advertise in our weekly bulletin. When the weather is snowy or icy, people sometimes wonder if we cancel Mass. For weekday Mass, we are not always able to have the snow cleared on time and it is not always safe to be driving. Therefore, from now on, our policy will be that for weekday Mass, if school is cancelled or delayed in Cranston due to snow or ice, there will be no morning Mass. If there is an intention for the Mass, it will be rescheduled. SAVE THE DATE Our Lenten Parish Mission will be at 7:00PM on: Monday, February 22 – Wednesday, February 24 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ January 24, 2016 TEENS ON A MISSION ~ CONFIRMATION II On Tuesday, January 26th at 6:30pm in the parish center Confirmation II students have a mandatory general session meeting to attend. This meeting will end at 7:30pm. ST. CHARLES SOUP KITCHEN No worries..Artinstruction willbe given, so no previous painting experience is necessary. All Confirmation candidates are required to visit St. Charles Soup Kitchen. The visits are held on Thursday evenings. Please call the Parish Office to schedule your visit. Directions to the soup kitchen are available at our website: www.holyapostles.com. Wine,softdrinks,snacks,coffee and dessertwillbe served. Reservations mustbe paid in fullto reserve your spot. Please make checks payable to Holy Apostles. Contactthe Parish Office with any questions Snow date willbe Friday,February 5th...hope we donʼtneed this!! Limited number for this event. So please return form with payment to parish office. It’s a first-come, first serve basis. NAME________________________ PHONE_______________________ NUMBER ATTENDING____________ AMOUNT ENCLOSED_____________ Stewardship “Thought of the Week” The US bishops’ pastoral on stewardship reinforces today’s reading from I Corinthians: “Because it’s individual members do collectively make up the Body of Christ, that body’s health and well-being are the responsibility of each one of us. We all are stewards of the Church.” Time and Talent - We wish to thank all those parishioners who are always so willing to pitch in and lend a helping hand. Their participation contributes to the vibrancy of our community. Treasure – Thank you for your financial support. TEENS ON A MISSION ~ SUPERBOWL BAKE SALE Just a reminder that Teens On a Mission is sponsoring our annual Super Bowl Bake Sale after all Masses on February 6th and February 7th. All students in Grades 1 through 10 are asked to make something for the bake sale and drop it off on Saturday, February 6th between 3 and 5 PM. Thanks for your support. ONLINE GIVING This secure program works directly with your bank or credit card. All transactions are done electronically, debiting your bank account or charging your credit card for the amount to which you have agreed in writing. Holy Apostles is offering two debit dates~ the 4th or 15th of the month or both! You can enroll in Faith Direct or make changes to your account dates or contributions online at www.faithdirect.net or call 1-866-507-8757. Holy Apostles parish code is RI18. Third Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ January 24, 2016 Private Prayer: The Church and Our Holy Family Chapel are open daily for visits and private prayer. Quiet time with the Lord is time that will be graced and blessed by God. Please enter by the Community Life Center. Prayer Network: For Special Intentions of a serious nature please call the parish. MONDAY, January 25 APOSTLES OF MERCY Thanks to all for your ongoing weekly contributions of food items for our needy. 4:00 PM – In the Parish Center: Religious Education Classes - Grades 1-6 5:30 PM – In the Parish Center: Religious Education Classes - Grades 7-8 7:30 PM – In the Gym: Men’s Basketball (Over Age 45) TUESDAY, January 26 During the month of January, we will be collecting baby formula and diapers to share with families from St. Charles. Apostles of Mercy will be at the doors of the church the weekend of January 30/31 for any monetary donation you would like to make towards the purchase of formula and diapers. THURSDAY, January 28 ATTENTION PARISHIONERS Please notify the Parish Office of any name, address, telephone changes, etc. 7:00 PM – In Church: Adult Choir Rehearsal FRIDAY, January 29 The Holy Apostles Men of St. Joseph meet twice a month, once on a Wednesday evening, beginning with the Rosary in the chapel followed by fellowship, and once on a Saturday morning beginning with Mass in the chapel followed by discussion and fellowship. Our next meeting will be Saturday, February 13th at 8:00am. Men of all ages are invited to attend. For more information, please visit the R.I. Men of St. Joseph website at: www.rimosj.org. 4:00 PM – In the Parish Center: Religious Education Classes - Grades 1-6 5:30 PM – In the Parish Center: Religious Education Classes - Grades 7-8 6:30 PM – In the Parish Center: Confirmation II General Session (Students only) 4:30 PM – In Parish Center: No Girl Scouts Meeting 7:00 PM – In the Community Life Center: Cub Scouts Den Meeting RELIGIOUS EDUCATION SNOW CANCELLATIONS In the event of inclement weather, we adhere to the decision of the Cranston School Department. If snow begins later in the day, we will make every effort to contact teachers and elementary schools with a cancellation notice. Announcements concerning cancelling Religious Education classes will be made on Channel 6, 10 and 12 as well as on their web pages www.wpri.com, www.turnto10.com, www.abc6.com as well as our website. Third Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ January 24, 2016 Christmas Flower & Decoration Donations Mass was celebrated on January 22, 2016 ~ 8:30AM. In Memory/Honor of: Donated by: Ron Hebert Jim, LeeAnn, Ryan & Patrick McAssey MASS INTENTIONS Saturday 5:o0 PM Sunday Youth & Young Adult Survey (for Ages 12 – 29) Are you a young Catholic between the ages of 12-29? If so, the Diocese of Providence needs your help. We know that 85% of young Catholics stop practicing their faith within 10 years of receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation and we want to do something about it. We need to find fresh, new ways to keep young Catholics, Catholic! Please help us by going to www.catholicyouthri.com and clicking on Youth & Young Adult Survey. Be sure to share this link with your friends and family so that they can help too! Be a part of the solution….Your opinion matters! This is your chance. Parents and grandparents spread the word. The members of the Holy Apostles Memorial Society are individuals whose families at the time of their death request that in lieu of flowers, donations be made to the Holy Apostles Memorial Fund. No other charity may be listed. This is the only requirement. Their names will then be inscribed on the wall in the hallway connecting the Community Life Center to the main church under the heading of “I am the Resurrection and the Life”. In addition to having the name inscribed on the wall, there will be six Memorial Masses said each year for all the deceased listed. Mass will be celebrated on: Christmas, Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Feast of the Assumption, Feast of All Saints. Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Robert Byron (Birthday Rem.) Requested by Family 9:30 AM Cynthia Seitz Requested by The Adult Choir 11:00 AM January 23 Alfred Masiello (Anniversary) Requested by Children 8:00 AM January 24 Gladys Johnson Requested by John & Lorraine Hogan The Sanctuary Lamp in the Church is offered this week for a Special Intention. Monday 8:30 AM Tuesday 8:30 AM Thursday 8:30 AM Friday HOLY APOSTLES MEMORIAL SOCIETY Vigil: 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30 AM Saturday 5:o0 PM Sunday The Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle January 25 Raymond J. Charlonne (Wedding Anniv.) Requested by Wife, Bea Sts. Timothy & Titus, Bishops January 26 Carol, Irene & Albert Rufo Requested by Family St. Thomas Aquinas, Priest and Doctor of the Church January 28 OPEN Weekday January 29 Mass for the People Vigil: 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time January 30 William Capuano (2nd Anniversary) Requested by Sister, Paula Sardelli Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 AM Allysan Gibree (Birthday Rem.) Lois Gibree (Birthday Rem.) Requested by Family 9:30 AM John Iaciofano (1st Anniversary) Requested by Angelo & Maria Pezzullo 11:00 AM January 31 Antonio Petrone (1st Anniversary) Requested by The Markowski & Colozzi Families Third Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ January 24, 2016 Cycle C < K D’S > KORNER Gospel Today Third Sunday in Ordinary Time | Luke 1: 1-4; 4:14-21 Jesus is teaching in the synagogue in Nazareth, his home town, and the people were amazed at what they heard. ©2016 Bon Venture Services, LLC 1) F 2) T 3) T 4) T 5) F 6) T 7) T 8) F 9) T 10) T “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, and to proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord.” Lu ke 4:18-19 1) Luke was one of the original 12 disciples. T / F 2) Luke’s narra ve of events in the life of Jesus came from eyewitnesses. T / F 3) Luke is one of the four Gospel writers along with Ma hew, Mark and John. T / F 4) According to Luke, “Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit and news of Him spread.” T / F 5) Jesus went to the synagogue on Sabbath in Nazareth where He grew up and did not speak. T / F 6) Jesus read from the scroll of the Prophet Isaiah. T / F 7) Jesus chose the passage He read from the scroll and the people thought He too was a prophet. T / F 8) People in the synagogue ignored Jesus. T / F 9) Jesus said to the people looking intently at Him, “Today this scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.” Luke 4: 21 T / F 10) Jesus is the fulfillment of the scriptures. T / F Third Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ January 24, 2016 Morgan Health Center Nursing and Rehabilitation A Health Concepts Nursing & Rehabilitation Facility 401-944-7800 admission.mhc@hcltdri.com www.HealthConceptsLtd.com 80 MORGAN AVENUE · JOHNSTON, RI 02919 JOINT COMMISSION ON ACCREDITATION OF HEALTHCARE ORGANIZATIONS 24 HOUR SERVICE Master Plumbing License #742 Emergency Repair Specialists Major & Minor Repairs Fully Licensed & Insured STEVE CARBONE Call Attorney Stephen J. Dennis Protect Yourself. Protect Your Family. Residential • Commercial • Industrial Call For A Free Consultation Today! SEWER & DRAIN CLEANING S.B. Carbone Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc. 785-9610 101 Comstock Parkway, Suite 26, Cranston INJURED AT WORK? Certified Public Accountants & Business Consultants Office: 401-453-1355 · Cell: 401-595-4571 127 Dorrance Street · 3rd Floor · Providence, RI 02903 Auto Accidents • Injuries at Work • Slip and Fall Woodlawn Funeral Homes, Inc. THOMAS G. 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