Christ the King Catholic Church
Christ the King Catholic Church
CHRIST THE KING CATHOLIC CHURCH 821 S. Dale Mabry Highway, Tampa, FL 33609 Readings: No. 897 Fr. Leonard J. M. Plazewski Pastor Twitter: @FrLen Fr. Bill Santhouse Parochial Vicar Fr. Jacob Monteleone Senior Priest Deacon Paul Haber Parish Office Phone: 813-876-5841 Fax: 813-873-2426 Religious Ed: 813-870-2509 Youth: 813-873-2804 Terry Boehm, ext. 2233 Director of Pastoral Ministries and Outreach John Weir, ext. 2222 Director of Finances, Facilities and Human Resources School Nicholas Tanis Principal Stefanie Lowrey Assistant Principal Danielle Welsh Advancement and Admissions Phone: 813-876-8770 Mass Times Saturday Vigil 5:30 p.m. Weekdays: Mon. - Fri. 12:10 p.m. Wed. School Mass 8:00 a.m. Saturday 8:30 a.m. Confessions Saturday 4:15-5:15 p.m. Anointing of the Sick Second Saturday of the month at 8:30 a.m. Mass Or upon request Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Wed. 9:00 a.m.—9:00 p.m. Chapel Hours Daily 7:30 a.m.—9:00 p.m. MARCH 13, 2016 Stations of the Cross and Lenten Dinner March 18 Lenten Dinner 5:00 - 7:00 p.m., Cafeteria Vegetarian Lasagna, salad & bread by the CCW Stations of the Cross 7:00 p.m. Church Page 2 NOVEMBER MAY 23, 2009 2010 MARCH 13,15, 2016 ^ F R O M T H E D E S K O F T H E PA S T O R The parable of the Prodigal Son is one of my favorite passages from Scripture, as I am sure it is one of yours as well. The relational dynamics among the father, the older son, and the younger son have always spoken to me in different phases of my life. There were times in my life when I tried to run far away from God the Father’s plan and His love for me. There have been other times where I have been tempted with a sense of entitlement – viewing God’s love as something that I deserve and earn, rather than a free gift of His boundless mercy. And now, as a spiritual father, I have the opportunity to be the father for others, welcoming them back to the Father’s house after years of trying to wander away from him. I think most of us can relate to all three of these figures, but I would like to focus on the journey and conversion of the prodigal son for now. I can remember sitting in a philosophy class where the professor spoke about the difference between remorse and guilt. He basically said that guilt was never a good thing because it only leads us deeper into our own misery and sinfulness. This struck a chord within me, so I immediately objected: “You mean to tell me that this good old-fashioned Irish Catholic guilt that I was raised with is a bad thing?!” I almost took offense at this statement, mostly because I had felt that the Church had become too soft. Why is God’s mercy and love always talked about and emphasized more than His judgement and wrath, I thought. This particular conversation was a conversion for me. The professor went on to define his terms more clearly. Remorse, as he described it, is that sting of your conscience that you feel immediately after you do something sinful. This remorse is a gift of God’s Spirit, which allows us to know and to experience the error of our ways. However, this remorse does not cause us to fall more deeply into the misery and isolation of our own sinfulness. Rather, it compels us to examine our biting conscience, confess our weakness before God, and seek forgiveness. It is through this process of sinning and feeling remorse that we learn from our mistakes and resolve to atone for them and do better next the time we experience temptation. In fact, the very word “atonement” can be broken down to literally mean what it says: “At One - ment.” To learn from our mistakes and to atone for them means to be restored to fullness of health – to be holy or whole again. Our journey here on earth is about becoming One with the God who creates and redeems us, while the power of sin and evil seeks to separate, isolate, divide, and conquer our very being. Guilt and shame, my professor explained, is that dark, lingering cloud that follows you around long after you have sinned. It is this accusative voice that tells us: "You are not worthy of God’s mercy. No one can forgive what you have done. You deserve to be doomed to an existence of hell and isolation. Happiness and peace are an illusion. Give up the struggle and give into the temptation, because giving into your selfish desires is the only thing that will fill this void in your soul.” I can remember times when I have felt the burden of guilt and shame following me around for months, even years. When my heart longed for forgiveness, healing and reconciliation, my mind continued to be trapped inside the prison of accusation, fear, self-pity and self-loathing. When we linger in this self-consuming guilt, we do not seek God’s mercy and love, which is what He desperately desires to give us as His gift. God desires us to focus of all our energy on receiving his love, which causes us to hope again. The Evil One wants us to focus our energy on beating ourselves up, which in a sick and twisted way, is presented to us sometimes as atonement for our sins. This leads to despair and self-absorption. Ultimately, our affair with guilt and shame is a matter of pride, which we can trace right back to our original parents in the Garden of Eden. The Prodigal Son did not give in to his guilt, which would have kept him far away from his father’s house. Rather, he swallowed his pride and learned what it means to be a real man – to admit and accept our weakness and to get up and carry our cross again after we have fallen. To be a real woman or man does not mean perfection in this life. It means glorifying God’s strength that He chooses to manifest in and through our weakness. As your spiritual father, I hope and pray that God continues to lead you deeper into His love and mercy – time and time again. If you cannot love yourself at this moment because the dark cloud of shame and guilt has consumed your life, then love yourself because God loves you. Don’t beat up on those who God loves. - Fr. Bill Page 3 FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT Our Stewardship of Treasure Report Sunday, March 6, 2016 Financial Peace University Last week’s envelope offertory (460 families) Last week’s electronic offertory (347 families) Total offertory donation Wednesdays 6:30-8:30 p.m. (Mar 30 – May 25) MMC Room 201 (FPU) returns! The 9 weekly meetings are taught on video by financial expert Dave Ramsey with live group discussions to ask questions and encourage accountability. Highly entertaining with informative financial advice that’s biblically-based, over one million families nationwide have already changed their lives by FPU! Nursery is available by appointment. Learn more and sign up at PARISH CENSUS Please turn yours in today! Census cards are in your Offertory Envelope package and are also available in the pews. A Parish Census helps us know how many families we are serving and how we can serve you best! Please drop your census card in the Offertory Baskets or drop off/mail to the Parish Office. Our APA Dollars at Work – Vocations Snapshot This week we will take a look at how APA helps the Office of Vocations When we think of the Office of Vocations, we often associate the responsibilities of the office with seminarian support. But the office is responsible for much more than that. In addition to seminarian support, the Office of Vocations plans and hosts a variety of events and programs to help raise awareness for and promote vocations in our diocese. Here are some events and programs that have grown our vocations to the priesthood from 12 in 1996, to averaging 30+ from 2013-2015: THANK YOU! Easter Flowers If you would like to help decorate the altar for Easter, a special memorialization for your loved ones will appear in the bulletin during the Easter Season. Easter Flowers envelopes are in the pews to place in the collection baskets. If you wish to have a loved one memorialized please provide your name and your loved one’s name to be memorialized. Suggested donation: $10 Wendi Peña, Director of Stewardship and Development or 813.876.5841, ext. 2234 $ 17,298 20,469 $ 37,767 Come & See, Vocation Awareness Weekends – transportation and sponsorship for young men interested in visiting St. John Vianney College Seminary in Miami 2 times each year. Anima Via-Discernment - open group discussion and refreshments for 20+ participants every other month. St. Andrew Dinners – these dinners with Bishop, hosted 3 times per year, provide an opportunity for pastors to bring young men they feel may have a vocation to hear vocations stories, and ask questions in a relaxed setting. Bishop’s BBQ - each year in June, a BBQ is organized with the Bishop for a casual evening of fraternity, food and prayer. Vocation Promotion Workshop – this annual workshop teaches 100+ attendees (teachers, youth ministers, DRE’s and parish vocation teams) new ways to build awareness and promote vocations. Holy Hour for Vocations - sponsored in conjunction with the Serra Club every 4th Wednesday of the month at the Cathedral. Altar Server Appreciation Mass – held each spring at the Cathedral, this event draws altar servers from around the Diocese for a special recognition mass and reception. More than 1000+ attend each year. Focus 11 - 6th graders in our diocese are invited to a vocations rally held over 2 days every February. 900+ children take part in the program which includes music, keynote address, panel discussions and a “scavenger hunt” to learn more about religious orders, Serra Club, Knights of Columbus and Spirit FM. Page 4 Outreach News “Blessed are those who mourn: They shall be consoled.” Matthew 5:4 Grief Support Group Grief knows no time frame. The love we shared with a departed loved one will always be in our heart. If you would like to witness to others about your grief journey so they too may heal, please join us. Let us be the instrument to comfort one another. When: Every Thursday, 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Where: McLoughlin Center Conference Room Stephanie Enrille: 813-748-1985 or email, Catherine del Castillo: 813-574-7978 or email, MARCH 13, 2016 Thrive: A Life-Changing Experience with the Saints Thursdays, April 7-May 5 at 7 pm – CTK Youth Center Adults, Young Adults, Youth: we want YOUR opinion! Come and join this 5 week PILOT study program written by Jon Leonetti called “THRIVE.” This study aims to “expand our minds and open our hearts to the wisdom of the Saints.” Some of these Saints include: The Apostles, St. Joseph of Cupertino, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Ambrose, St. Andre of Montreal, Blessed Miguel Pro and St. Faustina. “Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2 There will be a short video, lively discussion and a written evaluation for each session. There is no cost and the study guides will be emailed to you. Imagine the difference if our parish had a well-trained group of listeners to provide a caring ministry to people who are hurting. Christ the King has recently enrolled as a Stephen Ministry parish. During the past 40 years, Stephen Ministries Saint Louis has provided high-quality Christ-centered training and resources to parishes who wish to bring Christ’s healing love to those experiencing life’s challenges. The training for those interested in this listening ministry in our parish will begin next Fall. If you would like to hear more about this ministry, call Terry Boehm, 876-5841 or To register email Jean Prather at: or Nick Prather at Sponsored by Young Adult Ministry of CTK A Listening Ministry - Stephen Ministry Exchange Visits Last week, we hosted Fr. Volvick, pastor of Ste-Suzanne, our twin parish (or sister parish) in Haiti. He enjoyed every aspect of his visit, meeting many different segments of our parish population: Sunday Masses, school, Religious Education, That Man is You, Bible Study, Pastoral Council, Mom’s group and more. He had visits to the dentist and eye doctor, Spirit FM and even the Dollar Store. He ate in the school cafeteria, Sunday café, in people’s homes and in local restaurants. He especially enjoyed the Teens for Haiti marathon dance. Thank you to everyone who welcomed him with a smile or a message. This week, our group from Christ the King is visiting him and the village of Ste-Suzanne. Please pray for a wonderful exchange. The Women of Grace Study Program On Mondays from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. March 14 - May 9 Mary Martha Center Rm 204/5. The Women of Grace® Study Program leads women on an exciting journey to discover the gift of authentic femininity™, holiness of life, and a woman's purpose and mission in the world today. Taking the Blessed Virgin Mary as our exemplar and spiritual mother we will grow in our feminine virtues and the secrets of true fulfillment. For more information, please email us at: or contact us directly by calling: Maria Eichelberger 813-831-3030 or Lucy Hero 813-287-2038 CTK Care Club All Seniors Welcome on Tuesday March 15 (10:15-12:00) in MLC-A. Join us for a group rosary, a yummy lunch, and quality time with friends; old and new. This month, Kevin Keil will be providing Irish Tunes. We will also be joined by CKS 6th grade class for lunch. To wrap up the event, there will be dessert and raffle tickets. And the best part..... There's no cost! If you need free transportation please contact Joe Stephens ahead of time at 813-335-5842. If you have any other questions about joining the Care Club or Volunteering, please contact Brie Irvin 813-900-5414. Are you interested in serving as a Minister to the Sick and Homebound? Find out more: Terry Boehm, Director of Pastoral Ministries and Outreach: or 813-876-5841, ext. 2233 Page 5 FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT Youth News Attention All Middle-School Students! Attention All High-School Students! Next Life Teen: Sunday, March 20th Next EDGE: Friday, April 8th 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Drop off: Pavilion Pick Up: Youth Center 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Drop off & pick up: Youth Center Save the Date: Steubenville Youth Conference, Atlanta: July 8 - 10, 2016 $500 pp See website for more information Contact Information: For information about youth programs or trips, visit our website or contact Stu McEntegart: or 813-873-2804 or Melissa Mulson: or 813-876-5841, ext. 2276 If you're in your 20s or 30s, single or married, looking to meet people, make friends, and practice and grow in our Catholic faith, come join us! Please visit us at: MARCH 17 - St. Patrick’s Day Social MARCH 24 - Holy Thursday Adoration Bus Tour MARCH 25 - Tentative Viewing of the Passion Of The Christ For information on our community service projects, please contact Jeana Valenty at Subscribe to Weekly Newsletter Email: Facebook: Suggestions, Questions & Concerns: MARCH 13, 2016 Page 6 Parish News Two great recent events at Christ the King It’s that time of year again – Carnival is less than two months away! Don’t miss out on live music, fun rides, great food and the CKS beer tent! Thursday, April 21 5:00 - 9:00 p.m. Friday, April 22 5:00 - 11:00 p.m. Saturday, April 23 11:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. Sunday, April 24 12:00 - 9:00 p.m. Our Ecumenical Prayer Service was a beautiful opportunity to unite our prayers with St. John’s Greek Orthodox Church. Look for the next one in the fall! Our Parish Mission with John Pridmore spread the message of God’s Mercy and Love. Nicaraguan Christian Relief Ministries Fundraising Dinner Dance and Silent Auction Saturday, April 2, 2016, McLoughlin Center 5:30 pm Mass., 6:30 pm – Cocktails/Silent Auction 7:30 pm Dinner/Dance - Price: $35.00 per Person Tickets not sold at the door! Please purchase tickets by March 15, 2016, and mail check payable to: Nicaraguan Christian Relief Ministries, 4001 W Morrison Ave, Tampa, Florida 33629 Come join us for a fun evening with the Latin Musical Beats by “Los Ruisenores.” Enjoy our exquisite Latin cuisine and buy beautiful items in our silent auction. All proceeds from this event will go to our mission of providing educational opportunities for the poor children in Nicaragua in order to give them a better life and future. Get your unlimited ride wristbands or become a sponsor at today! For more information, please contact: Dave Jeffries 813-2298008, Christine Acosta 813-210-3895, Cecilia Castillo 813244-5883, or Amanda VallePeters 813-294-9426 Page 7 FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT Parish News HOLY WEEK/EASTER SCHEDULE PALM SUNDAY - MARCH 20 Sat. 5:30 p.m., Sun*. 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 a.m., 12:30 & 5:30 p.m. HOLY THURSDAY - MARCH 24* Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper: 7:00 p.m., Church Concludes with Eucharist Procession to Chapel. Chapel will be open for adoration until midnight. GOOD FRIDAY - MARCH 25* Stations of the Cross: 12:00 Noon, Celebration of the Lord’s Passion: 3:00 p.m. Tenebrae Service: 7:00 p.m. HOLY SATURDAY - MARCH 26 Easter Food Blessing: 12:00 Noon, Chapel Easter Vigil: 8:15 p.m., Church* Stations of the Cross and Lenten Dinners During the Fridays of Lent, Stations of the Cross will be held at 7 p.m. On Good Friday, it will be at 12 noon. Dinners will be in the Cafeteria from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. March 18th – The Way of the Cross with texts from Scripture CCW Meal - Vegetarian Lasagna, salad & bread March 25 (Good Friday) – The Way of the Cross by St. Alphonsus Liguori No meal Vacation Bible School ‘Calling all Vacation Bible School Campers and Helpers……It’s time to “Round Up” for Jesus! Please mark your calendars for this barnyard themed week full of fun, faith and fellowship, June 27-July 1, 2016. Please prayerfully consider volunteering your time and energy to ensure a wonderful week for our youth. We need Adult and Teen Volunteers. Rising 7th-12th graders are encouraged to volunteer. If interested in volunteering, please contact Mrs. Casey Kiser, Registration forms available at EASTER SUNDAY MASSES - MARCH 27* Pavilion: 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. McLoughlin Center: 11:00 a.m. DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY CELEBRATION APRIL 3, 3:00 p.m., Church *Nursery will be open All Masses on Easter except the 7:15 Sunrise Italian Pasta Dinner to Benefit Autism Speaks Team “Strivin’ for Stephen” (Genuardi) is hosting an Italian Pasta Dinner to benefit Autism Speaks, a registered 501 (c)3 nonprofit organization. Date: Sunday, April 3, 2016 Time: 4:30—8:00 p.m. Place: Christ the King School Cafeteria Price: $10 (ages 11 & up); $6 (ages 3-10); free (under age 3) Menu: Pasta (meat sauce OR vegetarian sauce, Salad, Bread, Dessert, Drink Dine-in or Carry-out Tickets may be purchased in advance or at the door!!! Exciting raffle items will also be available! For more information, contact Sharon Genuardi at 813-5987373 or email March 17, 2016 Dr. Wayne Phillips International Expert on the Shroud of Turin Topic: The Shroud of Turin Mary Martha Center, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. 717 S Dale Mabry Hwy, Tampa, 33609 Suggested donation: $20/person Please RSVP and pay online: Questions? Mike Callahan, 813-404-5073 Faith & Ale is a once-a-month gathering of men from across the diocese. We gather for food, drink and camaraderie, followed by an inspirational speaker and ample time for Q&A. There’s Still Time! ST. JOSEPH’S PENANCE SERVICE March 17, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Join Circle 20 Circle 20 is a group of young women in their 20s and 30s focused on spirituality, service and growing together as a community of friends. We are always welcoming new faces and would love to see you at our next meeting on Wednesday, March 16th at 7pm. We will be gathering at the home of Ashley Russell. 3414 Ohio Ave. Tampa, FL 33611 For more information contact Reed Richardson: (615) 574-1445 Please pray for the sick: Olive Alexander Catherine Bona John Brannon, Sr. Jo Ann Cardillo Michael Casagrande Gail Croft Jennie Cusmano Susan Dowiak Rob Faller Frank J. Ferlita Stella Flynn Cassidy Gonzalez Gavin Gonzalez Lollie Kearney Gigi LaBarbera Mick Lucardie Michael Martin Tom Mazur Greg McNamara Camelie Milian Michelle Novo Mary Paris Christina Penella Isabel Perri Joy Peyton Mary Roach Eric Talmant Stanley Taylor Jeannine Timp Mary Whitehead Beth Woodward We remove the names of the sick at the end of each month, so please update regularly. Page 88 8 Page Page Hannah Allred Marc Bremmer Sacramental News Baptism: Step 1: Please make sure you are a registered and active member of Christ the King. Active participation for at least 3 months is required prior to scheduling a Baptism. Call the parish office if you are not sure. Step 2: Complete the Baptism Request form at Step 3: Attend our next Baptismal preparation class. The next class is March 20, 2016, 10:00-11:00 in MLC A. Registration for the class is not necessary- just sign in when you arrive. Thank you to Chris Yarnold for teaching our preparation classes! Step 4: Download the Godparent forms from and have them filled out and sealed by the Godparent’s home parish. Step 5: Once all required paperwork has been submitted and received by the sacramental coordinator, please contact Casey Kiser to review details and schedule a date for the Baptism. All steps must be completed before we can schedule a Baptism. Sacramental Preparation Do you have a 2nd grader or an 8th grader this year? If so, it’s Sacramental preparation time! Please mark your calendars with this important Sacramental information. 8th Grade Parents Confirmation: Sacramental Preparation is ongoing. Please contact Casey Kiser with any questions. (see contact information below) 2nd Grade Parents First Communion: Sacramental Preparation is ongoing. Please contact Casey Kiser with any questions. (see contact information below) For those who have died: Mary Cooper MARCH 15, 8, 2009 MARCH 2016 MARCH 8,13, 2009 Religious Education News Volunteers Needed Our programs can always be strengthened! Join our parish religious education faculty as a catechist, assistant catechist, prayer worker, project coordinator, class parent, RCIA team member or RCIA sponsor. You can make a difference in the faith of others. If you wish to serve the Lord and the parish in religious education, call Bill at 870-2509. Vacation Bible School’s steering committee invites you! VBS committee chairs are needed for assemblies, crafts, decorations, hospitality, teens, Early Childhood and Elementary classes. If you’re willing to support VBS in this way, come to a planning meeting on Thursday, March 24, 11:00 A.M. in the religious education office. Contact Bill at 870-2509 with any question. Registration for children and all volunteers (adult and teen) will open in April. VBS dates: June 27 - July 1. Are you interested in becoming Catholic? An invitation to you…Or an invitation for parishioners to extend to someone else… The RCIA welcomes inquiries from all who may be seeking Baptism, Confirmation and/or Eucharist. For more information visit Sacraments/RCIA or call Bill at 870-2509. Children’s Liturgy is a delightful ministry serving children who have not yet received First Eucharist. Taking place at the 9:00 a.m. Mass, their experience includes singing and child-friendly reflections on the lectionary readings. Look for the lectionary (book of scripture readings) on the altar as a signal. For more RE information visit (Adult Faith Formation and Religious Education) or contact the Office of Religious Education, 870-2509 or Stations of the Cross Adult Confirmation: Please visit our website to register for the Adult Sacramental Preparation for Confirmation. For more information regarding these Sacraments, please contact: Casey Kiser, Sacrament Coordinator at or 813876-5841 or visit (Sacraments) Our 5th grade religious Education students put on a beautiful re-creation of the Stations of the Cross. Thanks to all catechists and parents that assisted in this wonderful reflection. FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT DATE Sunday March 13 Page 9 MASS INTENTIONS EVENTS 5:30 p.m. Josephine Trafficante by Suzanne and Dennis Antinori Fifth Sunday of Lent Monday March 14 7:00 a.m. Robert Stocker (living) by the Pitisci family 12:10 p.m. Amelia Llano by Joyce Cabanzo and Sharma Fernandez Tuesday March 15 7:30 a.m. The Quinlan family (living) by the Quinlan family 12:10 p.m. Ruben Moreno by Joyce Cabanzo Wednesday March 16 8:00 a.m. Vocations of Priesthood and Religious Life 12:10 p.m. Jane Hall by Dr. Frank and Margo Massari Thursday March 17 7:00 a.m. Edward Schlies by the DeFurio family Saint Patrick, Bishop 12:10 p.m. Bobbie Llorens by George and Leslie Jennings Friday March 18 7:00 a.m. Charles Raymondo by Valerie and Gil Morales Saint Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop and 12:10 p.m. Betty St. Onge by Anne Doctor of the Church Marshall 10:30 a.m. Rosary Makers—MCR 6:30 p.m. Women of Grace—MMC 4/5 Recitation of Rosary following 12:10 Mass 6:00 a.m. That Man Is You!—MLC 10:00 a.m. Thy Will Be Done—MMC 3 10:15 a.m. Care Club—MLC A Recitation of Rosary following 12:10 Mass 7:30 a.m. Rosary Recitation—Chapel 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Exposition 10:00 a.m. Mom’s Group—MLC C 10:30 a.m. OA—MMC BR 7:00 p.m. Confessions—Church 8:45 p.m. Benediction—Chapel 9:30 1:00 p.m. Grief Support—MCR 6:00 p.m. Faith & Ale—MMC 1/2 7:00 p.m. Nar-anon Meeting—MMC 3 7:00 p.m. YA Bible—YC Recitation of Rosary following 12:10 Mass 7:00 a.m. Men’s Faith Study—YC 5:00 p.m. Lenten Dinner—Cafeteria 7:00 p.m. Stations of the Cross—Church Recitation of Rosary following 12:10 Mass PLEASE PRAY For the safety of our Military: Col. Brad Brendenkamp LCpl Ammon Bradford Capt. Ronnie Bush Elena Coates Capt. James Diroff MSgt. Wallace Doud Lt. James Foss USN Spc. Henry A. Gill, III* SrA Gabriel Guerra* Lt. Col. Steven Hedden* Lt. Col. Patrick Herriford Capt. Daniel Holder MSG Brandon P. Johnson LCpl. Alexander Kelly PO3 Katherine Kelly PFC Mahala Kelly Spc. Richard Kelly SSgt Michael C. Keske LCDR Kenneth Kerr Capt. Julia Molloy Lopez Cdr. Andrew Ledford Sgt. William Elias Lee* Pvt. John Lescano Lt. Col. Tommy Macias Ben McCoy* Capt. Colin McDonald Maj. Peter McIntire Sgt. Vincent Minardi, Jr. Maj. Craig Moore MAJ Tom Morris Chris Murphy Staff Sgt Anthony Paladini RADM Hal Pittman Lt. Col. Joshe Raetz * Sn. Christopher Ramm Lt. Col. Britt Reed* Lt. Bennett Singletary USN SrA Peter (Alex) Tagliarini SSG Brian Valle 1st Lt. Chris Van Pelt Lt. Col. Ricardo Vargas* 1st Lt. William E. Ware, Jr. Lt. Col. Mike Weathers Sgt. Richard Wester Steven Wisniewski that God may bless them and bring them home safely. Saturday March 19 Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary Sunday March 20 8:30 a.m. Joseph Guggino by Rob and Deb Kraemer 5:30 p.m. Joe Guggino by Mac and Darlene Greco 7:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study—YC 9:00 a.m. AA Meeting—Art Room Recitation of Rosary following 8:30 a.m. Mass *Currently deployed If you are a parishioner and have an immediate family member serving in the military and would like to add them to the list, please contact Mary Nicholson: 813-8373222. Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Calendar Key: MMC: Mary Martha Center MLC: McLoughlin Center MO: Ministries Office MCR: McLoughlin Conference Room YC: Youth Center Saint Vincent de Paul Society Do not remember the former things, or consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. (Isaiah 43:18-19) The assistance that the St. Vincent de Paul volunteers and Christ the King donors provide to families in need can help them find their way out of their wilderness of debt. Assistance for shelter, utilities, transportation, food and other needs was provided in February in the amount of $3193. Our regular monthly collection will take place next weekend, March 19-20. Your assistance is much needed to carry out this ministry to the poor. Please consider donating what you can. Or, perhaps you are called by God to assist others? Please join us for our next meeting on March 21 at 5:30 in the McLoughlin Center conference room. Automatic Giving through Online Banking: If you would like to donate through your online banking system, please send your contributions to: Society of St Vincent de Paul Christ the King Conference, 821 S. Dale Mabry Hwy, Tampa, FL 33609 Get past the discomfort of varicose and spider veins! • 4 convenient T • • • 3224 Henderson Boulevard Tampa, Fl 33609 813.874.0111 855-Vein911 today! (855-834-6911) © HS 2016 Call Donate & Build Christ the King Catholic Church in West Africa View Our Parish Supporters @ JSA Medical Group Palma Ceia South Town Center 3838 Neptune Street, Suite D-5 Tampa, FL 33629 Darla Broderick-Breit, D.O. Now Accepting New Patients including Humana and CarePlus Medicare Advantage members. See how much one phone call can save you. Your neighborhood Catholic funeral home. call (813) 837-0221 to schedule an appointment Bon SecourS St. PeterSBurg HealtH SyStem A Continuum Of Care Rooted In The Catholic Tradition SM Fourth Street North and Gandy Blvd., St. Petersburg, FL 33716 View Our Parish Supporters @ Let us 602 South Howard Avenue (Across from Evos) 813-253-2113 © 2016 Diocesan Publications, inc. you