November 8, 2015 - Sacred Heart Catholic Church


November 8, 2015 - Sacred Heart Catholic Church
703 Master Street, P.O. Box 455, Corbin, KY 40702
November 8, 2015 - 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Parish Staff
Pastor ............................................................................................................................. Rev. Michael J. Weglicki
(606) 261-0640
Director of Religious Education ........................................................................................ Deacon Kevin Meece
Regional Accountant........................................................................................................................... Larry Ryan
Parish Secretary .......................................................................................................................... Tasha Valentine
Receptionist.................................................................................................................. Sr. Ruth Griesemer, SSSF
Youth Coordinator ................................................................................................ Diane Thorpe, (636) 233-3213
Kevin Meece
258-8928 or 215-0106
Bill Robinson
Parish Committees
Parish Pastoral Council
Julia Jones - Chair
Pat Cross - Vice Chair
Jane Fryer - Secretary
Garry Couch
Terry Newquist
Lisa Snyder
John Thomas
Building and Grounds
Frank Becerra
John Woolley
Knights of Columbus
John Major (606) 280-3894
Olga Shepherd
Respect Life
Eric Ingle
Deacon Kevin Meece
Parish Office Information
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Phone: (606) 528-5222
Fax: (606) 523-9901
Weekend Mass
Saturday Vigil 4:00 pm
Sunday 8:30 and 11:00 am
Daily Mass
Tuesday & Wednesday 8:15 am
Thursday 6:00 pm
Friday 6:30 pm
1st Saturday 8:15 am
Eucharistic Adoration
First Fridays 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Holy Day
Vigil 7:00 pm/Day 9:00 am, 7:00 pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturdays 3:15 pm - 3:45 pm
Sundays 8:00 am - 8:15 am
(or by appointment)
Baptism: allow 6 weeks.
Marriage: allow 6 months.
Anointing of the Sick: contact
the parish office.
- Welcome to our Parish If you are new to the area, please call or
stop by the parish office to register. Please
join us for coffee and doughnuts after Sunday Masses.
Parish Mission Statement
We, the Parish Family of Sacred Heart, are a vibrant Catholic community called by God, guided by the Holy Spirit, to
continue the mission of Jesus, celebrate the Holy Eucharist and Sacraments and remain faithful to the Magisterium. As
good stewards, we work to promote life, show love through prayer and service and be the light of Christ in our world.
*Reconciliation by Appointments and on:
Saturdays 3:15 to 3:45 PM; Sundays 8:00 to 8:15 AM
Saturday, November 7: Blessed Virgin Mary
Romans 16:3-9,16,22-27; Psalm 145:2-5,10-11; Luke 16”9-15
8:15 A.M. - +Betty Heldenbrand
4:00 P.M. - Gary & Maureen Brittain
Sunday, November 8: 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
1 Kings 17:10-16; Psalm 146:7-10; Hebrews 9:247-28;
Mark 12:38-44
8:30 A.M. - Parishioners of Sacred Heart
11:00 A.M. - Keisha Sears
Monday, November 9
Ezekiel 47:1-2,8-9,12; 1 Corinthians 3:9c-11,16-17; Psalm 46:23,5-6,8-9; John 2:13-22
Tuesday, November 10: St. Leo the Great
Wisdom 2:23-3:9; Psalm 34:2-3,16-19; Luke 17:7-10
8:15 AM - +Betty Newquist
Wednesday, November 11: St. Martin of Tours
Wisdom 6:1-11; ,Psalm 82:3-4,6-7; Luke 17:11-19
8:15 A.M. - Special Intention
Thursday, November 12: St. Josaphat
Wisdom 7:22b-8:1; Psalm 119:89-91;130,135,175; Luke 17:20-25
6:00 P.M. - +Betty Heldenbrand
Friday, November 13: St. Frances Xavier Cabrini
Wisdom 13:1-9; Psalm 19:2-3,4-5ab; Luke 17:26-37
6:30 P.M. - +Betty Newquist
Saturday, November 14: Blessed Virgin Mary
Wisdom 18:14-16;19:6-9; Psalm 105:2-3,36-37,42-43;
Luke 18:1-8
4:00 P.M. - Jeffery & Mackenzie Ledford & Family
Sunday, November 15: 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Daniel 12:1-3; Psalm 16:5,8-11; Hebrews 10:11-14,18; Mark
8:30 A.M. - Parishioners of Sacred Heart
11:00 A.M. - Weber & Allen Families
He sat down opposite the treasury and observed how the crowd put money into the
treasury. Many rich people put in large sums.
A poor widow also came and put in two small
coins worth a few cents. Calling his disciples
to himself, he said to them, "Amen, I say to
you, this poor widow put in more than all the
other contributors to the treasury. For they
have all contributed from their surplus wealth,
but she, from her poverty, has contributed all
she had, her whole livelihood (Mark 12:4144)."
Collect: Almighty and merciful God, graciously keep from us all adversity, so that,
unhindered in mind and body alike, we may pursue in freedom of heart the
things that are yours. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and
reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
Are you hosting an upcoming event or activity that is happening in our parish
and would like to have an announcement in the bulletin? Please contact Tasha
Valentine: Phone - (606) 528-5222 or by Email - All bulletin announcements and bulletin inserts must be submitted no later than 3:00
p.m. on Wednesdays and approved by Fr. Mike.
Check out Sacred Hearts website to stay up to date on upcoming events, news, bulletins, and how you can get involved with
your parish.
For easier access to our website from your smart phone simply
scan the QR code!
November 14
November 15
November 15
4:00 pm
8:30 am
11:00 am
Hank Kramer
Kurt Sosa
Yvonne Bishop
Pat Green
Verna Kline
Sam Jackson
Pat Thomas
Deacon Kevin
John Cima
Joey Grega
Bill Topolsky
Tom Topolsky
Louis Baldasare
Ed Brophy
Mondo Cima
Dan Valentine
Gary Brittain
Giulio Cima
Mario Cima
Scott Grove
Jane Fox
Julia Shepherd
Jake Moses
Linda Grace Shepherd
Jim Ledford
Julianne Devers
Gabby Devers
Eucharistic Frank Becerra
Lisa Snyder
Weekly Budget
11/1/2015 Collection
Budgeted YTD 11/1/2015
Collected YTD 11/1/2015
YTD +/-
There’s nothing “normal” about grief. It hurts, it is intense,
and it can feel chaotic. But although grief can cause us to
question our sanity, weathering its stormy course and
reaching out for help when we need it can teach us to know
ourselves in a more profound way. By allowing ourselves to
fully enter the experience of a deep and painful loss, we
discover it can teach us to savor the wonder, mystery, and
preciousness of life.
Several people have approached me about starting a
bereavement group, and with the holidays approaching us, I
would like to try and get a group together starting soon. The
first meeting will be Wednesday, November, 18 th at 7:30
p.m. in the Parish Hall. This is for anyone who has lost a
loved one, parents, spouse, child, or friend!!! Let’s try and
help each other, by listening or expressing our feelings on
the loss of someone close to us!!! If you have any questions,
please contact, Mary Lehmann 528-0559.
Bible Study - Monday’s; 6 p.m.; Library
Venture Scouts - Monday’s; 7-8:30 p.m.; Music Room
RCIA - Wednesday’s; 7 p.m.; Library
Light Weigh - Friday’s; 1:15 p.m.; Music Room
Parish Council - November 19, 7 p.m.; Conference Room
Knights of Columbus - November 24 - 7:30 pm; Parish Hall
Thank you to all that worked so hard in making the Halloween Festival a success. We had another year of fun games,
lots of treats and some pretty cool costumes. We had some
terrific door prizes and costume prizes
from some of our Parish sponsors, such as
Mi Casa Restaurant and Forest Lanes Bowling Alley. We, also, had several movie
passes from Tri-County Cineplex.
year, over 80 kids visited our Halloween
Festival. Thank you to the Parishioners
who provided the candies and baked
goods. A special big thanks to all the volunteers! Next year, with all of your help, it
will be bigger and better!
Sean Patrick Honohan, Martin D. Sosa, Susan Jones, Kim Stewart, Michelle Spady, Jerry Johnson, Libby Balenovich, Ted Wronski, Candice
Keith, Louise Domeck, Carla Wilson, Beverly Davidson, Eunice Qualls,
Theodore Sternemann, Kyra Smith, Connie Swann, Gary Brittain,
Jeanette Grove, Robin Ingle, Casey Colett, Jerry Mattingly, Mary Pratt
Brennan, Tom Brennan, Rosemary Broughton, Mary Williams, Myra
Goforth, Charlotte Fletcher, Lindsey Kline Frazier, Mackey Brenner,
Cathy Perry, Jim Fugate, Edgar Hayden, Gaye Medbury, Pat Clouse,
Joyce Pavlovich , Alex Stone, Ed Tye, Pam Razmus, Julian & Grace
Boggs, Sharon Tropea, Arlene Baker, Dec. Jack Raymond, Justin Janek
*All U.S. Military personnel currently deployed and their dependent
*Prayer list names will remain on the list for two weeks. If you would
like to keep names on the list or add/remove names from the prayer
list please contact the parish office.
Jim and Kim Devers
1393 US HWY 25
Barbourville, KY 40906
O’Neil - Lawson
Funeral Home
Mark C. Lawson, Owner
204 N. Kentucky Ave.
Corbin, KY 40701
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Catholic Charities
Dioceses of Lexington
Leslie Gambrel
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1382 Cumberland
Lexington, Kentucky 40508