July 7, 2014 - St. Maximilian Kolbe


July 7, 2014 - St. Maximilian Kolbe
St. Maximilian
Kolbe Parish
5112 Pocono Crest Rd. • P.O. Box O
Pocono Pines, PA 18350
Parish Office Phone: (570) 646-6424 • Fax: (570) 646-1047
Web Page: http://www.stmaxkolbepoconos.org
To all who are tired and need rest; to all who mourn and need comfort; to all who are friendless
and need friendship; to all who are discouraged and need hope; to all who are homeless and need
sheltering love; to all who sin and need a Savior; and to whomsoever will, the Parish of St. Maximilian
Kolbe opens wide its doors in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
July 7, 2013
Fourteenth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
Our Mission Statement
We of St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish believe that we have been gifted with Life, Faith and Discipleship.
Empowered by Jesus in Word and Sacrament, we are called to grow in wisdom, grace and fidelity to
His Church by following the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy.
July 7th, 2013
Fourteenth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
Today’s first reading from Isaiah
was occasioned by the return of
the Jewish people from exile. The
prophet visualizes the Holy City as
a mother welcoming her children
home. The people may now look
forward to prosperity and comfort.
In this post-Pentecostal season, the
Church attributes this sense of fulfillment to the
Holy Spirit.
Paul, on the other hand, speaks of “the cross of our
Lord Jesus Christ.” It is the single thing of which he
will boast, for it is the means by which we are
re-created. The comfort and prosperity promised in
the first reading are here transformed by a deepening
of the Christian paradox.
Luke’s Gospel describes the calling and
the mission of “seventy-two others,” who are
commissioned to bring in the “harvest.” The number
is symbolic, since according to Jewish tradition
the number of nations in the world is seventy-two.
This then is a universal mission, a catholic mission
to all the world.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
The 2nd collection this week is for our Parish
Debt. Thank you for your generosity.
St. Maximilian Kolbe
Parish Staff
Reverend John B. Boyle ~ Pastor
~ jbboyle@me.com
Deacon Frank Gisoldi
~ deaconf@ptd.net
Mrs. Lynnette Smith
Coordinator of Religious Education/
Pastoral Associate ~ lysmith@ptd.net
Marion Colvin
Office Manager ~ mcol@ptd.net
John Marcinkowski, Jr.
Coordinator of Music ~ jjm1105@ptd.net
Pastors Points To Ponder
Did you notice the person one pew over in church
today? Imagine the two of you going out together
into the neighborhood around the church
knocking on people’s doors and bringing them
good news. What would you say to someone
when they came to the door? What could you tell
them that would invite them to be a part of your
church? This may seem like a radical thought,
maybe even an importune action. But this is a part
of our faith. The Gospel today is not just a nice
story about Jesus’ companions in that past. It is
also a commission to his followers today.
All things are possible for one who believes,
more to one who hopes,
even more to one who loves.
~ St. Lawrence
It’s high summer now, school is out, the pace of
work slows, and some people drift away. There are
visitors in the churches every summer, and familiar
faces are “among the missing.” Some find the
summer’s call more appealing than the summons of
the church bells. Many, however, would not dream
of missing a Sunday, and so they make their way to
Mass in unfamiliar places, watching the locals for
clues as to when to sit or stand, where the
Communion stations are. In answering the call, they
keep the “sabbatical” rhythm of the Christian life:
every seventh day, the Body of Christ assembles for
For centuries, there was no obligation to Sunday
Mass in the sense of a written law, but Christians
have always yearned to be together on Sunday.
In the city of Abitina, during a persecution by the
Emperor Diocletian, a group of Christians were
urged to stop worshiping together on Sundays.
They responded, “Then take our lives, for without
the Sunday we cannot live.”
By a curious
coincidence, the appointed readings today center us
on thoughts of peace. On our Independence Day,
the experience of worship situates us in community,
and evokes a commitment from us to be advocates
of peace in all aspects of our society’s life.
—James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Week of: July 6th thru July 14th
Saturday 4:00 pm Mary Papa
by Carol & Andy Shumack
Sunday 8:00 am For The Parishioners
10:30 am Arielle Bisono by Her Family
Monday 8:15 am Ruth Ann Luck
by Mike & Cosma Cunningham
Tuesday 8:15 am Frank Cranley Jr.
by Pat Cranley
8:15 am Communion Service
Thursday 8:15 am Thomas Conran
by Cathy and Jack Flood
8:15 pm Tessie Kovach by Terry Quinn
Saturday 4:00 pm For The Parishioners
Sunday 8:00 am Thomas & Jessie Westerman
by Koffer & Angelos Families
10:30 am Debbie Howe Quelch
by Mary Howe
Saturday Confessions at 3:00 pm
It is imperative that the entire Catholic community in the
United States come to realize the grave threats to the
Church’s public moral witness. … The seriousness of
these threats needs to be clearly appreciated at every level
of ecclesial life. Of particular concern are certain
attempts being made to limit that most cherished of
American freedoms, the freedom of religion.
~ Pope Benedict XVI, “Address to the Bishops of United States
of America on their Ad Limina Visit,” January 19, 2012
Please note: There will not be an 8:15 Mass when
a Funeral Mass is scheduled.
Monday thru Wednesday - 9 am to 4 pm
Thursday - 9 am to Noon
Friday - CLOSED
Total Expenditures
(for Y/E. June 30, 2012) ……………... $440,703
Avg. weekly cost of Operation ………
Collection for w.e. 06/23/13…………..
(Deficit) / surplus ……………………
Expansion Loan (debt) ….. $ 102,919.
Genesis 27:1-5, 15-29; Matthew 9:14-17
Isaiah 66:10-14c; Galatians 6:14-18;
Luke 10:1-12, 17-20
Genesis 28:10-22a; Matthew 9:18-26
Genesis 32:23-33; Matthew 9:32-38
Wednesday: Genesis 41:55-57; 42:5-7a, 17-24a;
Matthew 10:1-7
Thursday: Genesis 44:18-21, 23b-29, 45:1-5;
Matthew 10:7-15
Genesis 46:1-7, 28-30; Matthew 10:16-23
Saturday: Genesis 49:29-32, 50:15-26a; Mat 10:24-33
Deut. 30:10-14; Col 1:15-20; Luke 10:25-37
Parish Life
for 2013-2014 is now open.
Registration forms are available
from the rack outside the parish
office, on the tables by the exits
upstairs and online at our website.
Forms and fees may be submitted to
the Parish Office during regular
office hours. Forms and fees may also be mailed to
the office or placed in the collection basket at any
weekend Mass. Questions? Please call Lynnette
Smith, our Coordinator of Religious Education,
during office hours at 646-6424 or email her at
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL will be held the
week of July 29th thru August 2nd.
Children ages 4 through Grade 5 are
encouraged to join us for “Faith
Mountain” from 9:30 – 12:30 each
day of that week as we celebrate the
“Year of Faith” through music,
crafts, games, snacks & prayer.
Teens who would like to help can contact Lynnette.
Bereavement Support Group will be held July 10th
at 9:30 am (the second Wednesday of the month).
Anyone who has suffered a loss due to death,
divorce or separation is welcome to join the group
as they gather downstairs in the Parish Hall.
ST. MAX BOOK CHAT…...will meet July 23rd.
“Rediscovering Catholicism” by Matthew Kelly
will be our next selection. A few copies are still
available in the Parish Office at the discounted rate of
$3. At a time when many Catholics are disillusioned,
questioning their faith, and filled with doubts about
the relevance of Catholicism in the modern world, the
voice of one man cries out to the world’s largest faith
community with a clarity that is rare and inspiring.
“Rediscover Catholicism” takes us on an adventure
of life-changing proportions. Beginning with our
common yearning for happiness, Matthew Kelly
reveals the essence of authentic Catholic spirituality
while addressing some of the most important
questions we face today both as individuals and as a
A PRE-JORDAN SESSION - for parents seeking
to have a child Baptized, will be held downstairs in
Our Lady of the Lake Hall on Tuesday, July 9th at
7 pm. Please call the Parish Office to pre-register
for this session.
The next session will be held in October.
St. Max Pocono Men’s Cornerstone is a 26-hour
journey of faith and fellowship for all Catholic
men seeking to deepen their relationships with
God, family and friends. The 2013 event will be
held on Aug. 9 & 10th at the Villa of Our Lady
Retreat House on Meadowside Dr., off Rt. 611,
Mt. Pocono. For more info. look for bulletin inserts,
posters and also brochures in the church Narthex,
or call Pat Grace @ 643-8742; or John Baab
@ 646-6312 or baab@ ptd.net.
“A Day at The Fair” with
Dunklebergers” - FASHION SHOW
On Tuesday, August 20th, St. Max will
sponsor this fashion show at the Lake
Naomi Club. A delicious luncheon
including Salad, Chicken Breast Cordon Bleu and
Chef Don’s Pastries will be served. The cost is $30.
Doors open at 11:30 am and tables are for eight (open
seating). Call Rusty for more information at
646-0163. Forms are available in the Parish Office.
St. Max is forming a Children’s Liturgical Dance
Team to perform at this year’s picnic on July 28th.
No experience is necessary. This will be simple
arm motions so that all ages can perform. Open to
ages 14 and under. We need your help! The Next
Practices will take plane on the following
Sundays after the 10:30 Mass: July 14th and
July 21st. Please contact Laura Oddy at 646-9199
or mrsoddy1@epix.net no later than July 6th.
All Are Welcome
Contemplative Prayer - Mondays 9:30 am
Scripture Sharing - Tuesdays 9:30 am
Prayer Shawl- 1st & 3rd Tues. of the month @7 pm
Women’s Cornerstone - July 8th at 7 pm
Bereavement Support- July 10th - 9:30 am
Social Concerns - 1st Tues. of the Month - 9 am
Pre-Jordan Session - July 9th - 7 pm
Evangelization Meeting - July 9th - 7 pm
Men’s Cornerstone - July 18th & 25th @ 6:30 pm
Book Chat - July 23rd @ 7 pm
Parish Life
Parish Life
Remember in Prayer
The Sick and The Homebound
Phoebe Bramley ~ Charles Oddy
Kevin Kret ~ Fr. Urban ~ Eileen Blieka ~ Virgil Richter
Charlie Ondrajka ~ Kathleen McDonnell
Arthur Bramley ~Thomas Houston ~ Lillian Cortese
Joseph McKenna ~ Ron Heisler ~ Msgr. Jerry Sherba
Seth Stephens ~ John Scanlon ~ Cecilia McIlvenny
Theresa Akus ~ Danielle Sergi
Dorothy Sergie ~ Elana Knitel ~ Terese Brenneman
Thomas Kobrtwitz ~ Barbara Sciandra ~ Jack McKenna
Riley Direnzo ~ Richard Snell ~ Chase Robert
Alexander John Snyder ~ Mary Mayberry - Scott H.
Maria Mercedes ~ Louis Larsen Jr. ~ Margaret Meade
Theresa Marcinkowski ~ Joan Rafferty
Terry Quinn ~ Ann Valentina ~ Terrence Sumrall
Joshua Kovitch ~ Joe Miller ~ Vincent Rinaldi
If you, or someone you know would like to be
included on the prayer list or in our prayer network,
please call the office.
Hospital Visits - Fr. Boyle is more than willing
to visit those who are hospitalized. Please call
646-6424 and let Father, or the office staff know
who is in the hospital and which hospital.
Do you know the meaning of this
Catholic symbol ~ “The Crucifix”?
Turn to the last page for the answer.
Information about a carpool trip to the
Blue Army Shrine in Washington, NJ on
Sat., July 13th, can be found on the back
of the July Calendar insert in today’s
bulletin. This trip commemorates the
Third Apparition of Our Lady of Fatima.
Come Celebrate at Our
“Festival Of Faith”
Sunday - July 28th @ Blanche Price Park
Mass @ 1 pm followed by the Picnic
If you would like to help defray the cost of our
Parish Picnic supplies, please place your donation in
a plain envelope labeled “Parish Picnic”. Sign up
sheets will soon be available for those who wish to
bring picnic foods and to volunteer for specific
tasks. Thank You for your support.
The next meetings is Monday July 1st in Our Lady
of the Lake Hall. Please call G.K. Steve Glinane at
977-4617 or check the new website www.kofc13752.org.
St. Maximilian Kolbe Church Hall
Monday, July 1st, 1-6 PM (this is a new date)
The need for blood is critical. To register or view
donor guidelines, visit www.redcrossblood.org or
call 1-800-RED-CROSS
This Wednesday, July 10th at 7 pm,
there will be a meeting in the Parish Hall for all
those who have read:
“ rebuilt ”
~ The Story of a Catholic Parish
by Michael White and Tom Corcoran
Discussion will be led by Fr. Boyle.
Supporting The Mission of the Five Loaf House
If you would like to help our Social Concerns
Committee provide lunch for Habitat workers on
July 20th, Aug. 3rd or Aug. 24th, please
call Mary @ 646-3177 or Sue @ 646-7163.
The Pastor’s Wish List…….
Frequently individuals or families inquire about
contributing a substantial sum of money to be used
in memory of a loved one or one’s family. “The
Pastor’s Wish List” has been created to give an
idea of the needs of the Parish and how a family or
loved one can be remembered in a very special
manner. If anyone desires to discuss any item on
the list below, please contact Fr. Boyle for more
information. This list is not in any particular order
or preference. An estimated cost for each item is
just that ~ an estimate.
~ For someone to write a check in the amount of
$102,919 to pay-off our Parish Debt.
~A contract with a Web Site Company that will
produce, edit and enhance our Parish Web site
on a regular basis. $3,000.
~Additional security cameras for monitoring the
exterior of the church and rectory. $10,000.
~Creation of a Prayer/Meditation Garden on the
Parish Property. $10,000.
If needed, more suggestions can be made!
Parish Life
Cpt. Thomas M. Smith - Hanscom AFB, MA
Airman Joshua Ponce - Tyler, TX
James Murtha, USN - Afghanistan
Sgt. Richard J. Fissler Jr. - Ft. Indiantown Gap, PA
Lt. Col. Christopher Yuskaitis - Italy
Cpl. John P. Bramley - Camp Pendleton, CA
Airman Basic Minnette Fruauff - San Antonio, TX
Marc Barney, USN - Mediterranean Sea
Sgt. Nicholas Bogert - Afghanistan
Airman Linda DeMuro - Afghanistan
Staff Sgt. William D. Olsen - Nellis AFB, NV
3rd Class Petty Officer DC3 Jeffrey Royall - USCG -VA
Pvt. Nhelmar DePerro - Camp Le Jeune, NC
Pvt. Dylan Yost, USMC - Afghanistan
Eugene Maslar, Jr.-Bagram, Afghanistan
Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect
them as they protect us. ~AMEN
Collection for Women’s Resources of Monroe
County – July 20 & 21
The Social Concerns and Community Outreach
Committee is sponsoring a collection for Women’s
Resources of Monroe County on July 20 & 21. Items
will be used at their local shelter. The Women’s
Resources’ mission is, “To end domestic and sexual
violence for all women, children and men in our
community.” They have supplied a long Wish List.
The biggest need is for Hairbrushes (“We are
completely out.”); Journals (They do not have to be
expensive, but “having a pretty journal is more
empowering.”) and, Towels (“Not fancy ones.”)
Other items include: Band-Aids, Deodorant, Diapers,
Dish Detergent/Soap, Duffel bags, Feminine products,
Gift cards/certificates (Wal-Mart, etc.), Household
cleaning tools (toilet brushes, mop/bucket, sponges,
gloves), Laundry detergent, Lysol (Disinfectant
sprays & cleaners), Peroxide, Phone cards, Bath
tissue, paper towels, tissues, napkins, Pillows, Q-tips/
Cotton balls, Rubbing Alcohol, Sandwich bags,
Shampoo/Conditioner, Shower liners, Soap, Socks,
Sweat Suits (Large, X-Large, XXL), Washcloths,
Trash bags, Twin blankets/comforters/sheets sets,
Videos/DVDs (Non-Violent!). The women, children
and men served by Women’s Resources thank you!
Parish Life
Week of July 7th
The Eucharistic Sanctuary Light
Available for $20 for two weeks
The Bread and Wine
Available for $25. for one week
Altar Flowers
Available for $75. for one week
Tabernacle Flowers
Available for $50. for one week
Around the Diocese
Many families in the Diocese of Scranton continue
to grieve the loss of loved ones who have died as
a result of violent or tragic death. The Diocese is
offering the Annual Mass in remembrance of
victims of violent or tragic death; particularly for
persons who have died through murder, suicide or
accidental death.
This Mass is scheduled for Thursday, August 1,
2013 at 7 pm in St. Peter’s Cathedral, Scranton.
All persons in our parish who have lost a loved
one through tragic or traumatic death, are invited to
this liturgy. In addition, they are encouraged to
register the names of their loved ones for entry into
the Book of Remembrance. Please pick up a form
from the Parish Office to register the name of your
loved one; forms must be received by the Diocese
by July 18th.
Ecumenical / Interfaith
In addition to Peanut Butter & Jelly,
the Pantry is also in need of canned
vegetables (corn, peas, carrots), canned or
instant potatoes, cereal, rice & cleaning
supplies. Next preparation day is Monday, July
17th, for distribution on Tuesday, July 18th.
Answer to the Catholic Meaning
of the symbol “The Crucifix”
The Crucifix is a symbol of sacrifice. It has
the letters INRI written across the top. These
letters are short for a Latin phrase which translates as
“Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.”