Bulletin – 12/13/2015 and 12/20/2015
Bulletin – 12/13/2015 and 12/20/2015
ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST CATHOLIC CHURCH A Roman Catholic Community since 1932 13 December 2015 4th Sunday of Advent 20 December 2015 Micah 5: 1-4 Psalm 80: 2-3, 15-16, 18-19 Hebrews 10: 5-10 Luke 1: 39-45 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph 27 December 2015 1 Samuel 1: 20-22, 24-28 Psalm 84: 2-3, 5-6, 9-10 1 John 3: 1-2, 21-24 Luke 2: 41—52 CELEBRATIONS OF THE EUCHARIST / MASS: Tuesday—Friday: 1st Friday of each month: Saturday Vigil: Sunday: Holy Days: 9:00 AM 12:00 PM 5:00 PM 8:30 AM, 11:30 AM 9:00 AM & 7:00 PM The BULLETIN is now ONLINE! www.stjohnevan.com & links to ministry schedule, blogs, diocesan resources, and more! Pastor: Rev. Rolo B. Castillo (rbcastillo@stjohnevan.com) Deacon: Rev. Mr. Ed Handel (ehandel@stjohnevan.com) Director of Christian Formation for Adults: Jeanne Branch (jbranch@stjohnevan.com) Director of Music: Amelia Fe Camacho (afcamacho@stjohnevan.com) Coordinator of Ministry to Youth & Children: Michele Kresge (mkresge@stjohnevan.com) Business Administrator: Lorraine Whitley (lwhitley@stjohnevan.com) Secretary/Receptionist: Jennifer Dunford (jdunford@stjohnevan.com) Office Assistant: Martie Wells (mwells@stjohnevan.com) Coordinator of Parish Maintenance: Jose Rodriguez (jrodriguez@stjohnevan.com) Parish Pastoral Council Chair: Gary Capone (gcapone12@gmail.com) Finance Council Chair: Joe Noto (jfnoto@hotmail.com) Building Committee Chair: Phil Thorpe (build@stjohnevan.com) Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday Evening at 4:00 PM, or by appointment The Prayer Tree: Rosary: Friday: 9:45 AM Call (540) 949-7611 or (540) 949-8433 Eucharistic Adoration: for special prayer Friday 10:00 AM-7:00 PM requests Pastoral Care: Please call Father Rolo if you are aware of parishioners who are in the hospital or are sick, frail or grieving at home or in area facilities. PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We strive to Proclaim the Gospel & to Love One Another … RIGHT HERE … RIGHT NOW. CHURCH MAILING ADDRESS: 344 Maple Ave. Waynesboro VA 22980 WEBSITE: www.stjohnevan.com OFFICE: (540) 949-6145 FAX: (540) 932-8512 Parish Office Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00 AM—3:00 PM RECTORY: (540) 943-4051 (SACRAMENTAL EMERGENCIES ONLY after office hours; call office during daytime hours for other needs) PARISH INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY: In the event of inclement weather during the week, we follow the Waynesboro School System closings. If the city schools are closed due to the weather, the Parish Office will be closed and Eucharistic Adoration will be cancelled (if it is a Friday). On Sundays, Christian Formation cancellations are called into WHSV channel 3 and can also be found by calling Michele Kresge’s voice mail box at (540) 932-1527. A warm welcome to all worshipping with us today. Please note: children 12 years of age and under must be accompanied by an adult to the restroom during Mass or any church event! PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: Kathy Ballard, Jeanette Brand, Randy Brown, Bill Castle, Ganelle Cook, Bertha Dantoni, Dan Fiscus, Krystal Garay, Becky Harrington, Mary Kalendek, Joseph Kellington, John Kohle, Joe Lewis, Helen Merkle, Annie Miller, Donald Narducci, Jamie Pardee, Byrd Rawlings, David Rhein, Kathi Rottiers, Rodney Shadix, J. Walter Shugart, Rebecca Thrift, Mattie Tramel; DECEASED: Charmaine Cullen, Gary Sumner; HOMEBOUND: Dee Dee Kleinfeldt, Sam Scott; IN THE SERVICE OF OUR COUNTRY: Christopher Kennedy, Jimmy Negrete, Cpt. Shawn Pardee, Maj. Benjamin Sprouse, Lt. Megan Piotrowski USN, Lt. David Piotrowski USNR, Lt. Christopher Farkas USN, and all who go unnamed. DEC 12 SATURDAY 5:00 PM † Mary Baska & Julius Farkas 6:00—8:00 AM, CH & FR “Mañanitas” Our Lady of Guadalupe 6:00—8:00 AM, CA That Man is You! 9:00—11:00 AM, CH Altar Servers Training & Updating 4:00-4:40 PM, CH Confessions DEC 13 SUNDAY DEC 14 MONDAY 8:30 AM † Paul McEnery 11:30 AM People of the Parish DEC 15 TUESDAY 9:00 AM † Peggy Quick 10:00—11:10 AM, FR Breaking Open the Word 10:00 AM— 12:00 PM, SC Sewing Program 10:00—11:15 AM, SC & CA Youth Christian Formation 12:30—3:30 PM, FR Confirmation Prep 6:00—8:00 PM, FR Advent MiniRetreat 7:00 PM, CH Communal Reconciliation Service 7:00—8:30 PM, SC, RM 105 English Classes DEC 16 WEDNESDAY 9:00 AM † Chuck Ajemian PARISH OFFICE CLOSED 12:00— 3:00 PM 6:30—8:30 PM, CR Choir 6:30—8:30 PM, FR Las Posadas DEC 17 THURSDAY 9:00 AM † Carolyn Brown 9:45 AM— 12:00 PM, CA Clothes Closet 9:45—11:15 AM, FR Centering Prayer 6:30—8:30 PM, FR Las Posadas DEC 18 FRIDAY DEC 19 SATURDAY 9:00 AM † Frank Kovarik 5:00 PM † deceased members of Farkas & Baska families 9:30—10:15 AM, CA Food Pantry 9:45 AM, CH Rosary 10:00 AM, FR First Friday Brunch 10:00 AM— 7:00 PM, CH Eucharistic Adoration 6:30—8:30 PM, FR Las Posadas 12:00—4:00 PM, CA Christmas Outreach Gift Wrapping Party 4:00—4:40 PM CH Confessions 6:30—8:30 PM, FR Las Posadas NEW PARISHONER REGISTRATION WEEKEND BABY MOSES BASKET WEEKEND PRAYER FOR UNITY OF THE CHURCH Almighty and merciful God, You willed that the different nations should become one people through Your Son. Grant in Your kindness that those who glory in being known as Christians may put aside their differences and become one in truth and charity, and that all people, enlightened by the true faith, may be united in fraternal communion in the one Church. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. DEC 20 SUNDAY DEC 21 MONDAY 8:30 AM People of the Parish 11:30 AM † Fred Bischof 10:00—11:10 AM, FR Breaking Open the Word 1:00—5:00 PM, CA Christmas Outreach Gift Wrapping Party 6:30 PM, CH Las Posadas— Rosary NEW PARISHONER REGISTRATION WEEKEND 6:30—8:30 PM, FR Las Posadas DEC 22 TUESDAY DEC 23 WEDNESDAY 9:00 AM † Frank Kovarik 9:00 AM † Chuck Ajemian 5:00 PM † Diane Babral 6:30—8:30 PM, CR Choir 6:30—8:30 PM, FR Las Posadas 6:30 PM, CA Las Posadas 10:00 AM— 12:00 PM, SC Sewing Program 6:30—8:30 PM, OFR Las Posadas 7:00—8:30 PM Sc, RM 105 English Classes DEC 24 THURSDAY DEC 25 FRIDAY 12:00 AM People of the Parish 10:00 AM † Elizabeth Welsh DEC 26 SATURDAY DEC 27 SUNDAY 5:00 PM People of the Parish 8:30 AM † Rita Hasenfus 11:30 AM † George Mitchell 4:00-4:40 PM, CH Confessions 10:00—11:10 AM, FR Breaking Open the Word PARISHOFFICE CLOSED FOR CHRISTMAS 3rd WEEK OF ADVENT: JUSTICE CHALLENGE. Christmas preparations are well underway in our lives. Sometimes in the midst of gifts and parties we forget the real purpose of this celebration—the Second Person of the Trinity incarnating and becoming one of us. Jesus came as a poor person to stand in total solidarity with those who have little. This week’s challenge is to reflect on all the things you have, including the gifts you will be receiving and giving, and what you will do with them in light of so many of your brothers and sisters across the world having so little. What are you willing to share? Center for Ministry Development © 2015. FashioningFaith.org. All rights reserved. Children: What kind thing have you done for someone lately? Who could you make happy by your kindness this week? Adults: To whom have your past acts of kindness brought joy? What acts of kindness could you do this week? 3rd SUNDAY OF ADVENT, YEAR C, LUKE 3:10—18 3° DOMINGO DEL ADVIENTO, AÑO C, LUCAS 3:10—18 Niños: ¿Qué cosa amable has hecho por alguien últimamente? ¿A quién podrías hacer feliz con tu bondad esta semana? Adultos: ¿A quiénes han traído alegría tus últimos actos de bondad? ¿Qué actos de bondad puedes hacer esta semana? SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR DECEMBER 14— DECEMBER 19, 2015 MONDAY, DECEMBER 14 ● Numbers 24:2-7, 15-17 ● Psalm 25:4-9 ● Matthew 21:23-27 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15 ● Zephaniah 3:1-2, 9-13 ● Psalm 34:2-3, 6-7, 17-19, 23 ● Matthew 21:28-32 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16 ● Isaiah 45:6-8, 18, 21-25 ● Psalm 85:9-14 ● Luke 7:18-23 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17 ● Genesis 49:2, 8-10 ● Psalm 72:1-4, 7-8, 17 ● Matthew 1:1—17 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18 ● Jeremiah 23:5-8 ● Psalm 72:1-2, 12-13, 18-19 ● Matthew 1:18—25 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19 ● Judges 13:2-7, 24-25 ●Psalm 71:3-6, 16-17 ● Luke 1:5—25 4th WEEK IN ADVENT: JUSTICE CHALLENGE. We often think of our own families this week with the anticipation of joy and celebration centered around Jesus’ birth. However, there are so many in our families, in our communities, and across the world who have no one. Take time this week to remember in prayer those who don’t know the amazing gift of Jesus and those who are lonely, longing for love and belonging. We pray that Jesus would find the way into their hearts and lives this Christmas. What part do you play in that evangelization? Center for Ministry Development © 2015. FashioningFaith.org. All rights reserved. Children: When is it hardest for you to obey a parent or teacher? What can help you obey with more trust? Adults: When was it hardest for you to trust in God’s plan, as Mary did? What can help you at such times? 4th SUNDAY OF ADVENT, YEAR C, LUKE 1:39—45 4° DOMINGO DEL ADVIENTO, AÑO C, LUCAS 1:39—45 Niños: ¿Cuándo te es más difícil obedecer a tus padres o maestros? ¿Qué te puede ayudar a cumplir con más confianza? Adultos: ¿Cuándo te fue difícil confiar en el plan de Dios, como lo hizo María? ¿Qué te puede ayudar en esos momentos? SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR DECEMBER 21— DECEMBER 26, 2015 MONDAY, DECEMBER 21 ● Song of Songs 2:8—14 ● Psalm 33:2-3, 11-12, 20-21 ● Luke 1:39—45 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22 ● 1 Samuel 1:24-28 ● 1 Samuel 2:1, 4-8 ● Luke 1:46—56 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23 ● Malachi 3:1-4, 23-24 ● Psalm 25:4-5, 8-10, 14 ● Luke 1:57—66 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24 ● 2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8-12, 14, 16 ● Psalm 89:2-5, 27, 29 ● Luke 1:67—79 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25—THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD (CHRISTMAS) ● Isaiah 9:1-6 ● Psalm 96:1-3, 11-13 ● Titus 2:11-14 ● Luke 2:1—14 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26 ● Acts 6:8-10, 7:54-59 ● Psalm 31:3-4, 6, 8, 16-17 ● Matthew 10:17-22 BREAKING OPEN THE WORD (BOW) Are you preparing the Way for the Lord in your mind and heart this Advent? BOW will definitely help you hear and understand Jesus’ message to you at this time in your life. Join us and listen more closely to Jesus’ presence in His Word from 10:00—11:10AM every Sunday in the O’Brien Family Room. There is no sign-up, no attendance requirement, no cost, and no judging! R.U. INTERESTED IN BECOMING CATHOLIC? (RCIA) St. John’s Christian Initiation for Adults is year-round and tailored to each individual’s needs. Please contact Fr. Rolo or Jeanne Branch if you wish to explore the Catholic faith. We look forward to assisting you on your faith journey. RCIA ADVENT RETREAT. All are invited to join our RCIA candidates, catechumens and team this Sunday evening from 6:00—8:00 PM for “Yearning for God’s Mercy,” an evening of reflections, prayers, and song. Join us in the O’Brien Family Room and refresh yourself in the midst of this season’s busyness. EXPLORING FAITH is our introductory program for those exploring the spiritual path the Catholic Church offers. We will be offering a new series of these one-hour focused discussions on basic Catholic belief and spirituality starting in January. Invite your friends who have asked you about your faith, if they would be interested in learning more, and contact the parish office, if they would like more information. “IT IS BY GOD'S WILL THAT WE HAVE BEEN SANCTIFIED.” How is God calling you to grow in holiness? If God may be inviting you to the priesthood, diaconate or consecrated life, call Fr. Michael Boehling, Vicar for Vocations, (804) 359-5661, or write: mboehling@richmonddiocese.org. THE JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY IS HERE and we are gearing up to ensure everyone may participate in a ‘pilgrimage’ of faith this year by participating in a variety of opportunities to help you “contemplate the mystery of mercy. It is a wellspring of joy, serenity, and peace. Our salvation depends on it.” (Pope Francis, Misericordiae Vultus, 2) Please contact Jeanne Branch (540) 949-6145 or at jbranch@stjohnevan.com, if you would like to help plan and organize our events marking this special year. We are especially looking for those who would like to train and be part of a parish-based retreat team. ADULT FAITH FORMATION DISCUSSION GROUPS—HAVING MERCY. Our small groups have finished their scripture study “Welcome to the Feast,” a study of the Eucharist in scripture, and are on a break until January. All groups will resume meeting in January to do another parish-wide study called “Having Mercy.” We will have groups available on Monday and Wednesday evenings, 7:00—8:30 PM and Tuesday mornings, 9:45—11:45 AM. This six session study does not require any advance preparation. Each week, the participants gather and pray, study doctrinal faith statements about different aspects of mercy, discuss these points and end with reflection and prayer. Those who participated in the Fall scripture study do not need to re-register. Anyone who would like to join for this short, 6 week study, please call the parish office so that our group facilitators will have sufficient materials. We are asking a $5.00 donation to help defray expenses of this program. Current group participants will hear from their facilitator with additional information and a start date. DISCOVERY AND CHRISTIAN AWAKENING RETREATS. A Discovery Retreat (9th & 10th graders) encourages teenagers to discover their identity through Jesus Christ and their relationship with God. Christian Awakening (11th & 12th graders) seeks to enable teenagers to see Christ in others and invites youth to look at ways of serving others and becoming better, more fully committed Christians. Several Discovery and CA Retreats are offered throughout the winter and early spring. St. John’s own Erin Fosnocht and Christopher Puzio will serve as Co-Youth Coordinators, Bill Beard on Adult Team, Andrew Myers and Angel Gering on Youth Team on the Discovery Retreat team January 8-10, 2016 in Lowesville VA. Registration information is online, through high school catechists, or from the Christian Formation Office. The deadline is December 23rd. The Cost is $85. Contact Michele Kresge for additional information. DIOCESAN YOUTH CONFERENCE (DYC) is an event for youth in 8-12th grade. It is a highly energetic, engaging, and awesome opportunity for high school teenagers to gather as a larger Church community and celebrate the amazing richness of our Catholic Christian faith. The conference will be held in Richmond, February 12-14. This year’s theme is “Experience Joy.” Our keynote speaker is David Calavitta. Registration forms can be found on our parish website, at our Christian Formation office, or from your catechists. The cost is $180 for registrations. Scholarships are available. CALLING ALL COOKS!! If you are willing and able to prepare lunch (or a part of it) for 15, please contact Michele Kresge at (540) 949-6145 or mkresge@stjohnevan.com. We will need help with lunches on February 28, and April 17 for our Confirmation Candidates and their catechists. ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST CHURCH IS ON FACEBOOK. Join us by sending a request. It is a forum for reflection, sharing insight and information, and keeping abreast of parish activities. ST. ANTHONY HOUSE & FOOD PROGRAM. Thank you to all who have supported our Food Program and St. Anthony House during the past year. Every dollar that you have donated has gone directly to helping our brothers and sisters in Pointe-a-Raquette, LaGonave, Haiti. In the Year of Mercy, be proud of the merciful work you have done to cloth the naked, shelter the homeless, and feed the hungry. You are the only family most of our residents of St. Anthony House have! Please remember Sebien, Tipichine, Rosela, and Clarna in your prayers during this holy season. Please continue to help them and the other hungry residents of St. Louis parish by putting a clearly marked envelope in the Sunday collection or anytime online following the link at www.st.johnevan.com. CLOTHING HANGERS. Our Clothes Closet is planning a wonderful community outreach event for early 2016 that includes distribution of many, many items of clothing. In order to make the event successful, we need your surplus clothes hangers! If you have hangers to contribute, please place them on the tables outside of the Clothes Closet after December 21, and stay tuned for more news about this exciting event. As always, Thank You! THE CLOTHES CLOSET is in need of Men's coats in sizes Medium, Large, XLarge and XXLarge. If you have items you would like to donate, please bring them by the Parish Office, or drop them off at the Clothes Closet on Thursdays between 9:45 AM—12:00 PM. Thank you so much for your help. MARCH FOR LIFE. The Office for Evangelization sponsors a Diocesan-wide delegation to the annual March for Life in Washington DC. The March for Life marks the anniversary of the landmark decision of the Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade which legalized abortion in the United States. The delegation is primarily intended for middle and high school youth, college students, and young adults. This is a two-day pilgrimage where participants attend the “Live is VERY Good” evening prayer hosted by Mark Hart, Jackie Francois, I Am They, and the Josh Blakesley Band. Participants stay overnight in Northern Virginia and then participate in the morning “Life is VERY Good” youth rally and Mass before traveling by bus to the March for Life in downtown Washington DC. The cost is $45 for youth participants (ages 1117), $25 for College students, and $55 for adult chaperones. All buses will be scheduled to arrive in Woodbridge VA by 7:00 PM at the EagleBank Arena (formerly the Patriot Center) on the campus of George Mason University. We will NOT know our Thursday departure time until January 15 when the Diocesan bus routes will be established based on those who are attending. Contact Michele Kresge for additional information. Registration forms are available on the Parish Website. THE CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION FESTIVAL CHOIR PRESENTS an Evening of Music for Advent and Christmas on Friday, December 18. The evening begins at 7:00 PM with sung Advent Evening Prayer in the Worship Center with a reception to follow. Please join us for this special musical event. CHARLOTTESVILLE CATHOLIC SCHOOL is seeking substitute teachers! Wonderful children, flexible hours, and a great working environment are guaranteed! To apply, please download an application from the Diocese of Richmond website (www.richmonddiocese.org/human/apply.htm) and submit with your resume, and letter of interest, by mail to Charlottesville Catholic School, 1205 Pen Park Road, Charlottesville VA 22901; by fax to (434) 964-1373; or by email to Mr. Mike Riley, at m.riley@cvillecatholic.org. Candidates for teaching positions must possess or be eligible for Virginia State Certification. LET US ALL BE THANKFUL FOR THE GIFT OF OUR VOCATION. Does the way you live your life and especially your marriage give praise and glory to God? Let God transform your marriage relationship. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are February 19-21 in Herndon, and April 22-24 in Fredericksburg. For more information or to apply, call (757) 483-3209, or visit the website www.renewmarriage-vasouth.org, or contact applications@renewmarriage-vasouth.org. PILGRIMAGE TO SHRINES OF QUEBEC AND MONTREAL AND MORE! Please join Fr. Joseph Barranger, O.P., of St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Charlottesville on a wonderful pilgrimage to the Catholic Shrines of Canada, including St. Anne de Beaupre, St. Joseph’s Oratory, St. Kateri Tekakwitha, Cape May, Notre Dame Cathedral with the Holy Door, and many more! The trip is from April 19—26. The cost is $2,179 including the bus rides to and from Dulles, airfare, hotels, breakfast and 5 dinners, and the tour guide. A deposit of $500 is due by December 15. For more information, contact Julie Zackrisson (434) 296-4615 or julieanne333@gmail.com. If you are interested we have fliers available in the Parish Office. YEAR-END IS QUICKLY APPROACHING, and that means Tax Time is also near. Please remember that, in order to be deductible for 2015, your donation must be received in the parish office or postmarked by December 31, 2015. COME SPEND TIME WITH JESUS. “From the Eucharist comes strength to live the Christian life and zeal to share that life with others.” –St. John Paul ll. We invite you to spend time in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament on Fridays anytime from 10:00 AM—7:00 PM. We would especially appreciate volunteers during the 11:00 AM—12:00 PM and 5:00—6:00 PM hours. If you can come regularly, or would like to learn more about what coming regularly entails, contact Paul Perkins (540) 942-9788 or email at perkinsp@comcast.net BUILDING COMMITTEE UPDATE. Many parishioners stopped by the cafeteria the weekend of November 21-22 to meet the BCDM architects and see the plans they made for our future church. The room buzzed after each Mass as you voiced your opinions of the plans, and many of you put your thoughts on paper! Those comments have been forwarded to the architects and they are working to incorporate many of them. Thank you. We expect updated plans to arrive before the end of the year and will keep you posted. Next step: the Living our Mission Capital Campaign to raise funds for the new building in conjunction with the Diocesan appeal, to begin in January. Our future hinges on the outcome of the campaign. As you are invited to participate, please pray to the Holy Spirit to guide your giving for the entire parish now and in years to come. We are growing the vineyard, and must tend to it carefully. <<<<<Saint John the Evangelist Catholic Church Stewardship Report >>>>> General Contributions - Q/E Sept 30 General Contributions - M/E Oct 31 General Contributions - M/E Nov 31 Fiscal Year-to-Date % of Budgeted Revenue Received YTD FYE 6/30/16 FYE 6/30/15 FYE 6/30/14 $131,262 $45,237 $57,235 $233,734 $139,065 $37,496 $51,884 $228,445 $120,932 $35,312 $66,932 $223,176 Budgeted Revenue FYE 6/30/16 $517,750 45.1% OUR DEAR FRIENDS AT ST. JOHNS, your donations to ComfortCare whether they be financial, diapers, or just remembering us in your prayers, are a sweet smelling sacrifice to our Lord and Savior! Thank you for putting your love into action on our behalf! Fondly, Stevi (CCWH) TO MY GUARDIAN ANGEL, Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!—Joan Michaud A VERY BIG THANK YOU to the all those who helped deliver Christmas greetings and a poinsettia to our parishioners who are homebound, bereaved, or in area facilities: Bruce Fenton, Mary Ann Stehlik, Angie & Gary Kessler, Lorraine Whitley, Monica Bronski, Marilyn Keegan, Leo and Pat Cekada, Peggy & Paul Perkins, Rosie Haverkamp, Nancy & Don Kelley, Sue Pauly, Betty Duff, Marian Calder, Connie Mercier, Melissa Capone, Elaine & John Leffingwell, Donna Miller, James Comar, Audra Brodowicz, Arlene Hanlin, Mary Jo & Bernie Roberson, Kitty Krogh, and Lisa Puzio. You all are the greatest! Also, a big thank you to Judy Charles and the sewing committee who embroidered greetings on the fleece throws given to some of our elderly homebound; they were beautiful! TO PRIEST AND PARISH OF ST. JOHNS, My husband and I were visiting during Fall Foliage and enjoyed attending mass there. My Aunt Ellie Pelar, long-time community citizen of Waynesboro passed away last year, please keep her in your prayers, she had many friends who attended St. Johns. Respectfully, Bev & Gene Koiniders BYRD RAWLINGS has been transferred to the Richmond area for rehabilitation. He would love to hear from friends and would love for visitors to stop by company when you are in town. St. John’s is always in his heart. Send cards & letters to: Byrd L. Rawlings The Laurels at University Park 2420 Pemberton Road Room 122 Richmond, VA 23233 A BLESSING FOR THE SUNDAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS May your warm heart make straight His path May your generosity smooth His way May they know He comes because you laugh And see the Child in you on Christmas day May you too be a light shining in the dark A candle calling loved ones home Inviting flavor in the pastry tart A sky, clear and crisp, under heaven’s dome And may the God of Christmas bless you The Father who made the world in love The Son who came on Christmas night And the Holy Spirit who calls us home www.masstimes.org Mass Times is a non-profit website that allows traveling Catholics to locate mass times and information for Catholic churches around the world. We don’t take a break from church.