C:\My Documents\works docs\bulletins\1st Sunday of


C:\My Documents\works docs\bulletins\1st Sunday of
St. Bonaventure Church
409 South Kansas Avenue
Marceline, MO 64658
Fr. Jerry Kaimann Pastor
Web: www.stbon.org
Founded in 1888
First Sunday of Advent
November 29, 2009
Mass Intentions
Nov 28 Saturday
Nov 29 Sunday
Nov 30 Monday
Dec 1 Tuesday
Dec 2 Wednesday
Dec 3
Dec 4
Dec 5
Dec 6
Reconciliation: Wednesday evenings 6 to 7 pm; Anytime by
Baptism: Please call the parish office for information,
preparation, and to set time and date.
First Eucharist: Any child properly prepared will be eligible
to receive first Eucharist
Marriage: Please call the rectory to make arrangements and
to begin preparations. Catholic policy requires that you
contact the rectory at least 6 months ahead. All couples will
be expected to attend an Engaged Encounter.
New Parishioners: Welcome to our parish. Contact or visit
the rectory and Fr. Jerry to register as a parishioner or fill
in Gold registration form found in book rack in church.
5:30 pm @ Brookfield
7:30 am Parishioners
9:15 am @ Brookfield
11:00 am Bryon Dorrell
8:05 am Vernon Gladbach
8:05 am Catherine & John Schiltz
8:05 am Intentions of Mary Hustead
8:30 am @ Brookfield
8:05 am Eva Lodder
8:05 am Kenneth Hoskins
5:30 pm @ Brookfield
7:30 am Lena Chrisman
9:15 am @ Brookfield
11:00 am Parishioners
Calendar of Events
Sunday, November 29
Men’s Choir at 11 am Mass
1st Sunday of Advent
Tuesday, December 1
9:00 am Ladies Faith Meeting at Mary Ellen Crippin’s
Wednesday, December 2
6:00 pm Pastoral Council Prayer in Church
7:00 pm Jr. High Youth Group Meeting
Thursday, December 3
Adoration after Mass until 11 am
November 22, 2009
$ 3,257.00
$ 3,461.36
2008-09 Goal
$ 4,250.00
Net Profit/Loss
$ - 788.64
Nov Envelopes (4 weeks)
Nov Envelope goal (5 weeks)
Needed to meet Nov Goal
$ 5,349.78
Lectors: Monday: Rita Kussman;
Tuesday: Pat Armin
Wednesday: Barb Daller; Thursday: Marjorie Krumpelman
Friday: Students
Senior Associate -– Fr. Daniel Ewald — Sacrament Minister @ Milan & Unionville
St. Bonaventure Pastoral Council
327 South Kansas Avenue
Mrs. Kelly Ott, Principal
2nd Wednesday, 6:30 pm, Rectory after 6:00 pm Prayer
President: Randy Edgar 376-2455*Jennifer Dixon
Fr. McCartan School Board
*Sharon Freeman*JoAnn Harrison*Geraldean Burris
Cary Sayre, President
*Donnie Edgar*John Krumpelman*Ryan Lodder*Kathy Main
Fr. McCartan Home & School
Dawn Bloomfield, President
St. Anne’s Altar Society
Fr. McCartan Memorial School Foundation
Carolyn Payne, President
Father McCartan Memorial School
P.O. Box 305
Marceline, MO 64658
$50 Winner:
Knights of Columbus 217 N Main St. USA 376-3595
1st Monday, 7:30 pm at Hall
Rick Hoskins, Grand Knight 376-2750
Social Concerns - Prayer Line Contacts
Geraldine Burris
JoAnn Harrison
Barbara Meissen
Administration Commission
Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary
2nd Monday, 7:00 pm at Hall
Tina Kelly, Auxiliary President 376-2453
2nd Tuesday, 7 pm
Liturgy & Worship Commission 3rd Tuesday, 5 pm
November 29, 2009
Calendars Were Blessed this morning and are available for
each family of the parish. Be sure to take one for your college
student or family member in the rest home. We appreciate and
thank Quinn Lumber Company again this year for donating the
Children’s Advent Calendars are also available to families with
children ages 10 and under. By helping the children open small
doors daily on the calendar, we help them joyfully anticipate the
birth of the Baby Jesus.
Parish Christmas Angel The names of all the parish families
have been put in a basket. Each family is welcome to choose a
name or two out of the basket, pray for that family (and make an
effort to get to know something about the family) during Advent,
then reveal themselves to the family during the Christmas
season. The feast of the Epiphany, (January 3 this year) when
the three wise men gave gifts to the Magi, is suggested. That
way its not just one more thing to do before Christmas.
Catholic Stewardship Appeal
As of November 23, St.
Bonaventure parish has pledged or donated $6,199 or 89% of
the $6,950 CSA goal. Please continue sending in your
Diocesan commitment envelopes.
Thank you to the 76 parish families who returned their Parish
Time, Talent and Treasure green card. If you haven’t returned
your card, please do so by next Sunday either in the collection
or by mail. Your promptness helps us to tabulate the results in
a timely manner. Thank you.
School News: We look forward to sharing with you our
Christmas program on Sunday, December 13, at 2:00 pm.
Come share with us!
Youth News: Next HS Youth Meeting is a Christmas party on
Wednesday, December 9. Bring $5 child’s gift for needy
Jr. High Youth Group meeting is this Wednesday, December
2 at 7 pm.
Feast of the Immaculate Conception, a Holy Day of obligation
is Tuesday, December 8. Masses will be celebrated on Monday
evening, December 7, at St. Bonaventure at 5:30 pm & Tuesday
morning, December 8, at 8:05 am. Mass at Brookfield will be at
7:00 pm on December 8.
Come Enjoy an Evening of food, fellowship and festivities!
That’s the invite from the St. Bonaventure Knights and Ladies
Auxiliary. Monday, December 7, after the 5:30 pm Mass at St.
Bonaventure, they celebrate the annual Light Up for Christ with
the blessing of their indoor and outdoor nativity scenes. Then a
carry in dinner will be served with meat and drinks provided.
Santa plans to attend, so why not you? Bring your kids and
grandkids to visit with Santa when he’s not quite so busy. And
bring a dish to share. Everyone is invited!
The Word Among Us A few booklets are still available this
weekend to prepare for Christmas during this Advent season.
Please pick up a copy provided by the parish, and take a few
minutes a day to use this booklet to grow closer to the Lord and
make Christmas much more meaningful for you and your family.
Dec 6, 2009
7:30 am
11:00 am
Advent Candle Ed Ewigman Fam
Charles Allen Fam
Andrew Edgar
Katie Daller
Blake Linebaugh
Ethan Daller
Peter Finke
Rita Kussman
Sue Ann Gordon
John Krumpelman
Glenn Ewigman
Marge Krumpelman
Lana Lodder
Larry Quinn
Terri Quinn
Kenny Ewigman
Matt Cupp
Mike Quinn
Ellen Beaver
Tim Rodgers
Justin Cupp
Brooke Niemeier
Melvin Sartain
Nick Garvey
November 29, 2009
Year For Priests Pope Benedict XVI has declared June 2009
to June 2010 as the “Year for Priests”. Pray for your priest.
Pray as a family for vocations. Remember priests who have
made a difference in your life, maybe baptized you or one of
your children, heard your first confession, offered Mass at your
first communion, officiated at your marriage, or were there
when you had a serious family problem or death. Remember
them with a card or note this Christmas.
Adopt a Family If you are interested in helping a family out at
Christmas through the Marceline Welfare Council, please
contact Margaret Epperson at 376-3591. She will help you
choose a family and give you other details. The cost would be
around $30. Please contact her soon, so all families may be
Memorial Angels are available from Pershing Hospice, to
remember a loved one. For more information see flyer in back
of church or call 1-800-643-0742.
Our Sympathy and Prayers to the Ewigman family on the
death of their brother-in-law, Lewis Bradford of Raymore, who
was buried this past week at St. Bonaventure. May he rest in
eternal peace.
Baby Bottles We need baby bottles for an upcoming fund
raising drive in our parish for the Pregnancy Resource Center.
If you have baby bottles that you are not using, please drop
them off at the rectory or contact Jennifer Dixon at 376-4139.
Today’s Gospel Reading Records the most important
exchange in all of literature, the one between Jesus and Pilate.
While Pilate presumes the conversation is about an earthly,
political “king”, Jesus, by contrast, suggests to Pilate that he is
that “faithful witness” of a wholly transcendent kingship, one
that is envisioned by Daniel and the reading from the Book of
Revelations. As we approach the Advent season, this week
would be a good time to reflect on how we understand our roll
as stewards of this transcendent kingship and how we can
better serve Christ to bring about this new kingdom.
Readings November 30 - December 6, 2009
Nov 30:St Andrew*Rom 10:9-18*Ps 19:8-11*Mt 4:18-22
Dec 1:*Is 11:1-10*Ps 72:1-2,7-8,12-13,17*Lk 10:21-24
Dec 2:*Is 25:6-10*Ps 23:1-6*Mt 15:29-37
Dec 3:St Francis Zavier*Is 26:1-6*Ps 118:1,8-9,19-21,
25-27*Mt 7:21,24-27
Dec 4:St John of Damascus*Is 29:17-24*Ps 27:1,4,13-14
*Mt 9:27-31
Dec 5:*Is 30:19-21,23-26*Ps 147:1-6*Mt 9:35-10:1,5-8
Dec 6:2nd Sun Advent*Bar 5:1-9*Ps 126:1-6
*Phil 1:4-6,8-11*Lk 3:1-6
Special Prayer Request Mary Hustead is in Barnes Hospital
in St. Louis undergoing (her own) adult stem cell therapy. She
is scheduled to be there about a month. Please keep her and
her family in your prayers during this time. You may send cards
to her at Barnes Jewish Hospital, 216 S Kings Highway,
Division 5900 Rm 5911, North Campus - Schoenburg Building,
St. Louis, MO 63110 or mhustead@charitonvalley.com Phone
number is 314-747-5911.
Your Parish Cares If you would like a visit or anointing due to
illness or impending surgery, please call the rectory at 3763239 and leave details. When someone in your family is ill or
in hospital, we’d like to pray for you. Our parish family is here
to lend support. Please pray to Jesus for healing and comfort
for: Bob Burris, Debbie Varner; Lisa Stuart, Dave Stuart; Darrin
Niemeier, Mary Hustead; Albert & Carliss Anderson, Debbie
Nellesen, Kathleen Mulhern, Matt Reichert, Bonnie Gladbach;
Joey Biegel, Terri Jefferson; Bill Weimer, Sebastian Ruiz; Alice
Westfall, Linda Fry, Ray Meissen, Sharon Levell, Amy
Ewigman; Marjorie Stuart; Shirley Rodgers; Erma Flynn, Dan
Maniero; and all who suffer from sickness, accidents or aging.