718-224-4746 - Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament
718-224-4746 - Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament
Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church WELCOME TO OUR PARISH! We hope you have felt at home in our church this weekend. Please feel free to join us as often as possible, you are most welcome. Rectory Office: 34-24 203 Street, Bayside, NY 11361-1152 PH: (718) 229-5929, Fax (718) 229-3354 www.olbschurch.org DAILY MASSES: Monday - Friday: 7am, 9am, Saturday 9am Public Holidays: 9am only Hours: Monday to Friday: 9am-5pm, 6:30pm-8:30pm; Saturday: 9am-5pm; Sunday: 9am-1pm WEEKEND MASSES: We are served by: Holy Days: As Announced in Bulletin/Website Saturday: Vigil 5pm Sunday: 8am, 10am, 12noon Rev. Robert J. Whelan, Pastor Ext. 124 frbob@olbschurch.org Confessions: Sat.: 4pm - 4:45pm or by appointment Rev. Mark Matthias, Parochial Vicar Ext. 118 frmark@olbschurch.org Rev. Msgr. William J. Flood, Assistant Ext. 122 (Pastor Emeritus of Our Lady of Grace Church) Sacrament Information: See inside front cover Rev. Vincent J. Gallo, Weekend Assistant (Pastor Emeritus of St. Pancras Church, Glendale) Rev. Bryan J. Carney, Resident Ext. 120 (Chaplain - Flushing Hospital) Mrs. Joan Kane, School Principal 34-45 202 Street, Bayside, NY 11361-1152 (718) 229-4434 Office www.olbsschool.org Church is open daily until 5pm! Second Sunday of Advent Holy Year of Mercy Mrs. Carol Pacifico and Mrs. Barbara Tcolakian, Secretaries Sr. Carla Lorenz, PBVM, Dir. of Religious Education (718) 225-6179 olbsreled@hotmail.com Mrs. Rosanna Lombardi, Secretary Deacon George Bourbeau Ext. 112 deacongeorge@olbschurch.org Deacon Ernesto Avallone Ext 112 deaconernesto@olbschurch.org Deacon William J. Molloy Ext 112 deaconbill@olbschurch.org Mr. Michael Martinka, Director of Music Ext. 117 music@olbschurch.org Mrs. Jane Brunhuber, Secretary Ext. 110 secretary@olbschurch.org Mrs. Linda Farrell, Bookkeeper Ext. 115 bookkeeper@olbschurch.org Receptionist, During Office Hours, Ext. 111 December 6, 2015 We a r e a T i t h i n g P a r i s h Dec. 2015 Mass Intentions—(Gift of) Sacraments and Prayer Eucharistic Adoration: Mondays: 7:30pm-8:20pm (use 203rd St. entrance) Fridays: Begins after 9am Mass and ends at 10:30am. Baptism: Instruction classes are held on the last Saturday of each month in the rectory at 11 AM. Parents should call the rectory to make arrangements before they attend the class and bring with them a copy of the child’s birth certificate. Baptism is administered on the 2nd Sunday of every month at 1:30 PM. Confession / Reconciliation: Saturday: 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM or by appointment with one of the priests. Marriage: A couple must come to the rectory to make arrangements for their wedding at least six months in advance of their proposed wedding date. Please call the rectory to make an appointment. Marriage preparation (Pre-Cana) is available directly through OLBS as well as through the diocese. Please contact Laura (718 352-9247) or the rectory for information on the OLBS program. For information on the diocesan program, please log on to www.pre-cana.org Anointing of the Sick: One of the priests should be called as soon as there is a sign of serious illness. Communion of the Sick: Anyone who cannot attend Mass because of illness may receive the Eucharist at home on a regular basis. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the priests in this ministry. Please call Agnes, Communion of the Sick Coordinator, at 718 631-4793, or the rectory. Cenacles of Life: Mondays 7:30pm - Rosary and Eucharistic Adoration; and Saturdays at 8:15am Rosary in the church. Liturgy of the Hours: Monday to Friday before 9am Mass. Sun-6th M-7th 8am 10am 12pm 7am 9am Tu-8th 7am 9am 7:30pm W-9th 7am 9am Th-10th 7am 9am Fri-11th 7am 9am Sat-12th 9am 5pm Sun-13th 8am 10am 12pm Edward Johnstone (M/M Philip Brady) Thomas Thompson (Antonia Decarolis) For the People of our Parish Gino, Luigina & Adelinde Retica (Laura DiCarlo) Morris Walsh (Kay Stein) Paddy Curtin (Betty McLoughlin) Lino Flaim (Flaim Relatives) Feast of the Immaculate Conception In Thanksgiving (anonymous) Timothy M. Bloomer (Judith Morrissey) Bernadette McManus (Mary & Edward Mullaney) Celano Family (Brigida Celano) Narcis Bacci (M/M Stephen Bacci) All 9-11-01 Victims (Theresa Mullan) Peggy Mullahy (John Mullahy) Edward Simicich (Morino Mezic) Ruth Robin (M/M Mario Raggi) Nora Brennan (Jerry & Bridie Gilrane) Mickey Rodeschini (Friends at the Rectory) For the People of our Parish Norma Puhalski (Fulin Family) Gabriel Lanzetta (Millie Rigoli) Rev. Msgr. George T. Deas, Pastor Emeritus (not in residence) THE STAR BETHLEHEM OF Real or Myth? Let you and science decide! This 65 minute video is being presented by Fr. Mark Matthias in cooperation with the Evangelization Team of OLBS. Refreshments will be served! Thurs, Dec. 17th, @ 7PM in the school auditorium Sun, Dec 20th, @ 1:30PM in the school auditorium Please Pray for our Deceased Mary Costanza, John Edward Tollefsen, Jr., Julia Russo, Edward Napolitano Dec. 6, 2015-p2 LECTORS Please pick up your 2016 workbooks in the rectory. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS The Knights of Columbus will be offering for purchase “Keep Christ in Christmas” magnets at all the Masses this weekend (12/5-6). “Please pray for the sick…” WEEK 1 Msgr. John Mahoney Bernadette Miller Nick Potito Marie Rowland Casimir Visminas WEEK 2 Rosemarie Bates Richard Faller Sr. Maureen Gregory Matty & Tom Grogan Brendan McGuire Frank McGuire Tony Musto William Stolz John Wrzesc WEEK 3 Maria Bernich Betty Gimblit Maureen Higgins Michael Hurley Janet Leone Maria Leone Beverly Olt Vivian Papa Lou Tirella ARMED FORCES PRAYER LIST If you would like prayers requested in the bulletin for a loved one in the Armed Forces, please call the rectory at ext: 110. Jason & Allison Carter, Conor Crosby, Sheldon Diaz, Eric Hauser, Lieutt. Heather O’Donnell, Michael McHugh, Catherine McManus, Jennifer & Michael Minnick, Adam Mohler, Capt. Andrew Pesature, Lieut. Daniel Pesature, Robert Rendall, William Rendall, Shawn Smith, Capt. Vidhi Persaud, Bryson Ciampa, USMC, Luke Mixon, Rct. Sergio Geico, USMC, Paul Chapman, Lieut. Gavin White, 2nd Lieut. Richard Dolan YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY Are you a young adult (20s and 30s) looking for ways to serve your community and connect with likeminded people? Like us on Facebook: OLBS YAM E-mail BaysideYAM@hotmail.com. Irish Dancing: Tuesday 12/15, 4:45pm, cafeteria (no mtg 12/8) Please visit: www.woundedwarriorproject.org RCIA CHRISTMAS MASS CARDS This Sunday, December 6th, at the 12 noon Mass, we will formally welcome into the Catechumenate those who are requesting to be baptized and fully initiated in the Catholic faith: Robert Cajigas, Michael Chan and Sara Estridge. We also will welcome those baptized Christians who want to become in full communion with the Catholic faith: Juan Castellano, Jr., Heather DeNivo and Meggie Dvorak. If you would like to have someone remembered at all our Christmas Masses, Christmas cards are available at the main entrance of the church. The names may be returned in the collection basket or to the rectory. JOIN US MIDNIGHT MASS ON CHRISTMAS Carols will begin at 11:30pm with special musical instruments to accompany our organ - timpani, oboe, trombone and trumpet. !"#$%&'())*'+),' !"#$%&'())*'+),' All money put in the Poor Box during Advent will go toward toys for needy children. TOY DRIVE The Martin A. Gleason Funeral Home is collecting, thru Dec. 11th, for children in St. Mary’s Hospital in Bayside: gift cards, new unwrapped gifts or checks payable to St. Mary’s Foundation (visit: Babies ‘RUs Registry # 51243065 - bring gifts to either: Bayside, 36-46 Bell Boulevard, or Flushing, 149-20 Northern Boulevard, or Whitestone, 10-25 150th Street. THANK YOU FOR MEMORIAL GIFTS Please Remember Them In Your Prayers ALTAR BREAD & WINE Week of December 6, 2015 In Loving Memory of Mary Anne Lynch Gift of M/M Michael Reilly PURGATORIAL SOCIETY (December) Alma Sinocchi, Katherine Lizzo, Lena Feola, Albina Delise, Rose Sarcco, William Klein, Winifred Gilroy Box Tops for Education For those of you not familiar with Box Tops, General Mills has a program that pays $.10 for every Box Top that we submit to them. Please leave them in the box at the main entrance at the church or put them in an envelope in the collection basket. Thank you all for your efforts and support of our school. Big Bucks—Bingo Weekly Bingo Jackpot Is $1,000! $2,050 in prizes every Friday! FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING 1st game starts at 7pm Monday, December 14th, 7:30pm in the rectory Team 5 will work on Friday, 12/11/15 If you can volunteer, please call 718 229-5929 ext: 110 Dec. 6, 2015-p3 Rosary Altar Society Save These Dates! Sun., 12/6 Blood Drive, Parish Center - 8:30am – 12pm Mon., 12/7 Christmas Party - auditorium, 7pm - $30 TICKETS ON SALE THIS WEEKEND Sun., 12/13, Willoughby Brothers Christmas Concert 2pm, auditorium - Tickets $20 ($25 at the door) TICKETS ON SALE THIS WEEKEND or call Betty at 347 613-1303 RAS BLOOD DRIVE This Sunday, December 6th - Parish Center 8:30am-2pm. If you can volunteer to help, please call Cathy at 718 224-4700. THE WILLOUGHBY BROTHERS There will be an Irish Family Christmas Concert next Sunday, December 13th, at 2pm in our school auditorium. Tickets are $20 in advance and $25 at the door. Call 347 613-1303 or 718 229-5929. Tickets on sale this weekend. ADVENT HOSPITALITY WEEKEND Come join your OLBS church family for the Advent Hospitality weekend Dec. 12 and 13 after each Mass in the Parish Center. Share in the joy of the Advent season. Hosted by both The Adult Faith Formation Committee, and the Evangelization Team. Bring your family and friends. Refreshments served. See you then! Altar Servers Sat., 12/12: 5pm: Veronica & Victoria Monteverdi, Carolina Nelson Sunday, 12/13 8am: Michael Grassotti, Isabella & Veronica Avallone 10am: Ally & Valentina Risch, Lizette Gonzalez 12pm: Krista Curran, Michael Wegimont, Sarah Rodriguez Dec. 6, 2015-p4 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION During Advent, all of our children in the Religious Education Program and the school will have the opportunity during class time to receive the sacrament of Penance. CTC (Catholic Teen Community) News Interested in meeting new people? Planning outreach projects? Sharing your faith? All high school students are welcome to join us (CTC) on Monday nights from 7-8:30pm in the convent basement (202nd St side)! PROJECT CHEER Advent Service Day for Teens and Young Adults on Saturday, Dec 12th from 10am - 1pm in the OLBS Parish Center. We will be working on various projects designed to promote acts of kindness within our community. A light breakfast will be served. Let us come together to bring Christ's light to others during this Advent season. RSVP by Dec 10th to Kathleen at 718229-5929 ext 121. Respect Life Committee: Want to stay up to date on news about respect for life issues? Take a look at LifeNews.com, which is an independent news agency devoted to reporting news that affects the pro-life community. With a team of experienced journalists and bloggers, LifeNews.com reaches more than 750,000 pro-life advocates each week via their web site, email news reports, social networking outreach and weekday radio program. The topics covered by LifeNews.com include abortion, assisted suicide and euthanasia, bioethics issues such as human cloning and stem cell research, campaigns and elections, and cultural legal and legislative issues as they affect the prolife community. lifenews.com SENIOR CITIZENS MEETING Wednesday, December 9th, 12-4pm, school cafeteria SEPARATED AND DIVORCED Meeting, Wed., December 16th, 7:30pm, parish center From the Pastor’s Desk…. 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal — — — — — — — — — — — — — Dear Parishioners, Thank all those who donated so far. We have reached our goal in pledges—all your new pledges On Tuesday, the Solemnity of the will come back to the parish. Please make your Immaculate Conception, the Holy pledge soon. To date, 309 donors have pledged Father will open the Holy Door of $106,345 and $98,656 has been paid. Our goal is St. Peter’s Basilica and inaugurate an extraordinary $93,090. Please see our Annual Report for a list of supjubilee year of mercy. “The salvation which God offers us is the work of his mercy” the pope wrote in The porters. Our most recent donors: Ms. Catherine Becker-DiVittorio, M/M Anthony Catalanotto, Michael & Joy of the Gospel. “The church must be a place of Debra Connelly, M/M Peter Cuomo, M/M Michael mercy freely given, where everyone can feel welD’Alessio, M/M Richard Dunne, Mary Lee, M/M Lee, comed, loved, and encouraged to live the good life of Diane Marotta, John McHugh, M/M Walter Schaub, M/M the gospel.” Bishop DiMarzio has written a pastoral Frank Talty. Thank you for your support. All donations letter (see this week’s Tablet) detailing our diocesan observance which will include six holy doors, pilgrim- should be in by December 31st. ages, indulgences (yes, God is an overindulgent Father!) and active participation in the spiritual and corporal works of mercy. As a tribute to mercy, the Holy Father has streamlined the marriage annulment process CHRISTMAS FLOWERS Christmas Flowers may be memorialized for those who and our bishop has eliminated fees involved in that process. The bishop is also working on the possibility would like someone remembered during the Christmas In Christ, Father season. Please return theBob names in the envelopes which of welcoming refugees from the Middle East and Africa to be sponsored by parishes. I’m sure we will find may be found at the main entrance of the church. All many opportunities during this holy year to be Merci- memorials will be published. You may place the envelope in any collection during the month of December. ful Like the Father. In Christ, Father Bob LESSONS AND CAROLS FEAST OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Holyday of Obligation Tuesday, 12/8/15 This Sunday, December 6th, our Parish Choirs will once again have an Advent Service of Lessons and Carols, beginning at 4pm in the church. All are invited and encouraged to participate. St. Vincent de Paul Truck Please note the change from the normal holyday practice - there will be no Vigil Mass on The truck will be parked in front of the church from 9amDec. 7th. The Mass Schedule will be on Tues- 1pm this Sunday, December 6th, for used clothing. day, December 8th, at 7am, 9am and 7:30pm. STEWARDSHIP — A way of life ADVENT DAY OF PRAYER Please join the OLBS church family at our annual Advent Day of prayer on December 5th, in the Parish Center after the 9:00am Mass. Our presenter will be Sr. Maryann Seton Lopiccolo . She will be speaking about the Year of Mercy. Light refreshments and a lunch will be served. Bring your friends. Dec. 6, 2015-p5 TITHING: God’s plan for giving… We recognize some of the good deeds by the children in our parish: Bridget, Gr. 5, was nice to her friend; 2014 Nov. 22nd (Christ the King) 2015 $7,085.00 Collection $2,883.60 Faith Direct 861 Attendance 2014 Nov. 29th (1st Sun. of Advent) $8,686.00 $2,700.90 904 2015 $9,418.00 $2,883.60 836 $8,330.00 $2,700.90 891 Collection Faith Direct Attendance Did You Know...? Luke 3:1-6 Today’s Gospel reading references an ancient text from the Old Testament Book of Isaiah. There, a prophecy was made that John the Baptist would fulfill many years later; John is the “voice of one crying out in the desert.” And the message that John’s voice proclaimed, in preparation for the coming of the Messiah, was a message of repentance. As we prepare to welcome the Lord this Advent season, we should make the “path” of our souls level, straight, and smooth. We should “fill” the valleys of laziness or despair with diligence and joy. The mountains of pride and greed should be made low with humility and generosity. The winding roads of dishonesty and manipulation “shall be made straight” with commitment to the truth. And the rough ways of our selfishness and stubbornness should be made smooth through charity and docility to the Holy Spirit. When we live our faith with sincerity and devotion, our souls are transformed. This Advent, may our souls become a pleasant path for Christ. Words of Life! Heavenly Father, thank you for the precious gift of life. Help us to cherish and protect this gift, even in the midst of fear, pain, and suffering. Give us love for all people, especially the most vulnerable, and help us bear witness to the truth that every life is worth living. Grant us the humility to accept help when we are in need, and teach us to be merciful to all. Through our words and actions, may others encounter the outstretched hands of your mercy. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen. — USCCB 2015-16 Respect Life Program - Prayer Card: “Every Life is Worth Living’ Your Vocation “Are you seeking “knowledge and full insight to help you determine” your vocation in Christ as a priest, deacon or in consecrated life? Call the Vocation Office at 718 827-2454, or email: vocations@diobrook.org. Sunday Mass Presiders: Dec. 12th-13th schedule is subject to change - (in parentheses will preach) Saturday, 12/12 Sunday, 12/13 Dec. 6, 2015-p6 5pm 8am 10am 12pm Fr. Matthias Fr. Matthias Fr. Whelan Fr. Gallo Around the Diocese *Christmas Craft Sale: St. Josaphat Ch., Dec. 5th-6th - 718 224-3052. *Spirituality/Recovery: Bp Molloy Retreat House Dec 11-13– 718-739-1229. *Flea Market: St. Josaphat Ch., Dec. 13th, 9-4pm - 18 224-3052. *Christmas Art Contest: Deadline 12-18-15 - For information: 718 5173132 or thetablet.org/christmas-art-contest/ *Yonkers Casino Trip: 12/30 - Reservations: Call Joy at 917 921-7631. *50th Reunion: St. Michael’s HS, June, 2016-pkoehler@aol.com *Evenings of Fraternity: Opportunity for men discerning a vocation; Holy Hour/Conference/Dinner; St. John Paul II House of Discernment; 11/23/15, 5-7pm - 718 827-2454. *Pilgrimage-Eucharistic Congress, Philippines: Bishop DiMarzio & Timothy Cardinal Dolan, 1/22 to 2/1/16-516 605-1551. *Pilgrimage: Italy, March 30-April 7th, led by Bishop Paul Sanchez— www.ccbq.org or call 718 722-6202.! *Army/Navy/Air Force Vocation Discernment Retreat: March 3-6, Dunwoodie, NY - 619 865-2052 or 202 719-3677. *Trip to Ocean City, MD: May 22-26 - 718 343-0676. *Trip to Sicily, Rome: May 2-13, 718 343-0676. *Retreats at Bishop Molloy Retreat House: 718 739-1229. *Diocesan Pre Cana Information: Visit www.pre-cana.org *Adult Services: 718 229-7320 - Catholic Charities affiliate. *Relief for Homeless Families: Call Catholic Charities at 718 674-1000 or 929 234-3036. *Alzheimers Adult Day Program: 718 358-3541 *Drivers Needed: Meals on Wheels—718 357-4903—press 1 for MOW Mon—Fri—Between 10am-2pm. Ask for Maria or Kathy. * BEAUTIFUL—The Carole King Musical—Tickets (center prime orchestra seats) are $149 and include (5:45pm) bus from 35th Av/202nd St - 3/13/16 - Call The Robert DiLibero Foundation at 718 428-0169. NICARAGUA MISSION All 15 members of this year's Mission team would again like to thank the parishioners of the parish who so generously supported our trip this year. With your help we were able to provide over $50,000 to the children of Mustard Seed in Nicaragua. It was an amazing experience for each of us and we are planning a parish "Thank you" on February 20th after the 5pm Mass to share with you our pictures and stories. Hospitality will be provided by our Lectors. Please save the date and join with the team for our thanks to you. Mass Scripture Readings Readings for weekday Masses are available on the homepage Mon., St. Ambrose, Bishop and Doctor of the Church; Tues., The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary; Sat., Our Lady of Guadalupe Sun., 12/13 Zep 3:14-18a Is 12:2-6 Phil 4:4-7 Lk 3:1-6 Over 20 Ye (718) 463-9674 s Experiencar e R.J. RUSSO ELECTRIC CO. HONEST, RELIABLE SERVICE - REASONABLE RATES! RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL NEW WORK - ALTERATIONS - REPAIRS NO JOB TOO LARGE OR SMALL Call Your Electrical Specialists! rjrussoelectric.com 45-57 Bell Blvd., Bayside EMERGENCY SERVICE 718-423-4742 DR. DAVID ORENSTEIN, F.A.A.O. 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Kiley Personal Injury • Medical Malpractice Real Estate Transactions • Estate Planning & Administration Elder Law • Matrimonial Law 107 Northern Boulevard, Suite 304, Great Neck OLBS Alumni 718-224-5100 516-466-7900 24 Hour Emergency Service Senior Citizen Discount Connors & Sullivan Caring in Three Centuries… Unique Gifts for Every Budget! Skilled Nursing Facility, Short-Term Rehab, Hospice Care, Adult Day Health Care 159-02 Northern Blvd., Flushing, NY 11358 MON THRU SAT 7:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M. Visit us online at www.ChapinHome.org 718-353-1220 Eyes Examined • Contact Lenses • Low Vision (718) 939-5307 ROBERT HEALY • GEORGE BARDOLF III My car went to Heaven! DONATE YOUR AUTO Society of St. Vincent de Paul 718-491-2525 IRS Tax Deduction • Any Model Any Condition • FREE Towing For Repairs You Need Around Your Home ODD JOBZ All General Repairs • Painting • Re-Finishing • Sheet Rock • Drywall Repair • Owner Operated • Plastering • Minor Plumbing • Senior Citizen Discounts • Power Washing We only use Benjamin Moore • Gutter Cleaning Call Jeff - The Odd Jobz Man 718-225-4171 Fast Service - Reasonable Pricing! Home & Hospital Interviews Available Saturdays on AM 970 & AM 570 Radio 6-7pm THIS SPACE IS “Ask Lawyer Mike” 7408 5th Ave., Brooklyn, NY 718-238-6500 Give Your Child The Proper Foundation For Tomorrow’s World CHINESE TUTOR • Wei Sun 718.539.4078 163-07 29th Ave. • Flushing M-Sat. 7am-7pm • Sun. 8am-3pm www.marinosupermarket.com CALVARY HOSPITAL Over 15 Years Of Teaching Experience Private & Group Lessons Available • Specializing In Children K through 8th Grade • Evenings & Weekends Proud To Support OLBS • 646-327-7841 For more than a century, Calvary Hospital has provided care for patients with advanced cancer. Where Life Continues Today, at our modern 200-bed facility in the Bronx, our state-of-the-art inpatient unit at Lutheran Medical Center in Brooklyn, the Center for Curative and Palliative Wound Care, and through Calvary@Home hospice and home care program, we continue this outstanding tradition of compassionate care. For more information, please call 718-518-2300 or visit www.calvaryhospital.org M. BURTON Plumbing & Heating Corp. 24 HR. SERVICE - ALL QUEENS Hot Water Heaters • Boilers Gas Heat • Sewer Cleaning 718-224-0693 206-01 48th Ave • Lic. No 809 A REAL ADVANTAGE INC. All Phases Of Construction At An Affordable Price. SPECIALIZE IN Gutters, Roofing, Siding, Cement/ Masonry Work Residential And Commercial Contact LPi for more information! 1-800-888-4574 The Best Foot Care in Your Home SUSAN E. LEWIN, D.P.M., Podiatrist The Home Care Specialist 718-445-3445 WILLS, TRUSTS and ELDER LAW ANN-MARGARET CARROZZA, Esq. 213-38 40th Avenue, Bayside 718-224-4746 www.ARealAdvantageConstruction.com 718-767-6950 Free Estimates • All Work Guaranteed Fully Licensed And Insured A+ Rating With The BBB (Better Business Bureau) Serving All 5 Boros, Westchester, And Nassau County Contact LPi for more information! 1-800-888-4574 S&F FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. 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Est. 1934 OLBS School - Alumni * Raymond Family / Parishioners Over 50 Years 39th Ave. at 215th St. A Donation Will Be Made In Your Name For Every Closed Transaction (631) 645-4064 718-229-2420 Free Market Analysis 718-347-3202 x19 w w w . a f l a i r f o r t rav e l . c o m 249-02 Hillside Ave. • Bellerose 917-853-4237 i n f o @ a f l a i r f o r t rav e l . c o m Newly Redecorated Facilities • Large Off-Street Parking Area $12.00 Hair Cut all ages 718.224.4542 26-13 Francis Lewis Blvd. Whitestone, NY 11358 One coupon per person. Free Home Assessments JOSEPH R. CARUSO, D.D.S. Free Inspections Preventative, Restorative and Esthetic Dentistry Oral Medicine, including: Fabrication of Sleep Apnea and Snoring Appliances Hours: 7am-12am Daily/Emergency Service Available – Senior Discounts – (718)762-7378 www.pridepestcontrolny.com LET US PLACE YOUR AD HERE. (718) 353-2822 • 40-29 Utopia Parkway Tapestry Real Estate KEVIN O’CONNELL Licensed Real Estate Agent 25 years real estate experience Free appraisals Cell: 917-584-3983 Office: 718-460-1943 OLBS Parishioner Since 1958 FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. Contact LPi for more information! 1-800-888-4574 DECEMBER 1, 2015 2:49 PM Contact Joe Angelicola to place an ad today! jangelicola@4LPi.com or (800) 888-4574 x3374 OUR LADY BLESSED SACRAMENT, BAYSIDE 04-0224
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