12-06-15 - St. Raphael
12-06-15 - St. Raphael
ST. RAPHAEL’S PARISH 35-20 Greenpoint Avenue, L.I.C., NY 11101 Telephone: 718-729-8957 Fax: 729-5238 E-Mail: straphaelrectory@yahoo.com Website: www.straphael-queens.org MISSION STATEMENT: St. Raphael’s is a parish rooted in tradition yet responding to an evolving community by evangelization in action. We seek to inspire the larger Catholic community to a more committed faith life and to heed Christ’s call of sharing time, talent and treasure for the needs of others. DECLARACION DE MISION: San Rafael es una parroquia enraizada en la tradición y a la vez responde a una comunidad que evoluciona con una acción evangelizadora. Buscamos inspirar a la comunidad católica global a que vivan una fe más comprometida y a prestar atención a la llamada de Cristo a compartir tiempo, talento y bienes con los necesitados. EUCHARIST SCHEDULE Saturday/Sábado Sunday/Domingo 5:00pm - English 8:00am - English 9:45am - Korean 11:00 am—English 12:30 pm—Spanish/Español WEEKDAY SCHEDULE Monday - Friday 9:00am Lunes - Viernes 9:00am OFFICE HOURS/HORARIO Monday - Friday/Lunes - Viernes 9:00-1:00pm & 2:00-4:00pm Saturday/Sábado By appointment / Mediante cita BAPTISM/BAUTISMO Please contact the rectory to make arrangements. You will need the child’s birth certificate. favor de llamar la rectoria. niño. Necesitará el certificado de nacimiento del MARRIAGE/MATRIMONIO Any couple wishing to marry should contact the rectory at least six (6) months before the wedding. Una pareja que está pensando en el matrimonio debe de llamar la rectoría seis (6) meses antes de la boda. RECONCILIATION/RECONCILIACION Saturday/Sábado 4:00-4:45pm and by appointment/y por cita. MINISTRY TO THE SICK/ CUIDADO DE LOS ENFERMOS Please call the rectory at 729-8957 to make arrangements for the sick person to receive Holy Communion or the Anointing of the sick at home. favor de llamar la rectoría al 729-8957 para que la persona enferma reciba la Comunión o Unción de los Enfermos en la casa. December 6th: Second Sunday of Advent FROM THE PASTOR… Dear Parishioners, This coming week, we honor the Mother of Jesus with two special celebrations. This Tuesday, she is the Immaculate Conception and, as such, the patroness of the United Sates. That holyday Mass schedule is printed below. This Saturday, she is Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Virgin of Tepeyac. Guadalupe belongs to all, not just to those of Mexican descent. Mary is the Queen of the Americas (plural): Central, North and South. She is the clear manifestation of everyone’s constantly renewed covenant with God. The format this year at St. Raphael‘s is a bit different, due to the torch-run from Brooklyn in the morning. There will be no Reseña (pageant) here this year, but the singing of the Mañanitas in church at 7 :00 pm. This is a musical tribute ‖congratulating‖ Mary on her ―big day‖. A Spanish Mass, accompanied by a Mariachi Band, will follow at 8:00 pm. Afterwards, there will be refreshments and more Mariachi music and folkloric dance presentations in Michael Brennan Hall. Here‘s hoping that YOU will join us, for the first time-or once again- for this animated religious tribute to the Virgin Mary. Father Jerry Jecewiz - HOLYDAY OF OBLIGATION TUESDAY This Tuesday is the feast of the Immaculate Conception, the patroness of our country. Parish Masses are on Monday (vigil) at 7:30 pm, and on Tuesday at 9 am and 12:00 noon. PARISH STAFF/EQUIPO PARROQUIAL Rev. Jerry Jecewiz, Pastor Rev. Luke Kim, Korean Ministry Sister Christine Scherer, D.W., Religious Educ. Mr. Jan Wnek, Music Minister POPE FRANCIS ON THE VIRGIN OF GUADALUPE “The appearance of the image of the Virgin on the tilma of Juan Diego was a prophetic sign of an embrace, Mary’s embrace, of all the inhabitants of the vast American lands, both those who were already there and those who came after. This embrace of Mary pointed the way that has always characterized America: a land where different people can live together, a land capable of respecting human life at all stages, from birth to old age, able to welcome immigrants as well as the people and the poor and marginalized of all ages. America is a generous land.” PARISH STEWARDSHIP Last week‘s church offering Average weekly expenses $4,621.50 $6,185.00 December 6th: Second Sunday of Advent Mass Intentions for the Week of December 6th Sunday, December 6th: 8:00— Marta Santos (Delia and Joseph Dela Cruz) 9:45—KOREAN MASS 11:00— Beverly Sofia (Sofia Family) 12:30— Blanca Correa (1st Anniversary Remembrance) Monday, December 7th: 9:00— People of St. Raphael Parish 7:30—People of St. Raphael‘s Parish (Kitty Mcgee) Tuesday, December 8th: 9:00— Maura Donovan (Don And Eileen McCallian) 12:00—Deceased of Boyle Family (Family) Wednesday, December 9th: 9:00— Aristotle Dela Cruz (Elizabeth Ciro) Thursday, December 10th: 9:00— Joseph Alegre (Dina Filingeri) AND Aristotle Dela Cruz (Food Pantry Volunteers) Friday, December 11th: 9:00— Aristotle Dela Cruz (Maria Romero) Saturday, December 12th: 5:00 pm— Matilda Kelly(13th Anniversary Remembrance)(Alex And Robert Boehler) AND Richard Floyd (Family) Sunday, December 13th: 8:00— Caesar Gavilan 9:45—KOREAN MASS 11:00— Alain Collot (Dina, Marc, And Luisa) AND Lucita Lucy R. Nagales (Her Children) 12:30— Policarpo Lopez, Sr. (Maria Romero) THIS WEEK’S EVENTS Sun., Dec. 6: Second Sunday of Advent 9:30 am—Rel. ed. (CCD) classes 11 am –Family Mass (English) 12:30 pm—Family Mass (Spanish Korean Advent Retreat Mon., Dec. 7: Feast of St. Ambrose Hannukah begins 7:30 pm—Holyday Vigil Mass Tues., Dec. 8: Feast of the Immaculate Conception (holyday of obligation) Masses at 9 am & 12 noon 7:30 pm—Spanish Bible Study Wed., Dec. 9: 12 noon—Golden Age Bingo Group 7 pm—Spanish Rosary + Praise Thurs., Dec. 10: The Bread and Wine this week are offered in honor of the Blessed Mother on her feast of the Immaculate Conception. 10:30 am to 12 noon—Food Pantry 7:30 pm—Choir practice Fri., Dec. 11: 6 pm—Spanish SWEET 16 Mass 7 pm—Spanish Faith Formation for Children Sat., Dec. 12: Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe UPCOMING BAPTISM DATES: In English: Sat., Dec. 26, 2:00 pm. Prep class is Sat., Dec. 21, 11:00 am. (Fumio Tanai photo) In Spanish: Sat., Dec. 19, 2:00 pm. Prep class is Mon., Dec. 14, 7:00 pm. 7 pm: Mañanitas; 8 pm: Mariachi Mass, followed by refreshments and music/dance entertainment (MBH) 1:30-3 pm—Food Pantry FOOD PANTRY is usually open Thursdays from 10:30 am to 12:00 noon, and Saturdays from 1:30 to 3:00 pm. New volunteers are always welcome, as are donations of canned, packaged foods (nonperishable). We do not accept clothing, books or furniture. ¿Quieres bailar con nosotros? Somos un grupo de danza mexicana folklórica y estamos buscando nuevos miembros. Nuestra meta es involucrar a la gente de nuestra parroquia y enseñarles nuestra cultura mexicana. Aprenderán pasos básicos de bailes regionales y después los pondremos en práctica en una coreografía. Nos presentaremos en la festividad anual de la parroquia en honor a nuestra Virgen de Guadalupe. ¡Esperamos verlos pronto! Requisitos: >10años en adelante *Niños menores de 10 años deben ser acompañados de un adulto. >Tener voluntad >Seguir reglas básicas Ensayamos los sábados de 5-8pm en el salón de Michael Brennan 917-804-5202 646-226-9042 Felix O. Perez Rosalba Carvente Have you joined fellow parishioners in making a pledge to our Capital Campaign to fortify our parish for the future, especially in light of our upcoming 150th anniversary? Information available at the rear of the church or through the rectory. Thank you. What influence has Our Lady of Guadalupe had on Mexico and the world? The appearance of the Virgin of Guadalupe to an indigenous man is said to be one of the forces behind creating the Mexico that we know today: a blend of Spanish and native blood. Her dark skin and the fact that the story of her apparition was told in the indigenous language of Nahuatl and in Spanish are said to have helped convert the indigenous people of Mexico to Christianity at the time of the conquest. She is seen as having a blend of Aztec and Spanish heritage. Her image has been used throughout Mexican history, not only as a religious icon but also as a sign of patriotism. Miguel Hidalgo used her image when he launched his revolt against the Spanish in 1810. She could be seen on the rebels' banners and their battle cry was ―Long Live Our Lady of Guadalupe.‖ Emiliano Zapata also carried a banner of the Virgen of Guadalupe when he entered Mexico City in 1914. Pope John Paul II canonized Juan Diego in 2002, making him the first indigenous American saint, and declared Our Lady of Guadalupe the patroness of the Americas. EL RINCON HISPANO NUESTRA CELEBRACION PARROQUIAL EN HONOR DE LA VIRGEN DE GUADALUPE Sábado 12 de diciembre 7:00 pm—Las Mañanitas 8:00 pm –-Misa en español con el Grupo de Mariachi 9:00 pm—Convivio el el salon de abajo (Michael Brennan Hall): música/refrescos/bailes fokloricos TODOS ESTAN INVITADOS. ¿ Ya hizo su compromiso? ADVIENTO 1. ¿Recibió su librito azul que contiene reflexiones para cada dia de adviento y navidad¿ Están disponible en la sagrestía hoy. 2. Gracias a la Funeraria Lynch en Queens Blvd. por la donación de los calendarios parroquiales de 2016. 3. Confesiones navideñas: lunes 14 de diciembre de las 4:00 a 8:00 pm. HOY: MISA FAMILIAR 6 de diciembre a las 12:30 pm. Para la camaraderia despues de la misa, traiga un plato de comida sificient para su familia y un poquito más para compartir con los demas. Traiga la comida al salon de abajo antes de la misa. Gracias. ESTUDIO BIBLICO Cada martes a las 7:30 pm en el sótano de la iglesia. FORMACION EN LA FE Rosario y Alabanza: Cada miércoles a las 7:00 pm en el sótano de la rectoría. Un programa espiritual (en español) para los niños y las niñas empezando con la edad de 4 años. Viernes de las 7 pm a las 8 pm en el sótano de la rectoría. Todos están invitados a participar. Con la colaboración del apostolado Vino Nuevo. ST. RAPHAEL‘S PARISH THANKS THE EDWARD LYNCH FUNERAL HOME ON QUEENS BLVD. FOR THEIR DONATION OF PARISHIMPRINT CALENDARS FOR 2016, AND FOR THEIR NUMEROUS OTHER KINDNESSES. We‘ll be decorating our church for Christmas on Wednesday, Dec. 23rd, from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm. CHRISTMAS FLOWERS You are invited to donate Christmas Flowers to adorn our church for the celebration of Jesus‘ birth. The flowers can be donated for a special intention or to memorialize deceased loved ones. Use the appropriate CHRISTMAS FLOWERS envelope in your parish pack, or one of the extras at the rear of the church. Will you lend a hand? Just come, and we‘ll show you what needs to be done. DECEMBER UNITED 40’S CIVIC ASSOCIATION Thurs., Dec. 10th, 7:00 pm St. Teresa‘s Auditoriium 44th St/ 50th Ave. Annual Holiday Outreach GetTogether: buffet/refreshments/raffle prizes/ 50/50 drawing. Bring a pair of socks for the Sock Drive. As the various Christmas envelopes (Flowers, Parish Christmas Offering, Mass Remembrance, Catholic Charities) bunch together during December, feel free to adjust these dates this month according to your personal convenience . FAMILY MASS TODAY Sun., Dec. 6th 11 am—English 12:30 pm—Spanish Refreshments downstairs afterwards. You are invited to bring a donation of refreshments. Bring them downstairs before the Mass you attend. JOIN THE FAMILY MASS CHOIR... We are ready to start a new year for St. Raphael‘s Family Mass Choir and we need your talents. The children and adults working with the choir have done an excellent job over the recent years and have made significant contributions to the liturgical life of St. Raphael‘s parish. Children in grades 2 and above who are ready and willing to sing are encouraged to join us. We would also be interested in having any high school students participate. The practices are held one or two Monday‘s a month at 7:00PM and the choir will be singing at the monthly Family Masses, Christmas Eve, First Communion Mass, Confirmation and other appropriate occasions. Dates and other specific information will follow. The only requirements are that you attend practice and Mass and behave appropriately. If you have any questions regarding the choir please feel free to call the rectory or call Joe Becker at 718-392-3008 or email Joe at joebecker49@gmail.com. St. Raphael’s Christmas Boutique S THI ND! EKE WE All items $10.00 or less! CHRISTMAS FLOWERS AVAILABLE SPANISH BIBLE STUDY EVERY TUESDAY, 7:30 PM, IN MICHAEL BRENNAN HALL. Saturday December 5 from 4pm – 6pm Sunday December 6 from 8am – 2pm Located in the Rectory Basement Shop for your family, friends, co-workers, teachers! Shop for the Giving Tree! All proceeds support St. Raphael’s Church! THIS ‗N THAT 1. Information about the Mariachi Academy of New York (planning a satellite Mariachi school here for children 4 to 18 years of age) can be found on our vestibule bulletin boards. Also, visit their website: www.MariachiAcademyNY.org 2. Due to an early deadline because of Thanksgiving, last week‘s bulletin had to go to print before the Nov. 22nd collection was counted. That‘s why that total (which was $4617.50) did not appear in the last issue. THIS ‘N THAT 1. Parishioner Tony Rossi has an article (which mentions St. Raphael‘s) in this week‘s issue of The Tablet. It‘s also posted on our vestibule bulletin board. Check it out. 2. Lectors can pick up their PROCLAIMERS OF THE WORD WORKBOOKS in the sacristy after Mass this weekend. 3. A typo crept into the label on the cover of the Little Blue Booklet of Advent meditations (distributed last weekend.) Reconciliation Monday in Advent (confessions from 4 pm to 8 pm) will be on Dec. (not Apr.) 14th. If you did not get your copy of that booklet (maybe you were away on Thanksgiving weekend or in a turkey coma), pick one up today after Mass. Available in English or Spanish. 4. Congratulations to Ammy Sophia Hungria who celebrated her Presentación here last Sunday, and to Maria Fernandez Galabay (Dec. 11) and Mercedes Bravo (Dec. 18), whose SWEET 16 Masses are upcoming shortly.