Welcome to Our Lady of the Rosary Parish


Welcome to Our Lady of the Rosary Parish
Our Lady of the Rosary Parish
We appreciate your support to these businesses!
Interior Designs & Decorating
Registered Midwives
Patricia Stafford Design
Beth Smit and Lyanne Quirt
2820A Jacklin Rd
30 years experience
Ph: 250-812-7793
Email: info@patriciastafforddesigns.ca
Reinvent your home at www.patriciastafforddesigns.ca
Owner & Qualified Technician
MacIsaac and MacIsaac
(250) 589-CARE
phone: (250)478-1131 FAX 478-3106
EMAIL: mac@macisaaclaw.ca
Blinds & Closets
Funerals & Cremation Services
Victoria 250.590.8060
Cowichan 250.929.2219
www. vicbc.ca
Visit our website for great info & ideas
Like us On Facebook!
Amber Lamanes 250-818-9225
2758 Peatt RD
Bursaries available for parishioners. Ask at the parish office.
FAIR Hot Ukrainian Lunch PLUS
sale of homemade perogies, cabbage
rolls, borscht, sauerkraut, preserves,
Ukrainian breads and pastries; and,
fresh Ukrainian sausage. Saturday,
Dec. 13 from 11 am to 2 pm. at St.
Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Hall,
1110 Caledonia Ave., (corner of Cook
St. and Caledonia Ave). Free admission, wheelchair accessible. If you are
planning to stock up for Christmas we
suggest you come early as we always
sell out. For info call 250-384-2255.
Todd Halaburda
Wally Halaburda
New West Development Corp
“Homes of Distinction “
Victoria BC
National Home Warranty
The Salvatorian Fathers
Cell: 250-888-8224
Fax: 250-744-1288
(250) 589 - 2273
Canadian Home
Building Association
Doug Hopwood
Baptism: Baptisms will be on Saturday Jan 17th 2015 at 5:00 pm Mass.
Reconciliation: Saturday 4:15 p.m. or by appointment.
Marriage: Contact Father Paul 6 months in advance of the planned wedding date.
Anointing of the sick: If you or a family member are admitted to a hospital or other care facility and you wish to have a
priest visit, please be sure to have someone call the parish office to make this request.
1400 Vancouver St. Victoria
Diego Casados
Graphic Design
Emergency: 250–858–6217
Preschool: 250-590-6095
Contacts in the Parish
Father Paul Szczur, S.D.S.
Parish Secretary
Maria Campos
Parish Council Chair
Anna Bacica
Finance Chairperson
Dion Pomponio
Ministry of the Sick
Sandy Rix 250 478-9139
Responsible Ministry and Safe Environment
Parish Coordinator
250.479.1331 ext. 223
First Sunday of Advent, November 30, 2014
Ph: 250-385-4465
Icon Design & Sign
Office Hours: Tuesday 11:00 am– 1:30 pm
Wednesday to Friday 9:30 am-1:30 pm
Honouring Catholic Tradition for 4 Generations
Locally Owned
and Operated
798 Goldstream Ave.
Victoria, B.C. V9B 2X6
Ph:250-478-3482 Fax: 250-474-1926
E-mail: olor@shaw.ca
Website: www. olorchurch.ca
quartz countertops
for free estimate
Call: 250.507.57.37
Email: megastone100@gmail.com
Discount for our parishioners and their immediate family members of 10% off
on all prearrangements and 5% at the time of need at Sands Funeral HomeColwood and Hatley Memorial Gardens. Also discount at Dulux Paints. All you
are required to do is to inform them that you are from OLOR Parish.
The Pacific Institute of Family Life (PIFE) is offering a course for couples
(engaged, newlyweds, or those with many years under the belt) entitled "Married
Love" beginning on Dec. 5, 2014. The topics and dates are: Dec. 5/Love Bond;
Jan. 16/Sexual Persons; Feb. 27/Work and Family; Mar. 27/Marital Communication; and Apr. 24/Family Life. The general sessions will take place at St. Andrew's Regional High School Library and will run from 7pm to 9pm. The cost is
$150 per couple. To register go to https://marriedlove2014-15victoria.eventbrite.com. For more information contact Elizabeth Boyd at elizboyd@shaw.ca or 250 483-7459.
Thembalethu Jenny Daniles Memorial Christmas Con- Advent concert at St. Elizabeth’s Parish in Sidney on Decert. An evening with the Artbutus Singers. Wed. Dec 10th cember 11th at 7:00 pm. All proceeds go to Anawim House
7:30 p.m. by donation.
(www. anawimhouse.com). Info:250.656.7433
Chaste by Grace. Need support in living more chastely? Struggling with sexual behaviors that bring shame and concern? Desire to find freedom, integrity, and healing to love more responsibly? Chaste by Grace is a modified 12 step program/support group that can help! Participants meet for one hour weekly in a community of respect, acceptance and anonymity. Email for times and location. chastebygrace@gmail.com
God Meets Individual
Individual Meets God
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Wednesdays from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm
Our Lady of the Rosary Parish Building Prayer:
Loving and Provident God, Creator of all and Builder of the Universe, We, the parish family of our Lady of
the Rosary, humbly ask your continued blessing on the spiritual, human and financial commitment we have
made for the building of our new Church and the fulfillment of Your Kingdom on earth. Unless You build the
house, we labor in vain to build it. Through the intercession of Mary, Mother of God, St. Joseph the Builder,
bring to perfection the good work You have begun in us. We ask this through Christ the Lord. Amen.
This Christmas take as much time and care
preparing your soul to receive Jesus
as you do to prepare food, gifts, and, your clothes.
Mustard Seeds
If you have recently moved into the Langford area
Welcome to Our Lady of the Rosary Parish
and invite you to pick up a Parish Registration form at the Church entrance
or parish office and return the completed form to the office.
Many thanks to all of you who prepared and attended our St. Cecilia Night .
Special thanks to Mr. K, Turmeric Indian Cuisine, Browns Social House, Starbucks on Goldstream, Subway @ Kelly/Sooke, Westshore Mall across from Juan de Fuca Rec. Centre, Sands Funeral Home off
Goldstream, Everything Wine at Millstream Village, Heritage House Trophies & Awards.
Thank you to all parishioners who donated prizes so generously, and to all parishioners
a heartfelt thanks for preparing such a fantastic night!
We all had a very good time!
THE GIVING TREE. The Christmas tree in the church has
stars with items which may be donated to help families in our
area. Please take one of the stars and purchase the item and
place it under the tree during Advent. As we have done in the
past, if you want to bring a present for our parishioners
who are ill or at the Priory, please mark them and place
those under the tree.
Diocesan Annual Appeal. Your pledge
to the Appeal truly benefits the ministries and programs throughout Vancouver Island. Next weekend is Commitment Weekend and if you have not already done so, this will be a chance for
you to make a commitment to the annual
Appeal. Please give generous consideration toward our
Appeal and know that you can truly make a difference. Youth Invited. We are inviting Youth from our Parish to set
Thank you to those who have already given their support up a Nativity Crib in the Hall on Sat. Dec. 20th at 6:00 pm
(after 5:00 pm Mass). Dinner plus surprise.
to the Appeal at our parish.
Little Sunday School (for K - Gr. 1 kids) from 9:40-10:20
Parish Hall Roof
am in the big hall. Info, contact Rosemarie at rose
Evangelization (CDS for Christmas)
marie.u@gmail.com. Parents are welcome to stay and help
Shelves in the Parish Hall
with the crafts. See you on Dec. 7th. The theme is: The Ad
Debt Reduction
vent Journey.
Our Parish Goal: $ 33,000
Actual to date:
$ 26,894
Children! Families!
Amount to Goal: $ 6,106
Number of pledges: 68
10:30 am. Date Sunday, Dec. 14. The party is in the parish
Our Lady of the Rosary Preschool and Daycare
hall after mass (around 11:30 am) Entrance by a Letter. Let
For children 3 and 4 years old.
us make a new friend happy by sharing our love and good
For more information please contact Maureen McNeil; news with another member of our Catholic Family in the YuPh 250-590-6095; E-mail:olorpreschool2750@gmail.com kon. The children are invited to write/draw a Christmas card
for another child. These cards will be sent to a parish in the
Gently used or new golf shirts donated to Hospice for Yukon for Christmas. We will have a bouncing castle/ face
the purpose making night shirts for the men there. The painting and a delicious lunch provided by the Knights of Coshirts will have a piece of material sewn on to it so that lumbus Council 8394 RSVP: Please let us know how many
the men are more comfortable sleeping instead of wearing adults and children are coming. Please email: olor@shaw.ca
the usual hospital gown. If you can help, please leave
From the Youth Office: Please pray for the grade 12 students
them in the back of the church or in the office.
of St. Andrew’s Regional High School in Victoria while they
If you are expecting a child and are feeling confused; are on retreat from December 3-5, 2014. Let us pray for all the
if you are thinking that there is no way out of this situ- students in our diocese graduating from high school this year.
ation for you; if you want to talk to someone about May it be a year filled with inspiration and faith!
your situation, Call or text 250-812-0087 or email: reThe Diocesan website now has a page offering information
and resources for Family Life. It can be accessed via this link:
http://www.rcdvictoria.org/family-life.php, or found under the
Our Book Sale. If you wish to donate to our book sale,
“Programs and Ministries” button in the header bar of the
please your books to our parish office or contact Judy @
webpage. It provides Diocesan resources as well as links to
250-474-2119 to arrange for pick-up.
the Catholic Organization for Life and Family.
Masses Nov 30th to Dec 7th
Saturday, Nov. 29
5:00 p.m. Mass for + Domingos Teixeira
Sunday, Nov. 30 First Sunday of Advent
8:30 a.m. Mass for Yolanda Greenberg and + Don Andrews
10:30 a.m. Mass for souls in Purgatory
Tuesday, Dec 2,
6:30 p.m. Mass for Magdalena Eberl & Helen Walski
Wednesday, Dec 3, St. Francis Xavier, Priest
9:00 a.m. Mass for + Essie Gardner
Thursday, Dec 4, St. John Damascene, Doctor of the Church
9:00 a.m. Mass for our Parish
Friday, Dec 5,
9:00 a.m. Mass for Cheto Sopmac on his birthday
Saturday, Dec 6, St. Nicholas, Bishop
5:00 p.m. Mass for + Eduardo P. Duarte
Sunday, Dec 7, II Sunday of Advent
8:30 a.m. Mass for the Blais, Chiasson & Bellineau families
10:30 a.m. Mass for Jose Mendez on his birthday
Knights of Columbus pancake breakfast will be on November 30th, after Sunday Masses. All are welcome.
Birthright will be selling home-made Fudge after all
Masses Nov 29/30th (Small Hall Saturday, Large Hall
Sunday). The packets make great stocking stuffers or gifts
for the holiday table and freeze well! Birthright assists
women in difficult or crisis pregnancies offering hope and
encouraging mothers to give the precious gift of Life to
their babies - how fitting as we prepare for Christmas. For
questions or orders, you can contact Peggy at 250 4785372.
Christmas Flower Memorials. If you would like
to remember a loved one (living or deceased) you
may do so at Christmas. Envelopes are on the table at the back of the Church. Clearly write the
name/s and if it is In memory of...or For the intention of
an individual. Donations of flowers may also be made to
the church. We would like to receive all donations by
Wednesday, Dec 18th. The names of those remembered
will again be published in the bulletin.
Wed. Dec. 3 St. Joseph's, Victoria
Tues. Dec. 9; Sacred Heart, Victoria
Thurs. Dec.11; St. Rose of Lima, Sooke
Tues. Dec. 16; Our Lady of the Rosary
Thurs. Dec.18; St. Patrick, Victoria
Parish Support Last Week:
We rely on the generosity of your contributions to provide
light, heat, and staff to this very special house of God and his
Sunday Offerings:
$ 2,934.85
Debt Reduction/Building fund $ 10
Thank you for
your generosity!
PAD Donations. If you are interested in making your donations to our Parish through a Pre-Authorized Debit Program,
please take an envelope with all the information needed. These
envelopes are on the table at the entrance of the Church.
Bequests and Wills. In your kindness, please remember Our
Lady of the Rosary Parish in your bequests and wills. If anyone wishes to make such a bequest in their will, the following
clause may be included or added to a will or added by codicil:
“I give devise and bequeath the sum of $... to Our Lady of the
Rosary in Victoria, BC, to be used for the benefit of the parish
and its pastoral activities.”
Religious Education for Children. Sundays at 9:40 am For
more information, please contact Marie Peeters-Ney at 250642-4483
Parents and Tots Group meets during the school year on
Fridays at 9:30am in the Parish Hall. For more information
please call Rosemarie at 250 391 6618
Children’s Choir in our Parish for school aged students.
Practice in the small hall for approx. 20 minutes after the
10:30 am Sunday Mass.
Prayer Group meets every Wednesday 7:30 pm in the
Church. Info Yolanda 250 478 6041
Friday Dec. 12th Mass in Honour of Our Lady of Guadalupe,
Patroness of the Americas, is at 9:00 am. After Mass please
join us in the small hall for a potluck brunch while we watch a
video about the Apparitions of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Advent Mission at St. Joseph the Worker Parish. December 1-4 at 7:00 pm. Theme: “The Road to Emmaus.
Presenters: Deacon Glenn and Linda Harmon.
Christmas Masses schedule in our Church:
Christmas Eve; Wed. Dec. 24th ; 7:00 pm and 10:30 pm
Christmas Day; Thurs. Dec. 25th; 10:30 am
Holy Family; Saturday Dec. 28th; 5:00 pm
Sunday Dec. 29th; 8:30 am and 10:30 am
New Years Eve; Wed. Dec. 31st; 5:00 pm
New Years Day; Thurs. Jan. 1st; 10:30 am