bulletin - SS. Peter and Paul Church


bulletin - SS. Peter and Paul Church
SS. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Church
Celebrating 93 Years
1923 - 2016
Drawing from the treasures of the Gospel and Roman Catholic Church teaching,
we commit ourselves to be living examples of a community rich in faith,
seeking the Kingdom of God.
The Most Holy Trinity
May 22, 2016
First Holy Communion Class of 2016!
Dominic Lividini
Anthony Busby
Torrance Brown
Kaleb Childers
Alayah Evon
What a special weekend for our SS. Peter and Paul family as 5 children received their First Holy Communion last
Sunday at the 12.00 p.m. Holy Mass. Seeing these children all dressed up and having the honor of giving them the very
Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ for the first time makes this Mass one of the most beautiful Masses of the year!
We are so grateful for the whole First Holy Communion team that prepared the children for this most Holy Sacrament and made their big day possible. Thank you!
SS. Peter and Paul News
Pamiętam z dzieciństwa zaćmienie słońca. Moja
babcia wzięła kawałek szkła i ku mojemu zdziwieniu
okopciła go nad świeczką, potem kazała wyjść z domu i
obserwować słońce przez ten prymitywny filtr. Nie dość że
słońce było zasłonięte księżycem, to jeszcze ciemny filtr
zabezpieczał moje oko przez porażeniem światłem. Ale na
czyste światło można spojrzeć tylko przez zasłony, jeśli nie
chce się oślepnąć.
Nie możemy znieść czystego światła prawdy.
Musimy czekać albo spoglądać na nie przez zasłony
stworzonego świata. Potrzeba cierpliwości. Bóg ujawnił się
na poziomie świata materialnego poprzez mądrość słowa w
czasie, bo czas jest istotną cechą tego świata. Czas to
przede wszystkim rozwój, a nie tylko przemijanie.
Księga Przysłów językiem poezji opowiada o
przechodzeniu Mądrości stwórczego słowa od bezładu
pierwotnej materii do form bardziej złożonych i
doskonalszych, aż do istot żywych i inteligentnych. Światło i
ciemność, ziemia i niebo, woda i ogień, ryby i ptaki, drzewa
utworzyły komnatę, w której mógł pojawić się człowiek,
czyli podobieństwo samego Boga. Każde z tych stworzeń
stanowi jakąś zasłonę samego Stwórcy, jakiś filtr!
Mądrość Boga, dokonawszy stworzenia świata
zewnętrznego, przeszła do tworzenia głębi ludzkiego
ducha. List do Rzymian daje nam obraz tego działania,
począwszy od usprawiedliwienia inicjującego nowe
stworzenie, przez etap wiary, która daje dostęp do łaski,
przez ucisk, który tworzy wytrwałość, przez szlachetność
cnoty przechodzi do nadziei, a ta dopiero staje się komnatą
miłości rozlanej przez Ducha. Na takim tle łatwiej nam
pojąć, dlaczego Jezus mówi swoim uczniom, że mógłby
jeszcze wiele im powiedzieć, ale nie są gotowi znieść blasku
prawdy i Duch doprowadzi ich stopniowo do pełni
Nawet pełnia prawdy o Bogu, który jest Trójcą,
potrzebuje czasu, rozwoju, przygotowania, bo ta prawda
wymaga filtrów naszych pojęć, by ją w ogóle sobie
przedstawić. Bóg dokonuje swoich dzieł, stopniowo
oswajając człowieka z łaskami, które zawsze są zbyt
wielkie, by je po prostu przyjąć. Nadmiar dobra może być
nie do zniesienia. Lud wybrany, wszedłszy do Kanaanu,
miał zdobywać Ziemię Świętą stopniowo, gdyż, jak mówi
Księga Wyjścia, rozpanoszyłyby się dzikie zwierzęta, które
spustoszyłyby obiecaną przestrzeń uświęcenia narodu.
Kiedy osiągamy jakiś poziom istnienia zbyt szybko, na
skróty, wtedy ujawnia się w nas żądza lub zachłanność
bestii. Na wszystkich drogach życia na tym świecie
potrzebna jest cierpliwość, a przede wszystkim na tej
drodze, która wiedzie poza ten świat. „Cierpliwość jest
wszystkim. Rosnąć jak drzewo, które nie przyspiesza
krążenia swych soków, które ufnie wytrzymuje wiosenne
Page 2
wichry, nie lękając się tego, że lato mogłoby nie nadejść.
Lato przychodzi. Ale przychodzi ono tylko dla tych, którzy
umieją czekać, tak spokojni i otwarci, jakby mieli nad sobą
tylko wieczność. Każdego dnia, za cenę cierpień, które
błogosławię, uczę się tej prawdy: cierpliwość jest
wszystkim” (R.M.Rilke).
On the weekend of May 28-29th the 2016 CATHOLIC SERVICES APPEAL (CSA) will begin their annual collection here at SS. Peter and Paul Church. We will be mailing
out pledge cards and brochures to all the families on our
parish mailing list. If you are not on that list, or for some
reason do not received a pledge card by Memorial Day
Weekend, please call Michael Thomas at 313-846-2222 Ext.
107. We will also have blank pledge cards at the church
starting that weekend. You are welcome to include your
pledge with the church collection, mail it in, or drop it by
the office during our operating hours.
This year, the Archdiocese has set a goal for our
parish of $14,129. If we exceed our target, any excess will
be returned directly to our parish. While we did not exceed
our target goal of $15,022 in 2015, the lowering of the
target goal will help us to at least reduce the shortfall we
are obliged to pay from our general fund. We know that
we are all continuing to experience difficult times financially, but if everyone pitches in this will make a big difference
to both Church finances and as well to all the important
ministries and programs, some of which are listed below
(we will list even more in next week’s bulletin).
Indeed, your generous gift to the CSA will do so much for
so many.
The budget for the 2016 Catholic Services Appeal is
$17,839,175. Your gifts to the CSA are used solely and exclusively to support 117 Archdiocesan ministries, programs, and services as well as certain national collections
of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
No CSA dollars have ever been — or ever will be —
used to support projects outside of the Archdiocese, other
than those USCCB national collections, or to settle claims
of any nature against the Archdiocese. The Archdiocesan
lay Finance Council oversees the distribution of CSA funds
to ensure that all reach the ministries, programs, and services for which they are intended. Some of these Programs
Clergy and Consecrated Life
Convocation for Priests and Deacons
Pastoral Care of Priests
Delegate for Religious
SS. Peter and Paul News
Pastoral Care of Permanent Deacons
Clergy Immigration Legal Services
Catholic Television Network of Detroit (CTND)
Internal/External Messaging
Media relations
Social Media
Development and Stewardship:
Catholic Services Appeal Administration
Parish Stewardship Commissions and Committees
Parish Stewardship Presentations
Sacred Heart Major Seminary
Evangelization, Catechesis and Schools:
Black Catholic Ministries
Catechetical Programming and Formation
Catholic Schools
Men’s Ministry
Women’s Ministry
Hispanic Ministries
Health, Athletics, Physical Education and Safety
Marriage and Family Life
Ministerial Certification
Christian Service
Directors of Religious Education
Pastoral Ministers
Family life
Youth Ministers
Natural Family Planning
Project Rachel
Formation for RCIA Teams
School Outreach Fund Grants
Youth Ministries
Page 3
Parish Pastoral Council
A summary of the minutes of the meeting held May 5,
2015. Members in attendance: Fr. Jerry, Mary Ann Londke,
Waclaw Kuchta, Nancy Nemecek, Marek Kowalczyk and
Debra Baker. Diane Korzeniewski, Johnny Kash, and Irene
Turek were excused.
Parish Finance Council
The Parish budget for next year has been reviewed and
approved by the Finance Council.
Christian Service Commission
The CSA letters and pledge cards will be mailed soon.
The next meeting is at St. Christopher. The September
meeting will be hosted by SS. Peter and Paul.
Items for Discussion
The outside light fixtures have been replaced. Church carpet replacement is in the budget and is being looked at.
The fencing will be done after a 3rd estimate is received. It
will take about 3 weeks to install. The bushes still need to
be replaced.
Pastor’s Remarks
The Water Department paid to replace the cement between the Church and School after a heavy duty lift truck
cracked the cement. The cement approach to the former
convent has been replaced. Fr. Jerry will share his opinion
of the Come Encounter Christ program with the Archbishop.
Mary Ann Londke,
St. Philip Neri
St. Philip Neri was a saint
born on July 22, 1515, in Florence,
Italy. At age 18, he decided to commit his life to God. While praying in
the catacombs of St. Sebastiano, he
experienced a globe of light that
entered his mouth and moved to
his heart. He felt closer to God and
began serving the ill, poor and others in need. Neri was ordained as a
priest in 1551 at the church of San
Girolamo. He had a strong following of worshippers who
often met in the Oratory, thus they were named the Congregation of the Oratory. Neri died on May 25, 1595, after
a long illness. He was beatified in 1615 and canonized in
1622. St. Philip Neri’s feast day is on May 26.
SS. Peter and Paul News
SS. Peter and Paul Parish
Invites you to observe with us
The Solemnity of
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
Uroczystość Najświętszego Ciała i Krwi Chrystusa
Sunday, May 29, 2016
10:30 a.m.
Eucharistic Procession
One Mass on this day,
celebrated in English & Polish
Page 4
Sunday, May 29, 2016
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
10:30 a.m. Mass and Traditional
Corpus Christi Procession
Monday, May 30, 2016
9:00 a.m. Mass
Memorial Day
Friday, June 3, 2016
7:00 p.m. Mass
First Friday
Saturday, June 4, 2016
9:00 a.m. Mass
First Saturday
Sunday, June 5, 2016
10th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday, June 12, 2016
11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
SS. Peter and Paul Parish Presents
Sacred & Spiritual
Save the Date!
The Traveling Catholic’s Mass Mob will be visiting
SS. Peter and Paul Parish on . . .
Sunday, July 10, 2016
11:00 a.m.*
*There will be ONE Mass on this Day!
A special collection will be taken on this day to support
the efforts of our Christian Service Department.
All parishioners, friends, and guests
are welcome and invited to attend this celebration!
Synod 2016
At SS. Peter and Paul Parish we will be having a
Town Hall meeting on Saturday, June 4, 2016 from 5:30
p.m. to 8:00 p.m. At this session, the faithful will have facilitator-led conversations. A scribe will capture the content
of the discussion, which will be brought to the synod for
further discussion. If you are interested in attending this
Town Hall Meeting you must register in advance. The
deadline is May 29, 2016. You must be a registered and
active parishioner in order to attend. Please speak with
Father Jerry after any weekend Mass to register.
A Concert of Music for Organ & Voice
Johnny & Gabriela Kash
Sunday, May 22, 2016
2:00 p.m.
A pre-concert reception will take place in the
Lower Church Hall after the 12:00 p.m. Mass
until the start of the Concert.
No Admission Charge!
This Week at our Parish
Monday, May 23, 2016
Piedmont Block Club, 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. (AB)
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Faith Formation, 5:00 p.m. – 6:15 p.m. (LCH)
SS. Peter and Paul News
Page 5
Pray for the Sick
Mass Intentions
Monday, May 23, 2016
9:00 a.m.
- Safe journey for Janina Zub and God’s blessings for her
and her family by Maria Sztuka
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
No Mass
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
7:00 p.m.
† Rene Hubbell and Agnes Urbiel by Frank and Judy Urbiel
Thursday, May 26, 2016
12:15 p.m.
- Living and Deceased Parishioners of SS. Peter and Paul
Friday, May 27, 2016
9:00 a.m.
† John and Florence Czachor by Family
Saturday, May 28, 2016
4:30 p.m. Vigil
† Angeline and Stanley Kowal and Sons by Family
† Helen Matras by Sister Mary Teresina
† Rose Marie Wroblewski and Veronica Snyder by Brother
Sunday, May 29, 2016
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
All-powerful and everlasting God, your Son accepted our
suffering to teach us the virtue of patience in human illness. Hear the prayers we offer for our sick brothers and
sisters. May all who suffer know that they are joined to
Christ in His suffering for the salvation of the world. We ask
this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Kevin Ames
Tomassina Lupone
Catherine Anderson
Irene Marchlewski
Mary Antoncew
William McKay
Lorraine Belanger
Selena Montes
Zigmund Bieniek
Tony Morales
Carol Bonczkiewicz
Rosita Morales
Dolores Bonczkiewicz
Dale Patterson
Alfreda Burdzynski
Henry Pardo
George Chance
Mario Pereyra
Chester Czyzycki
Steve Peet
Ayanna Dominguez
Irena Piluś
Irena Dzikowski
Stella Sakowicz
Maria Gomez
Otto Sash
Oralia Gomez
Maria Sztuka
Kim Hice
Adam Tabaczewski
Therese Holmes
Richard Wallner
Eugene Kopek
Juliann Wellman
Marie Kondrath
Clarence Westfal
Marc Kutylowski
Justin Wood
Crispulo Lopez
10:30 a.m.
- Health and blessings for Helen Oleksiak by Dolores
† Jerzy Sztuka by Marek and Marta Zdun and Family
† Wanda Lozinski by Family
† Alicja Wallag by Husband
† Edward Nowak (30th Anniversary) by Son and Family
† Jan Kosmowski by Anna Stepczyńska
Pray For Our Deceased
“But our citizenship is in Heaven and from it we also await
a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. He will change our lowly
body to conform with His glorified body by the Power that
enables Him also to bring all things into subjection to
Himself.” (Philippians 3:20-21)
† Joe Baker
† Waldemar Lozinski
SS. Peter and Paul News
Page 6
SS. Peter and Paul Parish
7685 Grandville ▪ Detroit, MI 48228
313-846-2222 (Parish Office) ▪ 313-584-1484 (Fax)
Parish Website: www.ssppdetroit.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ssppdetroit
Parish Email: sspeterandpaul@comcast.net
Rev. Jarosław (Jerry) Piluś
Parish Office
Gabriela Kash
Director of Music & Worship
Johnny Kash
Director of Music (Polish)
Gabriela Kash
Director of Religious Formation
Gloria Yarber
Christian Service
Michael Thomas
ext. 102
ext. 100
ext. 119
ext. 119
ext. 100
ext. 107
Parish Office Hours
Monday: 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
Welcome to SS. Peter and Paul Parish!
If you are new to the area, we look forward to meeting you personally. You may visit the Parish Offices during the hours listed
above. Please do not hesitate to call us at 313-846-2222 ext. 100
to speak with someone on staff. For current parishioners, we ask
you to notify us if you are leaving the parish or have changed
your address and/or phone number. If you have not been active in the parish, we encourage you to call the office and find
out how you can become more involved in your parish community!
Sacramental Preparation Policy
Before any Sacramental Preparation (Baptism, Reconciliation,
Confirmation, First Holy Communion, Marriage) can begin, we
require that you be an active registered member for at least six
months. This means attending a weekend liturgy with our parish
community, using your weekly offering envelopes, and taking
part in parish activities. Please contact the Parish Office for further information.
Anointing of the Sick Request
If a family member is confined at home or a medical facility and
wishes to receive the Sacraments of Holy Communion, Confession or Anointing of the Sick please call the Parish Office.
For Your Benefit
When attending Mass or other activities here at SS. Peter & Paul
we recommend for your own safety and security, as well as that
of others, that you please park in the main (north) parking lot.
Thank you for your consideration!
Notary Service
Notary service is available at the Rectory. Appointment is required.
Liturgical & Devotional Schedule
Weekday Mass
Monday: 9:00 a.m.; Tuesday: No Mass
Wednesday: 7:00 p.m., Thursday: 12:15 p.m.
Friday: 9:00 a.m.
Sunday Mass
Saturday: 4:30 p.m. (Vigil)
Sunday: 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m. (Polish), 12:00 p.m.
Holy Day of Obligation Masses
9:00 a.m., 12:15 p.m., 7:00 p.m. (English & Polish)
First Friday Mass
7:00 p.m. Mass followed by Exposition, Prayers to the Sacred
Heart of Jesus, Adoration, and Benediction of the Blessed
First Saturday Mass
9:00 a.m. Mass followed by Exposition, Prayers to the
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Adoration, and Benediction of the
Blessed Sacrament
Sacrament of Reconciliation (English & Polish)
Wednesday: 6:15 p.m., First Friday: 6:15 p.m.
Saturday: 3:00 p.m.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devotion
After Wednesday Evening Mass
Eucharistic Adoration Chapel
Available Monday through Saturday
9:30 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.
For more information contact
Genevieve Czorny: 313-271-1752
Christian Service Food Pantry
The Food Pantry regularly accepts donations. Baskets for donations are located throughout the church. Thank you for your generosity.
Saint Vincent de Paul Drop Box
The Saint Vincent De Paul Drop Box is located in the parking lot
near the Activities Building. Clothing and shoes are accepted. For
more information call 1-877-788-4623.
There are two tables in Church and a bookrack in the vestibule.
There, you will find new parishioner registration forms, volunteer
forms, mass intention envelopes, and many inspirational and
educational brochures and CDs available free of charge.
My Parish App
SS. Peter and Paul Parish has an app for iPhone and Android
smart phones. It is a great resource for parishioners by providing
daily Mass readings, Catholic news and prayers, convenient prayer and Confession reminders, our bulletins and more. The app is
FREE and we encourage everyone with a smart phone to download the app!
SS. Peter and Paul Parish First Friday Memorial Association
September 1, 2015 - August 31, 2016
Vera Ballard
Raymond W. Bonczkiewicz
Leona Ciolek
Florence Czachor
John Czachor
Gregory M. Czorny
Michael Czorny
Mildred Evon
Albina & Walter Fitrzyk
Jerome & Regina Gould
Stephen Jenders
James Jennings
Barney and Mary Jezuit
Józef Kopylowski
Kenneth Kramarczyk
Adam & Genevieve Larwa
Lillian & William Lesko
Henryka Łazarska
Stanley & Helen Matras
Pat & Bob Morency
Mary & Frank Mydlarz
Mary & Anthony Nowicki
Zygmunt Onopa
Frank Paslawski
Sophie & William Pawczuk
Sophie & Stanley Piotrowski
Monica & Stanley Reczko
Arthur & Delphine Rutkowski
Theresa M. Sajewski
Eleanor & Roman Schmidt
Leonard P. Seletyn
Eleanor Siwak
Theresa Skupien
John & Agnes Szarek
John & Theresa Urbaniak
Mary Urtczeck
Ludwig & Stella Wnuczek
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Altar Society
Liv. & Dec. Mem Apostleship of Prayer
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Czachor Family
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Bednarczyk Family
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Faletti Family
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Grden Family
Liv. & Dec. Mem. John A. Groszek Family
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Jarosz Family
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Michael A. Kapanowski Family
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Joseph & Connie Kosek and Families
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Kramarczyk Family
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Henry Krencicki Family
Living & Dec. Mem. Łazarski Families
Liv. & Dec. Mem. John & Julia Panek Family
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Plesiewicz Family
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Roman Family
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Sash Family
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Tluczek Family
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Aiello & Stiplosek Families
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Almquist & Ballard Families
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Baier & Dienes Families
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Boner & Radzilowski Families
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Borkowski & Miekstyn Families
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Bush & Wojtowicz Families
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Cabaj & Aman Families
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Cepiga & Seletyn Families
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Czorny & Pudelek Families
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Digregio & Ortisi Families
Liv.& Dec. Mem. Dobkowski & Onopa Families
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Dooley & Firestone Families
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Ducan & Williams Families
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Dzikowski & Kieres Families
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Gorny & Kushnir Families
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Janulewicz & Maziarz Families
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Katulski & Kuczajda Families
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Kempinski & Watroba Families
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Klinko & Olszewski Families
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Kolasinski & Cholipski Families
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Kowal & Zoladz Families
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Kowalczyk & Dziubczynski Families
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Kujawa & Urbaniak Families
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Kwilos & Stecker Families
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Larwa & Postupalski Families
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Londke & McGann Families
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Machesky & Franco Families
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Eugene Machowicz & Joanne Tuchowski Families
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Matras & Misiolek Families
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Michalak & Pawlak Families
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Miedlar & Lach Families
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Mroz & Rutkowski Families
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Nega & Idzikowski Families
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Piwowar & Sandecki Families
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Plocharczyk & Bozynski Families
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Posuniak & Prusak Families
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Przybyla & Maliszewski Families
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Pyska & Jablonski Families
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Richard Smith & Clarence Westfal Families
Liv. & Dec. Mem. Wojnar & Trad Families
For the health & welfare of Gloria M. Krencicki
Please contact the Parish Office. Thank you!