718-224-4746 - Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament
718-224-4746 - Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament
Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church WELCOME TO OUR PARISH! We hope you have felt at home in our church this weekend. Please feel free to join us as often as possible, you are most welcome. Rectory Office: 34-24 203 Street, Bayside, NY 11361-1152 PH: (718) 229-5929, Fax (718) 229-3354 www.olbschurch.org DAILY MASSES: Monday - Friday: 7am, 9am, Saturday 9am Public Holidays: 9am only Hours: Monday to Friday: 9am-5pm, 6:30pm-8:30pm; Saturday: 9am-5pm; Sunday: 9am-1pm WEEKEND MASSES: We are served by: Holy Days: As Announced in Bulletin/Website Saturday: Vigil 5pm Sunday: 8am, 10am, 12noon Rev. Robert J. Whelan, Pastor Ext. 124 frbob@olbschurch.org Confessions: Sat.: 4pm - 4:45pm or by appointment Rev. Mark Matthias, Parochial Vicar Ext. 118 frmark@olbschurch.org Rev. Msgr. William J. Flood, Assistant Ext. 122 (Pastor Emeritus of Our Lady of Grace Church) Sacrament Information: See inside front cover Church is open daily until 5pm! Rev. Vincent J. Gallo, Weekend Assistant (Pastor Emeritus of St. Pancras Church, Glendale) 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time Rev. Bryan J. Carney, Resident Ext. 120 (Chaplain - Flushing Hospital) Mrs. Joan Kane, School Principal 34-45 202 Street, Bayside, NY 11361-1152 (718) 229-4434 Office www.olbsschool.org The Rosary is a Powerful Prayer Mrs. Carol Pacifico and Mrs. Barbara Tcolakian, Secretaries Sr. Carla Lorenz, PBVM, Dir. of Religious Education (718) 225-6179 olbsreled@hotmail.com Mrs. Rosanna Lombardi, Secretary Deacon George Bourbeau Ext. 112 deacongeorge@olbschurch.org Deacon Ernesto Avallone Ext 112 deaconernesto@olbschurch.org Deacon William J. Molloy Ext 112 deaconbill@olbschurch.org Mr. Michael Martinka, Director of Music Ext. 117 music@olbschurch.org Mrs. Jane Brunhuber, Secretary Ext. 110 secretary@olbschurch.org Mrs. Linda Farrell, Bookkeeper Ext. 115 bookkeeper@olbschurch.org Receptionist, During Office Hours, Ext. 111 October 4, 2015 We a r e a T i t h i n g P a r i s h Sacraments and Prayer Eucharistic Adoration: Begins every Friday after Holy Communion at the 9:00 AM Mass. Concluding prayers and the Benediction Rite for this holy hour begins about 10:15 AM. Baptism: Instruction classes are held on the last Saturday of each month in the rectory at 11 AM. Parents should call the rectory to make arrangements before they attend the class and bring with them a copy of the child’s birth certificate. Baptism is administered on the 2nd Sunday of every month at 1:30 PM. Oct. 2015 Mass Intentions—(Gift of) S-3rd 5pm Purgatorial Society S-4th 12pm Parish Intentions M-5th 7am 9am Francis Flood (Peggy Devine) Lino Flaim (M/M Robert Mannino) Tu-6th 7am Confession / Reconciliation: Saturday: 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM or by appointment with one of the priests. Marriage: A couple must come to the rectory to make arrangements for their wedding at least six months in advance of their proposed wedding date. Please call the rectory to make an appointment. Marriage preparation (Pre-Cana) is available directly through OLBS as well as through the diocese. Please contact Laura (718 352-9247) or the rectory for information on the OLBS program. For information on the diocesan program, please log on to www.pre-cana.org 9am Eugene & James Taheny (Vera Taheny) James & Loretta Collins (Phil & Joan Brady) W-7th 7am 9am Fr. Frank Lynch (anonymous) Dennis Hyde (M/M Jerry Gilrane) Th-8th 7am 9am Joseph Bruen (M/M John Baginski) William Flynn (M/M Jerry Gilrane) Anointing of the Sick: One of the priests should be called as soon as there is a sign of serious illness. F-9th Communion of the Sick: Anyone who cannot attend Mass because of illness may receive the Eucharist at home on a regular basis. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the priests in this ministry. Please call Agnes, Communion of the Sick Coordinator, at 718 631-4793, or the rectory. 7am 9am Jim & Ann Soressi (Soressi Family) Catherine Molloy (Peggy Molloy) S-10th 9am All 9-11-01 Victims (Theresa Mullan) 5pm Patrick O’Shea (Betty Kossmann) Michael Lobmeyer (B. & D. Molloy) Marie Rizzo (Bill & Dorothy Molloy) John Esposito (Bill & Dorothy Molloy) Cenacles of Life: Mondays 7:30pm - Rosary and Eucharistic Adoration; and Saturdays at 8:15am Rosary in the church. Liturgy of the Hours: Monday to Friday before 9am Mass. Rev. Msgr. George T. Deas, Pastor Emeritus (not in residence) Big Bucks—Bingo Weekly Bingo Jackpot Is $1,000! What is the Purpose of Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament There are three purposes of Eucharistic exposition: (1) to acknowledge Christ’s marvelous presence in the sacrament; (2) to lead us to a fuller participation in the celebration of the Eucharist, culminating in Holy Communion; and (3) to foster the worship which is due to Christ in spirit and in truth. 2015 ANNUAL REPORT All coordinators of parish organizations or ministries are asked to submit a report to the pastor of the past years activities by October 15th for inclusion in the 2015 Annual Report to be published in November. Oct. 4, 2015-p2 $2,025 in prizes every Friday! Team 1 will work on Friday, 10/9/15 If you can volunteer, please call 718 229-5929 ext: 110 “Please pray for the sick…” WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 Peggy Devine Rosemarie Bates Maria Bernich Msgr. John Mahoney Shamus Cavanagh Betty Gimblit Bernadette Miller Brian Deasy Michael Hurley Vincent Peluso Matty & Tom Grogan Janet Leone Angela Vangi Brendan McGuire Maria Leone baby- Joseph Vangi Frank McGuire Peggy Monfort Casimir Visminas William Stolz Vivian Papa Ruth Robin ARMED FORCES PRAYER LIST If you would like prayers requested in the bulletin for a loved one in the Armed Forces, please call the rectory at ext: 110. Jason & Allison Carter, Conor Crosby, Sheldon Diaz, Eric Hauser, Lieutt. Heather O’Donnell, Michael McHugh, Catherine McManus, Jennifer & Michael Minnick, Adam Mohler, Capt. Andrew Pesature, Lieut. Daniel Pesature, Robert Rendall, William Rendall, Shawn Smith, Capt. Vidhi Persaud, Bryson Ciampa, USMC, Luke Mixon, Rct. Sergio Geico, USMC, Paul Chapman, Lieut. Gavin White, 2nd Lieut. Richard Dolan Please visit: www.woundedwarriorproject.org Nicaragua Mission Team OLBS Mission Trip to Nicaragua (Nov. 8-Nov. 15) We thank the members of our OLBS parish family for their extraordinarily generous support or our Mission Team last weekend. Your generosity helped raise more than $5,000 for the developmentally disabled infants and children of Hogar Belen Diriamba and Managua. We know that many of you would like to give us needed items to take with us for these needy children. So we are placing a Mission Giving Tree in the back of the church with fall leaves. Each leaf has the name of an item the orphanages need. If you would like to help in this way, chose a leaf and after purchasing the item leave it in the box provided. The team will be so proud to bring these things to the children in November. Do not wrap your item. Please continue to pray for us as we make our final preparations for the trip. If you want further information about our Mission or want to make a personal donation, please contact one of the Team members, Fr. Bob at 718 229-5929, or Margaret Brower or Tony at 718 461-7128. Religious Education: Confirmation Parent Meetings: Mon., 10/5 and Thurs., 10/8, from 7pm to 9pm in the parish center. Parents of confirmands are asked to choose the one that best fits your schedule. Irish Dancing: Tuesday 10/6, 4:45pm, cafeteria Come join us on Wednesday evening, Oct. 7th in the school auditorium—7-8pm. For information call: 347 218-2889. $10 per class. SENIOR CITIZEN LEISURE GROUP Wed., 10/7, 12-4pm, cafeteria TEEN CLUB MEETING Wednesday, 10/7, 7-8:30pm in the gym. CYO Board Meeting Wednesday, October 7th, 8pm, rectory ADULT CHOIR Rehearsals, Tuesday evenings, 7:45pm church choir loft. If interested, e-mail Michael: music@olbschurch.org THANK YOU FOR MEMORIAL GIFTS Please Remember Them In Your Prayers PURGATORIAL SOCIETY Peter Giammarino, Teodoro Belloloviett, Bernard Duffy, Thomas Thompson, Patrick Waters, Michael Lobmeyer, Charles Borowsky, Tonica Bolobanic, Vjeko Bolobanic, Matija Facini, Irene Schulz Pre-Cana OLBS will be offering marriage preparation on Fri. evenings, Oct. 16th & 23rd and Sat. morning, Oct. 24th (all 3 sessions must be attended). Please call Laura: 718-352-9247 or the rectory: 718-229-5929. ALL SOULS DAY ENVELOPES If you wish to remember deceased family and friends at Mass on All Souls Day, November 8th please drop the special envelope in the regular collection basket. Special envelopes are available at the doors of the church. Oct. 4, 2015-p3 DAY AT THE RACES AT BELMONT The Brooklyn Council of the National Council of Catholic Women Day at Belmont will be Saturday, October 24th - Gates open at 11am. Cost: $50, includes hot lunch. For tickets call Kay at 917 8541384 or Jean 718 352-4178 by October 10th. Tickets purchased after October 10th will be charged a 25% surcharge-new Belmont ruling. OLBS 1973 Class Reunion: Saturday 4/30/16. Contact Carol: OLBSreunion73@yahoo.com or 541 806-0271. Rosary Altar Society!"" !""Seeking talented singers, dancers, musicians, and comedians for the OLBS Rosarian Christmas show on Monday evening Dec 7th. Do you have a talent you can share to make our Christmas variety show the best one ever? If so, please contact Louise 347-218-2889 or lsanantonio@verizon.net It's not too early to start practicing-both solo & group acts are welcome. OCTOBER HOSPITALITY WEEKEND October 3rd—4th Please join us in the Parish Center this Saturday and Sunday, after each Mass for our October Hospitality Weekend, hosted by the Respect Life Committee and Cenacles of Prayer. Meet our new priest, Father Mark and our new Deacon, Bill Molloy. Share in refreshments and fellowship. Celebrate our new Fall season with fellow parishioners! Bring a friend! 10/5-RAS Gen. Mtg., 7:30pm—auditorium Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained Respect Life Committee: The words of Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley, Archbishop of Boston, Chairman, Committee on Pro-Life Activities, USCCB…“So often, as a society and as individuals, we identify ourselves by what we do. We base our worth on how productive we are at work or at home, and we determine our lives to be more or less good depending on the degree of independence or pleasure. Respect Life Month is a fitting time to reflect on the truth of who we are. Our worth is based not on our skills or levels of productivity. Rather, we discover our worth when we discover our true identity found in the unchangeable, permanent fact that we are created in God’s image and likeness and called to an eternal destiny with him. Because of this, absolutely nothing can diminish our God-given dignity, and therefore, nothing can diminish the immeasurable worth of our lives. Human dignity is forever. Whether it lasts for a brief moment or for a hundred years, each of our lives is a good and perfect gift. At every stage and in every circumstance, we are held in existence by God’s love. He does not call us to perfect efficiency or material success; he calls us to selfsacrificial love. He invites us to embrace each life for as long as it is given--our own lives and the lives of those he has placed in our paths. Every life is worth living.” www.usccb.org Altar Servers Saturday, 10/10 5pm: Deven Venegas, Ryan McDonough, Jazmin Jedrzejczyk Sunday, 10/11 8am: Krista Curran, Christina Valeros, Brianna Maher 10am: Jermaine Quilang, Sophia Gabriel, Diana Monteverdi 12pm: Andrei Musat, Jillian Doherty, Dalia-Rojas-Hernandez New Altar Servers If you would like to become an Altar Server (Grades 4 thru 8), classes will begin on Wednesday, October 7th, at 4pm in the church. For information call Kathleen at 718 352-2239. Oct. 4, 2015-p4 Discover the big picture of the Catholic faith, and how to live it! Catholicism is an entire way of life. We might be familiar with different aspects of the Catholic faith. But how does it all fit together? And what difference does it make for our lives? Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained opens up the “big picture” of the Catholic faith in a way that helps us know it, live it and articulate it to others. Join us as our own Fr. Mark Mathias leads our five (5) sessions this Fall. Each session includes a beautiful DVD and some time for discussion. Symbolon is for everyone, and all are welcome: those practicing their faith, those disconnected from the Church in any way, and those who are thinking of becoming Catholic. Symbolon will meet on Wednesdays at 7:30pm in the Parish Center, as follows: 10/7-The Journey of Faith-Trinity, Faith, and the God Who is Love 10/14-Divine Revelation-God Seeking Us & the Compass for our Lives 10/21-The Bible-God's Love Letter to Humanity 10/28-The Story of Salvation-Creation, Fall & Redemption 11/4-Who is Jesus? Just a Good Man or Lord of our Lives? MASS OF THE ANOINTING We will celebrate the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick at a special parish Mass on Wednesday, 10/21, at 12 noon in the church. All are invited to participate in the Mass and pray for God’s gift of healing. Those who can receive the Sacrament of Anointing are: individuals with a serious or chronic illness, and all those suffering the effects of advanced age. All are invited for refreshments in the cafeteria immediately following the Mass. YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY Are you a young adult (20s and 30s) looking for ways to serve your community and connect with like-minded people? Like us on Facebook: OLBS YAM E-mail BaysideYAM@hotmail.com. From the Pastor’s Desk…. Dear Parishioners, October is the month of the Holy Rosary. Our school children begin each day with a decade of the rosary. We too should include this beautiful prayer in our daily routine. October is also Respect Life Month. This year’s theme, “Every Life is Worth Living” is an invitation to reflect on the gift of life, especially when it involves suffering. No life is perfect, but every life is a good and perfect gift. Take note of today’s bulletin insert—thanks to our Respect Life Committee for providing it—and especially the web link at the bottom which offers moving first-hand stories. The visit of our Holy Father, Pope Francis, was thrilling. I was amazed to hear of nearly two dozen parishioners who were able to be physically present at one of the papal events. How brilliant of the Reflections staff to invite them to share their experiences with the parish in an upcoming issue. See the bulletin for details. October 4th is the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi (though not observed because Sunday takes precedence). We will be blessing pets in the front of church at 1:15pm today, so bring all God’s creatures! In Christ, Father Bob Thank You From Fr. Larry One more time I am reaching out to thank the wonderful people of OLBS parish, so many of whom braved traffic to be at my Mass of Installation as pastor of Holy Name of Jesus parish last Saturday evening. It was great to have Fr. Bob, Fr. Vinnie, Fr. Carney, Deacons Avallone, Bourbeau, and Molloy and many others from the OLBS family with me for this important liturgy. Many people from OLBS who could not be there have sent me cards (and gifts!). I’ll do my best to send out acknowledgments, but that will take time and I may miss some of you. Please know that OLBS has an important place in my heart. Please keep me in your prayers and I will keep you in mine. Fr. Larry Ryan 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal Thank all those who donated so far. We have reached our goal in pledges—all your new pledges will come back to the parish. Please make your pledge soon. To date, 292 donors have pledged $99,070 and $89,736 has been paid. Our goal is $93,090. Thank you for your support. — — — — — — — — — — — — — Seeking Parish Pastoral Council Members If you, or someone you know is interested in serving as a member of the Parish Pastoral Council, please submit your name, or the name of a nominee to the Rectory. Pastoral planning on the parish level supports and accompanies the spiritual and communal life of the Church, and allows the Parish to look at itself in light of its mission within the mission of the Church of Brooklyn; assess its strengths and resources, and make recommendations to establish priorities, plans and goals for a 3-5 year period. Members serve a threeIn Christ, Father Bob year term. Council meets at 7:30pm one Monday in September, November, March and May. Next meeting is Monday, September 28th ant 7:30pm. CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL TEST (TACHS) Registration Forms are available in the rectory for public school 8th grade students who wish to attend Catholic High School in September, 2016. Registration deadline: October 7th. - (1-866-618-2247). FEAST OF ST. FRANCIS PET BLESSING All Pets will be blessed outside the church on 34th Avenue at 1:15pm this Sunday, Oct. 4th, the feast of St. Francis of Assisi. (Hyenas must be in groups of 2 or less.) STEWARDSHIP — A way of life TITHING: God’s plan for giving… We recognize some of the good deeds by the children in our parish: Lorelei, Gr. 2, helped her brother; Kristen, Gr. 2, was nice to her friends; John, Gr. 6, served Mass when he was not assigned 2014 Sept. 27th (26th Sunday in Ordinary Time) 2015 Please Pray for our Deceased Theodore Flor, Norma Puhalski, Geraldine Catteillo Oct. 4, 2015-p5 $7,299.00 $3,066.00 722 Collection Faith Direct Attendance $9,038.50 $2,948.00 800 Did You Know...? Mark 10:2-16 In today’s Gospel, Jesus sheds light on the nature of Christian marriage. The Pharisees were trying to trick him, but Jesus transformed their plot into a teachable moment. Speaking of the Mosaic law that allowed a man to divorce his wife, Jesus indicated that this man-made law was not the standard by which marriage should be understood. Instead, he referred back to the story of Adam and Eve, where we see the first human couple living in a state of perfect harmony and bliss with each other and with God. God’s original plan for marriage was part of the joyful paradise in Eden. But sin entered the world, and with it came a rupture in the pristine unity of the man and the woman. Thus Jesus explains divorce as the result of sin (i.e., “the hardness of your hearts”). But as always, Jesus calls us to transcend the slavery of sin. And more than that, he promises us his own divine help, his grace, and his Spirit to enable us to accomplish what we could not do on our own power. Words of Life! “Whether it lasts for a brief moment or for a hundred years, each of our lives is a good and perfect gift. At every stage and in every circumstance, we are held in existence by God’s love. … God invites us to embrace the lives we have been given, for as long as they are given. Every life is worth living.” — USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities, 2015-16 Respect Life Program Reflection Flyer www.goo.gl/8He3OQ View, download, and order the NEW 2015-16 Respect Life Program materials! www.usccb.org/respectlife Around the Diocese *Flea Market: 10/4, 9-4pm, St. Josaphat, 35th Av/210th St. *Rosary for Life: Good Shepherd Church, 10/5, Most Rev. Frank J. main celebrant, 7pm - Info: 718 377-6920. *Bereavement Group: Sacred Heart church hall, Tues., 10/6, 7:30pm For information call Sr. Kathleen at 718 224-5695. *Rummage Sale: Oct 10-11, 9-4pm, St. Josaphat - 718 229-1663. 7th Annual Harvest Gala: Bishop Molloy Retreat House, 10/14, 6-9pm, honoring Br. Angelo Sena, C.P. and Fr. Chris Cleary, C.P. e-mail JVega@cpprov.org or www.BishopMolloy.org . *Open House: McClancy HS: 10/10, 1-4pm, 718 898-3800 x-1. *Open House: St. Francis Prep, 10/17, 12-4:30, 718 423-8810. *Open House: Xavier HS, 10/17, 1-4pm, 212 924-7900. *Open House: Holy Cross HS: 10/18, 1-4pm 718 886-7250 x-558. *Open House: TMLA, 10/18, 10-3pm, 718 297-2120. *Healing Mass: 10/13, St. Anastasia Ch., 7pm-718 631-4454 *Depression/Addiction:10/17, 10-3pm, 718 739-0880-Live in Hope *50th Reunion: St. Michael’s HS, June, 2016-pkoehler@aol.com *Pilgrimage: Fatima, Lourdes & Santiago De Compostela - Nov. 10-20— Fr. John Mendonca - 718 897-4444 x-301 *Pilgrimage-Eucharistic Congress, Philippines: Bishop DiMarzio & Timothy Cardinal Dolan, 1/22 to 2/1/16-516 605-1551. *Pilgrimage: Italy, March 30-April 7th, led by Bishop Paul Sanchez— www.ccbq.org or call 718 722-6202.! *Retreats at Bishop Molloy Retreat House: 718 739-1229. *Diocesan Pre Cana Information: Visit www.pre-cana.org *Adult Services: 718 229-7320 - Catholic Charities affiliate. *Relief for Homeless Families: Call Catholic Charities at 718 674-1000 or 929 234-3036. *Alzheimers Adult Day Program: 718 358-3541 MOMMY @ND ME Thursday, 10/8, 9:30am, auditorium ITALIAN NIGHT If we love one another, God remains in us and his love is brought to perfection in us Saturday, October 17th ,after the 5pm Mass. Great DJ, catering by Marino Brothers, Wine & Set-ups included. Sponsored by our Rosary-Altar Society - Tickets are on sale after all the Masses this weekend: Adults $30/Children $15. Contact Madeline 917 685-1644 or Eileen 718 358-1381. CTC (Catholic Teen Community) News Did You Encounter the Pope in Person? Lectio Divina All high school students looking to meet other high school students are invited to join us on Monday nights at 7pm in the convent basement (side entrance on 202nd Street). Call Kathleen Ranieri Giuliano, Youth Minister, at 718 229-5929 x-121. Lauren Talty, President. How about sharing your experience with our readers? Just leave a short narrative in the Reflections Mailbox at the rectory or email nealbarbok@aol.com Mass Scripture Readings Sunday Mass Presiders: Oct. 10th-11th schedule is subject to change - (in parentheses will preach) Saturday, 10/10 Sunday, 10/11 Oct. 4, 2015-p6 5pm 8am 10am 12pm Fr. Gallo Fr. Gallo Fr. Whelan Fr. Matthias Readings for weekday Masses are available on the homepage Tues, St. Bruno, Priest; Blessed Marie-Rose Durocher, Virgin; Wed., Our Lady of the Rosary; Fri., St. Denis, Bishop and Companions, Martyrs; St. John Leonardi, Priest Sun., 10/11 Wis 7:7-11 Heb 4:12-13 Mk 10:17-30 Over 20 Ye (718) 463-9674 s Experiencar e R.J. RUSSO ELECTRIC CO. HONEST, RELIABLE SERVICE - REASONABLE RATES! RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL NEW WORK - ALTERATIONS - REPAIRS NO JOB TOO LARGE OR SMALL Call Your Electrical Specialists! rjrussoelectric.com 45-57 Bell Blvd., Bayside EMERGENCY SERVICE 718-423-4742 DR. DAVID ORENSTEIN, F.A.A.O. 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Visit us online at www.ChapinHome.org KILEY, KILEY & KILEY, PLCC Attorneys At Law 718-353-1220 Eyes Examined • Contact Lenses • Low Vision (718) 939-5307 ROBERT HEALY • GEORGE BARDOLF III Donald T. Kiley, Donald T. Kiley, Jr. Kevin J. Kiley, Catherine Kiley McGuire, James D. Kiley Personal Injury • Medical Malpractice Real Estate Transactions • Estate Planning & Administration Elder Law • Matrimonial Law 107 Northern Boulevard, Suite 304, Great Neck OLBS Alumni 718-224-5100 516-466-7900 My car went to Heaven! DONATE YOUR AUTO Society of St. Vincent de Paul 718-491-2525 IRS Tax Deduction • Any Model Any Condition • FREE Towing For Repairs You Need Around Your Home ODD JOBZ All General Repairs • Painting • Re-Finishing • Sheet Rock • Drywall Repair • Owner Operated • Plastering • Minor Plumbing • Senior Citizen Discounts • Power Washing We only use Benjamin Moore • Gutter Cleaning Call Jeff - The Odd Jobz Man 718-225-4171 Fast Service - Reasonable Pricing! Home & Hospital Interviews Available Saturdays on AM 970 & AM 570 Radio 6-7pm THIS SPACE IS “Ask Lawyer Mike” 7408 5th Ave., Brooklyn, NY 718-238-6500 Give Your Child The Proper Foundation For Tomorrow’s World CHINESE TUTOR • Wei Sun 718.539.4078 163-07 29th Ave. • Flushing M-Sat. 7am-7pm • Sun. 8am-3pm www.marinosupermarket.com CALVARY HOSPITAL Over 15 Years Of Teaching Experience Private & Group Lessons Available • Specializing In Children K through 8th Grade • Evenings & Weekends Proud To Support OLBS • 646-327-7841 718-445-3445 For more than a century, Calvary Hospital has provided care for patients with advanced cancer. “The Best Foot Care in Your Home” Where Life Continues Today, at our modern 200-bed facility in the Bronx, our state-of-the-art inpatient unit at Lutheran Medical Center in Brooklyn, the Center for Curative and Palliative Wound Care, and through Calvary@Home hospice and home care program, we continue this outstanding tradition of compassionate care. For more information, please call 718-518-2300 or visit www.calvaryhospital.org Contact LPi for more information! 1-800-477-4574 Susan E. Lewin, D.P.M., Podiatrist “The Home Care Specialist” A REAL ADVANTAGE INC. All Phases Of Construction At An Affordable Price. SPECIALIZE IN Gutters, Roofing, Siding, Cement/ Masonry Work Residential And Commercial WILLS, TRUSTS and ELDER LAW ANN-MARGARET CARROZZA, Esq. 213-38 40th Avenue, Bayside 718-224-4746 www.ARealAdvantageConstruction.com 718-767-6950 Free Estimates • All Work Guaranteed Fully Licensed And Insured A+ Rating With The BBB (Better Business Bureau) Serving All 5 Boros, Westchester, And Nassau County Contact LPi for more information! 1-800-477-4574 JOHN BANHAM Licensed Real Estate Broker Receive 10% Off My Commission By Mentioning This Ad!! OLBS Parishioner www.welcomematrealestate.com 347-612-1577 FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. 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