718-224-4746 - Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament
718-224-4746 - Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament
Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church WELCOME TO OUR PARISH! We hope you have felt at home in our church this weekend. Please feel free to join us as often as possible, you are most welcome. Rectory Office: 34-24 203 Street, Bayside, NY 11361-1152 PH: (718) 229-5929, Fax (718) 229-3354 www.olbschurch.org DAILY MASSES: Monday - Friday: 7am, 9am, Saturday 9am Public Holidays: 9am only Hours: Monday to Friday: 9am-5pm, 6:30pm-8:30pm; Saturday: 9am-5pm; Sunday: 9am-1pm WEEKEND MASSES: We are served by: Holy Days: As Announced in Bulletin/Website Saturday: Vigil 5pm Sunday: 8am, 10am, 12noon Rev. Robert J. Whelan, Pastor Ext. 124 frbob@olbschurch.org Confessions: Sat.: 4pm - 4:45pm or by appointment Rev. Mark Matthias, Parochial Vicar Ext. 118 frmark@olbschurch.org Rev. Msgr. William J. Flood, Assistant Ext. 122 (Pastor Emeritus of Our Lady of Grace Church) Sacrament Information: See inside front cover Rev. Vincent J. Gallo, Weekend Assistant (Pastor Emeritus of St. Pancras Church, Glendale) Church is open daily until 5pm! 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Rev. Bryan J. Carney, Resident Ext. 120 (Chaplain - Flushing Hospital) Mrs. Joan Kane, School Principal 34-45 202 Street, Bayside, NY 11361-1152 (718) 229-4434 Office www.olbsschool.org Mrs. Carol Pacifico and Mrs. Barbara Tcolakian, Secretaries Sr. Carla Lorenz, PBVM, Dir. of Religious Education (718) 225-6179 olbsreled@hotmail.com Mrs. Rosanna Lombardi, Secretary Deacon George Bourbeau Ext. 112 deacongeorge@olbschurch.org Deacon Ernesto Avallone Ext 112 deaconernesto@olbschurch.org Deacon William J. Molloy Ext 112 deaconbill@olbschurch.org Mr. Michael Martinka, Director of Music Ext. 117 music@olbschurch.org Mrs. Jane Brunhuber, Secretary Ext. 110 secretary@olbschurch.org Mrs. Linda Farrell, Bookkeeper Ext. 115 bookkeeper@olbschurch.org Receptionist, During Office Hours, Ext. 111 November 8, 2015 We a r e a T i t h i n g P a r i s h Nov. 2015 Mass Intentions—(Gift of) Sacraments and Prayer Eucharistic Adoration: Mondays: 7:30pm-8:20pm (use 203rd St. entrance) Fridays: Begins after 9am Mass and ends at 10:30am. Baptism: Instruction classes are held on the last Saturday of each month in the rectory at 11 AM. Parents should call the rectory to make arrangements before they attend the class and bring with them a copy of the child’s birth certificate. Baptism is administered on the 2nd Sunday of every month at 1:30 PM. Confession / Reconciliation: Saturday: 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM or by appointment with one of the priests. Marriage: A couple must come to the rectory to make arrangements for their wedding at least six months in advance of their proposed wedding date. Please call the rectory to make an appointment. Marriage preparation (Pre-Cana) is available directly through OLBS as well as through the diocese. Please contact Laura (718 352-9247) or the rectory for information on the OLBS program. For information on the diocesan program, please log on to www.pre-cana.org S-7th Cenacles of Life: Mondays 7:30pm - Rosary and Eucharistic Adoration; and Saturdays at 8:15am Rosary in the church. John, Francis & Ive Maria Gomes (Anna Rozario) 5pm All Members of the Purgatorial Society Sun-8th 8am For the People of our Parish 10am James Twohig (M/M Richard Robilotta) M-9th 12pm All Souls 7am Eleanor DiMichael (M/M John Wrzesc) 9am Tu-10th 7am 9am Patrick & Bridget Kelly (Theresa Mullan) Rose White Bruen (M/M Baginski) Pasqual & Rosa Scarpitti (Giovanni Scarpitti) W-11th 7am George M. Brust (Catherine Brust) 9am All 9-11 Victims (Theresa Mullan) Th-12th 7am Anointing of the Sick: One of the priests should be called as soon as there is a sign of serious illness. Communion of the Sick: Anyone who cannot attend Mass because of illness may receive the Eucharist at home on a regular basis. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the priests in this ministry. Please call Agnes, Communion of the Sick Coordinator, at 718 631-4793, or the rectory. 9am 9am Joseph Filic (Maria Trpic) Srecko Jerolimic (Mathew Belanick & Rory Sokosa) F-13th 7am 9am Michael Baginski (M/M John Baginski) Carmella & Leone Gentilella (Edda Gentilella) S-14th 9am Andrew Candres, Jr. (Iocco Family) 5pm Carmela & Leo Gentilella (Edda Gentilella) Edward Simicich (Belanich Family) Liturgy of the Hours: Monday to Friday before 9am Mass. Donald McDonnell (Rose McInerney) Sun-15th 8am Rev. Msgr. George T. Deas, Pastor Emeritus (not in residence) What is the Proper Etiquette During Eucharistic Adoration? When we are not taking part in vocal prayers and hymns with other adorers, we should be praying silently. Whenever we pass before the place where the sacred host is reserved, we should genuflect. We should observe the modest dress and decorum that are appropriate to very solemn occasions. We should avoid any actions that might disturb or distract others or draw attention to ourselves rather than Jesus. NEW IN NEW YORK RELEVANT RADIO 1430AM - TRY IT! 24/7 Nov. 8, 2015-p2 Bernadette Lancanster (M/M Philip Brady) 10am Ryan Meehan (Mindy & Herman) 12pm For the People of our Parish Lectio Divina Let my prayer come into your presence. Incline your ear to my cry for help, O Lord. “Please pray for the sick…” WEEK 1 Rosemarie Bates Shamus Cavanagh Sr. Maureen Gregory Matty & Tom Grogan Brendan McGuire Frank McGuire Tony Musto William Stolz WEEK 2 Maria Bernich Betty Gimblit Maureen Higgins Michael Hurley Bernadette Lancaster Janet Leone Maria Leone Vivian Papa WEEK 3 Karen Alessandro Joseph Cerrato Msgr. John Mahoney Bernadette Miller Vincent Peluso Marie Rowland Angela Vangi baby- Joseph Vangi Casimir Visminas John Wrzesc ARMED FORCES PRAYER LIST If you would like prayers requested in the bulletin for a loved one in the Armed Forces, please call the rectory at ext: 110. Jason & Allison Carter, Conor Crosby, Sheldon Diaz, Eric Hauser, Lieutt. Heather O’Donnell, Michael McHugh, Catherine McManus, Jennifer & Michael Minnick, Adam Mohler, Capt. Andrew Pesature, Lieut. Daniel Pesature, Robert Rendall, William Rendall, Shawn Smith, Capt. Vidhi Persaud, Bryson Ciampa, USMC, Luke Mixon, Rct. Sergio Geico, USMC, Paul Chapman, Lieut. Gavin White, 2nd Lieut. Richard Dolan Please visit: www.woundedwarriorproject.org YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY Are you a young adult (20s and 30s) looking for ways to serve your community and connect with likeminded people? Like us on Facebook: OLBS YAM E-mail BaysideYAM@hotmail.com. RETROUVAILLE Retrouvaille is a French word meaning “rediscovery.” This program is for marriages in trouble and will help participants rediscover each other and learn to communicate more effectively. Nov. 1315th, Immaculate Conception Seminary, Huntington, NY. For information: John & Linda at 516 427-5474. Nicaragua Mission Team OLBS Mission Trip to Nicaragua (Nov. 7-Nov. 14) Our Mission Team left for Nicaragua on Saturday and we are now at the guest house in Diriamba. Today, Sunday, we will be attending Mass with the children, and will be working around the two sites (Diriamba and Managua) on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. This is in addition to spending quality time with the abandoned and disabled infants, children and young adults. On Thursday, we will have the opportunity to tour the beautiful country of Nicaragua; and on Friday we will host a party and celebrate with the residents and staff in Diriamba. On Saturday we will return home. During this week, please keep our Team in your prayers. Remember to pray for the children and their caregivers, and know that your generosity will have a lasting, positive impact on them all. THANK YOU FOR MEMORIAL GIFTS Please Remember Them In Your Prayers ALTAR BREAD & WINE & SANCTUARY CANDLE All Victims of 9-11 - gift of Theresa Mullan Irish Dancing: Tuesday 11/10, 4:45pm, cafeteria THANKSGIVING TURKEY AND HAM DROP Please bring your kind donations of turkey and ham to the Queen of Peace Residence, 110-30 221st Street, Queens Village, NY 11429, on Saturday, November 21st, 10am-3pm. Call 718 464-1800 x-2544 or email qpdevelopment@littlesistersofthepoor.org or visit www.littlesistersofthepoorqueens.org . THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE Sunday at the Movies! Film and Discussion this Sunday, November 8th at 2:00pm in the Parish Center. The Young Adult Ministry invites you to join us in viewing Do You Believe? (2015). When a pastor is shaken by the visible faith of a street-corner preacher, he is reminded that true belief always requires action. His response ignites a journey that impacts everyone it touches in ways that only God could orchestrate. Refreshments will be served and there will be a free-will offering. We hope you can join us in viewing this inspirational film! We will be collecting non-perishable food items for the poor next weekend, November 14th-15th. Bins may be found at the church entrances. God bless you for your generosity. HOSPITALITY WEEKEND - 11/21-22 Please join us in the parish center after Mass for refreshments and fellowship, hosted by Reflections Staff. Big Bucks—Bingo Weekly Bingo Jackpot Is $1,000! SEPARATED AND DIVORCED Meeting, Wed., November 18th, 7:30pm, parish center $2,050 in prizes every Friday! Team 1 will work on Friday, 11/13/15 If you can volunteer, please call 718 229-5929 ext: 110 Nov. 8, 2015-p3 Rosary Altar Society Save These Dates! Sun., 11/8, RAS Communion Bkfst, parish center, 10am Thur.., 11/12, RAS Show Practice - auditorium, 7-8:30pm Sun., 12/6 Blood Drive, Parish Center - 8:30am – 12pm Mon., 12/7 Christmas Party - auditorium, 7pm - $30 Sun., 12/13, Willoughby Brothers Christmas Concert 2pm, auditorium - $20 ($25 at the door) For tickets, call Betty at 347 613-1303 Respect Life Committee: The Respect Life Committee invites you to join us, on the first Saturday of each month after the 9am Mass, as we study Where Justice and Mercy Meet: Catholic Opposition to the Death Penalty, edited by Vicki Schieber, Trudy D. Conway, and David Matzko McCarthy. Questions? Call Joe & Karen 352-9365. CATHOLICISM:The New Evangelization The Catholic Faith is not about myths or legends, symbols or literary devices. It’s about an encounter so overwhelming that you want to tell the whole world. It is an encounter with Jesus Christ. Through- out history the call of Christ has sent people to the corners of the earth with a message of great joy, a message that has built civilizations, inspired cultures and even sent some to prisons and to their graves. We have the same call — that’s the New Evangelization. This new documentary from Bishop Robert Barron’s Word on Fire continues the story of CATHOLICISM and explores the Church’s mission and the challenges of contemporary culture. With the original CATHOLICISM series, Fr. Barron took us on a journey around the world deep into the Faith. Now, experience this Faith in action in CATHOLICISM: The New Evangelization. This film tells us what the “New Evangelization" is and then takes us on a fascinating tour to witness examples of new ardor, new expressions, and new methods of evangelization in action. Come join us for this this unforgettable film at Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament on Saturday , November 14th at 10am in the Parish Center. Coffee and bagels will be served. ST. PATRICK’S DAY PARADE To prevent the removal of St. Patrick from the St. Patrick’s Day Parade, please go to www.change.org and in the “Search” section type in “St. Patrick’s Day Parade NYC”. Really? What Next? MOMMY @ND ME Thursday, 11/12, 9:30am, auditorium Altar Servers Sat., 11/14: CTC (Catholic Teen Community) News ADVENT CANDLES AND REFILLS: Our CTC (Catholic Teem Community) will be selling Advent Wreaths and Refill Can dles after all Masses on Nov. 14-15 & 21-22. COAT COLLECTION: Our CTC will be collecting gently used coats: weekends of Nov. 14-15 & 21-22. CHILDREN’S CHOIR FESTIVAL Sunday, Nov. 15th, at 3:30pm at Resurrection-Ascension Church in Rego Park- Come and support our Cherub & Children’s Choirs! Info: music@olbschurch.org 5pm: Domenico & Carmelo Monaco, Michel Grassotti Sunday, 11/15 8am: John Paul Mussalli, Maria Celano, Aaron Quijije 10am: Caitlin Meier, Alex McBreen, Margaret Moloney 12pm: Michael, Sean & Jana Lobmeyer Nov. 8, 2015-p4 Vocation Discernment Retreat The Vocation Office assists in the front line ministry. Travel expenses and room and board at the seminary paid by benefactors of Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA. Retreat: Dunwoodie, NY—Nov. 19-22 - 619 865-2052 or visit vocations @milarch.org/vocations. From the Pastor’s Desk…. Dear Parishioners, Every Sunday I sit and watch people dig into their pockets and pocketbooks for the offertory collection. (For the record, I use Faith Direct and can sit back and observe.) Like Jesus watching the people in the temple do likewise it is a moment that inspires gratitude. The master teacher uses this moment to instruct his disciples on true giving, holding up the example of the poor widow who gives not from her excess but from her substance. Her gift was made out of love, not out of obligation or for the sake of show. She must now rely on God alone. What a leap of faith! When we tithe we put God first in our lives and allow everything else to take its rightful place in the hierarchy of needs and wants. As I invite parishioners to participate in the Generations of Faith Capital Campaign these days it is truly inspiring to witness great trust and generosity. I am humbled by the love and commitment people have for God and their church and parish. The church relies on her members to sustain her mission, but we all truly rely on God for the next breathe and step we take. 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal — — — — — — — — — — — — — Thank all those who donated so far. We have reached our goal in pledges—all your new pledges will come back to the parish. Please make your pledge soon. To date, 301 donors have pledged $101,770 and $93,489 has been paid. Our goal is $93,090. Thank you for your support. The names of all 2015 ACA donors will be published in our Annual Report. If you have not yet made your donation, please do it soon. Thank you. LITURGICAL MINISTERS FALL WORKSHOP Lectors, Ushers and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are invited to this meeting on Saturday, November 21st, at 10am-11:30am in the Parish Center. Come pray, renew, and strengthen our best practices. Refreshments will be available following the 9am Mass In Christ, Bobwho may be interested in until 10am. AllFather are invited getting information about the above ministries. In Christ, Father Bob VOCATION INFORMATION Project Andrew is an opportunity for young men to learn more about the priesthood by joining one of our Diocesan Bishops and other priests and seminarians from the Brooklyn Diocese for an afternoon of prayer, dinner and conversation. Visit http:// dioceseofbrooklyn.org/vocations/vocations-office/project-andrew/ Rectory Office Closed Wednesday November 11th at 7pm, St. Thomas Aquinas Church, 1550 Hendrickson Street, Brooklyn (between Ave. P and Flatlands Avenue) ALL SOULS REMEMBRANCE - Nov. 8, 2015 All who have lost a loved one between October 2014 and September 2015 are particularly invited to the 12pm Mass next Sunday, November 8th. Wednesday, November 11th, Veterans Day. There will be no 7am Mass on November 11th. STEWARDSHIP — A way of life “We welcome our newly baptized!” Mateo Camelas Gomez, Robert Jax Keller, Juliet Anna Yepes Please Pray for our Deceased John Robles, Michael Albanese, Mary Brogan, Ruth Robin Peggy Montfort (Kate Robilotta’s sister), James Cavanaugh, Kenneth Courtney, Gregory Sullivan Nov. 8, 2015-p5 TITHING: God’s plan for giving… We recognize some of the good deeds by the children in our parish: Veronica, Gr. 4, said her prayers; Isabella, Gr. 6, walked the dog and said her prayers; 2014 Nov. 1st (31st Sunday in Ordinary Time) 2015 $8,090.00 $3,024.00 818 Collection Faith Direct Attendance $8,035.00 $2,948.00 912 Did You Know...? Mark 12:38-44 Jesus explains that the widow’s tiny sum was generous in a way that the larger amounts people gave were not. The poor widow “contributed all she had, her whole livelihood.” She was truly generous, giving what cost her dearly. Her contribution was made out of love, not just out of obligation or for the sake of show. God has given us all different “livelihoods.” Some of us have more money, more talents, more resources. Some of us have less. But of course we know that God’s love for us is not based on this external data. He loves the rich and the poor alike. The question is whether this external data affects our love for God? Jesus’ message challenges us all today to gratefully give back to God in thanks for whatever he has given us, be it small or great. We are called not to give from our surplus but to share from our very livelihood. That is to say, we are called to acknowledge that our livelihood itself, no matter the details, is a gift from God. Words of Life! "Within the family each member is accepted, respected and honoured precisely because he or she is a person; and if any family member is in greater need, the care which he or she receives is all the more intense and attentive." — Pope Saint John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae, no. 92 © 1995 Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission. (http://goo.gl/jsTMI8) Your Vocation “Out of her poverty she has put in everything she had.” Will you respond with generosity should the Lord choose you for priesthood or the consecrated life? Call the Vocation Office at 718 827-2454, or email: vocations@diobrook.org. TEEN CLUB MEETING Around the Diocese *Vendors Wanted: American Martyrs (Dec. 5-6) 718 428-5308. *50th Reunion: St. Michael’s HS, June, 2016-pkoehler@aol.com *Healing Mass: Tuesday, Nov. 10th, at 7pm St. Anastasia Church, 45-14 245th St., Little Neck, 11362 - 718 631-4454. *St. Josaphat Dinner Dance: Pre-Thanksgiving-St. Josaphat’s Day— Sat., 11/14. Tickets: $30 (live entertainment & dinner/beer/wine/dessert) Children under 10-free - 718 229-1663 or 718 746-0296. *Flea Market: St Josaphat Ch., 11/15, 9-4pm - 718 224-3052. *The Glen Mohr Chorale: Presents “Ordinary Saints” - Sunday, 11/15, 3pm, St. Kevin Ch - 718 357-8888 (good will offering). *Army/Navy/Air Force Vocation Discernment Retreat: Nov. 19-22, Dunwoodie, NY - 619 865-2052 or 202 719-3677. *Evenings of Fraternity: Opportunity for men discerning a vocation; Holy Hour/Conference/Dinner; St. John Paul II House of Discernment; 11/23/15, 5-7pm - 718 827-2454. *Pilgrimage-Eucharistic Congress, Philippines: Bishop DiMarzio & Timothy Cardinal Dolan, 1/22 to 2/1/16-516 605-1551. *Pilgrimage: Italy, March 30-April 7th, led by Bishop Paul Sanchez— www.ccbq.org or call 718 722-6202.! *Retreats at Bishop Molloy Retreat House: 718 739-1229. *Diocesan Pre Cana Information: Visit www.pre-cana.org *Adult Services: 718 229-7320 - Catholic Charities affiliate. *Relief for Homeless Families: Call Catholic Charities at 718 674-1000 or 929 234-3036. *Alzheimers Adult Day Program: 718 358-3541 Homebound? Can’t get to Church? Or, maybe you know of someone who is? The Pastoral Care Program (Communion to the Homebound) would like to remind the homebound that they are still very much a part of our parish community. Our ministers look forward to bringing the Eucharist each week to anyone who cannot get to church because of age or infirmity of any kind. Just call the Rectory and let us know who you are. And spread the word to your homebound neighbor! BRIDGE TO LIFE Pregnant? Worried? Need Help? Call Bridge to Life―718 463-1810 - All calls are confidential. Wed., 11/18, 7-8:30pm in the gym. (No mtg. 11/11) Mass Scripture Readings Sunday Mass Presiders: Nov. 14th-15th schedule is subject to change - (in parentheses will preach) Saturday, 11/14 Sunday, 11/15 Nov. 8, 2015-p6 5pm 8am 10am 12pm Fr. Gallo Fr. Gallo Fr. Mark Fr. Whelan Readings for weekday Masses are available on the homepage Mon., St. Margaret of Scotland & St. Gertrude, Virgin; Tues., St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Religious; Wed., Dedication of Basilicas of Sts. Peter & Paul, Apostles; St. Rose Phillippine Duchesne, Virgin; Sat., Presentation of The Blessed Virgin Mary Sun., 11/15 Dn 12:1-3; Heb 10:11-14, 18; Mk 13:24-32 Over 20 Ye (718) 463-9674 s Experiencar e R.J. RUSSO ELECTRIC CO. HONEST, RELIABLE SERVICE - REASONABLE RATES! RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL NEW WORK - ALTERATIONS - REPAIRS NO JOB TOO LARGE OR SMALL Call Your Electrical Specialists! rjrussoelectric.com 45-57 Bell Blvd., Bayside EMERGENCY SERVICE 718-423-4742 DR. DAVID ORENSTEIN, F.A.A.O. OPTOMETRIST Fox’s Gift Shop II Specializing in Favors for All Occasions Invitations • Save the Date • Cake Toppers • Gifts • Accessories By Appointment 36-03 162nd St. at Northern Blvd. Flushing Linda Starace, LCSW Licensed Clinical Social Worker Psychotherapy for children and adolescents By appointment only (917) 444-0468 Connors & Sullivan Attorneys At Law Wills • Estates • Trusts Medicaid • Elder Law “Don’t Lose Everything To A Nursing Home” Jere’s Hardware 173-05 HORACE HARDING EXPWY. FLUSHING, N.Y. 11365 (718) 357-8820 FAX (718) 357-4604 Caring in Three Centuries… Chapin Home for the Aging 165-01 Chapin Parkway • Jamaica, NY 718-739-2523 Unique Gifts for Every Budget! Skilled Nursing Facility, Short-Term Rehab, Hospice Care, Adult Day Health Care 159-02 Northern Blvd., Flushing, NY 11358 MON THRU SAT 7:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M. Visit us online at www.ChapinHome.org KILEY, KILEY & KILEY, PLCC Attorneys At Law 718-353-1220 Eyes Examined • Contact Lenses • Low Vision (718) 939-5307 ROBERT HEALY • GEORGE BARDOLF III Donald T. Kiley, Donald T. Kiley, Jr. Kevin J. Kiley, Catherine Kiley McGuire, James D. Kiley Personal Injury • Medical Malpractice Real Estate Transactions • Estate Planning & Administration Elder Law • Matrimonial Law 107 Northern Boulevard, Suite 304, Great Neck OLBS Alumni 718-224-5100 516-466-7900 My car went to Heaven! DONATE YOUR AUTO Society of St. Vincent de Paul 718-491-2525 IRS Tax Deduction • Any Model Any Condition • FREE Towing For Repairs You Need Around Your Home ODD JOBZ All General Repairs • Painting • Re-Finishing • Sheet Rock • Drywall Repair • Owner Operated • Plastering • Minor Plumbing • Senior Citizen Discounts • Power Washing We only use Benjamin Moore • Gutter Cleaning Call Jeff - The Odd Jobz Man 718-225-4171 Fast Service - Reasonable Pricing! Home & Hospital Interviews Available Saturdays on AM 970 & AM 570 Radio 6-7pm THIS SPACE IS “Ask Lawyer Mike” 7408 5th Ave., Brooklyn, NY 718-238-6500 Give Your Child The Proper Foundation For Tomorrow’s World CHINESE TUTOR • Wei Sun 718.539.4078 163-07 29th Ave. • Flushing M-Sat. 7am-7pm • Sun. 8am-3pm www.marinosupermarket.com CALVARY HOSPITAL Over 15 Years Of Teaching Experience Private & Group Lessons Available • Specializing In Children K through 8th Grade • Evenings & Weekends Proud To Support OLBS • 646-327-7841 718-445-3445 For more than a century, Calvary Hospital has provided care for patients with advanced cancer. “The Best Foot Care in Your Home” Where Life Continues Today, at our modern 200-bed facility in the Bronx, our state-of-the-art inpatient unit at Lutheran Medical Center in Brooklyn, the Center for Curative and Palliative Wound Care, and through Calvary@Home hospice and home care program, we continue this outstanding tradition of compassionate care. For more information, please call 718-518-2300 or visit www.calvaryhospital.org Contact LPi for more information! 1-800-888-4574 Susan E. Lewin, D.P.M., Podiatrist “The Home Care Specialist” A REAL ADVANTAGE INC. All Phases Of Construction At An Affordable Price. SPECIALIZE IN Gutters, Roofing, Siding, Cement/ Masonry Work Residential And Commercial WILLS, TRUSTS and ELDER LAW ANN-MARGARET CARROZZA, Esq. 213-38 40th Avenue, Bayside 718-224-4746 www.ARealAdvantageConstruction.com 718-767-6950 Free Estimates • All Work Guaranteed Fully Licensed And Insured A+ Rating With The BBB (Better Business Bureau) Serving All 5 Boros, Westchester, And Nassau County Contact LPi for more information! 1-800-888-4574 JOHN BANHAM Licensed Real Estate Broker Receive 10% Off My Commission By Mentioning This Ad!! OLBS Parishioner www.welcomematrealestate.com 347-612-1577 FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. 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