September 11, 2016
September 11, 2016
St Leo Church A Jesuit Parish 710 South 13th Street Tacoma, Washington 98405 November 6, 2016 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time The Month of Remembering Phone: (253) 272-5136 Fax: (253) 272-6285 PASTORAL COUNCIL Chair: Jacquie Armstrong Eugena Buena-Douglas John Clemens Jim DeFoe Fred Hamel Terry Healy Colleen Mulligan Kathleen O’Connor Sherry Schultz Virginia Stowell Florian Tamayo Artee Young PARISH STAFF (& phone extension) Pastor: Fr. Steve Lantry, S.J. (106) Parochial Vicar: Fr. Matthew Kunkel, S.J. (114) Deacon: Michael Riggio Business and Facilities: Jeffery Bemis (109) Faith Formation: Dotti Krist-Sterbick (110) email: Catechesis of the Good Shepherd: Trinka Hamel (104) Youth Formation: James Harper (111) Social Ministry: Rick Samyn (102) Pastoral Care: Stacy Cates-Carney (103) Food Connection Director: Kevin Glackin-Coley (383-5048) Music Director: Anna De Foe (112) Liturgy Assistant: Julie Manley (115) Office Coordinator: Theresa McDermott-Erskine (107) Maintenance: Kevin McKim and Dan Blachly (105) They have gone no further from us than to God, and God is very near. LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST Monday through Friday & Holydays - 12:10 PM Saturday Vigil - 5:00 PM Sunday - 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM Native Community Mass - Sunday - 1:30 PM St. Leo Parish is a safe and welcoming place for the LGBTQ community. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturdays- 3:00 - 4:00 PM or by appointment CALL FOR INFORMATION ( 272-5136 for any staff person ) Call Dotti Krist-Sterbick (ext 110) Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) NVC and Faith Sharing Groups Adult Formation Infant Baptism Children’s Catechumenate Call Trinka Hamel (ext. 104) Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (age 3 to grade 5) Oct-May 1st Reconciliation:(children 7+) Family preparation in fall. 1st Eucharist:(children 7+) Family preparation winter/Spring. Call James Harper (ext. 111) Youth Ministry (Jr. High grade 6-8. Sr High grades 9-12) Groups meet Oct. - May. Call Stacy Cates-Carney (ext. 103) Funeral Arrangements Pastoral Care Visits Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick: to arrange for a priest Health Care Ministries: Parish Nurses: Kathy Hitchcock, 564-3785, Eileen Weeg, 253-820-4141 (including blood pressure checks, prayer shawls) Call Fr. Matthew Kunkel, S.J. (ext. 114) Marriage Preparation (contact at least 6 months prior to wedding) Annulments Kathy Hitchcock 564-3785. Sacramental Records Maria Luisa Kirchmer (vm 311). Prayer Line: Teresita Perez 759-3579 Call Theresa McDermott-Erskine (ext.107) Parish Registration: new members, updates. Por más información en español, por favor llame a Adrianna, 253-778-0980 o Florian, 253-241-5563 Daily Scripture Readings Sunday November 6 2 Maccabees 7:1-2, 9-14 Thessalonians 2:16—3:5 Luke 20:27-38 Monday November 7 Titus 1:1-9 Luke 17:1-6 Tuesday November 8 Titus 2:1-8, 11-14 Luke 17:7-10 Wednesday November 9 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9 1 Corinthians 3:9c-11, 16-17 John 2:13-22 Thursday November 10 St. Leo the Great Philemon 7:20 Luke 17:20-25 Friday November 11 St. Martin of Tours 2 John 4-9 Luke 17:26-37 Saturday November 12 St. Josaphat 3 John 5-8 Luke 18:1-8 Sunday November 13 Malachi 3:19-20a Thessalonians 3:7-12 Luke 21:5-19 St. Leo Church - November 6, 2016 A Jesuit Parish ...a Catholic community centered in the Eucharist, enriched by diversity,committed to Gospel values, and continually seeking to be Christ’s servant presence in the world. Sophia, St. Leo's Women's Spirituality Group, will meet on Wednesday, 12/7, at 6:45 in the church cry room. Please join us to hear four of our pilgrims share part of their faith journey. All are welcome. Please contact Laura Cerone at if you're planning on attending, so we have some idea on the number of attendees. MEN’S RETREAT All St. Leo Men are invited to attend a Retreat at Pilgrim Firs Retreat Center. The Retreat will begin Friday Nov. 18th at about 7 P.M. and will end Sunday Nov. 20th before noon. Pilgrim Firs Retreat Center is located west of Port Orchard on a small lake surrounded by a beautiful forest and there are walking trails. Father John Fuchs, SJ, will facilitate and the cost will be $200. This retreat has been appreciated by everyone who has attended. Please call or email Mike Harrison to let him know that you would like to attend (phone no. is 584-6132 and email: If you need a ride or are disabled we will accommodate your needs. And if you would like more information, you may talk to Mark Bubenik (ph. 253 851 7051). Mel Bullinger, Gary Knudson, Grace Briden, Kaitlyn Rusca, Betty Shea, Bernie McCormick, Lynn Bonogossky, Patricia Boston, Patrick Camacho, Baby Diane, Peter Earnest, Ann Simon, Cindy Russell, Robin McIlvaine, Patricia Killen, Helen Brinkman, Bev Kammeraad, Christina Fyffe, Ginger Haug, Francisco Canessa, Jim DeFoe, Mary Ann Toohey, Becky Blake, Juan Perez, Terry Caffarel, Pat Rife, Kessie Sumida, Joe Samyn, Josie Stortini, Jerry Cronkite. BIRTHDAYS COMING UP! Nov 12 Jacob Gorbaty, Edward Gutierrez, Jerry Johnson, Judy Jones, Jeff Whitthall. Nov 13 Rick Felt, Ann Meersman, Elias Rodkey. Nov 14 Maria Breneman, Leela Rodriguez, Suzanne Symonoski. Nov 15 Eugena Douglas, Brian Edwards, Stanley Hatten, Peter Kram, Kathy Manke, Adelia Orr, Juan Pinos Aguirre, Jennifer Spencer, Teri Wiseman-Kuhlman. Nov 16 Macie Bucknam, Thomas Griffith, Brennan Hines, Jaime Tamayo. Nov 17 Mary Harburg-Petrich, Beverly Heinrich, Charles Heinrich, Laura Loper, Richard Rivera, Curt Sandstrom. Nov 18 Bridgette Cooper, Brittany Cooper, Kevin McGuire, Josie Stortini. DEEPENING OUR FAITH LAST THREE SESSIONS November 9, Wed. at 6:30 Gilda Warden and Shannon O’Donnell will share insights and developing theology on Mary and the Saints: What do the feast days of Mary celebrate? How does somebody become canonized? How does an ordinary person become “holy”? etc. Join us at Mercy Housing, 1709 S G (between 17th and 18th street on block east of Yakima and 5 blocks from St Leo’s) Buzz #305 when you arrive. November 16 Dottie and Michael Sterbick will explore new understandings of Marriage and Sexuality, including sharing about the history of the Sacrament of Marriage, Sexuality as Sacred, etc. November 30th Linda Lou Miller’s presentation on Scripture will include discussion about why so many different translations, when and how did the King James Version happen, why does the God Jesus talks about so different than the God of the old testament? etc. We look forward to you joining us on any or all of our last 3 gatherings. Questions - call Sr. Marilyn at 475-5029 CANDY FOR CARING The weekend before Thanksgiving, Nov. 18-19-20, Sr. Marilyn will be selling home-made candy for St Leo Emergency services at the CCS Christmas Bazaar in the Great Room in the CCS building. The Bazaar is open Friday noon to 6, Saturday and Sunday 10 to 6. If you have some candy to donate for this sale, please bring to Sr Marilyn’s table. She will also be selling cards made from her photos for assistance funds. Questions: please call Sr Marilyn at 475-5029. Thank you! Calling all Liturgical Ministers! Eucharistic Ministers Lectors Acolytes Ushers/Hospitality Ministers Bread Bakers Musicians We pray with Barbara Schlotfeldt in the passing of her son, Joe. DECEMBER 3 9AM – 11 AM Annual Retreat A time to pray, socialize with others and go over details of your ministry This is the only time each year we get together as a group and ask that you all try and attend. Single’s Fellowship will be discussing an article from “America” magazine on November 12, 2016 after 5p Mass in the Rectory library. See you then! Feast of St. Leo the Great is Thursday, November 10! Come celebrate with us at 12:10 Mass! Veterans Day In honor of all who served... Thank you! Friday, November 11 is Veterans Day. The parish offices (except emergency services) will be closed. Operation Keep em warm and fed sandwich makers can bring sandwiches to 1420 S. G Street if they can’t bring them to the rectory in the morning. Total THE WEEKLY COLLECTION REPORT as of October 23, 2016 Year to Date Total Collections Budgeted Difference $248,461.46 $226,615.16 ($21,846.30) Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7). If you have questions regarding the contents of this report please contact Jeff at or 253-272-5136 ext. 109. Health Care Ministry Walking Group - St. Leo’s Walking Group walks for an hour at different parks in our community. We walk for fitness, companionship and fun. Come join us at 9:30 AM Mondays. Call Kathy Hitchcock at 564-3785 or email Therese Dowd at therese. for information about the location of our next walk. Health Tip – November’s health issue is Diabetes. To reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, healthy habits can make a significant difference. Food choices are important as are increasing physical activity. In home activities such as walking between rooms, going back to get something, stepping in place while talking on the phone or waiting for the water to boil all add up. Add steps to your routines and make it a habit. Of course getting out for a walk is important but moving is the essence of activity. Just get up and move be it at work, at home, or elsewhere. Consider joining St. Leo’s walking group on Mondays or starting your own walking group, virtual or actual. Just a reminder. If you have an item for the bulletin please send it to no later than Wednesday at noon. Watch this space for a Coming Event! We’ll give you a hint... Calling all musicians! Christmas Eve is fast approaching! Again this year we need instrumentalists and choristers for our 5 p.m. Family Mass and for the 10 p.m. Vigil Mass. We are adding a children’s choir this year!! Six rehearsals are scheduled for children in grades K through 5 who would like to sing for our Christmas Eve Family Mass. The dates are November 6th, 13th, 20th, and December 4th, 11th and 18th. Each rehearsal will be held directly after the Sunday 10:30 mass, and will be about 30 minutes. Parents, please contact me if your child is interested. For youth grades 6 through 12, and adults who are planning to participate in the 5 p.m. Christmas Family Mass, our first rehearsal will be Wednesday, November 9th, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the church. Music will be distributed at that time, and we will determine the dates for the subsequent rehearsals. There will also be a dress rehearsal Sunday evening, December 18th from 5 to 7 p.m. in the church. The final rehearsal will be on Christmas Eve, December 24th, at 4 p.m. before the Christmas Eve Family Mass at 5. All rehearsals will be in the church. Choristers and instrumentalists are needed! Instrumentalists need to have two years of experience on their instrument, and be willing to practice at home. The orchestra consists of students and adult musicians who play strings, brass, woodwinds, percussion, guitars, and piano. If you are a chorister and plan to participate in the 10 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass, rehearsals will take place on Thursday evenings at 7:15 p.m. beginning on November 10th and will continue at 7:15 p.m. on Thursdays, November 17th, December 1st, December 8th, December 15th, and December 22nd. Final rehearsal will be on December 24th at 9 p.m. before the 10 p.m. mass. All rehearsals are in the church. If you plan to play an instrument at the 10 p.m. mass, please contact me as soon as possible for the music and. If you are planning to play/sing for either/both of these liturgies, please email me at the address below and indicate which mass you plan to attend and which instrument you will play, or if you will sing. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I’m excited about working with all of you, and looking forward to the music we will share together! Anna De Foe 253-272-5136 ext. 112 Passion for Justice Supporting Trafficking Victims in the Northwest Detention Center Seeking justice-oriented legal professionals and concerned community members to support detainees in the NW detention center that are victims of human trafficking You can help find support for victims of human trafficking right in our own community. By identifying pro-bono attorneys to assist these survivors, we can give them a path towards freedom and hope. Victims of human trafficking are eligible for a T-Visa, which will allow them to stay in the country legally, but without a lawyer, these visas are rarely obtained. Oftentimes these victims are deported before they have the chance to see an attorney. Access to an attorney is essential for ending the further victimization of victims of human trafficking through detention and eventual deportation. Attend our event for more information about how you can work to achieve justice for victims of trafficking in detention. Register online at: Wednesday 11.16 7:00pm-8:30pm St. Leo’s Catholic Church, Bichsel Hall 710 S 13th St, Tacoma, WA 98405 For more information contact: 206-382-4580//800-869-7028 or MULTIFAITH COALITION TO ADDRESS HUMAN TRAFFICKING THROUGH THE LENS OF COMPASSION Pasión por la Justicia Apoyando a las Víctimas de Tráfico en el Centro de Detención del Noroeste Buscamos a profesionales de derecho con un sentido de justicia y a miembros de la comunidad comprometidos para apoyar a los detenidos del Centro de Detención que son víctimas del tráfico de personas Puedes ayudar a encontrar apoyo para víctimas del tráfico de personas en tu propia comunidad. Al identificar abogados pro-bono para ayudar a estos sobrevivientes, podemos darles un camino hacia la libertad y esperanza. Las víctimas del tráfico de personas son elegibles para una T-Visa, que les permite quedarse en el país legalmente, pero sin un abogado, estas visas son muy difíciles de conseguir. Muchas veces, estas víctimas son deportadas antes de tener la oportunidad de ver a un abogado. El acceso a un abogado es esencial para acabar con el ciclo de victimización de las víctimas del tráfico humano a través de la detención y eventual deportación. Asiste a nuestro evento para más información sobre cómo puedes ayudar a alcanzar la justicia para las víctimas del tráfico en detención. Regístrate en línea: Miércoles 11.16 7:00pm-8:30pm Iglesia de San Leo, Bichsel Hall 710 S 13th St, Tacoma, WA 98405 Para más información comunicarse al: 206-382-4580//800-869-7028 o MULTIFAITH COALITION TO ADDRESS HUMAN TRAFFICKING THROUGH THE LENS OF COMPASSION When a disaster hits in your neighborhood, will you be ready to help? Join us for a Care Teams conversation Offering COMPASSION and SUPPORT in times of disaster Saturday November 19, 2016 9-11:30 AM Refreshments and coffee served! Graham Evangelical Covenant Church 10609 234th Street East Graham, WA 98338 Please pre-register for this free event by contacting Wendy Morris at or 253-383-3056 ext. 117 Disaster Response Care Teams are offered in partnership with Pierce County Emergency Management, Associated Ministries, and Pierce County Citizen Corps. Thank you to Graham Evangelical Covenant Church for hosting this conversation. Join us for a REFLECTION DAY on CONSECRATED LIFE for Single Young Adult Women & Men to explore a Call to Religious Life “Go out to the margins and bring the joy of the Gospel!” Pope Francis Saturday, December 10, 2016 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. • St. James Cathedral Outreach Center 907 Columbia St., Seattle 98104 Parking may be available in O’Dea High lot nearby. • HOSTED BY Religious Communities of Women and Men serving in the Archdiocese of Seattle • COFFEE & DONUTS when you arrive. LUNCH PROVIDED • Includes prayer, quiet time, multi-media info on religious life, visit with religious women & men. Please SIGN UP by Dec. 5th E-mail Sister Jo-Anne Miller, CSJP: or call/text 206-920-8560 Please tell these adver tisers you saw them on your Sunday Bulletin Margaret Ann Schmidt, LMHC “Fine Art Portraits” Contact: James Allen 253-320-0513 Patricia Padilla Skrinar Attorney at Law Social Security Disability Hearings Appeals 253-383-0708 Orchard Park CPL Connie MCHugH-griesMeyer Long Cell: 253.208.0755 Health Care & Rehab Center Term Care Helping people live as fully and independently as possible Specializing in: Rehab, Respite & Long Term Care Phone (253) 475-4611 S outh realtor International President’s Circle Coldwell Banker Bain Bellarmine Alumni Tim Grant Tom Only Sound’S CatholiC-owned funeral home Though we’ve been serving families since 1883, Gaffney Funeral Home has been the only Catholic-owned firm in the community since 1998. Calvary Cemetery Tacoma’s only caTholic cemeTery consecraTed Ground An Endowed Property (253) 572-6003 Angie Roarty Agent Pre - Arrangements Available (253) 472-8875 • 5212 70th St. W. 7602 Bridgeport Way W. Ste. 4C Lakewood Wa, 98499 Celebrating 110 Years RH HK Providing Insurance & Financial Services (253) 475-9111 Do You Have Arthritis Knee Pain? Ask Your Doctor About The Bellacure OA Knee Treatment Device P E R S O N A L I N J U R Y AT T O R N E Y S Questions about an accident? Contact: Vern Harkins, Parish Member 253-383-5388 Have your doctor order from Pacific Medical 1-800-726-9180 Covered by most Insurances ~ Medicare Approved Proven Results Quick Response Lisa Dreyer Managing Broker and Parishioner 253-381-7683 CatholicMatch Washington Home Care From housework to personal care – a few hours a day to 24 hour care Free Assessment: 1-877-870-1582 Reel in your BEST customers by advertising on this bulletin. For more info call Michelle (253) 229-6354 (800) 867-0660 Family Dining available THE SPAR SPAR THE IN OLD TOWN 2121 No. 30th St. Breakfast Weekends For Advertising Call Michelle Jacobs 253-229-6354. Habla Español Jaime Oviedo 509-388-6362 015 - CPI, P.O. Box 81026, Seattle, WA 98108-1026 - For Advertising call Michelle Jacobs 800-867-0660 (253) 566-0779 PHOTOGRAPHERS Obtain Backpay Benefits ©CPI •Individual,Couples Counseling •SpiritualDirection AKIWENZII