Newsletter 01.05.15 - Church In The Forest
Newsletter 01.05.15 - Church In The Forest
Sortie - Allegretto un poco maestoso............................ César Franck Painless and Economical Panis Angelicus........................................ César Franck (1822-1890) If you use the internet, why don’t you have the weekly newsletter sent to you via email? It is fast, easy and saves the church money— here’s what to do, Send an email to the office at: and ask Sherry to put you on the list. You will receive it early every week! Lieder of Johannes Brahms (1833-1897) Sapphische Ode Op. 94 No. 4 (Sapphic Ode) Salamander Op. 107 No. 2 (Salamander) Liebestreu Op. 3 No. 1 (Constancy) Auf dem Kirchhof Op. 105 No. 4 (In the Churchyard) Vergebliches Ständchen Op. 84 No. 4 (Futile Serenade) Church in the Forest Solmaaz Adeli, mezzo-soprano Melinda Coffey Armstead, piano & organ at Erdman Chapel, Stevenson School 3152 Forest Lake Road, Pebble Beach P. O. Box 1027, Pebble Beach, CA 93953 J a n u a r y 11 , 2 0 1 5 Address service requested Music Box Some Thoughts for the New Year: Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness. —James Thurber (1894-1961) USA The world is a bridge. Pass over it. Do not build your dwelling there. —Inscription on the Great Mosque in Fatehpur-Sikri, India, 17th C. I will be truthful. I will suffer no injustice. I will be free from fear. I will not use force. I will be of good will to all men. —Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) India Love, Melinda Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage P A I D Permit No. 28 Pebble Beach, CA 93953 Year’s end, all corners of this floating world, swept. —Basho (1644-94) Japan Church in the Forest at Erdman Chapel, Stevenson School 3152 Forest Lake Road, Pebble Beach P. O. Box 1027, Pebble Beach, CA 93953 • 831-624-1374 email: • Monday morning, January 5, 2015 Dear Members and Friends, Author, Leo Buscaglia, tells the story that happened while he was a professor at the University of Southern California. He had a student who was brilliant and filled with potential. Joel, however, had lost his meaning and purpose for living. Joel had been brought up in the Jewish faith but, like many young people, he had wandered away. God had become a meaningless symbol. He had no motivation to live another day and no one could convince him otherwise. So he prepared to take his own life. On his way, he stopped by Leo’s office. Fortunately, the good doctor was in. Joel told Leo that he had lots of money, clothes and cars. He had been accepted at several of the top engineering schools to work on his Master’s degree. He had everything going for him, yet he had nothing inside. There was no fire or passion in his belly. He had no vision, no joy, no enthusiasm, no peace, no harmony. Leo said, “Before you do anything drastic, I want you to visit some old people at the Hebrew Home that is adjacent to our campus.” “What for?” the young man countered. Leo said, “You need to understand life through the eyes of your heart.” “The eyes of my heart?” the young man asked. “Yes, you need to experience what it is like to give to those who have lost their connection to a meaningful life. Go to the desk and ask if there are people there who have not been visited for a long time by anyone. You visit them.” “And say what?” the young man asked. “I don’t know,” Leo said, “Tell them anything that will give them hope.” Notice Leo’s strategy—we get back what we give. Leo did not see the student for months. In fact, he largely forgot about him. Then one day during the Fall, he saw him coming from a bus with a group of seniors, some of whom were in wheel chairs. Joel had organized a trip to a baseball game with a group of his new senior friends who had not been to a game in years. Leo and Joel chatted for a moment. Just before parting Joel said, “Thanks for helping me find the ‘eyes of my heart.’” Leo nodded and smiled. There it is! Epiphany! Seeing life with new eyes. Seeing a world of new possibilities. That is what I wish for each of us, as we come to the Baptism of Jesus. See you in church, William B. Rolland Calendar Sunday, January 11, 2015 8:30 am Bible Study resumes with the Rev. Ken Feske. Matthew 7:1-5 “The Error of Judgment” 9:15 am Music Prelude 9:30 am Holy Communion Passages Acts 19:1-7; Psalm 29:1-11; Mark 1: 1-1 LectorBob Janzen Crucifer Judy Fletcher Acolyte Jacob McCarthy Flowers Carol & Jim Sullivan Cookies Charlie Bancroft Altar Care Andrea Thatcher & Shirley Temple Ushers Jack Davis & Howard Colehower Sermon The Rev. Dr. William B. Rolland Title “Forward” to Basics Sunday, January 11, 2015, 4:00-6:00 pm. Farewell party for the Rev. Charles Anker at the home of Joe and Nancy Verska, 2817 17-Mile Drive, PB, near (across the street, slightly south of) Spanish Bay. Please contact the church office at 624-1374 ( ASAP to confirm your attendance at this event. Tuesday, January 20, Small Group Study led by the Rev. Ken Feske resumes at Ruth Gleisner’s home, 3004 Sloat Road, PB, 10:15-11:30. “Priorities—a look at a healthy, balanced spiritual life. (The Parable of the Sower)” Luke 8:4-15 Email version of this newsletter has a third page with pictures of the Burning! This past Sunday, Church in the Forest held its annual “Burning of the Greens” down by Fanshell/Bird Rock Beach. Here are some shots from that event. It was a “two-alarm” experience! Photos: Mary Wiltse
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