Queen of Peace Parish
Queen of Peace Parish
N E E U Q E C A E OF P 4 N 4654 I , a k a w c , Misha eenofpeace.c d a o R u istula www.q 4508 V -9674 5 574-25 Third Sunday of Advent pg. 2 December 15, 2013 FROM THE PASTOR THE SIGNS OF THE MESSIAH In today’s Gospel Jesus invites the disciples of John the Baptist to report back His good works: giving sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, the lame walking, the leper cleansed, the dumb singing for joy, and the good news proclaimed to the poor as signs that the messiah is among his people. What signs can we offer in our families, schools and communities to convince others that the Messiah is among us? We must imitate Christ and continue showing compassion to those who need it most. For this is the good news of Christmas - the good news that God is one with us in all our experiences; our trials and tribulations. As we celebrate ‘Gaudete’ Sunday, the Latin word for rejoice, the Church calls her children to rejoice in hope for God is about to visit and dwell with his people. Let us join our children as they lead us in this year’s Advent Lessons and Carols, and keep in mind that anyone ‘who sings well prays twice’... On Friday, December 20, at 9:00 AM GIVE THANKS TO THE LORD FOR HE IS GOOD FOR HIS LOVE ENDURES FOREVER ~ Fr. John Eze Offertory Collection 12/08/13 Adult (243 envelopes) Loose EFT (32) Children Total $ 9,004.56 $ 1,286.23 $ 1,055.00 $ 27.55 $11,373.34 Debt (24) Flowers(29) Typhoon Haiyan(18) Immac. Concept.(91) $610.00 $308.60 $631.00 $1,485.60 Weekly amount needed for a balanced 2013-14 budget is $12,300.00 Advent/Christmas PARISH NEWS Parish Office Schedule for the Holidays Dec. 23-25 Dec. 26/27 Dec. 28/29 Dec. 30/31 Closed 8:00-4:00 PM Open for Masses 8:00-4:00 PM Jan. 1 Jan 2/3 Jan. 4/5 Closed 8:00–4:00 PM Open for Masses Give the Gift of a Catholic Education:. For Years to Come! By making a donation to the SGONEI (Scholarship Granting Organization of Northeast Indiana) before December 31, 2013, you will be eligible for a 100% federal tax deduction and 50% state tax credit off your 2013 taxes. Your donation will go directly to support a Queen of Peace student receiving a SGO Scholarship this year, which will in turn qualify them for the Indiana School Choice Voucher for each year going forwardP through grade 12. This could amount to nearly $60,000 in tuition aid for one of our students to continue their Catholic education. Pick up the donation form at the Parish Office if you are interested in this wonderful opportunity to support Catholic education for our parish families. Liturgical Bits & Bytes GAUDETE SUNDAY: Today is "Gaudete Sunday" or "Rejoice Sunday." Why? What is all the rejoicing about? More than two hundred years ago a man named Isaac Watts wrote the words to a Christmas carol which, no doubt, you have heard every Christmas since you were born. The first verse reads: Joy to the world, the Lord is come! Let earth receive her King; Let every heart prepare him room And heaven and nature sing. Do you every wonder if that is really true? Is there joy in the world because Jesus was born? Yes! There is joy and happiness, celebration and song, excitement and honest-to-goodness merriment. There is hardly a nook or a cranny, hardly a country on the entire earth that doesn't have at least some Christian people who join in celebrating Jesus' birth. Almost as though the Liturgy can't wait to celebrate the presence of the Savior, the Word of God today tells us to rejoice. How will you put that word into practice as we enter this second half of the Advent season? Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 15 20 22 23 24 Dec. 25 Dec. 29 Dec. 31 Jan. 1 Jan. 5 5:00 PM 9:00 AM 5:00 PM 10:00 AM 4:30 PM 5:00 PM 11:30 PM 12:00 AM 7:30 AM 10:00 AM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 9:00 AM 5:00 PM Vespers Lessons & Carols Vespers Decorate Church Children’s Play Vigil, Christmas Lessons & Carols Midnight Mass Christmas Mass Christmas Mass Vespers Vigil, M other of God M ary, M other of God Epiphany Concert Drawing Winner 12/10/13 Carol Cone $75 Congratulations! Bulletin “Sponsor of the Week” Please Patronize Our Sponsors… They help make this bulletin possible. Let them know you heard about them here BUBB FUNERAL CHAPEL Michael Tirotta—Owner, Director Directors Ron Ginter, Grant Ginter, Mark Warner, Darin Hanley, Frank Gorny 3910 N Main St. 574-255-3126 bubbfuneralchapel@yahoo.com Third Sunday of Advent pg. 3 PARISH NEWS (cont) Antioch High School Ministry Upcoming Events Sunday, December 15th, 4:00PM: Lessons & Carols at St. Bavo Parish. All family and friends are welcome to attend this beautiful service to help prepare for the Christmas season! 7:00 PM: Youth Mass at St. Bavo Parish with pizza and soda following in the school cafeteria. Tuesday, December 17th: Daughters of the Queen girls group meeting at Queen of Peace at 7 PM. Open to all high school girls. Join us this month as we hang out and bake Christmas cookies for parishioners who are in nursing homes and homebound. NO Adoration or Antioch, December 21-22 or 28-29 have a blessed Christmas break and a Happy New Year! Look us up on Facebook under "Antioch-Mishawaka". Questions? Call or email Nate & Christa Krakowski, Directors of Youth Ministry-Nate: 574-292-1190 Christa 574-3607409 or antiochmishawaka@gmail.com Brass & String Ensembles at Christmas Please prayerfully consider a donation in honor of a loved one to fully or partially underwrite the cost of brass or string instruments at our upcoming Christmas Eve or Midnight Masses. It is a welcome enhancement to these special liturgies, lending them an extra degree of solemnity and celebration. Contact Brad Todorovich or the parish office for details! The Giving Tree Sponsored by our Jubilee Society Take an ornament from the annual Giving Tree and help the Women’s Care Center. Purchased items should be placed un-wrapped in the tote under the tree by January 5. Thank you in advance for your support of this worthwhile cause. TRIVIA NIGHT The DATE has changed, but the FUN will remain the same! Due to some minor complications, we have canceled the New Year’s Trivia Night and moved it to Saturday, Feb. 8! This will be a “bigger and better” version of our Valentine’s Trivia Night with door prizes, photo booth, AND we will still have Fireworks after the game along with a bonfire! Start getting your team together NOW. Tables will fill up fast! We need your help! In order to offer childcare for this event, volunteers are neededP. Looking for teens and adults who want to help with the games, movies, popcorn and pizza for the kids and enjoy the bonfire and fireworks afterwards. Call the Parish Office at 255-9674 if you are interested. Do you love Trivia? Want to be more involved with the planning and execution of Trivia Night? We are looking for you! Call or email Ann-Marie Kankel at 255-0392 or akankel@queenofpeace.cc and join this committee. December 15, 2013 Advent Lessons and Carols On Friday, December 20 after the 8:15 AM Mass, our school children will present a program of Advent Lessons and Carols in the church. Students in grades K-5 will sing seasonal music, and middle school students will read appropriate Scripture passages. All are welcome! Please join us for a reflection on the mysteries of Advent as we wait in joyful hope for Christ’s birth! Help us Decorate the Church Please join us on Monday, December 23 at 10:00 AM to prepare the Church for Christmas. Many hands make light the work, so all are welcome. Please contact Patti Pennington if you have questions at 309-5732. We welcome the following families who joined Queen of Peace during the month of November: Ian & Chelsee Ehrhardt John & Dee Ehrhardt John Goetz Jozef Huk Aloisio Tavsinga Robert and Helena Williams We are extremely thankful for your support of this weekend's NonPerishable Food Collection. It is through your generosity that our QOP Conference is able to reach out to the less fortunate in these challenging times. We deeply appreciate your commitment to our ministry of service to those in need. May this Advent Season be filled with peace, love and hope. We wish to express our thanks also to all who donated to the SVdP Blanket Drive sponsored be our QOP Preschoolers and to our "Adopt A Family" Program. God bless you and your families for all you do! Christmas Holiday Food Baskets will be available on Friday, December 20,2013. Please contact the Parish Office at 255-9674 if your family or a family you know of , could benefit from receiving one of these baskets. Also inform the Parish Office if other assistance from our QOP Conference is needed. Anyone missing our Food/Hygiene Collections can place their donations anytime in the SVdP marked wooden bin in the West entryway of the Church. With the month of December having 5 Sundays, we will sponsor a Hygiene Collection the weekend of December 28 & 29. Thank you in advance for your support. You are being enriched in every way for all generosity, which through us produces thanksgiving to God. (2 Corinthians 11) Third Sunday of Advent pg. 4 December 15, 2013 Women’s Faith & Fellowship SCHOOL NEWS “Courageous Love: A Bible Study on Holiness for Women” We will be meeting again in January to read together and discuss this book “Courageous Love” which has study questions & space to write in, so each member will need a book. If you are interested, the cost of the book is just $10 and will be ordered by the Parish Office. We just need to know how many books to order, so please email or call Rebecca by Monday, December 16 at fitzmauricelandscaping@comcast.net or 574-532-2598. 2014 Calendars Please help yourself to the 2014 calendars in the gathering space today. They have been donated generously by several of our area funeral chapels. Jubilee Society Candy and Nut Sale Dec. 21 & 22 Homemade Caramel Corn Delicious nuts and chocolates from the South Bend Chocolate Factory Make great gifts! Although everyone knows that Fr. Dan was moved to St. Vincent’s in Fort Wayne, here is the address for those wishing to send a Christmas card: St. Vincent de Paul 1502 East Wallen Rd. Fort Wayne, IN 46825-2850 Frassati's Friends Join us for Vespers every Sunday in December at 5 PM in the church. It is a peaceful and wonderful way to start your week and prepare your heart for Christmas. We hope you see you there. AROUND TOWN The 3rd Annual Elkhart County Rally and March for Life Saturday, January 11, 2014 Lerner Theater @ Noon The program will include Chuck Freeby, MC, and keynote speaker Angela Minter. Angela is Founder and Executive Director of Sisters for Life, Louisville, KY. See www.elkhart4life.org for more information. Silent No More witness testimonies have been especially moving and powerful. Families and youth groups are invited. Day of Reflection You are invited to attend a Day of Reflection at Our Lady of Angels Convent, Mishawaka (across from Marian High School ) on Wednesday, December 18, from 9:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. The theme for the day is “The Treasure of Advent.” Please bring your bible. The cost of the day is $20.00 and includes lunch. Please register by 12/16 by calling Sister Barbara Anne Hallman at 259-5427. Encore of Mary of Nazareth Movie The Knights of Columbus Council #1043 will sponsor a special encore presentation of Mary of Nazareth for the Christmas season. The movie will be shown at the newly-restored and historic Lerner Theatre in downtown Elkhart on December 19th at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are available through the Lerner website www.thelerner.com, or www.kofc1043.org, or at the Lerner Theatre box office. For details contact The K of C #1043 at (574) 293-0342 Advent Activities: There are many wonderful opportunities for service at this time of year as part of our Mini Vinnie and Young Vincentian Program at Queen of Peace Catholic School. Our students are supporting the Adopt a Family Christmas Program of St. Vincent de Paul in many ways. 1. Our eighth grade students made beautiful Advent Wreaths that were sold last weekend after Mass. The profits from this sale will support the purchase of toys for the 50 children we adopted as a parish/school family. 2. Proceeds from two recent Spirit Days ($448.62) will also support the gift purchases. 3. Students are making handmade gifts for each family (tree ornaments, fleece scarves and blankets) as well as shopping and wrapping the gifts. The adults from our Queen of Peace St. Vincent de Paul program will deliver these gifts along with a holiday food basket to the 20 families of these children on Friday, December 20th. Please be as generous as you can with food donations for our December Food Drive. 4. Our preschool students collected blankets for the annual St. Vincent de Paul blanket drive. We are very proud of our young people as our youngest members of our parish community for their selfless acts of service this Christmas season! D.A.R.E. Graduation: Students in the 5th grade will celebrate their successful completion of the Mishawaka Police Department’s D.A.R.E. program with a commencement ceremony on December 18th at 1:00 pm. Please plan on joining the new Mayor Wood and Lt. Williams as they congratulate our 5th grade students on this accomplishment. Dress Code: Shoes – Students must wear either plain black or brown dress shoes, unless it is either a gym day or a designated Spirit Day. This includes Ugg boots. This type of boot may be worn, as long as the pants cover the boots. The pants cannot be tucked into the boots. They may, however, be worn that way on designated Spirit Days. Third Sunday of Advent pg. 5 December 15, 2013 THE WEEK AHEAD STAFF CONTACT PASTOR Fr. John Eze 574.255.9674 x128 frjohn@queenofpeace.cc PARISH BUSINESS OFFICE Parish Administrator Laurie Haverty 574.255.9674 x124 lhaverty@queenofpeace.cc Account Manager/Bulletin Susan Johnson 574.255.9674 x126 sjohnson@queenofpeace.cc Facility Manager Mike Nate 574-536-5370 cell mnate@queenofpeace.cc Peacefest/Technology Coordinator Mike Portolese 574-532-5965 cell mportolese@queenofpeace.cc OFFICE OF LITURGY & CATECHESIS RCIA/Religious Education Carol Cone 574.255.9674 x119 ccone@queenofpeace.cc Director of Music & Liturgy Brad Todorovich 574-255-9674 x132 btodorovich@queenofpeace.cc MON-FRI 7:00 AM ADORATION 8:15 AM DAILY MASS MONDAY, DECEMBER 16 8:15 AM Mary’s Blue Brigade 5:00 PM Puma Pride Band, Rm 21 7:00 PM Men’s CRHP Book, Rm 15 T UESDAY, DECEMBER 17 9:00 AM Prayer & Share, Library 9:00 AM School Penance Service 6:00 PM Cub Scout Pack Mtg., Gym 6:30 PM School Board WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18 7:00 PM AGAPE Youth Group 7:00 PM Sisters Book Club, Rm 21 T HURSDAY, DECEMBER 19 3:00 PM Youth Choir, Rm 21 4:15 PM Christmas Eve Choir 7:00 PM RCIA, Rm 15 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20 8:15 AM School Mass 9:00 AM Advent Lessons & Carols SCHOOL OFFICE Principal Tina Dover 574-255-0392 x130 tdover@queenofpeace.cc SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21 9:30 AM Christmas Play Practice 3:30-5:00 PM Adoration/Confessions 5:30 PM Vigil Mass Asst. to Principal/Religion Teacher Ann-Marie Kankel 574-255-0392 x116 akankel@queenofpeace.cc Administrative Assistant Nancy Schleer 574-255-0392 x131 nschleer@queenofpeace.cc SUNDAY, DECEMBER 22 7:30, 9:30, 11:45 AM Masses 10:45-12:15 Weekly PREP 5:00 PM Vespers 6:00 PM CRHP Women, Commons MINISTRY SCHEDULE: 12/21 & 22 5:30PM 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:45 AM M Worns* K Rallo* M Buck D Manzuk J Reynolds J Gish J Eagers T Ross* J Ross* J Grecco B Gallagher T Martin C O’Neil* M O’Neil K Arterbery M Portolese M Decker J Gargac T Stemes S Howland* M Brassell* G Martin E Bradley M DeKever L Leap L Dorbin Lector F Stump J Hums L O’Neil D Berglund M Portolese T McGuin S Holderbaum P Meeks Ushers R Gervais D Okrzesik D Trimboli J Harker J Mitchell C O’Neil P Wolf H Goldstrom C Meuninck B Monhaut R Smith A Chartrand L Kulczar G Martin J Darr J Martin M Dennison J Tordi J Tordi C Jones A Leap L Sete J Hums T Martin J Niezpod Extraordinary Ministers Of Holy Communion Altar Servers L Evans M Evans A Evans Rosary K Reynolds MASSES FOR THE WEEK MONDAY, DEC. 16 – ADVENT WEEKDAY 8:15AM Intentions of Bill Monhaut - Ann Monhaut T UESDAY, DEC. 17 – ADVENT WEEKDAY 8:15AM Intentions of Joe Monhaut - Ann Monhaut WEDNESDAY, DEC. 18 – ADVENT WEEKDAY 8:15 AM Elizabeth Riland - John Hedrick T HURSDAY, DEC. 19- ADVENT WEEKDAY 8:15 AM Rae Anthony - Emily Cichowicz FRIDAY, DEC. 20 - ADVENT WEEKDAY 8:15 AM Intentions of Tom & Sheila Nate - Bonnie Ornat Family SATURDAY, DEC. 21 - VIGIL, 4TH SUNDAY OF ADVENT 5:30 PM Patricia Aranowski - Joseph & Victoria Pietrucha SUNDAY, DEC. 22 – 4TH SUNDAY OF ADVENT 7:30AM Frank Firtl - Chip & Linda O’Neil 9:30 AM Parish Community 11:45AM Mamie Markiewicz -Joe & Mary Ann DeKever DIRECTORY ART/ENVIRONMENT ....................................... Patti Pennington 309-5732 ADULT BIBLE STUDY ............................................. Dale Seely 674-6787 AGAPE YOUTH MINISTRY .............................. Liz Pfunder 508-450-6121 ALTAR SERVERS .................................................. Vic Kasznia 255-1158 ANTIOCH YOUTH MINISTRY(HS) ...... Nate & Christa Krakowski 292-1190 BAZAAR: .................... Melanie Brassell 675-9532 Pat Huemmer 258-6083 EMAIL ........................................................ Mbrass96@comcast.net BUILDING AND GROUNDS: ...................................... Mike Nate 536-5370 BUSY WIDOW’S GROUP: ..................................... Delores Bock 259-4356 COMFORT MEALS ................................ Marianne Rodtsbrooks 679-4238 CRHP Women’s Co-Spiritual ...............................Georgia Boling 674-8109 EMAIL ........................................................... gsb8109@yahoo.com CRHP Men’s Co-Spiritual ................................... Hank Gettinger 248-0263 EMAIL ..........................................................wgettinger@gmail.com ELIZABETH MINISTRY: ................................ Melissa Rosswurm 255-1735 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS/LECTORS:............. Brad Todorovich 255-9674 FUNERAL LUNCHEONS: ...................................... Parish Office 255-9674 JUBILEE SOCIETY: .............................................. Patti Grenert 254-0958 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: ............................................ Ed Gill 261-0992 PRAYER LINE:....................................... Pat Feehly 252-0101 or 621-0666 EMAIL.................................................... Airplane2012@comcast.net RESPECT LIFE ................................................... Joe DeKever 255-2708 ROSARY LEADERS: ............................................. Linda O’Neil 250-3688 ST. VINCENT de PAUL SOCIETY: ............................. Bob Kania 259-0817 USHERS:........................................................ Brad Todorovich 255-9674 WHAT’S COOKING: ............................................... Linda Zeese 255-9674 WOMEN’S CARE CENTER: ............................... Judy McLochlin 259-4325