THANKS to Rosemary and Toni, John and Ken, we got the
THANKS to Rosemary and Toni, John and Ken, we got the
ST JAMES’ CHURCH ISLINGTON N1 - celebrating 140 years December 13th 2015 ADVENT 3 Year C 15/49 WELCOME to everyone in Church today, especially those visiting for the first time. Please ask the nearest person to you in the pews if there is anything you need. There is an area in the south aisle for our smallest children. A full service booklet is available and the T-loop system works well. A collection of money is taken during Mass. At the time of communion, please feel free to come forward to the front of Church - either to receive communion or a blessing. Jesus invites everyone, you too! Finally, do stay for a drink after Mass if you can and say hello before you leave. If you want to keep in touch with us, please fill in a white Contact Card and we’ll respond asap. TODAY’S HYMNS at 10am Entry Candles Gradual Offertory SSChoir Final AM46 On Jordan’s bank AM26 Advent Candles There is a longing in our h. AM41 Lo, he comes CAHON947 Veni, lumen c. AM54 Wake, O wake Welcomer: Maria Flavius Readers: Luigi Falcioni and tba Euch Mins: Susan Sorensen and Kris Hyde Coffee: Meredith Jones and Stuart Parry Flowers: No Flowers in Advent Organist: Anthony Hill Collection C: As arranged Readings for Advent 4, 10am on December 20th: Micah 5: 2-5a, Hebrews 10: 5-10 Sarah Nash and Jill Hetherington Notes on today’s readings: Zephaniah 3: 14-end A glorious hymn of joy about the future: it will be so much better Philippians 4: 4-7 One of the best loved passages in the NT: Rejoice in the Lord always… ! St Luke 3: 7-18 John has real humility: I am only the supporting act. Watch out for the star! THANKS to Rosemar y and Toni, John and Ken, we got the Christmas tree and the cribs up and decorated in just over three hours on Wednesday, all ready for the first of our visitors - the whole of St Mary’s School - on Friday for their Christmas Service. MUSIC AT CHRISTMAS We ar e delighted to welcome back to St James’ some old friends, Caoimhe de Paor and Miriam Nerval, together with their colleagues from Guildhall, who bring recorders for a performance of Renaissance Carols. They are seriously good and come highly recommended! This coming Tuesday (15th) at 6.30pm. CRIB SERVICE This is one of the WHAT’S ON THIS WEEK Sun SACRED NOT SOLEMN is one of our aims when we plan the worship at St James’. So it was good to see Norah and Mark Hodge entering into the spirit of things at Sunday’s Christingle. LESS THAN TWO WEEKS to Christmas and we begin to wonder how we are going to get everything done in time. So this morning is a little oasis moment as the words of Jesus’ cousin, John the Baptist, penetrates through the busy-ness: make sure your hearts are as ready as your Christmas present list! CAROL SINGING A team of fifteen took to the streets last Sunday night and in an hour and a half with seven stops persuaded the general public to part with £150 for ‘Pack-Up’. People were very pleased to see us - and it was fun too! Prayer for the week (Collect): God for whom we watch and wait, you sent John the Baptist to prepare the way of your Son: give us courage to speak the truth, to hunger for justice, and to suffer for the cause of right, with Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The Marias would be really grateful for gifts of mincepies and cake for tonight’s carol service! ADV ENT 3 8am Mass. 10am PARISH MASS and SUNDAY SCHOOL 2pm St Gabriel’s. 6.30pm PARISH CAROL SERVICE Mon 12.30pm Pack-Up. 6pm COLA-I Christmas Concert. Tues 8.30am Morning Prayer. 9am Mass. 6.30pm Palisander Recorder concert. Wed 10am Mass. 11am Richard Cloudesley School Christmas Service. Thurs 6pm Evening Prayer. 6.15pm–7pm Office open session. Fri 9am Morning Prayer. 2pm Party at Richard Cloudesley School. Sat 10am Christmas clean-up. Sun 20 ADV ENT 4 8am Mass. 10am PARISH MASS and SUNDAY SCHOOL 2pm St Gabriel’s. biggest services of the year and, for many, the time to be in Church at Christmas. Lasting less than an hour it is always fun as well as holy. And if you have been collecting 20ps for the children of Zimbabwe in Smartie tubes, this is also the time to bring them back and get a re-fill! 6pm on Christmas Eve. FOR OUR CHILDREN One of our aims for 2015 was to increase the number of children at St James’ - and we are definitely doing that. As a way of celebrating their presence here there are two events planned. The first is a Christmas Party on Sunday 3rd January in the Church Hall. The second is a trip to the Pantomime when we hope to go and see our own James Gill and Megan Kloet perform in the Pricewaterhouse-Coopers production of Jack and the Beanstalk at the Peacock Theatre 20-23rd January. More details next week. Calendar and Daily Prayer themes Sun 13 ADVENT 3 Karensa, Jill Hetherington, Paul Hills Mon 14 DEL Advent 3 Anthony, Mark and Norah, Alastair Tues 15 Feria David Humphreys, Hunts, Paige and Bella Wed 16 Feria Kris Hyde, Grace and Elrose Joseph Thurs 17 Feria Miranda ’on the move’, Philip/Pat in Paphos Fri 18 Feria Kingsley Lewis, Macdonald family Sat 19 Feria Elizabeth Maitland, the extended McBrien family Sun 20 ADVENT 4 Neil and Amy, Gareth Morris PRAYER BOARD/NOTICES Requests for prayer welcome A very happy 9th birthday to Jasmine Ethiogu tomorrow; and on Saturday John Roden starts the countdown to a very big birthday next year. Thanks to him for replacing the elastic card holders in the pews this week. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY We send best wishes to Paul and Kirsty Dersookasian whose third anniversary is on Wednesday. IN OUR PRAYERS Robert Addington, Amy, Claudette Baker, Jim Baker, Carol Brierley, Olive Cairns, Jane Carey, Kevin Carter, Vera Chambers, Peter Comerford, Estella Coppin, Cyril Daley, Dennis Davis, Marian Davis, Hope Dixey, Geraldine, Lisa Grigg, Kelly Harding, Jill Hetherington, David Humphreys, Joy, Jamie, Leigh, Lorraine, Jason Pickering, Rene, Violet Shuman, John Scott, Sue, Janet Young. MEMORIALS Today: Tom Vinall (1995); 16th: Marion Bull (1998). ALSO For all who facing a first Christmas on their own, through bereavement, separation or other sadness. For our children, that they will see the true meaning of Christmas For the refugees and migrants scattered all over Europe, that they will receive the practical/moral support they need. BIRTHDAYS Parish Priest: Fr John Burniston 1a Arlington Square, N1 7DS 7226 4108 email: | Churchwardens: Maria Flavius and Hilary Roden | Hall Bookings: 020 7354 9170