
Tel: 514107
E.mail: frpaul@ourladyoflourdesparish.co.uk
Parish Priest: Fr Paul Chipchase
30th November 2014
first Sunday of advent (B)
6.30 pm
8.00 am
10.00 am
Patrick Ennis RIP
People of the Parish
Richard Fenton RIP (Barker)
St Ralph Sherwin & Martyrs of Derbyshire
7.00 pm
Exposition & Benediction
7.30 pm
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Advent Feria
9.30 am
Anna Przyszlak (Barlow)
St Francis Xavier
9.10 am
St John’s Group—prayers for the bereaved
9.30 am
In Thanksgiving (Hemsworth)
Advent Feria
9.30 am
Bob Neville RIP (Regan)
Advent Feria
6.15 pm
6.30 pm
Evening Prayer of the church
Evlyn Riju Tyr (Woodman)
Advent Feria
9.30 am
Jean Ostler RIP (Beben)
Second Sunday of Advent (B)
6.30 pm
People of the Parish
8.00 am
Martin Smith RIP (Hinchcliffe)
10.00 am
Matilda McNamara RIP
6.00 pm
Advent Prayer
Under 7’s Liturgy 10.00am Mass.
Food Bank Collection will be over this weekend. (See News & Events).
Ring of Silver (see News & Events)
Meeting of FHC parents in the back room after 10.00 Mass.
Coffee after 10.00 am. Mass.
Tuesday Club 7.30 pm.
Co-workers of Blessed Mother Teresa meeting at 7.30 pm in the back room of the
Parish Centre. Please bring some food to share. All welcome.
Wednesday: Ozanam Group meeting in the Byron Room after Mass.
Coffee after Mass. All welcome.
Over 50’s. 2.00pm.
Newmount Brass Christmas Concert 7.30 pm in the Parish Centre. Tickets £5 - call
518215 or pay on the door.
Next Sunday: FHC children at 10.00 Mass.
Fun starts from 11.00 am. See poster and News & Events for details. All proceeds
to the charities already published.
C.T.U. 6-8.00 pm.
Mary Rowland, Nora Parsons, Peter Bell, Sharmayne Langton
Bernard Thompson, Charles Daniels, Mabel Smith
Wladyslaw Janicowski, Michael Latymer
This week:
Next week:
Offertory Sat. Mass:
Offertory Sun. Mass:
Cleaners: (5)
Coffee after Mass:
Sat. 6.30 pm.
8.00 am.
10.00 am.
B. & B. Hemsworth
M. Dimech
G. von Fragstein
V. & H. Hughes
T. Morgan
A. & C. Lillie
This week: Mr & Mrs Jarrett
Next week: Dunne family
This week: O’Connor family
Next week: Rimmer family
This week:
Under 7’s Liturgy
Next week:
Under 7’s Liturgy
Jane Buckley, Margaret Topham, Louise Carr
This week:
Swinson family, Gupta family
Next week:
Christmas Fair
There will be NO Advent prayer service at 6 pm this Sunday, the 1st in Advent, because of the Our
Mickleover Fair.There will be an Advent Prayer service at 6 pm on the following two Sundays, 7th and
14th . Please come and prepare for Christmas with half an hour of Advent words and music.
Our Christmas Fair is next Sunday (7th). As usual we are requesting your generous donations for the
stalls please. Raffle prizes, Fancy Goods, Toys, and cakes. NO BRIC A BRAC. Please bring any items to
the Presbytery Mon. Wed. or Fri. or place them in the box in the Gathering Area. Thank you.
Outreach At the recent meeting it was decided that the recipients of the proceeds of this year’s Christmas
Fair would be Padley Centre, CAFOD –Connect 2, Kids Aid Tanzania.
Newmount Brass Christmas Concert Fri. 5th Dec. at 7.30 pm in the Parish Centre. Tickets £5 call 518215 or pay on the door.
Christmas Tree Photo Decoration - THIS YEAR IT’S PERSONAL! By decorating our tree with
photos of some of the people that make our church special. Please bring 2 photos of your loved ones, it
could family and friends and even beloved pets. You will be provided with a specially cut frame which
you can personalise by decorating it in your own unique style. Workshops will be available within the
different clubs (Children’s Liturgy; CTU, Tuesday Club, etc). There will also be a workshop, after 10.00
am Mass today. If you have any queries or can spare some time to help. Please contact Luisa 07796
Food Bank Collection will be over this weekend. The usual items are required please. Members of the
CTU will be available before and after each Mass over the weekend to receive your donations. Thank
Zambia. We will make a 'Ring Of Silver 'for Kaoma over this weekend (29th/30th) with any loose coins.
A thank you letter from Sister Vianney and the latest news from Zambia is on the notice board.
CTOG will again be providing carol singers for the ‘Our Mickleover’ Christmas Fair held on Sun. 30th
Nov. Do come and join us, 5.00 pm outside the Post Office to sing well known carols.
The African Catholic Community invite you all to their End of the Year Thanksgiving Sung Mass in
African Languages, by Africans and friends in Derbyshire. St. George's Church, next Sunday (7 th) at 2.00
Child Contact Centre & Derby Churches Night Shelter - A Christmas Concert at Holy Family
Church, Allestree, DE22 2LG. On Friday 5 December at 7.30pm - Performance by the Derventio Choir.
Tickets £6 available at the door, children free.
Children’s Christmas Nativity-Casting Now! for the following parts: Mary; Joseph; Angel Gabriel; Inn
Keepers; Shepherds; Angels and Narrators. ALL SPEAKING PARTS. Performance is on Saturday 20th
Dec. at 3pm. Rehearsals after Sunday Mass. Please contact Luisa 07796 331022 to register your interest.
Council 92, Derby, The Knights of St. Columba would like to invite you all to their annual Carol
Service and Blessing of the Crib around the Christmas tree in Derby Market Place. 17th December at 7.30
pm. when Fr John Trenchard, from St. Joseph's will Bless the Crib.
‘Messiah' from scratch Sunday Dec. 21st.chance to sing Handel's Messiah here in the church, and raise a
Christmas present for the Kaoma and Jeel-Amal orphanages!!!All welcome to join us for the afternoon s
rehearsal and sing in the Evening concert. Further information and application forms available from the
Gathering Area and on-line at: charitymessiahmickleover.tumblr.com
Confirmation 2015 will be celebrated here on Friday 23rd October 2015. All young people in Year 8 and
upwards on that date, who have been baptised are eligible to be confirmed. Please complete an application
form (pale blue) from the Gathering Area if you wish to be confirmed and return it to the Presbytery
Advent Extra Copies are available in the Gathering Area, price £1.50. Please put your remittance in the
envelopes provided. Thank you.
Sunday Missal 2015 there are a few copies available from the Presbytery Mon. Wed. or Fri. Price
Coffee after Mass The new rota is being prepared and we really do need some more volunteers please to
prepare and serve tea & coffee after the Sunday 10.00 am Mass. The more teams we have the fewer times
in the year you would be participating. If you can offer your help please contact Fr Paul or leave a
message at the Presbytery, it would be most appreciated by all.
Cleaning rota is also being prepared. If anyone would like to join these teams in their worthwhile
contribution to our community please contact Eileen ( 511705) a.s.a.p.
Thank-you for all your donations for the ‘faith in families’ hampers, all the items have now been
delivered to them for packing into the hampers ready to be delivered before Christmas.
Thank-you to all those who supported the Macmillan appeal, £313-65 was raised.
Poppy Appeal £312.71p was raised by OLoL this year, the total for the district was £17,685.
Classteacher Required from: January 2015 The Governors of The Priory Catholic Academy for two
terms to cover maternity leave. Closing date 2nd December. See notice board.
From the Hemsworths As Brian continues to make steady progress at home, we'd like to send our
heartfelt thanks to our parish family who pulled us through bad time with their prayers, Masses and
support. God bless you all. Barbara and Brian.