Newsletter - Our Lady & St Thomas of Canterbury
Newsletter - Our Lady & St Thomas of Canterbury
The Parish of Our Lady and St.Thomas of Canterbury 1, Norwich Road, Wymondham NR18 0QE Serving the communities of Wymondham, Attleborough, Hethersett, Hingham and Mulbarton SUNDAY 14 t h DECEMBER GAUDETE SUNDAY 3rd WEEK OF ADVENT – YEAR B CYCLE 1 (Ps Wk 3) Saturday 13th December Sunday 14th December SUNDAY MASSES 6:00pm Wymondham (Cynthia Parrot and Eric Wright RIP [L. Mathieson ]) 8:30am Attleborough (Mary Wenham [P. Wenham]) 10:00am Wymondham (Kenneth and Jean Leonard RIP [A. Rackshaw]) WEEKDAY MASSES Monday Tuesday 15th Advent Feria 16th Advent Feria Wednesday 17th Advent Feria 9:00am Wymondham (James and Ruby Murphy [Foundation]) Thursday 18th Advent Feria 9:00am Wymondham (Konrad Vogel RIP [N.D. Winser]) Friday 19th Advent Feria 9:00am Wymondham (Guy Wellard RIP [ex caritas]) Saturday 20th First Mass of Sunday 6:00pm Wymondham (Carmina McConnell – operation [A. McConnell]) -------------------------------------- No Service Today No Service Today Father David Jenning’s mother Ann died unexpectedly on Friday 4th December in Canada where she lived. Please do remember her and Father David in your prayers. Correspondence to Fr David may be sent to The White House, 21 Upgate, Poringland, Norwich, NR14 7SH. Sacrament of Reconciliation: after each Mass on request (may have to wait a few minutes at weekends). For enquiries regarding Sacraments please contact Fr Michael. Six months’ notice is normally required in this diocese to arrange a wedding. If you know you will be going to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital as a patient and would like to be visited by a member of the Roman Catholic Chaplaincy team, please in the first instance leave a message with the Ecumenical Hospital Chaplaincy team on 01603 287470 stating your name, ward, that you are a Roman Catholic and would like a visit, and also how urgent it may be. Please remember in your prayers all those who are sick and housebound in our parish, especially: Simone Hall, Pat Sayer, Olivia Dickson, John Hogan, Helen Sears, Christine Sidell, Bob Blandford, Peggy Spencer, Pepe Casanova, Pearl and Derek Reeves, Yvonne D’Aubney, Elsie Rimmer, Muriel Gale and Peter Cooling, Mary Wenham, Molly Sullivan and all who are known to us. PARISH CONTACTS Parish Priest Parish Administrator Fr Michael Ryan 01953 603104 Flora Leone 01953 601976 Flora can usually be contacted at the office on weekdays (Tuesday to Friday) between 9:30am and 3:00pm Newsletter Parish Council Chair Helping Hands Copy to Flora or e-mail by previous Tuesday Louise Casson 01953 860191 Parish Covenants and Gift Aid Nick Williams 01603 455952 Coral Lawrence 01953 600387 Parish Catechetics Coordinator Julie O’Connor 01953 789309 MASS INTENTION It is traditional to ask for Masses to be said for the repose of the soul of our dearly beloved family members and friends. Envelopes for Mass intentions are also available at the back of the church. For………………………………………(living/dead) Preferred date and time ……………………………………………….. Name of donor……………………………………… Contact Phone Number………………………….……………………... If unable to celebrate Mass in accordance with your preferred date and time it will be offered as near as possible. Amount of stipend £……….. Please make cheques payable to ‘Wymondham Roman Catholic Church’ P A R I S H O F F E R T O R Y The parish giving total (plate and bankers’ orders) for 7th December amounted to £863.45 (£3.45/head) Thank you for your generosity Today, Gaudete Sunday, there will be a second collection for the Dependent Priests Fund NEWS AND EVENTS HYMN ON LIGHTING THE ADVENT CANDLE: Each Sunday of Advent we will be singing this hymn when the candle is lit, the verse will change every week. Week 3 Chorus: Light the Advent candle three Think of heavenly harmony Angels singing "Peace on Earth" At the Blessed Saviour's birth. Candle, candle burning bright Shining in the cold winter night Candle, candle burning bright Fill our hearts with Christmas light CHRISTMAS MASS TIMES: Please note the Christmas Liturgy times for this Year: Wednesday, 24th December: 7:40pm Wymondham Carols 8:00pm Vigil Mass (Midnight Mass readings ) Thursday, 25th December 8:30am Attleborough Dawn Mass readings 10:00am Wymondham Christmas Day Mass readings Lists are up on the Notice Board at the back of the church for parishioners to put their names down if they wish to contribute towards the Christmas Liturgy. All parishioners are encouraged to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation before Christmas. It is available on request after each Mass in this parish. You may have to wait ten minutes after weekend Masses. CALLING ALL CHILDREN ON CHRISTMAS DAY: Are you coming to our celebration Masses in Wymondham at Christmas? We will be rehearsing a carol in the meeting room next Sunday after 10:00am Mass to practise singing a Christmas hymn. All ages welcome - from 3 upwards CWL CHRISTMAS HAMPER: Raffle tickets will be on sale after Mass at the back of the Church. CHRISTMAS FLOWERS will be arranged in the meeting room from 11.00am on Tuesday 23rd December. Anyone who wishes to assist with the arrangements will be most welcome to help. We would also be delighted if anyone can provide us with extra greenery for these arrangements. Many thanks, Rosalind Balcombe MISSING ITEMS: Should any parishioner have borrowed items from the flower arranging cupboards could they please let Flora or Rosalind Balcombe know or return them as soon as possible, as we are unable to find some of the items we were hoping to use for Christmas decorations INSULATION WORKS IN OUR PARISH Insulation work to update the hall to present regulations, cavity insulation around the church and insulation of presbytery cellar and roof have been carried out. If you would like to make a donation specifically towards this valuable work, you are welcome to do so. CHEQUE DONATIONS & GIVING TO OUR CHURCH: Should you wish to make a donation, including Mass stipends, or give money towards our weekly collection by cheque, could you please make this out to Wymondham Roman Catholic Church or Wymondham RC Church. READERS, EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS & OFFERTORY PROCESSION 2015: If, for any reason, you wish your name to be removed from next year's Rotas, please inform Flora. If you would like your name ADDED to the Rotas – please speak to Fr Michael. SUNDAY COFFEE ROTA: If you enjoy coffee after Mass on a Sunday and are not on the rota, perhaps you would consider joining the regular number of helpers who are. Similarly if you are on the rota and wish to be removed please let Angela Norris know (01953 600050). Thank you. FORTHCOMING EVENTS Wednesday 28th Thursday 19th February Helping Hands AGM - 7:00pm - Meeting Room Tuesday 3rd January Parish Pastoral Council Meeting – 7:30pm – Meeting Room March Finance Committee Meeting – 7:00pm Meeting Room/Church