7pm Eucharistic Ministers Training-WA 8:30am Rosary On the Move-WA 1pm


7pm Eucharistic Ministers Training-WA 8:30am Rosary On the Move-WA 1pm
2 Saint Olaf Catholic Church
Williamsburg, VA
MONDAY, November 10
7pm Eucharistic Ministers Training-WA
TUESDAY, November 11
8:30am Rosary On the Move-WA
1pm Bereavement Committee-CO
3:15pm Prayer Team Training-WA&CO
5pm Mass-WA
Worship Committee-SR
WEDNESDAY, November 12
10am Wednesday Women’s Group-SR
Noon No Mass-WA
7pm Choir-WA
THURSDAY, November 13
8:30am Rosary On the Move-WA
9am Staff Meeting-SR
9:30am Bible Study-The Mass-WA
10am Charity Knitters
Noon Mass-WA
6:30pm Christ Life Training Sessions-WA&CO
FRIDAY, November 14 –Starry Starry Night
Noon Mass-WA
SATURDAY, November 15-Campaign Witness Weekend
Youth Donut Fund Raiser after all Masses
8am Rosary at Clinic
9am Confirmation Preparation Class Setup-WA&CO
10am Confirmation Preparation Class-WA&CO
4:30pm Reconciliation
5:30pm Vigil Mass-WA
SUNDAY, November 16-Campaign Witness Weekend
Youth Donut Fund Raiser after all Masses
8am Mass-WA
10am Mass-WA
11:30am Christian Formation for Children-WA&CO
LifeTeen & Edge Core Team Meeting-SR
5pm LifeTeen & Edge Set up-WA&CO
6pm LifeTeen & Edge Classes-WA&CO
CO-Commons; CFR-Christian Formation Room; KofC-Knights of Columbus; SR-Sun Room; WAWorship Area; RR-Round Room
Readings for the Week of November 9
Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17
Jn 2:13-22
Ti 1:1-9; Lk 17:1-6
Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Lk 17:7-10
Wednesday: Ti 3:1-7; Lk 17:11-19
Phlm 7-20; Lk 17:20-25
2 Jn 4-9; Lk 17:26-37
3 Jn 5-8; Lk 18:1-8
Next Sunday: Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; 1 Thes 5:1-6
Mt 25:14-30
Saturday, 11/8
Sunday, 11/9
Tuesday, 11/11 5:00pm
Wednesday, 11/12 Noon
Thursday, 11/13
Friday, 11/14
Saturday, 11/15 5:30pm
Sunday, 11/16
Parishioners Living & Deceased
† Evelyn Sapienzo
† Rose Mirkovich
† Chuck Fink
No Mass
† David Meyers
† Jim DeVol
† Heather K. Rybak
Parishioners Living & Deceased
† Mary Leck
Bob Adams, Colin Allison, Shirley
Alspaugh, Don and Maryann Aspinall,
Michael Boley, Dolores Calhoun, Jason
Campbell, Debra Costello, Robert Couch,
Diane Donovan, Vera Eckert, Bill
Ellsworth, Joe and Mary Eustace, Kelly Marie Hannon, David
Harris, Carl Henley, Mary Ann Henzel, Grace Hogan, Ryan
Holland, Mary Alice Hulcher, Jamie Kowaleski, Alvira Krollman,
Anthony Joseph Lea, Peggy and Sid Mandina, Isabelle
McLoone, Edward Moriarty, Vickie Cicero Morie, Jay Nelson,
Joan Pastirik Morris, Joan Nancoz, Donna Perger, Lauren
Pugh, Sarah Steenken, Lyle Thomas, Ethan Thompson,
Anthony Todaro, Len Trahan, Kathleen Ukrop, Darl Vincent and
Mary T. Wallmeyer. We will remove from the prayer list all names that have
been on the list for more than 8 weeks. If you wish a name to remain, please
email or call the office to resubmit your request.
We hold in our hearts and our prayers
Louise Moore and Cindy Zangardi and
their family as they grieve the death of
her husband and her father Robert Moore.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let
perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and the
souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of
God, rest in peace. Amen
Offertory and Budget
Second Collection-Campaign for Human Development, Sunday, November 23
Jul-Oct, 2014
October 25-26
November 1-2
November 8-9
November 15-16
November 22-23
Weekly Totals For November 1-2
Building Fund
Food Pantry & Outreach
Thank You for your generosity
Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
Christian Formation News
Terri Chang • tchang@stolafchurch.hrcoxmail.com
Youth Formation News
Ann Mattio • 804-572-8664 • annmattio@gmail.com
Adult Formation
Youth Formation
RCIA Classes are held on Wednesdays at 7pm: RCIA is a
program of inquiry into the Catholic Religion. If you an adult and
have ever desired to learn more about Catholicism, need an
update on Catholicism, are married to a Catholic and wonder what
this religion is all about or are sure you would like to become a
member of our faith community, this class is for you. Contact Terri
Chang for more information at 564-3819.
LifeTeen/Edge schedule: Sundays: November 2, 9, 16 from 67:30pm. Parent Nights – November 9 at 6pm. The next
LifeTeen/Edge meeting is Sunday, November 9 at 6pm.
Parents of LifeTeen youth are invited to share an evening
together. We will use the companion book to LifeTeen. Our
session topic is “Gathered to be Sent.” Come as you are! The
next Confirmation class is Saturday, November 15 at 10am.
Parents meet in the Church Office Sun Room at 10am
Wednesday Women Group: The first book we are reading and
discussing is “Walking Together: Discovering the Catholic
Tradition of Spiritual Friendship” by Mary Deturris Poust. The
book examines rich and nurturing examples of spiritual friendship
from saints to modern religious leaders. We meet 10am in the Sun
Bible Study: The Mass; November 6 at 9:30am in the Worship
Area we will present a five session Scriptural tour through the
prayers, hymns and ritual of the liturgy. Sign up before October
29th so that books can be ordered from Ascension Press. The
dates for the session are November 13, December 4, 11 and 18.
Email Terri Chang at tchang@stolafchurch.hrcoxmail.com for
more information and sign up.
Children’s Formation
Question of the Week: What gift does being part of an universal
Church offer to you? How do you hear yourself being called to
Elementary Christian Formation-Kindergarten to Fifth grade:
Do you know that today we celebrate the cathedral church of the
bishop of Rome, the Lateran Basilica. Did you that the Basilica
was a gift from Emperor Constantine? Who is the Bishop of
Reconciliation Preparation for Children: A parent’s meeting
will be held on November 18 at 7pm in the Commons. The
children’s lessons will start on November 22 at 12pm. Pick up a
letter after Elementary Christian Formation today with more
Understanding First Reconciliation: The Lord Jesus Christ
obtained the forgiveness of sins and restored our relationship to
God by means of the Paschal Mystery: his Passion, Death, and
Resurrection. The Church exercises the power to forgive sins
through the sacraments.
**X-BOX360 RAFFLE TICKETS SALES** The Youth Ministry
will be selling raffle tickets for an X-BOX 360 after all Masses the
weekends of November 15 & 16 and November 22 and 23. Cost
is $5.00 per ticket and proceeds from this fundraiser will support
Youth Ministries activities.
This week at Edge we discuss the story of David, one of the
greatest kings in Israel’s history. We learn how his strength and
courage came from his pursuit of God’s heart. We look at how
our hearts are similar to a kingdom and realize that if God is our
king, we can defeat any obstacle that we face. Here are some
questions to ask your youth about this week’s topic:
What is your favorite story about King David?
What are some “Goliaths” that you face in your own life?
How can we make sure that Jesus is the center of everything we
do as a family?
This week at LifeTeen our session is titled ‘Gathered to be Sent’
and focuses on the Concluding Rite of the Mass. We discuss
that we are gathered into Mass to be sent out with the mission of
proclaiming the Gospel. Mass is not simply something we do
once a week; it changes our entire outlook and empowers us for
the week. We call liturgy “Mass” from the Latin ‘missio” which
means “to be sent.” Here are some questions to help facilitate
discussion with your youth:
What mission are we sent out with each week after Mass? How
can you personally live out this mission? As a family, how are
we called to live out this mission?
How can our family be more discerning of God’s will? How can
we integrate daily prayer into our lives, in order to draw on the
grace we receive at Mass each week?
Look together at the resources available online = Laudate app
(free); www.LifeTeen.com; www.uscccb.org
Community Activities
Catholic Charities of Eastern Virginia is looking for
volunteers for its CARES program. The Community Awareness
and Resources for Seniors (CARES) program matches volunteer
drivers with seniors to provide transportation to doctor’s
appointments and on other errands. This service is so crucial to
many seniors who wish to remain living independently and are
unable to drive. Volunteers utilize an online system where they
can sign up to provide a ride when they are free. Volunteer
schedules are extremely flexible! For more information, please
call Lydia McKaye at (757)456-2366, ext. 507 on the southside or
Clara Gravely at (757) 875-0060 on the peninsula. Thank you for
the gift of your time.
The Center for Marriage, Family, and Life is hosting the 3rd
Annual Catholic Men’s Conference in the Diocese of
Richmond on Saturday, January 10 at the Greater Richmond
Convention Center in Richmond. The day will feature powerful
and inspiring talks and breakout sessions, an expanded expo
area, Sacrament of Reconciliation, and Mass. Bishop DiLorenzo
will be speaking and celebrating Mass. We are also pleased to
welcome Catholic speaker, author, and podcaster, Greg Willits
as our keynote speaker. Registration is $35 for general
admission, $15 for permanent deacons and college students,
and free for priests and religious brothers. Learn more and
register at www.cdrcmfl.org or call 804-622-5109 for details.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel is CALLING ALL VENDORS!!!
Spaces still available for the 29th Annual for OLMC Christmas
Craft Fair on Saturday, December 6, 2014! Please contact the
OLMC Home and School Association at homeandschool@olmcschool.com or 757-596-2754 for more details!
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic School is holding an Open
House on Thursday, November 13th from 9-11am. OLMC is a
Blue Ribbon School of Excellence, serving Pre-K - 8th Grade. Join
us for an informative discussion, school tour and opportunity to
visit our classrooms in session at 52 Harpersville Rd in Newport
News. RSVP to 757-596-2754 or admissions@olmc-school.com.
At OLMC, you can see the genuine love we share for learning,
faith, community, service, and, most of all, for our students. Come
and catch the Crusader Spirit first hand!
Catholic Charities is sponsoring a support group for parents
of children with special needs. Parent Point- This group
provides a safe space for parents or guardians of a child with
special needs, disabilities, or impairments. The group will explore
and share resources, discuss financial challenges, school issues
and family dynamics when a child has special needs. Please
contact Marcela Osorio at 757-467-7707 or mosor002@odu.edu
to register.
Knights Corner
Knights of Columbus News
St. Olaf Council 12589
Christmas Card Sales: The Knights will once again be
selling Christmas Cards after all masses. If your are able to
help after mass please contact John Hogan
Interested in Joining? If you would like to join our council
please contact our Membership Chairman John Lambusta
(lambustj@aol.com) or see one of our Brothers.
K of C Website: Visit the Knights of Columbus web site at:
www.kofc.org if you would like to learn more about the
Knights of Columbus.
Parish Activities
Christmas Card Sales: The Knights will once again be
selling Christmas Cards after all masses. Please stop by and
see our assortment which expresses the true meaning of the
Christmas season.
Rosary on the Move: Come join us on
Tuesday and/or Thursday mornings at
8:30am. in the Church to recite the
Rosary. On Tuesday, we recite the
Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries and on
Thursday the Luminous and Joyful
Mysteries. All are welcome!
November 27th
Thanksgiving Day 10am
December 8th
The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin
Noon and 7pm
Christmas Pageant is on Sunday, December 21 at
December 24
Christmas Eve 4pm and 7pm
December 25th
Christmas Day 10am
December 31
Vigil of the Solemnity of Mary the Holy Mother of God
January 1st
Solemnity of Mary the Holy Mother of God 10am
November 9, 2014
Extraordinary Minister of Communion
Training for all new and current ministers will
be held in the Worship Area on Monday,
November 10th at 7pm. All ministers are
asked to attend this meeting. This gathering
is a valuable forum for current ministers to
ask questions and for all ministers to have a refresher on how
we serve communion at St. Olaf.
children, come one and all! Please join the
Christmas Pageant, share your talents. The
next rehearsal is November 22 at 9am.
Contact Cathrine Hogan at
hoganhomestead@cox.net or call at 757-2503200 or call Terri Chang at 757-564-3819 or
email at to sign up or for more information.
TROOPS; If you haven’t brought in
your candy, this is the last weekend
to place candy in the box in the
Commons. Your donated candy will
be sent to our troops. If you like,
write a note and put it with your candy. The notes
and candy will be sent together. Boxes will be in
the Commons. Father Tom is challenging you to
tithe (10%) of your Halloween candy.
On the weekends of
November 8 and 9 and
November 15 and 16
there will be a Silent
Auction in the Commons. Bid sheets will be
available both weekends. There will be an
opportunity to make a final bid on that
special item you’ve been watching at 2pm on
Sunday, November 16th. Bid sheets will be
pulled at 2:45pm and auction winners will be
announced immediately.
Food Pantry Volunteer Open
House will be held Sunday,
November 16th, between masses,
from 9:15-9:50am in the food
pantry area at the back of the
church. All are welcome to learn
more about the food pantry, who
we serve, and how you can help!
Current volunteers are welcome to find out more about our Free
Christmas Market plans for December 12 from 4 to 6 pm. We
hope to see you then!
Free Christmas Market for
Food Pantry Clients:
The Food Pantry serves 233 active
families and each month we are adding
more new families to that list. This year
we are planning something special for our
food pantry clients to help them cook
those traditional, comforting Christmas dishes that we all love.
Donations are needed to stock our Free Christmas Market to be
held December 12th. We will have grocery carts in the Commons
starting November 16th where you can select tags to donate
Christmas dinner items, build toiletry bags, and create goodie
bags for the children. You can return your donations to these
carts during the weeks of November and early December. We will
need volunteers to assist in various aspects of this project, so
please let us know if you would like to participate. Contact Darcy
Compton with any questions. (864) 784-7331.
Living Our Mission Campaign
is off to a great start with 18
pledges received as of this
past weekend. For those of
you who have been able to
attend one of our gatherings
we hope that you have been
able to take the time for prayerful reflection.
We are hoping that many of you can make
your gift decision soon so that we can build
momentum prior to Participation Weekend in
December. If you can, please drop your
pledge card in the offertory basket as soon as
you can or drop it off at the parish office.
Our new Church can only be built if we can
reach our $2,400,000 goal.