December 14 – Third Sunday of Advent - Pro


December 14 – Third Sunday of Advent - Pro
Third Sunday
of Advent
In the first reading, Isaiah lists many of the qualities of the promised Messiah; his coming will lead to righteousness
and praise among the nations. In Saint Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians, he lists ways we can continually live in the
Spirit. In Saint John’s Gospel, John the Baptist clearly saw his mission as making straight the way of the Lord with his
baptism of repentance. We come to Mass to encounter the living God and then are dismissed to live out our daily lives in
a way that brings Christ to others. How should we rejoice, pray and give thanks? How should we answer the question:
Who am I and what does God desire of me? Let us remember, he who calls us is faithful and will not abandon us.
Our Parish Mission Statement
We, the members of the Pro-Cathedral
of the Assumption community, believe that we have
been called through Baptism to live the Good News of
Jesus Christ under the patronage of Mary, our Mother.
We accomplish this by proclaiming the Word,
celebrating the Sacraments,
and reaching out to others.
Most Rev. Jean-Louis Plouffe, D.D.
Bishop of Sault Ste. Marie
Msgr. Dave Tramontini
Rev. Rex Lumine
Msgr. Normand Clement Chaplain, Nipissing-Parry Sound District Schools
Please pick up a Marriage
Information Booklet in the Church Vestibule to
review prior to contacting the parish office.
Anointing the Sick: Please call the parish
office for information.
Reconciliation: Every Saturday from 3:00 until 3:45 PM.
Eucharist: Please see mass schedule published in this
bulletin. Call the parish office to arrange for a Eucharistic
Minister to visit the sick and shut-in who are unable to
attend Mass.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: On the First Friday
of each month from 10:00 AM until 12:00 noon.
Baptism: Please pick up a Baptism Information Booklet in
the Church Vestibule to review prior to contacting the parish
Rev. A. Man-Son-Hing Pastor, St. Peter the Apostle & St. Elizabeth Temagami
Diocesan Order of Women
Mr. Albert Falconi
Mr. Donald Milligan
Mr. Donald Shago
Mr. Rick Hamelin
Mr. Gary Westenenk
Shirley Falconi
Norma Milligan
Ruth Godon
Frances-Clare Fraboni
TELEPHONE: (705) 472-3970
(705) 494-8222
Numbers 24. 2-7, 15-17a; Matthew 21. 23-27
Zephaniah 3. 1-2, 9-13; Matthew 21. 28-32
Genesis 49. 2, 8-10; Matthew 1. 1-17
Jeremiah 23. 5-8; Matthew 1. 18-24
Judges 13. 2-7, 24-25a; Luke 1. 5-25
Isaiah 7. 10-14; 8. 10d; Luke 1. 26-38
2 Samuel 7. 1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16;
Romans 16. 25-27; Luke 1. 26-38
Our faith community dates back to 1886 when we were
originally located on Main Street West and called St. Mary’s
of the Lake and the cornerstone of the existing Cathedral was
laid in 1904. The history of our parish is recorded in the
memories of thousands of people who built our community.
Tuesday to Friday
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
The Good Shepherd & the Child
Advent is a time of preparation for a truly joyful and
meaningful celebration of Christmas.
Level I - children receive presentations on prophesies; one
short prophesy is considered at a time.
 Level II - a child may work on a
combination of the Prophesies…
stringing together the “pearls” received
over the years, finding connections.
 Children learn that prophesies are
words spoken by prophets and recorded
in the Old Testament.
 That the prophets are people who
listen very attentively to God’s voice and
then speak his words to others.
On the 2nd week of Advent the children heard the Prophesy
of the Mother, Isaiah 7:14
When the Bible is read in the Atrium, a candle is lit to
remind the children that God’s Word is a
light unto our
The catechist reads and re-reads the words of the prophesy
in a quiet, slow manner and then invites simple, brief
reflections from the children. Often the response is
Afterwards, the closing invitation
might be to ask the children, if
they have something they would
like to say to Jesus. Or, if there is
a song they would like to sing.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
is open to all North Bay
parishioners aged 3 – 6 (Level 1)
The atrium is located in the
Lower Sacristy at the
Pro-Cathedral of the Assumption
Saturday morning sessions are
9:30 AM – 11:00 AM running from fall to spring.
Erin Tayler 476-8509
or Lynn Boivin 494-7226
Monday, 15 December - Weekday in Advent
Geniza Ortega - Giuseppina Verrillo
Celestine McParland - Catholic Women’s League
Peter and Antoinette Larmand - Don and Lorraine Cappadocia
Intention of Pat Gallardi - Jim and Anne Marie Seguin
Tuesday, 16 December - Weekday in Advent
Doreen Walsh - Jeannette Dominico
Rita Masciangelo - Melina Demarco
Robbie Roy - The Roy Family
Peter Bamford - Hilda Bamford
1:30 PM - St. Joseph-Scollard Hall Advent Mass
Wednesday, 17 December - Weekday in Advent
Devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Linda Leblanc - Carmela Liberato and Tony Campanaro
Antonio Carreiro - John and Maria Deviveiros
Intention of Paul Smith and Family - A Special Friend
Robert Derochie - Gerry and Mary Kolz and Family
9:30 AM - Mother St. Bride/St. Alexander Advent Mass
Thursday, 18 December - Weekday in Advent
For Souls in Purgatory - A Friend
Geniza Ortega - Paul and Immaculata Thanase
Intention of Dan and Susan Seguin
Intention of Patricia Selin - Karen and Denis Beaulieu and Family
Friday, 19 December - Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Antonietta and Dany Covatta - The Verrillo Family
Frank and Lauretta Holden - Jack and Monica Sullivan
Intention of My Children - Judy Montgomery
Barbara Zanon - Mary Lugli
4:00 PM 20 December - Fourth Sunday of Advent
Gorman Brisson - Sharon Brisson and Family
Deceased Relatives of Marty and Cora Martinello
Genny Ortega - Rita Lachapelle and Liz Gleaves
Doreen Walsh - Jack and Maudena Farnsworth
Patricia Rancourt - Carol Lavallee
Sunday, 21 December - Fourth Sunday of Advent
9:00 AM
Ralph Priolo - Rita and Bud Frair
Jean-Eric Ouellet - Marie Makowiczuk
Theresa Surai - Domenico and Nicolina Mascioli
Intention of Kristy and Nicholas Beaulieu -
Sunday Collection: 07 December 2014
Sunday Offering
Building Fund
November & December VISA Donations
Karen and Denis Beaulieu
Kevin Eaton - Sharlene Waugh and Andrew Dupuis
11:00 AM Intention of the Parishioners - Msgr. Dave Tramontini
Interested In Learning More About The Catholic
Sunday Offering
Building Fund
Church? Call our parish office if you would like to
speak with someone regarding the RCIA process.
Consider joining the CWL!
We are always looking for new ideas,
talent and creativity!
We welcome women 16 years of age and older.
For more information about the League visit us on
our homepage: or call
Membership Chairperson, Maudena Farnsworth at
495-2532, or President, Lisa Henry at 493-4164
If you are planning on heading to the “sunny south”,
have you added payment of your 2015 dues to your
checklist of things to do before leaving?
The CWL membership year begins January 1st, and
dues can now be paid. Membership envelopes are
available on the table at the back of the church and
can be returned through Sunday collection. The 2015
membership cost is $25.00. Please make cheques
payable to: CWL Pro-Cathedral Council. Another early
bird draw for reimbursement of costs is planned.
Thank you to Linda Lafleur for her donation of the
lovely Christmas cookies and to Cassandra (from
Cassandra’s cakes and sweets) for the
yummy snowflake cookies.
Thank you to Laxmi Konwar from the
Pita Pit for her donation of the broccoli
soup. It was absolutely delicious—with
no left overs!
Thank you to Cecile Robert for her continued support in
the kitchen, it is always appreciated.
A BIG THANK YOU to Kenisha Chew and
Brian Risk for their help with decorating the hall, setting
up the tables and helping at the brunch.
Thank you to Brian Risk for providing the music that got
everyone into the holiday spirit. He played the guitar and
sang a variety of popular music that was a sure crowd
pleaser. Also, thank you to Alain Bradette who also
played guitar and sang some tunes, everyone enjoyed it.
Our December Social was a huge success! Thank you
to everyone who attended and helped make this a
special time!
Rehearsals at 10:00 AM in the Church
Attention Parishioners: Remember—
there are areas around the cathedral
that are designated parking for those with
Please keep these areas
for those who need it — and if you use
these spots, please display your parking
permit for others to see. Thank you!
Christmas Memorial Flowers
& Decorations
A beautiful way to remember loved
ones during this holy season is to donate memorial
flowers and decorations in their memory. Your donation will help decorate the altar and sanctuary during
the Christmas Season.
Pre-printed envelopes are available for your
donation at the entrance to the church. Please fill out
the requested information as neat as possible
(printing would be best!). Include your donation
and return the envelope to the office or in the weekly
collection. A listing of remembrances will be printed
in the Christmas Sunday Bulletin. Please have
your names to the parish office by Friday,
December 19.
Remember your loved ones this Christmas and
give glory to the Lord by helping to decorate for
this beautiful season!
If you or a family member experience
difficulty processing to the front to
receive communion, please let an
usher know upon your arrival and they
will make sure that communion is
brought to you.
Like us on Facebook and share
updates! Follow us on
Twitter @CWLNational
Tweet and retweet CWL news!
Christmas Eve ~ Wednesday, December 24
5:00 PM ~ 8:00 PM ~ 12:00 MIDNIGHT
Music Reflections Prior to 8:00 PM & Midnight Mass
Christmas Day - Thursday, December 25
11:00 AM
Children’s Celebration of the Nativity Pageant
The Christmas Day Dinner Committee hosts a Free Dinner at
the Pro-Cathedral Parish Hall on Christmas Day from 11 AM to
1:30 PM. Volunteers are invited to serve the guests, work in the
kitchen, entertain, cleanup the tables, cleanup the hall, etc.
Volunteers must attend a brief training/information session at
7:00 PM December 23 at the Pro-Cathedral Hall. Please call
494-6632 if you would like to be a volunteer. Assistance to
provide Christmas Gift Bags is also required. If you can help
provide items for our Christmas Bags or would like to take a bag
to put items in, please call 476-7192 or email The Community Christmas Day Dinner
Committee is a non-profit, non-denominational organization
whose mission is: To create a warm comfortable atmosphere for
those who wish to share a Christmas meal.
New Year’s Eve
Regular 12:05 PM Mass
The Promises of Fatima: Come pray the Rosary with a group of
dedicated people who form a Fr. Gobbi Cenacle honouring our
Blessed Virgin Mary. Wednesday mornings at 9:30 AM at
St. Peter’s Parish followed by Mass.
New Year’s Day
11:00 AM
North Bay Regional Eucharistic Adoration: Holy Name
Church, Mon-Wed-Fri (Noon – 6 PM), Tuesday (Noon - 9 PM),
Thursday (Noon - 5 PM). Come and visit Jesus in this Sacrament
of love. To make a commitment call Lena Butler, 497-3434
Please join us in Celebration!
Marriage Preparation Program Weekends: 2015 March 6-7,
May 1-2, October 23-24. Couples should register early by calling
472-5821. Series limited to 18 couples – register early! Material
cost $40/couple payable at time of registration.
Devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help every Wednesday at
11:55 AM at Pro-Cathedral of the Assumption prior to the
12:05 PM mass.
St. Joseph’s Motherhouse presents the last week of their
Advent Series – Prepare for Christmas on December 16.
Spiritual input, reflection, and silent prayer. In the McColgan
Room from 1:00 to 3:00 PM with facilitator Sr. Pauline Guindon,
csj. Offering by donation only. Contact Sr. Phyllis O’Connor,
474-3800 ext. 213 for more information.
Open Adoration: St. Alphonsus in Callander every Friday
8:30 AM to 12:00 Noon. First Friday 8:30 AM to 8:30 AM (24Hrs).
St. Vincent de Paul every Thursday 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM,
St. Joseph’s Motherhouse
first Sunday of the month from
3:30-4:30 PM in Holy Family Chapel and Pro-Cathedral First
Friday 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon.
L’Arche North Bay’s Annual Christmas Pageant
is being
held at Holy Name of Jesus Church on Sunday, December 14
at 2:00 PM. There will also be a COOKIE WALK. Donations of
home-baked cookies would be appreciated. Please call Nicky
at 474-3018 if you can help.
Christ Anglican Church Community Christmas Carol Singa-long December 14 at 7:00 PM followed by refreshments.
Everyone welcome to our new location at 312 Greenwood to
sing Carols from A to Z!
Trinity United Church Choirs and North Bay community
J.O.Y. Band present Sweet Sounds of Christmas, Sunday
December 14 at 2:00 PM (carol sing-a-long begins at 1:40 PM)
Goodwill offering taken with proceeds to Santa Fund.
Complimentary refreshments.
St. Andrew’s Choir Candlelight Service of Music and
Readings with quiet evening of contemplative music and the
reading of the Christmas story Sunday, December 21 at
7:30 PM at St. Andrew’s United Church, (McIntyre & Cassells
Street) Everyone Welcome!
Birthright: You will find us at #411 - 269 Main Street West, 4th
Floor. If you are pregnant and need someone to talk to, call us.
Our service is confidential and we will listen to you ~ we care.
Our telephone number is 474-2999 or 1-800-550-4900. Visit
Help defend life and family by purchasing a Christmas fruit
cake from North Bay Right to Life / Pro-Vie. These cakes
make delicious, useful gifts. Deluxe 2 lb. cake in decorative tin:
$25.00 –1.5 lb. bar cake: $15.00. On sale weekdays at 323
Algonquin Ave office from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Call the office
at 474-3666 to reserve an order for pickup.
Springtime of the Spirit Regional Prayer Group at Holy Name
of Jesus Parish Wednesdays at 6:30 PM. Recitation of the rosary,
praise and worship, meditative prayer, sharing and fellowship.
THE EDGE Youth Group for Grades 5, 6, 7 and 8's 6:450-8:30
pm on Monday evenings in the downstairs hall of St. Joseph’s
Catholic Church, Powassan. Explore issues of our faith through
live music, drama, small group discussions, guest speakers,
games, scripture, crafts etc. Double bonus: snacks and prizes!
No need to pre-register. Call Pauline at 724-5964 or Jeannine at
724-3424 for information. Let us know if you need transportation
L.I.P.I. 20th Annual Santa Needs Help Campaign accepts new
or gently used toys at 127 Main Street East. If you wish to
donate your time or require a pick up of items, call 472-1337.
North Bay Roman Catholic Charities, is supported only through
the generosity of donations and volunteer workers. Clients from
the entire North Bay region are served. The Food Bank is open
every Tuesday morning and the Clothing Depot is open every
second Wednesday. This December at Christmas, we would
like to make available to all families a canned ham. If you
could support this Christmas endeavour – please drop off a ham
to the Pro-Cathedral rectory during office hours..
CLAY- (Catholic Live Attitude Yes!) A Youth Program for JK to
Grade 5, Thursday evenings 6:30-8:00pm at St. Gregory’s School
Gym, back entrance. Come out and join us for games, crafts and
faith teachings in a fun filled and positive environment. For more
information please contact Laurie Dobbs at 705-724-1277 or
Jessica Sheppard at
CANA Come to us for all your religious supplies for cards, rosaries, sacramental Gifts, religious medals, statues, books & more!
Call 776-2192 or email for assistance.