14 - St. Barbara Parish


14 - St. Barbara Parish
St. Barbara Catholic Church
2859 South Throop Street, Chicago, Illinois 60608, Phone: (312) 842-7979
- founded 1910 -
Fax: (312) 842-7978
Rev. Wojciech Arthur Marat, Pastor
Rev. Andrzej Beltowski, Associate
Principal: Dorene Hurckes
Phone: (312) 326-6243
Fax: (312) 842-7960
Saturday………………………………….. 5:00 p.m.
Sunday……..6:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m.
8:30 a.m.: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and
Saturday; 6:00 p.m.: Tuesday
6:00 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 7:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted
Saturday 3:45-4:30 p.m.
December 14, 2014
Third Sunday of Advent
Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing.
Mass at 8:30 a.m., followed by a short period of Adoration
of the Blessed Sacrament. Evening Mass at 6:00 p.m.,
followed by Exposition and Adoration, concluding with
Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at 7:30 p.m.
— 1 Thessalonians 5:16
Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. before the 6:00 p.m. Mass, and on
Sunday at 5:30 a.m. before the 6:00 a.m. Sunday Mass.
School Mission Statement
We are …..a Catholic elementar y school, a diver se
community of students and staff, rooted in faith and nurtured
through prayer, sacrament, and liturgy.
We believe …..in the uniqueness of each student, pr ovide
quality education and skills necessary to ensure success,
encourage individual leadership, and promote a family spirit.
We prepare ….. our students for the futur e thr ough global
awareness, involvement in the local community, and service to
St. Barbara parish.
We aspire ….. to have our students r emain faith-filled
followers of Jesus Christ.
Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.; 1:30-4:00 p.m.
The office is closed on Saturday and Sunday.
Seeking a parish?
A spiritual family?
A place to pray, deepen your faith, or
serve others?
If so, our hearts and doors are open to you! We thank
God for sending you. Please introduce yourself to either
Fr. Arthur or Fr. Andrzej after Mass.
Page 2 — December 14, 2014
Mass Intentions for the Week
Saturday, Dec. 13 - Vigil of Third Sunday of Advent
5:00 p.m. All Parishioners, Living & Deceased
+ Stanley Swiatkowski (Diane Bak)
+ Jim & Evelyn Goetz (Kelly Iosello)
+ Evelyn T. Goetz (Tina Kisielente & Fam.)
Darmofal Family (Tina Kisielente & Mrs.
Sunday, Dec. 14 - Third Sunday of Advent
6:00 a.m. + Edward & Eleanor Rolek (Rolek Family)
+ Phyllis Vanderford (St. Barbara Breakfast
9:30 a.m. Family Mass: Kindergarten & First Grade
+ Vincent Kavalauskas (Family)
+ Dorothy Lech (Ed & B. Glabicki)
+ Maria Mejia (People’s Gas Club)
11:30 a.m. + Joe Kostecka (M. Korso)
+ Anne Napierkowski (Ed & B. Glabicki)
+ Joseph Piorecki (Ted & Stanley Piorecki)
+ Marian Bukowski (Andrzej “Andy”
Monday, Dec. 15 - Advent Weekday
8:30 a.m. + Ignatius Goetz (Carol Czarnecki)
Tuesday, Dec. 16 - Advent Weekday
6:00 p.m. + Uncle Herman (Ed & B. Glabicki)
+ Peter Jachim (Mary Ann & Chuck Frank)
Wednesday, Dec. 17 - Advent Weekday
8:30 a.m. + Darlene Smaldino (Mario Smaldino)
Thursday, Dec. 18 - Advent Weekday
8:30 a.m. + Ignatius Goetz (Marianne & Shawn
Friday, Dec. 19 - Advent Weekday
8:30 a.m. + Dorle Pomierski (Judy Lukwinski)
+ 11th Ann.: Stella Krygowski (Your
2:00 p.m. Wedding: Adolfo Lopez, Jr. & Cristina
Saturday, Dec. 20 - Advent Weekday
8:30 a.m. Parishioners
Saturday, Dec. 20 - Vigil of Fourth Sunday of
5:00 p.m. Simbang Gabi Advent Night Mass
+ Jean Stronczek (Friends)
+ Raymond Jachim (Mary Ann & Chuck
+ Ignatius & Evelyn Goetz (Jim & Christine
Bertucci & Family)
III. Adolfo Lopez, Jr. and Cristina Garza
Sunday, Dec. 21 - Fourth Sunday of Advent
6:00 a.m. + 15th Ann.: Bernard Krok (LaVerne
Fitzgerald Connolly)
+ Deceased Members of the Rolek, Schiffer,
& Truschke Families (Rolek Family)
+ Fred Stronczek (Wife, Rose)
+ Birth Rem.: Phyllis Vanderford (Dolores
9:30 a.m. All Parishioners, Living and Deceased
+ Josephine Kavalauskas (Family)
+ Stanley Hanson (Ed & B. Glabicki)
11:30 a.m. + Jean Stronczek (Dolores Becatti)
+ Dorle Pomierski (Judy Lukwinski)
+ Anne Napierkowski (Wilson Park Seniors)
+ Wanda Serafini (Ted & Stanley Piorecki)
Advent Reconciliation Service
Tuesday, December 16th, at 6:00 p.m.
During Advent, we hear from John the Baptist, who calls
us to Prepare the W ay of the Lord. To spiritually prepare
ourselves to celebrate the birth of our Savior, we will
have an Advent Reconciliation Service. The service will
begin with prayer and reading of scripture, followed by
an Examination of Conscience and time for reflection.
There will be an opportunity for individual Confessions.
Support the Infirmed & Retired
Sisters in Bartlett - Dec. 13-14
It’s that time of the year again … as we plan to
celebrate the Christmas season with our devoted
Sisters of Saint Joseph – Third Order of Saint
Francis, who served the Saint Barbara community as teachers and ministers for 99 years. This is your opportunity to make a financial donation to assist the leadership of
the community in pampering the Sisters a little bit during the
holiday season. Envelopes are on the table in back of church
for your use in responding to our plea. If you are able to give
a little – that will help … if you are able to give a little more –
that will, indeed, help even more to ensure the success of the
Sisters’ holiday. Even though our Sisters are not able to be
physically here with us, please rest assured that they continue
to pray for our parish and our ministry here in the Bridgeport
area. All envelopes should be returned next weekend.
Please Note: This weekend, Dec. 13-14, you can choose to
donate to our Sisters of St. Joseph or the Retirement Fund
for Religious or both.
Important Notice: Due to the r enovation of the
chapel, beginning Monday, December 15th, all
Masses will take place in Church. An announcement will be made when Masses will resume in the
Page 3 — December 14, 2014
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
John the Baptist was sent by God the Father as a messenger to announce the coming of the Messiah. He came as
a humble man, to prepare the way for Jesus. John proclaimed that Jesus was the Messiah. John was a witness
to Jesus, and his mission only ended when he died as a
We should be true witnesses to Jesus. Each day we
should make a conscious effort to be close to Jesus. This
third Sunday of Advent is referred to as “Gaudete” Sunday, Latin for “rejoice”. Jesus is the source of our life and
this should make us joyous. Each day we all have to deal
with life’s difficulties, and it is easy to forget that real
Christian people should be joyful. Sometimes I think
that, in our life, happiness and peace are too small a part,
but we must remember that Jesus is coming with his love.
This is our reason to be joyful.
Pope Francis says that everyone is invited to be missionaries of mercy for Jesus. Today we need people that are
witnesses of His peace and joy, because they are close to
Jesus. The closer you are to Jesus, the easier it becomes
to be a witness to His peace and His joy. Jesus teaches us
to be missionaries throughout our life, until the end as
John was. God provides a place where mercy and love
flows in our parish family.
Fr. Arthur Marat
P.S. Last Sunday, we welcomed Bishop Alberto Rojas
in honor of the feast of St. Barbara. I would like to
share with you some special moments spent with
Bishop Rojas.
Page 4 — December 14, 2014
Weekend of December 6-7
Sunday Envelopes (143)
Sunday Loose
Children's Envelopes (31)
Improvement Fund (61)
Total Collection
SATURDAY, December 20th — 5:00 p.m.
Altar Servers G. Dimperio, A. Skokal, J. Skokal,
I. Echevarria
R. Semmler, B. Rekar
H. Alonzo, S. Santos
Votives & Vigil Lights
Total Mass Attendance
Less than $5
L. Saletta
SUNDAY, December 21st — 6:00 a.m.
Altar Servers George Vanderford
DonaƟon Range
S. Guest, J. Balasa
J. Bertucci
B. Webb
SUNDAY, December 21st — 9:30 a.m.
Altar Servers C. Anderson, M. Garcia, L. Garcia,
A. Saucedo
WeeklyIncomeNeeded: $6,000.00
Please consider giving one hour
of your weekly salary as your contribution.
Today’s 2nd Collection is for:
GiveCentral.org electronic giving:
Cent Campaign
Parish Total
D. Saucedo, J. Garcia
H. DiazDeLeon, M. Garcia
P. Saletta
SUNDAY, December 21st — 11:30 a.m.
Altar Servers M. Perez, J. M. Perez, N. Calderon,
A. Calderon
B. Pienta, D. Ramos
L. Szczepanski, E. Raya
M. Szczepanski
Electronic giving through GiveCentral.org is the safe
and secure way to make your weekly donations to St.
Barbara. Donate via credit card or electronic check
(ACH). Sign up by visiting St. Barbara’s home
WEB page and follow the prompts.
Page 5 — December 14, 2014
School Happenings
St. Barbara Students Honor Veterans
On Friday, November 14, St. Barbara students, faculty and staff gathered in the gym for a special Veterans’ Appreciation assembly. Four veterans from
four different eras were invited to represent all veterans both living and deceased. Alderman James
Balcer, an alum and Marine, fought in Viet Nam,
Norman Lasman, a Navy man, fought in World War
II, Victor Sandoval served in the Army in Iraq, and
Luis Jimenez served in the Marines.
The military color guard from the Chicago Military
Academy opened the ceremony with the presentation of colors. The student body sang our national
anthem and student council president, Adrian Gonzalez, began the introduction of the special guests.
Each veteran addressed the student body and talked
about the pride in serving our country. It was evident that each of them was very proud of their decision to enter the military. The children sang a very
touching song called, “American Tears” before presenting each of the veterans with personal reflections and thank you letters in addition to a bouquet
of red, white and blue flowers. The assembly ended
with the Pledge to the Flag and the singing of “God
Bless America”. A simple reception followed for
the veterans and their sponsors. Both Mr. Jimenez
and Mr. Sandoval have a child at St. Barbara. Mr.
Lasman is the neighbor of Emma and Nick Bunda,
both students at St. Barbara.
Luis Jimenez and his daughter Claudia
Victor Sandoval and his son Victor III
Thank you to the committee of Kathy Bunda, Diane
Rzasa, Sue Foley, Donna Perez and Nicole Nolazco,
who worked hard to put the assembly together.
Thank you to the students for the wonderful patriotic
decorations and the faculty for putting everything up
in the gym. Finally, thank you to Eva Mrgan, music
instructor, for helping the children learn all of the
words to the songs.
Teen Night has been changed from Saturday, December 13th to Saturday, December 20th in the gym. Please mark your calendars accordingly.
Norman Lasman with Emma and Nick Bunda
Page 6 — December 14, 2014
Tickets for Super Bowl Super Match are
now on sale. You can win up to $5,000.
Tickets are $5.00 each and can be obtained
from the ushers. Please see Ed Glos if you would like to
get some tickets to sell to your family and friends.
Holy Name Society Men’s Choir Christmas rehearsal is
Wednesday, December 17th, from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Sun., Dec. 14 - Santa’s Breakfast; after 9:30 Mass
Tues., Dec. 16 - St. Barb’s Seniors Mtg.; 11:30 a.m.
- Advent Reconciliation Service; 6 pm
Wed., Dec. 17 - Parish Council Mtg.; 6:30 p.m.
Thurs., Dec. 18 - KC Seniors Mtg.; 11:00 a.m.
Sat., Dec. 20 - Church Cleaning Touch-up; 9:15 am
- Simbang Gabi Mass & Reception;
5:00 p.m.
- Teen Night; 6:00 p.m.
The Christmas Wafer
Opłatek (singular-pronounced opwatek) is
also known as the Christmas Wafer.
While it is a traditional Polish custom,
many families have included the ritual as
part of their Christmas Eve or Christmas
Day family meal. Opłatki (plural-pronounced opwatkey) is made
from unleavened bread similar to a host, and pressed into rectangles with an outline of a Nativity Scene imprinted on the surface. At the Christmas Meal, the head of the house begins
sharing a piece of Opłatek with the other members of the family
who are gathered around the table. Each family member
breaks off a piece of the Opłatek to share. As the pieces are
broken and shared, greetings of a holy Christmas and a healthy
New Year are exchanged. The ritual is a reminder of who
comes to us at Christmas, and why. It is also a symbol of forgiveness. Wafers are available in back of church for a donation
of $2.00
December 4, 2014
Dolly - $500
Coverall Winner
Remember to pick up your 2015 St. Barbara Parish/St.
Barbara Thursday Night Bingo calendar on the table in
back of church.
2014 Christmas Mass Schedule
Christmas Eve: Wednesday, December 24th
4:00 p.m. Family Mass
9:30 p.m. Christmas Carols by the Choir
10:00 p.m. Mass
Christmas Day: Thursday, December 25th
6:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
The Filipino Community of St. Barbara Parish
invites you to the celebration of:
Simbang Gabi
a Filipino Advent Night Mass
Celebrated by Rev. Victor Emmanuel Quintos
on December 20, 2014 at 5:00PM
There will be a reception following the Mass in the lower
hall. If attending the reception, you are welcome to bring
a dish. Come and experience this unique Filipino tradition.
Through your donations, we
are able to beautifully decorate
the Church every Christmas. We would like
to make our Church look especially welcoming. Donations will be accepted throughout
the month of December.
Operations Manager: Ruth A. Czarnecki
Music Director: Eva Mrgan
Tuition Administrator: Dolores Becatti
Administrative Assistant: Carol Spalla Malone
Religious Ed Coordinator: Roberta Carden
St. Barbara Senior Center
(312) 225-2108
Baptisms: Parents must be registered practicing parishioners and
attend a baptismal preparation session before a baptism will be
scheduled. Call the rectory office for further information.
Communion Calls: Please contact the Rectory when someone
who is homebound or in the hospital wishes a visit to receive
Holy Communion or the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.
The Anointing of the Sick is for anyone seriously sick and not
only for those near death.
Ministry of Care: Eucharistic Ministers are available to visit,
pray with, and bring Holy Communion to those who are sick and
unable to attend Mass. Notify the Parish Office when this
service is needed.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a program for anyone
inquiring and seeking information about entering the Catholic
Weddings: Weddings need to be scheduled at least six months
in advance. Couples are reminded to secure the Church date
before the reception hall.
Moving? Please contact the rectory with address change.
Christmas Choir Forming
Christmas will be upon us soon! The
Festival Choir is looking for singers
wishing to join us for the 9:30 p.m. caroling and 10:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass.
There will be two rehearssals for this mass, Wednesday, December 17th, from 7:00 till 9:00 p.m. and
Tuesday, December 23rd, from 7:00 till 9:00 p.m.
If you are interested in being part of this Glorius
Night, please see me, Eva Mrgan, Music Director,
after mass or by calling the rectory (312) 842-7979.
Glory to God in the Highest
Peace to His People on Earth.
Canticum Novum Choir
Christmas Concert
Sunday, December 14th, 4:00 p.m.
St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish, 10621 South Kedvale
in Oak Lawn, will be hosting the Canticum Novum Choir.
This adult a cappella choir will sing both classical and
contemporary music of the season. The concert is FREE,
though a Free-Will offering is appreciated.
Christmas Confession/Communion Visits
to the Homebound
If you are homebound and would like to receive a
visit from a priest during the week of December 29th
to January 2nd, please call the rectory (312-8427979) for an appointment. Fr. Arthur and Fr.
Andrzej will visit the ill and the elderly for Confession and Communion during that week.
Please pray for those homebound, hospitalized and in need of conƟnued prayers…
Rev. Anthony Adducci, Mary Aguirre, Kimberly Babe, Christine Bertucci, Joseph ‘Joey’ Bertucci, Lonnie & Theresa
Bertucci-Falls, Pat Blaszak, Jennifer Bond, Irene Bonk, Fr. Michael Bowler, Jeff Bowman, Dolores Butkiewicz, Mary
Camarda, Anthony Capone Sr., Jim Christoper, Laverne Connolly, Joe Cruz, Patti Cuchetto, Victoria David, Paul
DeGrazia, Baby Derek, Jacqueline Dybas, Julia Eumont, Jerry Felske, Natalia Francone, Bill Frank, Chuck Frank,
Darlene Frost, Harold Frost, Rose Furmanek, Lily Ann Galloway, John Gasca, Cheryl Lynn Gilhooly, Bernadette & Ed
Glabicki, Baby Koen Guest, Jose P. Gutierrez, Jasmine Hansen, Eugene & Frances Harms, Kellar Harris, Lynette
Heidemann, Gwen Holub, Morris Humphrey, Baby Nyla Hunt, Michaeline Hunter, Ted Hunter, Suzanne Ivester, Evelyn
Jirik, Dr. Joe, David & Geri Kaput, John Kaput, Dorothy Kawalerski, Rose Kisielowski, Janice Kutansky, Richard
Lyznicki, Josephine Loncke, Nancy Mallory, Kayle Marth, Paul Martinez, Bill Marczuk, Zena Masi, Elizabeth
McClaughry, Maria Mawgwi, Lil’ Joe Michalak, Dr. Mike, Anita Mikesh, Frank Muszynski, John Novak, Rose
Oleszkiewicz, Theresa Oleszkiewicz, Allison Pakula, Eva Castillion Parcon, Josie Petkus, Michael Petruck, Dolores
Pienta, Virginia Pienta, Stan Piorecki, Ted Piorecki, Robert Potter, Thomas Potthoff, Evelyn Pyznarski, Sandra Rios,
Jose Rodriguez, Dolly Roti, Therese Ryndak, Dorothy Rzasa, Stanley Rzasa, Dave S., Diane S., Father Ron S., Tony S.,
Smith Santos, Baby Scarlet, Kennedy Shepski, Adeline Skokal, Raymond & Dorothy Smolinski, Sharon Solverson,
Diane Spata, Madeline Stachnik, Baby Stefanski, Lauren Stronczek, Rose Stronczek, Robert Synal, Emily Rose Thomas,
Baby Matthew Topa, Norbert Trojanowski, Bill Ufferman, Dolores Ufferman, George Vanderford Sr., George
Vanderford Jr., Juan Vargas, Ava Walczak, Bill Webb, Dorothy Wheeler, Sylvia Wiertel, Alex Wojtonik, Eugene &
John Zabek, Irene Zima, Fr. Dennis Ziomek