Christmas Mass Schedule Christmas Eve at 5:00pm, 7:00pm, 9
Christmas Mass Schedule Christmas Eve at 5:00pm, 7:00pm, 9
CORNER BRUNSWICK AND REGENT STREETS FREDERICTON, NEW BRUNSWICK PARISH OFFICE HOURS: PARISH OFFICE PHONE: PARISH OFFICE FAX: 8:30 AM-4:30 PM 506-444-6001 506-444-6006 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 444-6055 WEB SITE: E-MAIL: REV. BILL BRENNAN, PASTOR REV. BRIAN WETMORE, PAROCHIAL VICAR REV. MR. KENNETH PARKER, DEACON December 4th , 2011 ~ 2nd Sunday of Advent Christmas Mass Schedule Christmas Eve at 5:00pm, 7:00pm, 9:00pm and 12:00 midnight Christmas Day at 10:00am. (Please note the office will be closed on Christmas Eve at 2 pm and will NOT be open on Christmas Day) Sign-up sheets for Lectors, Altar Servers, Eucharistic ministers, Ushers and Greeters are outside the parish office. Please stop by and sign up for your ministry for the Mass you plan to attend. Sacrament of Reconciliation during Advent at St. Dunstan’s Will be extended to 3:30 - 4:30pm on Sat. Dec 3rd and Sat. Dec 10th. Please note the Thursday, Dec 15th Reconciliation at St. Dunstan’s has been changed and there will now be a Celebration of Reconciliation at St. Theresa’s Church for the all Parishes in Fredericton (see below). Advent Sacrament of Reconciliation: In the Advent Season this year, parishes of the Fredericton area are once more joining together to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation together. The celebration will be held at: St. Theresa’s Church (corner of Royal Rd and William St) Wednesday, Dec. 14, 7:00pm. Parishes in the Fredericton area are cooperating to present this Advent experience of the Sacrament of forgiveness and renewal as we prepare for Christmas. Please join us as we look to the celebration of the Feast of Christmas in our parish communities. The revised Mass texts began last weekend. We have placed cards with the people's responses in the pews. These cards are to be left in the pews, thank you! Once again, we invite parishioners to make a donation in memory of a loved one to help make our Church beautiful for Christmas. Please write “FLOWERS” on the front of your regular envelope and then write the name(s) of your loved one(s) on the back or place a special envelope in the offering. Beautiful flowers will adorn the church and a special display listing all those being remembered will be placed next to the Side Altar. Rev. Bill Brennan, Pastor 1st Sunday of Advent 1st Reading: Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11 Gospel: Mark 1:1-8 December 4th 2011 nd 2 Reading: 1Peter 3:8-14 John the Baptist's call to repentance is echoed in the US Bishop's pastoral letter on stewardship: "Christians must beg God for the grace of conversion: the grace to know who they are, to whom they belong, how they are to live - the grace to repent and change and grow, the grace to become good disciples and stewards. ✝ MASSES OF THE WEEK ✝ Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Sun Sun th 5 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 11th 11th 12:05 pm 12:05 pm 12:00 pm 12:05 pm 5:00 pm 9:00 am 11:30 am 7:00 pm NO MASS William Rowan Fred Whitten Eugene Rideout Josephine Smyth Harold Peter Hughes Agnes Mulrooney George Fraser Josephine Smyth NECROLOGY ✝ This Week We Remember ✝ Dec 5 Dec 6 Dec 7 Dec 8 Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday’s from 4:00 – 4:30 Prayer Line: Call Lucette @ 472-3652 Natural Family Planning – Call 444-6001 Legion of Mary – Tues @ 6:30 pm st st 1 Friday Adoration @ St. Dunstan’s (1 Friday of each month following the noon Mass until 2 pm) Lector & Eucharistic Minister Schedule December 10th and 11th Lectors 5:00 Vicki Mizner Randy Bezeau 9:00 Monica Smart Lauren Gourley 11:30 Spencer Smith Frank Flanagan 7:00 Esther Archibald Jakob Weirathmueller Eucharistic Ministers Verna Shaw (H2) Bill Woods Bonnie Boudreau Jim Daley Sylvia Herron Jayne Nicki (H2) Tim Dilworth Richard Nicki Alice Coady John Denning Deacon Ken (H2) Curry Smith Maureen Campbell Mary Ryan Noreen Vaillancourt Joe O’Donnell (H2) Marie Costello Josie Mazzuca Junior Altar Server, Sunday, December 11th 9:00 am Lauren Gourley Dec 9 Dec 10 Dec 11 John Richard F Hayes Doris Anne Fury Kathleen Mary Crowley John Joseph Richard Wilson Joseph MacMillan Bridie Collins Eugene John Rideout James Robert Poitras Walter Carney McGinn Mary May Hughes Brian Joseph Ouellette Stanley George Ubsdell M Theresa Herbert Dorothy O’Rourke Edward (Velpr) Keenan Charles H. Malchow 2001 2008 1994 2004 1991 2001 1998 2001 2007 1990 2005 1991 2003 2007 1996 1999 Faithful Departed Bob LaVigne, husband of Adeline Mary Louise Cruise Kennedy, mother of Mary Bardsley th Readings for December 11 st 1 Isaiah 61:1-2, 10-11 nd 2 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24 Gospel John 1:6-8, 19-29 Sanctuary Lamp This week in Memory of Deceased members of the Boudreau &Parent Families Please note the office will be closed on Tuesday, December 6th in the morning until noon for an out of office meeting. EUCHARIST AT THE CATHEDRAL OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION ~ Every year, on the occasion of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, we gather as a diocesan Church to celebrate our patronal feast day and mark the anniversary of the founding of the Diocese of Saint John in 1842. Bishop Harris would like to invite all of the faithful of the diocese to gather for a con-celebrated Eucharist at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Saint John on Thursday, December 8th at 7 pm. A reception to follow in the Cathedral Residence. Televised Mass Committee wishes to thank everyone who contributed to the NCBC Televised Mass. The masses will be broadcast on May 18, 2012 and Sept. 21, 2012. As a result of generous contributions from people across Canada the mass continues to be a spiritual blessing to many. Anyone who wishes to contribute to this ministry may do so at anytime by sending donations to the National Catholic Broadcasting Council 21 Dunlop street, Richmond Hill Ontario, L4C 2M6. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. There are weeks available for the Sanctuary Lamp beginning in the new year. If you would like to have the lamp burning in memory of your loved one, stop into the Parish office. The Sunday Missals have all been sold, however, we have some on order which will be here in about a week. Our Lady of Guadalupe Marion Hour of Rosary Prayer Service will be held at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 6, at St. Dunstan’s Church. ALL of your parishioners are invited to this Rosary Service which will be led by Deacon Ken Parker and sponsored by Bishop Dollard Knights of Columbus Council 1942. If you have any questions, please contact Fern and Miles Carpenter at 450-3752. Parish Pastoral Council Meeting Wednesday, December 7th @ 5 pm in the MBFC. All are welcome! Christmas Boxes ~ We are now accepting donations to support the Christmas Program for the needy in our area. We will be collecting names of those less fortunate and offer them gift cards from a local grocery store to provide them Christmas Dinner. We ask for your support through monetary donations only. The more we receive, the more we can share. Please be generous as you have been in the past and thank you in advance for your kindness. Remember to place your envelope number on your gift for income tax receipts. Knights of Columbus Christmas Breakfast: Sunday, Dec. 11th, from 9 AM to 1 PM. Adults $ 6.00, children $ 3.00, families $ 20.00. Everyone always welcome. Lincoln Community Breakfast ~ Saturday, Dec. 10 from 8-10:30 at St. Francis of Assisi Hall. Adults $6, Family $15, Takeouts $6 each. This month's sponsor Tickle Stick Factory. POPE BENEDICT XVI'S MONTHLY PRAYER INTENTIONS FOR DECEMBER General Intention: That all peoples grow in harmony and peace through mutual understanding and respect. Missionary Intention: That children and young people be messengers of the Gospel and that they be respected and preserved from all violence and exploitation. Memorial Tree Lighting ~ At McAdams Funeral Home Thursday, Dec 8th @ 7 pm and Oromocto Funeral Home, Wednesday, Dec 7th at 7 pm. All those remembering a loved one at this holiday season are invited to join us. For further information call 4589170 or 357-5100. 2012 OFFERTORY ENVELOPES ~ are available to pick up at the Regent Street entrance of the church. If there is not a box with your name, please feel free to take a box that is not labelled. Write your name, address and phone on the “INITIAL” envelope. Thank you for your continued support of our Parish. $~FREE~$ INTERNET BUSINESS! (No Obligation) MUSIC FOR ALL OCCASIONS Free Website with $100.00 of Tools and Services. All you need to succeed at For more information contact Bernard Parent by email at Interested in advertising in our church bulletin? Please stop into the office Monday to Friday for more information and rates. Dianne Roxborough Brown Piano 506 454-6933 "Volunteers aren't unpaid because they're worthless, volunteers are unpaid because they are priceless"Author unknown Knights of Columbus 170 Regent Street - 455-8643 Gordon Hughes CFP Investment Advisor Life Insurance Broker Bishop Dollard Council 1942 Grand Knight Ewart Kenney - (H) 450-8199 (C) 461-5778 E-mail - Rev. Dr. G Everett Grant Assembly (4th Degree) Faithful Navigator - Art Noseworthy (H) 206-0885 (C) 476-6278 E-mail - VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO PARTICIPATE IN CANCER RESEARCH STUDY Atlantic PATH Partnership For Tomorrows Health ~ Cancer Research Study Visit for more information or call Toll free 1-877-285-7284. “Enhancing lifestyles regardless of what happens in an uncertain world” Download FREE eBook for Teens- Help a teenager learn the value of a dollar @ Want better advice? Phone 454-3346
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